: 5 eas ae 3 4 a 3 3 Aladdin Mantle ine 5 *N I will be home on Monday next and Simplest, safest, cleanest, most ecnomieal, |p will ri Lite Pate to Suy all kinds hess Nght, Sig ere ight, no noise, no ry ‘and Unsalt- Cominon Rintosene (Coal Ol), Cat and q ie 4 e the different designs and get pi 4 s. Pe ees - eigertor 4 $ 3 NEUMEIST TER 4 s saa a aes a ‘ 4} Painter and Decorator MILVERTON 4 Vol. XXI—No. 16 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, October 23, 1913 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher: pecs | Mr, John B: | rown. spent the holiday! Read Mohr’s special grocery prices.| 100 bags potatoes wanted 5) season with DeluL tents Hides 12c, Ib oash or trad v peer ease LOCAL NEWS | dts, Won: Kern spent few Ways Siegner, coed Ree ep rk ue Rasch A ae this week»with friends in Stratford, ‘Dr. Tindale spent Thanksgiving Da M and Sq = etropolitan Bank Miss ‘Mamie Blumenstsin was a in Toronto ead ress aR ye Ny A yisitor at her home in Drumbo on Mr, T McBride. of Toronto, s it “Mis Want ate pen T5- antess spent the holi {Bundy ig Peak cha at MES Jolin Tobiohie lax jrire yuleurmet ealeierie oth da Toman eo) Miae ‘Lilian Morley. of Trowbridge,| | Bring us your poultry, butter and week. Pectin Wononte ee one spent the, holiday season at her home lees. Wighest prices puid Bngelind Wm. Sims, of Guelph. kpent the a 2 holiday with his ‘brother ‘Mr CAPITAL PAID UP $1,000,000.00 Fade Tuaeenivine wien Mik” Geo lege ee ic Memo as jal baties owing ws for wire ond) Bis arn SAA ITER NBM DED PRONITS. L131 886.26 aye |erloo. spent the “hol ith nes | twine are requested to call andsettle) ‘The Misses Runze. of Listowel, is Pena y 1 Gather of tmevinh aoa ee Pa oe ae 2i| sp spent ie, holiday: with their cousin. | ueTatker, ot tae a x Rev. x preached in| Miss er i RAFTS and MONEY ORDERS i with friends and rela- ae a _creekcend Thankegi init Methodist church Stratford.| Mr. Chea Hesssvtot ate yo *B3ou0,000, i is home in pe yer eon \S as orning and evening. | accepted a: tin e fer a | | acceptes osltion a9 engineer ‘ut the Issued payable whietever shea The a and CHEAPEST sn an Pere res with | eat Office Department has e-| Gladys Zimmermann, nurse in| pumping Station at Listowel, | ting mo | s oe ne Jeet to inerease the mnimum tie | the Gravenhurst Sanitarium is spend-| | Mr. and J G. Hamilton and hwened Hagan ieee < aay Mek [fiends of Milyorton. cas tag | Of rural vostmacters ftpal #35; to $80, |in& s feve holidaya: at her home cin Mise Nell Syokuian ant ae ee Spee bagene bent ae: to Monday with | ee urgmant who is “at the village. ays with friends in Dundalk Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday | Mrs. A. Hai fe aha is hy Pe Simeoe fags os fas eee Goce pl extent th | i Se Tatiene : A ie rs) W er parents, thie| Shooting match at Newton on- b tr Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph soul aoe rd week, i Gay and returned with a fair share set er de i | Dr. and Mrs Fred ee a) of the spoils. Hes in Stratfond spe s y and jies in ra. a spent tes Lids Sena’ dad irs wav 8 {s daughter Carrie. of Warth ‘pe “Hard Time” dance under the/|son at ie is earn : Cossey and family of London.) a few days this week swith ure, spent | gament ob the Imiiee ‘or Ailvers| neal setts Cele ‘by ‘Thos Moore— Be | Milverton \ton will be held on Thursday evening | The Henry Islay 50 acres part of lot Hal nd Mrs Albert Dohms, of next October 30th, |10. con. 12. Mornington to Ea, Davi Bs si and. Mr, and| son 2 je okd winks farm olds and. Ming Many “schmidt, of |. Mr. ay at Mr, of | in 6 und 4 s for $3250: einen Bariiay atid: Thames | Milverton spent Sund: Chas |Mrs. H Moyer BA Gatetiee and sant sf Ke ‘Haya Beak tb Mr ie Riel } Your ‘ Seite Besar Me | Vera Moore. of London ‘spent Thanks-| Linwoot. for $4,000, | sf Sir snd Mrs “Wn Reins =| Iwan Coxon. Of Plattaviite.| giving at the home ‘of Mr.“ Jobn Stone. an ecctntrie character, | Opportunity daughter Helen. of Newton. — spent Miss ot 8 dee. | Roessing lwho for many years wasiknown ae] Friday evening at the re ugelioal eects with phe tortion Important bone s8 will come up| the hostler for the stone tel at IF act varsonasee if or discussion at. the regular meet-| Mono. Mills. was found dead i Bais tre seb ™ firs Henry oats leisch. of, Milverton, [ing of Court Mitverton. c (on stall i e had ever gene tel wiht a : ee al ‘alius Doerr. of (Tuesday evening, Every see eb “i ome rete ot Linton |Gadshill spent a few days last week |ghould maie it bis business to atten | tee yy ge ies thn reah inca ata cap: y at John Wit! [saad | ee council of aninppad ‘ort! Elgin, fall fair ar ae 3 a bylaw for granti lors Strered three prizes Sanderson. GPR. agent has bdéen appointed — to| ste sat ioe ‘pies. aes range pte ie ‘s : son far exceeding’ ten inns in a s|for the best kept roatlside fain | the caarie| | SAVE, because--- No. 55. | | | the stency st Gate which is const | 2st tars house stzrosnting’ i | Noy Choke a bret ao of Berlin motored up and spent Sun-| each public school section in the wasn't king around oN ae i i 4 S hg i are few oppor- There is a very close connection between a sub- Duncan Btewart and it aie ive sas ete Finst | oy Pree aetone weds the Pe Saiki were ship- ton for the man with ; : nd Dorothy Stewart. of Strat- | yj on Tuesday resulted in the day mornin, Port ’ cen, ie ate Shy o ‘ tee tice a 3 es 2 i for Back Elgin where , xd barat ce stantial savings account and a comfortable old age. spent the EE Te. return of MY. Glass, conservative. by|ffe will assume the managership of of to fap Arama 9 Toad P aheethiee ition Saee eae ‘ugh and Mrs. Mal- } 3 ; : Oelson's majority | [tie agency. of the, Bank. "ot Hamilton | count of the shortage of car: socount fortune knocks of- . : e€ as 661 that will foll- eetnand x HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto 1 Mrs John Schneider and Hg cte ton ey | ‘: | stock train that comes from Kincar- St < were conduet-| ow viately afer th Toh aise when’ ieciad ae are Ah ase one é ow immediately. alfer the al of | dine. when it Jeff this station hadi thle Haske hOhe deine a | daughter Core anh Miss Sadie Hoot ray WB Mine | returned hom: endin: ‘ | hs anksgivying Kiatdegs’ around eras like. |the household goods. 13 | ‘The tea meeting held in the Me ah |dist church on Wednesd MONKTON BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager = build up a substantial Bae = Neustadt nd Mol : ay mn Rev. WH Cooper left for Toron-| Syening et pon ees Ifans. J = eee eset iat —_——— - —___—__—— a i ip will Poem sesting or) Mr. J W. Bengough delivered an| pr oe under, the able | MILVERTON BRANCH: oO a ena Soupet reer £ | eloquent and scholarly address in the |Teqdership ee Mies White “the: mer Spars : z o emperance and Moral -| Evangelical church on Su Ua. thevevedlie amunten (oder P. Fask M ’ ° . form Department of — the ‘Methodist ligt e6 "an rt . Fasken, - Manager eburch. | two rses Mohr Ss Special mg Prices The neg were Che ce ee a nae <ae A ‘very cessful n het pe. the $106 poe iiied: es three row aa e | Women’s tute was held at the [appointment : ‘ " steamer ‘th 3 | home as Mrs. ae me Ae “tom ‘e bie |e ‘though Sunday evening wes Thursday, Friday and Saturday ie ne ere er es teens dark no ate et pa were aR Rie | township & “2 | lighted - nor’ CROSB:: oes ‘ohn Beiisk. nnd: [soeling i enfore bln eee spuolataen tor Mist Tus Ks ;| Those, worshinping im the north end y licadd ‘Pareel 251 Ba ok rani ie sbi a 188 | church to grope their way to 3 Wir Rosamond has resigned | AR serrate ‘igo this year is 4 emt fro in 1 the: Sak, er a Notice! aie taff engineer on the), " sight in the wee en a jam. ps d $ ‘a ‘a Z|complete failure. The lt is that |, i wales a Ae copier on the) 22 nike tncemnnn earns ene ie Med. squirrels whieh are almost en | WT tye ‘Sunday when s GPR under Mr A J. Beatty eae ee taking steps to = Bee be ae se then, te et ee hee apie BS aS RE Sehricber and leaves this week £0 05-|" The prioe list for canned fruit ami quite thickly in orchards cals F no We are sending out a number aes aetabbine, Bruplies rrangements are about completed | YEREAbIES, for EAS. opi eeit “nas Bventually they, will: find thelr wa fheir last mecting. oraying ‘hem to of accounts for arrears of sub- Ground Coffee, reg. 30c fo j Areencentents axe abort eee cave | eet issued. ehowing gonsidersble re-|into the bani. The red squitrelis |shpmit to the cleeiorate of fhe mune scrigtighk to TheSins Weh Chloride of Lime, reg. 15c.... ime this fall, Te will | Auction ene - The 1 of sal-| energetic ee ies hout the formality eee atins Dingian’s Castile Sos, exch ‘Se ee ts Seas iene Ye ae ters TD m Tihyime agence the| || OF 8 promt response In pay Rickett’s Bag Blue. 5c [ing lesa for fish in British Columb ‘Chased by a sat, a Sullivan far- psa Db ned instructing ment. In any case, where we eee ort ina been exceptiondtly (mers daughter had a scare the other |STANCINR “4 Sroname the said by-law are forced to collect, the price vy. and they are able to charge night that she will probably se the fhe consideration of the Council chutged will be $1350 .per vent, to trade, forget, A large speciman of Canadian) yas aaa otetar ebook PeUe, BUTTER 23c per lb. ~- EGGS 28c per doz. ce jie tees ace fakes pruning. a a fiery evens fe rn I ickson ‘Bro’ hipped one | oe i ts ay pune expe '¥ grower says followed her along the ros o1 Parc eVitter. ee ines ey ee ae t|that when set out the éurplus brinch-|from a bush to-a swamp, “It had ween registered mae ‘we Bizin Industrial SOBRE —= jas much a churches: inch]. 02, OF ee CheCy Brae enon anon Srelons Deters: Sunn Ey M. MacBeth, Publisher arty from Cl U s the three verton contributed for the same fund 82) year ago. ; i subsequent prun- bu 3 J G. HAMILTON Rerceere LES Gee re ing only crossed andj injured branches) ‘The, village council Inst week made] De Hee A ee rads waren fk Ene - Cook a moved ait “there need b wise expenditure of a comparative- ® 1 0 is ides re sie e igts ‘pe s fe years he PERTH COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOC. On Sunday evening there was com- ATION TO RAISE RATES Sole Agent for - rative warmth but the temperatir®| Joseph Mownsend, “whose death took two tub foree pumps Yfor f D. L. @ W. PORTLAND ene Need athe bienget | ecently at the age of 74. was a/ tection. While t mumps. do not | Tran mi SCRANTON CEMENT Oa a tb enya Fag noted collector. of fossils and long con- | throw a very large vdume of wate: 1a meeting of the Perth pounts STANDARD ST. RY Ls ay 3 et af wit ‘oronto University in the stream is steady and Chay will be 1 ANTHRICITE . can Ss eer hebreecainahy ition: | tba city. oe life he wasin a great aid in extinguishing fires be-| Coit was first ol ME lithe ‘inoisture. however. was needed | paper business and success-' fore sein pete made great headway! pair this year ae was pronocnced by | “i will serve to make the ‘slowing (f2Uy conducted Drintine offices ~ in| as points e ry thi good judges to be equal to any im- al dah cage Sacra tei Eloi rham and Wroxeter, Per-| that cannot mee “touched by the use of Rirted’ horses.— Atw abt B60 Sp airiert a haps that is how he acquired his taste’ pucke | it the unpropi pos ee tae grubbing and digging in hard) The financial stringency has not af- t ge te | prevailing epi Thanksgiving meet to be held w. D. WEIR’S S SALE REGISTER. s Have been nesday. Oct. 29th—Farm Stock fee v Nations Ind) | : = Milverton wae desl atts 5, aoe i AG Saergi-aepkenniah afi tamp sale duri one ve| e i . fi he laying of the corner stone t of ‘ths vane ss wad never better in { Mittin r wee seca ee a Ne their Council House, on the reserve | Can & the month of August eo Tnplethecim on Lot 15. Con, 12: + ees eee a ual whraan@vareivan (oe antford. In 1861 they num-) the stamp Meceipts were $1.010,677.46| Mornington nt Heston Get Aik ee Ue ele antl A“) /bered 2.635. and now they have years ago the receipts for the Ses sec Baath chao eee made palo aS ar brink vimber more |Teched 6 total of 4108 or an, i on August were $410.134840.| Tuesday. “Nov. ToT and houge- part Boe ieee tt See pumber mor [erase .of 75. per cont. t's the only | For the first five months of th» fisea) | im armen ci Distinctive in pee eee Sthen pblnts known case of the kind on this con-!year the receipts were -$5.590.195 08 hale eens Alessia Dh NO UR SHOWING of the “Latest ee following ‘officers ‘were clected{ tinent and. sneaks: well for tec fi 3 for the) Pmhursday. Nov, 6th—Farm . stock. | pr; Style and Fa eee. aesting enptrectment ot Ber fppmer SLs same veriod last, year. This is ap in intents ead pA cahoots tor J. B Brown. west half lot “Seon 10.41 Peatenn monument of anti- the barber's pole, whieb has Moning er a ince the ancient days, when| = rore swords a i y NOISE 9 pan” will be Bk 50. “Sian visita ee twee 9 pam and 8 $2.00, Tele- thone consultations 0c, to $1, to The Quality Models” for fall and winter wear tke Junior ¥.P A of the Evangelical) The publicity Committee anpointed | in; by ron be is now most complete. Many import- Cor a @ er ‘a number of booklets shitarte vera ave raed Z the praises of the county. About) jythority the healing arts and. fh : 10,000 ‘of these have been tlistributed. | Fory. is to be bann E es+!'3400 went to booking agents in| from the Toronto streets. and the obstetrical fee eon. Tai i ial profession | ule of fees approved. by Perth| made more in accordance with ane auty esis I Associstion at oes preree in other olay of the vey = ed models, as well as charming crea- tions adopted from our own workroom. f el 5 Every hat shows that excellent style us eat Mrs. Lucas:, Asst |to the Ontario Government; 1.000 sly neatly of wrongly |ing held in aie Nix eal valiOn an a : 5 2 y Superinte! pear Misa 2. a ie Dominion Government : 2,000 distatb- ete Sipe the sacreligious act tothe a pu ya c ookton prevailing mnileate ae ot 506. oe be ii i ‘on| is again nd when! nted in Michigan, Indiana. am io t a Coll: ze. of a idd. Atwe ut mo reduction in mi wil plqualiey winch nas mane pus, store heaters andi furnaces a is Aeepe. fn pe Fall site Spe waoal, partie, (Sinister, intlecher eons whose Bene a te made om account of attendance in zi ii illi > continuous opera: citizens | Over 5,000 are still to be sent out. it ay eat the ‘high ratt, Millban! other cases ame locality ex- famous for, high-class millinery. = should kee in tind that the village “An Leah tells of a iershant bs! cera aa ataly eon bers in ve M. Ferguson. Ethel eept where the nature of tht’ case is is without fire protection and at the/Tindsay who required mon a as |oldene “ays. ~ eee such that in the opinion of the phy- resent Beasom: there iss mreAt Si") costed a! wealthy farmer et Odene eveiian’ Baptist makes @ vie- SARD OF THANKS. itt ‘o visit would Pat ne pes i for even ia bucket bri- | yj teonersatite é deeméd necessary if he een city of water evel him an account, The farme: 4 orous declaration eat the recent tng Reainey’ ei wished to: cones close by (3 and. Angli- fade. If evety householder would |that hy could not vay anything | Int) appeal of the Methodists ay werdon: oid ei ct st aa serves : > sce that pipes and flues are clea) then. but on being vressed fa ste instruction | to the people MRS. K. SPROUL Main : Street S55 in good condition ond a safe and] oui try and give him some soon, | ene “Ontare publi ‘chook The} rounding district his thanks for te Laer eansicn 3. MILVERTON proces pare a cae The ereditor explained that he W28| editor of madian Bank patrouie te Be Dae gee rare 2 a - Ham 7 will be mitigated. Ani omnce of Ure: peek hile ihe pani war rene hw Ren pr Mekay. Hem : to the Bank of Tent since it posta) See. 171) No child (under six Yention ts better than a po O01 E Ger oat for, debtor | Ziven to the ete Fepnesenting out here some eight ears ago, Mie teen} shall loiter in. any oublic lace : large contribution to jot fn thanking the|after 9 o'clock in ening. oF : cure. de the pro ion “yhat since | A ee Ranney joins him in © Mhere is a certain gentleman inthe|, Trustees in rural schools whohave| Rev, 4. P Gischler has been ap. ae hat the oroposition in the sa ae teal ie not |peonle for their kindness and sone there an epal eso Oa es UE Oa <qwest end of the city. who is engaged | been figuring on the full 4 40 per se pointed to represent the Evangelion! jank he would lend the merchant'}| ‘° highh ‘At ise TUDE. e jesy during: their sojourn in Yn Milverton. |ent or guardian or an adult appoint “Gt oretent picking: shot out of his| Government grant on sigote? Rt; | Sanday School at the annual conven’), rew hundred at 8 per cont as be 100 ea euinst Bible study and teach es peas eat ae a as EE ear joie crocad a cahicken | cartitioates will hve to took fu the {ti0s of the Ontere Suniey School As-| "25 only getting 4 percent. in the |PIO Gy our-public and High schools “eine Se laa ayes nen ‘in a public nlace coop int that Meighborhood, after all|ratepiyers for a considerable — por.| soctation to ‘be held at Owen Sound| "98 nM owas willing to belo a (4% \t Qo'read there. (a8 it is now Boe 16 hate ihe hobs subsection <Tighteous people were asleep, The| tion of this. ax the Department has| ext week Tuesday to Thursday. Oct.| ion in a pinch. bet it ato be. The resolution is mve- Priestap—At Mater e, on 43 2 ie oe ae 1 ‘man in the house is a light sleeper. le & reduction of 28° per cent.’ in | 2-80. International Sunday choo! Several, complaints reached the po-| qos te ving that “the - present a Mra Fred, Pricstan o| 1 unless i 5 Sear = “Snstable He hat scen this prowler before. He| these Bbeclal grants so” that instead | Workers will convention | 1:6. on Saturday evening regarding | oyjic school curriculum does not oe oct, 16. to| or probation officer or officer of let both o. but he-aimed]of 40 per cent. the sehools will ct stich as Manon Lawrence. general| two wekire. who were. operating | Dons lacoste the Bible.” Henry—At Waitburs on Oe ‘anugh.| Children’s Aid Society ie after low down. Next time it ocours he{only 19 ver cent extra in mespest to [Secretary of the International 8. seepgst the farmers who were in| ™ Be f fren aeevils we Pee John Henry. a dau ai weenie i teuesd 4elt us he will im higher, Guelphifeclaries. ~~ (There be also’ a aiene. oe jation: Miss Hazel A. Lewis. of |'town for the day. The men revte-| dope coe oT oe het airing st Pts set eRe crs gue, euch ahild Nrebouxe. duetion in the government grant Cte Cincinnati. elementary division suger-|."nted themselves as agents. fort Se Ga ae tiga MARRIAGES. PR UY eee scable occot: converted cowboy Is re aocommoration ‘and equioment. the {ntendent for the Disciples of Christ’ |Gynadian Farm. aarisetiaerlint er Ad esate! shipped 1 “Grim (Galt. on Tues | Hee, to its home. or the Children's at whet. ers average school bene. 1183 as Mrs. zat Fister Stevens. yee nal published in Toronto. a i ee {ith. Miss Martha J | shot i Lots of folks would really| compared arth $12 (sat year, ment superin-| ‘oiied with @ ie Sep Mes Geo H| "3; "A garent who emits tits bila seryin'| When the Grand Trunk Railway teadent of ae "internation Nae As-| zors. fountain ‘pens freight only. Besi | feufinas to Mi Charles J Meyers] ¢5 violate this section shall ‘the hemselves) moved into its neW freight sheds in pie = eae po aact in eo Reena me a Uke, ames about 80.000 baskets Supel by ex: Faber—Lichty—At_ Wellestey. on WoT) fi first offence, incur a penalty oar ris | bo ous ihe soumeuye aptarases ‘the prog! These include Rev J | one of those ‘cheap artiolés -and then ie eae Vee bac Beenie Of Mr. ahd Mrs J.B. fi, er 82. Sey ‘for 'a pliceat any ae sit | both in Toronto a over ulcher. general secretary of the} offered him the Canadian Farm. for | o¢ of tru from Grimsby to Toronio,| Lichty to Mr. George Faber both sequent offence $5. 8Edw VII 059 toe sears was colved. ‘Lying con. |Sunday School Union‘of. the Province | ¢he alanea of the year and until the| The: fruit grower got 40 conts @ bas-| of Wellesley. s. 19 ame Oe ee eee ore a brat ia -an| and ‘Edward M: Muller both of Mon-| end.of 1914 for the. small & of et, the ralwey comany eee ———— ysl S00 B “Public Place” shall mean pa porti the old shed was = The ene nt tee chee ae Be ee ae eee Tombled” fy ose to cents. aS Tht TO CHEESE FACTORY PATRONS |, ‘street. highway. or lane. whether a containi of 'rof. ieelhx: a lug up his x ing a t] f the retailer at “ht 3 not. ri found. a hopshead containing 199) €F cago. IIL. apd Prof Alvin Raver. | ceived ap ee oe ieeeparas a in the the hans ot he etalies at a ee Gane = “coos ie you! #,{orousmhfare, oF not. and a tavern bustle wglued at between $800 and $1.00. | pianist Winona Lake. Ind. Profs | Giscovered to bé bogus. After tw0) ninety cents for the fruit. He comes) have ercam to séll pvrite us for a Generally. any. plese to whibh the pub. _ Jim's | ft wes the property cee Fred H sweat ane a ans tye ge or eke complaints had be le] to the conclusion that the retail dea) we SHOP he ee er ‘eviee aM lic have or are permitted to have ered well-known resi- ab est spirit wes] th h a th. checks payal Lore or vvater or being off the range|dent of London now living in Tere eae! ieie entire sim fo the “in-| po the polis but as ‘no. informations | si, Seti renee fay eans and give our creamery ae ae ed_by cattle thieves then| onto, and had been missing | ever Soisation and the “ministry” of music| were Inid agai ré | more money on it than the men who | trial. A very successful dance was held Tm servi Jim as ‘he wants to be eee Mr. Screaton moved. to. Beers ini Kerr arrived home from) allowed to £0 row it and the consumer bas pot |" _cEuueazeN AND RANTON | jn Zimmermahn’s tall on Thanksg nay _ to two years ago. ss Sortie st on Monday, ‘i wn. ‘0. pay’ the piper, im Creamery Palmerston. | ing night.