Milverton Sun, 26 Jun 1913, p. 6

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An Puriehman’s Great Invention Will Revolution- ize Etheric Communication ‘A despatch from. London says: The Eyening Standard ascribes to William Durtnall, an English engi- © neer, an invention which will pos- sibly revolutionize ternating frequency of 3,000 to 10,- 000 pericds per second. fis aph and telephone by wireless ae hitherto Bais handicapped by Jacl generators. Sai taléshous v% eby. |of a construct a dynamo of large output which is capable of producing such rtnall’s inven- tion, it is said, overcomes all these currents. difficulties, -oduces currents gener: Both tele- mechanical difficulties which pres 0 forees are thereby The inventor maintains that it is, possible to construct machines of such power that the commercial use wireless ‘telephone for a dis- ance of several igaared miles will be immediately possible, and will hasten the development of big cen- tres for wireless distribution of cor- respondence, ARMY OF 300,000 CAVALRY SEMIRAMIS INVADED INDIA WITH THIS FORCE. A Written Record of Horses in Arabia at Least 3,500 Years B.C. It was the fashion a few years says claim was put formard tat a was called an Arab w: ally an, Serica Mirae Origtiabmag in Lybia, the country lying between Egypt and (Tripoli, on the shores of editerr: wise Piecils that the horses we have always ed Arabians were never in Asahi the from until after the beginning of Christian era, going Egypt, others sent from Capadocia, north might have caused Modify Their Conaatlia: have learned that - | warfare Bagdad, on the Euphrates, There: ona being in the 14 We ys forced to. believe, there Arabian horse size and by men ete use of to, The riders are hunting lions, with spears and arrows. It is no- torious to this day that no horse but an Arab has ee pennies to face a lion or a wild would. re ‘emt still istory ‘us the “an ah as written by Keipbon: When Cyrns Fought Croesus, ing ydia, it is plainly stated that part of his cavalry were Ara- ranging his force to , Harpagus suggest- is he used } up tothe contest the Lydian horses, terrified fied. by the sight and sm “the ¢: unmanageable, vice the horses of Oyrus’s army, having been Proust up with cam-| os me partly nourished on.camel’s e not cabelas after id, the tye sis and ‘completely routed |: them, Later, _ Cyrus cap! faved ah ‘pabvlon—the ine of Rolaiaczar's st—he celebrated the event by a fend review of all his army. This C., 8,000 years after eeacienive In that review Xeno- phon tells us Cyrus paraded 120,000 u j and the ge in the bese ruled i ded from the carey, ver on the east to the the Mediterranean suse pean 2 ee from the Se28-op the the ne nett to the Tadinn n ee days’ as Dative the Young. the Medo-Pe: © had Our even asserted a] embarrassing facts m to pose the Macedonian invasion, and still Left 50,000 In the Pastures, which Alexander saw in his march through the country. ; It would appear safe to claim, therefore, that there were horses in Arabia, before they were sent there from Lybia, “Ts it not more proba- and Lybia and Ethiopia to to the possessions left him Cyrus? The Egyptians had no cavalry, any more than had the Persians un- til the time of Cyrus n Egypt came after the.time salen io shepherd kings were out. Hour hundred years after the days f Joseph, when Pharaoh pursued He Hebierca: eho: seni ue! with $| Moses through the Red Sea, we are told that he followed with 600 char- iots—‘‘all the chariots of Egypt?’ — sooordits to the Bible statement. thee ach Egyp two Sorter and all these were ae stroyed in the R a. And now in our day and country, certain progressive people suggest + | that though there may have been Arab horses, and they may have been good enough a long time ago, they are not such as would be suite to our pace conditions and cli- mate. reater part of such people piohanly never saw an Arab hor! - ee NEW CANNON OF WOOD. Used in Recent Revolutions in Haiti and Cuba. Anyone familiar with the con- struction of moder apors and the high explosive used in PE would petiratly sup- pose a@ cal le of wood wou! be of ttle or no yo alas as a wea- n. ooden cannon have been used as ot can Republic: ie eae ‘used in the construc- tion of these crude weapons is a very tough variety, having a twist- ed grain that curls about the log in such a way that to split the timber with the cared means is almost from the skin of a steer. cannon is covered with the strips of oe another layer is wound on, this is continued until the wea- Sod has iner several inches in diameter. After tie Bi is severed ae oe bore is pon treated oe a Aa sineehee PRhich tends ie contract the hide binding, which b. as strong as wire. These crude snen have been used with su number of instances, aad it iy Saenenine the number-of times they may, be fired before they burst or tents s other- e} wise disabled. —_t+___ Witcheraft in Italy. We hear little nowadays of eee craft in England; but occasional cases are reported from abroad, ac- cording to the London Mail. way signalman should marry her only daughter, and decided that the best way to bring this about would be to bew: i ana, great reputation in the fooaltig: as | a witch, Having selected a T of hones, she set to work to pre- pate .¥ ee Pee grinding ‘the bones rin @ mortar. ve a = teat of bronze’ oe she had comm sr nae Be to scrape iiniaht to ‘rom the b: asants _ | dently bell of Sia parish Ww 6: Princess Augusta, who will marry the ex-King of Portugal, PLAYED WITH MATCHES. Two Children < Monel Burned A despatch pe Montreal Matches in the hands of six hal three-year-old Joseph and Lucien Larue. St. Paul Street, caused their deaths and the destruction by fire of their home on Wednesday. Heroic but unavailing efforts were made to save the lives of the chil- idly that the rescuers were driven rom the building. The burned Henin! ‘ the children were foun beneath a bed, where they Miouahe refuge from by | Were rescued by firemen. Smo, eS THE SMALL BOY AGAIN, Starts Railway Ungine and Causes Loss of Two Lives. A despatch from Buffalo says: small boy went into the New York Central Railroad roundhouse here Tuerday night and climbed ee had covered’ three-quar- ters of a mile before it crashed head-on into a freight train -run- ning in the opposite direction. The instantly killed and the William Freelich, was so adie hurt that he died a short time later. Ban engines were badly damaged many cars were wrecked. SE rae LIVING PRICES FOR MAY. Percentage of the Price Level Dur- ing the Decade 1899-1899. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Labor Department’s index number of wholesale prices stood at 137.0 for May, 136.3 in April, in. May, 1912. The numbers.are percentages of the price level during the decade 1890-1899. The chief advances of the past month occurred in animals and meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables, with considerable decreases in dairy products and fuel. n retail prices, dairy pieauses: fish, sugar, potatoes and coal were lower, while meats and dentals tended upward. INLAND REVENUE REPORT. ‘a SAYS: year, according’ to figures compil Pete Deuernent ot antk TERRIBLE TRAGEDY, Southern Russia. — des) says: Highty ‘girls were burned to death by villagers enraged at the- on a sugar estate in the dis- teat of Piriatin, in the Province of The exe'ted see a esate fastened all the means of | be mates were still asleep, and all were oe death eens a chance of ei se gas BIPLANE UPSET. .- fying a d Gerbit: ga ae icin ood speed, when it] j suddenly turned. some rsault at height of 3 Sens feet, throwing | the tons to the gtound, where ' ieked up dead. i ost | be man, h | warning tha! es a Use of Cigarettes and Liquor Shows | ¢2 Great Increase. te A despatch from lion over the figures of the previous Ss die: bly and some sin On a Sugar Estate in a Province of be an; patch from St. Petersburg whit often in ed: Near} ee in| of St. aes naj = ith the nee of mak- |. W. W. Ashald, je on the G. | Montreal. COMMENT ON- EVENTS ‘The way the British by-clbstions gre Aigat tea eanceroe: electing a Protection- ist, Government, ote Liberal, ee anull a ie ipto- effect. as it ma yi from now. But polities fo England ‘havea habit. of changing with such kaleidoseo- pi} that anything may happen Tate Brofeisor. Goldin Smith. The vol- Mr. Arnold Haultain 0. ee ee previous to Mr. Gold. cal Smut death acted 26 private ‘econ which was, however, ‘isappointing ‘Berane ay ihe trivial character of the ner Smith as a narrow, bitter partisan who oa oes times out of joint, who mis- trust No. t outside, wad at S12 to 380, 01 st men's motives and did not | Wa. his wit] PRICES OF FARM. PRODUCTS = aS Prices of Cattle, Crain, Cheese and Other reduce af Home and Abroad. Breadstuffs. Toronto, June Sieh antares wheat per cont. to. $4.10, see roceie rie Manitobas —First eet a jute bags, 85.50; secon: Sealing in eS as $5.00; strong ake So Northern, $10 ‘te. 2 at SL bern 2 white and red outside, and inferior at ae to 96, 8 Ontario oats, 34 to 351-3 ronto. Western Canada oats, Bit fox No. % and at Se tor No. 3, market is ae Geetinel. = is nil, With prices nomin- ‘Oork-Np:. # Abierioan worn, 0; MorbBtoy at tos wt, « Madtaaaie mes e—Prices Buckwheat The arnt ig purely nomin- lume of letters by the | al. Bran—Manitoba bran, $18a ton, in bags, Toronto freight. Shorts, $19 to: $19.50, To- ronto. Country Produce, Butter—Dairy. prints, choice, 22 to 0; inferior, i108, creamery, £6 to 280 for Tolle, and 2 to. He for solids. Eges—Case lots here, and at 19 to ge," | 20, outa le. Chepae—14 $0 AES Soe, ora and at 131-20 eeu Rrentinloked: $2.25 to $235 pi ea primes, $1.75 to $2.00, in a jobbing 130 hesitate to attack bittern nd virulence. Mr. Hanttain Recieve ‘ei heee’ ave yaa letters. @ truly great saw Yeas whose polutions« ‘ot ats fete but the flames spread so rap- | too am: being printed concerning the forms of vice, particularly that w! Known ag the White Slave ‘Trac. sorts of organizations have to take up the doubt with the ere are probably few ho have not ices. manuscript re porta torrelate-life ipeldenta in eonnes: ter w) me 6 erning the carry. nder yiolence of hundreds of May one be perm alo ithe authenticity € “The testimony of ihre weed of the Police Department in ‘A Mania for Publicity. One may be permitted also to express doubt as to wheth mhethor<anch «pul Rreet doal of Upon which the “public: mind “needs. to. be Foused. Public: opinign om ee matter: is sbaclutay sound, and. there wiuee, nis take. whalsver’ steps Penne mat Ae fur ie simple Ys with fire is apt toget burnt, However, with many persons discussion pf she sublect, seems 8 to be a mania, and it ax though Sa ‘of pub: Heise vad notyet ran its couree, Ontarlo Bye-elections, Unusual. interest is being taken in the bye-elections which are. shortly to take place in North Grey: and_ “i South Bruce, She: former resentative to Gus; lagmlainne 25 teplace Honorable G.. MacKay he ee ce he number of Cankee comenite recently onus daily papers have resembled d Church ess meen secular rting page ae the contre Sr auras An English visitor who attended of the sessions Of the Presbyterian ‘Asoem the Methodist Confer- its laurels was particalanly impressed with the rigid, ity of the views cauromed towande. the liquor trafMe. most horrified to md. thatthe opinion, oh expressed and tian e To this English v snebtoting The phere here was not quite so unrelenting In foot, oe Jay, and clerical, were slipping emt of th joy a quiet omoke at the ane areat ‘outstanding figure in the local ynod is Hon. 8. H. Blake. He speaks ou point. Tt might ery subject that quently. alee the | hy is always artisan. “He ques| and Pattee treme mance = ‘of this partisaaahip Tig dimoult to ani of him as a and that may be one of ig reasons wi 7 he Sa auch stenied down from the bench, m: 0, to resume the sees ioe 0: jer this eak: This ie wever, it was noticeable hat Mr. Blake, who haa but recently. re: @ somewhat severe illness, t covered from had which sometimes on previous ped. Reporters _haye. geni al eee tae Na Mee tate aes Ane Bi: low Church party. Banlis, of which “Archdeaco! tor. ee tee Pane a ig Provost 2 head is an it College. ito Bis seen a Seas ee “Ghugo was rintende pe ied 5 3 to $10.0 cars; heavy and indulge in ;ilawor in to is lost a great deal of the Bien ‘oecas) sé ar ibe for No. Le wnel jesales- combs, $250 fe $5 per dozen for No. 1, and $240 for itry—Hens, 17¢ per 1b; turkeys, 18 to 2 ti, “tive poultry, about 2 lower than the "Potatoes Ontario stocks, 85 bag, on track, and Del clavates at el io $1.08 per bag, ‘on track. Provisions, Bacon, long clear, 153-4 to 160 per Ib, in case lata. va ar -Bhort ont $28; oer mess, is to 200; jard=ieroes, 14120; tube, 143403, paile, Baled Hay and Straw. hay—No. 4 at $11.75 to ‘Toronto, and No. £ at $10. Baled straw— Good stock at $8 track, Toronto. 2.25, on tah gis to 88.25, on Snir Wheat. Winnipeg, June 24.—Cash—Wheat—No. 1 Northern, 38 i20; No. 2 Northern, 965 No. } Northern, 91:20; No. 4, too: No. &, 160; | teed, 5 rejected seeds, 901-2; No. 2°06, 886; No. 3 do 831-20; No. 1 tough, 1c | 8 546; lo., 87 3-40; j No, 5 do., Ste; No. 4, 161-20; No. 5 do. 68; No. 6 do,, 6c; Teed, No. 1, red, winter ‘90; No. 2 3d Si 3 OW. 1.20; feed, Sigs) $4o. parley N fe ed, 30 ‘ fie rejected, 431-40; fect, Witte. lax” i 2 O.W., 811212; No 3 GW, $1.0212, jontrea! Markets. ntreal, June 24. gen pesedian West. robably no | Choicest who is hor eer are Be. vet se) 786. mk 3 No. 1 Norinern 34 to 2 Xorniera,_ 054 to corp, todo. Non unchanged. Daluth, June 2 Jaly, eee 08 1 Northern, 941-40; 2 Northern,’ S134 to pita, Peary ie asked; September, 947.8 Live Stook Markets: rte $4 to 85 each; hogs, aout 101. ttle—Choice, port, $6.85; shales | Dacre BS 86.50 to to ex: 25; yearlings, ‘8210 $5.80; ext ¢ heavy feeders, 300 pounds. 8585 to Rie Milkers gind_ springers—From $70. Sheep and lai abs--Light ewes, ee % +5 sis: dears eat to $5; lambs, yearlings, to $8; » 84.50 to 85; Bue: crt . hoes —$9.85 to. $9.90, fed and watered; $9.50 to $9.60 eye sits of y hogs, over 240 ibe, 500. oan AGAINST THE AUTOMOBILE. Farmers of Prince Edward Island Will Not Have Them, A despatch from Charlottetown, P.E.I., says: A plebiscite on ‘th automobile question was throughout the island on nm) my meetings every man vot against it. The Government is not ae now to put the measure into spoemniene | Meanie ELECTRI CAL STON Ms Coffin’s Island Tighthouse | Struck and Destroyed. _A despatch from Liverpool, N. che ays : evict electrical storm came no e town on Thursday tnorn- ing, fhe fourth this week lighthouse was ee and oe The “dwelling The oo was 65 feet hich, with a whife revolving Tighe able Sees SEVERE PARTHQUARE. Where Great Loss of Life cea jome Years Ago. A despatch from Port de noe at-| Martinique, says 4 do., Bide. M ce | threatened by i putting up buildings in the down- 0. di oe Thur: cow! 8c to 6c; sheep, % tae tol; | return home THE NEWS IN 1A PARAGRAPH GAPPENINGS FROM ALD oven THE GLOBS IN A . NUTSHELL, © ies Canada, the Penis and the World {a General Rofore Your_ - Eyes, & Canada. Amherstburg business men have ‘rade, rd h Police at Edisor Bee os “Hen ‘tat Brae y fre. The pai Toronto’s a Sane Hospital was formally opened on Thursday, and inspected by thirty thousand people. Chas. Watt, found guilty at Am- rst, N.S., of murdering his sis- ter’s infant child, was sentenced to ed. e urchy was ap- pointed by the Bieri Govern- ment as Inspector of Feeble-mind- r. E. T. Corhill, Chief Inspector of Mines for Ontario, has accepted Ee position of safety. engineer with the Canadian Copper Co., the first of its kind in Ontario, Great Britain. Andrew Carnegie has given $25,- 000 to be used in the pera of Anglo-German relation: The British Ministers were vindi- eated in the House: of Commons in connection with the Mateon! invest- ments, Laie militant suffragettes were convicted of the charge of conspir- acy to do malicious damage to pro- perty. General. Mexican loans were barred from the German money. market, At the last meeting of the Berlin edical Society bitter opposition to Dr. Friedmann was expre! : a ae 20,000 MEN OUT. Chicago Building Trade Tied Up by a Lockout. A despatch from Chicago says: The lockout of 20,000 men engaged in the balding, trade here, recently ‘actors who are effective on lockout followed ed striking stone- kk town district, eae . | the iad of pane tabardleipine ne SAD FATALITY AT KINGSTON. Three Boys Playing with Logs on Rideau River Drowned. A despate h from Kingston says: Three boys, Lawrence Jackson, W Cataraqui Bridge. They had taken off their clothes and wero aeered on a number oY logs floating | i in the water. When they did not -time a search was made, and the Sorte of the (0 | lads was found on the s! PROMINENT DOCTOR DIES, Dr. Severin Phahapelles of Mont- real, Passes Away Suddenly, A despatch from Montreal says: While on his way to a meeting of sympathizers of the ‘‘Free and Pure Milk Movem: hygienie conditions in eee slum. districts, Sere ped dea Wedneeday. eaabells: shale a specialty of Riera and public questions, ce he leaves some popu- Jar works much appreciated, sneha which may be mentioned ‘Woman i MILITANTS A ARE BU Have Destroyed “Upwarda of s30- 000 This Year. A spatch ae London says: Late on Wi enesday night the par- ish church of Row: eee) near. Dudley, was Aone y a fir attributed to the cages ise church dates from the year It was rebuilt ten years ago aw a cost of £6,000. The East London! ‘Federation Be the Women’s Social Union is rae, a aesanatian’ | to the Premi they boast that tpwatae "of 2100,2 stroyed this y minster, B.C., for for an despatel from New Wests says: _ While motoring a Bigs the been senpoan Chief of | B and Nurse’? and ‘Health cr A? |. : | 01 Andes 000 worth of prose: has been de-| Happenings in 4 Emerald Isle | Interest to Irish. men, ae waterworks scheme has been _ Somuistee in ene ae at o cost ‘of $54,000. Rosine aeaaeay ostabli in Calvin has been herbue has lost his left se The laborers in connecti the building weedeat in Dae have Ae their wages increased 25 cents weel er Beai aittie, Crossfort, has died from tetanus as the result of hay- ing cut his Besig against the wheel of a cart, Sir George Abercromby was ser- sously injured when he was thrown — is horse at -Greenmount Cott Dublin. There: is every expectati lon that good will soon be raised im quantity. near the pete line — ae Ais ser to: Stewarts' th Batiygien, near Maghe: volunteer fire brigade is to be gen x Roscommon. A presentative ripe ores i formed, and volunteers called for. Mr. se , lecturer in eco- mio history in Queen’s Univer- sity, Belfast, ine been appointed to @ similar position in» Edinburg! University. An aspect of a housing. problem in Dubli ie whi oy us ne inte: ae nor- mally high mat of the been class: hous 808: 12 “The ghee of Baltinglass,”” Jack Whelan, away in the son, eased 28° years, an alta was poke down fue instantly killed a tram car ween Boldorly en Killanak Church, Dublin. i san Awellings aretiee! mei the Kildare Urban Council were ed by Lady Urea PL, iss wes presence of a, ] y people. A county tuberculosis dispensary is to e retinas a is Way, as a step towards p) ito operation the Bhowiaeng a he Sig Tabaredisate Act of 1908, fight between police and drifter Weal of Binghead, her igi: i e fat sie erans selling for A shocking affair occurred on the borders of pees Ailiate near nie nla ee when John ied himself and inflicted such Alpe aaa on” ne ‘Wife’ that, ee life ired o! e urchaso a disinfecting apparat ae a cost of $650, Rye piatlond &. & Wolff, Lim’ av unched from Queen's Setand ee the hss ae mer ant oe ssenger Contrudra for the “Pacis. Steam sours Co. The Limerick Town Clerk has re ceived a claim from e constabu- lary authorities for re Sie the ae j of extra. police drafted into th r in connection with the $ Home| Rule eemehite. and the ee BURNED. Yr RONTIRE. ene Kingston sees forietted Some | ne Bessie Simmon: ears Hepes ived some severe burns.’ She was | pulled out in time to save Au ahah worse injuries, peas = ‘Did y. ‘ever si litle of atau as ay 'No; she’ ¥

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