> > 4 ; ‘ ; : : : : : : , ‘ , : ‘ ‘ : : : 3 : , , ¢ ‘ ‘ , q ‘ 2 2 bi : as GUARD dee S HEALTH NN THE SUMMER The summer months are the most LLON-HUNTING IN A SEWER. An Exciting Time in Birmingham, England. The man who trains wild animals must always be prepared for adven- tures, even ene he least expects the a fair in meee ham, ‘Ragland, eye Bos- tock in the Scout, xe ateapted to | transfer a fine African lion from a small cage to a tated one, where AUSTRALIA’S BIG FUTURE. Department of Agriculture Talks of Egg Laying Contests. The Department of Agriculture of New South Wales, Australia, in one petitions have proved the. greatest educational force the ete world has known. ‘The in- Gained in Weight, Digestion Restored, Health Renewed Here Is More Proof of Quick Cure for All Folks That are Weak, Ailing, Nervous, More Prais> for Dr. Hamilton's Pills. the crowds could more easily see them, No other medicine 4 is of such F Bee Re eter ire bet seater im. ‘The animal was in ugly | placed on a sound remunerati bal caine ha as mood, leaped’ into the larger | sis, with every prospect of fur OF | oe food patna one ol uaiere tee as is Baby’s Own Tablets advancement in extent, stability | 5, ae BP eae hen regulate the stomach and bowels and profitableness. The old-time Toe wa eae ee nang ar ae ae and are absolutely sa ery, ‘does poultry pay? is te for food reducer condition medicine dealers or oors, through which he promptly | with a chorus of affirmative voices | of semistarvation and brought me to the cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ jump another minute he was! in actual results. The competitions | verge of nervous collapse. Tonics were Medicine Co., Brockville, out in the streets of Birmingham. e set a standard and provi ele to rentore. ahi ua ire for a As he ran along, roaring fiercely | an ever presents incentive and stim- | food. The di me my liver and SLEEP AND NOISE. at the crowd that quickly collected, | ulus to progress. Everywhere _wa | Kidners wore both Se ae tread a @ came to the opening of one of| find better fowls, better cared for, Stich She eC eS A Special Form ot Bad Dream for} the city sarees an this he | giving better monetary returns. The ‘uGridcd dieni ce Ab Alin dhapestiou sate Each Sleeper. sprang. Then he. disappeared, but| spirit or rivalry emulation has} giend-who had been cured of blood and as Be Sad along the sewer he|infected hundreds, thousands, and | sxin trouble, I began the use pr. Both supnetct and Pepys found] stop t every manhole to roar|the constant study and striving t0| Hamilton's Pills. he difference, I frst sop valtie of | again, ‘antl the whole earth seem-| secure and breed fowls of higher | noticed was, that while they cleansed the 5 nfided in| ed to be full of angry Hons. productivity has inevitably born’ , instead of fecling weaker I felt ¢o_an tnerviewer thot, that time all Birmingham fruit, and is reflected in bal-| better after taking them. Indeed ‘their he er sleep in Berlin at night when it i quiet, but as so hk as the noise rk ns, about 4 o'clock | at once to stop the pan ic that was a the morning, I can #leep a little| spreading everywher: and get my see for the day.” First of all, we set ae ey cage Pepys records in his diary on peuate the sewer-mouth, sta- September 23, netty that lhe <lept at} tioned policemen at the eearioae Welling, “and till remember it panholon After that I entered the that, - of the nights that ever I} sewer, with Marco, boar- sleeping again, one after another, I never had so much content in all my life.” that we get moments probability dreams. his own earing vi y the belief that he had unconscious any have explain due to dreams during such short aps. For nothing is better cetabtided in connection wit that an apparently very “Tong one bunal and his execution; and was able to show that it all happened during the moment of awakening by the fall of a rod from the bed ba ill digcotad supper, usually. commonest of the smaller night- mares is the experience of facing a drawing-room or a public shotoiet: fare without clothes. But I een sleeping and w: ing. “My. own is the belief that I am in for my finals at esti and have ed Aristotle, and . And when I really e to the certainty that I have py examinations abe the Day of Judgment, that’ is Trost ioe moment of disillusion, tone ones ¢. that. hy twice in the whole course. eer had he heen afflicted vilken one night jirving we think out how ould agree with His eens ass night was due to a f wind. e ‘had almost cut through the see apeatlatzng what were the of the tree remaining standing. Sailors ns are, perhaps, the onily people sleep at will. The. pert as he will He loses his. you can say ‘Jack Robinson.’ through the dark tunnel until sud- I glowing, and well on a| its weight in y knew what had happened, and I realized that I must do something hound, ee three trustworthy men. We y forward denly “T saw two fierce, green eyes that we had come upon ou The next. momen’ co dashed forward, and a fearful fight began betaveen the lion and the hound. r a desperate encounter, the tit ies came limping back to s badly torn, and I to aaa hae out to have his wounds dressed. noises, in the lion toward the neither horns, blank cartridges, nor candles would start him. therefore took off my heavy top: boots, pulled them on over my arms, and advanced against the lion. Ww got up within reach I was lucky enough to catch him a hard blow on the nose with one of the boot heels, but still he did not move. went back to get_ my head protected before I renewed the attac! I got a big kettle, and told a man to put it over my head; but was trying to do so, the ‘kettle slip- ped from his hands ae went clat- ering down again That did the trick! not stand such a racket, and took to his heels on the spot. We followed hastily, soon almost deafened by : and me ee: ing, head half: seg between the street aid the bed sewer. We squid slipped other ropes ead. then we aio his safe and and p: caus anxie ou THE DOCTOR’S GIFT. = Worth Its Weight in Gold. sually expect the doctor to Rie us-on some kind of pénanoe and give us bitter m i Baciatn dockar eonetern tient something entirely ciferent and the results are truly ns ago,” writes this pa- tient, “I was @ frequent. victim of acute. indigestion and. biliousness, being ‘allowed . to eat -yery few things. One ar our family doc- tor brought mo age, sayi ge = had toatsia something for me rau. “tte said it was a food called Grape-Nuts and even as sl golden color might ales it was worth , but consented to Reese “Well ! It surpassed my doctor’s SALT RHEUM cE = OUT ON HANDS Formed Watery Pinipies, Pimples, Itchy and ~Had Horrible Hoge hace deal of cay on my hands in the falland remain I tion that I Jost some of my ing this sth of time I was utterly useléss, as T ds. several of my friends advised so I sent for samples || there great im- provement. ‘Then I went to the druggist. Cuticura Soap and. two boxes of Cuticura Ointment; after using ‘tl 833 ym completely Potter Drug & SA Ghent. Comp, Dept. 36 36D. Boston, U.S. fondest and every or since then I have blessed the good doctor and the inventor of Grape- eg “noticed ey improvement ot once, '0., Windsor, Road’ to/Well- BS. Ever read the abere tettar? Ano pears from time to ‘they nuine, true, and full of human invevest Unintentional Suggestion. So SY SboaTs a toting not to worry that I ce: thiveang aoe ae aroubled? “Chest Colds, “Wheezing \d | line invaluable: ance sheets of the pouluy farmers “The whole history of livestock aw intelligence upon a higher ideal without ultimately making progress in iis direction of fixing and en- hance’ desired characteristics. the race horse or the merino sheep. and strains by the p better aod b many have ete with disappoint- ments and contradictory results, but this has nct affected the general average in the oes march.” Cured Over Night You Can Break Up Cold, Feel Fine Next Morning, by Following the “Nerviline’? Method. EXPERIENCE OF A TRAINED NURSE. Every mother knows how dificult ae i hn large doses, and aa upset the stomach and make the child children’s colds, Nurse Gar- : ‘In all in Het liniment. Every beorbed quickly, einks through the muscles, eases, re- Especially for ide, stiff neck, ear: in treating ae pire oF of obildren Nerviline has think Nerviline should be ie PSs ris the Catarthorone Co., Buffalo, N.¥., and Kingston, Ont. —_——rr___—_ PAID FOR GOOD WISHES. Mater HePkss Takes aes Reyenge a La A Se Bales Hee) hotel- keeper who recently conclu ded a jawsuit in the Swiss ae which had lasted for Sears and who receiv- ed at an exceedingly following bill was presented to him reparing luncheon ... g Perusing bill of fare . consultations with the +20 -20 Pp. «10 Taking fly out of the soup +10 ae for soup See «20 50 Watton bonis aoe wera AG eng consultations with the Saaais (= Male neve «40 ee ies of meat and” vege- tables. : coco ecacecesees cent + 2.50 Sagi oE hope you iI enjoy your lunch -10 Ten visits to Se cellar 2.00 Sundry acts of courtesy, etc... 40 Matche: +10 Wine and ¢ cig: 1.60 Reading bil a fare aloud... .10 Serving des: : +20 56 Clearing. the table . +30 Satisfaction of hunger 10 Wear and tear and bréakages 70 Letting down window shutters .40 Lenny away. remaing Tuncheo +80 Salt pte techie ‘saltapoon... 10 erifying present bill of costs Sees on receiving it . Wishing good-bye . Ten per cent. discount . se Deve in her house. During the er- noon farmer sought shelter from the thunderstorm.at the house of a nei x who possessed a telephone, and who p aded th farmer to call his wife as a little z A & surprise. instruction, the farmer put the receiver to: his ear, and after the usual prelimin- ries he shout This is is as true of the hen as it is of | tor si Speaking of the promptest cure for chest as he | troubles a1 activity wae get I ad taken them at all; they seemed to go right to the liver, and in a very sea, dis: at I bi to crave food nd I digested it reasonably well. Then I began to put on weight until withi con r five The parasite ©0., Buffalo, N.Y, and Kingston, Cai FRANCE’S GREAT INVENTIONS Paris Architect Says Most Marvels Originated There. What nation has created most of} ¥ the marvels of modern science? A French architect, M: Manin, replies to this fpeticn. in the following mann. vas- sor, about 1 The first dirigipie balloon ab! resist the wind was built by Giffart in Pe r and in 1884 Renard steered perfectly, All five were Frenchmen. aie ocr ae ee in 1897 the Avion, the first to leave 6 The faetiae was invented by a Ganadiane, Grabsm-Bell, tn! 1876, and the Phonograph by ‘an Ameri- ison, in 8 . the cinemato- Plateah, man, Mi photographed the movements of living creatures about 1877, a in American, ison, in 1895, es the modern moving picture camera. Lippman, a citizen of Luxemburg, discovered 5 process of color pho graphy in 1891, and the Tanaieee Ne tino Frenchmen, invented @ practical nee which was en- tirely different, in 1 man, Roentgen, discovered the X- aye in 1895. " Ano’ German, Hertz, dis- ee in. 1890 the Hertian waves, which ‘a Fren chman, Branly, about. 1900, utilized in inventing wireless e| telegraph, nchman, Moissan, manufac- aah ‘dianhonas and rubies in 1893. Two French. citizens, M. and Mme. uns, discovered radium about: A ren snokaist Pasteur, in 1885, il discovered! and ‘applied anaes vaccination against hydropho! A GQ sparen ing, ‘and: a Frene ered al bodies in 1912. c The nor pole was reached in 1909 by an American, Peary, and the falls ele by a Norwegian, Am- mundsen, in 1911. This list, drawn up by a French- man, therefore sashbiane thirty-two names (counting those tioned twice as two), of which nineteen a French, seven American, and thre German. PRE Soa, \ > Where He Got It. her—N oh "ae that chewing gum? I want the willie You don’t-want'the truth, teacher, an’ I’d rather not tell a lie. Teacher—How dare you say i don’t want the truth! ‘sell me pie where you got that owe je—Under your desk. packet wherever seen. No Time For Play. | oaees year-old William came home e day in a regrettable, state of isomers and a somewhat bruised eved. “You lo I look as if I had been playing with anybody?’ ‘ee man’s success is due Many a his ability to obtain five by ae “It’s wonderful, that was ae right enough,’” ISSUE 3713. : po tho NY, of the La lassie. ‘‘Th’ Loo is . Cruel of mil ee is works haa In 1883 the brothers Tis-| , die: and | ig ici built balloons which could be , Willie, where did It ENGLISH HOLIDAY CLUBS, Custom of Mill Operatives of Lanca- shire, During his Lancashire tour King George had an opportunity of wit- nessing one of the most interesting sights in the world. He saw Lanca- Fty or fifty-one weeks in the oe he: pubs” a- little. .“‘brass’” the going-away club, and then when his lidey or fortnight round he has a grand time, a really jolly, holiday, ing naug! and spending freely until he 3 to the end of his money; for to return home with any of his boosie left is uneashire lad mon,’ they say, rho See blue his ‘wake’ brass would borrow money from you to ut ? th’ bank.’ Tt is not an uncommon thing for a family of operatives to spond £20 30 in the course of -five or six days’ holiday. need g, and one fam- 4 me: their holigavs io a mone but e banks £20,000 more, and and Burry come the sam of eing paid out by clubs to Ane hap- py- ane mill hands, who from July to September — mostly the sonar seaside re: During last two of three TS, ee they have varied the usual holiday at. Blackpool or Douglas by ees farther afield, and one finds oli 5 Dover, weekly éxpenses are, ways and means to put iy a we for the “mounts up,”” generally finds herself w £4 for pete bee ie hholidag - | week comes Fr a How Could Het and Mike were walking along ke “ido of a bog when Mike. had the misfortune io fall in. On see- ing this Pat turned and ran back use, and knocking at the uted out—‘‘For the love of only up the ankles he can maul walk new “Sure and how could he when Nee in head first?” PERT PUA ES, Plenty of Time, “Papa, I-want an ice cream sun- dae. “All right, dear, remind me of it again ;. this is only Tuesday.” BLED TO DEATH Tried to trim a wart with a razor and or, it’s the best, 25c. at all Only a fool girl every unmarried man she looking for a wife. Raters mee! ay: Minard’s Liniment Relleves Neuralgia. It Didn’t Help. ‘Why don’t you try dieting for your trouble ’” I have tried it. All last week I arte ate more than twice a day.”” Try Murine Eye Remedy ic, SOc. Eye Books Free by ‘Eye Tonic ion rpseed Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Many a good man is married to his ‘boss. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. beh, coger buy something The girl was not offended, he worked this right down the ee Bad Blood: rid inevitable result of drregular or constipated bowels and ou a undigested food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate ren; Hrppen ly Ite nm in, Opening up tee r. Morse’s “ two and. two together. 4 flooding. The Cli Sold Locally, by the Best Dealers L. E. Watermen Company, Limited, Montreal Every Pen guaranteed, if a mp WELL SHINED SHOES. ARE THE FOUNDATION OF GOOD APPEARANCE SHOE POLISH ‘ GIVES A QUICK, BRILLIANT POLISH THAT LASTS EASY TO USE. GOOD FOR THE SHOES chemicals and a eapply you, with, plat ly by the weel goods snd the field. te ple: patanite rere Fond for whole "ea scnenek anu we-pay. ate ‘ART Wo 315 Ci et iateny genie trot te to bottom is about the slae of cima Grain (Dia Tabel) Like small seed pearls, even ani marvels. of mealcene Coarse Grain (green label) Tike small diamonds and moat as brilliant, ‘but ickly melted. terns furnished. posttivaly no" no 6x a von color, ‘or month. -No canvassing inlimited ingen aere ar tar for oor work. 1"y9n want cloany or spare time, write us and will OLLEQE STREET, - TORONTO, ONT. ‘Every gr ok no matter its size, is finest extra granulated ) pure cane idee shown wee Analysis 99-99]100 to 100%, pi ‘The weight is uarantecd as well asthe quality. age co ba. 25 Toe 2018 abs. 3. ans tes nee Limited, ‘Montreal. 4 FOR SALE ‘ "| pulleys & Shafting Suitable for Mills, Manufacturing Plants, Printing Houses, Eto. 1o|® Wood Split Palieye, 1234 x 49 in 16 for 3 10/ 1 Wood Split eee 12% x 48 in, for 2 18/16 in, 1 Wood Split Pele, ‘19% x 28 in. for 3 7/16 in. 1 Wood Bplig Pale, 10} x 36 in. for 3 7/16 Pulleys < cai sizes and Phatting of various and bizes to be ax at very low figures, x 28, Wilson punish Co., Toronto, ~ _ FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne street, Toronto. RUIT, STOCK, Farms in aps. GRAIN AND DAIRY all sections ot Ontario, UpAgro SITES, WITH on eae Ballway, treat tO tO, Brampton and-ather, towne and’ oltior, FR PSDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN Brampton and a dozen other towns W. DAWSON, Colborne St. AGENTS WANTED. TAT ESTABLISHED MONTREAL IN- estment Company paying Securities, requires the ‘of able men. Exclusive territory to Tight Toror:to parties. Good profits can be made in whole or apare time. ‘his is a solid pro- position back nential mon who 1443, Montreal, paper. for particulars. Mention STAMPS AND COINS, Angelic Influence. Lady (offering policeman a toe often think you poor po- licemen run such a risk of becom: ing bad, being so constantly mixed up with crime. poli c needn’t © fear, mum. It’s the criminals wot runs the vise oF becomin’ ‘saints, bein’ mixed up with us! Minard’g Liniment, Cox, Lim ro. had een ‘Tumor on may fae fk wr} and tried @ num: Pek cf retuedieg. witholtrany good Tesulta: Twas advised to try | MINAID'S | LINK: MENT, tanned several bottles ay nde.'a complete: and it healed sa rae Btation, Hai jept. Explaines nid that your se A: cn doesn’t look like yours.” my = Bee you see, it’s ladder. tess Low Colonist Rates = Pacifio Coast. Soth’snclugive, trom. al) to. Loe dalpaldes mau setohelaes, Boetiante Salt Lake City,” Seattle, Victoria, conver, Nelson, ‘Ross! pointe, | ‘Through ree’ reclining chair g0. rable: rout ber full information as » Tout and Iterature, ‘welte or osit on 8, . Benaett, General Agent, 4 Yonge ‘Strest; Doronto. 1 man who sings his own praise seldom gets a curtain call. Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandruff. His Annuity. — An eminent lawyer ided turm-oyer part of his Inve praet's3 tom his tly afterward the young man cntorsdzthe setae ace @ face beaming wate pleasure, xclaimed : “Father, you know that Wilbour case ra ve. been trying for the last ‘ten yea’ Thy older lawyer admitted that the young man tri- tiled it’” ( She—If I’d ‘Endy you’d be such a brute to bear Fido, I’d never have married y. e—The. anticipated qlekate ‘ok kicking that miserable DIF. Catalogue, Marks TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED ferent Foreign Stamps, Album, only Seven Cents. Company, Toronto. MEN WANTED MEN WANTED CELA’ |ANCER, ‘TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO. internal and external, cured with: ont pain by our home treatment. Write we cbetore too late, Dr. Bellman Medical Limited, Collingwood, 01 ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, emed; Get It At Once. mn lady enquired of the pacity. > the Jide di dame; * loes noi Tet. his daughter want for ati, so you can get it at once !’’ *Pa’s Sympathy. “Is the man oe sister is goin” $o marry rich?” “Naw; every time the tiny is mentioned pa bets ee man Surprising how quickly it enses smarting and stinging! Als cares tals MAEnicRn cee eee atte Zam-Buk is madefrom pure her- balessences. No animal fats—no mineral poisons. Finest healer Drugyists and Stores Ros?ywhere, littlesbeast was one of my chief D Indian Root Pills reasons vor proposing. iH Germ 7 SBenol™ price 4:00" Another ew iy for Dinbetes- Mellitus, and. gure cure, “Banol’s Anti-Dinhetes.” Price omtalfe| druggists or direct. The ‘Sanol Manntage turing Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, M Minard’s Liniment for gale everywhere. —