TheClosing Out of the Great Stock of H. M. Schaefer Is drawing to a close. From Thursday, Aug. 28th, to Saturday, Sept. 6th, we will offer the last and greatest bargains you have ever seen in Milverton This is your last chance to provide yourselves Crockery, Ete. want for winter. with Fall Clothing, Furs, Dress Goods, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Wall Paper, Groceries, Our Men’s and Boy’s Clothing will be the fea- ture of the last day’s selling. Just what you INL NINE NI NINN Crowds are taking advantage of this great sale Men’s and Boy’s Overcoats, Ladies’ Long Win- ter Coats. Just what you want for this time INIA NIAAA every day. So come along. friends. of bargains. of the year. Join in the great rush for unheard VON Bring your be a great chance to save money. NPN APN INNINGS We intend to cut prices deep during our last days here. Our Groceries and Crockery we intend to simply slaughter, as we do not in- tend to pack one dollar’s worth. So it will PNAS ANSEN SP NSI NGI GS ONGTNSLN GEN Gt VLAN Our Store Fixtures can be seen and purchased the following week while we are packing up the balance of our stock, all to go at a great sacrifice. We Close Our Doors Saturday, Sept. 6th, at 10 o'clock p.m., to the public PNG NID NGL NGL ANGE NGI ANGE NGL AGIA A. A. OSBORNE, VINA NIPNIINENILNSD NENG: Schaefer's Old * Stand Milverton, Ont. C HOUSE. ee RENT | good six- er, house, Box oS. Milverton, FOR SALE Gasoline angie 8% h. p. pee ¢ TERB HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. it ious brick house for sale, Mrs. Commodic with stable four Going at a en gain for quick sale. Apply JACOB KELTERBORN. SuiER COOK. iliverton: a2t-4i| Noe ote WANTED. 2 will ee received by the coe hour, Tenders wi in in the Township of ‘Morningtor matked cheque for| the ita: ‘of Fifty dollars mus e lowest iris: seceuted Plans an it copotiles Fs be seen the Clerk's office. ALEXANDER BEGGS. | Ree eve. | Wernbank. Aug. 24th. 1913. W. D. WEIR’S List of * Properties { for Sale will $9,000. 0. buy that valuable i 4 ent st Millbank postoffice, A pap. ee 97,000 will buy West (Lot “fe Con. 5. Mornington. 100 acres, | dwelling house. bank barn, with eae CALL AND SEE ME. ie + Apply to, PEFFERS Harvestii ie is in full Senne and thresh- si “Miss Laura Baines who has spent friends in Te me im a Apply JACOB KEL- ne Sroriel and Mr, Milne ty of: Sunday tas ‘on coe eh with f os visiting with Mr. Mr “and Mrs Will Dick and ¢ Martin si Foe sch their 'T Deacon) wnted ‘on friends and family : Stratford. axe. spending : Pangea of, . ce eens H Pet: Geo and Miss were “yisitors at Mr. one pas and Miss Norma Steven. spent sunday io Mr...T Sea: will be service at ning ton Sunday mext owing ne vacation. Thee (pastor's a on LOW R ATES 0 “ro oRaw' tQ i H Tenaya st Dunbar. oa Millbank. Tor onto. Sis vens North VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY To accomodate those wishin: ee oes to for the gre @ Ginadian hibition, the ana aoe vi S will issue retur eo eae fare from Port A: ‘Arthur. one Ste ss i eae eed al the: st ‘of to a8 including “Thal, “Otte a ds “Apple Hill. Lge 23rd t er hae r 6th. Special Low Rate Excursions From Port, hares Byde Park. lara. as |g, Parey Sound. Bol hoe, “Slamitton and Fateanieciere rs megarding sp e. rom any oF write. M nger, mest Toronto. Mr. Jobo fe disposed of Gropp for the “dain of $8.00! ecial CPR a District Pass- boa ay EEE ‘on. teat stat= erin. Waterloo. Preston: ae A 26th and 28th and 4th ndsor to Melrose. Ambro Tweed to ae h’s Falls. R . Be se “oth ming ra HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. ee es bri k house. large pa Hi Suusre apply toDA’ lot. Ve Railway Time Tables ROSS, 498 York St. London 4p Canadian Pacific Guelph and Goderich Going west 0 Linwood and Listowel G8ing north 35} “SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION LAND | £°# Recut ION: residence ipon and ach of three years, mesteader pe inn nine miles. of ad on Seacirer et toast 80 accor solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or ster. In certain districts a homesteader in good 3 ad emption may for a urchased ‘home- Stend s in pt Bie istrict, °P ties.—Must resid Price $3.00 Per | Re AUCT! NS SALE The undersigned structions from a Elma. has: recei | auction “that valuable farm prope: vee is a good dwelling { ama at o’cloc! On the same day he will sell working horses. 2 calves 4) ived vty house ig tHCRSDAY, Se aa 4th, 1913. 2 Pe farm implements. HEtoeHOLd effects, ete ~ for real estate, ‘implements and effects, “A. rrison. Auct'oneer, Stock eat ety Orie bor. COMMERCIAL. —— Fall W) heat, s Fall Wheat, new Barley per ashe es Oates oleae « Banner percwt. » § Jewel per cwt.. Bran. per ton. Sat oe teres years, coltivate fifty “acres ae at erect a house worth a eos N.B.—UnautHorized seg ae of this ye vertisement will not be paid for, je1-5: Deputy of the "wiinister a ‘the Interior | i] Eat E; ole * . MILLBANK mes ss John 2 Stewar' ) dress x 22 August Bargains Fall, spring and summer suits to be cleared out at Greatly Reduced’ Prices. 10 per cent. off All black and blue serge i Suiting Regular fe fe $24.00, for $14.50 to $19.50. without vests. Trousers $3.25 up “You don’t have to buy, because you look.” All_ work made on premises J.M.Fleischhauer + .. INWOOD hs Ww eling bells are ane sround | our bur; F | 12 ! |. Come a the grand picnic Hoerle’s grove. at the Hesse Stews on Monday. Labor Day. A big tim for all. Mrs, Grimm and ee of Milve: ton. spent a ue last’ wee. wit hole M spent ihe eis end with Mis: Ro | Grandes Hackett h ned af- tér spending a pebation i oe coun- (ery. Miss Winnie Stricker entertained a numbe her ends on her peas on Mon Tr. ond see ary Koenig and a few days 5 you Ko eer Ene Sunday at home near Wellesle: Pem Hosea spent. a few with friends in Waterloo. Mr. and 0 MoDonald, Miss x. A days Seco: s Grace Bigam. osshill. el-end With ure Thos Farrell Spent te ithe wea wits “thienda in Water- nnd Mrs FS spent a few hummer and week | fa: pe Berlin, M McBride, of Detroit. spen Mrs. John Jack. of Stratford. sister. Mrs an; Sikes. of Randolph. ae i tt case Lat ee Oe let oe if Ru: es pe: Bester Bella Tack | | a at FB. F it ovis one eh tine heck, “Scbummes 6 ania Week: rus ailing for some mon S Zone to Woistoook hospital where he will un. ‘eet in ean ee ee ero ier or hs i Mfrs Rabu. of Waterloo. at ox Buster tT. Nees lesen Siriiay with her. sister. _ Mrs, ex ister Mos jelstin: “hep Reeniee wast few wee ‘Mr, an Mrs Peper oh deldel- 21.9, Miss Hazel Love s een the past few ‘ 5 of Exbsville Weir Ss nd anon, . = >| io = es: Ree ther frien ; Foster. Moses ee fod eral aon fee ford Restaurant “| tamil. of ‘Chieaito. ara visiting seu Tell By a Seneca, Erk Ee ue day with Miss Dolly Mok is 5 “Adam AekEee. 0 Mrs, Thos Huber. of St Clements. octiaibccibaials sour 46 Gute a cae deine daye wilt meena eRe ee tats tuts ie tees Rennie end family. of Mis Bratt, of Petrolea, ts_visiting een pent Subay at Be, fo be. s ye vot ae it. “Bisco and Mt 8 | 6a “aide ooecuay ous tar Bie | erie ott 7 Mrs. “Williams” ant-s6n Ken- | ipered + net visiting friends in Newton} Stratford. 0 Las J MoKay | the Misses : ie and MES” Walker, of” Diayt 1 air. J iteDont, 1 oF ‘ ona oe Bunday at Mr, Alex MoPad. ri it ome ve { Mr, Roy Dolds left Saturdiy “tor Sette ete i Sapmine wher red a} last for insvect- as tinsmitl = ther Mr. J’ Ritter Be. oe, ‘spent a few di to this wr, a Miller's M Grieve. D Mi ‘iel and M Guelph. visited inate hele Mr. at the home of her mother. Mrs. Miss Margaret Davidson has is _visitin | won a ‘Miller this week T Deacon. of Milverton, vis tet i ae ae on” 21) of the year for 30 ccni € i 08 ‘ Re Ee vit Ritter is visiting his bro- | /% Misses Mary Muleahy and Lottie} jays in Toron- : of Detroit. is visiting at of hes and family re- anada for eee Pemainder i Yer Seeord on Tuesday returned home vacation in Berlin and Roches Ye |. The Ladies’ Aid of the eee church will meet at the home of id Wray on rnareeey at one o' Ruby Smith and brother Gor- ) with place in Stratfo: ae s Ranson. spent Sunday tHe : Rowan eee spending a few weeks Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. ‘SINGLE eee ss going Satur- nd Monday, coker Ex th lid. turned home after spending the past | and Bist and September ee ten days “visiting frie Hamilton oe return until Tuesday. Sepeauver’ and attending the Centennial... rh Disine service in Grace church Sun-| “WARE AND ONE-THIRD ood 0: dav next at 11 a.m and 730 p.m, The|ing Friday. Saturday ies tector will conduct both services. Ser- f cdigast pon o80ti 31s end mon subjects. “Hezekiah’s trast in |September Ist. Valid for return un- ene nu ie ae cea tlon i Nene ae eee Mr. Bell Aes “Water 109 Guclch: Grtehiy Kk threshed @ five acre field of ‘fal phat which Yanna last from Port Franks where they spent two weeks. | panned ou AOre. a : et ery oreditabl is babies ne Tre oe will be sent to any ad-/ oats are | 4 wel. che has not Ra any even g figures in ads to ; SUPERFLUOUS: HAIR Moles,:Blemish: ently rem ; | Grand Central Hoiah September 2nd We have jars Sepastments Commercial, Shorthand and Tel oer aphy. aff of experienced og our graduates b x Get our tree tetalogue, D,A.McLACHLAN, ~- Principat peaked y testing. caute ane * i es! F ‘Tuesday where they have been ele are “ ot ahaa: Heo tng school for the past May in Ta : The report recently published thati anes Weis. ee ae Miss Jone Brownlee hod purohased the y.other in Tavistoe ; vroverty of Mrs. Jas a ara correct. The transaction had been Misoussed bat aéthinge Getinite dons, § LOW RATES FOR TABOR pay va Mrs, Jeolm and daughter|~ GRAND TR ines cnet a few days recently at the home. of he former's sister. Return tickets will be iss 2 Bee ee pee af § ween all, stations in Ca ride Sask ok Sie, Win Livingstone and family’ port Arthur also to Detroit. and Port have returned to their home in Sa oo Bek Rsk Fall Term from Sept. 2nd CENTRAL BUSINESS: COLLEGE an d Ice Cream Seasonable | Mr s, Butter and daughter pe on Monday after ter. nai | THE CHARM an 40,000 Harvesters Wanted ! Exeursions =~” to Winnipeg $10.00 Choice of destination left to excursionist, Half-a-cent a mile from Winnipe; to Regina, Saskatoon, Brandon, Kindersley, Prince Albert, Battleford, Edmon- ton and to other points on the Canadian Northern Rail Returning, half-a-cent a mile from all points on C.N.R. to Winni fee, $13:00 from Winnipeg to original starting point In. Ontario, DATES OF SALE: AUG, 22—From Toronto and Rosedale-on,C NO. aiid from stations In Southwestern and ee ‘of Grand Trunk main line, Toronto to Sarnia, AUG. 25—From Toronto and all C.N,O, stati Bie. i atations on Central 1 Ontario Railw eluding Sarnia line, a1 SEPT. 3—From Tor: X.0. stations cast aaa south uf Boaccdw path at Central Ontario and B: mainte stations ; also stations on other dines cast of North Bay in Gazarior nal Qushee, inclu cing all stations © N,Q. cast of and including line St. Jerome to Huberd Paliway et SEPT. 5—From anise tos paraee Lake on C.N.O.; also points on other lines Tor- ‘onto to North Bay, Sudbury and west thereof. The richest country in the west is y the Canadian Nort! The demand for harvesters anes S heavy and wages high Write for Homesecker’s Guide, showing 35,000 free homesteads awaiting tae aetbere For fill information appiy-to FAIRBAIRN, Genl. Pass. Agt., Can. Nor. Ry., Toronto a est. enn a by Pa 40,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN. WESTERN CANADA “GOING TRIP WEST.” $10.00 TO WINNIPEG: Plus half cont per mile from Winnipeg u to Macleod, Oalgary, or Edmonton, \CANADIAN PACIFIC RAULWAY $18.00 Bie half cent per mile from all pointseast of incLeod, Culgnry or Ramonton 0 Winnipeg GOING ety! AUGUST 18th sree stations) Kingston to Renfrew, inclusive and east thereof in AUGUST 22nd ma ‘Toronto and West on 2, ‘Trunk Main Ling to Sarnia Inclusive —Fro tand South thereof, —From Toronto and North-Western Ontatlo, North of but mot Including Grand ‘Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia snd Kast of Torputo'to ‘Kingston, gta gs ‘these points. SEPTEMBER Sno "Toronto AUGUST 25th J and’eil stations in, Ontario’ bast of but nét Including PT — From all wations on Grand rusk Line Foronto to North Bay inc roi all stationg on nk Line ‘Foronto to Nov inclusive, SEPTEMBER 5th Wea thereof {a Ontario, ipeuding CP. Line sudbury to Saule Ste: ie, Ontas Aail dd Weast ny PaaRrLie tae vat SETS TREHG OAT , Degond class Hebets to Wianog only wil be sold Bach ticket vill tncade 9 hota gays hen extension Caer as be oo Bee rovided ork ‘or wilte— MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us, We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor oughly. In prices you will find us right.: Repairing Promotly Geo, J. Coxon. Ww suc: to give satisfaction. Goo jenraces ‘of our ti ~ MILVERTON, Ss. N. SMITH “The Tailor” OUR NEW SPRING UITING Are attracting much attention these days« New designs are neat. them in various sh des. has, Blues, Grays, » Titeae: ae Fore by the best andes ‘ 5 “Sui made distinctive Anni correct and pent ind- by us Come in and let tis show you. sts BEG eS are moderate c ering ee of material and 2 oun oes ae one” of the ONT. te. are msid- Grieve this week don left for their home in’ Hollen of all the Jewelery we are displaying rand Mrs vee and family of | pier a holiday with Mrs. D Wray your inspection is the exquisite the CP Rare hol:day fh friends |“"n,o Presbyterian church will NSU” design sols every "cethlolec oe rIae: {n Woodstock and their anuiversary Services on Sept. Brooches. Lockets. Hat . ete. Mrs. John Reinwald it peasey fe to isin. in new and handsome — designs. pend. afew weeks with frien (Mrs. Stickney of Elmira. spent | Novdale. as Stickney Oe nas near) GOLD WATCHES f Adam Nicholls Ieft Monday for . for Ladies and Gentlemen in’ diff- Newdale. Me. Wm_ Hayes, of Ber- erent sizes and at a wide range of Mr. Geo Badléy. of the CP.R. staff. Spent a He days of last week | bri ‘ices all guarante at Goderich called on friends here on* "5 “ree: John Hayes s Saturday. Herne E Another old and ~ tresvected resi-| [Mrs Btookford of Do epic heer P. H. BASTENDORFF dent of Mornington “passed away on Bernbank. Jeweler and Optician Milverton, Ont. ES ORN SC SOUR: Eas i Re Messrs. Normin Ament, Witzgerald. Eyes Tested Free ilverton, turs. John Nicklin The remains were’ yi Stman. (Stumpf “and Taterted iat the Methodist cemetery bien spent Sunday: at Listowel: ny Inesday. nk Mrs. John Bere. ote danptiten | isses Jean and Olive Freeborn’ a days of last week avo) Ween apendinty, Lisle: yon~) Nene mUent S ZEN oe TheFurniture Store Where the people get good value for their money. We ae you to call and see for yourself. No trouble to show the goods. Furniture Dealer and Undertake: Milverton, ©, R. McMane, : S * 3 f .