Milverton Sun, 23 Oct 1913, p. 5

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( , | WEBER & BETTGER Mitt orse OPENINGS A GREAT Succes: Sales of Hats id ppeared pleas- fter the will find ibletp pleases: AIL” A QUESTION] OF BEING The Well-Dressed Man ‘UST I ieee a Baad shipment of New Suits and stock, so when you call, you new creations. Our aim new s| Work ead P prices Right. Or,ziff{Yous Want a:Made-to- order ‘Suit or Overcoat. for good clothes—in a terns, the designs, tae mule, the fit. the 2000 Ibs. Dutch Set Onions Wanted ! Highest prices paid for Farm Produce workmanship and the wea 4 To Women Seeking Health and eee | pe those ills peculiar to women Dr. Pi commends his ‘Favorite ren ae pe “THE ONE REMEDY” medicine prepared by regular graduated physician of unus- ual aa eros th treating woman's diseases—carefully adapted harmony medicine dealers have sold it with satisfaction to, cu Its n able {liquid or te eiote cor bere SO one-cent gar-c stamps for a sige pot wornai te fully and confidentially to Dr. Pierce lids” Hotel and ere Institute, Hey may be ill paps re care! Spe cage ames miiicay eiric fo her absolately Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant erand boi h, lio~ wels, Poaeead mares, tiny soba easy to take as candy. : «| THE WAVE OF FASHION | * MONKTON + TH Mr. J E Erskine spent the holidays at Toronto combining business vi pleasure, ar, an Mrs Bara Hart and Maw spent former’s v nm spend- oe a few. days with a fends at Strat- hee Mr. Broughton returned on line Ne Tish after spending a month in Northwest. The West he says is |e enougl sh but Ontario with — her \ jproodland ‘andl green fields for him. ar ‘Annie ‘McDonald. of. Toronto. ' spe is ase holiday with t F Mr: \w nlcsgtiv- | thei: where a family ‘reupion was celeb i a family of ten a home e EG one were brot (Gideon and dacob Weber j cates to New Hamburg on Sun- { ‘and returned on Monday. 'Thev | with snowfalls| ry at Weber| 50e for 38e The name that stands’o "Protuee market — BS orints| ee eon se el ea | last touch of distinction in Mr. John Fergusson. of Toronto. | Canadian women’s shoes | renee “wien Rev iving ccason -<'/is ‘‘Empress.’’ Faultless | (Saez of St: Thou: |in Style, Fit and Comfort. Miss Teale Golightly. spent the holidays at her Thousands are wearing Netterfield has been upthis| them to-day. Are you? h the | a jb uarter section 1% miles from Denzil ork train dis | “We are the ‘Empress’? evening. oe our sports 1 lend and water, 75 acres broke 7 ane ohare Me he at 5 fast ‘Thurs en. buildings fair. 50 acres fenced. for aa days with friends at Sey eae pater ance at Elmira last cree ao “Fs Se oe a aE a eo ‘and Northern’Nav. C : is “a 3/34. Denzil. WINNIPEG and Return 55.00 : ste The ¥ m the Queens hotel and be ie ct "sundey ae aasoey N ROSS statis is progressing very rapidly z EDMONTON and Return 45,00 ames spent Stix ay . 4 t tOcEve Proportionate low ratestoother points atke vileee a epee jand the contractors expec! Re COREA ata ortionate low # rmstrong spent . the| jahem 2 ready use again «in a ‘Thi ugh Fullan Touriet Seg pin igcare 2 ee a short are operated eg without change 5 ee cna Lippe Shoes Nemen| Quite a number from here intend ‘That parcel of land. bel west |] leaving Toronto 11 p, eon a ove dates. a the| taking. in fhe Milverton races on| half lot 9, con 2. Mornin, aRron con: ie shorten and gulekeg route: between he — nla 0 f to the | taining 07 acres more or less, e ‘Saskatoon, Edmonto s depe' ending upon. var- t and moisture. Wher = he ral tition is be- ing signed: el a fairly large rite l Fas Wilton is ¥ ad et haben : ha rotary motion Mary Ross. of Brussels ve Mrs, Geo Bettge John S: Ss emploxed with d his fan “the | | a aes the Fall Suitings a We have just had arrive a number of splen- did suit lengths. Special designs for the fall trade. Orders taken’ now will receive our prompt attention. Call and see these goods whether you intend buying or not, as we con- sider it a pleasure to show them. The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, Ontario 0. DUFFIEL . dair has bares ter sinks sll e. | in fi alf of the storm 2 Miss Annie rman, of London tae aus ME Se second ae pent. the hol tieg home, hers |" Horse Power—The 2 measure of 9 Fried cakes this week at Hays j steam o er eats ery. i ae » et 2 Serene Serene rrr aia pike WARTBURG lea Wess foot Th We Have Just Received a Nice Assortment of “RAYO” OIL LAMPS They show five times as much light as an ordinary lamp and cost not one cent more. We have them in Table and Hanging sein call in and we will gladly show o you. We think you will buy before you leave, HERE’S A SNAP. NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVE Regular $11.50 for $10. Just a few left. The Shooting emus Is with us again. Remember we carry a full f Guns and Rifles, also all kinds of Ammunition ae iat prices. GANADA GEMENT ? Yes we have it. M. E. BETTCER & 6O0., Monkton of t . . “Mr and Mrs Robt Henry sal PP omer LAT! Ni daughter Mabel spent Sunday a x REG ONS W. D. WEIR’S List of e 2 AS DROUGH’ : teiemda ta Stretton. Gaeilge eee se peran ho tthe | Properties | for Sale spending the nolidngs with eerie ‘Kin sta ily, of any male ove Wartburg. tchison ‘County. has been so. dry sin atchewan oF | gy.000, will bu that, valuable 150 Mrs. v Henrv se be da ugh! ante ‘season that J, E Rank wants r ved appear ish Ber: weres a cobalat istiaut atk i ter My ile. gent ae olidays with {he Game Warden to provide — cat-) 4, ‘Bntry by Proxy may r 6 in the nath coneed- friends in Harmon {fish with linen dusters. be i Muugheee brother or set or Wellesley. Western. Section. Mr. and Mrs Robinson and family} sane 3 ‘ Bank barn ‘straw is. pig. of Stratford. spent the hglidays with zi nis reside nce spon and ~ pens. Stabling. al cement a fand in each of three years, Mr. Mrs Andrew Miller. of in sii nle sae 3 well Fruithill, his homestead at least 80 2 we | ‘The total Iidian ponnlation 5 ot. 5 the \ +| Domi ion of Oanada or 31 2) + LISTOWEL last. was, 104 See Inc ataltion there + +) were ‘kimo, making « native Acintien of 109,558, Mr, Stanley Thompson. manager of FOR SALE Mr. pent Tae cs spiv- jing ae “aula ae Welestey, fixiving horse, nto Dental | THER.. Milverton. eke end under GEO. GUEN- ‘homas.. was HOURE TO RENT six-1 srpomed: house. Apply t Box 58: Milverton, ip ee called on friends in tow: . Geo Haron, spent Bake ‘ton, sevens instructor ‘y of Music. cae par- A Hermiston. When You're Wondering e you can obtain the most sat- selector clothes and best valne in FOR SALE CHEAP {spent the week-end Lily SASSY Le Pan ios pee a _Brantfond Ea in i allace ee et. Bricker. of Toronto Dental stent only HOWARD 8 MORROW. rer alle ent Bs week-end und) 16-2in the mena M. ed V. drick ae £ ‘Prarie Va Wee en oe Lost. TAILORING FOR MEN h os ster. of Pe-| Om Saturday. October 4th. on Elma r your money, you need only to tests of «thelr and Mornington boundary a craven- a here, select one of the new a |ctte overcoat. Finder d by leaving at Sun off fabrics and let us t our meas- ure for a fashionable ‘a 1 suit. J.M. FLEISCHHAUER Merchant Tailor, - MILVERTON, ONT. wil be reward- . of Cataract. visited | === se = Mr. Roy McLellan over the holiday. NOTRE: Patterson, ene £ and Le of the of Taito, S] Eli of the Imperial Bank | . First-class cider, ava butter and ill be~ aS Barony succes ent shooting ‘and Central el watel FOR RENT OR SALE he — eee HOMESEEKERS' Maite, a number of ibe Youn 6;| tage Sankatenewan, Coot ont || EY XCURSIONS jat a Sapisiey euchre party give er Macheol and, an began OCTOBER 14 ~ 21 - 28 a yy Miss Violet. Anderson on Mon aay. bata fair. 140 ceres broke, Also particulars and reservations at ot. Offic i pate ut|THINGS KNOWN TO THE F thi % Ae eee But a | "he first snow of ‘ + ae The risi dy fall clidistrict fell on Sunday night. sture. |. C, Cunningham, Phone No. 1, Local Agent aM ‘ite a the eee if reine feos Se Sate a 4 i° cet waar ie the Re Club | drained. ‘plenty of ietswrice Thai x attraction of fhe suf and moon. The|on Friday, evening vate take ie eae ee: est ee ied pee pearl Ros of Toronto. spent|sun’s attraction id the stronger, |sucoess. ‘The music furnished by the iles from Milverton. For m chins ath Gnome of her! When both act tonether we tae ihe | Brnest’ Cortese & Bros orchestra of ther, ‘Dertioulars apply. to SOLOMON brother, Mr, No n Ros spring ti hen both act against, London. was mug enjoyed. by ll. ilverton. ae Martin Tianson. of Wiarton. | each other we have the meap tides,| Mr. Clark W apne of Tralee and CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE spent from Saturday to Monday with|The tide appears as a wave of water|Miss Martin. of North AMorningion. CUBE, SUPP OE: friends in the village. which gradually nies | were married at aie "gance on Ws & FUEL SUPPLIES ‘Miss Lois Mamilton spent a few s cret of the tides | nese ae tol . ae 4 Pry Our registration again exceeds that of days this Wreck with friends at De ey by John eae in me of the section gathered at hs is S a _ we keep only the best viz: any previous year. The girl his theory of gravitation. er’s Sao that evening afte W Scranton coal. Ne one sells. who has not received ee Sy aM hamberlain. of De-|/ Date line—An arbitrary line drawn ove couple had returned: cot Seas any. other! peal th o£ does not know the great opportun- ees with fr sien Ga bar Tana Coon HOMER gia RHE OK as; indulged in unt wee |agency of thi ie ake ities of commercial ite, We have three he one side of which it is to-day and sim? hours tne Tee: bests Sold at ong shuts oF emer Laas ana veleatanyeuitces oF ‘Martha and Venus Near|on the other ¢ side to-morrow. Whe ae — eg bots ewe is a fer you sdrantagee Ape offered elses ent ‘The Day | ships 5 n Ontario, You may enter at om Hit sthankemivnr. Dey | abins Gras’. DLTY OF PARENTS Oe an een oe ae nee Ty Lake cai te tgnauticcecetalokut mother. Mrs. Near ves Monktor cS deli Ronnenbers. Grace | lin 5 Bee d MELE DERE SEE OTS 2 earl Ellacott. 1 h Beh Stra nts x — As rag and ae a through Be Beene ce, oa ‘8| parents ae impress apon child D.A. McLACHLAN, - Principal thelr prentestive pens i Monkton. | the same date as the United States. ren the neces 7 ote if maki ee rae CLERK'S ADVERTISEMENT OF nd Mrs Robt Waflace. of|to which they be best of nee SN ken pits COURT IN NEWSPAPER. . spent the ae at Mrs.) the 180th meridian, ‘amd eat “tooth life BONG Hts somal P| RET = to the Tropies till it approa aches ees and inditteren nee to class stand-| NOTICE is hereby given Ber-| latitude of the Fi nd ill be the futile wish that more} Court will be held. Pe ae yogi | Raw eM AN 2 OTE, tigi ae them to the ea assimilated. | Ontario Woters’ Lists Act. by” Hi {tl the same dates. y mbition of the you ‘ oe es ae ndge of the County ae wit which they trade. cane Oo Co e County of Pert —_———_ ‘Wind—The movement of air cur-} 0M or. father {who Council” Vataaiee Milverton, on the SRT after rents from plac other.| Pointed out the significance of ‘ne-) 27th Way of Gotoberin 1918.) a ea, ally, winds are caased |cess-at school. o'clock noon to hear a . . e Voters’ Railway Time Tables Jor tne Village of Milverton for 191 Ice Cream — Dated the 13th day of Oct. Canadian Pacific Wein. Guelph and Goderich Clerk of the Mu ity of and the ‘Village of Milverton COURT OF REViSION|| Seasonable TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTQN Fruits pam Notice is hereby given that a co ourt County of Perth. Township of ohornineton: = the as, tober. 12 o'clock (noon) Weir's Restaurant st of th oty of See stit n foe tod : having. busine SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION LAND Bry Maclvilie Dick of eas solely ow ed and 8 Eipled by hin or by his spent Sunday his parenta feificr mother, son, daughter, brother or ae Millbrook. | sister ertain districts a homesteader rs, Cole and Gray | SHALBD TENDERS. addresied to |acanding may Dremel ACs Mitchell. were t! rough this the undersigned and endors: - | alongside his homesteac x Pri cpesietes morte: Borhood last week Docking voles soon Mae public, Building. Milverton. Stes Mt Cie Ssonthn, nea ise stead | gfgo0 will buy that “enutifl ee Mr. Tom Skinner _ ont a vill be received unti 00 PM. | eats rom dae Gihomestead entey, pend: iors of worth Ps ‘Mr. and Samuel Henry. of Ly Movember ard 1918. for | Ing the timereauired to earn Lomestend 2 Tot Number 18 in th oa cones the Classie ane spent Sunfay with | the construction bes 2 Public Building | °°) aM colt Who “has “exhausted his nin eres, friends at Beech Hill. t Milverton. , |nomestend Tight and can obtain « pre Beautiful oder wine toate rel E tae eld ‘lans. ann form of jemption may enter for a partias me: use. splendid ‘ban Re worries here Sunday in “the SRE ane ee nd forms of | steed "Pu lala districts, Puce $8.00 De| cement stabling, § minutes ae re tender obiained on application tothe| cach sara 0. acres anid intbank, postotfice x PAD. ———— of J. 8 Russell, {Bsq . Archi- fact Ot house Worth $800.00. 00 ill tay Weal Bek: Gob. STATE RIGHTS MAY “BE PUBLIC] feet Oren: Ont. at’ the’ office of : . Morning eres. good WRONG hos. A Harting levi of Weak.) sc eee emete Giyelling Howse, ame ‘barn, with sant - - eats gas foe ia tae est Tor- | vertisement will not Be paid for ém other oatbuildinns coe on cor- rantford Exposit . on application to the as ‘ mn who is ajvaged a ergs Sniyerton Ont. and at this Départ-|-— $94 500 ule pay) 200 acres Tate: "2 and S in one state ought to be ment. COMMERCIAL. Ima, ‘185 acres under 3 in omiher state of the kame cou try. | "Persons tendering are notified that het Bre ations pond ame house. bank Those Headaches #3 nd if he escapes from a tenders will not be considered unless} Fall Whi barn. straw shed. pig stables. cem- ti i ue ‘at stabling 3 miles onkton, tention ought to be pr | na the printed forms supplied. Barley pe © bushel e ne : able to such place without legal for- gned with theif actual «lpn rai MeNaught and Henfryn rural mail.) you uu have may, be caused by an im- wnalities. This is_ the cS m | ss stating their occupations von] ee mene 1-3 down balance at | proper fit in glasses, Let u Canada. nnd ought to lace of residence. In the cake — of Sion is the United Staten. sere "the firm CES ketal antares: tha Bet Flour, Jewel per ew 2 san “al buy a splendid: dwelling) amine Your Eyes doctrine of state rights ot the occupation and place of ner per cwt n ton. Cheap for quick cx e y carried to an bent ity. resid enon of each of hy : G Jewel per cw Be} me ie oe om fee eager anni ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEADS “Be : vite must be accompanied 00 2400| Elma. 2 storey brick house. bank sues oan oh you s x eee et aN ch tende z 2 by ‘an accepted cheque on a charter- 60 9.00 cea fe set aoe te Pe Reet thea. Sar exile Baltimore News 5 mayable to the order of the 00 8 40) Gyinea well, Eoacllns engines inctall« optiol ian will fit the proper glasses. The English languasee Lise | Honoarable the Minister of | P ay TDS: See ene gine, in-tlls) Rg" the charges will be moderate, ving zicgures hows? Engiich| pe Gaal noun oF, the. tender, se ga | “saltivation 10 ated in bush. land in kent by 160,000.00. SGerman is h ne “pe forteited if the- per 2 best of cultivation. telephone and yen BY 0.00.0 Russian Sin wil be for e to enter into a rs 10 rund a5 t saiey ‘dis- P. H. BASTENDORFF = ie is 8 st 2 rict ). rice *, Booken/ by, 100000. 000, eee co or enn Ipenmolet Mee igs Fe 7.000 wil teri Tae HRN aa lecana pene ge veE TONES 0 Ttalian is aban y 50.00°-| tracted for. If the tender be t 14 «1 ¥ es. comfortable 5 Ezame hoa. es 000, Portugese is spoken by 25.000,009,| agcepted nee cheque will be return- 6 6 p x30 ee Kitchen 16306. pia ‘ 2: ), . OUR DIVOROE LAWS ‘he Department does not bind Ht Pee PROUT ee are ote meres self the lowest or any ten 2 ‘ 2 : pigiearnerpn tt By order s underground to stable. 7 acres of | LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Legal Canadian Sryorde are only Re DESROCHERS, $3 chard. farm well drained. and in predic shared rs eh di Peak rater ot for the ri those who are Tot eretary. 2 48 |. the best of condition. also Ses) Ga eae aR OS OS. fon, ‘it means adultery. bigamy of the pepartment of Public Works. Te 80] cast auarter of seo 20 in townshiv Amptine ana thew subterfuge of a United States “accree. Ottawa. October 9. 1913. 3 Ba 12 west of the 8rd mer- - * ich if: brought int Canadian | Newspapers will’ got, be paid a Poet eee oe at $20 per acre oii pareiciines ealitead court; would in-nine eases out of ten.| this ndvertisement if they inter it : be Seed and of deat: Le han the paper ee authority from the Depart- 20 23 mies re Tome for sale in Milverton. EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal 45638. ail Bi 18 8 CALL AND SEE ME.

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