ae SPRING WHEAT 192,517,000 Ottawa Places’ Canada’s Grand Total of Wheat at 211 Million Bushels, fx SR a copaich from Ottawa says: A bulletin issued by the census and |”) \ ws office of the Department of Trade ree gives pre- liminary estimates of the yield of spring wheat, rye, oats and barley, as complied from the reports of eorrespondents upon the appear- whe: he average i mally plac- ed at 28.24 bushels per es se of 500 acres, of. eprin| },517,000 bushels. to 18,481,800 bushels of fall wheat, as published produc- ion of wheat at 210,998,800 bus shat and 20. 27 a Publisle Sor. ance Oats, witl a total yield of 361,723,000 bushels in 1912 Barley, a yield per acre of 31.05 bushels, and a total yield of 44,- e estimated yield of rye is 425,000 bushels ine 127,000 aye els as ppsinat a total of 2,594,000, ee ce 1912. thre orth west Pro- ices ‘the total yield of spring wheat is estimated at 188,018, ishels, as compared witl tal yield in 1912 for spring wheat of 183,322,000 els, oats 221,857,- bushels. The general Soutien. of the live stock is very satisfi ressed in pees of a stand- being a yield per acre of 19. 06 bush + us 000 bushels and barley of 26,671,000 | Ca COMMENT ON EVENTS Old-Age Pen: Pauperism. In one respect Britain's OEM pension system has fully justified it not surpassed, e1 eae eople rs of age declined 75 rr »» While in many raral eee ee @ pauper of that age i: pica rellet to aged people of the system res have little meaning eens in one, di ler, and that ference whether a mai Sat be approved by any real 6! oral pi les Sopa tice is one thing; relief of oorheses or of outdoor 6 By Oy, prorat fing. The fect. suite auth uae oe Tike prospect of a Moreover, paupers are ted supported by local taxation, while the pens system m national 000 | FEWER WORKING DAYS LOST. Trade Disputes Were Fewer in August Than in July. A despatch from Ottawa says: as a considerable decrease gust ed with the number eae ad Aes ae and n ee ae of} ard of 100, representing a healthy|er working days lost than during 40.98 Tuatels per acre on 9,646,400}and thrifty state, as 94.27 for|July. The department’s record peree Le a total production of} horses, 91.37 for milch cows; for | shows that 6,896 employees were af- 395,341,000 bushels, as against another cattle 93. ee fies sheep 90.41, Ae by disputes during August, atone yield of 39.25 bushels and} and for swine 94. dd 8,124 during Taly mand uring August, 912, The number of working d: DOWN BY THE SOUNDING SEA BITS 6F NEWS FROM MARITIME PROVINCES, Items of Interest Lapped by Waves of the Atlantic. cases of di at St. John’s aa "alias Power Company buliding a hy North Hast About 800 men are employed in the (Sage of the Baie railway in ee ee Siti de done for over 30 n and for aveling houses is Seite e St. Jo! nee N.B Building has not n wit! it the increase in population of the city. At Fredericton, N.B., which di © Scott Act, the Dp “ $50 worth of liquor at the City Hotel, took it to the police station and des- troyed i The supply of bricks in St, John, N.B., is ey short of the demand. There has an increase in price, too,| ago to $2 a thousand over last yoar. dozen black foxes passed diecueh Chatham, N.B., en route to Logieville, wae there are black fox farms, nimals “were valued at ar ‘gest vessel sauneried at Shel-} 1, NS, since the the old THE From Places theria and iccaiipos have (ede reported recently wn 0 to. ‘pulld a Ee Broviaiule packe of mainten- und. Madame Curie, Sueet bed by Sir Oliver Lodge as oh greatest of all women scientists, ho was honored by the British She contributed to radium. seek Gri *|the address on sche Nova Scotia Car Works, at Hal- =e Ses very busy this Noo mimi uring the month of August there ware ‘built and shipped 351 cars, an average of 165 per working da: ae cars were part of a col ona |received from two Canadian ates ing d Council and Board of |the matter up aggre Government, a ng the fhe lack of such a dock. | The “Brown system of will be Introduced on the Ints ial. By this system meri |demerit marks will be k employe. When the number : jmerit marks exe the number of merit mar 60 the employe will dismissed from the service of the road, take; aut ootinestta rice Wy the |tlde ‘pool nea Cea citizens, it 1s believed that’ danger | 82d hac been mounted ea ha from ié'ia the city bus bere toxjot, the blolosiem station. ‘Ic welehel creased 60 per cen 25 pounds, the kody was £0% inch Jolin, N.B., has discovered that| long, and ‘the total length of the tips tiidve ia-valusbla. marslooes property | 0f the claws was 34 inches which {t owns, Some samples ove be, | timated by experts that this partic ing tested; and if they turn out well| War lobster must have been in the an effort will be made to quarry and | 2eighborhood of 50 years market the stone. Thoreases in wages to employees ot Fe the Tatercolontal bs Increase ah 1 in ¥ Mean aa agatonal outlay of $126 00 Ran jin Front of Six Rodmond Rob- per month by the ratlw: Miss Phoebe Johnson, of Newcastle, was cooking se clothes caught fire, 8 @ living torch. She ‘fatally pned before the flames were | exth ed. Philip Desroches, of ee ee N.B., was out duck shoo! aes a dra ing his gun towards him by the aes ale he caused it to be posldea tale ed, the shot landing in nis There is a slight chance ery. What the aries mean to Nova 8. returns for July total value of all fish caught © province reached $518,314, as follows: sia $145,861; haddock, $55,- 1, $67,269; hake, $38,074; herria $3805 5 ie swordfish, ever Soe to ahve Deen cat the Maritim ee riers ae ‘ api ured at, Ha! eet. was so large that tt eros to is tow The carcass weighed 700 p. Dens, ‘and netted the fishermen nearly $75, AUTOMOBILE KILLED BOY. lin’s Machine, or despatch from Winnipeg say: Wilfrid Thompson, the eleven-yea: old son of Gibson Thompson, who ran under Sir Rodmond Roblin’s automobile when the Pyeter was being driven home on Wod afternoon, die Thursday morning. The Thompson boy was playing with other chil- dren in the street, and ran directly in front of the automobile, which was moving slowly, and the author- ities attach no blame to the Pre- mier’s chauffe NEXT HOLIDAY October 20th Has Been Fixed As a Br Day. A despatch from Ottaw. 2 onder i council has aie pas ed fixing Monday, October 20, Thanksgiving Day. as EFFECTS OF PANAMA CANAL: ‘Professor Says It Will Lift and Modernize Methods. A de: fois Birmingham, England, say: aking on ‘Some he Economic Effects of the Pa- Kirk- !aldy told the British Association at fits session on Wednesday that such effects could be easily exaggerated. : “So far as the outside world is con- vorned,’’ he 5 be out of the groove ands cause san ath round modernization of busi- ness methods.” Mr. Kirksldy is professor of fin- “ance i Birminghai Gene “wn & recognized authority on eco- nomic questions. _Of the effect on wworld trade, he gontinued: “America realizes’ the Trade Out of Old Grooves importance of the coal trade to the ited Kingdoy ms, ee will be a strenuous atte es h eee ae the wo: in ive an ican shipping the sina it present enjoy by British. If rice this orl deal'a mortal blow seat tile marine. Thu the ‘British coal industry must realize the station, both the old the TERR at all costs ial the. fuel question ie Fas oil=is tled,”” age run = @ steamer was a serious factor ; ow ors saute Brit-|® lost during August was sEprenae ately 109,520, compared with 188,- 867 ‘working days lost i in Ju, an a loss of about 106,000 during Aug- ust, 1912. Nine disputes actually occurred during August. paces SUFFRAGETTE RE BUSY. Fourteenth Century Country House Set om Fire. A despateh from London, Eng- A ee eae by a Siftcar tte nad’? to burn down Pavitetct Eine the his toric fourteenth- Sena country ge amount of suffrage literature was p togier tet the grounds, while heaps of rags soak- several plac BULGARIA AND TURKEY. = fi Now All Is Peace Between the Late $5.03, | Combatants. | A deep from Constantinople Eee jnuacchtbessiiaieny e fron. tien quebHon belween salar and} Turke ey in Thrace, frontier at the mouth oF ne Maritza | | River and ends north of Midia, on | | the ir retains isseh, nee ‘Sule garia Late 2, Mustenke. Pasha fae Or akoi eement in pr: ple has been r pai on the agacne of |¢ nationalities U. JEL COMPANY, Has Applied For Permission To Do Business in Manitoba. A despatch from Winnipeg says: The ee States Steel Products Company, a New Jersey corpora- poe vias supe for permission i do in eMonste ae While the a sen ot state, it is believed He sia. pminanen is the selling ue ae of the nited States Steel T: HAPPY OLD AGE. Most Likely to Follow Proper Eat- * ing, 58 old age advances we require jae food to replace waste, that will iat a yePbie the digestive ishme: Sih an ‘ideal food is found se in the Barley which changes the starch into st di- gestive su; he wissab aud ale placed up under the outer coat of the Shea: are included in Grape-Nuts, but are cking in white flour because the outer coat o well. balanced "build. ing of muscle, brain and nerve rll, oe Grapé-Nuts,”” mee! Bee every day who i a well an in ears and attributes’ his good health to (Grapes Nt and Postum wien he | sed for the last five tape-Nuts with pasion ‘and Pee they go fine to- ether, Ber many years before I ee to eat Grape-Nuts, I could ‘not ipe-Nuts f. it sie "ails Mike bijl. I ean think write = great deal e 3 “There's a reason.”’ Name given Ds Canaan Fost co, Windsor, ib: Road Well, ote, oe in = Ever “ase the ahowe fetter? A new ons a0) from. ti ‘They are in cost of service, corresponding Ba moi ed in pene leu were discovered in organs while supplying true nour |ha riereaso in the rate whereas a return to the old pI tirely out of the question. ioe Learn From Britain, MG, perkiny, ot New ers wl motorin| oa “che ee Bee - ple abroad loo) ine: Dee nections on not torn up: by tow months. ago there were about 20,- England; ‘naw, there are And these it, believe, or buildings of which the English © “Mibezal in| their Yet _there r anything York toget. 0 ery of money monopoly 0 of that kind in. England, 0 Fisheries of C: It is seat of Lord de L’Isle and Dudley Jada p at Tunbridge, Kent, was h Tuesday. The inmate: mansion, awakened b of wood and by cloud a. anne the caer of a umber Sets Wi ing dows ablaze. A working | orm ee pai ae nar ae of feaevala empl. es goon tretch are to he ii succeeded in extinguis “pho | Sols nator ashorg on nes fn any flames. Two women were seen slae rable quantities ‘with very little ef ing across the lan 3 in front of | | Balkan Recuperation ie At the close of the Balkan Turkish» that’ commercial travellers ad kept out ot th the Balkan, “satay (ore for six ld be wide to | Th | jlgner peclimetea | and money have boom. made, * evar the truth. it is ¢ fat the Bal | an peoples jo-problem of, Te: eqnstruction, aste lands, int sin “5,0, acres, . back sain 0, farsh, In ttle Greee Mr. 0,000 |reluetant, condi tions, a he ay milling, tobi manufacturing, 101 I inning, ‘here ine of output sat nearly. $18, 13,2 ing pemane tke food st beverages is the Pp dustry. No group a fede: ever nee peace, | ha peration more than ea nd probably | outs prise, but they ‘will fud eth | te im time. e | str Gurope is heavy now and cay tal ie needed at home. If it goes into Balkans it will not be “for its TWO MEN KILLED. Clerks in is Jewellery Store Shot A des = from Grand Rapids, Seisreass , says: Two robbers, with drawn revolvers, entered the jewel- lery J. m here cerning the tragedy. A NEW KEONDIKE. Jolin Gentle Declared He Has Dis- ed It. A despatch from Edmonton says: antiate left Leer night, their destination being somewhere north of the see steel on the acLeod Rive a A eee AFFAIRS. Make Investigation. A Seer from Ottawa says: It was stated at the Department of Justice on v ohureday that the board appointed for penitentiary investi- gation, consisting of Dr. Hether- ae than e tolal aeroniia at ai the ther, | | outel ie, and Board Has Been: Appointed to 2 We own and offer, WHY hea your money in the Bank at 8% when you ] ean get 4.40% from the Provinolal Government for it ? $1,000,000 PROVINCE OF ON TARI O : 4% Debentures Due November Ist, 1941. ‘ ’ Interest payable May Ist ms — 3 at Toronto, Montreal, and These debentures are a direct obligation of the Province of Ontario, and are issued in coupon form, in denominations of $1,000, or in the form of Ontario Government Stock, in which case chscks for the semi-an the registered hoider. inaal interest are sent to This stock is in any multiple of $50. They are free from all Provincial taxes and S duties. Until recently par, The Ontario Succession duties range from 1% to 10% on estates of $50,000 and over. Id at a premium above ing to market conditions, we can offer them ata conaiterable: discount, at the lowest price they have been offered in years. the 4% debentures so! Price: 93.50 and interest, yielding over 4.40%. Full Descriptive Circular on request. MURRAY, MATHER & Co. Toronto General Trusts Bldg., Toronto Serer FROM THE ERRORS, TRADS NTRES OF AMERIC, Frices of Baus orale 3 froduce at Homi Breadstufts. ‘onto, Sept. 23. ar—Ontario wheat # “ontario oats, to 31 ab 360, on trac | Barley=82 to so, outside. Uorn—No. 3 American corn cif, Midland. Ryo—60 to 610 per, bushel, Buokwheat—62 to, 660. Bran—Manitoba bran, $22 to $23.9 ton, [im bags, Toronto freighte. Shorts, $24, | intry Produce. atybolegale ae quotations to re- “Butter Choice dairy, 25 to Phe; interior, i to 190; greamery, 2 to Ze for Tolls, and Bolids. care lots of new laid, 26 to 280 ; fresh, 24 to 25 1-20, and eeconds, “New cheese, 1412 to 14 340 for 189 for tw: res Fy BA ked, bushel: primes, $176. to It to, 11 1-20 $3.25 per at livery, 70 to T5e g, and futnse aclttery hs per bag, led Hay and Straw. Baled ae No. $13 to $14, , Poronto; 50, and ‘atraw—$8 to” $0.0, on track, on mix 1 hay, No. 2 at To Provisions. Bacon—Long clear, 160 per lots. Parke Short cuit, $29; do: 1b ine mess, to ard—Tierces, 140; bubs, Montreal Markets, Montreal, Sept. 23,—C 2 yellow, U4 to, Be. Oa seconds, $5.10; strong bakers tor. patents, choles, United States Markets. p_linneapolie, Sept, 23... mega | 5 ; December, j May, 90, cae hard, 89 5-80; No. i 86 780, Ci nds and when hey eeae open- to 3 No. 2 do., 84 7-8 to fire. John A, Thompson Ed- ge at ae Pine Phe oe ward Smith fell dead, a Paul | 2, £2, 820. Blow and, bran—Ui an ged: Townsend was probably fatally | pard, 89's-20; No. 1 Northern, #8 tio; No. Mie eta ameurnes pee ocenr® oe teP RSE ankog aay The three victims were alone in the ‘3.80 eked. od--caeh store when the robbers, entered. | $146 May. si “Sa feb citer November, Town |, who ren to a lo- } December, $1.83 7.8. ac cal hospital, was able to tell the authorities only a few words con- bs Bois Sutera cs eolontreal, sores, a LE west 6 go nit Stoel] 870 to tin; commen, | sr Bons Ot di iy se 300M i slight Melle, $2.75 De magne owes, Bad to, 83 $8; homey 83 bs, $6.25 to. $6.75. ‘irose oho ca ia S515 fod and we tered, ad’ '$i0. ot oan GERMANS ARE INVESTING. S| The Emperor and Others Are Buy- ing in British Columbia. tonal: 1 said to Hes followed the Kaiser’s example haye. purch: land in British Columbia, chiefly ho lived in Vancouver for several. years, and apecial- ized’ in interesting his waka selon aniymaes in what has been ington, G@. MeDonald and J. P. Downey, has been instruc to} look into the conduct’ rs at affaii Kingston only, and eet the inquiry Genuine, tree, and full ot Biman Interest, will be held in camera, 3 gi ve away the bride. The a at 78 1-20, mpso Aig: caaternmiat Stoke Newington ro- 90, taveni| may detect hundreds of wild: fowl ee dlisporting pena during the 22! day teh from Berlin says: It}¥ 19 | birds, PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS | PL ANS FOR.ROYAL WEDDING The Prince of Wales Will Not Be Best Man—No Foreign Royalty Invited. A despatch from London says: Arrangements for the marriage of Prince Arthur of Connaught and *)the Duchess of Fife on Oct. 15 are now nearing completion. It has been decided shat. King George will sugges- Gon that the Briton of Wales would est: panies ata, it is definitely stated, will be o ious hee pean Courts’ will: ict he invited send representatives, but all the members of the Royal Family in England are expecte att Foreign Royalties or their repre- sentatives will be confined to the more immediate family connec- tions. No arrangements have so been made for the wedding break- fast in the day vrior to the ceremonial ob: served at the marriage. Tho King and Queen will form & precedent to be followed on the marriage to the Duchess of Fife. WILD BIRDS IN LONDON, They Are Taking ait in World’s rgest ro of that frequent the rivers and ponds in the midst of cities, i year the flocks of ducks that nest in metropolitan row larger, for the birds seem to know that in eDrie of the nearness of man, they are safe from molestation, A contributor to the London ee writes a letter that shows hie he wild birds are tak- in. the My house ‘faces the busy traffic of the Seven Sisters Road in ght Eas and from my dining- win dew Tage esate ofsahe servoir, whereon at this s the year a keen eye or iets of walked round this re- servoir tae morning, and | al- ig | though ai few Sotluh cinched 00 signs of life, emerged from th 5 o 8 3 5 an cas Br & irs form a retreat, during the summer several species of land pu migratory and er, not col in Tiondban Rich as the spotted fly. pone pied wagtail, and crow, all of whi. elieve nest in the neighborhood. That very shy, and certainly not common bird, the great rest gBrebe, nested tl reservoir last simmer, a be ccess- fully hatched out, cand + ited four although these resery a8. for these and other rare species = Authorized, “T have a friend who just marries for money)’ “Why, how disgraceful |” “No | not, exactly. You see, he’s a minister. good way far a man to get|ed ated and utay ahead is wes use & sy! » -pro- paganda for the in ent of funds in property in British Columbia, world’s ° PRINCESS COMMITS SUICIDE. Shoots Herself “Wi ith Linaeses in Her Father’s Pal A seeatel from Heidel Iberg, German, ys: Princess Sophia of ast Ap earas committed suicide: by shooting herself with a revolver during Wednesday night. expe dead on ‘Thursday morning in f her fa- “The Pri ported some time ago seon together again vas per- sistently rumored that they had be- come engaged to be married in spite lass {Of Prince William’s energetic de- nial, TREATMENT OF CANCER. Growth oe ‘to. bated in As- unding Man A despatch from Tea oe nacuenae i id | e gamekeeper es growths have been made to di at the approach of dusk every even. | Pear in an eneunding manner ing these birds fly off in small par. |“ e records on ties to the southeast, no duobt to |imteresting is that of a man of 27 the Kent coasts, to feed | Whose nasal, passages am were Ny. a grow! ha eaevon lors st seria num tube containing 62 inilligrims morning of radium was Os a a ee rowth fcr 12 hours. ive: ae noticed, apart fens Shs Once ces was a perosptible im- t the end cf three o was dis i rf apparently eur NEW RIFLE SIGHT. Military Authorities Say It Must Be Used at All Matches. despatch “from ya says t was announced at the Militia De- Gove 6 to use: the nas panied by the BRE Saab WRECK IN FRANCE. A despatch from Nice, ’ France, wee! eines tails pe ‘ei toreete re ne a@ ravine. persons were killed and thirty “injured. Cars Leave the Tails on an Electrio Tine. } EEE Sap TEs ILS Fal DENRA SPE Dp a oe RAAT a