Milverton Sun, 2 Oct 1913, p. 2

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PRON tO > SMES Rc eM ee RET ge RR fo. LRM TY a at MAES BR MB Gee cs Sieh are sO. Me Tae eT! ay, See ES SNe MOEA Ne CSR Fer SP SEN EERE SONNY SS ARREARS EOS SEEN, Soe Re Nama Oe toa ee oe ae (NE TES ot) DE ee Oe abe Se TARE 0 A SAFE TONIG FOR MOT Who Do Not Resor Their Strength as They Should. Every mother who ae to ee d- The fact that her strength does not return is a cer- tain indication that her blood sup- ply has been ove: im- poverished. ‘This condition fa often ade worse when the mother takes dips ite hotinctild ‘dutide while ahs is still weak, complete breakdown results. ‘The strength a weak mother needs can be quickly found in the tonic treatment with Di ‘ ve feel safe in saying iy a the best tonic medicine I kno’ Masaies mothers will find Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills will give her just the strength she needs, and they will at the same time aid in kei seDing: her child healthy. If you these Pills at your aye ai) at 5 cine Co. , Brockville, Ont. PSE PE Seen MUMMIES MAKE PAINT. Where is Colors B Required by Ar- ists Come From. In r to furnish the innumer- able aetionte tints of paint required by artists, manufacturers have nowadays to ransack the world. Even mummies have lately been called into use in the finest bitumen, and this actly the tint rtquired ibe painting certain shades of brown Et artists’ paints. It is a deep. brown in color, and comes from a sou: equally sti is prepared | P' om the black, dis- ky charged by the cuttle-fish to blind and baffle its enemies. Prussian blue. is prepared from horse’s hoofs, and is made by fus- ing the hoofs with potassium car- may Raw Sienna is soil from near Sienna, in Burnt sienna, another common tint, is simply the the. animal. kingdom for example, comes: from the dried ae of insects. A kind of pitch used for certain pigments. ee Pe eee LIQUID SULPHUR purines the blood. The boy with the first dime feels richer than the man with his first ‘million, Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. ‘ THE DETECTIVES OF LLOYDS FRAUDS AND FAKES OF THE INSURANCE WORLD. “| Instances of the Astuteness and Ef- ficiency of These Men. ‘The secret service of Lloyd’s does smal. + in defeating the subtle ‘machinations of ibs clever swind- lers who, every now and again, try to cheat the great panaaute com- 4 loyd’s, as everyone knows, is aes of the great canines companies, and for them the ne- cessity of corps of detectives is evi- le en the recent. robber; £130, - rl necklace took place. own 000 3 Sometimes they prefer their ethods. Regaining Possession. In London, Heys secret-service men number a dozen or less, and their Set is a Scotland Yard B a ae articles back, well a ingenious raud was ecattly revealed by one of their number. ‘A Scotswoman moving in g 80- ciety bought a gon necklace and insured Hg for £15,000. Of course, the necklace was examined by ex- perts to make certain that it was of the declared value. But the lady jhad her plan all cut and dried. She had a necklace ete exact im- i ral which was ‘i or two—and Then she a ‘Scottish town. “The x thie?” got clean away. A Plot Unmasked. But when the claim for £15,000 able necklace should be worn inthe ‘open street. The insurance com- ‘pany made a pretext in order to de- lay paying the alain, and inquiries ayeihs Ronse le. Talking one Ua ies Centon jeweller, a detec- supposed to have been stolen. e did you get it?” he de- moh, Gut was left poe by a Mrs. Gy uppose, hard was different neck- | ¥ lace, but the detective produced a phous ene Sion his pocket. ie woman who sold it laces exactly al able. It ena one that her hus- ‘band had played the part of street thief, and at fier trial both ‘the conspirators were sent to penal ‘servitude. His Proposition. At 3,7 P.M. ‘Do you think apt are able In the office of a firm. of ‘assess- support piace daughter in the tse ‘ors to Lloyd's near the Bank there e bad been accus' poses on a lage teers a part: ‘burned —_ woode: cloe! which as don’t ieiow ir, bat Vl tell throught a cunn.-g rascal to gaol. you: what I ¢ T can di man had insured a country “What's hawt house and its contents for some “T can save. you about. 50 Per} thousands of pounds. imate! cent. of her present cost to you.’ ECZEMA ITGHED AND BURNED ntil: She sialeatly. Cr Crazy. Began: on Watery Blisters. On Ears, Eyes, Hands and Ankles. Could pany, stating at the pl been burned a. pete, aan ring aclaim. The Brae was. faded to went down to inspect the ruins, plats insured man’s story was rvants had: left Fee ae holidays. life himself bak stayed ind for le to see reat locked “up. ‘When he left a @ quarter to four Sais was all right. Not Sleep for Scratching, Cuti- | © <tp°m gids Thee eteetive. cura Soap and Ointment Cured. | “‘What train did you catch?” REST er ‘The four-twenty-five. I le! Brunswick \St.) Fredericton, N.B—"r | here at a quarter to fo I par- had a very. of eczema. 'The trouble | ada, noticed the time.”’ began with watery blisters and itched and | Aas re sure the house was- burner was nearly crazy. Itwason n't sii fire when you left itY? ‘ankles. | ‘Absolutely ‘certain.’ t keep the bed cloth it night | oie thee sag teh as } The secret-service man stepped. lood would run and then formascab. I felt-ag if I could a knife and cut the flesh on my hands. It would df a make it \d buen and swell. I could not sleep at night for scratching. “I tried everything:1 heard of without setting any t. e remedies, such as lard and sulphur, and also was Soap and Ointment and they gaye me great ‘them about four months and I ‘am happy to say I am never now. complotely."" (Signed) Mira: A. 8. Thompe wr, 9, 1912. jar use of Cuticura Soap for tollet and but assists aoe -venting inflammation, irri- she common cause of plmples, blackheads, redness and roughness, ‘wholesome Soaliiees of thoskin, Cuticura Ointment aro gingerly across the ruins and pick- up something. on you see. your the io by your watch or a clock?’ = By, the oak clock fn ae tig: reo “This is an oak clock,”’ said the detective. And: then significantly ; “Tt has stopped at seven minutes past three!’ The clock was the main piece of evidence against the man when he took his trial for attempted fraud. ‘ases in which murder is sus- pected for the sake of insu: wily rogues invent opportunities, which permit them to chance get- ting the money without running the risk of the gallows. In the Fire. An instance of re sort occurred some years since. A man whom we will call Smith—which ig not his id ES not advertise itself, yet it plays no After Ten Dave it lausible enough. His family and| ti true name—insured his life for a big sum in favor of his wife. A sho; as burot ove with Smith in it, econding, to the story of his be- Spake ae among the ruins were found bones—the bones of being. Smith had been there the night before, and he was e. What could be clearer? - eoninees jury “held an inquest 0) the remains, and the widow ae plied fora settlement. “You say my not dead,” she said to the re resenta- tive of the company. ‘Tie. coro- ner’s jury said he was. If he is alive, prove i © Was oe calm and business- like. Run to Earth. The detectives, owever, to! alive.” Sooner or !at>r, they guess- ed, she would write to him, and, with that idea, they began to watch her cogrenpislonce, Ib did not prove difficult to adopt a ruse by. which the iets she sent to post were scrutinized were Harris,” care © the post-office of a provincial town. It remained to get a glimpse of for he called for his Lewd at Sorat and irregular inter. The detective swatched vigh lantly at the post-office, and make sure addressed a letter Mr. Harris themselves. At last he called for the letters. One glimpso was enough to identi- y him, and in a few seconds fs was ae over to s e scores of cases in which the Neca service of Lloyd’s is en- which the public hear, for sometimes they may ob- tain “evidence eee wi insurance compan pay a claim, but CES ERERDE justify a charge of fraud. clever swindler who baffles them on the rare occasions when an insur- ance company is duped. How to Treat Sprains and Strains puneriag Mr. Quinn Says Nothing Cures THOUSANDS RECOMMEND ‘NERVILINE” One of the most soul-distressing ac- cidents that can befall one is a “bad in, “If I had only rviline” earlier, I could enormous nd many _agonizin Rights of sleeplessness.” Thus writes P,P. Quinn. barn and sprain ankle and left wrist, FP owalled was not oe mient to city, and ‘the eet care aneay: the swelling, relieved the pain, and viline, Get it to yc., at all eaieen or The e | siz i tarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont, Se. COLORING A PIPE. The Gassac erat chesrally at the job day and at the end of Gas tore the pipe was retur ned to. if wher, inscril Pheires in fifteen ine by eee Nicholas, Emperoy ae Understand. Tr tomach measure- meet Ee ee eahen sf pushing a lawn mow ae ate understand why some people are so crazy to be slim.” Minard's Liniment. Cures Dandruff. On the day of his wedding a man imagines that his wife drew prize; but as.a matter of fact he is seldom more, than a consolation prize. Ligui SULPHUR cures Rhoumatism. te 8 easy. o induce tuck to come way— 's hard luc! ow Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns, Eto y Parkhurst, “I tumbled from a te loft to ne rapidly and caused Bh adetog Pains. the ly for nt sickened, a wes or two of Ner- - 50c., or samy le How It Was Accomplished in Fif- “I Sleep Soundly, Feel Like New” All Who Lack Visor: Those Who Are Dispirited and Worn Out, Should Read this Carefully, Proof That Health and Ro A jed Vitality Quickly Return When “I am only chart years old, yet for almost two years I have felt more BT have totind it aig. ii in the clamm, on slight effort would s not unnatural that the do Sant arive SiO aa Ht pills were cleansing my cl ‘up sys y spirits rose, “I felt g¢ich better. ‘The sluggish action of “ue system way to normal activi Bienes and headaches ceased, appetite, color and ambition to’ wor eee and have remained. I am like a new man, an ank Dr, Hamilton’s Pills for it all was the experience of J. a well known grocery dealer in Jefferson. viee, use Dr. N.Y., and Kingston, Cana ene EY SE Set 5 DITCHES CATCH LOCUSTS. Khartoum Canals to Hold Rainfall Serve Good Purpose. The latest advices from Khartout having their uses, for a plague o' custs has set in. @ swarms have for days been passing over the the fi that locusts constitute for them a very palatable dis! These insects are usually caught by the “Oypri item,” which consists dash tl Put right out business, Sth he Bal tnam’s | Corn which cures corns ne day. No pain on, eor0 it ‘Puream’s Refuse substitute: per Boule “ai aif dealers, The man who broods over his troubles only increases his brood. LIQUID SULPHUR cures Eczema. Carrying It To Excess. Quizzo—"‘T Modereiand that your ‘pro- n he married @ grass w Murine Eye Remedy ay Con Chicage His Views Had’ Changed. Mrs. Benham—Before you mar- a me you said that I was a een. se ‘Well, I no longer be- eve in & monarehial form of goy- mane: teen Days. European contemporary tells s an entertaining story of how a pipe was col “h; rder of Czar.”’ i artist, who had He Minard’s Liniment Co., Lim! ited some years in Russia, received as Bh tasrot: stgmer ot ours ou 1 datuabie | mal attiaer gift from the Czar (Nicholas horse by the use ‘Ot MINARD'S LINI- I.) an enormo meerschaum | MENT. aie teats mounted with diamonds. VILANDIE FRFREs. Noticing that the recipient was Pitty may .be akin’ to love, but it’s a mighty poor relation. “Use “LIQUID SULPHUR: in your bath. marriages were registered in Eng- land and Wales, a 872,767 births. Minard's Liniment Re! 8 Nouralgia. Biff—“What’s the reason?’ Foozle—“‘He figgers that the one that buys 1h will ae a steady patient ever after.” ht Remedy |, Y: ed eusts, of course, do a vast amount ‘et-1 if you write National Drug and - ical Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. — stream | until it was more ‘than half a mile wi \ ie During the year 1912, 283,195 FISH BEARS ITS OWN LIGHT. Peculiar Species Has Been Found In ee ae w species the appearance of an creer Tented ferryboat has been secured in the Aus- Cane biel at the great depth of fathom: “this tia jous fish, which has 53 bril- its to the #8 r Endeavor, al on "exhibition at the Australian Muse- um at Sydn More than a hundred she ene th eing more or less ‘lum- inous. Several fish of a jet black color, » 134 5 of bluish light, were also obt: some being shaped like a pair of bellows. a Soon Discovered. who had purchased a fi @ soon discovered fhat| several weeks he succeeded in dis-| poetact ieneat Ue ere ates essen her speed or detract Possessing exquisite freshness and a fullness of flavor not found in other teas Lua CEYLON TEA—“Pure BLACK, MIXED OR } NATURAL GREEN and Clean to a Leaf” Sealed Packets Only Beware of of Imitations AND OR L A Paste [meFF abe) Se pee say No Waste lHamitron, canapal No Rust viBhe" 8 stone blind.’ replied her past owner, ue an easy air. ‘You didn’t sa; ‘thing to me about it,’’ said the pa his face red with ger. replied the ae ‘that fellow who sold her to me lidn’t tell me about it, and I just concluded that he didn’t want, it known.’’ Helpless From Rheumatism GIN rot Give Pr Ce Relief By ing The Kidneys. of Montreal, to GIN PILLS again for one week 1” Sample free Chem: :!30 KM, 110 VOLTS, DC, WANTED More Workare Ree 80 pears terns, furnished. Positively no experienes is and supply you wi tutes % geod Drices paid ? Duy by the weok or Sangh” Ss sievaaiae ie Guna Stiees ell the hd the ‘fold ie ted for our work. “If you want clean % the year round for whole or apare time, write us abd we will send us in inde ad De eel, star ae FARMS FOR SAL! The Soul ofa Action. Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL” Plano Action. 1 ELEGTRIG DYNAMO 4. W. DAWSON, Ninet: W. DAV ety Colborne Stroot, FPevit, sto, Some snaps. GRAIN AND DaIRy all’ sections of Ontario, OTORY SITES, WITH OR WITHOUT aigiinns. trackage, in Toronto, Brampton and other towns and cities, ESIDENTIAL | PROPERTIBS "IN ympton xnd_a dozen other towns FOR SALE H.W. DAWSON, Colborne St. Toronto 675 R. P. M. Ata mat Pe Bepeenatle, pee for jo Sal Ss. FRANK Seay & SONS, 3 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO. HOW A DEER OUTWITS DOGS. Threw Age Off the Scent by Leap- g Twenty-five Feet. A certain sportsman once had interesting opportunity to seers the means a huni leer takes to outwit the dogs that are following hard upon his trail. The incident outlet had n damm had overflowed the low lead tree on the shore the hounds drove water, a hunter stationed a ets would have an easy shot =e the game. The sportsman was posted i tree. aited patiently ibe Aa an hour; rat last he heard the dogs z louder and bee ps every moment. gave me wonderful comfort. Try Base. Eye Remedy emerged “{ can recommend Nerviline for | If you have Red, Weak, Watery Byes swith tremendous leaps Frou the for: ains, bruises, swellings, muscular | or Granulated n’t Smart | est. too far for ins, and sore back. - I haye proved gists Sell [shot, BUG near enough s0-that <his it a sure cure in such cai Murine ‘Bye oe Liquid, 25c, 50c. | movements could be easily watched ue Jer, it might ah tah 2c, ate. "Bye ve os pepe Mal With a few leaps he’ cleared the mean to yor ave right in your | 25c, © Books Free i home, ready for an accident or emer-| _ axe bee m space between the. trees a tracks and the margin of the water quite without scent, As he struck, the water splashed ‘im, ing all the err he could, not ah the opposite > but straight up His forefeet and Jeg: ter into the air tke the prow of a steamer. He ried his huge antlers proudly. He Baked ‘throug! sh the water for perhaps a ‘ilndredyatile;-Ehen turned and waded quickly back to: the shore he had left. er eee he had galloped away into the ‘all ‘this time* the “hunter could hear the dogs in full ery, but the buck had been out of sight a min- ute or more before dey burst out of the on-his trail. They rushed along® with’ their ‘noses ‘to pate ntil they reached the a aeeC he ba ick had ‘gathered’ Delt for his great leap into the water, they shoeed oe ee and down ae excitedly, wie The Doctor’s Calculation. noses to the ground, or high Foozle—‘‘Doe. Woozle wants ter] air, tryi ‘ pick” up the? en sell his auter.’ scent. Then they began runnin cles srodualy wide The. rs ercoathics were now all ee abe deer. He fear that the widening circles would at eo dogs it be- ae of the hound. in eager sus- Pethe. eae grew ‘wider and wider. ment, they went: back the old trail, and disappeared in the woods. The SOnES oe true lace often leads to matr: AGENTS WANTED. ANTED PERMANENT _ MEN ally, Salary and fosters Yiako Rive 0 Ten Dollars da spare thne accepted.” J.T, Nichols Cou ublishers, Toronto, Canada. ie I STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED | DIF- 5D ferent, Foreign (Stamps. Catalogue, wah only Marke Stamp Company, Toren nS. Why present an old appear- ance before your time? LU BYS\c Your Gray Hair can be re- HAIR RESTORER stored to its Natural Color. THOUSANDS HAYE SENEFITTED BY ITS USE Atall Druggists 50c.a Bot. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. OUNTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR ‘Bale in good Ontario toma, Exoellent opening for SPeniieking Company, wero MISCELLANEOUS LUMPS, |ANCER, ETO. internal TUMORS, ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BDA‘ % der Stones, da Smet anon tn a class by {tself—the eastest Tunning, the most substantially built, them stisfactory: Invented. Only washer worked with crank Taumbago, and kindre ts positively cured. with or Sganol.™ price. #1 nother new See for ‘and. sure oure, 18 anal oe ‘ne %3n anol Aan aragiete or rine 6 Sanol Mai turing Ne eg anada, imited, Winnipeg, M and Telegraphy Courses of the most complete and m rig) the only one where the whole top aaa lealer to show you the ciampon™ Waskee “Favorite” Churn ts the world's best oad Game Sport” is @ most expensive title, FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting bea rts for Mills, Manufacturing ants, Printing Houses, 2 Wood Split rae 194 x 48-in, oe 316/16 in. ehaf pon pest iiss ry x 48 in, vied @ 15) food. Split ane ‘13% x 28 in. shaft. ‘* 37/16 in 1. Wood “Baie Pulley, 10% x 36 in, ete 37/16 in. shaft, =f smaller sizes and gi ae of -various lengths and Bizes to be gold at very low figures, Box 28, Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto. Baby’s sate is ee proof No ‘imitation has all OWN SOAP. BABY'S pat 4 os TN skin is the test of BABY’S OWN SOAP— and its constant use in thousands of nurseries helps and whitens the most delicate s ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturctsy in Pr nw ig that its iacrants Jather the merit of BABYS WoneReAE tite Wilson

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