> : ‘ : b a : : ; ‘ : 5 ‘ ‘ : : : : , : 5 : ; : : : : NERVOUS CHILDREN Are Often in the Early Stages of St, Vitus Danes They Need a Tonic to Strengthen the Weak Nerves and Restore Them to Natural Health Many a child has been called not really at fault, is Ny St. itis anes an its earlier ‘stages. S on is this vous disease in Gaidhoad that in some schools one-fifth of all the betrayed there is usually a disturb- ance of the general health, The ild shows listlessness and in- and jerking of the limbs an follow. A remedy that cures St. Vitus dance and cures it so thor- oughly that no trace of the disease remains is Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, sary to feed the starving nerves Mrs. Hiram Barnhart, nae Junction, Ont., says: “About ooh ago my oldest daughter, Me then ten years of age, was stricken with St. Vitus dance. She could not keep still for half a min- ute, no matter how rt she tried. limbs would jeri and eve: ittle Bie would start her crying. I gave her several bot- tles of medicine said to be good for the nerves, but instead of helping er she was steadily growing worse Her voice would notiee an improvement, and by the rest-| board for approval before a certi- ficate to commence business is is-|7 y wo | ors to those of which they are abso- | 5. r ic! detailed statement of affairs. CANADA'S NEWBANK STATUTE EXPERT COMMENTS ON FEAT- URES OF THE LAW. Rules Anent Loans to Farmers and Upon Products of Field, Forest and Lake. R. Wilkie, president of the ios Bank and of the Can- adian Bankers’ Association, has prepared the following statement of Canadian bank act Additional safeguards have been introduced in connection with the incorporation an banks to insure the bona fides of / ti Sree aur for stock, and to facilitate the recovery of unpaid liability thereon, while statements of disbursements preliminary expenses will to be submitted to the treasury ase haye been made in internal regulations in providing for shareholders being kept advised of the by-laws of the bank in force | H s. | from time to time by being furnish- | my letter, ed with copies of the current by- lute and sole owners in their indi- vidual rights. Collection of Stock. Facilities for speedier collection of original unsubscribed or new capital stock es to sharehold- ers are given by shortening, in the directors’ Ce oe the within which scoeplanee of allot- ments must be mi e been introduced ki as a6 transfer registers in each in wl ich, shareholders are resident tionable features, may be amended, mitted to shareholders has been ly return to the government. Many | w kes for a clearer and mor ‘The mont! government return has also been improved in some re- spects. An dripanhan sepaius has been Was Seldom Free From last ‘pinta Thad an attack of in the important features of the new | 4; ir tke ater wae e tie acter by the ach, one-m Pills of Mandrake and per box or five for $1.00, at all druggists Mrs. Ernest Hart Has Proces: of England, who isthe Siete of a she said the oth: The annual statement to be sub-|bered on one that of improving, early days, when I studied medi- Had Stomach Rumblings | Distress Before Meals That Weary, Droopy, Half- Dead Feeling. Now Cured, and Gives Good Advice to Others with | Dysneptia hi you have any stomach distress at all will certainly be interested in the you following Bieri which is told by Mr. Dawkine n I was nebace around the farm but well enough to work until spring. But some! for I had to use salts or physio all the thing went wrong with my bowels ime. My stomach ke} 1 the bowels. tate pla aie to got results with| all t] amilton’s Pills are the best pills, Re I am sure, proves it.” Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamilton’s Butternut. st paid from the 01 Co, Buffalo, N.Y. am ingston, Canada, _* A WOMAN INVENTOR. s to Protect Paper from Dampness. Mrs, Ernest Hart, of. London, process by which it is said that any ind of fabric, including paper, can © waterproofed, Abes not like to be called an inven’ “Tt is a word ven loosely used,”” er day. ‘“Why, hivhaye, wOriesl elas bey kid earl em, “My work has been essentially Ever since my mn and Pari mend Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills to made in. the introduction net an an-| taking up forlorn hopes. All mothers as the result of what| nual audit by qualified rs ap-| “In this I set a “they have done for my child and] pointed by the Gharcholtiont from} task of overcoming the difficulties myse! Sold by all medicine dealers = pases of the banks ad suber, experiments I- succeeded in weav- by mail at 50 cents a box or ed by the minister of e. It/ing every pes in pure boxes for ae be | from. oe oe wit will be the duty of Bicce midges, ramie on power liams’ Med ville, mrt are s given the widest powers of| ‘Then T found that hobedy could Ont. the books, accounts and | waterproof the materi 1 GREE SSI Sorrel er the ge to ante After patient Seperisentst Sore 1 ‘pecs? i the cash and vorify the securities, | arrived at table processes. Bertie,” said his mother, what | and make a report annually to the | from tissue SGBEE bo Sas ae would you like to give your Cousin| shareholders, “Wall ae Saat Willie for his birthday?’ “I know ae Ud Bee te wits Kins? waeers For Special Reports. that the cheapest kinds want only a : ed Bertie, who had been bullied by the older boy, ‘‘but I ain’t quite big enough.” Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. “May I have this hat sent home for further inspection, and return it to-morrow if I decide like it?” “B, By to-morrow the styles may have changed |’” ssi Murine Eye Remedy you have Red, Weak, Watery. yes or _Grasiated B elids, mas he, in. Movi eye Re Ste i ie ie ree by Mall fy Murine Eye Remedy Con "Chiong Happy is the wife who believes that her husband tells her all he nows. Minard's Liniment tor sale everywhere. “What's the argument in there?’ “There isn’t any argument. Mother and sister are just Proving to dad that he’s wrong agai. HOW TO TREAT - PIMPLES and assets under thelr ae and. also. t It is placed in the er of the minister of finance to call upon the ditor whom he may select, to make tending gold and Dominion notes, or m whet is termed the ‘Central Gold Reserves.” : Thess epentral gold reserves, will be under the control of trustees a, and will be subject to frequent in- et 0! Vance. It will be the duty of the trustees ld and: notes | of e. 9 ime to time on de- | P® eee In thi ait 2 also tho anxiety of over-circulation when nearing the present limits can be avoided. - To Disinfect Notes. unt Regulations providing for the dis- nd sterilization of bank 4s made to the government annual- concerned to lend to receivers and a liquidators See idee the | coffee “was roperty | ble.!* auditor of a bank, or any other au-/is a material for sereens which, it is en may mean spection and audit by the depart- ie Ma yy. is ad-| ter. “For about forty sete I have had indigestion and st ae im various forms. Hee ing the cause it contains caffeine, the same nother discovery of” Mrs. Hart's recent, in the amount of mim ines required. ee addition 2 retaining the pre-| She so devised a means of making nitrocellulose — the best- thought. that “tio. will” chee do 2 away with 1 in its manufactuhe, the dangers now existing te * LIGHT BREAKS IN. Thoughtful Farmer Learns About ‘ca and Coffee. any people exist in a more or 3s hazy condition and it often takes rare ubtkd anal realize that fi d_ coffee cause the alpacas there is nd # = Suple way to let the pane break walt worthy farmer had such an ex- rience and tells about it in a let- says: ach trou- last 25 years I would not more tha: over one spell of bilious bee ve at ed would be upon m ie bi doctors I cand” cae ea a the medicines I could buy be made by the treasury wae pak Cenmrsry cin oh relief. 30 of climate was tri ri Additional returns will in future | Without results. I could not sloep nights, heart. would palpi had Pisutng iia 's been a coffee drinker, and got aie from the ad. that ma; maybe se of my trou- ust as harmful, Tea is | country grown u AND | 2 their farms, while , definitions | of coffee, and in less than. three z have been provided of “products | weeks I felt like a new man. ae 4 of agriculture,’ “products of the| rheumatism left me, and I . | forest”’ and “products of the sea, | ree had a spell ‘of bilious wie lake and rivers,” which will _,ma-| sinc Successfully and Speedily With CUTICURA SOAP |: And Cuticura Ointment, at a trifling cost, is learned from the special directions which accompany these was seated le. Mabel on the pure, sweet and gentle | sofa. Presently the little girl ask emollients. ed of Mabel’s finance: ‘‘Aren’ ] ‘Gudienra your sweetheart, Mr. Bumper” hi paras Site Mn ncn nit @enat |“Woll,”” anawored Mr. Bumper | may ina sat ps, ‘AddrewPotte: breg @chem, | With a fond glance at Mabel, ‘4 ‘you're the next thing to it!” curity eae ices shed grain that previously existed r ing mn never was better, and I can do ae power to lend on certain classes | more work than before for 40. now comprehended there- Bh given by Canadian Postum ‘ ee een r, Ont. Write for ae oe ‘the Tittle Pee “The Ro: Next: Wellville. It was Sunday afternoon, and Ma- bel’s little sister, Ruth, aged four, ‘0 lend farmers upon the se- drug found in coffee. ~ egan to use Postum instead ~My appetite is good, my diges- Postum comes in two ; Regular Postum—must he well 2 oi ree to be allowed to: marry some- FORTUNE IN DEAD RATS. B. L. Philips Finds Portion of Be Slays Vermin. King the ratcatchers and Chaamaion: " slectboctle Destroyer is the title conferred upo: ertail and came into his unique title. 's ago in America I went promertias for ee he said. ‘I At that time we they always avoided the crumblings of the quartz. “TI thought Hic must be a speci- fic reason for shyness on their a ist, and together we investigated matter: On We td jee Scher oli frre: tigations when the news came that : “Let me clear He was in despair, and said, ‘Impossible “‘Good,’ I replied, ‘this is me I arrive,’ and I drove the = 6 ‘complained ot rats, so I killed the rats. I went o: doingithiscdguet shina tkeouehout America, and then I met a man who told me that although there were no snakes left in Treland there were still plenty of cockroaches and contracts with nearly every great hotel in the country and every line of steamships and most of the big houses. now, young man, one word of advice. I advise you to start a new profession. I have and found it cae profital “And done that, ble. , | Cured Stomach ma Stopped Hiccoughs Pains in the Btosioh Bar Yield to Nothing Else, Pa: way Qui! Baty it Nervilin ie Is Used.. READ MR. saat STATEMENT. eeks ago I ate some green onside and some fruit that was not quite ripe. It firet brought on a fit of indigestion, ae unfortunately it develop- line in hot sweetened water, and my stom- ‘once. I used SUN and was completel The above is from’a letter written by i ‘kman and 1 favorable opinion of the Nerviline is shared by thousands of Can- pana? no ooo in keeping Nerviline for you family Large family size metres =: trial size 250. All dealers, or latarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y, and inkies: Canada, Got to Pay. in a little soll i—‘‘Here, you’ve got to pay toll before you ean pass this bridge.’”” ‘What, to pay toll?’ ‘Yes, five cents cross this bridge.” it 6 seat, and he was dragging the cart hi Out came the toll man and said—“Here, you know you’ve got to pay five cents.”’ she his head, and pointing to the , said—“Don’t talk to me—asl the driver.” Interested. Husband (at police station)— “They say you haye caught the fel- low who robbed our house night be- fore last.” Sergeant—‘Yes, Do you want to see him? Husband—‘‘Sure! I’d like to talk to him. I want to know how he got jn without waking my wife. I’ve been trying to do that for the last twenty years.’ Minard’s Liniment Cures. Dandruft, He’s So eee “You know, my dear, men are quite impossible. tt I accept Jack’s . | just an in} the designer, while the bridge, Alta, Mr Braun’s|% Pair of new phi -| elastic and comfortable. rders.| case of the late baie ee his suit Would wear his hman was going to cross a| , shite idit t0/ boots, one pair being made The Dutchman } ,,.. Dest a GOOD “CLICKERS.” The Finest Leather Is Used in Building Boots For Kings. There are only half a dozen or so the leather to be stitched together, as a tailor’s cutter cuts out the tere) for a coat or a pair of ‘trou who actually Ae ere is Jone is called a ‘‘closer.”’ merely follows instructions, though the latter has to be a very smart man to sew the leather properly. The leather used to make a first- class boot is made from the skin of calf nearest the backbone and on he rump. The skin over the actual feaebons of the animal is not used, ause it is not only thinner, but ect experience proves that it is good as the rest of the hide. Out of Every Dozen Skins only one or two of the very finest are — for Royal wear. A named Duffie pinta ane slippers for Roy shoemaker perfection, ie mado hundreds of slippers for wealthy customers, made by over ten years. given, and the soles and heels show very little sign of wear. Any slip- ven of which that can be said at the a ten years is @ pretty good in 10,000 can a5. it to onto of the oa hy Sao wear a very thin-soled boot, but thin as this sole is it will an ee thik soled pair of 4 ie decrek Ge able isoob only $0 int the quality of the leather, bu’ 3 hand is this beaten sole that, though less than a quarter of an inch thick, It Is Difficult to Bend It. For the first few days of weari that they begin to get In the te King Edward, one oes to m in, though the fees ot He late pine, s boots were thinner ant oe ety—ni ersons out of rs 100 wale on ah outside of thei feet, Fe walk iiealttaly straight and wear their soles out in the middle, While the -ayereey 2 man’ wears his away on the outside, the Ras of black y on way were Astrachan- per long r the late Harl of Lonsdale and on ether ment the Dutchman paid the ©! for H.R.H, Due d’Aosta, They cost cents and went on. Jn the after-| 54 a pair. noon he came bac! , only this ROYAL BOOTS HARD 10 MAKE LONDON HAS ONLY A FEW After hc beh with BABY’S OWN SOAP the skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the aroma of freshly cut flowers. Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure the refreshing sleep which “Baby’s Own enjoy. Especially for nursery use insist on “Baby’s Own”. ALBERT SOAPS Limited, eal MONTREAL, x4-13 Soap” babies terns eltivaly no ex cioctoate and aS Iy you with prices paid Ea ard by he wee] loa we Eade LOMMERCIAL ART WORKS, (2) bath ‘is No WANTED~ Moro Workers # fie ed ‘i ‘unlimited or & 315 COLLEGE STREET, urpentine Easy to Use, Good for the Shoes Ab once, to 0o_plotare ent ech naeetal ciate antoal york e sanialy 4 done, All Process goturn, OU month. No canvassing OF Our work, time, wri to us. pelling—our tray: Hf zon want clans (tous ahd we will send TORONTO, ONT. Yor Preserving sted re erik Extra Gra- Refinery to your itchen—and FULL WEIGHT G! 1bs., re Baggootte, as tba zoTba, Best leaped ¥ ph ‘St. Lawrence Sugar Refinorles, Limited. Montreal, 5,000 OUT OF WORK. ns that were put out of e. Kk | Uso only Putnam's, 2c. at all dealers., Assisted. _ ‘Bridget, does you mistress as- “By kaping out of the kitchen.” Isidore, Pa, Ang. 18, 1904. Minard’s iisiment ©o., ee Gentlemen,—1 have frequel used INARD'S LINIMENT and also prescribe fot my patients alwaye with the most gratifying results, and I consider it th -round Liniment extant. DR. JOS, AUG. STROIS, HY oposal,-he will expect me to mar- -y him ; and if I refuse, he will ex- one else.”” Instant Postum is a soluble pow- “{der. A teaspoonful dissolves quick- addition of cream and sugar, 3 Heres a delicious beverage instant. ly. . “There's a reason’’ for Postum.! ED. 4 LEEEEET havoc. Evidently the quiet of the ‘|-staid English household was | turbed by West Indians, for the returning | mail steamer carried a M . pene your boys; ‘send me the earth- Frequently. “Pa, what is party loyalty?” “Hope of a good job.” A certain island in the West ue ves in the dan- ger zone, sent his two sons to the home of a brother in England to secure them from’ the impending dis- the eruptions of the two message to t. X., brief, but emphatic: UPake e 1 Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. FARMS FOR SALB. HH. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Streot, Toronto. PPG2T, STOCK, GRaIN AND DAIRY ited in all sections ot Ontario, Some una) Tehoue SITES, ‘1H OR WITHOUR Railway track rampton and other ESIDENTIAL | PROPERTIES ‘ampton anda dozen other towne. H, W. DAWSON, Colborne St, Toronto AGENTS WANTED. ESTABLISHED MONTREAL IN- aoe STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP ag DIF- ferent, eee Album, only 8 Rove Cone “itarke Stam: pany, Toronto, MALE HELP WANTED. MEN yeti n ape sho) i Wri ue oe loge, 219 Queen St EN WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting Suitable ea out pain by our us before too late. Dr. Seliman “Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont, for Mitts, Plants, Printing Houses, Eto. 2 Wood Bolt R Pulleys, 124 x 48 in. for 3 15/16 in. shagt. 1 Wood Bplis P Pulley, 12% x 48 in, for 2 16/18 in, ft, 1 Wood, Split ae 12% x 28 in. for 3 Y16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 10%4 x 38 in. for 3 ee in. shaft, Pulleys: smaller eens ol rascal lengths Ae sizes to be we at very low sak x 23, Wilson selewns Co., Toronto. ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- H der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Tamibago/and kindred ailmente, Boateively cured new “Bunol,” | mtotnar net anes for Diabetes-Mellitus, pad sane cute ts “Sanol’s Anti-Diabotes.” “Pri from earsunrd or snake ‘The Sanol Maaston turing Compa of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Man When buying your Piano insist on having an ‘OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action! Overlooked. Two lawyers before probati judge recently got into a ladle ‘At last one of the diepntel losing control over his. emotions, exclaim- ed'to his opponent : “Sir, you are, I think, the biggest fool that I ever had the misfortune to set see upon!’ “Order! Order !’’ said-the judge, gearcly: ce “You moar to forget that Tam in the room.’ The Mystery. Visitor—"I understand that. you kin Club played ‘Little Mace, or the Mountain Mystery.” “Ah\ And what was tery?” aa near as I could make out the’ tery was how the audience stood it ‘al the last act-was over.’” the, mys- reading will not make a Much full man as quickly as much feed- ing. S MAXWELES Hina SPEEQ Pp ON Kondte at videas rel as top lever, Do yon use Maxwoll's “Fa churn that makes Rest butter?