strongly, have advised him aeainet such |G fool-hardiness—that he has — put leave me to tell he said. 'd_ better and brother,” ima stared at him with wide eyes: her lipa quivered, but no | ta Deo! aid, having to tell, them; fauings straight out, and ee the ‘absolute truth. ‘Your |" Ee, ruined, and your brother will ave to give Up all idea of the army and | take bie ohax aa | j the hand vacantiy, as if it aid gt ta at hee | ther, then she sunk on enges, and realize ite face daunt- | fershon's even him for oment—"unless’’—he te Shee tn Se wth you. "| Her very innocence preven! sty Je lier lips formed the words; whispered possible; and ould have saved her tro common, wom and | fs ers abe fare sh id. | hee t troule's whout’ as big as it ae They must go under with it~unless yor bis as rs ire" thom! 1 id Decim: sm Jecima, Ho jerked hin head.” ts ier rh ‘the other ight at the Leatmore Balt told you I loved you. and 1, a aaked: you f rat I r ead sand, welt of leaving The Fee REE Listening ‘ain—now ! Lwill take this trouble 3° rae Twill find the money lot, I will double your nee, and pay ae debts.” breathed. Declm nghed ah which presented itso! her rouher's allows ble to ce him often, bits deptat san Mere she had saved him and He has been fi do more than this: | the « i Heed, at eve on your father for the a ie exclaimed, felt te it he “eomething rocating, and her eyes were ¥ hrewd, shard face us it" ahe were Bown ‘elling ue?” aid, Tive made the offer Pia iva business; but. T co ay. 1 lo AR soul” 1owant y. eth Pinna ene my lite. zs other e—that Mershou ‘away. “yeast. But I suppose it's been wotuieean Tye been away?’ it ea,” she faltered; “while you've re puree pardon, Deo et Edo, ini Indeea! ruth; ‘he tke a brick cover thin fas pan mood orehe would have eat up roug! the: he gus ae. ote Scone. ee slater ic fi frit tar Bat Tale Bae Bengaes He lighted his im . ne Bot es “ aa and his hand shook ‘th nily, Her father ruin waboolutely cot jasted! alt jeked and But all she shrunk from was the thought Woodbines and her father, your “T dare say stood looking at her irresolute- then he took her hand halt’ fearfully elong Matrsiatiag belosé Den teging that she was to be Theodore | aft w real hy 8 ez had known ss much yea n mewshouss, the. splandet of which oppressed hers to spend lone, hour Mrs. Sherborne’s if tha: that ruin, red. half anxiously, and a et vith ‘something like relief in his has h her back to the light, er face distinctly, “saeat while been same,” n't He bit hig all, Merehon's ‘Mot a bad me it ie Tove mos grateful. han fer vake-verete feet tia thewens of si cletals ious “eft sn could sa i Jo ve ite thong of ‘her, tather, eons heats bo Paine ik Pee of by me fai Seamed min, a, labor. Bgbby laughed. shortly. iy workshop, o ‘s very glad hi all is dreams; eho Sank of Bobby. the up wonderfully. aecid a ‘origh hoy. with his thattered hopes, | niu that Ne thinks he can 19 starving ir and a shudder jgove a, greater. pert ‘of the ae tom Pe al reign patents: Bhe-could save them by the one word-~ a ae lerstand. Pe” ee G d, hes ie hah sit ecima did, and she turned her 5a) Fought of Lord Gaun ig i awe ia He Tooked at’ lier svill-a little Per oe ly here to help p het advise 2 fhe | then he-went to her and took: Her hand: rae not there; he mig he thetnandy 3 7 he “You're a away. Sho was ae, ged ie! on're doing this of fershon eyed her He nen free will? It's what, you want? YARRE ahe was stra i she” foreed An ees ta the net) orale ed them, aud met his ausious , What do doing it of my own free will— ~ He of relict. “What's all right, then!” he said: by. ped her hand and drew abreath y ‘Whenever you feel a headache coming on take NA-DRU-CO Headache wears ‘They stop headaches promptly and surely. Di opium, morph ins, pReMacetiRT estaniliG.or-ctb6h & pee drugs. box at your Druggist’s. 125 NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL 5 c i HI iL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. f only,, asked. because—becanse it's #0 eud- t in hie GSTs etood with bis hands thrus witade, yea, he said. a little hoarsely. must Ko back morrow morning. iad ‘as he paced up an down the dr rawing- room and talked in his seodical wi fad he nee off Every now and ‘then Bobby would gh ee is aneeot K_thia thought buoyed saved these two, and against thet hapisens isthe sioes Mot ‘cout. but sat up. long eat hia aha ry, while Bobby “sucked: endless vigar: ettes—sat close bes sometimes on hie kuse, her lead on win shoulder. At last she went to room, and in its eciitide. b Mihg. did’ ‘not How coud what oh here. was ar away in she ice, it, could not n her gleep site bobbed at the thought. ay 0 be continued.) TEA DRINKING HABIT WRONG Caffeine, Most Virulent of Poisous, is in Tea, “‘The’ spectacle of a) working-class girl having tea for breakfast, so toe dinner and tea for tea, rep: sents to my mind * erierous: phy siological and social ng, is the deliberate opinion ote Sue of the most eminent British physicians. In the light of the latest scientitic this mighty a eas ave shown t there is 3 per cent. of caffeine he soe rages as in coffee) in tea, and re 5 Let Ba & a eho former! bad if there were not-also the tan- nin, one of the st powerful as- tringents known to chemistry. Th es 0 steep or draw the lar; the amount of tannin that is extracted from the leayes, and the greater the upon the system s the baneful brew. eat gaa be peopatls made drawing | not longer than three paabede! oe clock the amount of t ‘acted is comparatively geal: ane sii: eferts are" shbbs ouvert lespecially if it is taken with solid ‘ood. Tf taken unjwestened and} without milk, as inesesand Japanese « ily di- gested, th and there need be no ill i The excessive diinking of tea which makes eertain persons tea drunk-' ards is as or the eae as al- cohol oe be and t! ome nereaile eee that would strain the digestive powers of an ostrich, and that tea partakeu of in this com mon cause of ey Maiiadstion: ee. ce ne Jinks appears to be putting aside something for a rainy day Hi ilure to = umbre las oe me suspeet as much,’ : whi 1 innocently, Most people would be benefited Dy the occa- sional use o: NaDru-Co Laxatives Smell violets! then smell this soap Ym rolng to wring amar The pi Anan the system of the Waste ee, which poisons the blood and ype felt him, wince, and he still kept lowers the yialee 5c. @ He box, at your Druggist’s, ~ In Waterman’s Ideals it is a notable © National Drug and Chemical ave fact that gold pens can be had to suit every han: of Canada, Limited. . end character of writing. The more particular the ee ty 0: = 5 writer the greater the satisfaction in suiting him, Back of Ta inept aad: retOra Ae the wonderful range of points in Waterman’s Ideals, how- the polit eee em ay 5 a going to be ever, are other essential features which have made for ihe ‘colot came and went in Wa ; fountain pen success: the famous spoon feed, the ink-tight Mths you Bo na nur : chamber, friction cap, Ideal Clip, Breet Le ener teitin hie’ armas caed kisoad hers iolets ce tee eee ELA et] ee * woklet on Request jenly, and hurried from the ro : 3 Mtr.’ Mensh Vked. back fro think Sold by the Best Local Dealers Paresh: Netto hank foes “ake he first thingyouthink E. Waterman Company, Limited, Montreal rer far ha ate fm, ap. the ae of when you smell this to r soap. - fe = ously. then aned’ up at Beleoted Réelnts. As soon as you use it you will 4 >) | him sae i “is ae cee Sardines -with Lemon.—Remoye|} delight in the swect elusive per- ont aie ner” he said. “ive come ta the bones and skin of the sardines.|] fume that is left clinging to your tell vou the ‘imin, Has promised Pound the , and with a large face, your hands and hair, and Her Great 1; V Cc 4 but she said nothing. | Piece of butter make a paste of it. in the softening, whitening effect O 9 ed tg she oo pees Id lemon-juice to taste. Spread of the glycerine on your skin. the world ‘was coming to an end? I tell|the .paste in a d: and garnish You, Deoima Desug ix going to be. my with gherkins. Get a cake today. ted me. one cup- Or, A Struggle For a Heart nftjoatammered; ful of molasses, one-half cuptul of | sae I . T3 Roilae owner cae teaspoonful of \S pices oHope! "Ho pant and eon at’ saleratus, one-hal Seoantil VIGLET course T sh hav: CHAPTER XXI- ee ‘ou gaid the, other, fight that you didn’t aoe am when eb what I want, and/Salt, on teaspoonful of cinnamon, 4 wf aia Sipect you to love | God inca’ rant’ heh badly" enous: and! then atiflen, the mniature, with Glycerine Soa “YT see he has. told yo! jects Se aces cay son Tike me. rel man wouldn't happ: te iy Pp he ‘said. enough to be my wife. All the rest wi meine relies Sregtest girl i aithe|flour until it will just pour. Bake Yes ald, Decima,, with her, back al:| come after we are” married; I ial world for For Hea sake, gem-pans, and serve hot. with Jrost turned to him, “he has told me, and | Goes, Anyho a .ghance it 0 broke eas any mae ale aad at hie 4 Wc acake, 3 cakes for 25¢ very sorry. ‘I am sorry that you | your ‘Say. é clin a me, as fT were "ewe Hind- of monster ped cream. oer oo nadion du fom fot should “loss og, much money through my | Zo atraight | in itn Tat ir? Crowded BE Oe the whites or gale to Eat EON nee father fault.” brother that nee am only surprised, Theodore,” she | o¢ 4.6} led id ‘@ little nearer. sel ve Nate said nervously. “I didn’t think that she | 0 elve hi iled eggs, and mix seicotia nie ‘Andrew ners 8 {BO onsen to be sorry on my ‘ou father cae Se =r ines 1 ae aia, {URE Volks w witli teaspoonful and a|| jasoscotu csveenetssuens Pew Onan account,” he sa t inven said, sorry, too—for ¥ oe Hiactien pa cine mie axed) See eae veine ts |half-of melted butter and a cnetul ie ed a have | 8 # general in time. Only cay the word, ry bonerral that she should a quarter of swee a st. bear me. ike me, care s, z i j ‘ . ast “eon lling Hobby’ that Sak eked ween elioowe. i ._ broken Mea Teche ted Tanne Ae|s0n with onion, salt, pepper fae filling each to overflowing, and seal a aah md live very plain-| only by the faint croak of th jaca oa oe ie ae 80 yarobisibis tn it that 73H mustard. Add to this mixture the} at soe oo sure that your rub- iy, ike-like poor” e0p!e—w] sup: his fe Ts. e elim, git pore alae eee ee e at mn ; ie We shall be. Fee ig’ nothing very | Ree ea ote ace and dad BEARS Rope. Siymer ee of the eggs and one on perfect condition and din that.” med eyes, leaned the windor whiatoh for her of soft- pee rice, and bake a that ae iar Tat piney: Keep the He ‘Jooked. at’ her with’ = curious. ex-| heart wae like lead, and beat the room, but he turned light: bro in a dark plac pression. heavily. as if\it were imprisoned b; ely. 2 4 S andand a a We are very ‘care. hand of ice, "a ao yon ican by thate I meld Spas ish Onion Dish.—Take on in a low voice, pose that you insinua A sood. T rere fWrell ne eat hel marcying me for my. money? Ie| {he Skin from one ox more large Good. Things to Beer pe ae Se gee ete AoA »| Clean glass with ammoni look faa into her eyes. She wae frightened by hia voice, and ri be rs Rec aay she preathed. “Yee.” | visibly’ cowered in her chair. leaving a hole large enough to in-| Glean piano keys with iohan nal he ali one hasn't told ; why should I, Theodore?” ehe|sert a s| kidney, nicely sea- Clean os paper with stale ou all 3c ee we lee em tale cua na Cee oe eee ee * all. » his a on euttig from le side; for e id; and’ almost tn- heoah 8 5 Pai ean be pemgred: ee rubbin; bia idible ae the motd was, t tout the blood |e kuew that te & bad akon. whe truth. onions on a well-buttered baking- with spies of furpent By. s ‘ance,"Pm af | Puentng Peo howtaae nae wiih Louden tana eens amply, “te lk baste shem freely wit melted ished fu pares can b en 4 i in suppose you, are “thinking tha fovclever that he is ‘sure to. rie i gomeding, In he ta, eee t bin nash ake until a golden polsied Pa berswae cd Meter ee . or back most a terror in her eyes, Slice vers thin eae t im ere was M. na 8 a i eels, Ta! Dad it was ynye| and she went pale to the lips, whioh form: the 5 By Sues med: hoiled eratches on furniture can be folt tnt ta it in ‘s K's th your father /¢d, the monosyllable 2 pha ave my. wi we or wk ou = : taken ea varnish by rubbing with ef stones talk ‘with yo T\ The color died ens fe cheek pens You ean eee jen ae tatoes. Put them ai a frying- “pan ee at him with slowly| and his arme er irneeol see ta weal cele with that and find something more oe Aes er ith butte heat |, Remove white spyes ftom furni- - lov nd he. wos wise /chedeful to say, em sizzle until thoroughly heat- ¥ ‘ » ¥Or she eaid, faintly, | Yor much in | ihe halt loaf ia_bott She bent. her hea bcs (bat da oeibe thine aa ei fry, | ttre by rubbing with camphene. than fone. Besides, she. had not told him |, eA eure I nope, te will be happy, 1 ee a od oil i wine: Wash linoleum with warm soap a falta atari “about paying me iat she gat De Dee ere erer neha ni tads GP Sovese’ aka fe: six Bard-Doiled eggs, sliced, |) water, then apply equal parts of K, ‘our brother going incor the mused to be his wite: and Be oon: | itt why houldn’t she? Bh wil srk ee-quarters. CUP-| linseed oil and yinegar mixed. Grmy. but Im afraid there's little ehance | eM with that ae ha ing “sie. want oi tala of Brey chappe ed ham, moist-| "Tr sweet oil Oe ee eee ‘af either, event a Bt, ” ne said vo valwaye Rot what Ie e wi % _ Hf sweet oil is applied to the skin * wine to pe’ piid back or should taxa the cime, Re #ai is vay", dmg, The ned wits pa entyl en ot immediately after a blow or bruise, Ger Pkt na ea aE ea ae rete eee ate ain 2 lavers|i¢ will not turn black and blue neck or nothing “what the) 0 arTy “e leky ioan, ay, and aueeaets wih Ls i See whe sien; use a child’s long aise any sly, 2b poten | Roar ale Maries read-erubs with, stall pieces of | nandi ESP sHiA uneibe the die broot bath tub ae under ein Brown in th ele easiot eter Eee Salad.—Boil half a dozea| Xi Seotistandes hur a dee eags. Remove the yolks, Cut the |Teacrme under wit whites in rings. Mash the yolks king cocoa pie or exe to a pa season well wil tard, soak the cocoumut in the milk inutes before re the Add half a cupful of finely minced es suresent ham. Moisten with a little mayon-| 4 liniment for inflammatory rheu naise dressing. Roll iato balls and] “4 Meee ae eee ey place one ball in each ring of white. rheumatism ie Garnish with watercress and -stuf-| ounoe -of myers eee andl serve with mayon- putting it into = ee a sweet oil. Bathe the parts e over a good! Ay Se “ened Rist is Boo sized soup bone with ie a quay for a bad is an ointment com- Feold water and cook slowly for posed of an Pe of pure white two and one-half hours. Aa Sars vaseline, in which ten eaea each teaspoons of ie gone cup of ae ef spirits of camphor and pases zed pi ave been aHeree Ox hot gly- ue a be rubbed on the chest, over afterwards with e 28 rt Tne hee ead a vee a flat iron ite velvet, try a soapstone and see how aa better and smoot! it, bo (The Lee Aid Cook Book, uch. the velvet wil ie iene Stains on flannels may be remoy- Fruit Salad (half — quantity od by applying yolks of eggs and ample).—One medium sized ~viac- iyeerine in equal quantities, Leave apple, ree bananas, _ three half an hour and then wash Pp! oranges, cut into small cubes, pour ey ressing over it; let sta tand. on a half hour or more before serv- ing with Golden Dressing — Tw oue-fourth cup light colored frit juice (orange, apple or pine- apple), oue-fourth cu: gery fourth cup lemon juice. Be: _| slightly ; add the fruit juice, eh Stir consta: Fold a piece of emery paper in the centre and draw the knife ra- ma. sie exealiedt alennanadtor posng Knives. By pl lacing thin s: pieces of tissue that y ilk between two 0 ser will be aise fruit. (One Hundred are Ye or Battle Creek, Mic! beat i Fig Cake. Fire eggs (whiter), Teeeegd sugar. Eat ssecly at it Bee lf ou butter, one and one-| and the hoarseness will soon be ire- half cups“sugar, two ips flour, re two teaspoons baking powder, one-| A tight shoe may concer es be a, half cup sweet milk, one-hall ten. f lemon and vanilla Raveving. “Croan together until very light, add) flow wet in changing several times. | ther will shape itself to the foot, with ing powder mixed in it old table with \marble top ie penton sifting tase tory and ae be utilized for a number of ell beaten whites and purposes. rchen, auch ps favoring jee ke in dates lay- ie rolling out pastry, ‘cutting meat, ae aie put together with fg pre- op and may cleaned easily. candle may be made to fit’ an, cane be “you will sete ‘the it in hot water. Uanhell Asparagus.—Fill an as- paragus boiler nearly full of hot salted water, bring it to a boil, and |) when this point is reached lay the asparagus in in; if iti til the Laue is ae ae: et e e . * ve a event the coment of a ket- tips uppermost, in fruit es tle borne over on the stove wipe alt : the inside: af the kettle around. the in @ pan of water. lot. water is raffin the hot off. pitas is impossible with the cold wa- t chairs are only a little sagged e: side Be and wash in ink the canés and they ase look ae nice when Hits test fe aH broom when bw; crag press edge against ae floor. {Tf the Sune bristle out and bend | the broom is a poor one. per they remain in a solid and rout of the oven yeas the wet cloth for 10.0 minutes. ‘The ass. On faving egbee baked ine ial cakes can then be turned out with- out sa aid of a knife and will not ae to the tin, as frequently hap- pens otherwise, —— CURIOUS GREETINGS. Some Strange Customs the People of Various Races Observe. The kiss, the hand. ase and the bow are the salutations in the most universal use at pre- sent day et there one r to whom these forms of ‘oeting would seem as ludicrous ae fae own customs seem to us. In this connection Reclam’s Universum de- The prostration and eth salaam, salutations that many Orientals se, are only pronounced w more forms of “the bow. So there is a Souhedtion betw: een the embrace, so ribes of Eskimos, Lapiand- tia Wid Maley toms is the w n that. aw. ig a tribe of South Ameri- can Tdi jians: “Whenever a guest enters a hut aes is anal acay honored, an le welcome by being wept over. Without a word being spoken, he is led to the hammock. As soon as he is seated, hostess and her a any of their eat friends who happen se be in the house at the time, come and _ sit about the guest, touch him lightly with their fingers, and commence to weep loudly: and to shed many * ‘ * 2 =) 3 g 8 & = e § a 7 6 = a hardships of the road that the visi- tor has suffered, and of anything and everything that can arouse his hand before his face, pretends to p, and does not speak until the erying has go! nm and merry as if they had never cried in all their lives.’ ok. Always a Better To-morrow. So long as a man has the courage past looms up constantly in front of him, 4 = 3 not to be counting on the oe that were, but re things that are ca will ee Bee +6 say that to-day is not so good as yesterday, but to declare that to- morrow will be the best day eS universe has ever seen. morrow is always a better dav te um axe THE CLEANLINESS. fo Sr badan eae DRAINS, ETC. ney i MAL IMPORTANCE Stranger oe ae an these eus- | f shall all be filer day. We slong ‘the Tet we shall all know feel more, approach a little closet the goal wi is yet hidden, wee as’ successful ney raneaie flag, “never lacks — eoutage to ther y, never looks backward except ( to profit by his experien th Some Diet Maxing; vice “After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile,’? “If ed expressed; the proverb that says, “Who goes supperless to. bed, night tumbl arr in apparent contradiction to it; but it is it to see that what is here meant is the asters which fol-. low! ae stings ; su eal a nd pei time before retiring to rest being rewarded by quiet slumbers. The waning diges- tive powers of ‘old age are perhaps hinted at in the saying, ‘(He wrongs \ invhis “CO tion of Proverbs,’’ gives the secret of long life, “To rise at si ten times ten. ee sky. Griggs—I see the English women whic are health faddists are wearing their hair_ unconfined, Briggs—My wife wore hers that way oe ight, and it fell out of the aries Not That. B. A. De se ohana stomach’s out of order, doctor. Doc. Shi pp—Have you tried home-cooking ? A. De Gree—No, that's not the reason. HONEST TEA IS THE BEST POLICY LARGEST. SALE IN THE WORLD: in very cold weather. chases the chill from the ental. Toronto ebec Ottawa pees, PERFECTION Smokeless Oil Heater gives just that touch of extra comfort you need It gives warmth where the ordinary heat does not Bo. i 2 or bedroom i fast-room few minutes, Carry it wherever you ae it. : Light, easy to handle, clean; durable, and at the same time ornam Stock carried at all chief points. THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limited Winnipes Vancouver Raine Ebates For best results = use ROYALITE OIL Pye ee