Milverton Sun, 10 Jul 1913, p. 3

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~<a NERVOUS TROUBLES ON THE INGREASE They Are Dus to an Impoverished Oondition of the Blood. Nervous Laleng tig neuras: feos, as medical men call its of the Srestest eee of the Be es aoe: day, for it is destroy life and ee of thousands and women. worse, ee ca meryo he hands, shakiness in the legs, teen bility of temper, weak estive Power, insomnia. The life of the Bufferer becomes full of miseries. The true treatment for this trou- ble must consist of a building uy, process, for the above signs mean that ‘the exhausted nerves are call- re ep deere from the _ Starved I can cheer- Williams’. Pink Pills to those who suffered from any form of nervous trouble.’ Tf you are weak, nervous or out to: day with Dr. Williams’ Pink ae You can get them from any med: eine dealer or by well ‘at 50 conts r $2.50 from ~ Williams’ Tota Co., Brockyille, Ont, — rt A CURIOUS WELL. Ingenious Mexican Has No Trouble ee Water. ie Mexican ane is not ae nhincog, lazy person the The natives seldom go far away from their homes and tie bite very primitive ideas and ing me Ey 0: waiters’ towels, and 2,000 linen cov- THE WORLD'S BIGGEST SHIP: NEW 8. In the building of the Imperator | 1,800 artisans wor! more tl 1,000,000 working days, or three ears, The contract was given to the Vulean Works at Hamburg on June 18, 1910; she was christened HAMBURG - AMERICAN LINER IMPERATOR. — by Emperor hee and launched Every Modern Device for. Safety, | on May 23, Saaeeeey Comfort and Luxury ts $7,600 IN PRIZES. Found on Her. eee Will Be Given at the Ontario Rifle Association Meet This Year. There promises to be much mili- tary activity at the Long Branch Rifle Ranges from August the 18th to the 22nd during the eet The new Hamburg-American line leviathan, the Imperator (pronoun- ced, according to Capt. Ruser, with the’ souetivan: tuasiited syllable), ge recently made her initial trip w York, is the only ship in ie wed to have Miller, Secretary ‘of the Associa- -|tion, has just issued the annual programme, and it is full of inter- esting features. The aggregate: of this year’s prize list is seven thou- sand six hundred dollars, about one thousand dollars ahead of any pre- vious year. The cities of Toronto and Hamilton have vied almost executive skipper, corresponding to the executive officer of a battleship, and three watch captains, one in charge of navigation, correspond- ing to the navigating officer on a warship, and one in charge of safe- ty conditions. All haye first-class with each other in donations to the pontets certificates and all are | prize funds. Among the well-known s experience. | Toronto people whose trophies will be contested are His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, Mrs. eres Sir Henry M. Pellatt, "and y mel W. ©. Macdonald. Mrs. Wenn has donated prizes to the amount of $275.00 for competition ts,”? twen- among school sie Last year fo the number of 16 hundred Sandal the meet, aod this year, as the Council of the Associ An Immense Crew. The Imperator will also ¢ anes trained nurses, er Paymaster and three ecaries, assistant Senator wireks eepér, provision superintendent, five provision oyer- Oni eyes along side. ee Giiszied ween ans of tl members each tien the nine aoe M. marksman of the winning team will get @ miniature of the cup and a Y}driven by a from it. an edugated man he been an inventor. tree ees near the well hich two branches growing out of ue trunk. boughs separated into four branches higher up. The Mexican cut the branches might have two upper branches in the middle, using stout thongs for the purpos Then he fastened a weigiit on one end of the sweep and a long rope of the stone pulls it up again, brimming full. Sears CUB: FOooD. ae Thrive on Grape-Nuts. Healthy fetes. don’t ery and ‘the vell-nourished y that is fed on ra] & tee ° ‘| not an; the perfect food, Grape- ane Sete well. by was. ee up by three densed milk on which Thad fed her} of towin, est and equipped the teeth, ree we wane ruined the child’s stomach ane aireless saicgvohy, rotene eee eee ee He One of the doctors told me that the! over 900 miles. otches j ike a flowing ait an hour, then I/den and the Verandah Cafe, the| times see over our ree ee strained ele the eee iter comparable im italia 4 wit] So, ot aiteeyeaeetion un cee conclusion is rape-Nuts juice with six teaspoo fae rooms, some in suites, break. | Coseduently, light coming through | at the implements belong to that} fails aE stioh soilk ah inch of | fast ia fea n= these bee is bent to our eye | In leterminate Class. which occur) a See te oa ate gene and privateedecks open (aie teen ea Mie oth in late palacolithic and early) aby every twd urs. = “Tn this s irate, easy way I saved baby’s life and have built her up to a strong, eee child, rosy and laughing. must certainly be perfect to Tere Such a wonderfu! effect as 1] Grape-Nuts. is equally Aeluable to the strong, healthy man. It stands for the er theory of health.’ ‘‘There’s a reaso: and it is explained in the little book, ‘ pkgs. ons hey ara ‘pumaa interest read ths above fetter? Anew re: front: thme: te genuine, or Doctor (to sick man’s we haw your husband suffer from delusions, 80, doctor. operated passenger elevators, five or waye motion T hi over $1,000.00 in value. The Tait- mile long—919 feet—and 98 feet | Brassey’ is the big military match broad, and her tonnage is 50,000. | of the meet. made twenty-three knots an hour. She will cross in six da; more, passengers than do ships half her tonnage. thestiial Mig yori ces, gan be converted into a ball-|& 00) a wealth of ti running track, Rom: swimming poo and electric baths, candy including two ae more Other eating places are the Ritz. os Carlton, the Grill, the Winter Gar-| Steams of wriggly ing from: suites. trip to Hamburg, the will take on ase 48,500 pounds of fresh meats, 48,000 eggs and 121, x 000 pounds of potatoes. contains, besides 27,500 pounds of | fresh vegetables, 6,0 ned vegetables, fowl and game, -ooms, fruits, 12,500 quarts of milk one eream, pounds of chocolate and cocoa ae 3, | @ marble wash stand, hot and cold ‘The Road to Wellyille,”” in ent arrange: aiet and a conve: aad esteeae lights. less are 714 beds ne 184 sofa beds. taahlous and boister Ane 13, 500, BD. i Snetoge thas ches Linder twenty dollars in cash that goes with it, Sir John M. Gibson’s gen- crosity has made possible a Tew one silver and glass clean- pos tch called the ‘Lieutenant Gov- wo stewards for subse Bal Bama or Seu eae work pertaining to meals, a} for special sauces, head atiirashe’ spony total serving personnel of more ~ ai _{the Lieute Governor’s gold ae 500 stewards, bathroom at idedsist Weis matsh wl hea pee: tendants, rubbers, manicures, chir- manent one on the programme o: opodists, Hee ; see ks ey eRe heaves aul wal een master and band, and perhaps, fitting memorial to his Honour’s guides, with a crew of 1,180 ali|™any years of active service to th told, selected for ne long ser- vice on other ship She has ac- commodation for = 68 passengers. Always in Touch With Shore. advancement of rifle shooting and Cana. indivi tenant Governor’s Mar lucky, may receive a fle, offered by Hiram Walker & Sine Her reel ceed hae will carry to either shore of the first prize ofa $50.00, in the All Comers’ Aggre- gate Match. The City of Hamilton Match for Tyros is one of the important matches from the point of view of the younger shots. This is in communication with land through- out the entire crossing. he current is developed by five turbo dynamos ae a motor dynamo zine motor high above the fate line on the boat stry of its founding by Hey BE new cup, value $400.00, for team competition. Besides this cup the match this year contains 100 indi- vidual and team prizes of over 100.00. provision elevators, pivotal cranes, tall bells, heating apparatus, etc. Wave Motion Absorbers. There are also Schlinger tanks, absorbers, which Of the older matches, the Tait- ey is again to the fore with 198 individual prizes, in addition to Changes in the regulations gov- erning the meet are evident in the = program Sho carries no more, or but iy, sive, th Besides the ais, iects to the rear of the bolt’ lien cocked. » Sym) ‘The » Association has arranged jion we all the railways for single-fare ith a stage for ic _performan- There are a winter garden, with tropical egetation, a n bath and Se Seeing the Wind. If you take a saw and hold it at right duped with the wind, teeth upward, and look along the ‘tips of 1, ian mineral store, book shop and bars. There are eighty-three lifeboats, stream. The explanation, says ae Lawrence Hodges, must be pra ically the same-as for the tittle In the two-story dining room are than six hundred chairs. Hee, ies some force, is inter. see es the saw, and this ressi through the iotchea: rr the stream is y us by the reftaction or bending of the light HES leeks that reece oe eyes from objects 0 through the | Provisions for an Army, ¢om- At New York, preparatory for a| P Imperator | a&e particles | streams. seen 9,000 : Aj ODDS. 400 pounds of tea, 000 pounds of coffee. “Each. room has a brass bedstead, by PILLS 3 =A BSS a, : of mirrors, dead me f t -.9,700 sheets, 43,500 spe large and’ small pillow: .ASSUE 28—'13. rths flints ee ue were buried aut ariad the heartiie on the old land neolithic times. ever, more distinct affinities to the | older than fe the newer type of| worked flin Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. ceasing work day after ee 80 tha his life slips away ‘without hi will foree-her h dangerous path instead of ie him excessive work brings plentifully; and spends it lavishly, Yegardless of the himself in providing for her whims. come little more than slee place, their chief Hinton is which Love éceasioned by her piano playing. HAIR CAME QUT IN HANDFULS Scalp In Very Bad Con Bad Condition, Dan- druff Could be Seen Plainly, Lost Most of Hair. Cuticura Soap and ,Cuticura Ointment Cured, - ne Lippincott St.; ‘Toronto; Ontario— ‘About a year ago 1 dandruff was very soon removed and my Cuticura S d Ointment cured me.” (Signed) Miss E. hamberlain, Mar. 31, 1912, ‘HANDS COVERED WiTH ECZEMA Anse, ma. It brol tment she got lef at once asiaiatice teal rae treatment “My: eke oe teothing, broke out with pimples on sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. ‘ora. sees ple of each, with 32-p, book, send post card to nae De & Chem, Corp., eee 50D, Boston, HE WAS AN OLD TIMER. A Well-Developed 1 Men Who Lived 5,000 Years Ago. A skeleton of a man of 15,000 Years ago has been found. This second link in the development of | me the human race was ‘discovered at Halling, near Rochester, England, and throws a great amount of light on life in those periods, n addition, Shee flints earthen vessels were uncovered, showing a primitive, tne none the ts certain advancement in civili- zation over the conditions that sur-| 9, Potted the Tilbury man found in 83, 1883, W. H. Cook, Medway Scientific Research Soci- ted the bones to the inspection of the Royal An- sheapelogieas penette e skeleton is that of a man ap- care five feet four ae tall. It has a brain capacity of about ee cubic centimeters—a trifle no trace of the great overhanging brow ridges selugh Bp Snarecerize the Neanderthal ra n lost prema~ turely through Be, probably as the result of overw: year, - It-was een therefore, that these had been formed since the human remains hed been de- ae The es were forwarded to the Royal ey of Surgeons, where they were examined Keith, say the time between the ee and the neolithic period, when our present shee tie conditions became established— perhaps 15,000 years ago. subsequent discoyery threw light on the probable period at which the burial—if it were a bur- jal—had been made, The junction between the ‘strat- um in which the skeleton lay and the overlying or fourth stratum| clearly represented an nes, fire and also sey- eral worked ff It is peokatle ‘that the remains y the men who s: | | = Gaok. is” suhinilted the | iow, how: When Husbands Overwork. No true wife will allow her hus- and to lay. waste his life by od She sees that his in money in eheck. arm he does amilies that ‘their pee have be- eping o pay the bills. Je will often modify the misery w and a member of the| FROM. ERIN'S GREEN ISLE _ NEWS BY MAIL PROM IRE- LAND’S SHORES. Blinding headaches—all vanish when Na-Dru-Co Ze. a b u NATIONAL DnuG & CHEMICAL Co. OF CANADA. LiMiTED. splitting, you take , . S) Happenings in the Emerald Isle 0} Interest to Irish. men. The carpenters employed in the Drogheda building trade, to the ee of about 40, have gone on strik ndrew Carnegie has given —_—_ It is difficult to believe that some | are made of dust—for dust al-| ways settles. Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. FARMS FOR SALE. H.W. DAWSON, Ninoty Colborne Street, | ‘oro! a donation of $650 towards an or- ‘Your . pon for the New Ross Protestant Vacation Trip WHERE TO GO Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thou- sand Islands, St. Lawrence Rapids, Montreal, Queboc and the Saguenay River—ono of nature’s most impressive ERLE Eee place on the lands of Lord Ashtown, and sixteen men have bee in purchasing re- Soiee. Sean Oe Fr 4gtory sires, wie oR WITHOUT | Rrampton and oth Fins STOCK, GRAIN AND DAIRY | aa in all sections of Ontario. ena] Railway trackag Toronto, er fom ate and cities. PROPERTIES | d_a dozen other towne. | H. W. DAWSON, Colborne 8t., Toronto. R ESIDENTIAL nani eng mounts an Sars id. scenic wonders. The 3,001 ee ea a : band contest held under the Low rates lors tickets s including meale 7 farms, 815.00 to per acre. Rest ‘grain and’ mined ferniog -|country. Write” Commissioner, Board of auspices of the North of Ireland Band _ Association place ai Sere Park, Belfast. shocking affair occurred at Trade, Humboldt, Sack: MALE HELP WANTED, Bree, sores ee when a lormer omas Boggs steased ee a oat and fatally f in- jur Arrangements have now been completed for'the erection of a new Palace of Varieties ae Dublin, the site chosen is close to the General Post Office Damage to ae amount of $2,500 was done by a fire that broke out PARIS TREES ARE FINEST. Work Begun Under Napoleon JI. man was slightly injured. © Parisian work of tree The annual motor outing for the blatene a on a great scale was be- benefit of the cope children in| gun under the reign of ne ill-fated Belfast took p. @ exhi-| third Napoleon, holes five feet in bition hall Meats Stewart. depth were dug in the parkways About 250 children took part. ng the streets. They showed Brent for barber Moler College, es Life 40 Years. ; = MEN TO LEARN STAMPS AND COINS, Ui feren: ‘Stamp Album, eal "Reveh Cente. Marke Company, MISCELLANEOUS. ANCER, ‘UMO) Soteraal rand externa t oain by ont before 100 Tate, Dr. Ballmen Ba Limited. Collinewoad.. Ont &. Swede great work on Heaven and Hell | and thelife afterdeath. 400) Libre: only 25cents postpaid. ‘HH. Law, 436 Euclid As .» Toroate, Out. The Soul of a Pianoisthe Action Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action } 2 in the municipal nur- i a train near ae Station. Phineas John Dayidson, postman Eagiee a atte trees were pruned ny was: at the Newry | 2! and trained to grow their roots Quarter Sessions, seniors ix | horizontally instead straight screa show, to be held on the oe aes of the Roscrea Castle, quired from the military miahotiss Wy. the N pet Tipperary County Council, is to be held oi coiebes ale paces eateciet Pearls of Truth. The most. gladsome thing in the world is that few of us fall vory S hance low; the saddest hobs “wath auch sionérs a special campaign pension of Weg cents a day. members of the Committee of | Management of the Belfast sears ee nk were entertained to lun. to honor the. fact that the ede of soma lities, we seleom rise high. . Barrie. "To" mount from a workshop to lace is rare and beautiful, so you.think; to mount from error to Hae is more rare and more beauti- “| pain auerey ated his naturally iras- “Johnnie,’’ asked' his teacl “can you give us a avengers fn the word ‘income Johnnie hesitated i) ifel ac a | te pall now exceeded one ‘million a iin, ful.—Victor Hugo, It is: we! ave vis of a better life ee that of ae nye but it is the of every day fro which oan. fn ty better life must come.—Maeterlinc! Not content a worrying over our own affairs we go out of our way t ther ous and break our heeds over. the affairs of our friends and — neighbors.—Mont- aigne fi “while to the branch bank at SE ioae. was held up by four men, and rob- bed of about $3, ‘Altebing: the Model. In his later years Frederick Wil- For * Preserving t. gay rates Extra Gra- alae by tl ig. You get the co rey rite ‘cane sugar, untouched By any hand from 4 Ty to your hitean sed 1 weed ol JARANTEED ees o eae ae i Ibs. FUL st daaloee ea SubEe eee - Bes St. Lawrence Sugar Refinerios, Limited, Montreal, liam, Hing of Prussia, Decent oe ee pay your with gout. The twinges of eiitite debts ac ened eeente may stand for a time between you |¢ and reckoning, but it is only postponement. You must pay ab last your own debt.—Emersoi cible temper.” During the attacks he was caasdsboiied o divert his mind by painting. His models were | always soldiers, One day he kept a tall grenadier posing for a long ti the picture was Auished. “the king turn the man, and in a ter- ee Minard’s Liniment Co,, Limited. rible voice asked, “What do you) Miner's Jiniment Co. ble hunting dog think of that ? of mange with oe B, DIENT -edder after several veterinaries had treat im _ The cheeks ‘are redder than without doing him any permanent good. mine,” was the hesitate eply. Yours, ete. ‘Tl soon fix that!’ thundered WILFRID GAGNE, RH et berets Central Hotel, Drummond- Sale scteed his brush, and paint.| “7 4% ed both cheeks of the terrified grenadier a brilliant r FoR kes MEN ONLY. ym your razor The Cure. “T haven’t seen Bangs for a long time. He used t ie, 5 a dickens of is dull as a hoe, ask Get her Putnam’s Cor1 ctor; it’s t any plug, at thi % Jers @ fellow among the xirls. 4 only sine sie safe cure. = a lers “e's ta nen cane Ee Sar ahak ; s “What eure ‘“Marriage.”” RUSSELL MOTOR CAR CO., “ay 30. Tm a self sade ‘mai, BuaDped | ied tdi oonas Diphtheria. the Grouch. ‘BLUE FLAME” SPECIAL To lower our stock st ‘ing—we of- fer these excel! Plugs at —— $2 Per Set of Four “BLUE FLAMES” Accessories beers WEST TORONTO “Well, you might have mad yourself more agreeable,’’ Sead ed the Boob. eak, Watery Eyes Doesn’t ‘Smart | oe ot COL le or spare ti _ SONORA # jicture coloring for us in ur wonderful Chem. LECE aS MOTOR HORNS Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto, John Goes Up Head. You a ett em Bad ; vay tiorteny i ied | a, ps blees ant e — i ng Buk, means cure Wyo prae this ?, 4% gia ae Store | Sonora Brass Ee Qtotor, Driven) . | Sonora Nickel tor SUMMER Sore: Accessories Department. SPECIAL PRICE TILL AUGUST 18T. Our stock“imust be reduced by that time for the annual stock-taking. a Comb. ‘ana & Electric, Brass E Phone or Write. jaxOp < RUSSELL MOTOR CAR COMPANY, LIMITED. GUARANTEED for one year against all mechanical defects PROVED by several years of most satisfac~ then “Yes'm,” he replied. perienes a : tory horn. The Sonora boy use the doors and in come} decane Gali Mie eee By a device. the Sonor: Bea Rate @ sizooth, ear-pleasing to: Reg. $20.00. Sale price $13.25 | . $24.00, * Bupcrie: $14. Reg. $30.00. Sale price $1 ~ Reg. $36.00: - sale Ueles, $22. WEST TORONTO

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