Milverton Sun, 4 Sep 1913, p. 6

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eV ae ie ee PO ey ee Sok Si ae Pee Sea eet os Weer s WARNED 10 LEAVE MEXICO ‘President Wilson Calls Upon the 15,000 Americans to Return to the United States. ‘A despatch from Washington says: President Wilson proclaimed his new policy of non-interference | 1"! Het that not many days will elapse tn pedal failure of the mission, outlined the new policy of the United States towards Mexico, destiny. He enter! hope that eventually the pride of Huerta will be broken, and that all factions will realize the neces- sity of yielding to the American mediation demands. Tho President does not consider this new alice of non-interference PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. Produce at Nome and Abroa as closing the door for future American. efforts towards a peace- ful reyes of the present. sre * ‘act, he expressed the firm be- “before we shall, tnt umph as the (ex! -|friend of Mex: Tt ie Likely thab- fe United States will have the co-operation of the |" powers of the world in the em- barg shipm f arms and ammunition into Mex Intim- ations were thrown out by Senator Bacon, chairman of the Foreign Re- lations Committee, that-euch a eourse would be the logical one for Pre- sident has mad that the United States has had the moral support of several of. the eat powers in tl iation ne- arastnes. ae it is the general be- lief now that these Governments will lend a helping hand the TEniead States in cutting off mili- tary supplies from Mexico. FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences {n The Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. In London the foggy days year are on an average feet There are 1,000 vessels which cross the Atlantic Ocean every onth, common me for a The anee of Great Britain, all working together, could turn out a big S abehin every day. ‘A man who cut his throat at Bir- mingham stated that he did so be- eause-he did not like the hot wea- ther. An offer of £10,000 for the build. ing of to libraries by larne- pted by the ‘pany jnanutastuve steel pens. Notepaper and envel- opes, however, remain stationery. Britain. has: 11,500 ships engaged rman, pcg nearly 1,000, while the a Buckingham Palace, London, is mplete eaeeon r the next three months 150 men alt bé at work on it day and night. In restaurants, an authority es oh or, clares; the-correct. tip is a penn; when the bill does not exceed half a-crown. A physic jician, on visiting London after an seas of some years, was what seemed to ane a noticeable rntenee in the number -of red-haired children. : The-Lancet records twelve “‘can- cer cures’’ annoui last year. One sof them was ers and egg,’’ another, potassium a ganate; a third, an ailSzed | tadios atkice mineral ehh i as been greatly hand- Steamship and motor excursions _ ave-arranged for visi x The Ear] of Wemyss, who on the pos: i only ie oldest meml either House of Parliament, but the only. japielatcy who has lived in six reigns. The London me xpress. under-graduate of the University. Lord Coa is now British ittaker Trickett, time of his death he was the head of a business with 1,300 or 1,400 em- ployees, and was known as the “Slipper King.” Prince Arthur of seyret bride will have, it is said. tely her ign will iar canny like £60,000 a year, her states that a ‘i John MeAlpine, Millionaire Bree of Duluth, formerly of Prescott’ County, On-| § tario, shot to deat in his home. younger sister enjoying an income of half that amount, or £30,000 a year, Sir James William Scott ae seit year. head of alliwell ke nt, a mem- orial of the tereentenary ‘of the de- parture of the pilgri column eretted on the youngest sons of the King and e recent death shal Lord Wolseley has brought out many anecdotes of the famous Brit- of Field-Mar- ish o! ; one occasion, as the a 3 an pail, The njan promptly kee “Let me taste it,’ said tl al, “But—~? began the orderly. “Let me taste it, I say!’ and he tasted it. ‘‘Disgraceful!’’ he ex- “Tt’s for all the world like dish-water.”” The orderly” sees «That's what it-is, sir!’ he said.; Things to Worry About. in his body to make 8,231 nfatel By a vote se t 425 to me the in, N.B., rejected the by-law prshibithe ‘the ereetion wildings of more than two stories in the city. ae ee Order of Foresters, + London, authorized the parebioee “ot ee and ¢ rection of an office building or purchase of an existing building for offices in ronto, ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS) Many Cane iin oa And Others Flee to the South for Their Lives, Cememns semis crue t despatch from Pekin says: A lice intended to make further ar- nes- wis eee ea here on Wed: areectem of iartial law in the capital arrests summary executions have been at frequent ocourrynce, several of jand tho victims being members of Par- fiament. Many of the deputies been prevented on nw gions owing to rumors that ee) te passed a motion dele- geting the Speaker and De: glee jpeaker to visit Proyistonal Pre- sident Yuan Shi Kai and ask him 0 to whether he still oe to govern “China with the hel the eae or not. At the one tim: jate re- solved not to sit ae if the reply Works, the great cotton spinning man ‘has enough phosphorony Gi eadstufis. x Frices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other CHILDREN'S LIVES SAVED. Owing a Tmproved Local Condi- tions in London. “The lives of cet than 185,772 children have been-s in seven ears, 1906-1912, Sie to improved is the re- holes the medical officer of the rd, London, Toronto, ea 5 io wheat flours, cent, old, $4 to $4.10, To- eee “and Rfontreal’ freight. wheat, $3.60, seaboard. Manitobas Fist ‘patonte, in Jute bags, $5.40; do. sec 78490; strong bakers in jute bage, ae, Manitoba anak Ie i Nopenern, 81 on Back, Bay ports; No.¢, No. 3, 940, Ousario aheat—New No. 2 wheat at 85 rio oats, 33 to 4c, out- i GOiho for No. 8 and av 380 for No. 3, ts. 2eas—Nomin: eae ae Be, outside; 65¢ Toronto. . 2 American corn, 781-20, c.i.f., ran—Manitoba ie, $20 a'ton, in bage, Toronto freights. Shorts, $21, ‘Poronte intry Prod Pica tls ere cian to retail- Siete Chelee dairy, 23 to 20; inferior, 17 to 190; creamery, 26 to 27c for rolls and 2% to 2c for solids. Hggs—Case lois of new laid, 25c;, selects, ate esh, 20 to 2te, ‘and sec: New cheese, 133-4 to te for large, and ‘Ihido tof twind. BeaneHand-picked, $225. t0 $2.39 per 1012 to 126 es ae Md $2.25 pate atest arse r Ib. for No. 1, wholesale to 82.75 Der. owen or ; $2.50 tox Poul Hone, 16 to 170 per 1b; Spring. guuskent » fobtos duokt, 16 to 170; geese, to Byetatoce Native, $1.20 40 $1.25 per 90 Tb. bag. ‘ovisions. Bacon, Tong gues 1534 t <Short ct, a 0 Uard cree, fi tdet tube, 151-20; pails, Baled ay and: Straw , on track, Toron- Day. 14 to. 81850, "on 2 at $11 to $13; No. 3, $8 to waled straw—$8 to $8.50, on track, To Montreal Markets. Montreal, Sept. 2—Oate, Canadian West- ern, No, 2, 401-2 to 40; Canadian Western, No. 3, 391-2 to 40c; extra No. 1 feed, 401 fo tic. Barer, Man,, feed, 50 to Bis; cente: ing, 6 ¢. Buckwheat, No. 2, 58 to 600. Flo Spring ae patents, firsts, , $5.10: strong bakers’, §4.90; Wint y seholes, $525: 40 st eu vollere, 85.10. $540; straight Tol lers, bags, $2.30 to $2.40. Roller oats, bai ele, SIS: bags, 20 Ibs, £225. Shorts, ae Midalinge, 26. Moulllle, #26 0 $32. petvton, oar lots, fim ib cs fu entre: 19 58% ter, choicest creamery, 24 to. 244 Pasa Adit, tat Fe. Eggs, fresh, 3%: stock, 26¢; No. 2 stock, Winnipeg Grain. Montreal, Northern, ht b: $1. ‘pter 1.47 As the result of an altercation in as ae ilesmaids, | That, number is| f:igsa'niay November, Sia#i4 bids De-|tho kitehen of Smith's hotel at v da ee eee ‘eur bid corner of Queen and Simcoe strnets Live Stock Markets. 22 ednesday morning, Lizzie wt. 2 xport, |Ives, a woman about 35 years of +t) EE Cae sete $625 tage, who lived on Elizabeth street, ‘ $4 to 85; cannere, 82 to. $2505 cutters, 83 wae pula, pnd Ra aa es of members of the peerage, Prince ry a $4 ge eceaarp an ay ‘imeoe street, another kitchen George and Prince John, the| $7; choice, $8.25 to $9; common, 5 to $350. employe, is under arrest on a Stockers and feeders—Steors, 700 to 800 charge of mur ice The argument extra choice heavy IeAVY, to $5.50; bucks, aocice Tab, $7.75 to $6: fio.b.; $10 fe and watered, Pe i 8 on pee evi 2.—Prime beeves, 61-4 to 20 634c. Calves, ats Sheep, 41-4 to 4120. Lambs, 100. ad TEAM OF HORSES BOLTED. Presence of Mind Displayed by the Kaiser’s Daughter. A sleaneieh from Posen, Ger- many, says: Crown Princess Fred- erick William saved her sister-in- law, Princess August William, from serious injury at the festivities here on Tuesday age the Kaiser came wil f celebrate Prus- Princess, th beside the auto- mobile, saw the danger, and gral bed Princess August William and dragged her to safety. es GERMAN CRUISER FIRED ON, | Retaltatory Broadside’ Demolished i ‘ort. A despatch from Berlin says: The commanding officer of the Ger- ue. East Asiatio cruiser squs reports to the Government faat the Chinese rebels in the fort. ni Wuhu fired on the Sitar Emden at wh rifles ae sane jon. Be Immédiately a Ba fa oe ee the Geran yeeue a Paha a week red tl ae Emden had man Sree fs the Grin es ) S —T always think of all the cau things that I’ve said during the d 0 -to sleep at % 801 S , {education in hb Bay | go) | ferred on the subject for a consid- ugh, W|tion the high cost of an official ex- ae ‘Took Hold of Handle of Derelek In fort. e eae oa Tasland, =e his latest report, he contit “The ore of Vife cannot be at- tributed merely to favorable clima- tic conditions. with high eebaie, a improved sanitary Bio. 5 and domestic cleanliness, of 38 Bg forts of child-welfare work such as has never previously occurrs © ad is, among other sions, cTatant more sity is higher in ur- ban than in rural areas. The chief i rule are large compact ‘villages having ur- ban characteristics, such as the mining villages in the county of Durham. eae zate sf infant mortality in the of a given geographical ee eho parallelism with the proportion of the total popula- tion which is aggregated in the towns of that county. of the chief industrial © country are situated Shed the counties where fo in- fantile death rate is highes “Size of town has no anita re- lationship to excessive infant mor- j| tality, this occurring irregularly in OWNS ae a population over and under ees GERMANY WILL NOT EXHIBIT. Again Declines to Appear at the Panama Exposition. A despatch from Berlin says: Germany hn has no intention ot change her hibit officially at tis: “Panama: Pa fio Exposition in San erable time on Wednesday evening | with Gottlich von Jagor, German . . Grew asked the Minister whether, in view of fe rhein Rianne vas toke German industry to ¢x- Government wo not revise its hibit, the general disinclination to pai rti¢ipal ate and America’s back- wardness in attending foreign ex- positions. i HOTEL MAID KILLED, Fight in Toronto Honse Ends in Murdér Charge. lespatch from Toronto says: which led to'the fight started short- {ly before eight o'clock sign the ;|woman aske al igerator. hen have struck him, and when he hit back she fell under the blow, and as the man saw that he had badly injured the wor out of the hotel, but he was found in his room about eS sours ee in @ bad stat See taken a Bale eadsduacters: . a LONDON VAGRANTS LESS. A System a ot Adi aaNtaAtlan Casual Ward Effee' thstee in eee is has decreased b, per nes ‘since given Feuan Pe Board¢and a uni- ea system of administration was’ begun. According to a report just issued, the treatment of London as a whole resorting to the wards” more than ane a month have worked the change. Formerly the casual wards were lodging ie eae got a nice hot supper, a clean shirt to put on,” he ‘eaid ccathasiastieally: KILLED BY ELECTRIO SHOCK. Contact With Hydro, despatch from Waterloo, Onb., : Catching “hold of the Westy ie a derrick which had come into = [oan witl ydro wire, and whieh thrown two of his com- panions, as and P. Bch- weltzer, to the ground, seriously injuring them, W. Becker himself éceived the full 13,000 volts which the Hne carried, and was instantly killed, at the new building of the Kuntz Brewery Company on. Wed- nesday morning. | Physicians who conelu- | 8° els striking a table broke her neck. As | m soon o! oman he ran casual }b' nice se noe ‘a nice clean bunk to | ¥ TOD | sleep in, COMMENT ON EVENTS one Kalser as a Teetotalor. Littl ance nich the German emperor has made to soldiers and etudents have prepared the that he FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE —_— NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE- LAND’S SHORES. — world for the hag quietly joined the total abstainere, but e served ree are! remarking fiat Shaye eill keep cwelk ine in the lim: eeksiast dosiot likely to becom aggressive champion of total abstinence, but it is certain that ‘th drinking which he condem: ‘The kaiser, co alert and progres- e |sive in many things, is eet wit hile “epleit Of “Use epee cegnde femt Th ‘The World's Work has esi describing what has been done nor the boy by the the ¥.M.C.A., the Salvation Army congregate, we are told, there ate venge. Uranlly «ieee gangs re a nuisance; very often they are a seri- Ot “maankee to: the morala Of tite gang members and to the peace of the neigh- borhood, For usually the energy of the gangs is directed against law ‘and order. Tite a Seeny geoton eo. mb: shools, 7 Seonts, Other sotivities have graep- ed the ae fact.that if these gang activities are most wonderful re- calte: pot te achieved cesalia suet Spill Teave:thene boys tar better able to handle themgelves honestly and ely in the world than The financial situation in Western ada has never been any more acute ce in ee older countries of the ae ene Ia oleae ees ean WEEE reoently, by H. Y. Merertith rice president and general manager Montreal. Mr. of inspection of Wes ported, by Mr. L. Meredith, nt. “Phere has been no greater stringency Mr. Meredith said, “than there, has Vienna, and London, It is Can- tight, and there is no fieance in this one.’ erial Mail. if any eastioel utility is found for the aeroplane in times of peace, it {¢ likely to bp in. the delivery. of mail, and some- Dposaibilities Le ps jone deg Moulenais, who has done 887 Guillaux flew but 280. he oar- ried with bim the Paris hapére “and drop: ped them at 9.16 a. Bordeaux, where they do not otherwise arrive till 6’pan. A i bundles lesigm stops coul id ‘he-evolded. “Bot the cession for aerial service would be mainly in gions now accessible only by a slow ond roundabout route. A Loafertess Land. t nations are ¢0 self-eatisfied that le heed to customs, of other ‘aw: thoy gonvers, the ed. “Tt would seem, according to Harper’ problem in a manner wor! imita- . It is rather difficult mn ng gat In that he state. The pur- pose is to assiet the unfortunate unem- ployed to secure work not only for the sake of his family, but in the intereste of the commonweal ‘There is no maigsailan of. the i é n unemployed Nidous elfort to abtxtu. work, tho authori. ties proceed to find it for him, and when they io he 1s ‘compelled It he refuses to worl w maintained, and evel -equired to work to: his full apactty recelving there- for his board and lodging rom 6 to 10 cents a day in wages. re in Switzerland ihatitlone "e where ary employment may ad by pessone out can find more remunerative w: ee ly Two Joes ed. Whole hlatory of ‘the repo ait executives have been ed and ‘oved, one the governor of Norjh Car Five other govern- not 6 tory of New York Bunve hos e hed. ‘The nearest ap- out seore: Clint eet name for a time, and subsequently he lived it down and served his state thereafter for yeare. ypt. parliament. and Bir thie bleceing and eral bly. i ne Legislative As: sembly, sonmating: ‘of the ministera and eixty: ted and seventeen nominated thembers. ‘The latter comprise “the nreatlent. ‘the vice-president, four Copte, hee Arab Bedonins, two merchants, two 00 . ono engineer, educational cntatives, nnd one municipal Yepre. sentative, The Legi per initiate jegislation, save where it con- cerns constitutional laws. The preamble of the Khedival deere mo government, eneur! ministra- thom, protection of individual alerts, and p dpcelopmon) of progress and ‘civiliza- Egypt fe thus certainly moving up- ward, ace aa oR ances which ears a monagi ems, uaceptblo, ton fay ‘Ot a healthy sol rion. for the Pgyptians,” y grace of a stern nial of order And ‘a strlot, justice is already, omersing & representative goveromenty je world today has great inged a co eke Sheer of Kherioums sree eae SALMON CANNERS’ OFF YEAR. Homie st Below ‘the Average For the Last Sixteen Years. A set from Vancouver, a O: 8; The canneries of No: British Ci Columbia report lean veke a Olphent, €.V.0., his | tieutenant for the County of Done- -!was seriously hurt - ae rownin, Weekly, that Switzerland has eae ‘one | ure. " of . | OXpe: district paming g into Anrdp: o-| Roche, oe Li in the Emerald Isle 0} Interest to Lrish- men, e residence of John Donnolls, town ¢lerk of pee badly damaged At Portrush, Grawford McClin- dived into shallow water at the harbor and dislocated his spine. ‘he King has appointed Sir John Majesty’s gal. A cattle drive took place on farm named Bogtown, about a mile and a half from the village of Clonyomn, A young lad named Scully had a hand blown “off at, ee “sland ou es ne ‘occupied by a woman Gleeson, in Goose ny Hil, ‘ake | AS been completely destro: by The eBalivioony. Catholic chee was burglarously ente: nights ago. The poor eae fo reed open and a sum ney ote. Belfast Harbor Board have cheme for providing salcstioRA fitting-out wharves for ohip building at a cost of $350,000. ed Jones, who was Honea Ga Willig it Lisnaskea, when he ee pied neice nan nie te, Delicately Ox ANG flavoured— Highly WHY WORRY | Choose your variety and ask your grocer for “‘Clark’s'’. WiClark My THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH 7 HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER. THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your Eyes. Canada. y Bix women are to be deported gate reo reform has inte Edmund Heyer jr., of Farmiy in Mexico, fo: ay lived in Halen Ont. way ; Tie death basidosuvied ak Bane’ AU aa ee soto that ba bridge, Olones, of Mrs. Mary. Keel |eathy eatavlighs a hopise fees anal Ce in her 106th year. Sho re- Hoven ters, tained bee Heauses unimpaired to Galway lady, while bathing in the Corril, near Menl Castle, became entangled in tho weeds, and had a narrow ing. A farmer named James McKeon, of Crossnor, has died as the result ot rribl injuries received through a donkey turning on him -|and biting him savagely. | Th news that the wife of a or| tramp had disposed of her four- year-old daughter to gipsy women at Mullen for $1,200 = created a great sensation in that Blacksod 1 of Ireland, Canada in the British Isles, and a railway is to be constructed con- necting it witht other When the pee was ice days out from nm her voyage to Queenstown, one or the passen- uly | gers, Thomas Hodges, a native of| 4, Y,| Kildysait, succumbed to heart fail- ‘An auction of some 200 acres of meadowing on an evicted farm at 1 | Ballinrahan, adjoining the famous | Ballinoulast Farm, in King’s Coun- coor go | ty, was boycotted, no bids being offers mo, of a pair of ‘ila out for exercise on the banks of the Boyne, near rhea vin, cadres attacked li in @ sore boy, ef Aliehs until the animal was driven ma off by a 8 7oung oe _ Valued at $150, a 2 cateh of herr- e dest at Ard- en fel Down, or the inhabitants thought they had been to Lower Elfin, then | ee eae of .a dozen miles. The Queenstown Urban Council pee a resolution thanking Dr. Canadian Minister oh. me for the proposed e: lishment of a steamship So eteal between Queenstown and Canada. An insurance inspector, chase jeavee a field by a bull at Bruree, saclay race for He ratches, and his Habel were ches when he had to mp a dyke and landed among some briars. While Miss ee of Clonmel- lon, ing near ly machine in motion, with» the result that the lady w: so severely injured that one foot had to be amputated. Fk RURAL MAIL ROUTES. _ — é Jed About 1,000 Added During ihe Past b Year or Two. A despatch from Ottawa says: The rural mail delivery system has inerease utilize it. closing of a large number of coun- vee post-offices cos. Ss Wo MM MINERS KILLED. Roplasiow From "Unknown Gaunt at ollinger Reserve. ‘ A tae eae ic rom Timmins, Ont., sayst Early on Wednesday morn- ni for the season just closing, the eothets salmon pack totalling only | €2 down = Sec of aman ae 10 cases, average pack of|teached the heading wh olan 160,000 ee ae ay read casey | was working when tho explosion occurred. As far as can bo T- i lteined’ the explosion was a pure 1 prob- rushed to the scene, found athe the teed had been instantly at ie aside ae and the cause w asm te e1 years, PR el pounds in 1913, ' largely centred in “the East, espe- cial A horse from the stable of oe! George is to be given to the anon Gieauiment breeding ue } partment. 3 Nicholas Bawlf, dean of the grain ‘Pe! trade in Winnipeg, says the west- ern grain crop will average 20 bush- els to the acre. A. Woods, I. 0. R. engineer eh eaanelenei as the ck, was freed bys a grand sary a Babine i B. It is understood that @ firm, Baldray, pete a4 medic inson, e ost ol rer for the Toronto ae improvements. Seven Brothers of Bet onic of the Presentation have prt to teen whee ys Seo aals School-at Corn- estead entries in Western 2. . L. Fellowes, city engineer, of i Vancouver, has been retired ag a result of water pipes pes by — his eastern representatiy. es being found below the mandarde oe the city a loss of several thoi dollars. Great Britain, ees Lord Aberdeen has refused to or- der an inquiry. into the conduct of Londonderry police in the ‘recen' riots. 4 The present prosperity of English” industry is indica’ ed by an of ae last year were the lowest in (a BAK, General. The Servian Government ee d clined to co-operate with the © count of the presence among the | members of Professor Paul N. Mil ae ukoff, leader of the Constitutional Democrats in the Russian Duma. Thee er Condes people are © suming much more fresh and © ned meats and lamb and it a correspondingly less guy live cattle and salt beef is mportin m partment. total of 36,549 aethe ois were imported, * In year en Mareb last nse ah tal fallen off 1 — te When a man hangs on a ou 5 | eat they are not married. — ERSON: | Petes tor tom aot sect awn. We soltelt ow t Secounts, ‘which may _ pig for Bosker

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