Milverton Sun, 6 Nov 1913, p. 8

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sia i hound dog, Owner mas have)’ Eg-gperation Between School and Home “The People’s Store”’ ing expense: A same by payi pply mar PETER NEUMEISTER. hive nor ee sox = Prepared by Mrs. Fred Hammond, a member of Millbank Institute — $ 2 : FOR SALE ; al orl ll + 100 hens, mixed breed, and 30 pure| Obviously. it is impossible tout) teaching. went to school at tik time 9 9 bred Rhode Island Red Cockerels |}ine in detail any ones " , exuminations anc passed Mer B pa See be ‘ training of children. prom m Jr. . 2nd, LF ae ee Newton. R R'|"Ohildren differ in capability. tem-jand her learning did not end here for : SwElsews : perament amd tasks, and as everyone |she had a remarkable knowledge of ¥ at least those who have taken the| physiology and Beience sub- —_———- physi 3 a LE Se eee spine tor teachers has Toun4 | vediar nov opvered“uobl chidren wach Clothes that 1 feel ice es out. it is mecessary eh use ons saat a the fourth soe Geet public school See Aa Ty OM CAT ROH IE tion adjoining Denzil vill: With one child, another with anothe: | might add though that h proud to wear. Inexpensive, vile Sucketshewan. Good land, | suiting the method to the child, The | tived im town end haying enly th a i d i Pei abcu ea naresay< Caarnes ood water school and all cocoa | arbole matter depends ‘on the re eee eee ent Peildings fair. 140 seres broke, Also | power. originality ond patience Single-breasted styles after th Quarter section 1% miles from Denzil | the teacher, whether sehcol-teaeh:r 1 | mother living im the cou sine Van or inenas modes Good land and water. 75 acres brok- |erent, etre ula a es a Abowever. Which of th tyl f ied fer? f buildings fair. 50 acres feneed.| Ho who would give the ehil and lucky the child yw! efi cleverly made i for particulars The ah B Bok best chance must have a clear vision | taught to look €orward to it happily ich 0: @ new sfyles of overcoats do you prerer: 34. Denzil. Sas! not. onl of nae the child is but of |ut the jnfluence of the right kind Fabrics are d all what he i ome does ‘not end. nor i : ; : wool, pure dye and thoroughly itt “ It i obit ae pity that more peop! lore now to Shift the whole responsi- HE POINT we want to make is that with five times the assortment of the shrunk before being made up. Railway Time ‘Time ‘Tables (ao ‘not understand the meaning of |pility off on the teacher; You : ? ¢ , the word edueation,(“e.” outand “due” |may not be the right kind. average stores to select from here, you're not going to have any difficulty in Canadian dian Pacific are velopement of the whole ebild; body aoa her efforts; Just here let satisfying your individual taste and requirements. Hundreds of well-dressed Guelph and Goderich _ ip = mind and sou mia anyia WON she be as enthusiastic. as bright ciga, ae weary litele odo’ with eb men have discovered this fact long ago and there's every reason why. If you have never been in this store before, you should come here this time and enjoy a selection from what is admittedly the finest and largest display of good clothes.” Ss. N. SMITH concerned is to feed dlothe “The Tailor” i and house him, MILVERTON, - ONT. Going north 5 imions instruction is left for the A p.m School teaohen antieverything [Hons Reslide that ths. Ss it nd OQverc t 8.30] else to the Kchool teacher. fit gumiay Sebool teacher over. your t is never for one five minutes re-| children is nothing to hers,and realize utS a Vv oats ings that the education of 4 su importunt Jabove all things that ‘ x Ee your children so well conducted in 2 PERFLUOUS HAIR Crand Trank relics Game bere iingortanr @ eee Men's. price SOnRE $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15 up to $20 ‘motes, Blomishes, W: eee oad S gpinlons and éharacters of the ipereats levitate tiora bat le or Winds or bene with a splendid range of styles your fit, EN ler 49. their peated and general ccn-|ccount or anything else that is MRS. W. duet form the greatest influence on| vours, wiukbeae c the edueition of the child that i€/” Such a tegeher will be.» constant Boy’ s 3 Mee aie tes oy’s Suits and Overcoats, price range $3.00 to $7.50 ; Grand Central Hotel, November 18th will ever stimulus to the intelleo the y > PI ge $. $ Take at ra ation any ten children of ay lifying of the character of your not ~ vour ee. Dot, wicking or child. nd the stimulus you bndenstand is &. ut jus she an: PS SEE J fs IGE = Nf Pp p> ; oe Reyes hie manners cere] "iP'ygu hare teacher whe, an] g E@ SEE OUR RANGE OF RAINCOATS AT ALL POPULAR PRICES rs ta th b vs t oreate this appetite for knowledge. RAND TRUNK SYsrem SS yoahse nem on the roll |Sant ‘eran tr work, "Cive Re he i AAP VON EES oe i a 300 Cloth Caps made of Tweed and Blue and Black Meltons with > Da they ag “Only Double Track visitor. to the room where they are? | artora : y Railway ee ainticanone CAND | Th) they cat infesly, or do they chew oraclel, Baek board, two: for mops: slip fur bands on the inside and forehead shield.........50¢ each open-mouthed. shovel food between Toronto and Montreal, r kni Women’s and Children’s Fall Coats Ontario points, as 4 Large range to choose from at Purse Pleasing Prices ee Philadelphia via Nia- gara Falls.” SMOOTH ROADEAD FINEST EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC LIGHTED Tondence upon eh of three al unatfect. wm Tomp by. tere stecl: ready ‘t New Dress Goods ULLMAN SLEEPERS previously i yet open-m: and blooly ave ou | i ? Full particulars, berth reserva- bas Se a place in the shoot Jib pf Our range is most complete and a variety of tion: from give the honor | 7? 44) - t ii hey biz enough tc kee nie a ieee colors and weaves. 4. C. Cunningham, Phone No, 1, Local Agent a in forget sett mlizing that ja, the face ars from: Gate of homes ten seve. | st ae a chibi fet = Fase oa Sil bensover anyone t6 be: « ne 3 tes selfegenttot but ‘in tie Sa, 40 pieces of Dress Goods at $1.25 yard | The ermal teacher may play thavhaet andsonly “ c “ “ o Pei |areat port in helping the boy tos attatn | HOCNee OTS ST beaks t 30 1.00 che tite ices the greater work | tig eyes of the shildcen to the wos 30“ “ “ 15 lies with the es nt | din ew Te oral Bvell-@ walle-on Co |e eee 60 « “ « 50 DeMiEE AS che att ove enti us tween parent ane teacher Te ‘tsa patible fact that many far- a noree paid foc gular school i. Some | mers spend their whole lives om farms Giving you ample variety at any price you may COMMERCIAL. choose to pay. Fall Whe Bailey per sil Ques Rain Coats Pea : Plover ian aica: cv ith t y z no’ [ae pre Re Oe cA perce Nl the character of the child the utmost Our range of up-to-the-minute Rain Coats for 5 Jewel per cwt. OOlSs ad ip keen aneadol the |°arS Should be taken. by teacher and é - Those Headaches Heap dat Be atraid and, et art Boe day vo trstecs many noe eae women is extensive.,...... $5, $7, 8.50 and $10 ht in and to, your best. Try | s0°r2' be children attending sehool you have may be caused by an im- ns he ee tants definite teaching on your own) oa. Niele intekestedl proper fit in glasses. Let us x s livew: § a and sec how it oes. : x . Boeaine Vous b er 2 1 seggunt amd ae Maw BT -ntar'o| 82 much for books, ve shall now I Most Every Woman Needs a Sweater Coat These Cold Days E xamine Your Eyes : 2 resent es ekg mee |diverted | rout attention for a time. : ‘We can tell you in a moment if 5 igh Kane dues 2, Schiool_ and hoi Get one of our many new styles in grey Underwear and Hosiery — Always we if’ fehl are vaquise ies tos Sa sinnton tewey nee of scours father too navy, brown, red, slate — in fact, any have been noted for the largeness of our ontilan will fit the proper glasses. masing on to’ the Primer | 0° gage ee ae Ree ek had ould f. — with ith- ks and th Il ices ii d the charges will be moderate, | Lard. 5 purrose. “passing O° Hiustrated ehil- | who is au teroated. can Ne much towent shade you should fancy — with or wit stocks and the smallness of our prices in 5 5) a then on 3 A ecu the child interested in schoo! * t may in out collar. all kn % P. H. BASTENDORFF Rept RIT |" ae nae hea an nat pase ta =: » ven fe aretr lated Jeweler and Optician Mitverton, Ont STRATFORD es ng. and calculating mav be taught 5 ipssiblo Keeping ia suave the ohlid’s Handsome Velvets in plain figured and corded, all shades, 50, 60, 75¢, $1, $1.25 yd. i Byes Tested Free Uh adat lay ie Wheat. 82 93| with pebbles, oe papal th ane er ideals, she cant seo, Gash an avecta the Black Paillette Silk, yard wide 43. 43| ebaics n¢}pooks that he reads, Keeing. that no Hersey mes 75 80 ‘ way thatthe child wall be | tae are undesirable fall into his hands Black Moire Underskirts 30 32 interested. and s She oan encourage him to think in- ‘it long “t|g@ependently and so @o Gomething White Bedspreads, special 90 100 Don’t keen him at it too cae depe: : CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE $0 1 001, time when interest lags, let the| toward Helping him to concentrate Gut Ladicenw hite Pleseed Drawers ata: anes Stratford, ont : Tescon dro) for atime, Too much] pis mind on whatever he has in his ee penta Bo rere rat ae ot Bert bat te ee eee 50 Black and Blue Top Skirts, special. mF anterest, with all that 1 stands|age ali this, : } pee pice he pitas Sey au doe A for: Don't. give to i vores Ha must not ee <eany jot an Ribbon, suitable for hair ribbons, all shades, 314 inches wide . ; ty and irksome ‘task to be toa steadily at his s lest he fail : See W. D. WEIR’S List of), 3 with: Whetsthe ehilte a9, i physeal developement and lear to : ie : Tee for knowing more. once you|jook on study ws ery. n- i Sormners el uneechnngar Pr operties | for Sale [oct aia Him witn ambition. halt |stena of pleasure, he must not be al- JUST ARRIVED: the battle is ee in har the child | owed ta become proud ene et nn ea Weesiegarato ary Ross else- soe ill buy that vali in gardening. let hi ave a8 S00n| ments. int :*ther must be kept hum- = where. Get aur free cat Rene cetera Salad possible # little plot ‘of bis own. ble with the feeling that the more he New Raisins - New Currants - New Peels 7 PERS Te Sees Sera Tee ramp 6 Sm he 12th’ comose-|and stimulate his : ati m to have/jearna the more there 1st dear f i sion of Wellesley. Western Section, | flowers and veretables, Nor imust he ever be spooni-fed, ‘ iy Penge nang Re te saans Bank barn wnd straw sheds. pig) taterest him too. in. birds, animal 4 Sigg, Bim ian cot ee a New Dates - New Cooking Figs a pens. splendid stabling. all cement- i t life. To dor you may | teaching imulate ‘ ed throughout. drilled” well and |iuvte te study some yourself. but | that is all. then let t him devend on ste < Pee Ge Bowes pee aa you will enjoy that it you are prov: |nimself and develop menta! cee Family size Talcum Powder, 1 Cans With: SCREW StODs 4.1025 Nes evessatahns cs9ah LOC ame ‘house. acres under culti-| ; itl t are well illus-| hoy ll things do not attempt to AGRE DE a PT RTS OE vation. 15 acrea in rea suoat feted Tepe. too solentitne to helo phot “the child’s ambition by urging Hat-and Coat Racks, 6 copper hooks, ring hangers,. oeilcee eat AC, miles to in indentifying specie “Bu' him and Ket abead mt so-and-so Linwood village. $4,000 Hown bal- See a ad il Enis fussing.” Ae Oat Buh eetors EL aetiats ce Sets (egg beater, os =~ and potato suse Petree Oto —_— ance on mortgage at 5 per cen <1 have to leave all tha jain UPS sc se Bberutersveanyess OC ranite Kettles sara ituvy sueshant aves _ $7,000 will buy that beautiful home Saye eoeomGer. Willie can learn to pene # child tr work to. st ahead ite Cup: 19¢ Sa, Sie se | read after he starts to school and then |. Shuman, Ash Shovels .....4. sesssceeeesseeesseeee 5C | Granite Kettles, extra large..........35¢ Lot | ‘Number 18 in the sixth cones ha ols ine ob fo Simms eat It can only suc: making him Sleeve Ironing Boards....... Granite 14 qt. Dish Pany..............25¢ Ice Cream ieee Spank bara with good | Stile" who. sberts to gebool stile, fe doles ome ama inggresbl tne Glass Cake Stand, 9 ins. high .. Granite 17 qt. Dish Pany.......+00635¢ . nt * lessons a” ‘ i . . + : SL Garin iy ota expressively. able. to pa ay pile Heat E Besie a he wat tee Glass Fruit Bowl on stand, 8” high, 15c | Granite Sauce Pans.....5. wsescsereee TSC equipped with anxiety to learn | ‘know.’ y i ; and #000 ‘i buy West ¥ Lot 1, Con for learnings sake and interested in|him see that you We pleased put Granite Berlin Kettles... ....0......635¢° ; dwelling house. bank ‘bara, with) the things of mature. bas receingl 170) toa try te ake the young gen- Granite Coffee Pots....... Seasonable oe Dee iar oa yo \has received m0 such Sa ee ae ree Be ine eat hla Granite Spitoons ..... $9,500, will buy 200 acres fots 2 ana | only is he ahead im act Sth. the scholarship second, ‘ ; : 3, Elma, 185 acres under| he is already in harmony. with | the Granite Chambers 2 Py Lea tee te ie honse. tek | work at the school; No times lost| “And it cannot be too strongty i s x ruits rvatiny ohed. pig stables, come {in adiastment to new conditions. he | dresied. port bors and Re that a Granite Dairy Pans ent stabling 3 miles to Monkton,| ia in a positi [Aaa mips aiatel Stale err ae : . Small Frying Pans , tarted at such work at home |ev 0 le wor rying teeta aught and Henfryn rural mail, | When s als _ at ee {eleone, toe win balance at | he is able SONS sented Peat tea lie theo ee eoeibiaals se 8 cup Muffin Pans. o incidently. : B00" “ll buy a splendid dwelling | minutes again, afia fh aI aa hour com ane ee iMate oretersble te oan al Frying Pans. é Weir’s hs gti a eae i peer Eee de ig Ot, to ait long ‘on lonty. fer: seltisir or wogeares 5 lb, pail Table Sats: Snes as Hammers . i One of the best 200 acré farms, in| bench. he can jis lesson as be|that whatever ont ster eae 2 packages Corn Flakes... Rie ISO Bread Knives : Elma. 2 storey brick house. bank| walks. or works re ou Mitte garden to do wall; tina? ig as ob wall Me Baten ; Restaurant barn 69x109 feet, straw shed 36x44.| or si ieee ce Gee ne Aas most one, Hone That 2 1-Ib, cans Engeland B’k’g Dawder 25c | Crumb Tray and Scraper ana i nm SE RUT ace ee ig Pen.) ing Pes caved the weariness of school {each human in +l roma sould seek Granite KGtless csc Biceps cccset be Salad Bowls;.) vawwitsivecnseseoh ial 5C ‘ed for pun 190 acres under| It is quite impossible for any rural to choose as his Tite work that which : } cultivation 10 acres in bush. land in seboo)-teacher R08 sa Bil te ae te Do ae Pico : s ivath i le y in ‘ ‘ ts ae ee tee best dey dee | wamty liberty. stie must have. order| regard to th Iecwork that I Tthink All the popular Sheet Music 15c. Any seclection you may SEER oo PRE t rio, Price rig! gpd ‘exo ols “nt a ey cee Seaton wish will be found in our Extensive Stock of Sheet Music. ri trict in On 1: for. $7,000 will buy lot 23. con. 12. Elma.| Cy, asa teacher used to feel sosorry | er to eee kn towards one 400 acres. comfortable frame hoase.| for the little tots who after theit) vocation or another . 20x30 with kitchen 18x26. bank|short little lesson was over and thes |the greatest success in that which he : Us barn 40x70, straw 35x48. new] had written out all they knew how himself, driving house 24x40. hog pens 1 write, woul to sit. sometimes re x nae ENTER ~ flow! i h none atid’a es ‘underground to stable. 7 age hour is a weary len th * to" a chile. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE orchard. farm well ‘drained. and in| pefore I would ever have time to look eames - LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE ft) eter af comftion, ale Ge north |e their work House and lot consti of between : “east quarter of sec. 20 in efi! Indeed it has been often shown that |one and two acres. stable and driving i eeke recites 46. rane 12 west! of the 3rd mer-| opildren it taught wisely at. home, /ehed. good well. young archand. ae- ae ‘Saskatchewan. at $20 peracre tter if not it~ to | ross Heo from school on 5th line of = ee : ehrguiacvandea gee aes eee afl devon or eight years of( Mornington, About 1 miles” from MILVERTON, ONTARIO x rton. Milverton, For further seatio ars : : ae EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal te 3S homes. for sale in Milve: naooly SS eOus WAG NER, 4 CALL AND SEE ME. No. 2 Atwooi! oa0-t-) ais

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