We ‘of little Marjory Robinson but wish Rally. Day reer q FOR SALE! G| SECOND-HAND PARLOR COOK STOVE ALSO 4 A GOOD CHURN Both in first-class condition 7 P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorator MILVERTON “Ht Shines For All.” a 3: 3 wn > est CASH price. S. Gleeckman, ~ ~ Milvetion Live Poultry Wanted ! We are prepared to bay poultry in any quantity at high- Vol. XXI—No. 13 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, October 2, 1913 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher — Ghe Visiopeeen Bank Head Office : TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP $1,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND & UNDIVIDED PROFITS 1,431,888.26 DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS Issued payable lh meee The peneee: and CHEAPEST itting m Milverton and instant Branchest EHC UEE NANG: Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday #@ Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph + bd LOCAL NEWS 5 dos Mad Rev. W H ered to Gorri Miss M at Friday with her b and Mrx, inwood. Mr. Samuel Jacobs Miller returned on trip through the Canadia west. | The Stratford papers | off their annual scoo | the anniversary of Mr. S irth, THE RihRENG ERAN OF CANADA SAVE, because--- Your own common sense tells you that there is trouble ahead unless you save. HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto Mohr’s Grocery cer eke FRESH FRUITS Arriving Daily PEACHES... PLUMS... PEARS TOMATOES MUSK MELONS At Market Prices BUTTER 22c per lb. ~ EGGS 25c per doz. oe aes an returned opl & we sy ant vrs, t M A. R Hotetecan’, Of Stra Grésch who the festi A tea-mecting will be ale ist: yoke reh, Mil “oF t aaieston 5 ithe Hair “NIKE soncert | hall 4 the usual- lar ‘scting siracity being at Pauli. after with friends sine MEE [99 8d. ee McFarlane for rd. ow MLE Jah Nota. 25e,, f Milverton. was Poe mot- ‘ue: oe Ot Mitchell. rother. Mr. ank Hoeking. | Miss M, Heimbecker. of Waterloo. is at present visi resi- dence of Mr. J G ‘Mrs. Sutter and daughte: M oebe. of - Spent Suntey at |i: the*home of Mr. John Roes: and Mr Saturday from a Feb an. North- have pulled n announcing R Hesson’s nt sons. hees | sbending | verto) Police pesgeeny J. Roe and Mrs | Roe. to. are spending a week with rigede in’ Milverton. Morning- WOO Mr Mrs 1D and Mrs. Gischler en-| the Evangelical chrured | m Monday evening, A plea ial evenin Was spent after | Which onttee and Tansheon Wy er-| ved, a is on the rogram to-night | ‘ ia Zimmermann’s ‘hal The soune veopla of the village [surrounding vieinity are cordi ted to attend. No lunch wil as his home i "Svetion| of ve season in | 9, held in th Me esenienth children in Cook’s ee crowd, a preminum rogram rendered by ted everyone to be an exceptionally. fine mber of changes have rece J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for oe PORTLAND | SCRANTON CEMENT STANDARD Oa ST. MARYS ANTHRICITE LIME is now in full swing 7 The Millinery Season | HIS YEAR we have the most beautiful display of Millinery that has ever graced our store. Our millinery. opening this year provid- i a iat ag more’ varied’ dis- than fore. We have re ie latest vdesigis and can sup- ne a hat becoming to any features, Main : Street 9 MILVERTON _ MRS. K. SPROUL * NORTH MORNINGTON CA BURNS Mr. Roy Bell. of Carthage. “spent with bis friend. Mr. Bert} this ies rs, Morton Lang andi Master Ar- thur visited a few days last week in ena Miss Nellie Taylor. of Listowel B. visited her parents here on Satur- S. her sister ley. Mr. Waddell made a live stock Shes Tralee station Tuesday was baits a in Nort! wie sehurch: las‘ of our young people attend- | chur. ed 1 es Harvest oe: service at iaaiesion. ‘Trinity chur Elma. on Sunday af-} Prey ternoon. B. 8 Torrance | visited _her ae Miss L. ‘reeman on Sun- @ are sorry to report at ae paratory services will be wel. union Tnoon. -|the following Sunday. ‘We congratulate Mr. idsos Dacig Gace cakes on Winning first prize for his three. ‘vear- colt at Milverton Fair. Fair Night. Arthur Forman spent Siothy with Mr and Mrs George |. On. | 9 Ast. 1915 for one dollar. now and get th 0 The Sun will be mane to am mano) e full term. Fall, enenine is in full swing on mber from here attend- ed the, ‘Miverton Fair last Friday. m. Glenn is visiting -with Mrs. F. Stafford, of Berk- ‘ipment, on Sunday. The +h was suitably tected for the con- ducted in North Mornington church y Rev. Nicol, of Listo- it be dispens m this vicinity enjoyed the concert in Milverton om | Fair t y ww until Jan. Subseribe ‘ou can. more acceptable present to a ¢ | co: over ‘ pt kens. alive 18¢. Jan¢ ne & Se Mir. J "Gtiart of Listowel, aughter. per Ib. Enge: Spent Mrs. of Newark NJ is sat pr isiting her parents. r. and rs Win Darland: Mr. and Mrs AG. Spencer ag family. of Dunnville, are at chek nt visiting. at the former's ankepivine’ He¥vese Howiéeer will be held in the KOE an church on Sunday next at 2 nas wie tela m Fair Night ccuptos Heine attend: Wm Zimmermann no days with ar load of oil cake expected so = $33.00 ‘per ton = the Leave your orders now. D ‘Atk Milverton, Mr. Norwich. Friday Se Sathrday | last as ait. (pues of M and~ Mrs | wid The oe pane at the Stratford oslienute lahhule is at present increase of about | fall eae and erst Call and | obli igation to Dr Campbe all. 6 the Lucan iivterian alurohp who wessntly ee signed _tls nastorates bas nectoted a\® aaa | king | tre died recently. left leare Valued at $15,000,000. He many_splendid_ bec que ete fa public and | charita The ractiel ane Kel ing a war-in pr r F 8, Howe | has lower price of hair cuts to sto reduce the] price o} ce piano of October or as ne: at date [wank over | wield. specimen and weigh from a es be aro) age) and a half. The bes' es es that vlan & or Rev. Victor : z a a gradua = eg Moody Institute. has econ all to Listowel aaa church, orm. in a hay Bek in cl Porter. ns ot tie ese see Weeks t, Geo Gropp was successful in a he rying off the swegpete or a on the grounds at F 2 ast week! With his-year-old entire ‘Mor: ir Se This cot is ae of the bi ‘On’ made | mi: Mr. a wlees. er. country yesterday. He wr ra ll ibe in Milverton soo the “Tih 2. ead te | Srovinee int gener eeeieat zone fall coat is here. Enge ind & Son: Mens and ‘Boys swester codte: En: geland & Sons, Quantity brick for sale. Pfeffer Milling Co's. office igure, Colin Gropp. of Wenp sat se Sask e home of Mr. a pales, cae is fee to ave discovered a process of re- fining oil Gieoh | wil | have athe effect of reducing gasoline four cents a gal- By it it is said that. 75 per cent. a the erude oil may We converted in- ine. | ‘ake Waterloo town assessment rolls x the year have been delivered to Assessor Frocn- ough no peer aenart is et Seamus it has been ascertain- that the town’s increase i: lation will be approximately 250. disease of the patient is us. ald be carethily. fu eapeeey “bebore fine sent elsewhere. From day to day the daily Chere report deaths from automobile ie as the result of at long that Tai'e life would not be so bad but others that have no desire to poe nee et bead thei eir lives Bettas me Debit an-| s. | sien mg ty pon’ ion in scarlet fever. and the ston is |that insanity prenienee itself in fhe | ¢: third generation, | Mr. Charles Hillam, a local sports- an. Was ou! Surrounding | ieports seeing | d. cof Latah around he recommendation ot registry off inspector | fices in. the report now | to raise a eaten in vil cir toe of. AL he ctnaast expen: aneé, re are people who say The: ‘don’t read. the mx Apply at Se he happy. eoupleieftvon ee three ily. acquired, affordin, |pm train for © Toronto. Mon more satisfaction ee eR ts | Quebeo. New Tork, Ationtio. Oey iad ing larger ®-|Georgian Bay. bride w than any. otter’ habit that navy blue travelling suit with paddy reen trimmi elour hat with : reen mount and fected to mate! _ You can open an accoun They ‘expect to be at-home in their in this bank with one dol- after ar. a very six months BURGMAN—FENN | ‘The marriage of one of Parkhill’s Es |Otive Lee. their eVieot Re ‘hter. be- ame the bride of Mr. F Burg- ) Capital Pald Up 3,000,000. THE SAVING HABIT MANY people “(uring the pening pf the register | Mr. Ri ‘ilson. e groomsman, | smn wi ho is roloist in St. Andrew’: 's church. | who of many a large fortune. It is a habit that is eas- ar} .pin. | tie win and’ e me bracelet set with y your savings will be or ited with the highest cur- rent interest. pretty bungalow in Ww ingham Bota os 5th, MILVERTON BRANCH: R. J. Ranney, Manager Wing ham ‘Gil Fenn 3 \ J. Fenn. ot Platteville; Mr and ars + le Toul presents given | the esteem and + MILLBANK + + The Pits je frien expressed ‘uhes which are entertained for! Mr and Mrs and ‘or- 3 Geo Coghlin these Ss who have ventured out on |/daughter Marion were visitors at atrimony. May — their! opto last weelk. anny seas and gentle| “Miss Jane Bi has home after apendine. a month friends at Galt. iss BI left last we Ic for Stratford ‘to attend, “Normal there. We wish her’ every success. returned with A ORITIC. OF TH THE DISCIPLES / wall the pucceeded by Rn Barker. of a prs “etter appeared in iss. Florence Free- Hamilton, Mr W Wong. is leaving 2 ‘n ireturned home Petareay after. for Brigden and Mr. P J. Hodge for cat Sana visiting friends at Niaga i Toronto, M.P P of Montreal. Grimbsy and Hamilton. Miss (Emma Kneitl. of Stratford, ee iaxtapt dinies by i Messrs, RB Hamilton and Scott and Miss Katie. Stock., of Kinkora. Roman Catholic church by a the raniiees mB oom the D Disciple’ aad Coulter woant Sunday evening with along with three other young ‘ladies | ROMMN eco? PF anglois had been ees: ab Sure avon st. | ftiends in Linw Were on Saturday last at. the ue oe Taabltie Gi ee PeGaEe cenckpel toe is gains Sone tne io. a very. ooay | ctand, they. tas Howard other Otis Mr. ave “Mulosby. of; Listowel House ‘of the Sisters St. Joseoh | educational reform in Queb ‘and i ae ¢ \ ‘ nubian: spent Bunday at his, home a : The| the attitude of igpaper as been serae vitestion often @uieia ah role ee pos Danner 1, Pian rites i her : anti-clerical. “Indian listers” or in local ait 3 r z the young ladies seaaaiie “The fall meeting. of the Pertn Rur- \ehton cases as to whether the aceus-|Diseiples. the | Anglicans. PresPs0'T | woes with ‘her sister Mrs B pride rist. 0 to ak. and | a1 Deanery will ba held in Milverton ca was really Grub. Some experts ait sane EE Se ee etting. of |BTIEVS. Fe | were Nattived for ‘the ceremony on Oct. The delegates consist of pelieve that if a man is able to walk|UUtherans. ar eh Greek rr. ‘ | bridal fashion. the Anglican Clergy of Perth. the he is sober. Others say that if he| Roman Catholics api toe | ott Mrs sas Weneactesa aaet Atak ae | Rally Day and Harvest “Home sér- Church Wardens, ant Lay Delegates gan count his change dileright, | Chareb: are: son ae re- ae OO a EL vice will be conducted in the Evan-| to sy; ne item of bi sues at Others more tolerant still have the | Luther. Know sie Shitbabe rhe. erate on a. Basany, by SE ike gelieal church next Sunday. A! - | this ection: wilk ba the electio fdea that if it is possi ‘or ates Fig bs Mr. W c) a ee ee will be rendered in, the evs Palins Wis? (1 elistlots: obeical Ser gine kee te OREM e¥ALaND OETA © nol Bee ot ‘Toronto, visited friend at. 7 o'clock Blackstone. | every three years. WJ. Tay- er the is not dr "A formar | Bell: besaane Diseloy inp. the ask ar MeKee re- principal of the ward school. |jor. of St. Misys. holds the position {police indie in Washington. o8 the: ENSIOn = Oth Ot aiataa On chie: hen eet Stron fr cuaith's <1 iat Stratford. will tleliver an address in| at ;present: or hand, says—"When 4 ian tak-| Read Compbell’s os om ew ot farmed, ame after a mon the interest of the young veople. The} tn the near futura there may-be a} drin! that much drunk.” | tism and od of | ® ¥ choir will render special <elections.an4 | joint hym yr the Presbyterians. |°~- one Hii be the Canadians Pacific | More a iat a . a convinced ‘o' Mrs. Bowler Young aaa te choruses /by the: ay’ Sehool ischol- | Methodi: Congregationalists Railway makes ehea- “wer te not * Sotulay y caarth that {tr f pte enn Lee ei 5 ars. The church will be artistically |The Methodists last year nom’ inated jes representing ee ooDvoud with whi-h ere ho so ery down brave fogs decorated for the occasion. *|m committee of r to confer wit! 90,000 employ: one time denominat- a body welcome. e. other . bodies. wi jew’ to the'e ‘company paid: b cars, aadid | and “imehureh all porate oe thel mr “yeguaeh, Shed bikie a oe Among those from a aia who | bringing about this des! nd. A} R. and other railways, which x the Church daughter Hosa me svent Fair Day in they Wri] prominent Methplist stated. EnREZILtyoee hbandotied fb nyatent aa mayol: Miaitn that ‘the Peute-| friends in pai BAe noticed: Mr. Mr | the Meth “ul Presbyierians | Ving risk. I time and expense We ne nee in Caathowe oo Fred. Schmid! ot Wa Waterloo ey tes could agree upon a joint Dena the) phere are five Grr Aistricts in Their gon wil i Géo. Pauli’s ly. of Lis: | Congregationalists would in all prob-| which there are paymasters — ie speaks | Tralee. is vise swe orith |, Mornington’ | ability» 2ree to sueh a ecomoilation tea. Winnie Jaw. Cal aac Ce ible is} Mi Sa pert ont behais Mr. Hugh Dobson. of Glenallan. "at /Of ecors.. yours must elapse hefote gar ‘Vancouver. The "ches th ¥ speak, And ent hen, apoliea| iting Eto obson’s* the” Miss © anything, definite can’ be carried out.) sre ment to each of these divisions n conditions is simply — im- ioe spent Sunday Dermott. of Tavistock. at Mr. Wm the men. who cash ‘them in | to ender ice Btaff. imbsy... Spe immermann’s: Mr. Wm J Sander-| ‘The cost to the New Haven Rail pe Ra F possible, and they do not and. cannot with’ her pce noe oulied Satan son. of Goderich. at Mr. J iott’s | road of fourteen wreckg in the - last Ontario 750 branches | live riends. Mr Harry Singleton. ‘of Fort Will-|twenty-seven months. in which cev- There are in Sr leith tor] Thev are attempting to make .9|" "0" posens, of Statin. will oGtupy ioe CMe Gas Paw L |enty persons were killed and 400 ‘| membership of 25,000. Think of | great, impression in enti ane Ake Hfechonint pulpit here Rae sand, George. St? Burlington. fured ‘is estimated at $9,000.00 for| ij. work these nized women can| Ontario. The . {ae eon ty ainptber 1) ORE: ill be held in Knox at Mr. Geo Guenther's @ flead and $800,000 for the injur-|{"°and are doing for the betterment | water gospel. and hescs No texribes ima categen ie ees a ee is estimated that tl tofal! Gf rural conditions. By this ae za lade ae Be Past ih pay bes ae Jonsiderable Wiss: tisfaction is of wrecks on all American rail- whe eve! ta ; tor held pre! ‘by the rrustees of the public mts in the Jast five years has aggre- Leer ae been brought to a stand- Gabe is “etnnse boom their wate: Knox ol ae school with xeg: to the action the shormous ee is eee still have been given new impetus Rev. WH Coover.| Contractor idt in not ‘finishing 60,00 a Railway mi young housekeepers have been given Sept. 27 the plastering of the iL = eidsctied that ‘hersatter invaluable help, Women cannot helo Milverton. Seb ee eon i . a a virtue nother tractors. noticed: from the tents totaly cone jided on soravieeaite ‘progress be! eit ils wiables dates illed up with cement! floors by the present oceupan it of findin: fikely fall to fhe. duty of the Patience. <however, wit the will con- vlace About ten o'clock on Friday ni ight ‘rillage: that gee 2 a couple of hours US was with the con one re- ‘Ag no ts fakin) the-fibe ‘host made fore it was the ently. ee water es ietalieg ith | steel ronte Cae be used-in struc! ns one means of reducing this lo: = ‘Miss Hawkins. teacher of the prim- ary Kepartment o! of the Listowel pub-} o Milverton which will be car. con} Hai their ae amo ha be dis:| 0 ike a please of what udger: of ‘FAIR NOTES. ttractions at the Fair Qui ged veted notice waa the string | °@ Milverton Hai air on I § win lio eehool. is -Roine to have <4: probs| Suerigney, had bende hurdle jumping, sak IE toe eS OWN og dal her hands. There atrived in by Capt in or ware $i Serta n- | Listowel last Week an eddition to the re is a scarcity of fruit baskets | who very Holly teens LA eae BR Chinese colony. including | mee Kee. oe in the ey Cee Sete ies ie a aego POS, 8 + ST See t baskets usually sold a’ 4 Cer eagle His tater Lee ei, $i5 fh thousand. have already advan-| An event that’ created pai eae Mr. . J Patterson. of ot a bead rede who also came st_ week 65. and none to be had even interest was ae protest: €! nk fr net | ited ed for a few Yr. al direct from Canton. "China. insists) at that: price. Six-quart baskets. us. eClory Manet s Ra 04 Geo. Ean ESS 58 ae the hee Zo to school and get} ually sold at $24 at Tee pees the Sanment ven in the eet airs ith. A L Monkton: oS n education. He says he will get}selling at $35. another aslivance carria, e preside: fhe little fellow. » suit just, Hike et of 65 to take bless, on Monday. Whaf secretary immediate r gonoyptel FG Walicr eet ees rs will do ay : not Lee vel ier a Bs fee Srerures remains ta be seen. but} Kelly. of Listowel. t0 pppoe we a two months’ soe to the Ne We * Mr. H M Schaefer. of Milverton nless fomething unforseen tui protest. A large crowd of spe aes Mrs. R_ Peters as ae sate mare has ‘been appointed to the appraiser-| within the n¢ few days thousands | foljowed the horses into ae ring but] anderson spent eae Unionville ship in the Stratford: C1 " office | of bushels of. fruit. will go, to waste | tho judgment. was sustain rat 0 ue. J it initial salary of $1201 The | Matters are equally as i ep eee npuobitaient WTF bs aver ular Beamsville Bistrict. ose ee w. D. WEIA's S SALE "REGISTER. i i i 8 | he ae Shacl Reel Be a the fate is going forward mureday 15th—Rest ee ‘sorry Spe Sa BS oe, and. very highl: esteem in nn stor Mr. Gchaeter was for. ears| ‘The extention ‘of the pargel — post Hotemever. ga Kc of appendicitis. one of t successful pro- | system to provide a Oct. &th—Real Estate. gressive busin: men and gen- | direct iransontation of farm produce | farm neater. ‘implements and es 58. efor his of hemes| between producer and) consumer will] hold effects. Mrs. Harron. Lot | ana Miss that had for their object the advan-| be ‘considered by the officials of oe 42 Con. 9. Mornin: jee Sunday wit cement of the interests of the com-| post {office department. who day. Oct! 18th—Hou 3°. ie : munity. Misfortune ea ayer bak planning the system. The haudline ld goods, 11-5 acres of land and et-| 4-4 : * him in business but, friends are | of sok articles as eg 2s, poultry, but- i of the late Neary. Fleischhauer. Zhe eased to yw that! ah shadow has | ter. y parcel post has beshidane: NEW! : cleared from his path and that good with Rie in South Africay -—. one ortune again smiles w system is ess cake A . Aur While rai fail ay nea 3 ao +h his wide experience tralia by the mon weal rovern-| ojent in ren y wl Se emennle b aa cy well Tea. It is considered in Australia | indivi Is whose eee they have os ‘sii mee Cio re qualified for the position and being | gccording to re report received) by is ‘heft when ie aay :: Bic eel ae Ha ae eanaG . eaty ‘ yf mind will a jommerce lent | the limit when eit 80) 5 dio most a Sed! veer wedge of all that the farmer Santas ry en. oe ae ce tgs ae eee thank eac! ane Osh re sees i Ee zx ivi if 4 e so fene coat t ils wit te his oEsios eigen ceiving higher 1s fi is produce | mand of a ae barton | wan ahaha lation o¢ aur rae Mr. Schaefer ane ne family from : ill a matter of