Milverton Sun, 6 Nov 1913, p. 4

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The oe Sun}: moet : : + SCHOOL REPORTS + 5 * MILLBANK + ctor Tim + ¥ + + é ae aavias coun , Bollowing is the qeport of 8 BABY BOY Miss Bella. Jack attended the wed- Sapte Elna. Porcine. wsonth ot aeptenhee ding, af Stratford of her nephew My, - - cael Gotober! Merton. Jask. of Boompton to. Miss : The Sun Printing Office Sr. 1V—Total at © Horn 377..c me Ee Minnie Woods. of er mie en, : & Grant 297, G. Horn 288, E Smith 0 , ‘Tuesday. October 24t @ ¥ f Main Street, Milyerton, Ont | Gran Weta 300 R Penike 903-8,| Mars, Beck’s Fondest Hopes wt D B Grieve hes nator nea ter . i Horn 1 ised ia trip to the Weal r SUBSCRIPTION eal 7 r me Scgerae te Pops ae ‘otal 400. L Hiles 342, R lized Health, Hap: Inspector Irwin maid jhe Reboot] OWw1n OWI1Nn Mei fati gah ceatas tne atreetoe,. ouieeiners Tman 2 3: B McClory piness and Baby. st e ® fn arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year | 145. of Birattora. Jr. roughton SS S = a Ay 296. OC. eo" 288. M Schade 284 a “<4 wish s. d Mrs ae ton : : 7 Upper Lahave, N. S., Can.,—“I wish 5 ” Krugel.278..0. Horn 287. D- Horn. 240°} - UPBoe Goutton the bana eiectatved ae, ae with friends in Monkton 66 UR BUSINESS” IS STILL GROWING. Every month shows a Ethel Buchanan 577. M, Tindall 551 by spice byale 5 Mir. Wim Houston who recently big increase on the preceeding month. We are going to try and make - | dis is ame Berge for, Seat insertion and 5 made fers te ane wemere November a “banner” month, WE WANT YOU TO HELP US wil Ibe charged for all transient adver- 8. Brou, female troubles | Mr. tay Fink. of Ton one spent i j. ing—| Steen te Rea iat rom which Twas a |Sualey st his home here DO IT. The winter is at our door, do not be caught napping—buy now. eee without specific directions oe relieving CP R. agent all be inserted until forbid and charged ac-| ¢. great sufferer, BO. visite river mute. Wath ae oom Hort 340 Hr Suith 124 CST AR WS AOD Teton Oabomaailen? hil EL Fl ae for contract advertisements must it rs F: = 186 ire ms pena fee gona Mondays sr. Total re eerel ecm ea RO iter were delegates at the 8 é stteation. J coras wieneee. 91. igine he ee ae WE ARE MAKING A SPECIAL DISPLAY THIS WEEK IN ii Coxon . a Pubilsher and Proprietor 2 Ay ms i. 69. B. McClory 67 Pinkham's Vegeta . ff Terny, Teacher He Coad weld Dressing Gowns and Lounging Robes . + mepel ming: Tacs laren bie purest BusinessCards Report of 8.8 ‘No 12, Mornington, | hearty baby boy, and praise your medi- HAVE A LOOK THROUGH - for October. beng eS were | cine ams the wonderful lot of good it has for one xaminations | done — Mrs. IsRAEL BECK, JR., DR. M.C.TINDALE, ES, |S, 2 Sr, 1V—Total 400. Rosetta Hartung Upper St chavss Lunenburg Co., N. S. x : 310. Edna Raycraft 27 ie Kerr | Gan: ¥ : here this week. MEN’S and YOUTH’S Jacobs 211, Clayton Koch menced his " Crown bis Bias Work 209 x: Hilton Westma 6, The aa days of husband and wife st ous Women of specialty In, 1V—Total 400. Wiltri atewrlien they come to look focward t0't fhe “Bibiers maeeuneles ghening. Bre UI Ss . Office: Over idufeapeittan Bank, Milverton | 2’ bel Koch 234. nines: nae a childless and lonely old age. wa subject of |i eke 8. James Kerr 85 x. Many a wife has found herself inca- MITTARG Tete mecion Sr. 1II—Total Ae Ae Ws Koch pablo of motherhood owin pos abe Or reste ; ip tte ee bee ee ec titcsie pele, ae nee b Beet Selene A In Made-to-Measure Suits we show over Y sos Se crake apie 1 400, a West: % ee dred les, r DRS. PARKER & TYE Wace yresines bose ‘Harold Aten Sean by the ae eerie fay.) Admission 10 and 15 cents two hundred samples. We gnarantce a per: > Ware aitite aye a » fect fit. Prices range from sap Hanna 206 x. Edn: 9 In many homes once childless there | ‘The Women's Inctitute invite all to 4 = ir concert Ww : ‘ OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON an Tot a Beedle pilae vennabie |B held Nn Hither | hall ae ‘ove $15.00 to $35.00 Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 to 4 Bthel Westman’ 239, Ke c Compound makes women normal. SO es oe ease jock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p Gand mre 198, Viel, Reibling oh r feature " Kerr 152x. Reuben Wartung| | If you have the slightest doubt : Try our “Ready-made” Clothing for your DR.A.F. McKENZIE, 1 Mobi es ee teint cate BPinkhaues Vegeta anding of the bye: Ouretock da sll Rowand peeeaeatR: Physician and Surgeon Eh Uc Fred iGerabeelier ble Compound will help you, write an Silbank Serge KT ONTAR I—Donald Gropp. anna ) to Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo. 505 MONKTO) ONTARIO | jack Westman. Lillie Daylor. Flor-| (copadential) Tiynn,Mass., forad. were OUR OVER COATS Ofeeiuss: So far as possible from 1 to‘ Belplng ayeraft. or | Vice. Your letter will be opened, Tanner. .m, and in evenings. ef Bi “i " read and answere: y a woman, Ww Martin For men and boys are the *‘correct” styles. : tthe following ie che report ot 6s | 204 held in strict confidence, age Our new Overcoats for youths with shawl 7. °0) 6 following is the report of S.s sean ndiee > Nove ant Throt gel org? Ho one. Burren | No Mornington. "for the month of K<T oe Lay buaaicain alee rake : w York Op’ thalmie and Aural Insti- October. Names are inorder of mer- pe $ Nose ana | it. Those’ naanes agen with an x|¥ rs 5 3 Gelien Saueceaue more | BRE . We still have a nice assortment of Z pie sss 240° | * Ladies’ and Children’s Coats ne 267. 55. ‘Eva Potala te costal a ¥ Lawrason. of Winnipeg » was | nan. Ee ee nan ERY " a a s - —_—______ | Bos 2 i Hoya 2088. Austin |e ace oh Mie heen ee M. Lowrie JF Grieve.x. M Kee. 2 Neliant priced ta Newest Deal gas; Lega Haw thera 56. roe Heideits: Alten |°0uple of days Runeee ee abel Hawthorn 310. Allen! ai,” Gor » Bur t. of va monton Geo. A Smith. Pr ¥ H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Coo) fea haa oe ety ott Junior R cms eters ye a 349. Eliza Reid . “ RDIOL: ee BEANS, CORN & PEAS, Barrister, - Notary Public, - Conveyancer | gag" yh tit “Wil 9 ra el um of sight raninthy: wales gon tak Sr. IL-N Rutherford |. Saturday Only Regular 10 cents per can 5 for 25¢ Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. 185 x. ne ie Hersfort 159x Blor-|£2 2 Position ‘n the office of his uncle STieRS Nebr na. “oO Mof TISTOWBL, MILVERTON, ATWwOOD| enca Dobson 94x eryihing en ZEDSOIS: OWE ae Rabe eon McLennan | | es: Listowel, Milverton Pa ic tc tar MR | ibs Rein Kerr Gertnages wie)” gt Biron winery Seow New Raisins New Currants . wee of Ha a vi im town on Monday. = ¥ DEE alti SMe eet Se GEUNS CRSA Tate Gonton Hawthorn 153. Mary Dobson i See ET Suitter. I NOpnItarae as : : Tits ee meat ace Ben Wiprence Cook: 205, Olive eff. he parental roof over the Pt (Ors vford BUTTER 24c, BRING YOUR DRESSED FOWL EGGS 30c. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto ae a ane Primer—R Mulea : eee os cee — nes Kimeade was overated 8r, Be ignak wang eee. Ree ee oles Gordon Block ae . ‘s _MoGrenor. Edwin, se Br ay oF Cee x : popeme - Se ee R MeWil- thé loperation wes éieecas-|- ; “ ” Veter 2 ‘The Arcade’ a - rrison. Teacher Miss Hannah Hogan, C.PR poe — W K O BARR, Vetermary Sur L “at E Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin SO5- a, cites ane 8 e IL R ON ary College, Toronto. Treatsall disease | Revort-of SS’ No 8. Ellice, for i M V I of domesticated animals, Calls ay le September and October. Names in) ¥ ¥ Z phone or otherwise promptly attended to |°PC°" OF mere fond Pipers : mualaitoas Sr. IV-M Eedy L Kerr, Messrs, G Watson, R Geoghegar Jr, I1V—H Lindsay © Reis. §|L- Patterson and O Ruppel fiskebed ter Epending a MILVERTON LODGE, No. 478, | Lindsay. ta Wingham Sunday afterneon. Some | tw nhs in Sackatchewan hea re] OWt and énjoyed <a splendid pré- N Milverto1 Sr. ee ae Gs me Falstieinah alte Stone bot ‘i gramme and lunch supplied by the RES Att lites ‘evening on of | J. N: Bee Ras wee Ee eat “tee “w of, Bistowel j members ‘of the Sunday. Sotto! pone ‘ei e ao every month in their | Li aye “ae under ee warental sat at Mille e' ay nds her | Mr, Melville Ror ; at tls stowel. ix Veir’s Block, Visiting breth- TW. Quip G — Reid. R | bani tog Moai ted at | spent wo weekends Wie. We ane > q % renalways welcome. J. G. Hamilton, W. F. id ae (Mochiman. f ta Sid Tatham. of Toronto. . is the bo ie f Mr HOB. K Sunc piers t t g t M,; W. J. Zo Ves seer, A Gobmmiae, | TORRE & Hay or two in town preeies a al es --+—---~ ts in erestin 0 NOW Po TY ara aire I Albert Racker chmidt.| Mr. E HESS went to Toronto on 4. of 6 Ma h h.| tt { 0. erton, meevs -G Reis. I Schneider. R sie seca g \ 4 e Tues uusiness ‘trip. atts r ha ae aS fa fi + = avery second and ast Tuenipy Ma TATION ion © Keatbriovmom, 1 (qsO,Cinmmems, suumager of Gunn’ cot oe Won tant DORKING 3) g_ Where to buy guaranteed, trustworthy ry : es Sieahe i | se ; y ers Bert Kriesel’s hardware store Visiling i a sue es” Limited. Toronto. ol A ome Mi sh + Furniture—it stops all hesitation Reis the local aes on Bui 1 | brethren always welcome, |S. Spencer, | "Sp. 1-H Reis. # Popvert, D. Soh-| har Ra ea ae to eS ae aoa tee cr Ree ea re diac Pianta neider. F. Schmidt. J. Kerr. Willie |gister of oat ion were visitors fis Hvels % nine | one Kiea’ Geer r e guess work, . L Sil Becker & Mon Aa ee ane ee ff of Mimi fred Beaewon BEyis ie “Silver Star | Becker: a. own on ay. wo. moi ths? sit with frie: a. in| @uests rs, Fred Starr on Sunday Lodge,” N , Milverton,| Jr. IC Nafziger. = Schneider. L | Miss Eva yee of Pelton ak He ee ee ae 7 Mb Hevery. Bolbeshuh, base rei haat ee mene at cone he ee shag x i in aS ieee ay. ii Misses Shirley ans’ Isabel Scott ee pile oe) Newton on Mon y. We believe and have ample reason tobe strong in our be- 7 heir hall over ° erage a ance: r. Herman Ebel made ce usiness a adowbrook an returned on ; r ‘ : ah hatte HB Galdli. Tesener Eanui ce Mears ica eaidorw roms | 9) aaa eer eee lief, that we have the BEST Furniture mude, so do you if “Dick Long returned ue a you are one of the host that buy here. If not, favor us . MeGuire, R. Secy. Report of 8. ee = 6. Mornington y evening after spending a ; of Listowel. pent: 2 ¥ Notary Habla. ‘or October ;— eee ys in Chatham. aie, and eis : and yourself by comparing the style, quality and prices ye —B Erle non. : aia Alnor eit on x : ‘A W, D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- Fw Redo Mos 8 |. Hallowe'en passed off very quietly | éri day for Courtright. to «pen! with ‘those found slaewhere.: Weak 1t-ot-you\iandicere tioncer for the County of Perth and| Watson. C. Watson in Listowe : y nk: |time with her father who is Serle tainly would not if we feared the résult, ater loo, ae ee Deeds, Willsand{ Jr. III—R_ Moore The ‘Methodist Sunday School con-| ota, have moved “into Mr. J Reid’s jly ill. fortgages drawn and Affidavits made, | Sr. 1I—N Dowd an MecDonald’s music hall house at Fernbank where they in-| Mr. sent a aie Scott and fam- ; Village Clerk. Office in Bile Weir block| Sr. I—I Meadows ‘ ended a apes red t end spending the winter. ily an. have moved ii r. I-E_ Reid. a Erler. E. Reid SS Bverything ts for irs. M Hamnon has ie y t e e Tately vacated by Mrs. There is economy, richness and luxury in the patterns - Primers, Heni ward waded. th n Thurs towel. ‘This means f fi ; SH. AL Ms a, Monkton, Ont., No-} No. roll 12. erentize attendance Be Friday nights of this week os ood member of our porasinee u of Knox Church. we are ready to submit you, » Tomer of Mar-| 11, hat wondertal play Alice ia -Werr sarees se ‘holding their baz- 6 County of Mary M. Little, Teacher aerhin'." je bo oe prasented by. «15042 Mike Agnes Houston, of Millbank Nov. 13th Everybody wel Pent Re al Esta‘e Sought eople: Bpent Fhady. Beninesit cous few choice farms for fuimeainta sale. ee ee Peasy EES ot paying ~ 32c. | munity. sl pega ses Furniture Dealer % for eggs and 250, for butter “Mist Hy Stewart aiid friend visited | R M M and Undertaker Hotels. SE Bahasa AS ihe cities Some of the Pons aire working af the former's home over Sunday. | ty sued Brae ph T, Thompson ei Cc ane, © . Milwattons: DAL. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. | * overtime at present Cae shing Hallowe’en entertainment fhe. b of John Gropp, Proprietor, Best liquors - HAWKESVILLE | Ohristmas onters through. melt in the ‘school house on Frid and cigars at the bar. Bispsian ace * evening. A goodly number turn commodation and large stablin; “Mr. and Mrs J Messinger, snent GRAND CENTRAL Sa Mil- Thursday evening in it Mr, + ? CROSSHILL z= verton, First-class accommodation for Morrison. of Kelowna sommercial travellers and aihees, hree old i r * large sample rooms. Good stabling. r Hawkesville citi nd soy ee Lather and fam Best brands brands of diguere koe cigars, took a wetle trip ‘to Berlin on Wed Mrs Nick Hergott 5, Mr i Ks Chas. Ritter, Proprieto nesday night, It being very dark|and- Leth Hall spent ‘Bundey/ BD they had to ‘borrow n lantern — to pe i Mns John Stockie. of QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Out; |guide them homewant | When they ber = The best accommodation for commercial | arrived they carelessly forgot to ex- no A Campbell. of Stratford, yf yf zz < Jn travellers and others, Two large sample tinguish the friendly “glimmer ish | deliadoor trleadasnenesone day last ‘coms, Only the choicest of Wines, forth it til the break | week. quors and Cigars at the bar. Good warm | of day. Mr. and ‘Mrs Geo A. Rennie: visi stables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. Mr. Peter Dietrich. of St Agutha.|ed at the home of Mr and Mrs Jos a pala tine visit to our burg on} Hammond. 5th line on Sunday. MERICAN HOUSE, Berlin | Non » Berlin | “Mrs, S Johnston \and two children attenton Commercia | ate “Georse 3 Forwell spent Monday] of ‘Kamsack, left t for Berlin after ETTER be getting ready for Wintry Winds, Slus « in St, Clement spending two weeks “wit pill Among those thar visitél ot Mr | triends. meas a: + and Snow. Better be looking to your feet and } eorge he es gn ‘Sunday ~ were:| We are sorry to report that Mr. - Y yy U/ mp Mr. and Mrs Will, Forwell, of Ber-) Wan, Mundell Pater Geasece mmew ee ask if they need new Boots, Rubbers or Over. Rit, f de Ii red’ Quick. of — Grant | doctor's but we hope by sen y 5 Paplds: eg Ge ae a ase a rete ace Moe UM Gite linens oe shoes. ‘Protect yourself one ; rs, Peter Forwell iand Mrs jared to health again in the. net PUBLIC NOTICE! gel of St. Clemente eee ae : ate Be ate are BUTT Coca tr. Cbarles Hoclscher. of Elmira. pe i M¥S,6;BOBGBE, LINWOOD keene G1 MT, Charles Hoclsehes. of Mlmine. Neglect causes colds and sic! — II kinds of Busidin ta mat la + O na in eet arpa Llosa Knivel. of Berlin. spent | * * 25 aghlatmany a: ime conte ere. iiade.” Jasob V, Meyer, Manages @|Stnday in oar burg. es KING Woop : cure than if you went to the Right Mr, Allan Stone. of Brantford. vis-|+ = Foy ca a nal RS ETCL ited friewis here ‘on ‘Sinday. hicbbibetbbines vie c¢ Place and purchased a pai Mr and Mrs i Lester gave »| "Miss Rachel Lichty $s suending fit! Hallowe'en party last Friday nighi|svending a few weeks at her home poets aus { [fhe evening was suent in music an: Here? ee ore Eve ee ke ak ? » ¢ jall kinds of games after which asum- Miss Ell almers ‘anid ster -to-date last y. FI H& ptuous ghost supper was served. All| Boyd Hammond. of Sthatford. spent omen’s | aS PAGO Opis UES “2 95 al, ej | present at the occasion enjoyed them- the week-end at their’ respective just in” ; button or blucher . € selyed immensely. f ia © RE potas Sadie’ J. Hammond returned « Button a LINWOOD ther home Here Reena one Women’s Ure. date” Patent Leather 9. 50 ? ee + BRUNNER | ths: ab: : Bc OOS AL DOE PAIN eso sc es waaay. soeeavn santo REELS Mins Matyi MoGynerts wields ches en es Mrs, M ee - Chicago. be Seibel rather: Mx. Dave Ohalinere a “ore & Men’s and Boy’ 's Heavy and Light Boots, Rubbers and : it my e home Coal, Cement and Lime So ag 5 Cle his “id, Nook cdo Manareg®< at Socks in abundance at Lowest Possible Prices. ? Mrs, Robinson and daughter Elle.| Poole. spent Saturlay at the heme of Motar Stain, Ete, of St. Marys. visited at Come and see for yourself. Mr, and Mrs W_ Peters_ ‘this ae ents here pi ees fonee abs z . i ; Mr. and Mrs P Zehr returned to|revairing ‘the mischief done on Halle : Grain, Flour and Feed their home im New, York after spend-/owe'en night. T, P R Oo E “(The Shoeman’’ 2 ing a month with frie — - and Furniture Mil Jamieeed placaoeteetiraea home|" Bidecmsibn aatEaT tae Wie Leet a 1 MILVERTON }|Monday after spending two month=| year ending October Ist. are stated é eyo es aCe to have swelled ‘the coffers of the ce ‘Above Gsods Constant t on Hand Mrs. James Clark and con James | Provincial treasury to the amount of so piacere 2, Seri S mek Mr. ani Mrs J |of over one million dollars. the lar- “41 |Freeborn. Kingwood. gest on record.

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