=D s SOR RIESE) 2 sete Large Doors—Easy Firing be ett SAVED FROM : i ; sabe Arcane? om . ; Mis Wall G i t cues tse! AN OPERATION 2° 5°°5"55" 1 pommmion oAY, TUESDAY, JULY 1ST Look ‘at these roora; : her a Hist Eriday owing to her tr Geo, Battin has xeeured a num- Double Feed Doors. drowned in the, rigee var Want. | How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, IIL, ae ee Watrtey Oca STORE CLOSED ALL DAY You can use a big Renae tee rere is ithe sym Escaped The Sur- ote aie, Battin sold a driver ‘the ‘ vai er many friends in her sad , é other day to Mr Russ Hay for $175 shovel —there: is no. js. [bereavement geon’s Knife, and Mr Draper Battin pol a driver Tucaday, Uuly ate Daleg POUCONE CAR BADE 4 € tie hk ig Sitall vox & prevalent in this loca- to Mr Kennth McLean for $175, Mr PpUbusinass wi pe.closed, @ { ity several eases being repo: zs Hay als 5 anger of hitting the | |it¥ severa! cases boing report oboe a, TIL—“'T wish to let every one | from “wie Win ais aNok Bra > sides and spilling coal An ounce of prevention is worth loow wala aes ai $500 pound of cure and citizens would Mr and Mrs. J. A (Hanson and : all over the floor. § | be wise to get vaccina Mir N. Ross spent Sunday at Fallar- : ; A very pleasant evening was spent ion These doors will admit in the Town, Hall last Friday when Mr ME Bottger ppent few days a ur and a big chunk of wood too. covles! Unidn of Lin at New, Hombare: last week h 0. jonkton. ctball Ask our agent to explain The Sunshine Furnace is nife, My mother | Port in the sporting yrogramme at x bonght me Lydia B. | the Whlowarare garden party ‘inkham’s Vege! its many advantages, o: Tuesday event 1 7 Hi ts: Dent Warnhardt and Msp Will be Special Selling Days write our nearest branch easy to operate, ; Frances Merryfield. of Stratford, are for booklet. oe eiting, the ters parents, Mr ‘and r i i. - / ‘ in at | PAM /f, toda: C¢ 9. : Saturday f Wm, Merryfield, Quite a number from here attend months I suffered ered| Mr and eae Hen ry Roninenberg ed the Poole vs Listowel — footha m inflammation, and em Sanative jare visiting friends at Hanover CHILDREN’S DRESSES-—3 dozen in Print and Percale, assorted B8e ¥. es match at Listowel on Monday even- a ralleved aio ¥ lad to tell; Mrs H. Porter. of Woodstock, is at sizes and colors, re A : ods! 8. 75 to BSc, special holiday sale .. wan 5 "prenaoas no floabt, but thot it) anyone what your medicines have done Sobek ania at the home of Mr : uns ine Furnace Mr Wm. Rittinger. of Berlin, was) #% me. You can use m mL wil be gd | 2 Jessie Golightly is at prevent HEMSTITCHED FLOUNGING — 6 pieces 30 inches wide, reg. a busi itor ere: Bon day ony: oe te ada eI Yale friends in Mitchell ‘0 to 65c, holiday price . 450 London Gp sie Montreal mipeg Vancouver St. John, a Geo. Berdux. of Phil- to an: letters.’’— Mrs. CHRISTIN: The ' f mee chureh milton Hep cpa Edmonton ae nent me cer f here ee “Aino Ae = ea out ee cae SSL MENS se, ee See rere tol a dozen, ae ties to match, assort ‘ a ne I ‘ x | Tuesday atte: a ed colors, reg. 35¢ per set, 2 SOLD BY B. KRIE SEL The police, itubtecs have tom cem- z sesh Also Avoided tape toctatied: by Mrs Dr 8 Lig olidex pres: bes ent walks piet the orphans! home Edith Hammong, of Atwi aS Es Ee Cote e birth of my} icq the Knox church choir on Sun- MEN’S HATS—1 table of Men’s Hats, regular $2 to $2.50, holiday aa of the Stratford Collegiate fourth child, "Thadseverorgniefatane day evening and sang with great ef: Price 95c RSE: == | who spent the last two weeks at} mation. Toa! hayesuch terrible pains | ,¢: 3 solo entitled “Homeland ” ‘hrough the i a at it did not seem as though I could) “rye congregation of Knox church stand it.” "This kept ip for three long’ sre at present taking out ‘timber for a month, until two Hees decided that |» new stable in conjunction with the an operation was needed. se The timber was vety kindly The Milverton Sun fe inated So tara ily ceaberped Several thicknesses of cheese ‘WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LISHE: {loth thick enough to keep ‘back ‘all pe ee ee | CELEBS 5 EVERY pareve Meuse irt‘from the milk This cheese cloth «Then one of my friends recommended | donated r Davi ‘“ Pr] poaes ‘for a strainer not used el igae E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-| “Mr Peter Qameron ca Feoetitly | D » & A”? CORSETS | ‘be unless thoroughly cleansed It Saat : : Special summer shi, it just d. The Sun Printing Office [rt De ‘be thoroughly boiled before us- a em eh y in the village and Pesan pin etek Cetin econ Er soa ths anit to a akespeare spent ‘Thurs- ect he can sell his propérty for Seve ce eek Twas a well Sit sale Jos We hope they w a hs gen Lyncu, Jessup, Main Street, - Milverton, Ont) ie that he will return COME IN AND | after ‘th ee ee it, ae Savane whee seek from’ female ts at Shakespeare a wi etu HAVE A LOOK THROUGH SUBSCRIPTION RATES | proper ‘cooler, Cold well. water’ is stole ry Laie Pa arnt Nereie | One year, $1; atx onthe 00 ce| Dartioal ‘substitute for the ice, Clean [ls Compound, aa 6t | - months, 25 cent mute, “Bubecibecs | milk “that ia-cooled 0 45 de- | +/ ful remedies So Sete ‘ fevastears will be lahiota ony $2. BOperyeat | grees and kevt at that temperature | BURNS Ps before submitting to a surgical 0) < #4 15¢ SPECIALS 15¢ CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES jg ‘keev 72 hours without becoming | « ©) ti * HAWKESVILLE a FOR THE HOLIDAY - Be hg aes the pa A eraag eaits and all other : Mee : Ss Re Rae Tee hp tus we for. 15c | 2 Ibs, Tapioca... 12 3 ateaalle must be kept scrupulously |__A youna opin oe le nat ht ct Ae + : pkgs. Co: 15c | 2 pkgs. Cor he, Ber eaten 3 Mr Wm, Gray * | Qlr and Mrs, Anthony Dentinger| |] 2 Sweetheart Soap . 18e | 4.8 ce a Stare r using wash them out with| Miss Marie Ma son ate a few days | 4 LISTOWEL + ed friends in Waterloo on Sund y 2 pkgs. Gusto... 15¢ pkgs. Seeded Raisins cht cents geting for first insertion ai epid water. then scald them oe Jast week on this 1 + | Otrs a poe daughter 2 bottles Extracts, 15c | 6 Water Glasses . eS per line for each subsequent Taser: | jouahls with bolling water, Simely| Me and Mrs. Roy Hactings, of 8i1- ‘ of Fergus. are visiting at the home 1 tin Crawford Peaches 15c | 2 Forest City B’k’g. Powder. Ehesparked tor. all ‘oanslent ad warm water won't do, the water mus! | ver Corners. spent Sites at the - lof Mer A. Ahre: Pilbements without epeciic directions |be boiling home of the former's fa Poole and Listowel play : George ee ate pall be inserted until forbid nd charged ac- = Mic aw Mas’ J. Medcoluf and fec-|eeshe shore on Mtaday meh e coors in Berlin CHOICE POTATOES FOR SALE = 2 ily onto. visited at Mr Levi|2. in the last scheduled game of th. Mr and Mrs. Dr. Wiedenhammer. ———_—_—_———_— Ss Chakgea (t contract aayeetiscnicnty arust| IMPROVED SUMMER TRAIN SER-| Watson's last week district. Listowel scored irst] o¢ Wattrloo. motored to our burg on MG Deep Se cee ROC MONIAY. VICE Miss E Dunbar = the week-| tivo goals and held the lead for over | Slonday attention. ——" end at Mr W. Lone: three-quarters of the game Mr. A.) (ir 8. S. Sugden made a business We want pete Butter in 1 Ib. prints. MALCOLM MacBE Grand Trunk Railway System. Effec-|. Mr W. M. aison hid the misfor-| Anderson of Brussels. handled the | trp to Guelph on Monday just weigh 16 ozs. Publisher and Propdctor tive June 22 From Toronto tune to lose a luable cow — last ev be rhaRy nae result of this] Mir Lloyd arg of Berlin. week ; oe means a sudden death game on|Sunday at Mer Pe roe ss IE 05 arb Naw - Bu ff. eg} eThe showers of Fri she: mantis Set is grea will lik «| Mr and Mrs. J: Messinger spen AGRICULTURAL NOTES Sie ior Tenis eerie rons ‘wonderfully ia A Gostear a pelle, a JU exseted to ave ib: |Satipaay fa Weterio 4 The people of t ex- Mir Will Rost. A Elmira, ~ spen ‘Gleaned trom Annual Report Issued ele pasceners anes Battale tend itawreiiceret epmipathy. to: tbe| "Mr Win lage woe 'y Department one 730 a. 34 PY car | family ot the late Mrs: Elliott Lang zine both yon] MG Nettle ‘Donald spent Tharsday | : < A Fast Beprest daily | in their bereavement unday in Experiments by the poultry de- “ “Mr Nelson Hay y Bros. took ell, of Waterloo. diy easy Polit sleepe: ° ‘cotball enth s ait Mr. D tock | Pine Manfred Borwell. of Water oe “a ORD, with “Bal ft bit fea B a eae leepers and coach pie die es erchante 2 eels while in Tasatits on Satur-| visited under the parental roof over MILVERTON, 4 ONT. rpingtons, Rhode Island Reds an : 2 fete) a last Oth-| day. Sunda: White Leg ens show » nay g sirect Sones ‘on for Musk-| towel on Moray “eve ning Ta t O Me ie ae ea aay ad ar. he _Baccbler aoa at ee produced the most and cheape 2 ‘ iW idea apieaaul sectens pent. the week-end in town iene mi a ter eggs, while no animal food in all in-| Bak. eneereves: Sher. ee eee eh ee ae init Reb pie eee a stances gave the best eggs for hat- wal be open Sree v Ses Mr Jobn Kerr and the 3 ae chin, Sealy tor Giloh Berlin, tie Kerr and Anna Ross, of | Fern- George Lackner. | of Important Zoe have been seeu seen poten Rees ‘olermetite + + eet * | bank. were oechitons at ithe foot- Tepe are Sento ‘a vacation with mbers of the Ontario Agri: | St™ ‘ + : + | ball match he former’s mother here sultural College statt with aifaita,|°pin* mated 855 am. DIRECTORS’ MEETING — | “Christ church. Listowel. held Don't forget the strawberry festi- showing that it i jal to grow! yooh Bay os oAcra@ iam y ee | most successful garden party theresa sar ok Weis y. 27th @ andy strain in. Ont and ome z 1 S Aor day will not run via Matos Wharf Se vida to North Bay, me direct connection at Pene’ ey Honey pets Go Home B: x y Sor pund. ae point oe ds. also ett Tuesday nig! i ‘ Mr u e directors of the Elma Farw- . au a lors’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company tft on Satuotay foe age OS t ‘ e e|anet Sn Oho Agyloattare] Hall, Atwood | a Cos os eveiee cea + 1 Cc en Tuesd Vith day: of June 13 (m0 Mt Otling’s | Heights, London. | HAMPSTEAD + nh q papers on Teed, ; the Board were He treturne f the best is the Ontario variegated xttéreon, of Winnipeg. Sra ee alfalfa which originated in Haldi- nt; al representatives of the De- partment of Agriculture have \by de- i Isla: for Aiton at Huntsville for points present bat Mr Moffatt of Logan. re h. ee ces % f Bays. and at Burk’s Falls|The minutes of the May eee 4.000 in : : : : purses the . F 0 Mu: Rees sat of: olronitl gama tis ane Gea Manufactured by The H. E. Furniture Co., Milverton. PT Npie oon TE als ioe tet say reat Satay. pall me J. Waddett ant G. MeCioy ete oa us Lt The workmanship is unexcelled, The designs are up-the: j c onne a We ye 2 : samira, variety 08 seinter. Wheat co Masroka. Lakes points and a ee RO ue Weta) OE Gree od Hamilton, the goveranieyt minute and the prices are right, crown in Ontario. has given the high Hanis for points on L: Mornington. motored ito town on | Aajogate. gave two addr Sobt tint nbiaae aay te oe web Bays. Partorslibriry-buttet iiyene as I Linn ay seigations were, fully Le SGA eB last” seven oon y e College tthe ting car andl coaches Toronto to ‘Hun's: in, tho, football guns A i eas Wile es es See our Immense Range of A | ville esas Bie een, se iGo he | PAS py yes Pa : Silt ote IRON BEDS ry 71 oD alee ef i Sraigteny ‘Stel. Bertin, rd.| aecepte f bh a ordv aed: eR ee ee eee ae ere x She Bonen pa ORR BME tmaea tol SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, RUGS tries. including 22 from eugtnod ind Sv 200 i a Regus low ocalcon’ see 15th a Hs Ey “8. to moet a a as Moadey Byala The Sana Ts oe ee ed: vibe a a tiohes ‘ate LINOLEUMS 17 from the United States r aioe ae ge ao {the usual time open for engagements bk of. apveniiei ? Boer ees, OF 1a gered Jo ae ee JR amimond. 8805 Pe ore ios. | Bike Jonu: Henty.. ot Sebphay nie: CARPET SWEEPERS he was surveyed for tle Mondays only. rrive ‘Toronto 9.40 ae Sele Dret ion a aya spent a ai diay Tas se ee BABY CARRIAGES, GO-CARTS ‘a a iles of draim Jal SS GEE pers aos home. erp: s. pate slemonstrations Pee Nee |e ath hn = Daily exeevt Sandy fOr | secesnneengenrncieibeeeee| hire Har Gee ee o HAMMOCKS feb of [Be ampton Guelph, Berlin, Stratford.) 7°" *"** +|CANADIAN PACIFIC GREAT LAKES ea Sse eet a makod ne Keent fo 8 Baan wd | intermediate stations. in-} BRUNNER + EXPRESS STEAMSHIP fag ret io week. d Hei Pj ArG, No\ 81° barley Mleveloped at stead 3 4 + x VICE “aise ae Stewart. of Stratford Gerhard Heintzman Pianos the College from Mandscheari, 1 now | 510 con: eRe train for WI ge Roget ‘ ss eee cqueintanees im this taking practically all the atlas in | Oshawa. : Ope. | ew: veotle Teale wit -whereaes ty one evening thi = pe 72 ts and intermediate st y ex, | Mr and Mrs, Roy Ha Astin itt na epbed eicly: toon cheat eer i viel BBN Stele purpose Picniine Desiet experi: |¢evt Sunday Fort | Burnside. spent Sunday wi | Wwiniam and Winnipeg ean be made |; th oY jae' social om the evening R Cc ANE, 22 ant Undertaker promises ee sopleate Hove 620 a.m.. arrive ‘Toronto 5) Mrs W. ea en js ¥ia the Canadian Pacific Great tees of Tyesday. July Sth, .at Mir Eee e L) Milverton, Ont. om, Miss Mar Ne : nea patoaiicors Stee thes eee is | 80D nl New tivin’ tar “WHitbyil enemdiing ww tow Aaya at her wea nye) Lame ergs ee ae tin wheat, it{Oshawa. Bowmanville. Port Hope. | here elner Fy D the greatest yield per sere Cobourg. Brighton. Trenton, . Belle- Tanner. of Dorking. me Be erat with in which was | ville. Napanee. Kingston, daily except immersed in a Solution made by aces SRR, ay Re earning ae years et ; F eg t : 2 sto m ‘oron aes Cee eat of formalin a; cats iedtgicate oat wa liccioete wton + DONEGAL 2 Lapa a pasty dor’ Gustoh Ber aitiday oO Mos 6. on ee re 1185 p.m.—Daily for Guelp! ler-| Monday with Mrs stents rotor to the firm Oe: Col ia’ Btenttonds’ Sirnlax Post. Harop.| the Brunner “Union suday School by SR ORR : e 0 acres has heen add-| Detroit and Chieazo. instead 1100 ya hola. thelr Bete AEGON nL mays | UB PHN Cry Saackouuttes ouse ean In 4th on Mrs us. lalker’s laws pasture lan at to the voles Haris Sale neing Monday Jume 24rd.) yerton | band in Ettentees Admis Eee since the tefreshing showers _ of last: y r ‘ Pullman “sleeping cir will b2 operate sion 10 and 15 con wee Waustis Institutes penee to King fart lesving Totonto| Mr and Mrs. MeBwan afd children ai BS) i ge | this week we. have to shroficle ; 22.001 1 ee “Di First car” from} of Monkton. spent the week-end with ae the Great | the death of another of the g. oe “Onharid: it is in great demand Fas ston will leave Wednesday morn-| the latter’s sister. Mirs C. Walker. eee ‘ane, built and | Beers of Elma, in ee aie ae na Ss: in Western Canada. and the Depart-| Ing (Duesday night's car). June | 25 So the ory best com | Wid. Bittle, Sx. who departed ti ecco ee ent is sending out Hemomtitiawors| arrive Toronto i : ae Weare: ueabereceuteccaeel Ht on eToys eee a O iia aee oles See OO Soe UTE EN einen mete? em fell one Pople Sreeael ae Sia peer bie syas loved by all who know er 7: : : 2 sufferer. a: ive 0 . , et leave Huntsville 226 a.m. | Monday:| | We pay for this treatm it fi He See was a patient sufferer. cfaverlments aon the Dat orop ro |leayo Montville 226 em Mondea:| We, pay for thle treatment i it | foe So inte sof Fae Oe Ye Olde Firm of Heintzman & Co. Ltd. grain; second year. cultivated erops;|gers may oceupy car at 1000 p.m.Sun} ton coe Dyspepsia. ‘ i oni taide Ska térooras sh Abed pe danahters all of whom. are ‘cesses third year. grain; fourth year. pas-|day evenings eal all Drspepbia Tablets remedy | and Cabins de pixe Large . welll married besides a large number of One Gennine Heintzman & Co. Dariahs ne ie walnut case, a ° because they con- i ining. saloon and rest | nachildren Mr. Little predeceas ailghily aeetiin eplenatd nod ally ———— tain the ara n ig) S ed, in splendid condition, f $6.00 sammie ell citrate foie “ cpow.| and Bismuth aad the necessary care (00m together with spacipas decks} 4" hen some years ago Rev. Mr. teed 5 years. Regular price $450, Selling price... 0 we, the Ontario Agricultural College for /miny WESTERN WAIR. LONDON.| -tinatives that tte natane ta ip for promenading erooms on | Ooo oF Presbyterian church. jontl analysis sree tect hy dane ONTARIO the a, the “absence of which [the Monday Wednesday “and Thur | ‘Atwood. of which church Mrs Little One H. Thomas Square Piano, rosewood case, 7 $4 50 2° i al wat oy ent of the West psia. dey. bouts’ are, outside sini in AGSINON | a5 a devoted, membe € octave overstrung scale, guaranteed 5 yea: meety Peers : of the estern bela a al service; rom the Provincial nursery in| | The management of the, Wertere eet fee netvares It you are contemplating a trip | one ey egal cemetery on Que B.S. William Square Plane, rosewood case, 7 octave over Norfol D-rimental purge oi 1912, and their’ sorter oes with entry forms} ~ material cescaty for overooming eee GES RN oe hee peck Satordey, being: followed. Dy «ie a in ae condition, Bivins gue: ive $i in el TS, e! natural pe wi be 5 ¥; number sete ea ere aie se See ‘inl o Sines a the fastest ‘time, have the best . Month week s200000'h ‘in Gash besides anum- Cane phtkaye th React é ‘time, of ces 43 and absut 500,000 seedlings. thas been added:to| — pepsia ‘Tablets in your rect none | accommodation. and the table is un Oe Steadman, square, rosewood case, 7 octave 1 Se 8s the Briss et Rie your: TMG maken | Orkegp hancia-pon rene ees ee eal ve egy ot overstrung, splendid condition, guarant’d 5 years DLO = '. the Live Stock-prize list very attrac-} one Mite each hes: meal and prove yations on trains ai at evi ek THD CARE OF. MILK” tive ape bestia bestaicen. afyantage of) Guten btn bate ee crear een Toket Otte, “Tor. add G5 YEARS 15 or 20 Organs in good repair, fully guaranteed, $1 to $2 a month by Live Stock Breeders and Exhibit- deta as ‘ : 1 o at 18 King St Bast. in a few days Medical Health shat t We know The Ontario ors Live Stock buyers Sige Ue) are and what y will do. be in the newbie building South Fiske i 5 $ = : i a : i & i = 4 Heintzman & Co., Limited sent Snsists Gat the Local ‘ : is ane ve a. oh jee of a at ‘the Westers: Retr = nod ena fork ae pepsin of w ref md East corner of King ami Yonge Sts milk seller, , be tors always Gj 60. tt be healthy amd. élean isiti loesn’t it stand to reason that we ECR s sith aig ical Was OSes oe Ree eration assume this money risk were 38 Ontario St., Stratford Dairy Department we not Rexall Dyspepsia The annual garden f Grace . 5 jal ‘attention this year and several ‘Tablets will satisfy you? Three'sizes, _ | church. ea k will Wie a hela on the Pe E. PURDY, District Manager Phone 769 jore Sections have ed. while] 26 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00. rectory grounds on Tuesday. Jul on re a eee a the 'prizes go to sixth vlaee. giving} — You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tableta | ist. A splendid. programme will be _Anrone ending aakotch gna dascn pgs sy y|more, Exhibitors’ an opportunity | of | fn this community only at our stores given ‘consisting of ‘solos amd dusts|” adalaina gir ee Heintzman & Co., please mail me to-day a list of slightly used Up] winning “If @. prize or entry wy two members of the eclebrated| Himmedg toutes Pen ight clot] form i9 required rte ste Seoretary| THE PUBLIC DRUG UG STORE. | Manchester Malo Quartetie, of Galt me glen hee patent BENS Finns givereged ta the verti S beats ae real ae unt, Room Jominion | aay 7 Ontarte | elestions by the Milverton brand. and | macs ut Re iresses by e resident ministers * ber ehakou gly’ fo ai ce Bullies hang Ton tern ei ms Rees So Recht Bupper served {rom 6 406°pm. tra we "Scientific Himeican, : lean scalp cloth some litt Great Bettain. Thera - rent. Rexall Tries. creamiseto. at_tie booth). pesteney s ADDRESS heme ARE ELOY Kegeay for r every ie peavey humar a iw | Admission children under i2. 100 oon Bs ptr ee ‘postage ee a, Be : ‘ton for which it is Fecommende«. Adults 25¢ Come and: enjoy a happy “After mili” the milk to After the trial a wise person learns 5 a ied away to the clean milk| not to talk back to the judge. tee Regal Stern Pia hea ae Sreaiene: evCobtie’ Hav, Foie “Higher obec