Milverton Sun, 24 Jul 1913, p. 4

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This is only one S the thine Furnace’ Pay ° r agent a visit or Bee. write for the Sunshine book. ee : let. It shows you why it pays to install this f ed London erento furnace. structed that a volume of air passes freely to all paris of the : Suns! hin SOLD BY B. KRIESEL Note the three surfaces, each of which will last as long as the ordinary one surface grate. A gentle rocking is usually all that’s required but any clinkers happening to form are ground up by the mas- sive teeth of the four grates with very little effort. The grate bars are so con- fire. § g It’s the way of the world : “A Man is Judged More or Less by His Appearance.” : Clothes— You owe inspection. Are such a necessity, so conspicuous that to neg- Ject your dress is equal to dropping out of the race. :: and it to yourself— “The Duty to Dress Well” A fine assortment of eS Suitings and Trouserings just placed in poke ee soar We guarantee Perfect Satis- faction at a LOW COST. ‘The Milverton Sun, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES Bight cents per line Dectents pen ue ticeacs eahacisen ees tion will be charged for all transient adver- without specific directions ‘wit pe uecrted ant foxbia’ Sad charged ac- cordingly. } Chavges for contract aged must | bein the office by noon Monda: | attention. | MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprictor J.M. Fleischhauer DR. Ne PELE ys: (Suecessor to Dr, Lede Honor Gripvate ToRONTO University Crown and Bridge Work specialty. | Office : Over Scopes Bank, M 8 ey Bet the b yee fiepactincats Bhofthand and ‘Telegraphy. Get our free ¢ D. A. McLACHLAN, logue. Principal ai Medical. B. PARKER, M.D. P. L, TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours—i0 tc telock p Eye, E: Hone Surgeon Aural Insti- R, ose and Throat New York Opthalmi | i % Lake of Bay: Howlars and itt id Tren Muskoka Laker Masapetaw an kiver immer service now in effect iil of above tisorts, Wane soe Ns be strated folders to any none EEKERS' ea as . 28 inclusive. RAILWA SYSTEM ONLY LINE REACHING ALL SUMMER RESORTS OF BIGHESHOS A ONTARIO | t, Ear, Nose and Golden Square and Hospital. ~ London, posite Waterloo Se 01 e 1 s H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, - Notary Public, - ¢. Soli nk of Money to. Loan FR. BLEWETT, Kee Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Oiite a Gordoh Block STRATFORD, ONTARIO limit. two mouths. ‘Trunk ticket offices, Low rates to other points. Ret vuilman Tourist ve Toronto 11.35 ern Navigation The Grand Triink Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest rou ween Winnipeg -Saskato PTicketsnow on sale at all Grand 4. C.Cunningham, (Phone 1) Local Agent fe be- Veterinary. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon Milvertia: rerabiaey Ontario Veterin: ary College, Toronto. Treateall diseases of domesticated animals. Calls by tele- phone or otherwise promptly attended to, Societies. poe ates LODGE, ‘No. 478, Oh? 3G. AP & A R,C., Milverton; ‘Monday evening on of orae a before full mn every month in their Listowel Bu: coe FIRST ! 2200 cf ess College Your first step toward success. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2ND 01 rat ix J, E, "Weir Block, Visiting breth- . G: Hamilton, Wye er Seey. &, 0. F, 99, Milverton, meets every econ an di lst Tuesday oi every mont! 8 o’clock, in their hi all cover =3 ie Send for new logue to EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal “Silver Star Lotge.” So. ¥ 0, Milverton, meets every Friday night at icn eir hall over Bank of Hi: . Loth, = ia all kinds of suid Dealer. in z Sees Grain, Flour. and Feed and Furniture RY. FISH&CO, | ; LINWOOD Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc, ete. - Cider oie Bs pte of ot Tie beat tn: Guire, RAS Notary Public. Ww. WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- tioneer ae the County of Perth and and cigars at the bar. stclass ‘ace commodation and large établin; HOTEL, “sii. modation for Three bling nds of liquors and cigars. Ritter; Peoples or. QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Oni. The be mmodation for __cominereial GRAND. CENTRAL rton. First-cl: Souimpcialienvelietrand Sere: t insertion and | 8 ‘BusinessCards et Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and | 72° 1 als sare ortgages drawn and Affidavits made, bey oa eet ES fe aatiel Village Clerk Office ia the Weir block pee eae: ean one Mane over the Metropolitan Ban! Boe ERG Bas ane "Motels. > yifevwris They say they're aye EXCHANGE HOTEL; Brunner, Ont. “What else ean ye expect?® said the John Gropp, Proprietor. Best other kcornfully. “the puir. feckless + Ey SHORT STORIES ie eee ‘GEORGE HAMS LATEST A somewhat chol while waiting for his train eet a barber's shop to be — shave ‘he ere tis very sober @ in on the shavee’s nerves At last an a : hol B brush ‘still ae a * iggle my heat a »scorcitsp* At the rece landers’ camp at bs ved them: sel- rattlonta ‘the owever. paiu- brogue w and Spd said. “Bh, ae Bon ee ~ An old colonel rose. nd. ee AN URCHIN’S Wit A very fat and ae oe y> Ft eed was aa fe a bony as its sae was fat ite: tbe amusement n to at nag mister!" eas WHAT HE HAD IN HIM she to Porte taate ° he: to unitate ‘Don’t try any flights of f: laim. amd pr: al." ere ‘thei a a pai Sains ta ine ami- ee s peook ‘I-I'd give tee ae ne is ae chatte ered the junior weet Frig ehtened before: this new danger appeare 1 Goldstein pere with} + + FERNBANK he interrapted | 4 your moneys. mine feed hed son—you'll be out for noddings in a minute” eek it is our sad duty 7% chr Ste “the feats of ‘Miss atin TWO BARRELS OF LHMONADE ee nw y 8 t Detro’ t The Winnipeg Telegram is res ing ta sn for the Eaton boat George iio din ich oe train r- | covered eer ins were droge on home tthe following Monday and th Wr I the hotel funeral took plice from the residence department as ol ather Wednesday 2 lemonade | noon at three oe the serv: ; No inp conduct by Rev Ww. alata The stock-keeper re-read -the mes-| who spoke highly of the i Scie tee Hon hr ke 2 eae Dhsiofion eaves ter of deceased ay George Ham were ‘the floral tributes among them uh! ‘he a reflestively: “Two. | being a dares erent a é nade} ses at Grace hi [der A> BEAU TIPUL PLACE as to acquaint hi Bones nm Ces Kerr, Hi kita ond: Wan ate fat, | pnectabled. Se mous-| Aulley guittural! iss Carrie Robinson. of Hamilton Spent Wednesday (Mrs el manager that the new ar- Joe Gordon. of Ayr. is — at Manos to Burooots in-|Dreseut Wiiting at Me SG ord dee he ne eee e}, Mrs Loney and children. of Tora Sa to. are visiting at Mr 8, Loney's “Vrom Potwdammerbung I vas comé Misses Mand E, Gordon have Siew Gaisenesd: Ghee eonice: turned to Detroit after being here ty “| for the funeral of their niece Any lace. sir-? returned Pe eS pags contol iss Hargraves, of Britton. spent tS arent Sunday, with Mrs J. McAllister BiG, HEARTY BABY BOY Mrs. Beck’s Fondest Hopes Realized—Health, Hap- piness and Baby. upper iis N.S, to thank you for the ene 1 recived oT wh N t ee ety aasaeas Pinkham‘s Vegeta- Soa ue made me well and aie I now abig, hearty baby boy, and praise oe medi- cine ae the eee lot of good it has don SRAEL BECK, JR., een Tales: a icenhis: Co., N. S., Canada. The Satie pers of husband and wife are when the: to et oon to a childless aul Tonely old a; wife has found herselt ae pable of Str ee one to le. Tangem feminine see often eT be af proper eee gine once childless there nn because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vepsteble Compound makes women norma if you have the Slightest ae that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound will help y rae ve to Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo. (confidential) oeae Mass.. fara. = | vice. Your leteer will be opened, | read and an: | ing Ree a WELLESLEY + & = Plorence Wieischhaner, of Ber- elatives ‘and family have the sym- the surfounding country in out wad bereavement Wilford. of Crosshill. is ae — wssisting in the . Maple Leaf 0: ‘The, ae very Little was offere: ies rea es are busy now “G “sir and Mrs, P Glebe and daugh- liva spent Sunday in Doon and and the BS & af aM Kert who is attending the Agricultural College at Guelph spent eaatats ‘and Sunday at his home We are LREwee to note that oe! of seven. ca: es who wrote at entrance s at Grosehilt from pene £ ssfu Mr Sch: r Heivey Schaub. =< eis ates post office Staff spent 8: home here es rinks of our tee ling club mot-~ to New Hamburg last Tuesday ks suffered defeat by several mn to Navara “pails on Saturday. Messrs terborn and ‘ton Spent Siuiaay and renewing old quaintan woman, | poe and helct sisict i This advi peony se = a lad. turned in this gem 4 ee aes Se ee] of sweet simplicity. and a deep-reot: | * “We should not attempt any flights| ed objection to education Despite of fancy ‘but write what is in us. In| his dilatoriness. however. he was a me is my Ss ees heart-liv- | Reneral favoril er, two apples. Esko bE ieee Ga of the dominies in whose class of candy a ae ‘of peanuts and} Jimmie now idles his time. remarked ioe eine s that on a recent morning the boy had ee 2 handed. in ‘em exercise a oa stte : ee which by its neatness atid freed WITHOUT EXPENSE from error simply howled “Father Sy mie was a simmer excite: Goldste’n and Son Soenieh from the wee Jed “wath alee and remarked ; ad! only got tae efter a 1 Detroi from the Sunday Schoo! pid Pombanke | HE DID NOT MEAN IT Stee on Sits Oddfellows. a: mer: oe nd sprays from frfents We congratulate. Misses Lorena A a ed ma Camadi: a eos was ‘most Jigely Free ing a I: oe ite pe e the eredoy was t ‘the people of - ae Master Boyd “Hammond raphe the carts cals Se hee pos! N= | success ey Mneent e biged a respeetel citizen, using the] tlertess of manner aml tvtghines Me Bredwick ¢ endear nations {eelewitne for. the peaesans of disposition that re Hombre. Three " ne Machine C Ss e ee he — a a thanked | number of & icinity t. ete the x deceased sn re-| &F th ts. of the Toit marke: ou know we wre’ alw er Wm! Weir and dau hter. Miss glad to get eaten oe this me : John The re- of Biralford. visited fors a ‘me Trale cand him and} Mains were interred in Knox church t: tie homeot med the laugh oh him He — will} cemetery, the follow: mniond: yee repeat eee eae eehey! tuart of Poole. at her one here sir vich is\der vay ee A LENGTHY LESSON Hare following good. st cory is. told in the London Tatler of two old ‘Boots re creature tmharrit ‘after coortin® for enly . he had Perea eae gate rooms, it oe pe hae of Good warm te Ges ne Pane Slomicur, pays ene Pgple lendid sine and li dinna marry. Wins” ie THR AMERICAN . HOUSE, Berlin’ ciasgow News corr special attention to Commercia heard t' & cel ‘@ boy whom sould xather ‘that hla lad wart, fll i she ae, y ONE ON FATHER @ train -the* other day. pays a espondent I over- oa ei dwell with pranks hey ealled “Jimmie.” I twenty-year-old Brass assels. girl who tmany. of course?”) falls heir ito $4,000 on attaining her “Danner: Be pea nein! In Ehg-|majority was arrest ile working in the G hotel at Detroit with “Ohmt kal. en manager thought-jthe object of having her return home fally She sa’ at shi weal ee Ya” growled the German “I vas! the 4.000 than live i eome from Potsdammerbirg to ‘ee wear the Geel opeetely. a. rele m Der vas fio blace like Ohm: I}mom yas t in Berlin. and 1 hear Mer great Engleesh soprano sing dot er vos na, place fh all Wer Engleesh ble: cert igry like der leedle babies must be der vonde: ful make der English a tell ‘mineself dot I vill go un = ; der vos no * GREAT LAKES SERVICE ~57 HOU: Leaves Toronto daily, except Fri- day and Sunday, 12-45 noon, and "9 side 8.66 pam. Parlor A service perfected by studied effort and years of experienc: Homeseeker’s Excursions — Homesceker's train leaves Toronto Apa, each Tuesday until Aug, 26 2 ie plaiting with h a: ORIGINS OF POULTRY BREEDS Rach Tuesday until Oct. 28 ieee Ot toy sr wesday an have drawn some of ) WINNIPEG and return. blood ayn ome of their “fatadation EDMONTON and return o _, Davent ar- Other points in proportion negic Instibute say that no ‘Return Lmit two months buff ‘breeds. sa@ far hi ‘been ntries without the assist- inclusive. Best train t imese Buff Coc! The Buff Leghorn. according to the ~sam. EXCELLENT SERVIGE | 3 [thority is the oftensing OF aa Muskoka Lakes, Kawartha Lakes ow Danish Legh k an i Foint Aa Baril, Preich and Picker Cochin pullet mated to a yellow Leg- el Rivers, Rid spoon ae hen The ff O01 ton is Sonar faucbesics now in effect chiefly Buff Cochin Fe Dorking Full particulars from any C,P.R. : ay sana te eine in two lines ‘agen rom Wyandotte Buff Cochin F. W. THOMAS, Local Agent | and. oe Island “Red ‘Wyandotte @ Rhode Is) is are chew ae he Eastern Cochin < oa DORKING + + Mr and Mrs. pts and son Har- old accompanied by Mir and Mrs, Banue Adam motored to Listowel on ene iene Starr has sold his farm to Mr Wm. Kraemer. of Newton, spent Sunday at ‘Thos, Tanner's Master ae and oes aby and pee Alatt ~ of are spending this week with ats cous- in. Fred Tanner, yee Alte “benes of Michiwacki nae Be his cous- dlootbrs one of Detroi with sper parents, Mr Connolly, of bi fes is ‘Mrs “Connol naam eta a ng three weeks rtley Coote returned “Monday Vest about all housed ee but | Specia Bargains! iJu ly 25 Ladies? Waists, reg. $1.25, “for a 8 Ladies’ Waists, reg. 85c, for ... Ladies’ White Underskirts at .. Friday and Saturday wewill put on sale the following = 1 dozen Child’s Parasols, reg. 45¢, for . 1 dozen Child’s Parasols, reg, 25c, for . Men’s Balbriggan Underwear at per suit... .20 per cent. off 48c Now is the time (when apples are feed of apple pie, Just arrived 25 tins, regular 2 cents per ee while they las APPLES FOR PIES scarce) to have a good cases of apples in gallon 2 for 35c 22 varieties, ranging in price Have a Look at our assortment of Fancy Cakes A from 12 1-2¢ Roasted Rio BEAN 22c 400 Ibs. Roasted Rio Coffee, Special for Friday and Saturday GROUND 25c Coffee Bring them in Butter in prints 2 Do Not Hold Your Eggs We pay 21c-per dozen for Fresh Eggs, and 18c for Held Eggs. Fresh le Ib, W.K.L OTH “Tam ae old man—and never happened.” VEL BEL: sahil Hl UBBARD Golden )Yfedical is to the delicate Medical Di covenr ie ih ee form has given grea KINGWOOD tee bee tion of eas DR. PIERCE’S © isease youn gatem 40 int aigeation ins ruined and eal f an e1 organs of the body. It’s a tonic and bods stimulates the liver to vi writes aa: = —t enriching th eae and tl and hi gy a tettee mae Blood tarred nerves nee ood.” ” see pe years ‘Golden Now it can be obtained in tablet form—from dealers in trial box, Write R. V.Pierce, Buffalo. Worry y plays Discovery tisfaction as a tonic and. in medicine ae MeLaren, a Be stead. is a nt visitin, the home of Mr? at Mrs. D wv “cn al aybe: companied by shis cousin, mee eee ey of Britton. ds here on Beiday. eveal “ME ind Mrs, Noah Sr. spent Satu: day ~— Steed with friends in Petersburg and Baden (Mrs wm. Yost and Miss Sadie Hammond Se Wis friends, near Tavistock on, Tues 4 Mt 7 ana a konela: lieve constipation formas Foenlate the livers Your New Harness Leave your next order for oughly. In prices you will with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked-in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- Set of Harness a. find us right Ateadte Geo, J. Coxon tere _raceinating Scholars of the <ectioy ENJOY THE CooL "ATLANTIC SEA oie Those contemplating a should bear in Sea-side trij te excelent rs for eal 7. os leaves Canadian ee ea G. tturoby acsenger Agent —s eee, the Buff Cochin Ll wt me House Cleaning One Gennine Heintzman & pright Square One Steadman, square, rosewood case, overstrang, splendid condition, guarant ... Snaps... ERE ST ses Ye Olde Firm of Heintzman & Co. Ltd. Co. ey es in splendid ete fully guaran- 's. Regular price $450. Selling ‘petes: : Piano, rosewood case, , octave overstrung scales guaranteed 5 years One R.S. Williams Square Piano, rosewood case, 7 octave over- ee in aes condition, esa a for five ~ 15 or 20 Organs in good repair, fully guaranteed, $1 to $2 a month Heintzman_ & Co., Limited a ~~ 38 Ontari St, Stratford ~ Cs E, PURDY, District Manager Piano. fancy walnut case, $2: 36.00 ‘$150 Per Month ae Month 00 ‘Month ds sears $150 382° Phone 769 Heintzman. - ae please mail ‘me to-day nt Pi NAME nos advertised in The Milverton Sun, pes alist of eae used One i ADDRESS .

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