Milverton Sun, 9 Oct 1913, p. 1

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FOR SALE! 3) SECOND-HAND PARLOR COOK STOVE ALSO . A GOOD CHURN Both ip first-class condition P N EUMEISTER ainter and Decorator eter nee FTE Che “Ht Shines Fat All.” We are prepared to buy poultry in avy. quantity at ‘igi t CASH. mee Nes) Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, October 9, 1913 etropolitan Bank Head Office : TORONTO CAPITAL PAID U $1,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND is UNDIVIDED PROFITS 1,431,888.26 DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS Issued payable Cy desired. The need and CHEAPEST of remitting mo: Milverton and Nitibank Branche: ‘Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday t@ Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph Ghe e | co gp J: HTALLEMANG, S Manager te sD THE STERLINGBANK OF CANADA SAVE, because--- No. 53 Sickness or a financial reverse may cut off your in- come. Prepare for such a misfortune. HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto MONKTON BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager Mohr's Special Grocery Prices Found purse ue small aeentey of sil Mr. Bs her ENA McDon: s : or’s wemova, a 4| Eggs 26c. doz Engeland & Son: ie +| Butter 2c. Ib Engeland & Sons le LOCAL NEWS | Read Mohr’s special grocery pric: ie wot es this a \ ees * See our big ravige of clothing En- geland & Sons. day in October? at Sun alive What fo rare as a nd left a Spene ng rt a strained this week ai juror |" Hiss Ada Coulter. of Toronto, spent) k-ond af her ‘home ne A D Gisehler left on Tue: eral Provincial. W.C TU the A vuaterstant | Ladies’ ‘and Ditsses: ‘sweater ae “Bring De es poult SAS CARE DESDUUD Se oe Lee id land ae ‘sented with a, beautiful pearl e sum of $2000. jland’ & Son chers Convention will burst brooch by Miss Bftie ee. MPE Mr, Geo “Withelan j ig. at n Thursday and i while Misy Myrtle k from Bebra cares See ae Tots address, ‘The pastor made kindly ome time in! room for several da Mr. A has 1,000 6 part each had Gl aes oe 1 Lr: ae elion W an. of West Kens atk his hennery. and ae at ss Glassic ascot ug. superin- 0 spening a enue of and a half Soe ae endent of t pending w fe oe S ars, m Coulter of tl 7 i Seabee with friend s bi hi es join. Sher husband at hous: the Mr. v Bee and Boys’ sweater coats. En- ind & Sons. hat bout. that good black ngeland’s, bE. iting friends Mildimay ar xeter, ef "Schmidt aft in quarantine f eek granted narmot fur coll ed. hell eter in conduct De w the servic St ee ation Ha alts ver é rite church next ees the “north ‘on Monday. “histowel Raa: moval deposited at interest with Winkler Mr. a ewe oe usefulness we : Rene ee ar eet: bas The joint, committes of those who stances Make up Bley sone to in ine Evangelieal confer- pullets which started laying at a4 are organiz! ¢o continue the Pre: sae B - Sa months ind cix days An eee \terian Chur oh in Canada, will give ow eT hae ee Ott. “Wwiateri0® |iwas recently, laid. by (ont of Na beer ava “are Shoat ie gilgw yoy ct re Ss Gera ig yg: w ithout exore ane ithe hig gh esteom| sete she HR Ara ae ha ne “rage feat his sft hand cut |will define clearly the issue now t Be ay aa your £ rent inter b Z the farm of| the church. and van ive reasone tor ied One dala periec ery Mr Hund wae | the: position, taken De those who ov- Tabor of love in 0 hae mee, vol te aati Airs, aie waterial pose organic ‘union atthe present choee eves Partie | who have : 8 e mer’s parents Gnder he aus-|" Mr, and Drs JH, Gunther lett DOt conferred upon you n tafe Men | MILVERTON BRANCH : nabs Ne AlL| Gestek adford. ‘Chub, Newton. will | yest 0 ma R. J. Ranney, Manager a pk or with Eggs 26e. doz Engeland & Sons | ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION We wav for eggs 200. butter 230 at Mohr’s. Manish avercoats for boys at Enge- land & Sons. Ladies’ a childr eland & See our pend display of furs | geland BB | \ Red s “On Monday evening last a large es of the sit of Mrs. H M |Schaefer and of Miss Margaret. Sch- coats at En-|aefer met ini ie ‘oom of the ne thodist chu: em =the recipient ne & beautiful gift dr ee nae gath- 21 ed fugar \ this ae aie at Mohr’s . oortid tite nates Snip in the W.0 ay jo" | presented 93 ae y Dies Thos Riley Schmidt soent | au hes ads ad to. ooper.. nd w a Miss Ma: x enon called to tha platf = pa of ces were held fitting vemarks concurring tn al or/in the L h Sunday. 'that had been! Mr H oe si. ; 0 the | acter treplied on bent of Your Present te efer rina mo - ing and be palihee binds” sof n ments ae perve iable Ae hema God be with you til nd. the and appro vate add lest be he tie a Salary sang. ti 00 *. uu once earned a small- st George Bena Dom- PSA was sung eo nel inion _Immigre BE Ee Norths slow i with prayer and benediction. | rio. és “spendin nit peared Slowing are the addresses] in ‘town. He has been, in the n01 | the ee ecks collecting Milverton, Oct. 6th. 1913 or e hen ould Pane to if ng where you Peaunatty'| a a where tee may comp! fe. B ete sae ee Thursday, Friday and Saturday be. pur fine in “the 2.30 trot ‘and. the jdeal of Ii fe aasured MILVERTON SCHOOL REPORT. oe ieee the patel with t Widower. Peter driv-| are Baga M sae : i Det away with tee seoeiatien a YY Cle He x the ssels rai ; ther wil ye away about te: di Re £ Mil ti ee ea and) v port of Milverton Public Schoo! Paikac Helpers Giaoulutcy Sugar erin rah eas puebaeed. from 3. “thet 8 lets G. “rie Oy John Sem- | { towel Standard. se ae. longs =| tor the month of Sep 5 as 3 PieaN ‘he 2.30 class e re ERs eee Ab eee aay eu ane ee Dartis owing the oh Seana Ae aie oubese inci Honore t, teas Saran acease the Publie schoo migeo th awopenint 9 [opens toe Pees ae settle | ine for fn the. Northern Pas irae AA Re ao ates an tke account before October 15th. It|lumber camps, imbor 8 very searee vhere he is ram ive tH 0 te ti eapented that Mr. Boy: will [segguntg be Be rit tal eee one Senta mark Signed. sa eh 2 is duties 9” Monday wi xt | Mr, Neil Yellowlees. pian «Tie Rar ae ae dhe necessary Ladies’ Aid and PS as er ee | Will be im Milverton Sheut the ith {number of labor orers. Quite mu aber : tie s out of wo Dingman’s Castile Soap, each... Se stk cy atthe, Brussels and | of estes i ors Pen Sasa at 2 ie ee en pete LW Coors gaRickett’s: Bag Blue. 5c Jorrie shows, the former © arrying ott ro eh pg ‘deat where they will spend the winter. ioe oto ae Ghinuh Oiuke OHaiee : * Sa aL te PS lot hid mothe died on Sept. 17 “Tun e R. Gunther Pass. © ‘Kra rjast Fs sho: McMane 4 setae Geo Bawards. of Brussels. aid Miss Margaret Schaetet Gowing M. trie. J tendortf. BUTTER 23 Ib. che grounds. ee Seal i this season oer oral 6 te on ceart pee Deas “he te ig witht telings of of (0. Berkner. * Rebanber) J Homile coat ‘ {on the grounds. the way g the tobacco ting up her purchase.“ wan! et that the remova : Ie Se EGGS 26c per doz A special perv iog ie cnc ha He row one hundred, and fif- to be a walking advertisement i eriachhd our town to belly oF Gites Dic thomtwobc. Teaser. h D ae es slants in his garden and many of vour store. I mead( the papers af all Biron! Oe ne it necessary for YO SAE r Ghure op, Thursdas [a leaves “measured sixteen by twen- intelligent people should and I think fo feaye us, Your faithful atton’=| oo ag Riapatn eae rte eat 180 Pee Paul's Church. |t¥-six inches in them is the plage te advertise your Ree our-Sunday: School, af UF | names aaa les ree ann vile “43 logins, Fee SE oe ae: Euacnlplts It] eae Beatrice Grabs . eet Se pusiness instead of asking your cus- gue 0 tin ont, alr Bk Manietinl dace toy A Stee jy} was last week charged! by idd you could always be depended i J. G. HAMILTON [Is hoved hats many 98 » possible will] 7% 6 of lms, before Magistrate checrfully do you part me mae os ac “Honors Roy Hotta x. | exidenyor 8 He Dee cee wi Terhune with a breach of the medi- | most. indispensa i ae ae Rass avian “acobs, Willie Schnew: Sole Agent for epotting inclinations have arranged eal health act ne wae 8 $25 and xpeimisy you so much when you a a eee i . i »|eosts amounting “to in al mone. A ie ¥ PORTLAND {Sl fnoon 9 "Tnamistving, Das Oat | Alias Graham's offence consisted of | Sone. and we know that We] etary Dah et ions BoRaNTON CEMENT \ecthe whe admission fee toon | esing ta-and-out ofa. nelahbaas ty Smoke not be disonpointes, that ous |Peppler. ©. Gh STANDARD oO a sT. MARYS | placed at 25 cents which will admit a el aa “ Ol eount See panioushi0, 7G indly, feel= fees Honors. , Hor Aikens, — ANTHRICITE [to both = ante a a een aa eh ‘price list of canned fruits and ton. ings of friendship. and high expecta, Arthur pak pried emia mceere eee nun’. Salts also being | vegetables for the coming year has | st ddenly tions hich cherish} for you wid) ele uci ‘9 jfor. Arrangements a76 ee noert in| beet issued, showing, considerable re-| the mi: but. an incentive. to still. . equal) °C) e oie. Munls Yuna. |made for th the holding of @ co fductions Gimost throughous € The) he oce Pay penie ms cs sontinued néefulness |. Clape Bn, (Oe Honor: Teuth Gad Sieg ea _| price of salmon is to be reduced al-) i in, ae cae se et life. + | The mont! hy wil beheld Wom-| Mott one-third this. season, Ommers |ty was feriously in oe ‘you occasionally | Clarence Schneider x. cee ctor : : fonts. Tnstltnts TG Groseh’ on Thins. [are waving eta tok Te fiah “ta Brst-| anal tht. you may appy. Wel midt, Ivan Gerth x. Bidon Ha : home of Mrs, JG re ayinfia, av the eatch has been cause of the Peetients-Miseowel, Pane oot Jou to decept this little token of) HIT. Arm eet ailop B ey Th Milli ? Ss |gay afternoon, Oct, 16th. at | i ie oom eavy. and they are able |2¢r. Tegan, May it CO yond otten, of asec mae Yea et eee Gatoke x, e 1 inery eason acloor: faoBeth wil progress.” | to, charge ‘less to. the trade. | qe Thanksgiving, Day turkey wil sour old fri ‘chots [Mabel Welr, hee te ean oo bulb euler apd ari 2 Me MS pean ne [pe eeN ae ioih chiar o Reert-aante Winter eb ot the 8.8 Choir) A iimber on moll 42. average attends ¢ . the misfortune to lose two barns by 9 : sand Loaguc. | - “Jance 38. so . | seiairba will es giver L ‘ ‘ust |city of birds owing: to ‘cold wea=, Myrtle Orr ani ey is now in full swing ace eee tury vent ial A ene s Sie Mias 6 Adu. Beamer, Teacher * construction and m r got seventy-two RS. a i ladies cordially invit He ee eae beat ant ae Hock ‘of turkey chibks numbered | ADDRESS an Rae By i k “itive for the season. dition is | mn becoming frightened flew agnin-[five for the setson. ht ee as! c F turkeys are concerned. There are fete! Bis og a Weanes: eo "APAHIS YEAR we have the most Bre. iran af ies, © Bi To some yore gue he everninet ae - ‘beautiful display of Milli aS Siutsenta ed wll the crops except |PeEDERS MG OMe monet Pore mmaoke, The. lad ae tate “rt tmoke play of Millinery jmann. The sa aida ieepeesa 7 tat Weien ane eS SRL A toa ees Gel dr dur- | departure Elgin. that has ever graced our store. Our make the fone ‘Mr. Wm. How, of Hillsburg, lost 2/99, 615 ageinst 11586214. or 338.400 ing the see vaat earsnstantly. car-| Monday: evening Bept. 29th. presented millinery opening this year provid- ie Eb. 6 “Goal jraluable cow in a very peculiar riman| Gate Pg pope year, Bast ‘ nd eda greater and more varied dis- BR. enero nee we veld a went to ati S play than ever before. We have EE ao chaefer were) of water ovr shied ae heavy for = ae aha ‘School Board of which he all Eyaiieose ay of last| The horns of the cow the chairman. : = ous designs and eae re a sicaton on, Wolfe fook his oath the Jom. elding bed ness a f ‘ erton. to Ast, 1013 a hat becoming to any feature: : mn exam yy ‘ Si oe eee ee ay, Sees Bel a eal “THANKSGIVING DAY” |} ba: coamae®s ‘ : shectt Pare aware aie Bolisefer had/ was StU Ramiing: bee ane Aead. , : ; 3 “hot the city and wil CBee! : sive we he “out “tis week oats ee wer - i ie iagara Falls | tended | ; which Beil! Ive (0 ins sak | tastefully decorated with grain. fruit ae ; nee, + fastigustoms ,ottice before as-|flowers. ete. Th Main : Street bs aiser at) te’ ce iat the evening service. 3. MILVERTON suming fis sutles #8 9ppre estone being the Seas toalion 3 aie Stratford ger Dyer. BA. of Tar-|evening Rave an exeellent address on aot nerptio ate 3 : occupy ‘the pulpit in the/the “Value of the Bible ” Miss Lot fa our: jaan! have shee f PY eh on Sunday, even:|tie Gowing. member of the Jn, All Rene gon bave: thware | | Saaceheh ter ance \san ed a Rood 8 r Deer is Sl to reahs inj ance | ges, Hit dares pee oleasing be Sete stiate agin ae an HS kan States. | © OBianGo “Jn-| By ars rat ford lite a sows sie oe at the lead. | #vecial pa in ant sete set Ds . ‘durin’ ier ‘solo ee wat i oh iin Beaton bytery un zt on fone ing wo ulits ceounty. du ae leat eutitled the “Beni Land on High" even er the Geanue: ry ing Da: Baird. aS mine “Methodi: eb ioyed the © unate in ‘being?’ present ep-| _ and ‘at Mitchell ‘amon a ae eee? joy: soaps raises. gives aBE speak. 0 aha Wellesley, congregation are pected to unit at ale /eolendia yneauiois Intosh will apie is. = to ‘an. e ottiee pee Ae fice cod 10 be erected in| dress “A “of ligious education” in the evening. The’ as ae eae all denominations are invit- : ‘as a store: ed to attend these sessi = us been it as ‘bee! ee utor in the ‘assize ce to es fae At thie igs, Atwood. | Sept. 22nd.

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