FOR SALE! 3 fait dae ey 4} SECOND-HAND PARLOR COOK STOVE ALSO ‘A GOOD CHURN 4 Both in first-class condition P. NEUMEISTER {[ Painter and Decorator MILVERTON “Ft Shines For ALL” Su. Live Poultry Wanted ! We are prepared to buy poultry in any quantity at high- .» Gleeckman, CASH price. ~ Milverton Vol. XXI—No. 12 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, September 25, 1913 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher , 4 oa sheet music tbe. at Enge |THE SAME OLD COUNTRY FAIR. jessie dish pans 25o, granite kett- | B gi: jes 19e, special at Engeland’s Be LOCAL NEWS nat ain Enant raincoat.” Enge- evmoe Kelle oe ies! raincoats an. im. ES | lan The country fai ees variety to cl from at | Day has-been fixed nd ‘the folks lare tecting gay. |Engeland’s. | is hs eel oh October 20th: |" Mr, jand Mrs John, Dobson spent | etro olitan Ban Mr, and es a Hoffman spent onirs Wm Schauber visited with \the week-end in "tre tfond Seine iends in Stratford for a day or two. \their daug! Mrs,'A R- Holle- | r attended the| Velvets (in lall colors -and styles Are all cackling for the pee | freund. | 'y for your fall dress. Engeland |Bt Boon raises the dickens | Car load of oil cake expected in a} Head Office : TORONTO ; Mist Pearl Soute is cat urea vis ees Fee i Se With a hog of matiimoth size. | few Mays $33.00 ‘ber ton off the car | iting relatives in e real thing in the fin business— eave your orders now. I D. Atki CAPITAL PAID U 3000,000,00 Mr. Kalbfleiseh spent a few | Kenny ey. Cook's: Hall ‘on Acie pisos tatti | Milverton, =| RESERVE FUND o UNDIVIDED PROFITS 1,431,888.26 days ith his me Crone at Brunner. is 2 = pe Np oa ye aoe the floral hall | ‘The school board has still a quan! hat the village is free of | erner. of Binationl: i [Bees AMelinda. Judkins chatting; itv of brick for sale which they | DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS small-pox we hope that it will re-/ at pr ing Mrs. @ Langtor anid Bee bi ad of before . the | fiein: 4 a nd Phe ohe Dabeo tee ee tend of the | desi ee and CHEAPEST aurene Barr andl Miss Moe” ecure your tickets early for i Wm Burgman and Miss Emily | Issued payable Rca He Se at ne mo | Kain Night convert ist “Boks Hab |With Orella Jackson's. be |Burgman left on ‘Tuesday for. Parke | een Pagina a oe Erle as A Sains Are all bound on ais ee prize, inal where they attended the ee - + J. HALL = ae A big timo Is assured. @ at- ot their son and brother. Wm. Milverton and Mittbank Branches: Manager :Tac|tend the dance in Zimmermann’s|The flying man goes soarin | Bae Eiak bo NT adaeetey cece ee ote Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday {Hall on Fair Night. Firsttela =| ike a hen hawk fe the sky. 1B. - A " ed on chest: |The trotting nags are scoring; | Mz. Samuel Gleeckman and family | ta Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph with | Mr. John Jantat hue adii@dsto the| ‘They are off—ziv| ae the fy. ine ge ae toa wen iecerae| ‘Aye [appearance und comfort ofshis home Twositty they are peelin Toronto where they will celebrate the | a "Mar: veneering bis ode SEH red | he hor noe yal by|Jewish New Year whic alls on! BR Aay or two with Mr |Monkton brie ec \Phursday and Friday October 2nd midt, Stratford |_ Buy where you can get the variety Tom Pembrook’s colt comes stealing | and 8rd, They will be gone until the | —_— — — Se a Mis¢ Emma & Sons have th? larg: Down the rail won by a 24th of the month. avistock. are at present |variety and biggest stoelki “You ea Some little amusement was creat-| visiting at Mesers John and” Louis |: nder no. obligations to buy, Tho folks are feeling jolly; ed at the evening service in. Knox! Pet, | rs lino For, the country fairs a thing {peaen on Sunday hee ieee fou xpected that ™ | ife's melancholy no ain re to run the | ofinloal me the ‘wublio Fair Night, An tra Been ens with a zing! gan, Investigation showe a | Je to resume charge engaged for the occasion and an en jana he tists of all this Sol hat ‘the pumper had succumbed on Oct. 13th fopable tinesie. promiaed amee Comes Ww! ake the hired man | ot aed an tae aye eee aa SS ee ey mier ee been. sue- * Saunters down the line with Polly—| stitute took his place on the handle | R_ McMane carried off the red | e got mittened by Miss Vann, land the service was conducted in due (ie Cie = na ___| form.--Elora ee OF CANADA t fockmen ond farmers hereabouts | 2 ot peen| Bring us your live nouttry. Eng» jare anor anxiously for two things pases stomers . t here tending tree rons |—more tain. a e free cattle mar not eddie milk on Satur nd children’s sweater! Ket that is to be opened up in the U Saat 2 Wena. pes wil Rogers. of Gudlyh. Shas Baas: qioite e petand | by the new Demoeratic tariff ‘The SAVE, because--- No. 51 | pleted the contract of moving Mr, W | The largest variety of lathes’ dicta taste Never Welk e we MOLT Se ’ cleat Mac returned | K. Loth’s house about. one hu: ee d-| ever shown at Sn eeland a {weeks has not Aingipyadl the stoek- : ‘ = home on vay pa “afer Acie (tee: Fast, af: HATE it formerly stood. i . granite kett-|fecding situation to any extent. Pas- The record of a man’s success—or failure—is often five weeks at de her ; Thi 2 Baia joe | les 19¢. ng tay n s are completely done. eaten off nie: Sens Duper Btewinte oF 3 nie Bec penpy tides it is +6: 7 in hi ‘i Stratford. who is now eonvalscent Le BAER: | ale Night conoert fattenin: ds, We written in his savings account. annual Harv 1 eet |: Hear Kennv and it agar farmers will have lL be held in Christ Chu MMarRarst Ba eo humorists. Fortunately YHEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto and in Trinity “Ghurch. 2: tees Si | bes = 2 ae Ob abt September 28th. ‘Th evening of cok. prey- | nd Mrs F W, Thomas — re-| throughout ‘the province. else corated o her de pabthiaector Stulitford. earned “inst week alter siting a he sis: MONKTON BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Maneder aloe 1 r Beadonen: wi a ee at both services. be and spec- wa ~eetor of Hanover. | Ma All are Wm _ The remand: spent with. 9 {cana oe a coin, ning. was at Sudbury and Kenor wm Eo pending a riends ac! eee ler of) ames '| a4 Toledo ie led ae eke mother ana becinias tricas in Mone! Heise into see US market would be has score oe rom s] alf-famish- lt may ie a eA duty on Canadian catile ee a oy to jfore the big jeven that will be A Bank Account ing is a habit iit derived trom the: spend ng of No matter how small may be the amount you are able to save from your salary each week. if leposited in this ment that is offered large lepositons. account in be with one dollar i e e erédited every six months. MILVERTON BRANCH : R, J. Ranney, Manager * too late Sz f ace x SHartmier last Hereafter our Store will close at 7 | relief to some, ——— SS — SSS TET Phat ini he mele: Mamet i = contract Of | [vm every evening except pipe —— iously than it did nk Store closed from 2 ta 4 on Fa MILLBANK FIRE severely ott but ay. is “bed. for ‘i Me feet ae John, staart ot Supe ai Beacon Wiles Sept, 1874 - AN HONORED NAME just completed shingling « part th hockey and eurl- -bérta. is at present visiting wit 4 3 his barn woof and was engamed jn |ingrinks and is fitted: up with a co m- | friends in this ee) after an. ab: ieee midnight on Briday 9, Fa otk ofive. avhisiied’ hye Maleotin Oo r Ss rocery sweeping he ole se when e ts | sence oe twenty | ig inant dbstared by a Malcolm. registered b: (UES SOA SEE ¢ Blipped and fell the ground) & winter sets in} We want ave Shakes hens a tha ant! Maleolm \and bor alban alighting on his feck? ea! in few | ducks. for Ww we pay highest wore wrapt, in flames, | 0202) ion near post of- a» ‘The ‘concert: held in- Cook’s hall. on prices, Bring pre before the en) tthe itis pers fice was surely sufficient reason why Saturday night under the auspices of »|drops—that means now. Engelahd &| oth Mrs. Malcolm MolInt: (nee Miss. © rist church was from all points of fons. s to| Belle Tullock. a former nurse in the F H FRU ITS lew @ success, ‘The ‘hall was com the Sun will be senfto any _ad-| eseue rome [Bruce County itoepltal herel’. shoud fortably filled by a very attentive dress S Ban a Se eee site |ot hy clad a alled the child Mal with- a tive nudien Ast. 1915 for one doll ubseribe ont Joke py ole in aie: divti oS F; See ee ae hee coated dhtertatter now and get the full term. You can|*ih, infiimmable Rupees raleebaeid Ene | £28, 8 more, avpropria onthe Arrivin Dail Tee peyeerente Ceca word ac elenee send no more acceptable present to n|§ the | fact that the father ot fhe Hit wee A realistic and ufforded the aud friend. heat that almost, al¥ the machinery. | Maleolin Metnty ee od ne Eon ad ob urndsenioueen ube nunc (ae oh Kertcher. butcher. h fons pistes are ee Rn oes attended its nrriva oe ‘Malcolm hese Miss Smith were als |S ranged with J chmidt for the f by A emanictol ho regt- PEACHES PLUMS PEARS tender = crash ait (the woods these days, erection of a stand opposite Engelant Isao Mab cahe eS ATER istered its birth, Mateolm MeCallunn: Mr. eure Orr. son of Mr Wm |_ A quiet wedding took 0! ee at the/& Sons for Thursd ‘ond day ’ ~| the colm school where it will be TOMATOES MUSK MELONS Onv had 2 tather peeulian experience {First Presbyterian church manse. Kd-| Sept, 25th. and were: he «. Sail | ere ee an nee ere the Malcoim post office Pet wrecks ceed just got into the ‘Aug. J0th. at |ispose of 00 poms st heel, tt | become when active’ opsrations vehere it sip mae sti es 4 hh cents a pound ail to Ret | we : h colm church where i e day At Market Prices ed Sea Jona. Alexentart dah EREE® OF Me ene'lyoue aiiply BR rinpraant wate rtrin ier ee gpa tanh Th “finally ‘the Malcoitn - him sitting dow : Mrs. John Alexander, formerly t the Anglican synod held Inst | “iut mantully over! 50 teams beinp | cemetery, Where repose on its rr from the bug w Brunner. Ont... uni a week it looked for a time as if the| oy hand Monday diawing stone on laurels. is surely the greatest coinci- BUTTER 22c per lb. - EGGS 21c per doz. [Il (tied to stand alone ‘he fell for-| a8 to Mr. Frederick Walter Rey-| Lower House was going to declare|°™ terial for the shove. which are to| {nce of Maleolms Imnowm in local it i: ward on his f: joint has nolds. of Ardrossan. Al ev r on the bishops. tion Was | ho of pe and: none’ s -Buchebddeine Cateset mupremtt history.—Walkerton caused hima, great deal of pain wai | MeQueen perform ceremony. | brought in by Archdeacon Carey and |inan t! Ne achinery. t6-the| hoe ee cared he may. have. to unier:| The bride was Gtessed in mivy blue| ton, 8) H Blake that both houses sit ee tae $i.000 ne been ordered This reminds the writer, who: also orn: Operation: suit with hat to’ match. Mr — and|together. This ‘meant a change eo ssesses the euphon‘ous and glorified ‘MrcR J Ranney agent of the Jo-| Mrs. Reynolds will ‘reside at “Aniross- the constitution. The mot ame, of an incident that occur: cal ‘branch of the Bank of, Hamilton |20. Slt spirited Aebate was defeated bya vote POOLE. some dozen years ago when he called ; hasbeen notified to-report at. the Grosch Bros, have persuaded Capt standings 28:33. Fe Mr, Malcolm MacLean, the the: Part Higin agency on October Ist, Mr | A. E “Real London. to exhi he government grants due the| Mr. and Mrs A Dohms spent Mon-| venerable and revered postmaster’ of : ane tone besutifolsadile hones at nv parious townships ia North Perth for day afternoon wth friends newt. Gadas Walkerton who but recent! Ranney had his choic J G HAMILTON md Port Elgin petition poe iia bees Jum bers otra! okools/ieériba fed on. bs sbas hil ito the Great Beyond full of years fi 2 latter. ‘The took most of the prizes at the Lon-|o¢ salaries end qualification: of tea Miss Margaret Flex visited | of Servi rose and caught him Alig don ‘exhibiti fi , North £01020: Eiiee lover Sunday with: tein ih’ Blonkton, | by ‘the ‘band! and “holding. te in botit Sole Agent for from the village will’ be ped to Det ‘Miss of his drawled i D. L. @W. PORTLAND vee yi cretiata Pe | das ag sith frien s nnn (ate = ¥ he . 1 hi r, un ‘on. Salvad ia. SCRANTON CEMENT fi with he eas the finest hunters in the cou St, Marys. wceompanil Liss | or STANDARD ST. yes the School board and is nks Louise Salvadge spent Bundey at the ANTHRICITE Raa fir liberality als ¢ of Mr. RP. Salva : seg Ces ee etait ith interest ‘to make our great ; nt be J arent ‘visited at| A ) PRESENTA TON a bigger and better anoness than Dee Stratfo: ov arn er the geen a wish ils , Wall offi ices? To chan mie M.D a Stratford Pair whic! s held | school at her home —We. your fellow mem- Renney all sows im his new vorition| Ts Sten ay and Priday Af iat wee Gare ce exami mF ohn Kennel from “ichigan Go| beewtbacs oltre tthe Miverion al latter certificate pe 7 holter friends aroi ici ie — Ns ee “The Home of Fashion” ee Millinery Openings - ‘THURSDAY and FRIDA Sept. 25th and 26th E EXTEND TO ALL a very cordial invitation to * inspect our stock of Fall Millinery. We begin the season with a larger variety of exclusive designs than ever before and would advise an early inspection of our High-class Millinery Novelties while stock is complete. on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY PEN EveNinas during the week. | Store O ieee is MAIN STREET MILVERTON mil MRS. K. SPROULE, ee i 2 4 a _ = Pa ' 5 = = a — = = BS ee ih nes Pccsmmmesied (20 22 standard, “at n the yaa) City. (Mich..) Ba: bitore a raise the was conduct ev. of the Seetyie ria ean on eiuee ors, from Milverton to the apse Sod Atwood ene state th: kinds of wild rumi Tt was. ou! and ae several members; of Mr. midt’s family who were but sli; to ©: vonin: conditions did not fant ich wotion. On the other FE BG funeral which Speene? of ome Sete, Tereimares He is survived by his widow and in oireula- tion with Tipanl tp thesseserol eminil: pox ith the one aii see sentrance High school. as wal as ay st to a Model school, Fees are .reasonal A week 2&0. ae ki ing #1 the nner, in a swam ield i the sais aie neste ye a Mero ir) Mr. oD! _MecRoberts who has Route No. 1 Gu ding Sept. 3rd was attended in a body by te Brown City Lodge No. 409 AF. and “Mand took place just south of| this week. Mr Marlitte.” Mr Boe he in his | that. his iiapertest eyesigh' 80th ars him th Aeciphertog hit ‘on papers. on one The “ob isa very trying one ue Ais errors { iy ndlin: ereeo in patrons mit ope groise “patienc are now about 70 boxes on the re wits the eB esiet of about ten mi © sort in Lis. at all being a tt denominations for: benefit ot “the patrons. ‘he Jot of avert sing for ‘past be rew# all their Shaner is the also. ehtly to nob Help lift the auarantine until ee attractions in front @ weeks: Wi sta the midway the Cerys may say ithe wiieots => | ors never Hesbored a neu t cf post- war hand |) Datrenise “die little Brohm: he at “wtount a m: ay. miles in ne ones 3 have = getting 5 ble a thet: “killed es stray bullet. tired in sre raat ete the 2s ee all one the a few he efforts of the various in ae ey of | every a ape res fn he Village, ry -Bach| While we an was ut of quarantine last week raves Rast onne to oe the ies at- im- affected nre convalscent and if the ry comunity to | strict letter of the regulations: were irs and we follow: ni but the home Son eeny it will ees in more ways than a DIEH! ph Campbell-At mtocain eter ‘on Sept. {and Mrs: re nS ert ‘nnurstay Rae Rainy River. Ont., Dicks 913. to iM a Mra Bettger. a, . to Edward wmpbell. athe Ae" “Mornington. on Bee ie. 4 om Mrs Fred. Marddess. a Bellare Milverton. on Sept 16. ito nd Mrs Rudy Bellar, adaugh- — Brunner, on Sept. 13, to Mr. Mrs Sam Smith. a son. She Apia on Sept,.12. to 3 a Mrs Jas Wallace. a ae "@tiltborn ursday. Oct. in elise Tp. Lot 11. Con. 6. See Thu ee Oct eu ten farm stock pn mplements. © hat Abani, pndeplendla farm se Kroetseh. Estate bat effects 3, fa: on, 9; Mornington “See advt SABA” oa “THANKS. Mrs. Sarah Nicholls widow of - hols. desires el W Moffat who x Tu August pon: the thirtee 01 e ik, for their pes and prompt eat ‘for Wa térl anda’ “Octoner, 5th. confirmation service will be. held in the Lutheran] in rel a.m he frui “a your lab: ur sorrow is ‘that we cann you be heart, will Coxon. « Pfeffer, vee ae bp Weir. Clerk ALL EMANG—M: LNER- pretty wedding took place on hen her. daughter. aus was WI Herbert ‘ate: