Milverton Sun, 25 Sep 1913, p. 4

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9 : LINWOOD 4 ‘TORONTO WOMAN : LISTOWEL are ¥ = eas Heusen tet MILVERTON The Sun Printing Office Main Street, < SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1; six months, 50 cents; ce Sunda: miontie, 26 cents, in advance, Subscriber in arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Bight cents per i fourcents per tine for cae subsequent inser- Hon will be charged for all transtent adv, ine for first insertion and Adv atehnesctncat qskes directions bp ie sraested until forbid and char; sets for contract advertisements inat bein the office by noon Mot attention, MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor BusinessCards DR.M.C.TINDALE,L.D.S. (Sueeessor to Dr, Lederman) HoNoR GRADUATE ToRoNTO Usrversiry Crown and potke Work a special Over ee Bauk, Mitverton Office : Medical. F. PARKER, M.D. P, L. TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, aLVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o' Yelock p, m., and mr. and 2 to 4 o’cioe RSTER, Eye, Ea House aes and Aural Insti- DR. R. FOR Nowe an tivoat only. New York Opthalie tute, Ks E at Hoot 1, Golden ‘Square and Mooretiold’ ‘a i Phone 987, Kus Shureh, Biratend, tesa H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Aad + Nota iteitor for Ban LISTOWEL, MILY Berit; Offices: Listowel, Mi Money to F. R. BLEWETT, K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto : Gordon Block BTRATEORD, ONTARIO eterinary. RR, Vetermary Surgeon PGaniene OL DALE Veterin of domesticated animals. Calls by. tole phone or otherwise promptly attended to KE 478, verton, eis every Monday evening on 0 before fa moon. every month. in, th pede | ent Vis ball ix J. EB. 6 Blo siting breth renalw: age weleome, J. G, Hamilton, W. Ma; W. J. Zo No, 99, Milverton, meets every Second and last Tnesday of every mouth, at 8 o'clock, in their hall over Bert Ky: osel’s hardware store. Visiti brethren always welcome. —S. Spenc er, N. Zimmerman, Ree-Sec. tar F,, “Sik 1. 0. 0. Loge,” No, meets every Friday night ai in their hall oyer Beuk of Ham ting jbrothte en always wel ne w. . Loth, oR ‘Beoy. W. D, WEIR, Notary Pablic, Aue: tioneer for the Sunny of Perth and Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and in the Weir over the Mtetcopaliten 5 Bank. block Hotels. 2 NGE HOTEL, Bronner, Ont John ‘opr, Bacce Best tenors and cigars at the bar ake class ac Colntnodiation and large sta CEN pide HOTEL, 3 ominotain a sommerolal travellers and ot Three farge sample rooms, Good stabling. Best brands brands of liquors aud cigars, Chas. Ritter, on .N TEL, Milverton, Ont aah Soshuanaetion for romeibeaat ‘The b eavellers-end,ott ‘wo large sample | \ rooms, Only the choicest of Wines, Li quors and Cigars r. Good warm stables, George F. Pauli, Proprietor. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin pays special atte: Commercia trade, oe sample roo: PUBLIC NOTICE! MBS. ¢: BORGEL, LINWOOD keeps hand Coal, ‘Lime, Cement and , such a8 ie euer ‘be quality V. Meyer, Manager Milverton, Ont Tr. 5| spent Sunday at his hor ome her . Mr. and Public, -_Conveyancer Tamil ti Mr. Arthur Ament and Mr Por. | WELL AGAIN guson. of Tavistock. spent Sunday at is home he | his home here, Mr. O Bundy daid 9 flying vis-| Freed From Beat Bearing Down {C0 ‘Listowel on tues : : Mr. Peter Ament a Berlin. spent} Pains, Backache and Pain Sunday Beis home here. Mr. in Side by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Compound. - Berlet a ig their son in Tavist Rennie is pedi nm in Listowel. Mr. Ed Dahler and family. of pe lin. Lg Sunday nd: M uench. of Milverton. Tor ast October, I wrote este ance es completely run irs David Stinson. ol Giensinan. spent eau? y at the home Beg: le ota F Family svent the week-end ‘in soe Easthope with Her a ee PeAilingas of Listowel. soent Saturday with ee Devic Wray r. and Mrs Fred uch and tittle son. of Berlin. stent a week's JW. Collins and Mrs Fish spent a few days of last week in Goderich. Mr. Conrad: Wilker. ond faintly spent | the week-end in Tavistock \ er it Lantz and family Spent | Sunday in Welleste ley. Mr. T way. Irecommend Lydia | Compound highly to all expectant m 'ANDBY, 92 Logan me Ae Perce Ontario. Consider Well This Advice. 3 jomas Crawford and family of Kingwood spent Sunday t Mr. quiet but pretty wonding. of ook ine tat the home Mrs David Axt on Wedne: esday” ate ad iis willin ony e won vitie tt Uy ia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compouni aring |and Marie Smith. of Newton. were (When You're Walk erent ue week-end with her eee Eat, (Gusente: Gnioan. let aueodle’ couple of weeks fn Dundalk. iss Vera Watson. of Burns. spent a few Hays with friends in town. Mr. Wes Gray - 0} ale the cessful Hirave in Hacking’s contest for a. phonogra Misses Belle Fewings, of Millbank Fall Fair visitors in town uite a number from h the Atwood Fall Fair on Briday mee The Listowel brass band was in at- tel pe a of our sports motored Mooreie and Drayton on Friday ev- DEE Bros er AIRS a eiiadd far te Toe High school football fem: girls who did/ the “tagging” re- alized ‘about $60 for the — treasury, ratulations girls. Me Sahu ters: at Withipeg, and Mr. Henry aes of Medicine “Fat ing their holidays at home end at | his home near Millbank are going to take in the Mil Fall Fair on Friday. Sept. aes Miss Sanderson. of spent Saturday and Sunday Sane oe parents in town, Mr. Wilton King who spent week-end with friends in town re- turned to Hamilton on onday. nee the our famous Wondering TAILORING FOR MEN call here, select one of th fabrics and let us take your ure fora taahtoaente Bae ane where you can obtain the most sat- isfactory clothes and best valne in for your money, you need only to see J.M. FLEISCHHAUER Merchant Tailor, ~ MILVERTON, ONT. Ice Cream and s Lorne Petch. reeborn’s Le Petch had hooked inte oN Jord: up preparatory to coming to Linwood Mr. Geo Wioy T. rs J Ms ding ae is actin he horse which was not regarded ceoeaunces he as a vicious one kicked him me as. Side af cattle, ay forehead la it open acre Mrs. Roy Crawford and daughter row dd down over one eye. ine returned home Saturday after epend. naioisker’= x06 scious. he ing two weeks with friends at Wal- wound required fourteen stitehe: laceburg. oe it together Mr. Wm Hamilton ee th ee rapid progress towards re- week w cove We regret to report that ee John Shae vince Schnurr has been on the . ane Spent f pacevad ak Bete aah ais ae ‘fie Bresbytorian and ‘Metho- Da is at pres-- dist cee Schools r.. os tao is vl ting his bro- Mr. iad |. is: visi Mi att. surprise wh The Woman's Institute will ‘hola friends entered the home to helo. cel- their wegular monthly meeting at ebrate her birthday. Allreport a Roo! the home of Mrs. J J McVaddin on time. Tuesday. Sept. 30th. ait 230 pn Mr. reine pent oo Ry gears Hasti: ian of sshill, will give dav of last week t paper. g programme is. be CEs SOA Sy mages ‘prepared. ‘All rats Mr. 5 bers or not attend, Eo sion. caveat Sunday at his home| Millbank moan vial will be at the Atacnigicton wet Davidson. of ae toh non Friday. ry Gibson, of Van wettibces Margar' bank. and Mar vine edreice aa metal in’ Chace er. bent Monday with Mis. ow entreh on Son A aaa Las Williams. Bopiepnett oe U1 <a eaeeno 3 ” pm pews” Everyone we et : she Hughes. Rector |e WELLESLEY * + Messrs, F Berdux & Sons disor DIRECTORS’ MEETING % te neve number of: fine A meeting of the Directors of ¢ feeders on hans Tis ermers’ Mfatual ec D Bunion ig 6 prea e Co'y. was held in the Agricul- business visitor to Berlin and Tres| final Gist 4 be oad September. 1913. All the m tothanks giving services were heldin bers of the board | np have the slightest doubt intends tak- of | that a E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- | ing in the St. Ma’ arya Fair on Wed- © ble Compound will help you, write aout land the Milverton Fair on and happy wedded life | to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. | Priday. Watch for the red coat j Mr. W J y Some class, | act as judge o! ie oe | end Ripley Fall Fairs, n, | | ently Spouses and held in st te James Burnett | [f + { it HAMPSTEAD +| \ “ | + +\* MILLBANK +| Mr, and Mrs M Wolfe. of Guelph. #lare a sent visiting ‘with their daughter. Mrs. James Stewart istrict was well represented Mr. Rov Dodds was a visitor here/at the fair at Stratford in ju) ayER last. week and! moved. his faally: to! Invitations are ont for the m: to be about. is Wromin f Rutherford fi the Duliet * aia a W B and Miss a arenes gels w Ist not hit a vital vi m apent part of the past week w this locality | ed one m on iss Clare "antherford wart oe re- reel machen shower on Wed- of her ee the Fair at Mitre erat esday ine marriage. Seasonable Fruits at Weir's Restaurant FALL FAIR! FRIDAY Will be Milverton’s Big Exhibition, and we. ex- _tend a hearty invitation to visit The Arcade. We want you to make this store your place of rest. If you do not wish to buy anything, come in and sit down and make yourself at home. Ladies’ Coats Children’s and Misses’ Coats large variety. New Silks We are making a special showing of silks for the fair, We will be delighted to show you these new silks, Come in and see them Men’s King Hats IN EITHER STIFF OR FEDORA SHAPE AS YOU LIKE Among the many striking hat shapes, there is one that will look better than any other We show correct shapes for men of all ages. See our styles., We have them at all prices. NEW SWEATERS -:- NEW TIES Peaches and Grapes We will have a big delivery of Peaches and Grapes on Fair Day—nearly half a car load to sell. Get our prices before buying. Make this store Your Home while in the village. W.K.LOTH ‘The Arcade” - MILVERTON London the Lutheran church Canada) Synod. last Sunday. Rev Zarnke. of Berlin oveupi pied the pulpit in the morning} eee trempfer. of Binvsles J in the afternoon, Collec ons were taken at both servic Thee’ Molslian af Baa cles ‘Mr. R Armstrong who has resid- 1$30,00 for a heifer tile by light- ed here for about two years: will’ nin Talis aere ove his family and Heusen ole ef-| Appligations for ins fects to Waterloo where he foe ation ine eis ured a. position, with’ J Ni Ringe ss ec dinet adjourned till Tuesday the Re Gorzelitz has og | 21st October. 1913. to meet at the j usual +i e house ese lot of rs. time and place. IR Hammond, Sec’y fresh coat of p xe 8t. loaants. had the contract ecb PEFFERS of, i it. "philip Grahm is adding to the isiness College e Step ean waee FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2ND Send for new free catalogue to EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal | irae, of his bons with a coat) Mr. Jas Hurst let Lact weeks toc epomrs = L, Kaufman wield-! trip fo Winniveg ed the brash, | Pets See Mr A BL Robertson was 2 visitor anda ee auhbevite +) na St. Clements on) Miss Anna Freeborn has Feturmed Monday. : from a two weeks’ visit with friend Corn harvest is now in fOil swing eee and farmers are Kept busy ae SSE tie Gesen: wis ode ae ir oar ame ie is brian ir. E. Barrett “spent sunday cc “rienaa fe ‘Millba nk, Mr. Woods. of Carthage. ‘pent 6 aioe with Mn “and Mrs Jas e: otis Martha Koehler is spending a |” few weeks w ee fer sister. Mrs, J | Welz in Hanover, geotetet +R.Y.FISH&CO, LINWOOD Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc, Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture ‘Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand j aK : Miss E. es eS SS NEWTON * visiting at Mr. Jas. RS %*! “Miss Gladys Dick hag retin to ‘ gira ere “Miss Sarah Spencer. of Milverton. reeks with friends here, spent ana with her friend Mise oiecs S B. McDor Mrs. Setar of ete ie nse) to}. & her home after spe: ne a m0 ee DONEGAL Ea as an sister. Mis. H oe ker + Geo Hottman of | ee Milverton, spent Sunday ati Mr. Wm | @orn cutting is the order of the Benwal ‘dav in oie icinity. b aocuey morning a See Miss Gertrude Engeland. of Milver- freight “oan struck a cow on it vanieve i rossing i A number from this v t it died within nay cree ved anniversary servi he ty taints after. Methodist church on Su: day aa Hutchison made a business! ‘aio the es supper on Y even- ttip to stratford ee Monday. age Mey DO RET oe fants pas- iand Mrs Miller fee son Clar-' tor mbly atgteed the services ty ne in ence are sunene a week with friends Sunday and also took part ia the in Axe. vrogt ‘on Monday night. Mrs, ‘C Yost ‘spent Sunday in) Mr. sai Mrs HL. Engeland. and ve Mr. rs R McMane, of Milver- -_--————— ton. tored. he of Mr. and miss the concert on inday after- Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St.John Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton Clearing Sale OF Used Pianos and Organs 1 Beautifel Rosewood Plano—7 and a third octaves, overstrung rae 5 a8 ing 2 Dolla: Sagat ‘Three Dollars per 'month 1 Handsome Rosewood Piano- snird octaes, beautifil eaten mt 01 rr Rises catia $125.00 1 Beautiful Rosewood Piano —7 an: third octave, overs! Dass, a fine plano for practice purposes, thoroughly overhanled and fully guaranteed for five years. Origin al price was. Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($400.00), our price Que Hundred and $13: ‘Thirty-five Dollars ... Payable at $3 50 per month 1 Handsome Rosewood Piano—7 a 1 pri Payable Four Dollars per month, 1 Breellen’ Hightop Cabinet Orgar yeurved walnut case, thor iy renovated ‘and. fully guar- for 6 years. Regular. price $2756 per month 1 Beautiful Cabinet Organ — walnut case, ten stops, “fully guaranteed for five years, in first-class condi- tion, Re One Hundred hire Be Payable Two Dollars per month 4 Seven Octave Piano Cased Organ— as good as new, thoroughly over- i first-class cond twaranteed for 5 years. Original price One foe Pe nd Pitty Dol- lars ($150.00), Our @75 price a per month 1 Six Octave Dominion Organ—piano gased, excellent condition, beauti: ful walnut case. fully guaranteed for fiyeyears, Original price One Hundred Dollars. Our $60) price Sixty Dollars... Payable Two Dollars per itionth. all in first A dozen Good es guaranteed glad condition ny for: ‘five e from sy iive boars (920) up, to Bis. Dollars ($90). Terins Font 0 Three Dollars per mo HEINTZMAN Phone 769 C. E. PURDY, District Manager _ STRATFORD, Ont. Call and Inspect Them or Write for Full Particulars & CO., Limited Si Nigh, Pisum is now open at Weir's noon and ee very pleasant time, Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us right.:i:::::: experienced Repairing Prompt. Attended to eee Geo. d. Coxon We have the most complete stock of Furniture and Rugs for fall we have ever shown, HEN VISITING THE FAIR ON THURSDAY W and Friday, Sept. 25th and 26th, call in and see our new and handsome designs in Diningroom, ect to have an ex- hibit in the show building on the agricultural grounds that that will be worth while spending some time to see, 3: 33 Parlor and Bedroom Furniture. We expt The store will be open from 8 a.m, until 2 p.m. and from 4.30 p.m. ‘until 10 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 26th R. McMane, :: Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Milverton, Oat. THE CHARM of all the Jewelery we are displaying for em inspectio: design Brose Pi All in new an handsome dasigne: GOLD WATCHES for Ladies and Gentlemen in diff- _jerent sizes and at a wi _| Prices all guaranteed timekeepers. E fe BASTENDORFF “ed men distin n is the ex xquisite 2 ngs. wt ering aes. workman ide range of OUR NEW FALL SUITINGS ‘Are attracting much attention these days. New designs areneat, > We hiv ith as Tans, Blues, Grays, Et These are worn by the best dress to give nctietactiony “Come in and let us show you, trimmings are one be the features of our trade, e them in various ease a) made by us are and correct and bound tices are moderate consid- ain of material: cand

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