cat = LOGAN COUNCIL, **) WELLGOWNED WOMEN Saves se: "10 10. WIN AREER ORS 5 J ee = + WARTBURG 10 TO WINNIPEG, Council met Aug. 25th. pursuant to WEAR a= é Via Grand 7) p t é Rai play adjournment. the Reeve presiding. halt cent ver mile: i : ‘ P "es [HE Serta Pinu Minutes of last meeting were read. THE ‘The remains of the late Mrs, Brick | destination. but not rom Winnie ® confirmed and signed by the Reeve. EMPRESS man. one of our pioneers. who |ton, RETURNING—SI8 from Winui-|]} Canadian National Exhibition . : on. ied th (on tuesday, Jast | veg lus half cent. ner mile trom were laid to rest in the Wartburg | points east of Macleod. Calgary or T R N OF CANADA fr caning. Tie | Gamonton 4: Winnipes. were all present except Miss | Going Dat e West and| AUGUST 22--lrom all stations Tar-|[P oe ee ro surplus on the drain as OW fully read be Seater passed. Carried Motion by J: Mogk' and Z E Gill. Wa that By-law No. 500 to refund — the Bi unable tre rein ti No. § t time.| onto to Sarnia Tunnel inclusive, via SA V E: hecause--- No. 15 urplus on the Ritz Extension Drai Tie iilipwiap motel oe-palibearete ot] Cabreattom’ aed poutiath exant tec ae 2. 50 oe 95 é as now fully read be finally passed. WwW ni eorge Doell DAI . 26-: 28 S. tario, ILY - ‘ Cassie John Graul. Henry Bhpocts. George AUGUST 25—From all stations You owe it to your future to provide an old-age in- Motion by J. pce apeirantee as ¢ . Pri 2 Let sobiacloding waa ting map eee Seer. 2-4 % - ere ae death ee place en TEpday onto to Sarnia Tunnel. via Strat- ‘i i i surance fund through the medium ofasavings account urenans: © er: ses eure the ‘various 5 ms oe us fants ail atations Woepnio ar arth All Tickets Good for return until Sept. 9 peek ete oe has been ailing | and east of Toronta-to Kingston, Motion by Z- E Gill ands gona Mt and had not | SEPTEMBER eae all“ stations ||| ASK FOR OFFICIAL PROGRAMME: 1H HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto Se ea shout since under-| ‘Toronto and east, and east of Oril- ||) Contains list of daily events at Pals fink Sn ther ovinion of conaba vribb Gh eeleA Cea oe fin und (Seotla, eet a Special rates and service all stations, fF there has been ample time egivas the eet So) oth NESS peat eS MONKTON BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager Uigineer to have forwarded his report and and famally: OE tive Ee rts Mao ey A \ e Logan Road drain and als ters are leftto| Toronto to North Bay inclusive and |)] F.W. Thomas, Local Agent |} SNS =~ wv ”y§° "Fr SORT profile on the Julius Horn Award dr. femily. are |. weak ehbeeal ae Oak and other : we therefore authorize the clerk to motify the township engineer fo - ed: at have all township work attended to A well sowne eee aaneet enor oa a ae : ae 4 “i | fistioh cok Kinkeoca? Mar 1 a6 x a5 He aes be taken fipeor ads wy woman ek |The funeral w) REE was largely attend fe hin. = ap aan ges panes PUBLIC NOTICE! aes : ; 2 d. Js of one hundn 0 visit the West which is truly oall- 59 SE Raeaa Gees Monkton’s Popular Store that Bylaw eae eerie the h i aAKES as, Me ae eae vims be | Gd the land of “Golden Opportunities” Mion and Goal Line, Cement and e 3 (Saturday morning to Kinkora ceme-|amd many prosperous farmers and |@ fi Npos or hu auinates al, such as Bane eee ae much interest in We tellowiag ucted as. palle| business men now residing in West- aaid Apsle Butte ofthe bead uals WE WANT 4 iy ‘in- her shoes as she. eee 3 :—Mesers. Besar Michael | ern Canada can trace the ave of made. Jacob V. Meyer, Manager wien Babee Grower. Wm. Harrigan, Tim. Cough: Lab eRe ie: 4 m. Rustin. John Stock. and ‘ y. that the clerk be authorized] dQeg her hat or |Pourad "sho. i, symosthy ofthe | Chienge ‘anton sh eatin. aga Tal : ae extendcy 6 fam- wn sing ook Drainage. scheme’ eget gloves. tes in their bereavement, passed en whi the ee raising {uns oo meet “the Gur toval ball team fared pretty to journey. there being so of raising funds to meet isan tare Pretty | aomething mew ta igec. all ches Gime. Y. FISH&CO, fi Ad ti olener Ne ea Most fastidious & ier when thes arunbed the Seebach | The Grand Trunk Pepitie Hallway R. . ° ‘or our vertisers Matin by P. Gatfacy and F seo: 34.6, They played [the shortest and quickest route ” be- ce ok \ i by @ score of 34 rch viene ou| tween Winnipeg—Saskatoon—Hdmon- : Yeood. that Glesk Dies al tors ot] women wear the's spot fame noon. : °°P ton. with smooth roadbed. through LINWOOD ‘4 Ss i the s | Mr. iad Mrs Louis Pfrimmer. of |the newest. ‘most picturesque - and — If Good Reliable Merchandise, Lowest Possible Prices, OE Ee anor | Empress Shoe. Winnlves. are, visting friends in the | Host rapidly developing section of wu Dealer in sss and Square Dealing, Careful Attention and a and P Gafiney Le ae Hees en aT Wei partieulaia et all Grand Trunk , : et a ; \ Mrs eo auli, Mi run) H %: * Sincere Desire to Please You, are Things testi eigurned, to ment eet on We sell them, | ..0in tent wrday renewing old Ticket Offices, or write C. B Horn: Coal, Cement and Lime : You like, we can count you a Se ierea emesis tequaintances in the burg, ag District Passenger Agent. G, I Motar Stain, Ete 4 : Gustomer---COME ee eee Sees N R Ss “/liss Almeada AM. Henry left on Ris». Toronto 4 Ete 3 “ z THE CURS 4 . Monday for Woodham where she has. en Re [ Our Stock is well assorted with up-to-date and THe Senos ot Oe . “hie sHOEMAN e aocepted & ‘ites = ¥ Grain, Flour and Feed : 4 Seasonable Goods New, York Wand | : Masel Meg MSY Hen — : - ‘ . fics _| Butter ana Shoes Neatly | Sunday in Brunner. y ‘, Rane coe Ghee ape ee sce iu ebento Telegram and Furniture |B 3 W DRESS VOILES and MUSLINS ae nis ———— es it requize, six members 3 Hs Ss = every family to get that family’s mail| F WHITE DRESS GOODS ae Se ‘ Septeey | Peet * Satie _poreatepet Seen th Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand = ee | ae + village a resses. the j EMBROIDERIES and INSERTIONS + KING Woop ale DORKING Ser EE yes aura ae tee z x 5 + + | which sends. its obildren, to ong FLOUNCINGS (all widths) a the outer courts of the postal head- number from here took in the “hasten Charles Starr left on ee wait for the evening A t fy) Loronto, Exhibition this week. y to take a course! in the business | mail $1205, F SHADOW LACES and INSERTIONS woe FIRST ! cee: ned. the answer to the ques ed. LISLE and SILK HOSE Thema ames collesce at Berlin is . a8 tea er Miss Karletta ‘Starr aoe a few) tion ‘before eats ae ee ee of aehlag | days gee week at Meme Peed” Bi-| wolse toe the al 2m ot ee | netamestoteeenteneame ey led Teds bes oe a cherished insti in the our first step toward success. Millinery evil associations; money _iistortet accompanied by her friend ate ovat Bianley Lavery is spending] villanes, and small towns of Ontario |® oa views of right and wrong; mo is week in Elm The quest for letters is the Bi-daily|@ PALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2ND Just one more week for Millinery and we are cutting ae ae conta a wr. al “Mrs Will Schedewitz, of | OF tele joy of She is penne Pa Send for new free catalogue to : e ae ye iS i ira. SSrs. sel journey to the post-office wicket on the the prices in two. which unhinged him and, arldea mur the home of fee Symes Gubiete ee wee cent TeRrlt of families that do not weccive |@ SOWING. MATTHEWS, Prinalpal 2 as the long list Fa oid i *S'| Sunday with Mrs. Geo Logal @ letter once a month. The right All Shapes at E 4 . aving: ruined Thaw and others and ee ia B. Master Fred, Tanner returned) on daily or. oftener repain tothe post- “ Trimmed Hats at. carried him into the very shadow of |} ‘his daughters Mani ifueredey from Poole where he visit-| office and ask for letters if any. is a r ed Hats at... rice the executioner, the Thaw money then | (74 ‘msie s wi days thoweck| cht week with relatives there, | /Wberty the village ‘ana town youth of | DR A, F. McKENZIE: 2 blower at oe ce Gursed and degraded the State of with friends at Fordwich and: Liste, | ME. wes Chalmers ana{ Ontario prize above all other liber- ay last week with | ties and will not sur Physician and Surgeon . justice into contempt and soandalized | Or. waylode and : pad ie Mii <q | Mrs. ghee A real good Assortment to choose from our gourts throughout the world. It Ne oft. of ay sles visited Lori Bi NOS eee eSe of Linwood, was |. ‘The newest in fall suitings are here} Office hours; So tar as possible These Prices are CASH onl was pie w money that saved him wa the guest of her idaurbten ‘Mrs. H {Cor inspection. J M Pleischhaucr, /from 1 to $ p.m. ee in evenings. y (rom penalty; it was ; oo eee Gartee tawny: . haw money. that maintained a pro- s Sam Ri ee of th bar aes sar — —— $$ Sienbor spent Sund Mrs. Newton by her Fruits tuected. con ris foover| ate D z, soem ay With Sts. and eohew Roy Boras, oy ends Teaving ; row fi , ahi z - There was no services in on Tuesday, for the West, where they “ 9 eee which bis life had been creo Gute eho. at |e pent oh th he fore BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER’ Remember we are headquarters for fresh. Fruits in Ree een ch. at ay ton. Oscar Newton. nev Ce Teleee Ante Me Nor naire season, Shipped direct from the gardens. Yrs léeat Meelis’ Tn Mr, Hunter wnd Miss Libbie Coote Without good red blood a man has a weak h Bs “ jsited Katurday og awed at Mil- the ‘bloods ‘oy anaemia, is on in young fol hate eet nape cal it QUALITY—THE B pein Matteawan bas the Thaw mon-| xerton. the guests of Mr. Robert the cage with those w i oneness ties--or those who are ore triumph over woe Harrow indoors in inter Lime with a coal stove burning up fy omen or ering sy) ‘ 9 hand & SEI A eet aie Lf Miss (Dalton. of Mitchell. arrived on is jarred ed alee cole by luck bt goad hah aie brsatied toes i ji ~ 3 y a e { vith into a em so ch: ¥, Hi Get our prices on Sugar now for the Canning Season ben Natries alwayd at. war} ¢ Sete Goer gees ine cay Reet rai, Seat aie, ee : vith We always in conflict with | x GLENALLAN = Coote and daughter. — Misq eT dc a it ee pee ae et 7 society alwa emp! . buying and]. Rene + bie left on Tuesday to spend a | Rhauehing thé weak and vicious. . sie ays in Toron . 5 Rev. Robertson, of Port Dover. deste G M W B R y B ( R IMPORTANT Ot {ANGES IN GRAND| and Mfr. ‘Robertson. BE Golanny OLDEN {EDICAL ISCOVERY * ‘TRUNK TRAIN "Se VICE are @ siting their father. se a blood cl alt . “FROM TORONTQ Ste Ales,“ Robertacck sptipe tec : POOLE + ielom ni a Sethe Bay fo atau rc feu loa ch ‘cate the . 4u. We trast tha I ; + . "work smoothly like Train leaving - Toronto am | recover. ane Rea oa le Sunday for PENETANG|. We are pleased to see Mr. J Bruce| , Mt W' T Shearer and daughter form from all medicine dealer, or tablets —_——_——— — — W HARF will be aigountnin. from| able to be around again. He has a recompanied by Miss Sarah Con Vi Pere, M, Bo Buta, ndale to Penetan er rday | been Keriously ill with hemorrhage of | ®¢ spent a couple of days of eee ee ark tut ill in fieadeh ie Sener ake Of | veck at Toronto Exhibition. DR. PIERCE'S GREAT 1008 PAGE IULUSTRATED Gi to ote Wh and. No ex ik A tne sees will be held inthe|. Mrs. ML Opoer and danghter Tena ADVISER WILL BE SENT FREE, CLOTH BOUND TOR 60 ONE-CENT STAMPS. Muskoka ‘Whark, commencing, Mfon- i ¢ church on Sunday. Septem- Bron f. few Hays $eeee in: Se Fashion: day. September &th. teeta ashionable See ee EXPRESS. Ieiving Tor-| Mtr Opi onto 9 12.01 pm daily except Sunday BPMs Bt Phalmere. de ae 0) for Mus a svi *, a S fi s se 1 be Aliseontinued efeet Barontae| _liting with friends at Fergus. e estern ail will es Septem| towel. called on’ friends here — last |. Miss Laura’ Opper spent a few BU: ay ALO! SAIOSKOKA ioe Ss i i i € - week. days with friends: in Monkton, Everything ‘Comes to Him Who Goes After What the leaving Toronto 220 am daily for]. Mrs. BfeFeilran and daughter are | eae SOF pe aR oR PR | Onan Canada (3 N Sees uskoka, arf. “Huntsville. Burk’s| visiting the for almers. of Sarnia. ‘are visiting at ; Other Fellow is Waiting for. Falls and North Bay. will be diseon- Menno mena nevkew.< Dr. |e Mone OC Mae WW Ohaldiers THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION f HS UEFALO i Searing Tore |r atce ee eo | aanpeee one ate SMabel Be tra $27,000.00 in Prizes and Attraction: : UEF. Te Holt, Sr. turda: amburg and Miss Mabel Sa € ¢ iz n ss é The truth of this assertion has been proven by the onto 1205 am daily for Nisgtara Pall, bas by Sienna Ge | a: bot Bteestord wbott’ a fer Hays Vist 7) ‘actio : success ol oie busindeesoaWe*Have’a:Good ‘Trade and Buffalo will be discontinued | auto ie their brother. Mr. RE ; after Monday. er 8th, ; i —T ae yap ; i " sé by hie Magnificent Two The Best Dressed Men of this vicinity now ye egies eeu ste bers VILL BE MISSED! "a: i Bhtet acootapantes by ie Western < come here for clothes.—Take note and see, wil be discontinued after Saturday. Charlotte NG. Observer days at ‘the home of Mr. J. Shafer Program Ontario’s Popular Speed Events : gus ‘ _ | Miss Mary Dunn. one of our excel-| , : i We make the Best, Finest and most Fashion- Train leaving Jackson's Point 7.30] jent und popular nursed in the hos-| 2 **" + of Exhibition : Daily able Garments. We put only the best work- te reed CO ee eae CARTHAGE + Goldin Elreveories manship on all clothes. on rt e needed vacation for two yeti fe ¥ + Twice Daily Sept. 5th to 13th Every-Night ing sence she, will be sad see The new weaves of Woollens for Spring and. missed. for she is a glorious bundle| A number from thid- vicinity are in : : : Toront! Summer wear are on our shelves. Let us fontinued after Saturday. devtenibes of gnimated Se ee an this werk af the Toronta Exhibition $2,000.00 ADDED TO THE PRIZE LIST THIS YEAR show them to you, 3 ‘Pullihan Blespiie tor |2t%, Spent which’ SEEN Eee AS Be ee Kerr_is visiting friends in Take a Holiday and visit London's Exhibition — 7 spring would mi yan Hes et. : It Coste Nothi est Kagan es wil avs, Ports the perfume of its bloom eee irs JS. e wniiton of| || SINGLE FARE on all RAILROADS in WESTERN. ONTARIO es eS en ede and leave Kingston Wharf 12.20 am sities iia oon i bindsc wes uae ee ee ae SPECIAL EXCURSION DATES=-September oth, ruth and 12th i for Toronto after Monday. Sevtem-|ontwi twigavia th shonl re-opened on ‘Tuenday. 1 entwing every twig with a wreath of] S fi pene: Prize Lists and all information from the Secretary i O DUFFIEL The Tu sonaale Tailor, ber 15th song. as the mountain brook woull|” The material for the new GPR eae Deedee tees i ne HUNT, Res ‘) Monkton, - Ontario miss the melody born in its rippling | station pt ‘Tralee is being pitt dn] “ : ides as they @o singing their word-|the ground at present, i fi fess KongS on their journey to the A. GHALMERS |": 72 ee eats ae gle ublic. Conveyancer, Issuer | tening’ radiance: of those twinkling for the|stars that enbredes the fabric ~ of 2 Count, erth. Real Eatate Bought | darkness with th Glittering stitches . ‘ sold, A few choice farms for im- | of glistening Rt am make a F ; ‘ling (robe for night to wear. We Have Just Received a Nice Assortment of ed seeligo will this brillant jewel of| - Roa i : i the hospital be! — by every old ui row nd iP «6 55 pire foe soldier who sdmires her 50 highly con be washed s¢ 8 i Paileaiin sank Ganeeonll %| for her noble qualities: —_ # that it can be uses p= Son) nes ae ae i CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE ¢|Low RATES TO LONDON FQR itis very important ani er lone amithcodicnesually Stratford, Ont. 5 WESTERN FAIR: important ness places the Pandora Range in the bee acl ne : aiden igirie te etree Return Wickets ‘will be issued at f 2 Jigs zm Ce ial, Shorthand Ty a % i in yur They show five times as inuch light as'an ordinary lamp and cost. , Commerelegraphy. me Sees Hinuit ehaRe 250: by ae this ene reservoir, before purchasing yot not one cent more. We have them in Table and Hanging We tises a strong staff of ex} oe stations in Canada. Kingston. Shar- styles. Kindly call in and we will gladly show stiuctors and our graduates t Lele. “Renfrew and west: ue not them to you. We think you will buy * 2 wet of Sud] Sept. before you leave. Sees Figs eatadouds: he ee nd Rat i A. McLACHLAN, = Principal ene Special Txcurcion Te ates will be in aK “<. HERE’S A SNAP : Return Limit on fall tickets’ Bept. ; 15.1918. ~NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVE: Full particulars from any CER IS A HARD “oun ISI — = _. Regular’$11.50 for $£0. Just a few left, WANTED Ses eee tock Gazel eet | AGENT at once to . Tavis zel |. The Shooting Season reyeent the Ov areniee ReLiApLe The editor of tbe Wellesley ‘Maple Is with us se Remember we carry | a fullline of Guns and Rifles, ‘ruit and ornamental stock for | Leaf was Hs overjoyed when ink t Into semi-finals for the Conso- also all kinds of Ammunition at right prices. fall aoeee 1013 and Spring delivery esata ine dovidt Gey Bowling tour eee at once and secure exclusive nament that he p ed a CANADA GEMENT P Yes we have it. territory We We Kupply handsome free | three of the Big. om It we outfit and highest commissions cutaway coat like tl he wore : we'd cutaway a atts more of iE and Writ “fo full ti ite for ste Pago ‘iculars » SA M. E. BETTCER & 60., . Monkton _#TONE A WELLINGTON a oe ©) attr * ‘Ontario in Canada for t! he rua OF 309 O90OO4 os 4 a fas varie 5: al : a “the | ioe for 30 cen’ Aer Tat ae eee So ee =