a ee Bio iM 0 RAP OR ELE. 10S 3.9 0701 Se ee ee el eg p ow : , CAPTA N INCH WAS BRAVE |FRictS oF FARM PRODUCTS) THE REWS WA PARAGRAPH Commander of the Ill-fated Volturno Tells the Story of the Great Disaster (Av den lempatch from New York eays:—Fran- ey of ail transatlantic laptains, als of th Hesistance of my poor i sane this in- cludes Capt. Barr and the Cari seed ly Brutal on Voitur) ra no 0, truth in any arora, hich might create the im Pag anybody Cert Cait Trigntful eras Snours the pees fire and ecivals ‘ot th ° yinever used a evolier Seton shee rama enren To gere into, discipline neccesary emergencies. Bier of fact my pis: fol wie burned up in the wreckage of the might add ine, none of am; the Capen used any ea alates. ot order bonis provisioned a fyand. the | disaster ‘that, “igned them Fhena faa indicates ‘than any words of mine the kin YVolturno faced that da; How ts chee 7 It boat to be lau ip and Ww: “At that time I did not think the Yol- turno “would lset. much more: tian ap ree Was the fam ine | iia ay at MSe vitala of the ae wunch any more boaty, ‘Marconi operat: fe Bow first bald the a the to owledge from the, passengers e) until we could ascertain Just how serious new it already.’ told him to order feet high and I eaw the dece-ittings were eta: Saw Men Durning to hs she poor fellows were all 5 ‘ones, and died before they knew what the ‘matter was.” Captain Inch, in the course of his story ‘the disaster, “We were back at 1 hateh ‘working for all we vere worth ‘0 check wi hen the cecond officer and told, kept on with the fire. ithe steamed 0, the windward and droped, a boa Aoi bat "and-after 3 hack to their 1e, they SaGnaaTo “"the balance of the story is in a lar vB repetition of che. plories. a. he battle See Sos ee eammen, and. good to Mey outs REPORTS FROM THE pane TRADB CENTRES OF AMERIC. ci United Kingdom—Recent estimates for wheat py tied are. bene fy muaiertasited: Raine are hind ‘of ne preming Peon He ng. Offerings of na Weather favorable for sow: Potuio crop i good, Offerings of a to that t-1s good “and interior ather parcels for S| corn ‘and owing of new Roum ‘or finia--Weather favorable for field ne BGs Sa Hungary.—Sowing of wheat being done under fayorable ‘weather conditions... fe 200.08 bus) Weather, “favorable for sowing, foreign wheat wre iu: era: Indias The United Provinces and Con tral Provinces are still Bn a Tain, ond the eituation is becom and the Government, te advan ng ‘money tl cod arop prospects are he ‘ined. —The ave envy” is hot thy ie hare dous to wl Toronto, Oot, zi.—Flour—Ontario wheat flours, 90’ per cent., Shade of new wheat, $5.50 to $5.55, cenoaedr and af 8360. 10 $5.69 locally, Munttobas—Piret, patents, im fate bee jo seconde 94-003 atone bakers ‘in jute bags. nitoba “wheat No, Northern, a7 Doris, and "No. 2 at, 660. wheat at 8 Ontario. oats, 33 to dhe, track, “Toronto. ‘West. side, ‘on gitor Ne. 2, and ern, ‘canal ‘ga “oats, 38 ie ide. Barley st to, She, ‘outside. eriean corn, 73 1-20, eL.f., 0 to 620, outside. 10 530. Oba bran, $22 a ton, in bags, Toronto, freights. Shorts, $24, To- ro) Country Produce. inferior, Butter—h iry, 22 to 2c; 20 to Bie; crea: 21'to 29¢ for rolls, and t-126 to 26120 for solids Begs Case lots of new-laid, 32 to per dozens f 29 to 3c, and storage, 2%o per doze: heese New ¢ 412 for large, and che 180 for twine. picked, $2.25 to $2.35 hel 81.75 to $2. ones eee atede In tine, 11 to 120 per for No. 1; combs, §5 0 $3.25 per dozen for No. ee $2.50 per COMMENT ON EVENTS Twenty vee After. jAccording to be. Panama Canal locke, el ia sireumstan have cole wild ‘a canal through Nicaragua ‘wherever, Je chose, in zeturn for three million dol! Som 8 were to ne Giates bas batt Gin Penang ical It ie ‘obvions that any other canal through from t] acifle must be aeeaped oy bees or celva: the, same ple to Bort and. the oniparattroly” Mew which hey’ maintain at present, it, scems, quite likely that in due wo canals, will not be one k ahea 18 no a foong: alter the. canal ta 8 40 become the hae at the ited Btates, and all. the the piace. of Hurope, one ona win nation will be in control of the canal, sumitsleehibeg the Blood. ihe ‘many remarkable address ‘aid danionetrations he re International | Medic: x: there was nothing of fature reaulta of great, value to human Meas fa, Protester ‘Able's account of his Kidney. He opens one of the of jan anaesthetized conv vovecls anette’ Blass tube, and @ blood 10 a. series of em made From, these ihe god oe r to the lation. ail diffusible substances in, the being placed, tn: it fo. blood “1 to speak, washed or Slver- if “portion of the diff thaniestseumain ia. Sie epline “polutio which the seneiats ities lie. Ono is, ps, hardly justified in concluding OY ate that we can ‘witeh a sick man’s blood out of his body dhrough a celloidin filter. and then han it back to him freed of all impurities, but is sibility suggested by Pro. fa the pone Ane ents vale 80 satantly ‘om ing ples of drugs into yarde and doorways i ‘One that should Legiala. fon, Js proposed which 2h wnat alt Mquid tain: ono} ‘con| arate ie 7 “up. in. bottles 2 the ordinary Viale oo fF fess a readily recognized the sense of abiber “Antarotie Expedition. J Foster Stackhouse, the J Edward Land and make t © temperature and and adds, wat erta athece until there is no spot on the globe untrod by. Effects of the Batkan War. “here will be bitter suffering in mil- lions of families of Europe thie winter. anser, belts meals, d, and every public y of Felief will be taxed = thous- liquid capital has been burned up in the Balkan war, or has gone into unproductive | in- crease of armies already too great for tax. Bulgaria and the ceed ‘Tegions of Maced th finet- led. bitter: Fifteen "thousand in Berlin, and the au- re perous Fr: ping is-felt, Tl Power of Publicity. advertising not only pays, but ite ioe is £0 cause 6) gavertice. SUFFRAGETTES SENTENCED. A oe oe ee: says: Lord Salseven, while imposing sen- ‘tw erie arson,’ was ples and other missiles by Suffra- women © the ‘‘Marseillaise.’” AGRA SNE Se Se, A Human Habit. leader of iva of oe Sie ‘Tho will s¢ an cary the Antarctic, says his pur. A is dala ing that long fee relies when we are short.’ MORE ROAD EXPENDITURE Large Increase In the Amount Spent Under the Colonization Roads Branch A despatch from Toronto. says: With the end of the road-building geason but three weeks away, offi- @ials of the Colonization Roads I~ partment are busy figuring © out the work done duting the year. The / partment, sal reac! ,000 above that of last townships themes under the by- law system. slaieg eae which work was Han ed the pits to baltis with saatasial es reasonal spring indicated an expenditure of roughly $175,000, with the Govern- ment contributing half. As ce mat- ter of fact, township‘ spent ae éoustderably more thant half thi; im. According to W. Bennett, direc- tor of colonization, the great handi- cap the townships ate faced with is the high cost of material, gravel and crushed stone, and this has i rise to the suggestion that ani ie munici- ble Their Lon oe _Srelie a Distur- | ern, “There is one paradoxical thing ens, ee track, Provisions. Bacon—Long clear, 16 12. to 16 3. in case, } Pork—Short out, Sasleo; hams, medium to light, a ig No icy heavy, ta, ato Tolls, 16 to 120, breakfast Gace ‘backs, dy een ide; tubs, 1414c; pails, 14 1-20. ‘Pierce, Baled Hay and Straw. . led. hay 1 hay is quoted at s1580 to Sis, on. track, Tenorio: 2, 812.60 to §is,'and mixed at 811.00. to si straw-—$7.50 to $8, on track, To- ace —Wheat—No. Northern, fio 2 Northern, Hite; No, 3 Northern, Btae: No. wiles rejected seede, 75c; No. 2 rejected see oats 1404 No, 1. smutty, fetes No Aste .W., 933 & fo. 6. O.We, 2 toon 5 Good: 0. Pees No.2 feed, 301-4. Barley, No. 3, $1.15; No. 2 0.W., $1.02. No. 1 No, 3 C.W., mre Markets. the modiu advertisements what kind By te, Be of ‘new business each ia engaged in 8 a what te for the future. i men Ci ase: cream ery, 27 1. 8; ode seconds, 27 to. 27 1-2. Eee, fx trea, to 3 ted, 30 to 3! ra en aban 1 & greater extent than the heads of big | to 200; No. 2 stock, 21 to to. Bia! Stef ‘tation Res! i thos r-| per bag, car lote, 70 to Te. porate bodies engaged in the dissemina- tion ot, “intetfgehee yt telegraph, tele- phan ese are sensible United States Markets. at December, Minneapolis, Oct. to, 7818 mn to Oate Flour- First, p pat Se $565 to. $4.05; Bret “sare, ii" to $5.60; do., seconds, $2.25 to $265, Bran— Unchanged. Duluth, Oct. Wheat—No. 1 hard, 360; No, 1 Ngringr 84 380; No. 2 , 82 38 to 82 ntan: St ips ae initie bic 34 asked. — Lins eed—81.3 1.39 84; October, $1.35 5:4 4 bid; Tarember, $1.36 bid; December, $1.34 1-4 bid. Live Stock Markets, Montreal, Oct, 21-~The best, cattle fetch. ed from 8 to 612, while the bro es ec Bulls and sce if to A ‘canners dnd utters, $2.50 RCE are “to $45 recasheea ory Good. reals $8.16. to, $4.75 to $5.50. ‘to. 1,050 400 to ings, S408 $805 fight to $3.50; ‘pring : Tame, $7.50 to fa but wi with Th per ‘head deduction for all the buel Hogs—$9.40 f.o.b. drovers; 35.60 to “san fed and wat cee $9.10 to $9.20 off «: ——_kr___ ILL WIND BROUGHT GOLD. Storm at Nome Drove Ashore Gold- Bearing S: ands, A despatch from Nome, Alaska, says: Miners who have worked th e: nds here for their gold old-bearing sands that pay for ae damage done. ter each big Nome is rich in gold, but no method of working it Hes been found. cs clergyman whose eae exceeded his powers of o: speaking upon his teens ue At last he felt that somes great worked a “of him. a See “patriotism,” , ‘ds the backbone of | the British iepie: and what: we have to do is to a Aas racked ze | the HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER : THE GLOBE IN A z NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before’ Your Eyes. a itawa district = aie ie ae new field batter- ae ant County Council have de- clined to enter the scheme for an Leas prison farm for six coun- ies, White, Minister of Full flavored and perfectly cooked picnicker’s choice, Everybody’s favorite. on. W. Leder Ta’ - the corner-stone at rantfoi f a new postoffice and Government building. Orude oil from ihe Ohio fields is | be eae received at Sarnia by pipe line, at the rate oe eee 6,000 bar- ay. resentatives of fifty Norwe- BS page ano’ other: Norveuan Pesan: at Bawlf. W. J. Collins, arrested in Mis- “0: N.W.M.P.. offi with the qauisdee of hin‘ partes George Benson. m Masson to pay slewgen ae for ae fending oe Jud, nek, Hamilton, remar' Hai opeanie oie indulge in luxuries must pay for them,’ The O.P.R., O.N.R. and G.T. Se refused, at a ee sete ecial pon eee of th feneres 1 Board of le, to con- tinue HOS er agreement with ae ies after the 31st ‘of Denies Earl Henderson, aged 18, been arrested at Trenton Bee with arson. He is alleged to have confessed to negligence in ee Stee ane matches wh¢ fires occurred, including that Soh ‘ink. Be. destroyed” the skating r ag, on Great Britain. Cael one of Scot- TRENT VALLEY CANAL. It May Be Riobes a jateriew Through A atch a Ohare ae Investigations which hav. mado oorning the rainfall fe he district tettary to the Tre nal te that this iat million a ter for the locks tales ae careful | ¢: forestry policy is adopt 8 to conserve and increase tt possible the present rainfall, In order to do this the Government may be com- ,|pelled to take control of certain fo: sree oolpenate may also haye to be = POSTMASTERS’ SALARIES, To Be Increased from $85 to $50 Per Year. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Postmaster-General, Hon. P, Pelletier, with the approval a si Government, has decided toi la. fetal charges on FeTORUS, £10 for eoicne - stamp servants’ insurance cards. he paid in coppers euuue fifty United States. Gove: Williai found guilty on ‘tires 2 ‘ ahatnee against him at Alban; General. Huge oil wells, 40 tales from Port of Spain, ah ere is a rumored ai to assas- te Gen. Felix Diaz on his ar- val at Hayana en route to pect ‘he atic Old Folkes’ Coughs Permanently Cured‘: ee Poul Is Loud In Its Pralse of the Direct Breathing Cure. vie people take cold easily. Un- like young folks, they recover slowly, That eu velop and Kill, cough certainly weak- oe all ge people. +h Syrups seldom do much good Cou; enue they upset digestion. Any ruggist or doctor knows that a much 01 effective , treatm is “CA whicl als al unscrupulous houses r diamonds 0} can market which have been smug- gled. ——__ br. BUILT RIGHT Stomach, Nerves and Thinker Re- stored by Grape-Nuts Food. The number of persons whose ail- ments were such that no other food could be retained at all, is large, years I suffered from dy: nferain: sioding no food that did not distress me,’’ write: ites a Wis. aay Veer 8 ere reduced from 145 to 90 Ibs., gradually growing He until I could leave my bed 07 short while at a time, and eae unable us ey alo “Thr s ago I was attracted | by an tte on Grape-Nuts and :| decided to try: it. “My eomasl was so weak I cou we le to e: sab fealty meat and eel all vegetables for din- ndly continue Grape- and supper. Nuts I could scarcely af oes @ sen- ce without i around fae ‘talking exbahed in 80) way, I have ee that I no longer I have that. trouble.” fame giv Canadian Postum Cereal Co. Baas Ont. here’ sat reason,” and it ee in the little Hook Road to Wellville,”” in Ever read the above appears rom ‘time, to ‘timo, genuine, trus, and full of hi ca < = ony Avhey ars an Antarest, Do you find her advice oie Not often, but it lessens the fer when I’m trimmed, beeatas she’ 8 had a chance to be and bring it to the fi n the Ameri-}T! throat. and lungs rich piney balsamic vapor, so full of healing power that colds, catarrh and bronchitis disappear al- at instantly. t sixty-eight years of age I can testity that I am neyer troubled with coughs or col as," tes J, Pilgrim, of Kingston, to be the bain of my life, ‘and that was before T used CaLscroaaeyy as ras Te- e by the breathing organs, Wa 800 sore spots, so full of power 6, itive out colds and congestion. ways use and recommend - ozone as a preventive and cure “for co tion and catarrh, months; ‘small size, 51 250.; all storekeopers and drugetsts, or rhozone Co., » N.Y and Kingston, Canada. ee gee BIG HERD OF WOOD BUFFALO. Resemble iat fe Bison, But Are Wilder. cophere are ane iu ae of w. Smith, ian bt t Slave Pada; int eastern part of Ahn ‘a at th on to Edmonton trea the silent North, ‘here he is guardian of Indians o! the Yellow Knife, Dog Rib, pewyan ta Cariboo Eaters tribes. me time ago I made a pro: posal to the Dominion Government that the buffalo in the Fort 8 | district be con; by a fence in |the peninsula between the Pe: and Slave Rivers,’ Mr. Bell |. “This would afford pee ter Protection to the animals. fen ee A length, ‘wotlld cost abut $10: “The. ufialo | in eae motthan iy trict have ark They are almost unapproachable, s these animals are protected, gists should be, a rapid increase in heir numbers. ———_™. An Irish Bull. An Irishman. a trying to deed a bull. wriat, and the bull took the te H AS flying around a Where nt it with a retuoance: the nas was corner, a prio sri -d : D do not | or @ stomach—you MEMORIAL T0 BRITISH HERO tes the Fall of Braddock A Penn., Btates was dignitaries, poe me. ing Pile C at Uniontown, says of the Uni and England aa piante of spectators, the memorial monu- ment to General Edward dock, the famous Eng) killed by Indians i ay aS fall of 1755, unveiled Braddock Park ten miles from here ‘an . Brad- lish general on Wedne in 2 £ @ z es Ey a © 5 Ed tl Royal moss Guards, of the British expat sore Uniontown, {army, The e presence SH aria) weighing 25 tons, was mi e |countrymen and Pennsylvania monument of stone aie ted | possible through the efforts tary of Sta’ ‘ener, ce Pennsylvania. eral Codrington the Uni and especially the Guards, of which beilegeics Braddock — had been a mem! ‘ | OUR LONDON LETTER £0 fe cooentrle, Iangor Bootie yn go and ol ns. ert # couple, the Holtt Duo, £ Sy, oe ee thot per n § Aeron Britieh Taleo He county mayors Oil, ment while Queen Biigeneth, Switch 16.10 bi ‘ismout Arr: abe. 0 yu fs draining, hich. Je ot dent of rising from been kept secret, Relieved, ihowereh that her arma-/j Elizal 16-inch ‘ is.a big advance over the arma- The King and Military Aviation. which was launched at St, Na- the French aval author. joated. October 16, will outrange way—the on, aa oo of opinion botwreen teal arte regarding the or qneea oat will no 9 a bt be duly made naval onitie sep th ‘onterone Heh advanced at Contes nee on wr pat hold in Lone r Day, October 21, and Not public Roles ae oy no! ‘Trafal councils, of provinelal town The ane: hoge 's Theatre expec ee with is i tables havo taken the woaring pttengmoniee with the aren Sa pring you bread and butter an wate of Pogramaed, The Stan, goes up, Te sealing fee tat ate es corner play’ music enough LIQUID SULPHUR for that rea- XT lear on excellent wuthorlty that jood ‘deal, a ike Sereh of Sentonreneen ian. ent oer frccrvale, ‘and turning hes uptide down. Fegere ae ing ‘the ‘seven’ Army exer- aoe vrekaliates with a dagger, he retorte there is to be a conaiderabie pistol and {bende with af Peeelon and clevelsouenh of he milleasy: ALS We dW Weroplane department, Io would geein | tenspoo thet certain of these suggestions afose gains, also personally from the King in the q converestion with the secretary of Biave | the stay fon Wax mat Seep ey re in od is ay mand, and his Majesty has u deaire that he may be made acquainted tiem tend in walk—a kind of gl! ‘h the manner in which these can be | thin th carried out vant the: ner: | long, | sup) cy vice and a larger measure of safety to | taporing The the eae of flying evelnte ee ey ha na Saeecte charming and simple, ‘The broad and. mm {nformation which "ip leablon Cot fer ia exoallont 100, in different, ‘one may inter spat tea ig m good 11 tat ‘arrangement or been, or is wbout London, Ost, 10, 1913. be concluded between, thi country oad Germany construction of the ——————————E Simic nk i “ene, Cape to Cuiro Rall é ‘would run ulong % Tanganyika an 0 yalley of the Rupisl, MIGRATION OF AMERICAN: Hever tastes rea Ban aia Bast ca RN rs Tutherto Germany has eon eerie to |rhey Go to Mike eet Can 3 permit Great ‘Britain. to noquire, ‘th Larg Jon jand for ay, | it would out ‘ot German Bi Arion trom A cespoiy ee bok Mow treal ao tl ngo, and go would not only frus-| According to received by; trate th an colonial dreams of ex- rs Pr (i jenaion weeowurds at tho. expense. gf tio jthe Canadian Paci Hallway, thd igo, but. would, ib wae feured n- | miprati jure. the legitimate sreiaiinverens | migration of Americans, to be qalch the German o colony ny has there. Ag - la vader nei; volume.’ an Bast, Afr! rmtnond report for the week ending Octo- 0% to the i helio Mha Rbrtteen and owners | ber 7 shoves that there entered wees tions of the ea ee tern Canada by various ports from ‘at Germany |the United States 1,187 per or to tue |with $287,044 cash and effects val- re for compensation, |ued at $103,458. Of these 444 were compensation is said to consist in farmers, 191 laborers, 177 mechan- the right to join her own ilways in ? Hl cp d 290 ast Africa to the ee siete junction, ies, 56 ‘ical workers, an Ts le; tno oot Ue be! women and children, Of this num- n bot pretend to Rar! rma precise semupant aber were Americans and 5€ ruth there ig in these rumors, bu! Janadians returning. r Sys. ta ther proo' ¥. tainly they wupply enil’ another i590 | carne week Canada, lost only “Me greadly Lanta tec me pediereen a cel ms of various nationalities, en . fi a variety ou Hitherto disputed questions. | who left reside th ni \ctioal Value of Speed. tates. Only 22 of these were far. Judging ‘trom the cago of, the batileship mers. In the week, 462 homesteads were entered upon in western ae ada, of which 130 were taken by Americans, — SUFFERED 20 YEARS With Kidney Trouble. Mr. Dani ube, Cured by GIN PILLS. happy heart, that a ne using only four boxes of GIN sae , 6 for $2.50. Fanible free He you eae "National Drug a m- 1 Co, of Canada, Limited, drone (en 5 GIFTS REACH MILLIONS, Henry & Barn Liberal is His Son er-in-Law. A des i. a Baltimore says? Desp: ite be efforts of the family to ea it quiet, it leaked a on Woah nesday, the informatio: min; from a reliable source, thet Henry 0. ek has settled upon’ his so $12,000,000 as. a wedding presen while the Lk tho Mis: ‘on of this one, oa The bride eoivart his ete ment, some time before the wed~ ing. ge LIQUID SULPHUR, SULPHUR in a liquid form seas milates readily with the blood, son see what ase fk not always | able Sok aa a Be- cause LIQUID ULPHUR purifier the bl fo ECZEMA, ei eee from impure blood. r druggist for LIQUID *| SULPHUR. Prige 50 Cents per bottle. A despatch from Portsmouth, | in England, A novelty in the way, of bi Elizabeth, carrying an immense] ¢ rmament and using oil ane of her mo’ consist of t armor. F prodeccenare: Uns dar Instead of Coal, Being Used as Motive Powes on the ‘Queen Elizabeth”