Milverton Sun, 2 Oct 1913, p. 5

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WEBER & BETTGER MONKTON’S : POPULAR : STORE IY, merece OPENINGS A GREAT SUCCESS: ‘Sales. of Hats and orders far ahead of last ‘Season. stock, so er you call, you will find meen ew shapes and styles and ‘ork and Prices Right. The Well-Dressed Man len’s and Boy’s uits and Overcoats. The latest materials and styles. Our prices sp r tl a will pay you to see these new styles ‘before buying elsewhere. Or, if You Want a Made-to- order? Suit or Overcoat——_ We appreciate the fact that we have se- 2000 Ibs. Dutch Set Onions Wanted ! Highest prices paid for Farm Produce + £ MONKTON ¥ es Mn ‘vite Wood of gone to f Logan. has Iph seek’ he takes his e Ontario Ag- by Loga ticnee one day seeocntte tab ees A ahaa: inches £ his to the tip a his tail, tae welehed twe pounds and a quarter, The Lutheran church will celebrate their annual ‘mission and harv: home festival on next Sunday r 5th. TI! ev EF Dupernell will A a will nas the afternoon service in Bae fe! All come Geo Cruickshanks, CP.R con- ee ‘of Tor: vho ba bag on ay arrived \at Toronto at As tl here at one o'clock’ the Marshall las‘ A week funeral of Dr. Sanderson. an old friend. On Sunda uc of Sparta Vv 1. suceessfu was mber from here motored Charles Pfeifer. of Logan. MOMSIERE of eis fee ‘ NA-DRU-CO B CUCUMBER WITCH HAZEL CREAM The finest form in whid’ you can use healing Witch Hazel -MICAL Co. NarIOWAL DRUG AND CHE OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. ‘The Mornington Fair Continued from’ page 4. e he conducted services at Sontnaeae Strang Fiebe has ng. Pet contract of plow siesta Ghatco wing amiclevaling 1h6 grounds of the park. It_ will be seed- thi nd it is hoped that a next year = “oe a chell, were in tha Tilak on Monday ing the latter’s mother eae us iss 5 . Henry fis vicit atte sod et ‘Milverton, Fair on Fri- ast. itGnaak Weak? Blood Bad? Liver Lazy? Nervous ? WEY eg go along day after : day suffering when aid is at hand so convenient and at so little cost. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical perry blood. As a consequence both r al and healthy. condition, iliousness soon disappear, ‘The entire sys Ve takes on n For over forty ioe this famous old medicine ‘and never more so than today, acre: 4 eee sale all on the world than any other doctor's a preseript a sale Spall an sth jogs in Ii id or tablet form, or box. fou can send fifty Ic stam; dress So DE ae ve PIERCE, BUSE AT N.Y. cee ae Fashionable T AILORING Everything Comes to Him Who Goes After What the Other Fellow is Waiting for. The truth of this assertion has been proven by the success of our business~~-We Have a Good Trade. The Best Dressed Men of this vicinity now come here for clothes.—Take. note and see. We make the Best, Finest and most Fashion- able Garments. We put only the best work- manship on all clothes. pee Fo . The new weaves of Woollens for Spring and Summer wear are. on our shelves. Let us show them to you. ee -t It Costs Nothing to Inspect Our Goods O. DUFFIEL The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, - Ontario application of a ‘int. and Mrs John Rogers. of At- wood. spent aise with Mr. and Mrs, Mr. W premises (by the fe Keillor, “of Stratford. who. y| in il, | Fancy Thimble "Mr, Jobn White hes improved his ae: © R va Fr or. Sie crochet on knit R_ Honde rich and Jabe Es ancy ‘th ‘her. oh “Collar Miss Fisher Mis Bag Mrs. Rosamon¢ chen Apron and Cap WeMerheld: Danse Wor Birennwey, Miss Fisher: ish Oro et Work. Miss Fi Brass Ceate Work. Me Honderich> Weolen Fascinator _Zocliner ats) is mow. in hit 88th year spent a few Mrs. “Hunas, Mars days wrecently with his son ‘oolen Slee f illo: adies este Harris, of the Stratford | W S Mires ee Fire Department spent a day or two Child’s Crochet. Bonnet in ilk. Mise this weel res idence of Mr. J |Strangway. mage Oroohet: White. work in coi ngway, Mrs. Grapenut. cookies possi, at | Zoellner “Crochet ‘vot ‘inl wool. hakery this Bisher. ‘Mx : Embroidery yee ot Waltenstet [Baliga Cloth Fisher. Mrs. Zoell- shine from here a low of stockers| ner’ ‘Embroidered Tray Goth white, Tuesday. rs. Zoellner. Rey and Mrs Geo Lochhead. Centrepiece itd. Ne Dovlieks Mise sot ner. Centrepiece ere conduct- bi ~ Anniversary the Mothorist ehurch on Sui Barl @ay last by Rey. Dr Li Le Large eongre gations ox ES R Honierish: white.C. a Zoeline Ty ilk, Miss trang M ed the Rey. Dr_ both morning Se _|Pi r, J T Gill wishes to thank his tee rts patrol their ae Liss Fis age (luring the pisb Season and an-| Fa t no more ice cream will got-in-exeept when specially order J on Lge Bae ianhtss week panies? goover: lint and ia attenting the y wedi ~ Mrs. hite spent. from Mon- ears with friends Stratford. this vicinity iene ti Mr, John ase three Kuive. who bed been ‘ponducting dee has oe anv 2 promptly. olu al aps sss r his arrival fs eye Oaactabls th « Fo area tor®. with fatent ~ aera sand tall Pe ynipe to effect his Heller and | hen Mr. “AYO” OIL LAMPS They show five times as much light as an ordinary lamp and cost not one cent more. We have them in Table and Hanging styles. Kindly call in and we will gladly show m to you. We think you will buy efore you leave. HERE’S A SNAP. NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVE Regular $11.50 for $10. Just a few left. The Shooting Season Is with us again. Remember we carry a fullline of Guns and Rifles, also all kinds of Ammunition at right prices. CANADA CEMENT P Yes we have it. M. E. BETTGER & CO., Monkton until tha zOtats: gireenestenranenasens eet) iy : WELLESLEY 2 feels See cH “ae ==. Win Roberton. of visting at the former's wing ol@ acquaint~ this aie és ee bse rt, bf New tee Melee few busiviees eile het ae eee rth who has been nursing Mrs, Ochterberg left on Wed nesday morning for home ii town. Cena G. Weichel. MLP . of; Wat. erloo: was. here on os asday * Ie his way to Kin Taae pte | Shire cule He turned nd Hettelbers, SP ans Wm. Subting ae ‘Mee a Mrs J’ Conrad and daugh- ter. Gertie. and the. Misse: Mary. Hose ond Ella) ae ‘of Waterloo. rs on Sunday for a few hours halt prs Z, Wagner Mr. and Mrs ily rs of sare visited eee on Sun‘ Mrs. Bs Ottmann an Miss 2 ates kn‘tte srralikenoe could be gain- | §u by Mr. r eho 3 Bt y Mrs: “iarae’ Pinaw. shims em- M ; . Zoe! AEC r its iss Fisher bering Robe... ay* Collect a ther ence ‘hires ich: Quilt. wool. Mrs, MacBet! Quilt, petal on or pi MacB i of abla ilt Gor ¥ iss Strona, Mrs, John ae or Counterpan way. J. FINE ART DEPARTMENT Oil Paintings—La ee S or 0 ine. Miss Mason. Fraser * Fruit or flowers. Mes Mason. Mr: H Calver Paintin an, biect. Miss. Mason. Mr: subicet. Mrs. Cal~ i ver = Gallestion Fine Art by schooo! ihre thug chin Ete.—Pa: ester Wert. © R Hon Cale oP, sinking on Plan: ¥ ing ae Scclhoft. Mrs “MneBet th TAXIDERMY Best Case of Stuffed Birds. ‘osch, SPECIALS D Atkin—Trio of White Wy- toutes for the largest and best col- lection of ee exhibi ioe Cs —§ of chetites tox eke eolestion of ferns. HF Othiaasin’s fer Hentines and Miss sMeArthur. of with pe ds and. Senreg Mr. aufman on ~ Mond ay moved i inte the house vacated by wid- ow Kaufman} dast week. — / Bring us your live poultry. High-| 2m ést “prices paid, Engeland & Sons Foe $3.00 pair lection of -potat By Hakbeine 2 ‘Hard oo ace aoe vet pee pies. John —$1 50 suit RAILWA ss tor at calesnane ‘hale ie RAND TRUN SYSTEM oe ‘Ch $2. ges P f ebet terborn— ner Toa or _ best 1 bs juteher beast John Brydones By lhe Excursions Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th (inclusive) Vancouver, B.C. Los Angeles, Cal. Victoria, B. San Diego, Cal, son, San Francisco, Cal. Prince Rupert, B.C. Portland, Ore, Spi Full part J, C. Cunningham, using 1, Local Agent f pune Or | meat printed for best tive butter fn pants 8. Pugh oe Cro-|§ r. ‘i Beenie s | bile tele en Litas an’ No + HAWKESVILLE = sited a ie) of G jtew es ith oS Peer “Mrs. Bohers COLONIST RATES (One Way—Second Class) Ir. and Mrs George Forwell at- reat the Elmira fall fair on Tues- Forwell. of Berlin. r and |]} From all Stations in Ontario Scheffner. of St. To certain points in \ was Bia! se ye: Ween ss | Alberta British Columbia ss Laura Dentinger spent Mon-| Palfeaie Matang : See Oregon Washington + couple {f} Arizona Idaho, Ete. ~ jacovs. ||] Sept. 25 to Oct. 10 Full particulars from F. W. Thomas, Local Agent of New Mr. L Ne Harborne oben “Suey at Some of the distinctive | features of this style is the |French Last, which is made for a short vamp and |Forepart, a Cuban heel and la high arched shank and instep, which accentuates the graceful lines of the foot, and has the appear- jance of being a full size smaller, N. ROSS “THE SHOEMAN”® on 00 curred between L Bacce CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford, Ont e was injured but the pees Yoo niuch for thejjoy received here on d news wa’ Alex ain exceeds that of ie boy or girl ip. who|% who has not received our fres catalog TabKHine -at-| dc does not-kaowe ee reat opportun- . ies of commercial life. We ti “| departments Commi hand a fe Our Sars jams orro two Waughters ond thre The remains were taken to Hawk time, Write for our free catalogue ae cemetery on Tuesday for inter-| McLACHLAN, - Principal A. CHALMERS Butter and Shoes Neatly Eggs taken Repaired peek cigs Conveya: bg-aare re ‘arriage Licenses, J. P. County of Perth, Real Tatate’ bought and sold, . lew choice farms for im- mediate sal ae. ante aad has la Reippe Philip is baat it to go out <0 late at ane ee his schoene made’ Jack Frost is now making his night- ie iit ‘RSs =" SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ishes, Warts, Eto., perman d by the Electric Needle. DRA. F. McKENZIE, MRS. W. COWA Physician and Surgeon be Central ‘Hotel, October 7th Office pee So far as ead we from 1 to 3 - and in evenings. We have the most complete stock of Furniture and Rugs for fall we have ever shown, HEN VISITING THE FAIR ON THURSDAY W and Friday, Sept, 25th and 26th, call in and see our new and handsome designs in Diningroom, Parlor and Bedroom Furniture. We expectto hav hibit in the show building on the agricultural grounds that that will be worth whiletspending some time to see. The store will be open from 8 a.m. untii 2. m. and from 4.30 p.m. until 10 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 26th R. McMane, Puraittire Dealer ° nd Undertaker ‘i Milverton, Oat. | Up When You're Wondering where you can obtain the most sat- isfactory clothes and best valneé in TAILORING FOR MEN for your money, you need Saly t0 new let us take vout seas. ure for & fashionable falls J.M. FLEISCHHAUER Merchant Tailor, ~ MILVERTON, ONT. Ice Cream and Seasonable Fruits Clearing Sale Used Pianos and Organs at Weir’s Restaurant 1 Beautiful Rosewood Piano—7 and a third octaves, Peete fully guaranteed for 5 years, gular price Th usdiced: Beth Bitty Dollar (8850. 100), now sell- 1 Bxeellen: Hightop’Cabinet Organ— in fancy carved walnut cage thor Dolla Bede ‘Three Dollars per month 1 Handsome Rosewood Piano—7 and a third octaves, peanut onan: faney carved Jems iy guarantesd for five yours. “A ate me Hun ret Sowenty-ivedotiars $125.00 Payable Three Dollars per month ue ‘ive Dollars Payable Two Dollai as aoe as new, thoroughly over- fated and in fitst-class condition 1 Beautiful Rosewood Piano — 7 and guaranteed for 5 y. Original ‘a third oct: 88, price One Hundred and Fifty Dol- lars ($100.00). 0 wr ‘ayabie Three Dotiars per month oe was Pour Hundred an BS ity gS: Eo aast 138 our price ng cumtaed, 888 $135.00 50 per month 4 Six Octaye Dominion Organ ased, excellent condition, beautt- fal walnut case, fully: guaranteed for Sve years: Original price One tf Dollars. Our 860.6 —piano SS See RES Sts Ova ingle SF, pe Sixty Dollar 1 Handsome Rosewood Piano—7 and a third octaves, overstru yable Two Dollars per month. dozen’ Good Organs — all in first- class condition, fully guaranteed for five wears, prices range from enty-Bive Dollars ($25), t Big Dollars ($50). to Three Dollars per month: Payable Four Dollars per month, Call and Inspect Them or Write for Full Particulars HEINTZMAN & CO., Limited C. E. PURDY, District Manager é STRATFORD, Ont. Phone 769 THE CHARM of all the Jewelery we are displaying for your inspection is in new and handsome designs. GOLD WATCHES for a and Gentlemen erent sizes an a range of prices all gadreteel timensepes P. H. BAST FF Jeweler and Optician Eyes Tested Free. in dift- — Mil verton, Ont,

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