Po AEC aan oP. éa Z The Milverton Sun And Monkton Times ARE PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ar. The Sun Pr Main Street, g Office Milverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1; six months, 50 mo: vents; three Scents, in advance, Subscriber: fa anrenes wil be Rabloto nay $1.80 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES t Cents per line for first insertion and let eae trap dot cna sebectaene hoo Hon will be charged for all transient adv Ma erscere thts Wirnent specific directions Zillbe inserted until forbid and charged ac- han; ops for contract advertisements must Soule cheat soon icniay, attention. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor BusinessCards DR.M.C. TINDALE,L.D.S. (Successor to Dr, Lederman) HONOR GRADUATE TORONTO UNIVERSITY Crown and Bridge Woi * LINWOOD * + tee pee farm to Mr. in Mtilvert on, Miss spending a Liss varental troof hi Wedding bells are ringing. Miss Marie Crawford. of Fernbank, spent Bat a re. Yate © M — Parkinson. 3 - “ Kemotville Spent, several weeks vo Would not give Lydia E.Pink- cation with Mrs, Davi >, Mics Iedna Walker coent Surday at| Ham’s Vegetable Compound her Home in a towe for All Rest of Medicine DK Pollock and family. ot z prasion. hase ee Ww in the World. yMr. Jas Burnett has sold his val-| Utica, Ohio.—‘‘I suffered everything John Diebol ie from a female owe! after bal ‘Gordon Hackett and Jack iss Maggie Fink Been Be turday Louisé Gutter. of Berlin, ’s vacation under the re. ines in the world. Mr, and Mra Philip Kreutaweiser | blo. HOW THIS WOMAN by c Ieines and they did me n0 good.”’—Mrs, | Mari WIND, R-F-D.INo.S, Utien, located. MILLBANK of be ob ote ba Mr. Thos Hall. of Elmira. spent part, of last week. with his brother, “Mr. and Mrs Robt rayton spent Sunday daughter. Mrs. © J Wri Mr. R B Hamilton spent a couple of Be in Toronto last week. y Miss Ida Ritter. of Detroit, is vis- see with her brother. Mr. J Bik Waters. of with their oN, Ed Davidson late ae catgary. SATs on friends here iss Nellie Lofthouse. of on. ad numb | Mond: few Maye Ob liee: week wick namb | Pure Ledingheat “ore lee: & Miss Laura McKay. welgand wes dan, ing her ater: ‘Mra, D B Griev Ie Ao Mrs. i ing. of Burks (alls, fe John eS “iste his ceeitiee aes Friday and has taken charge ‘ore “my: eyes, My 4 5, “Toronto last wi in of the ‘millinery department at” Mr, k ached and I rilesey Cah ot EEN 80 We could fank eA called on friends here es spent Sdnday on the 13th ee yellow, | x Miss ‘Bella Milne. of Paisley. visit- ine. ; my fingernails |éd with Mrs. John Watt on Saturda ¥Miss Jean Gropp. of Milverton, has Ride Fic ary iss Laura. MeFaddin spent’ a few taken charge of the millinery depart- had displacement, I | days this week.at London Fair ment H Schummer’s store. took Lydia E. Pink- ev. W Moffat spent a few days MM n. editor f the Waterloo 5 se ‘able |1ast week at Toronto, Chronicle was usiness visitor here me time ago of Mr. Geor, re on Saturday, i pape ae nowt em stout, well and | Ggenlin's valuable matched team me Miss Foreman. of Toronto. and Misa healthy. T can do all my own work and | with a serious ac caleeat ihe me the Hadden of Guelph. Loets ene week-| can walk to and not get | might. In some w at Sy ‘Mrs. David I would not gir Gh oss ont ne hind feet over The eee eee nd in eae? to free himself n his head in the stall | s a specialty, and Mr. and Mrs P Milton Seifert at- Another Case, a : wae, Be Office: Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton fentea a funeral in Waterloo on Sun- bo, Ill. —‘<I was bother: r ten | e Medical. Be: a with female troubles Ae ce doc- | call Mr. R 2 “MMe. James Se oe enn t* tors did nothelp me. Iwas so weak and | Hall Paste: F. PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYE, M.D. E Heisey. of Durham. — spent | a ous that I could not do my work DRS, P# Sunday with a friend in our ee } and every month I had to spend a few | S. PARKER & TYE codman. of | days in bed. Tread so many letters ab OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON gas agent at the O.PR mie | Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- al W ent. | ind curing female troubles that I got jitv are to be congratulated ‘Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 to 4| | Mx. .and Mrs Thomas Crookshanks | ghottle of i eg a clock p. m,, and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. m. mur we Peckens with friends iny rine peer took and nowit has | midst with such out and ; FJ, /R, FORSTER, Bye, Ear, |" we. + i Sherstiaeae| Soe etiew 1 emt. better. thank hove) wen eas Nose and Throat only. House Surgeon| o¢ ‘Mr Jacob Hunstadier We trast for Ev enes poe al eee ybone A New York Opthalmic and Aural Insti-| pis convalescence may be specdy. | und has done forme. I believe I |pabite Beoo tute. Clin, "Assistant, Ear, Nose and ‘he millinery stock of W. O Bun-} ont not be living to. fe ata flow. ip Throat, Hospital. Golden Square and | ay will tbe opened for inspection at | that.”"— Mrs, Hi GREENSTREET, Fe : esi Mooreticld’s Eye Hospitel. ~ London. | the end of this week. Nebo, Illinois, * | vegetables grows in the school gar- ng. O Waterloo St., opposite | "Mtr, firs Henry [Lantz spent] den will be shown, A program, o Knox Church; Stratford, Phone 267, odie in Haase Dee atch Nevo oes ys Millbank da 3 ——— = ba: mat nm oe illban! (a eae ee has og: a Ips je Children fre: H. B. MORPHY, K.C, _ | the, looicout. | A eee Barrister, - No’ Public, - Ab oa Paes Bonk of Hamilt LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton Mone: oan Bek. BEEWET ER, CK.C: Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Office : Gordon Block STRATFORD, ONTARIO Veterinary. regre co Joun Hay Car Seune of eee Be. < ed erlin ies BLE oe a, house. and Y. Mokey ‘attended the funeral of BARR, Veterinary Surgeon Milverton, Gradnate of Ontario Veterin Treatsall ora of domesticated animals. Calls by tele plone or otherwleepromptly attended to ret i aes the illness of | + ary Pomme lett Monday tc eek’s yacation with his Beri Mr. and Mrs Fred Lauder. tage. and “Mr. and Mrs sent Sunday as Klockm: im Flachs "ett Monday where commence for| the Hatheehe Lae “Carrie: Se sh and John Societies. MILV. haNey tsi d AF, & J Mil No. 478, erton, any evening on or in_ their Piaiting brat ilton, W. ay before full, moon every mon ball ix J, E, We ole ren always wel mock M.; W. J. a Saye 99, Milverton, meets ert Kriesel’ Visiting brethren always welcome, | 8. Spencer, C.R. ; N. Zimmerman, Rec-Sec. F. Lodge,” No, lverton, meets eyer; riday night at their hall over Bank of Ham siting seers always wel- W. K, Loth, Notary Public. Aya Notary Public, Auc- e County of Perth and WwW. Dz tioneer for Ww spent the week-end ding on Wednesday a “Bilver Star a Mi white silk with boquet o! in Toronto and Listowel. 1 he council met pursuant to a The Ladies’ Institute of Lin ay tae at Newton on Mond: ilLentertain the ladies of the Mall- ot Tobe ate 10 se rages bank Institu O'Connor's a bere were present. The minutes lawn ‘Thursday afternoon. Mem- | the two vrevious meetings were read ers are invited to attend. ee St Peter’s Lutheran chu ay ete @auiet wed-| drain waa finally passed as. rea afternoon when ¢hid tim a Sam John Kohn $1043. 8: The tender of s i] Es fe) $2 et & as 6 she coudiell tor arovids: the veil and car boquet of carnat=| material, ions. ‘The bridesmaid was gowned in) The “ait RateneEM to taaus lies-of-the-) a1) re labor of lists not returned, 0 ot Revision on| ™ ‘ied n_ duly constitut-| °™ ewton. September st. 458 for the Pgs @ tendexe for the construction of < visited ‘at the Master Eddie Psaor has pase on When You're Wondering where you can obtain the most sat- isfactory clothes and best value in —_ FOR MEN new t @ your meas- ure fora fashionable fall’ suit. J.M. FLEISCHHAUER Merchant Tailor, - MILVERTON, ONT. eae Ice Cream and Seasonable Fruits at Weir's Restaurant am LADIES’ AND MISSES NEW FALL GOATS In the matter of the coats a most at- erate are theprices for so early in the season, NEW SWEATER COATS e carry in stock MEN WOMEN and CHILDREN to be found in the county, Our prices are moderat “SUN-KIST” FRUITS Are natures best. Nothing but the best selections of the best fruit from the best orchards in the best districts of California, where the best fruits are grown. This will be a “Sun-Kist” store this fall. “Sun-Kist” Raisins now in stock—seeded and seedless, Special for Saturday 3 tins Corn for . +2 3 tins Peas for ..., We want 5000 Ibs. live poultry. We pay you ris highest price if stock is in good shape. :: W.K.LOTH “The Arcade ” - MILVERTON 3 tins Beans for. 3 tins Plums for. te Stephen Winn at Hawkesville on | exidense all the appeals were dismis aay the court closed. ‘The council Mrs, Miller. of Milverton, vist fr, F H -Schummer and tunity fae Vopened for general business, By- i pee comier wondas and Mi Pp} ay spent laiy No. 456. to Fepeal y-law - No |e = sis aS Free OP eae Sunday with friends in Hess and to authorize the Reeve and ee eeacoainaeeday pnd ser" o ices will os sheld b in| Treasurer to borrow $14000 from the in Milve: the 1 ian church, Sept, 14th | Bank of 0 meet current een ae rgusson. bt Mockton:* -wi| Jexpenses was read three times and : fondust the services | finally passed ‘Quite a number from our burg took) The council then adjourned; to meet | ne in the Wellesley fall £ [asain on the first Monday. in Senter] NEWTON = Mrs, Alex Reinie andl Mrs Socord = z “Mrs. thes Hutchison is 5 vend ee ds ay. ee days this wee! Mr. Edgar. of Teacnga tort visited on sf f siphon! ith his nephew. Mr. Hut- his iss Carrie Loener 8 High & Behool in List Mie 88 Tas ‘MeDonald attended ‘Tor- © Fair and Bere d at the nee of Mr. ot! Es stele ing visited on Sun- day a ya's aa Geo Tanners urned home on attending ti i ¥ Mortgages drawn ond Afidavita made.1 valley, The pride’s travelling ~ suit’ on h on the collectors roll. Village Clerk. in the Weir block | was of vi rge with white we Sho to enter on the oe aa Aaa Moronto ie over the Matvopoliten 2a ank, elt hat with blue wings to match./ roll all assessments for the Fixhibitio: he happy couple left on the 4 o'clock) thorne rain andj the Isley drain as HGS SS ope train tond frip:t6 Toronto and | ffelenoy mibt) poldl ot the 15th day of ce XCHANGE Hi B Ont. {other paints and returned on Friday | Septem! ‘ John Gropp, Preptlelor, re Svonthi when @ reception held at} Gates: eke issued for a number of | + Be eeee . and cigars at the Unies class ac-| the: home of the Bea ities SFA sheanen i aoidel # BT: P 7 se nab: 5 i 3 pepe nebeoc ere ergs crooun pa aeete Pra prac extentel D. Hanley hat, thie council db GRAND “ ow adjourn to meet again on, the T. W Monkman. of Tara. is ertor ‘l aes Fobn Spahr. of Goderich RU Teee Montay tn Getobe er, Carried Sateen A Gebel sommercial travellers and others, elMrs. Peter Lowinger. of Mildmay f Ls, Mr. R oe spent Sunday at his large sai are at prese: eat visitinge at A, Spabr's Clerk of Mornington: | ,ome her. Best brands brands of liquors and cigars.| snd V. R areas: ‘Diss Bila Gilliland spent the other Chas, Ritter, Proprietor, Mr, J We Collins, agent of «the! yp [day neat Millbank. R we regret to hear is confined | Our teacher Miss Gilchrist has re-| QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont Ae x wi m abseess in the, * ‘ turned. We aS glad to see her ‘in ‘The b ommodat es og omminereal buck. How serious his illness is has |‘ NORTH MORNINGTON SReeE ABET aerate and others, e sample be yet been determined but we hope |* Wr. Albert. Hackett visited. North ny t the chien of | 5) ne tees hit bout again in the course | bb-pedtteetted ornington friends the other Sunday quors and Cigars at the bar. of a féw weeks. Mr, \ Morton Lang end! Master Basil Montgomery. of Tara. stables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor Miss Lizzie Berl! who was tohave ataaor “adr Spent the. week-end is epending. his holilays. with his cous. inilliner in the at:Grand Bend Miss Baith Or THE “AMERICAN “HOUSE Wetlit | or ted posi iot Turnbull& Co. Pet-| Miss Nellie Taylor returned to Lis: aa tap ciitiee Ogi «onl Lath Suen attenton “to Cammersia | porough andwould hays been at | towel dat week to resume her stud- =n, Ny darenae gaitencte stpebRte duet i ‘ The accident — happened |iés iat the Business wines and liquors served: at the bar work when, Tatareed her trunk fe The annual Shamkolfering service of] Mn @ rs J Besinger. of near Rates $1.50-per. day. Wat..W1TT, Prop | ha ecured a, positi ttawa. W.F MS. will be held the Sembee visited with te. and Mrs Schummer is poner church on Sept. he Mies’ ae 3} W. Calder on Sunday ete th “Western Bair at Lon this | Rennie. of Ne burg... will ad-| “Mr. ie wionl oaeeaehe x He is also making « catensive [dress the meeting, “There will” be Brelya visited with Ms A Crawford, tra special ; music ¢ oeéasion. Alon Monday. PUBLIC NOTICE! seine ter Soar dohiutter spent tod attendatice 1s looked for. ares Se ean eet: LINWOOD kine nday with friends at Bridgepi Misses’ {Ethel and Susie ie ake 3B a Boe rime, Cement and ley, Sith frien ts ch anniversary | visited recently. in Milverton. the NEILSON—MASO ids of Butiding Material, such as will be held on October 12th, | cues ir cousin. Miss Eva Eomber, ta fath, Shi gies ie sider Falter pisticulore will be given later | Torrance, : ihigh noon On Bepiember Sed: and Apple B utter of te best quality pile ir. and Raioten Beceud vey oi tiv cy odin eas solotinicer made. sealers dpkg ra ees family. of Newton. spen' tuesday | at the home of Mr. and Mrs James evening at Mr. Herbert “Taylor's Mary e : $\""Mrs. Lang soent last week with af MACTON | ber a daughter. Mrs. John Glenn. Gar- + Ne coe FIRST | 2cc9|+ *'Mr. Tom Lydiate. of Britton, spent ai 6 aa @. Cooper and friend spent Sun- | Pics Sessie eae aye Ltowe usinese oleae aay in Hollen, ‘spendin in this Visniy |the istrains of. Lol Your first step toward success. eM: Ds nen en ee apt neaia | FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2ND. Send for new free catalogue to EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal R.Y. FISH&CO. 4 LINWOOD > eee Dealer in... q Coal, Cement and Lime . Motar Stain, Ete, Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture ——————— Above Goods Constantly ent on Hand Sede = Beggs visited the Toronto ion last week. Anthony Newton left for the Northwest on Friday last. He in- Loney attended jon last wee the Mpeeits. Sores of S te an visiting Saskatoon and Omega. <tthresbing fs the order of the day. Mr, Geo Fleet is on the job-and giv- ing entire satisfaction. N Allingham spent nesday evening with friends in Be mira. Mr. Angus Jackson, of rd line Peel has charge of our school at a salary of ages ae annum, We wisl im every § Mees “wil Kittle and Jos eos WESTERN FAIR LONDON MILVERTON to London and Return spent a few days last week at Toro1 to Exhibition. $1.40 Mr. id Mrs Moser. of — Elmira. sie ces with Mr. and Mrs c eee = 7th, 8th a Ww. 15th ES es of Hesson. has $1.20 woe ae a Sint sateas Sept. Oth, 11th and 12th Jos, Walter is sa hey and wall) soon be able to be again “Miss Matilda. Mcgee accompanied i rs, Jos and George Ernest. of Blmira. are spending this All tickets Valid for retura until Mon- day, Sept, 15th, 1913 Canninghaim, Phone 1, Local Agent ET eset tratford, cousin of the bride ceremo _ performed “by ev. W Moffat. pastor of the Pres- [oytenians chars k. The bride jwas given away by her father. ("Sitter congratulations, fifty fonts ‘partook of a dainty luncheon. UQuigery. Saskatoon. Medicine Hat. and {dmonton. They wi | their n eriends after Oct. 20th for Ladies and Gentlemen erent sizes and a prices all guaranteed timekeepers, P. H. BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician Eyes Tested Free THE CHARM a ‘thursday from it with Strat- {ord friends of all the Jewelery we are displaying Cie Mie We Hesirt end oan Pee ae your inspection is. the exquisite have re ae atte r spending a wee! lesign very article, 3, at Bru . Brooohes. Lockets. Hat Ping. eto. Mr. Ritter, ve Seer is yisit- ll ew and handsome designs. n GOLD WATCHES # a wide range of Milverton, Ont, CHICAGO BAY CITY GRAND RAPIDS cae ST. PAUL Es MINNEAPOLIS, Etc. Return Limit, September 29, 1915. - Full particulars from * F. W. Thomas, Local Agent ANNUAL WESTERN EXCURSIONS S U1, 12, 13 pound TRIP TICKETS At Very Low Rates to Bed Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us, We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us right. Hisahe: Promptly Attended to Geo. J. Coxon The Western Fair (/——=—=— London, Canada THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION ° $27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions Magnificent Western are Program e Speed Events: 3 Ontario’s Popular of ie . Daily. Attractions Pxhibipion Fireworks Twice Daily Sept. 5th to 13th Every Night. $2,000.00 ADDED TO THE PRIZE LIST THIS. YEAR ‘Take a Holiday and visit London's Exhibition SINGLE FARE on all RAILROADS in WESTERN ONTARIO, SPECIAL EXCURSION DATES--Septembier oth, 11th’ and-i2th : Prize Lists and all information from the poate W. J. REID, President. . My HUNT, Secretary. & ill be At Home to | ib A + + 5TH LINE WELLESLEY c2 + + few young. veople from the Sse Lena “Poole. spent Sunday evening with the He ‘Dahms. Bier and Eliz friends in Well week with friedds i in Port Huron. os number of friends from Berlin Htta Jine and Poole were a = ‘Opper. of abeth OUR NEW FALL SUITINGS » Are attracting much attention these days. New designs are neat. hye them in various shades suchas ians, Blues, Grays, Ete, ° These are worn by the best dress = ade tive and correct and bound 4 give paefackions Come in and let us show you. ices are moderate consid- ering the quality of material and workmanship, Good tri fren te one of the features of our tradi N. SMITH “The Tailor MILVERTON, = ONT. B Dal nme Spent Monday afternoon with ellesley. . Where the people get good value | for their money. We invite you to call and see for yourself. No trouble to show the goods. Furniture peeies oe oie Underta! Milverton, et R. McMane,