EERE ay SIRE Laas Mucrt ot MEN pdms Lone) SR rt hire frown at the ss ot ‘Jus pected. But not mnwalans ive ray m6 they are boiled. ‘This prevents GIFTS IN DISHES. Bes ree ‘@ them turning dark i — urning dark in the cooking, | t g and improves the flavor. Hostess in London Gives “Sur- ATS DIRT s After washing blankets, hang = Banquet to Friends. = er rea ove ; ; them on a line until quite dry, then Sa nae 5 beat them gently with a carpet at a beater: This makes them soft, and the Ieee = ee ES ¥ antty. gee nglan s children we Gt A St ee Heart TEA AT ‘Ts B T Ways of Preparing Cherries. Aa excellent er vefore utting| evelled in the “Christmas pudding rT, ruggle For a Heart : Cherries.aré the first of the fruits |one’s hands in o> feueeee meer "that wonderful dish s Its garden” freshness he summer—the first, that is, of| them well w: aoe of mutton Sie alt eoedoe i at andstine fie ae the fruits of the summer trees. fat. 1 This Sa the bad effects) fo'gs pd wonds actigehel CHAPTER yi. trying to catch his words; but Decima ee 2 Elum, Bare BE peaches are still. g s tubes cosnestee eet Apa winsties {Wait until T decide whether 1 can tel! Hooked at dita walleye protecte y the served only in the feasts of | To ace white shoes, scrape some f h Ny DP eae the guests recei ne} you,’ ‘ai ‘Gai ‘I was Boing to sai feelah at Sire gealed lend nach land when cherries are ripe, Hence Dipetolay finely and gic it ts the eet ee See! And Decima Rie her innocent gray| find some excuse; andiit ior aoain, just 2 2 t, they are generally greeted with an moneistengyeak pel with Bold. wae neealed in the bread, fish, eee on jis face with a kind of troubled possible that you: would let "mo. off’ “with which keeps the enthusiasm not bestowed on any of er sweets and other dishes Cp ee eee ee seaiy, option of w fing” But the poor, pris 2 lhe Tater tears te rush all dust shoes, a dinner was recently give: Brave thoughtfulness, ‘and was ailent. #0| Sever" tg that’ the wentenon willbe leas goodness in, and all Cherri teoil aa ose Ma and ri je mixture melt te them. y a rich hostess to . twenty-four Tong that Decima almost thought that. he ferere gan tho eu direct. 11 the judge atdinatl erries served fresh and co! Tears till thoroughly guests at her Belgrave Square wih forgotten an then he looked at her inclined % fn contamination out. 072 | / on their own stems for breakfast a1 | A fe rops of mu ee Ee will be| house. aulge 3 farting aie i A EWG with a seiment delicious that no other way of 44. : i ‘ LETT me (d,have decided that I can not tell you,| Dec caked etraight vende eee #y 0* found most beneficial to droopin, ‘ecil mors COMPANY age” dy | Ob not al Toh wibntanding tha pile. there wana cer | BLACK, MIXED & GREEN, | serine thom ee tiny ene oa Beltereg. Disp the castor off on tkel was the ee See BORON Tsai ype De poeyee eine eane. re > Yor" Have _torgowen ea whioh revealed | “the deviousuess wnder the See st of fon ee, roots and soak the ferns in a pail ‘The menu of fe dinner given by d, said. n ables niner-gon ten aie aman h “I wil not avoid you again,” eho said they serve as an appetiz ofa water, all, mignt eek @|the hostess and the various gifts 7 z a low voic of a girl whose heart is still in her keep- the. € 1 : nes nae improvement will be nitice” which the Foe seed may be an fre inieitusd “his re ‘ng, Kod wi has not learned to thrill at : ae ime ote none a eir tabulated aastollomn mould | “Thank vou.” he caid, gravely. “T shall| S™¥,mams touch, ton oamsiogt 1] 22 ae ever pou ae Nvhen making jam add a piece of ad Wired Se guests ay your indulgence, for it is not| yg anes emir ancl a aring them for breakfast is te pit butter the size of an egg, fifteen whee SESE abrRaa Tittle mlvon Se Tre cp aunt Bleiwed to far, el ha Be ee ane eee Re eek “aurning tae them and mix the th sugat— minutes before removing the fruit icks were found concealed in 1 = rony oF 6} - ‘ ae fudge ‘peteos'ecntenoe, you know Ate 304 going avay? Do you not live) $2d,smiled—without tony ie ane _Prepartion of half @ cupful lfrom the ifre.-This will make dtlaie pSEWS BY MAU, ooo ae 3 near here = “Better take arm,’ . a pint of cherries—and coo! mm 'c] (al z RE Pte RT vs lt dawatl’. He leusted’ the iateer atasiion “Oh aot thats Pan Sg. to. xoa| 124 Pint of cherties and cook she Jookclear and prevent it from stick-| Soup—This was served in dainty] BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. This bank will serve for dock and bench.” | 1 9m going ab shortly, and | down,” she said; and she started as his ie feh: z ing to the sides of the jars. See oe with lids, When the pS “My brother is waiting for me,” seid eta erie eee aid De ee on eee exclaimed "are pour them over buttered toas®. en boiling rice boil it fast for|liquid was poured into the soup Ini kaow the angler, ho-hag complete.| | But, aren 05.3 she poke, she sects you extehing an Locd Gaunt's Ash?” Cherry soup has been made, but| twenty minutes, then move from| plates the company were sieromad Occurrences in The Land~ That ly forgotten y y-'this time,” sald = & saeuo senen lon of 728 °nd| it could hardly be more than the|the fire, and pour cold water imme- with the empty Sevres Reigns Supreme {n the Gom- jig Sea teks bab proinise ev er Aol wall: yentag gist sould stcarcaly hs hel ghten every | Tesult of an effort co serve cherries| diately over it. Drain thro gh Vish-“Hara’ was a atatling “aur gus CUPreRiory down? etme remind ou will wot bo tape talleres, by such: s plea ag he had trout in tho river! ames seperate ina ay and unexpected ieee ow-|sieve, and place in the oven to dry Fy. prise? <<Bolled trait: wae! eéey mercial World. the time wo have taken a rest ; things file aro! Kee i mi {ever, at every course save tl ether, andéwolly 1 trust you stored Bo me ee Oke igi ews whe ene on ee pee ALAS fare farsi ond for somo time the gucste.could | There te & place of womiin tal harm onthe leet occasion, Bo aay Mh ae ee fate ite tir ee Pare: = your clothes.” e leg! ely making meat pies to be eaten} not discover anything unusual 7 lestnc Helene ee Decima sunk down on, the mossy bank, wget Migitoe ae eg AOE ae ea ET cold, see that the top is ventilated] about the EN SaT me-! CVery 722 people in Hnglan he fis s eee p . < e Then'he. looked at her'in'an absentaming:| , NOW very much, 1 ih afraid. Do x yon) nit gratelul Curve, and Gaunt went up chery eoektails ate:made in this iby one or, better tilly two holea| aay found domen wnkci eae Jn London the death rato. last = 3 Sf fashion, and mechanically re Feallzed d that nom eta so rig the ‘oy. who acted | Lae et?” ho anid, raising the ua ot| W2¥: , Stone Tipe cherries, chop | Without this precaution ptomaine inthe mouth of a trout. All th ‘as‘as low as 13.6 per 1, 3 she wore a white linen areas tthe Auy_ spo ‘ Hi 4 Mace binethaw at her (net pete eae until he “informed them that he was em| ino basket. thom fin a pace reontal: of|poison is liable to develop, even| ach had lobe hea aa Gen be the Depiis n. Spot of color. From her bow he looked to | PI0¥® Le Sibi pe e ited af pony Bodiet I, lemon j each cupiul of cher-| when the meat used in ane pie @P-| small articles of jewellery con- thirty sees | the area of Mans her eves, and the depth of their Bue tid of jam tari. at cobeeeings ele hoe where ge re rater eae Pres, cb wenten m to taste and|pears to be perfectly fresh Gédled in thele mouths: shester has nded from 4,000 Beautiful. Something in, the fase, above | ;1, 408"! ka a how it ist havo dropped by that buch, and. Tre been ‘uiying tor| serve them, either in cocktail glass-|* There deo way “White” Entree (sweetbreads)— | 8¢Fes to 20, Sa ei and beyond. Ite os imess, smote Bim, as er ee meee SPAS Sa DE i ten minutes; but I can't | es ore! lemon skin cups, made|blacking. Cut the cake of totes Noo pitt sdliscovaned Ghahe dish |. It is stated that Mr. Carn : were, tly. ls A a se f ie ion vee eras te asked Meier Tete 29 anonpecto ‘yon don't quite reach, do you?” said| by removing part of side of a| into small pieces, put into a saucer, jfact which the guests seemed to re-|2aS already ‘given 8% million worth Wie fo attempt to change this| ,,Desime r08e, and took the iy eee aoe can| “tilicient number of lemons, eutting and pour enough sweet milk to ent pounds in Great Britain for librar= ir gil this id's: het ts if “ ei h x de worth eetniee sittin la 8 tia? wae ‘My father sent for me OW. ae aisalgit, but not co far aa t|@ bit of the rind from the other|make it rather into a thick cream Diarra i Heiss amb cutlets) ies her think him the monster La uuline | 08" tsiciogs eon Wecaitat shoula | ke; tho ig “abou a: yard side, removing the pulp and) Mixed in this way helps te prevent Each cutlet had a charming enamel- ‘The Thames, which has been da ~dow: where eedin “ % aot ante i you ptted O'S Shut Epil chs SiS | at weshing and olitngthe| hg Backing tom ai Ted Wibabin teed! Goethe Boge eae lend? boating lately, is now afternoon. Perhaps the ‘sight of the eld of ety he tod and se n cream is 0} v OMT RMLET ye Ora au Dine wien ead Seen Gorn ang | aploned ear Eade pean gat oat date NE ponpy,|, Cherries served with it may be made delieiou 5 sot Th fee ie a ay pon him. “Porhape. tho. gine deaosene | «But th the place os pretty with @ flash af excitement. “T eay, what | toast can be used as an entree, with puddings, ae the follow-| ots oi wed. eliaan ‘tho, men, 25 ‘poll of Dover ratepayers shows frankness and candor had had — their a patent Gee a fly you throw! That was eplendid! make them cut rings half an shen ing way: Put it into a ee with} g adi. ft té and|® Majority o! gainst 4] Seer pro- ME bess Fe te RUNS ay sha great house ta pilioes oh wna gh ae thick from bread and soak them in| the juice of a lemon table«| Sigler es anton wae ered Ste re tad 5 ee ee 7 ee fieycout wee Wetweed oe eieeigne we beaten egg yolk, milk, a little sugar| spoonful of sugar and oie Fel jelly pasted 06 tha hte caution ee |Deone g,, "dO told you that I waa eo|*EEUREe ss satay 1 go down as t| XBW TRIBE OF PYauizs. |%4# Pinchot salt. Roll the bread! quite stiff. This treatment makes liven simtiet Gene Ies Repu ted to have belonged, to ania Decina as the river vith you? I should like AE 4 x= _\ rings in crumbed bread and maca-|it-excellent and increases the quan- Sees a Pia oncealed in{Lord Beaconsfield, a “AHP? Ho d for minute or two,| KNOW what sport your brother is Tae : Bonk ie Fnitee 9 aig thiesenmne tiie? . conce: jase hes Sota BE High ess has 4 mae tel! you of what ortme or crimes “it you like,” she said, walk ng on Little Men Average Only Four Feet with sugar] Enamelled teapots, when’ stained a Role stadt aay jewelled peu iio £3 ($13 40) a een guilty? But, no; I c" nem} | aH * i a A es wil various perfumes. again. “Isn't it a pity that the place Light Inches in Height. y PI ‘ : eee lant fb a ae Lig ; them, drain and/ with tea, may be cleaned by being Dessert—One fruit was decorated |, There is moasles in nearly every gee | rie ik noclontea ks dala Setar sw filled with cold water to which house in “Catford man, is she not?” he asked. "Yes—oh, yes: she is very good—good- se So TT Promo Se Ress itself,” said Decima. tell ling bys sail about it last “Yes; I ‘have. heard 0.” EE ee Now, T think you will adm ieahapetacn che Tapeh pope yaenrr ae a woman as Pauline Lascelles would the moonlight: ae be disposed to Tegard other ax who | and melancholy were not 60 good aswell, lot us aay, very ot We ee great sinners?” “No,” said Decima. “Aunt Pauline—” ‘a gamester—an babi a coming to my T ee inne ‘rent ra the opers: and the theatre, and to halls, she would him a world- ng—1 sini that’s the See te dissipation.’ 8," r' aad ‘Decima agai: well,” he said. a very wicked man. But, Misa He paused, Was it, after all, worth while to defend himseit Before this weet girl-judge? Year’ said Decima. “Why do you not go on?” st ® pardon,” he said, with a beg you slight. start, as it ho had lost the thread of the subject. “Yes; I am rather absent- minded. Please w i either my hands or my braii T ean neither sow nor spin. 1 can do nothing that would earm me. a lass of fhe cheapest ale. It is sad, but there it is. mn only amuse myéelf, and” hed AT can't always do that—very gel- indeed.” ma looked at him, smile in his eyes and o nreasonable, how Inconsietent you were in cutting mo Just said, Decima, flushing slightly. "taunt will admit, very wicked; and vou, of course, are very good.” ‘No one is veally guod,” said Decima, rebukingly. He regarded ber with a half smile. “Ah, well; fairl a. iow, Miss eane, do_you think there is no hope fi 2 Do you think that it is im- possible for a bad’ man to «i ate ) he said. “And don’t you think it is the duty’ of tered koe folk. to erigked on to me face with its half- we, halt-bantering amile, “I never fhought of that,” ehe eaid in a mee you are at good peo- ple axe: oer, y look upon. the poor black id Decima, breaking in piteous: tele eagerness. lio not?" he sald. att i smiling “at hank’ you, “And, all, oo, ame, wel 1g him Fight wd, Bppareniy. mae tl oy point, to skate round it. And| Bim 5 a I am, according to aay Bailine’s | Called ihm, was it bot? wi <ihere is always hope! It] — >! said, very quietly. it ray from its owner, ft," eald. Deotma: place instead of aah if Perhape he can not he now plead story, It’s for him. heartlea Decim: says— But ing imnelt? 1 hope he joes not meet wi revea’ sitet Beat ‘denunciation. Em sat ade himself kno noma wien they rea to Bright's ie Halt an hour with him would | then for Africa once more, gplganwhile, Decima waited We after dinner, and you| i = there were no lights | e8, it would look rather eerie,” is @ pity that the law does not and give it to| who would appreciate and love | 22 the himself,” cane ntured to plead for on tayeelt just — ish Deane; let me a t bei not re- or money to} ‘Their inne of ‘noun: but anius- ne, does ite reward. mow Lord Gaunt?” qe Dectna. Captain Cecil G. Rawling, ae explorer, has recently give: | Tish scientists es ee ae it looked in| Counts of a new pygmies, weird and—| found by his supe dioaein: Boutle: Sabb New Gane: These little people, known as the ys. He was night. nor sounds iros, in height. living isw-lying. bile obthe Kapare River. On the approach th Gaunt put up his hand te is moustache | whitemen they ran away, se the to Thide the, grim smile. Tt wae orident di ded r that Lady Pauline had a told the girl] expedition succeeded in capturing "ihe wands like a kind of ‘i vee whose curiosity brought them Is like @ Kind of socialie 5‘ ies Deane,” ho sald, “Bat how do you| near camp. At first they know he doe: greatly frightened, but kindness ee won ver, months later the explorers were enabled to ‘| establish trading relations with the tribe and were allowed to visit and sas at hes village of Wombirmi. is nm to the Be | ee neta snare llr pee ier sce open arms, Of the women and chil- dren they saw nothing, but their on Why ot It 5 that Bei poglects sl cries could be rd as they not com: thay bent ful house and in thi Hovely | fi them aig side on the nge: rk ¢ late, "The hair, usually black, ‘but sometimes with a touch of brown o t all one’s id mall possessions. only clothing consiate ‘of a covering at wad| around the ‘hat. While nes and surround- > the Negrillos ae the iowa tribes of pygmies inhabiting ‘ arth, led. ment. Now| Congo pygmies. ha tis ENS Ee LOVER'S EXPENSES. Hoy ting Rimeelt | Remarkablo Counter - Claim ‘In, Breach of Promise Suit. and luere are the elements each of promise house | ina es br case suffice, and/ before the ri rts, to whit for her an-| the breaker of t] ngagement has a BS a counter-claim in. the form nye wy him—know him yi i ‘ he anid ts Ut sade awakening Irom (of a bill for Eh er a mae = me is somethii id e y, M. Wiener, who is su- reather ‘saat UnRero eS ing for = damages, said that af- oa can ne be Happy said, Decima, | te! an engagement of two months er frank eyes ti Nope can Rho ene ciate as defendant, Wroubel, broke with Sa Ee oo ae and live here Se ‘and try daug! ter, Bertha. The en- to make otherg happy: er] Ti find dir own apbses then ‘would ee continued M: Wiener, Jooked it hor’ with his -wedry ned pe lected him in various ex- persuaded to do Deane.” Decima flushed slightly and frowned a little. norant; ai Cie Se —but— 1 10 8: more of-it—or ‘iim. Were is your prot £ ae at = 5 Prophesied, quite absorbed ns A box Geahie every y had reached the end of the road, evening ee two months.. 4 Flower: standing of the ores of a steep Meri, at the bottom of arhich Bobby \TH FOR oF PERFECT eae eels plo but, suddenly, she fi small etone whion rolled ay at he lion's, cage at ig he bl wilt: etaeoeae laugh oni I'm half. inclined je fink he a ibe hte heard you ald nothing wrong or in- aid, more gently than he had ‘Every word you, uttered mses, including aa eo a celebra- tion dinner and fs 10 f How did f hi 4007 The items of the “expenses” bill were. pay Hows = Think no as fol ed ge pee oi ses yas ment ring lig Other alee oar jaunt was] Total veces fe added that oe also ‘thought | s. damages. Peatias: himself entitled to rAdd the cherries i she hot syrup {just as it is dle soe them with the juice of the -|cherries thickened with a little cornstarch and flavored with or- ange juice. ‘Cherry fritters can be served with arm it has a m for some tim: After boiled fill with cold water an rinse until clean. It is useful to know that a cak which seems to be hopelessly fallen ae e be wasted, but a splendid Lee pulang Z _ is crunibled up xed with mi in tee pra pe not Stew ripe, pitted cherries until they are just can be Bei ces in this tender—bu not -cook certain su eas ou of “furniture wit ues it in spoonfuls into deep fat ind fry brown. e@ juice drained fot the cherries can bs substituted for water to moisten the fritter bat- er. “Apply on that a hot flat- iron a we moisture is evapor- ated. he bruise repeat a process until the dent or bruise is raised level with the sur- face. Sherbet and Salad. cherries are ur chery sherbet I S 2 5 ey o 3 ae a quart of water a a pound of granulated sugar for 15 minutes. the stove ond stand aside sn wi is Bertectly Strain thro: Ss. ae | edges looking frayed and shabby untrodden and fresh. Lek ack in ice for an oe g|marks will disappear like magic. q| Afterwards wipe with a clean cloth wrung out of hot water to take This is much bet- let- tuce leaves and dressed with French dressing. This is one of the pret- tiest salads imaginable, if the cher- ries are bright red and the lettuce white and yellow, as perfect lettuce hearts are. Cherry bread pudding is.a dessert a not injure the paint. Paraffin is also excellent for cleaning earned hall doo! 'o clean a Saar rub the pan- ama with a nail brush dipped in a lai ‘inse it in warm wate: little glycerine has pee aaee ease rinsing should be basin, the hat vel shaken, ub the water pressed ou folded towel. Dry in ae an t be- fore a fire or in the ‘bat not a : BABE SLEEPS. sae Sish i ful “Bini “vith | TRAIN STOPS—BABE . layer of er pud- ding until the peere ne Sono. If they are juicy the pudding will baking, but if they are not juicy pour a few tablespoonfuls of water over it when it is putin the oven and add water Queen ’Mina, Chasi ‘ter Her Spouse, Took ‘Albee Jali Little Princess Juliana of Hol- land, who some day (unless: tle brother) will be Queen of Hol- to keep it from drying out as it|\.\q and those Dutch Colonies o es. Serve the pudding with a| jich in the Far Hast; recently cele- sauce f cherries boiled inj Gted her fourth birthday. sugar and water for 10 minutes and Al Holland paid her. ho: then pressed through a sieve. ; ae tblor sub okeonphaigt erries can ust for short- : a as sainily (the owe f Or: cake. “Make ‘a rich biscuit short-| OO oe, ag Serielen dake, bake it in two thin, crisp lay-}""Juilana was aa Germany for her ers, butter each and coyer over the 2 ne there with ttom “with crushed “and <-pitted ae ent sje her cherries that have been generously Prince Henry. He h: ; husband, Prine see ne ia uoron Hee ae ease peri oten a hi hat prolonged, so Vilhelmina thought it pee like that for the bread pud. | Query fairs ney 8 daughter with her to remind h tasted ee igus and home’ ties are bes bs A Few Suggestions. Put a damp cloth or damp nap- kin over sandwiches or bread if it is necessary to wait before serving. hair’may be kept from com- out after an tian by frequent ae to the scalp of sage me To remove _@ fishbone_froi throat, cut a Jemon in half an) foal the juice slowly. This will d aa wie oes ses sees Te-j and éver a gan té p easy. ae Bea way to alent fe s in he early morning before pieibes and fates burnt in the! the journey was résumed. . vetiis ta Waa shent first, and then ope: es them with a small Piece of Miss vigorous a ca pa let oy ing old potatoes add aj perfectly good’ el re paper. little milk to the water in which fools of shonpel¥es. tort aiiaione she Lapebioc 1 | as not gone} ol containing living cough e ore Crexant the susie piece lasted Soutl of irrigation so-that th the winter floods of the Murrumbid- come available for ere and pam) the progress ate Ae with flowers, which proved to be Deantifel enamel brooches, ee r WHOOPING COUGH CURE. Paris Doctor Thinks Remedy Is In| $100,000,00 Sight. The Duke. of Connelae has b. re-elected Mas! Acton’ Blake Trinity House. The possibility of the discovery in the near future of a cure for whoop- ing cough was held out recently at the Academy of Sciences by Dr. Emile Roux, director of the Pasteur Institute and a member of the Aca- demy of Medicine. Dr. ux was mevely transmit- ting the report of Dr. Alfred Co: mem) Union of 1 has ri 125000 to 50, ‘altham, and is abo with a faves baceilli| P a which he injected into 192 children In vie a suffering from ihe eee repeat- leh hour, ey rdinary Lend Friars and ing twenty-three per cent, were no’ affected ay etna for good or bad. x while declaring theex- “twhich was effective. Fae ae whooping cough was in sight. Trrigating a Confivent. The rainfall in Australia is very unequal: Although there aro Ire quent and heavy 1: n the east-| them as s peyon ari Mighiatels she. clintaborok tis (com P/plains- to the west is exctedingly Alorandra. foks dry, and the government of Ne Wales is plan with a dam 240 feet high, to col 1 oft) ‘tin the ‘world; it will ed i of @ quantity gréa Sydney Harbor. gation canals will Bipehy be at least 1,000 miles long. govern- ¢| ment is already orc So ap- plicants for the land that will i has issued a me es - The world has more respect for the man who tries and fails seals for the man who is afraid to try The cemeteries around corse 2,000 acres, and fae 1 occupy repssonte is a ome aand ae old Tilbury Urban- Council have ‘o cided to pay all mi ploy a, Daa ae a 30s. ($7. 30) ic. devas has presented the walks beside TS, attempt to avoid a Ht girl named , according to the at an inquest of Dr. ter and Captain ae Deputy Master of bership ‘of the National k Laborers at Liver- isen in three years from — the quaint Essex ei this. s fo keep its bist >» cola in. their of 4 Aue “possi of a outrage, St. Catharine’s je. of Wight, has been bli fourteen acres of land — the ‘two -perambula-_ jumping up to her, a Evans was Killed ee oe collided at Glee, HER SOLICITU Ds . Danes Man :—“‘It was to satisfy yo that I'did it, The crime is upon you: r hea His Wife: — Ts my orime on ede Lae ur extravagant ad |’ "Leadon Opinion,