TO ENLARGE S00 CANAL Proposal to Give Continuous 30-Foot Channel to the Atlantic Said to Have Been Decided Upon A despatch from Ottawa says: As ® preliminary to enlargement of the Canadian canal at Sault Ste. Marie to a depth of 31 feet, a ernment is arranging for Geprpraion of Whitefish isand an additional strip o seen the south side of Most o: way, and the Department of Justice is now (eee expropriation proce: ie scualaiascot enlarging the canal must, of c wait until understood that a vote will be ask- | through from the head ed at the next session of . Parlia- ent for a Dieta enrve and for the preparation of p) The enlargement of ee Soo Ss nal is a al ence etlacgeciene of the Welland Oma The next step will be the enlarge: ment yet the yoole pee see canal 8; tinuous thirty-f fare cee a of the lakes Be to the pene: The of the Full flavored and perfectly cooked make delici delight. The mal wi ae scheme will probably not be mad me considerable time yet, Hey eanwiale He enlargement of the Welland and the Soo Cai will be proceeded with. COMMENT ON EVENTS y Scouts and Militarism, COASTING COST MAN’S LIFE. Nee Fracture of Skull. Knocked Down on Sidewalk, Sus- He CHARMED LIVES? Instances of Miraculous Escape From Death. At Geneva recently a professional acrobat who perfo! he not sprung a when within 50 feet of the lake he would have been dashed to. pieces on the rocks, says London Tit-Bits. iME KING'S HIGHLAND HOME HIS MAJESTY LEADS THE SIM- PLE LIFE AT BALMORAL. After His Many Public Engage- ments He Enjoys the Quiet of the Highlands. When the King goes to Balmoral, 's Majesty sets foot on Booties jallor rather, :m the Deeside heather—he dons the kilt of the Stewart tartan, with all the other habiliments Celtic garb, eae the glengarry. bon net, and lander ! Pleasant Memories. No family could enjoy a holiday in the Highlands than the Royal Family does. Bal- moral has pleasant memories for looks eyery inch a High- i more heartily |, PRIGES OF FARM PRODUCTS sehgere FROM THE LEADING TRADB CENTRES OF AMERICA, Fetces ia of Gattis; ci im, Cheese ang Other reduce at Home and Abroad 900, .on wack, Bay ports, and “Puckwheat Prices nominal at 62 to bie, Bran—Manitoba, bran is quoted at, §28 page, 5 eet in toronto freights. Shorts, $24, Toro: untry Produce. Balter Oboles dairy, 21 to 230; inferior, 28 to M90; creamery, to tio for rolle, and 24 to 2120 for soli Eggs “Case lots ot “new-laid, 2% to. 280 dozen; fresh, 23 to 20, and weconds, ‘Cheese—New che noted at 143-4 to tho, for large, and 160 for iwi Beane Handpicked quoted at $2.25 to itry—Fowl, 13 to 140 per lb; chick- to 180; ducke, 16 to 7c; geese, 15 ern | building granted at No. 482 St. ro CUOPEA oss] EIGHT CHILDREN CREMATED Parents and One Boy Alone Saved from Quebec Fire—Boy Dropped Three Storeys. ae ae h from Quebec says: As neck a midnight blaze which Han out in @ three-storey wooden Francois Street tween Lavio- mo’ as the eldest boy, although all in- fured , Were saved, and all three are + present in the Hotel Dieu Hos- pital It Tie bln aa stated during the fire that another of the children, a. little girl named Marguerite, had mn saved by a man residing in an- me eyes and grief which she suffered. The other ‘street, and that she was safe at bis home, but no trace could bo found of the eight other children, who ostensibly epeuiied before aid could reach tl it is to have a Hic o ae Ane | Be ae the pine-clad hills for which 1 tario. wheat—New No. 2 wheat at 64] lette and St. Catherine Streets, ad-| The eld 1 econ I ert bay accel Ae pes ee me mo ret a (onlg gpuied at joining the Asai: _ rd, all in-|who was dropped from the a 7 an 360, on | dios 1s an early hour Friday | storey window, struck his head ke, Te ml * atic sr & Benes round pt aa ee ts for Nor 2 and i ib fot morning pointed to the cremation |the curb stone, and that, togaiiar n Fa S| BOER eR to ts, outade, _|f eight children of ly of| with the burns which he’ received, Ren ee nae see Barley. to ste, outs ut Sh San r. Ulric Trudel, the proprietor, | renders his condition very Srioiiee Sg ter A SE ea ae ante deer , together with fiy The mother, who was taken down es = bli oe Sees woye Pe ma RPS ilies, p tited in the hor aoe a ladder, is horribly burned, m from p' ase sepa mt her. and father, as well ja oh only” the. expression of agony in was the least injured of the although he also suffered Seal painful burns. Dress at the thin’ Wedding. men used to strange smoke. vived among women, Ear! the pre: sent summer one might tas scan in One Bond Street show-rooms rely> out Neue poate, in poft ere material labelled “Lady's | smokin hae cies were at work | Set here ‘on By. ees ie fall, |them, and there aro historic asso-| ene; if to i: stances of people fall- | ©™ 5 It haa been decided that, Pi ie Arthur be however, the Weloome. club milita, eee tol tnapise theo aes siti tere fae tng y a? Ae ing Sominire bie heights et sur-| Ciations connected with the King's ee Aaa bee Me Sg AR of Connaught shall wear ‘ie ani Bethatig cocars Hpition, London, to With distrust and hatred of Germans and . Ferree Highland residence that makes it a bag, and New Brunswick, f thle Royal Heote Greys at his produce the first entire femining emok- and lapanese, it would be the | With his brother John‘ he was walk- | Viving e tale can be quot- r bag, on track. ‘moi while the (Prince of Ing suit. On September 4, severa’ ot these vot 8 ‘eltizen to protest. No. * ed. At Bright ts tl]: delight for them to sojourn amoag R Wales will wear his uniform. a: tumes were displayed on tho of ever, that the 28 down the hill on Hunter Street, ighton quite recently an | 1° baphin haves tha erent tors ho other eupporter” of the | the club. Tor’ the purpose ety eing 't when they rd noise behi actor known as Lie aring, who le majestic 9 8 Mf Baled as ane Straw. uke of Saxe Coburg and | cinematograph film of autumn fashions. done apparently “A Z a lagi ee = and the heather-clad dells which| pated et ie upohan picturesque drees as | Mannequins lounged upon. divané puming boys one of the| them. Looking back, they saw a| Was playing the part of a naval off |e a the Ro yal residence on wh nee only. "moder No. 1 hay | Coloncl-in-Ohiet of the Seaforth Highland: | the "weed" —only cigarettes, ot gputte 1 duties of citizenship, the | boy coasting the va in an ex- who is attacked by brigands i sept ge is a ae ee jo,et on eee ere Albany's } ane Duke of Gon- mitt OOS RIEaE Eat eee orn red to defend | press wagon. parted to leave a ptene eee play, and who was . ibed Ba sled straw $5 to $8.80, 0 t the King hag not yet decided whether | and extremely daring in color. Straight eer a rere very Se hitn bee re re supposed to slip over the cliff—in |, @uee? Victoria once deseril 30) ar 6 ‘dress or his favorite | short petticoats were wecured round the is it something that ought not to | oon to. ut the boy ran into Balmoral in her diary as ‘“‘a para- ey a AC lof the Fl ro:| waist by a drawatring. The pany- th (eka Charles Rush’s legs, knocking his|Teality, however, to stand on ” i y, he bridegroom is a military of | Ing coat was in each ease a tallor-out and Hak Deon thie wioten: Sk pee bi 1 back fen sehich had ts Fareed thos ise, its varied attractions Provisions. r, his Majest; will “likewise decide furnished with magouline-looking. ais cayer Boe te cine nder him. He fell ” Be gon and delights ae always pApHeals ate are quoted aa. follows: | appear an a. eld bal “Te indies anokete one toncabemacnreiie I ew re trained to| Ward, striking his head on the si. dge to make the illusion com- to her grandso: ~ orge V.| Bae con, Jong. lear, 16 ee Tb. in ee repent. x wear somLerening toilettes | pose, 5 a are oe Hees: 2 5 ote. Por rt with jewels, while al m terials, sat repe-de-chino, an avery duty of) walk and fracturing his skull. He erie missed his footing and fell 90] Before he aaseeted to Ain whecite Hame-Medinm to. tig tending will wear estner uniform or or | in colors. emerald: ‘ross, "yellow, and uts Tisking and even on three hours later in the hospi-| feet below into the sea, escaping | }, d k dodical exaur-|Re*"y, 2012 to 7 breakinst dinary dress orders.” ‘The | start tling Oriental’ “pattern der to save ith oes 16 used to make periodica © | bacon, 21 to 220; bac! scene is, theretore: likely to. bers, brilliant | chos rotecs thee | tal. ae @ sprain wrist. = sions to Balmoral and indulge lg = Tard Tierces,” Io; Mite 14 1-4c; pails, ‘ne, “eat ecially it’ the the enter is » September 18, 1913, in the oraft n even more miraculous escape favorable. Owing ‘amy SA a br greenies ee after a fall over a cliff was that of proclivities eal pees odation of the Chapel Royal, tio 1ndien ——_—" ning b The ‘simple life” is the rule ayn Mantras habe eras oompty petal em) Ta MANNERS idea. error of under- TRADE FIGURES GROWING. 8 ;| Figures for the Year Will Show mn Increase of $200,000,000. A despatch from Ottawa says: ‘To ‘adit the ” oe Sl gt rh Fe shh foe 47,79, 911 more. then, Au: meet and mingle with those of the year. For iret five Ps emis ak Cane Bae ire hee meet | months of year the total is that the waters of | $456,223,167, an increase. of - 837, the Pact level th: ysis 6 Pact are on a Here Reda an 664,919 over the same riod those of the Atlantic on tethmus, and sever: est One Erni Archdeacon, deecribed the most, prominent patron of aviation in France, comes to the front with the latest freak suggestion of psendo-science. . Archdeacon 2 visit imight be ‘made to ately, prophecy, the inhabitante ‘of ‘all the Binet wil make rs acquaint: nt Planetary « oongreeses veil ne “te nde Archdeaco earth dweller tle Ap Thyeden, an tronfounder, _mho Be gan Tite 12 mble is one of the five or rete richest “nen in Germany, bet nd Jn industry hie im ‘a ide" definitely: the e father's estate that, should Gevolve to bim at death. daingd that the “otter de ler way Atled frou ht 9 suit it again hie father. The 90 lost the case, and now pesky only “at the zaie fred be the seralations of of 1912. It is oxpesied that the total for the year will exceed that of ue by about two uidred million. it factures predic? $4,911,478. ROR ee URANIUM DEPOSIT FOUND. Promises to Increase the Output of Radium. A despatch from Berlin says: A corey of uranium posit is apparently a prolongation of thet the Bohemian side, whic hitherto heen one ox the beni sources of supply. great ape ny audasoeiae of tiie euorninuk dusskna Ih contee? tion with the treatment of cases at uranium and radium amounting to $625,000. PASSAT “Sia ‘ounds. TOSS an enormous | Pumpkin vine growing on the perty of Dr. ae this county, he could h ine, mbit is VINE PRODUCES 500 PUMPKINS| So oe cot Covers Eighth of Acre—One Weighs m: Ber oh Litils and Bandown, Isle of Wight who slipped and 00 feet. She was only Sighely. inured, a bottle which she carried being broken. e folding about 50 feet high, but as ha fell his foot caught in the scaffolding, and he hung head downward until r i tied: Siuilarle o womei? who ‘tell out of a window backward at Hol- born lately was saved from instant death by. her oe haying caught in the win John Hazelto: Lore, vis Rev. John tice of St. Neot’s Huntingdonshire, when cycling be- tween Huntingdon and St. Neot’s at-night, was suddenly pied off ane bicycle by a passing motor carried on the bonnet for a ee erable distance before being gently deposited on the road as the car pulled up. His cycle was smashed of the s morning the He pulled up the boards, and there, clinging to a branch of.a tree which come down the river with the flood and had got wedged in the Atos eara Nada ol farmer, Mr. Beginald Dutton, who, from a stile into the water. presence of the branch in the deep mill pool saved ‘his life. ____ DIDN'T KNOW That Toa and Coffee Cause Trouble. common is the use of tea or ‘Sundry ‘expenditures have to be added w sts et ett] ln orl Kare | 2 a narod a my very ‘nearly 42500000. ‘Whon' the czec hae a pete net celtthe It cov- |jife, up to a year and a half ago, I been disposed of for a third and laet time, | €TS More an eighth of an acre, | had been a coffee drin Sf" $0,000 and “oounedl’e. fens. amounting | €2d. hax: produced pump-| _« ia, severe _headach: to $104.000 will: have 4 be added, making kins, the largest of which weighs | snd heart weakness made me feel 730." The i in\s'exovbltant expenditare fe the amount | POMT1Y 100 pounds. af Ht is feasible | sometimes as though T was about to Shan tha ion mo "ae nat sas A Ge e vine will be exhibi-| die After drilling & cup or tw ji py oe una | ted ‘at the State Fair at Columbia. of hot coffee, my heart would go wats a ‘st che ar as * like ‘a clock ‘without a pendulum ral jedged whie he was entitled? At other times it would almosi LIONS CAUSE TERROR.’ |gnd'I was so nervoue 1 did aay Lee canal JAPANESE INTERPRETER SHOT Slain sae’ ae Home — at Oe a3 pe San Francisco B. brought to trial by giving fata? tion about their traffic. Have Already milled 200 Cattle and eep. A. despatch from Berlin says: Terror reigns among the pepo ES tle and 400 sheep. The inhabitants i not allow their children to go BUTTER BARRED AT COLLEGE Girls Do Not Take Kindly to Dry Bread, and a Wry 5 ee ies Pou: ighkeepsie, iter a year’s study of the Health hasten at Vai a to d a8 & result butter Js now barred from the faliie, and the girls will hereafter pon r mattresses. re- quired by the new. rule or curl up on a rug. The girls attending the dinner | a aces, ooo ef greatly astonished be the new rule, and a Yee of test has arisen from tl faces were expressed at the iene fast and luncheon eyer the process of taki iry br and much talk of the stndents fo During. the summer vaeation authorities at the eollege ee Be eyery cotton mattress to the eam- pus and burned them, Tea is just as harm- ful, because it contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee. ee ee took a walk for exercise, as as out of ee of the hedea I'd feel as if I w: and this would frighten me aerate My limbs would uiterly refuse to support me, and the pity of it all was I did not know that coffee was causing the trouble. “Re: in the papers that many/ persons ailments by leaving off. co coors Postum, I got my Hasband to bring home a pack: We made it accordin, liked the first eup. flav oF 7 delicious. T een using Postum about sigteed: months, and to es ‘Breat ier, Secstion. if eae oe nd heart all right, = fact, tm & well nab ase once more, tai to Postum.”” Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Write for copy ‘of the noe book, ‘The Road to ellvil Its rich snappy Bost ‘it “comes in two forms: Rogolar Postum — must be well Sani gite Postum ds a solubie 8 pow- , A teaspoonful dissolves ee dy in @ cup in hot a8 A. aetclut cream and sug: beverage inatantiy, Grocers sell inds. “There’s a reason”’ for Pestum. ing home the he previous night, had fallen A The | sister, Be Princess Royal, sinking | tached to northern polidee. much as possible, a period of rest, An pe of See The King, when he is in the Highlands, ad almost as soon ing 8 the ‘skirling” Likes the Open¢Air Life. E day at Balmoral a ites routine is followed, for the King makes @ point of being in the open ing all the can get out of his well- eared Thole day there may be a grouse “stoot’’ on the Royal estates or on aonte of oe b nsionng. moors, and y there may ave on Ballochbhuie Forest, ora talking expedition around ShRaun Ee naE letsepi trae ing glories’ haye been immortaliz- by Byron. Another day the ing may prefer to go fishing on the “Silvery Dee,’ one of the best salmon fishing rivers in Scotland or, again, the day may be spent in walking within the extensive Ro- yal demesne, or in climbing some of the surounding hills which here and there are crowned males cairns, erected by Queen Victoria m- nt of douest ys are set apart, too, for trout fishing on Loch Muick, and for pie- nics and lunches with the household and guests shiele’’ — or bungalows — stand in some of the lonely glens within a few miles of the castle. Visits His Neighbors. the castle. It is one eeside occasionally to visit his the Braemar Highland Gathering should happen be hel. ‘ile his Majesty is in the North, he makes it a rule to be esen' Sunday is observed in true Scot- e* | tish fashion, and the Kin, fend his amily are invariably in the Royal w of Crathie Parish Chur pris alaeivies Ja Aominciat ie ie ‘Church of Scotl But eyen in si ‘privacy of his Highland residence the King is not free fromthe cares and responsi- bilities of State affairs, and a Min- ister-in- sina ee at- the cca portance haye happened at Bal- moral, oe to meet with any exi- ial port and peleetaats mnbed ee the King is in regiden ——_—_*- His Wife. Giles—‘‘My wife ean drive nails bees ehintog: s— ‘You don’t mean it. ‘Glenn do. Lightning you know, pe strikes, twice in the place, e same Tea Hea! An unkind word to toss her; ’Tis only when he’s in ee a ctDe That he is apt to 8 ES es ae Left My rich uncle ‘ deka. & ‘Did he leave you any: thing ” Yes, he left me penniless.”” Ss nds, as dispersed the | stra By some favorite pibroch. 8 Bx Royal | § other of the numerous picturesque | #4, 4 ich 8 When the Court is Balmoral, his by visiting them, and they in turn | common of the customs of the King when on | eagten at New| {> y tOP | are ey ministers of the |) Bus! Montreal, Sept, 20.Oorn n_ No. 2, yellow, #4 te So, Onte-Cauadion Wet. ‘ern, No. 2, ito 2 do., No. 3, 39 1-205 feed, 40 to 401-20. Barley fo Sor, malting, 64 to Buckwheat, No. % 88 10 60. | Flour le, to le; pure, tierves,, 378 "e, wood pails, 20 lbs., net, United States Markets. ea tock 5. at ay be owt. ae se sed bP for small meats demand and a Ala Minne Wheat—| A) pain Beings the very be ipa pe ai 4, | iy do feared tint, the eooond -d Tee i Quoon of Spain will be, Tike her Be ier Re: oan and dumb. It is feared ati eae ths Be aie is totally deaf, whioh Sea | must, entail dumbness unlees, she oun Supereen oe uF | Sured. "he Queen in almost’ heaydoroken aint, CBee She goes with ber chil to i: eee, Vente of the religious, in or near Mardid pare: ack for prayers of ‘ession on their he benelf, “and eee ‘of late on be- 8. half of the Pri mina Liss Quarrel. Le Binieter rumors caching London the — subject “esrb! Srontenetsin ? Spy EE: red that ‘when the wnfortun Psi Frees Buichers fo fon Payer ert 4 the, Ailies broke out Montenegrin he supply of the best grades wae none ‘ooupied Ipek an otter: pisces too large, a. brick grads: wan ae ae fern | An The: Bete tparhoog, Nee yeaa eee: oes, there, ware no really choice eleare| the Rervian foroes, ‘for th paign But tainly good stock sold | Sgainst Bulgaria. By way. of compensa- readily Tat rv eStis ae $6.50, and the lower | tion, Montenegro wag, at hat, time ore pate fromthe dows 26 OH Der, owt. | Or the eerritorion conausre by Rervin dur- he. 5 oes for choice, 9 ‘at fheuihe ar again arey fu 50 to ‘good it 84. eo Be ‘and oom $4.50, wil hogs, goored t fartaes deatiue of 30 io Bi por oe Th demand from local packers was. good, ai Piles ud Silecrsh ini wane stiane ue Was to. Chol on $10; od, $8 to 89; medium, ‘common, 5. $00 Tough eastern aged $3.75 to Sheep, ewes, 100 to 1 Tio to. 160 The, th Ca £2.84 ‘B fouls and ramp, ah00 96.75. Selecte fed and watered sold at gate $9.60, and $9.15 to $9.25 fed and Sete ae BROKE GRAIN HAUL RECORD. C.P.R. Landed 900 Cars at Fort William in One Day. A despatch from Fort William The Canadian Pacic Railway broke this season’s grain basting record at the head of the cars, or xbout, 1,000,000 burbel, t grain having arrived. The eceiyed over all Mill ‘be ‘practionl for service reqninémat ; arm a Geaall divciog thie yaviad "waa. 490 that it would He foolish. $9. ghee We cars, mem! fe a ie: FLEW ACROSS BALTIC, ere eteeut Maas sie ie “8 a pe Bees Bays: Thetis a a Byainn aviator, cro! he Baltic from Landskrona to Stralsund, a distance of 312 miles, in two hours, in an aeroplane. mates: husband, sober, ne’er was now: , th canners | ly UNION TRUST 0. QUARTERLY DIVIDEND ereby given that 2 putts) ea is ear Annum Sears SEM a oe rae a af recont gy the ole Bentent By in of the Bo JOHN M. MoWHINGEY, General Manager. Princess Mary at Buckingham Palace whe ich are being made ready at Buckingham Palace forthe ‘use of incess Mary differ from those she has e in more ii ate neh mile te ee all ereonal hospital: y being offered by the Princess, to halt. storen friends for tea oro Royal Highness is having 60 ine introduced into her boudoir, to permit. of by Hoval dlber small abjecte ‘ot Oriental’ and age origin, and tho large number of books | and knick-knacks which the Princess has acquainted w: fter the Soucicbio on of tho a neste ‘Teoeived ‘Ipek, end Montenegrt used profound "Public aes in | en eee 6 to bestow the usual m their characters and habits end of the visit, she sent home except one, with every courtesy sft many presents, as the bride elect. a children or young girls made their ‘It Is By the Rules of Propriety that eee Is Established.” The late r Empress late age) of Ohina, vehudale, ciel died recently dynasty, was not so powerful or so picturesque a figure derful old aunt, the Dowager as her won- Tsu Nevertheless, she was not do- lee: kak her selection as the bride of an emperor to Tsu si’s ppp of her m- plishments, t, and exquisite time at court, that she might study At a Yehonala remained Tantry ‘on General Putnik, Comm: i nt Offensive refusal on the part ot @ fr presentation bows too shyly, sulk- Type ae oe ea = ily, or iene the old rat ae ure. in Servia, and pishtly. 0. zee a smile and ask RH aT neta os Sebo he seked to role | Yehona: ie bow and let them see See ced he: Consideration of his po: | how it ee be done Ape Micholove insult 5. thelr ‘hero. ts either og empress paid endure deeply resented by the Servian people, | ba aie je the Jos Ietined to give way ou Ai Aa sted Rifle. here ie really mo need for anyone i aiaviantse. ov ‘announcement hat model army illo under tial hax proved” unsat Hefactory, ae the. 1 Rever, been issued except ade out of fay value of tl new Germ: the “Spitze™ bullet, In 1 Teputed mili: and Muhese ‘very. vit eae the Tack that the Potele: ot an ny. iuterferes with the te peer sce tooy 2 Terpert, which We aid: to have been ene BER teocvate off she fire: success. Over Bs the Hulgariane in’ the recent, struggle in “smoking sult for Wenien Once upon a time—not very long azo— making as sxe th Bente we pop, A, great deal ‘of capital doce ee Hite girl of ayes inste: the . proper erty plumped “down pon hoor and howled, the ey Re Be Dilla vhs gnasean ut” Opaladlina, REE St is by the rules of propriety an obaracter is establish oucan generally get, aroun Z Soe yon can see throu, BRITISH FIRM’S CONTRACT Thirty Million Vancouver’s. Harbor, A> despatch from London says ssrs. J. G. White, the eminent British harbor engineers, announce that they have secured anted forethore rivhte ok & ai Dock Exten- Tt is intended ‘to | w ock= Fp provide twenty-five miles of doc age at Lulu Island and Sea Island Dollar Outlay for Extension alee undertakes to allow all’ rail © company as a private ‘omoter has placed at the disposal ef the industrial worl rates that are to be abapet and FE es gi a: