Milverton Sun, 6 Nov 1913, p. 7

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} Bi: ay rYoaleng i i? 5 8 LARGEST: SALE. INTHE WORLD Or, A Struggle Her Great Love; For a Heart she would have grown suspicious; and when the divine Laura was suspicious— well, Morgan Thorpe’s life was not an easy one. So he had been obliged to let her come, “MY STOMACH IS FINE Since Taking Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablots”. acre anger: ‘WAterino, Onis, enthusigstical commends Na-! and 60, But, chanes had favored him, hitherto, in a moment, Se Gaunt h: ee ad a ueieer a ae 1 jone to Africa?” he m walk-| 4 i of ctaveari: wit & plcssantiamie onaie I was greatly troubled with my! Bleseant open. face, ‘ag he smoked a choice | stomach’, she writes. ‘‘I had taken so “Well, he may haye done so, and Pluck may still ame; on | an 2 po Aiee the otter hand, he may. oe and may turn ce Re tear e, My stomach just felt raw. iil eave Gee ales hie to move yo Egyptians. brain's better than mine at (hat ind of ‘witich Thorpe scarcely aia nimucalf justice, 10" Ie would ‘have been difficult to find a shary ate scoundrel than hime: where sharp and astute scoundrels ‘abound an Three days afterward Bobby received a dainty little, note-emitting the peculiar |eeenttrom, tr, Dalton, vig “Why did he not come to see her prom it oak ater she offended him? “If so, why did he not lhl ta tell her what she had sald or done amiss? fsck sei they'll make you feel like, Ang ‘would he come to dinner on Mond and ¢ portunity of explaining Sane Woe druggist’s jana Mebiive tie oe Pomel sweet Piasonal Doug ae: |“ tan the note, prettily worded, and| Bhemieal Go, of Linited, | written in a thin Halton bond, sated: fees was one newer possible. mcustéiand eatd Cant ue waed ome |and tell her that in no way had ehe of- covered mound is barely discerni- fended him. and that she had alwaye been CHAPTER XXIV.—<Continued). Found goon. What do you, say to dining all that was Kind and gracious. 1.{ble. It is said that no Moslem will She shrunk back f, Nn aaa mea entered the drawing-room, and she receiv-| enter the inner shrine.’’ truck hor, 8** "70m Bim ae fhe had | popdy'e good resolution rose and looked | ed him with a half-ead, hall-reproachfal “Your— write aes at oe rretey. me till sare. red and| air. She was beautifully cet “3 a Ss The words were scarcely audible, and | ¥8¢omfortable, isomers an excuse. |“made up” a little pale, her black eyes, g = yet to ‘nim they seemed to Ting through | “Engaged! I'm sorry, Tm sure | which, ag she had heard hie voice outside, | SIR HUGH'S EARLY DAYS. the roo Da be Wal Well Hope tor ’ume|had shone. with contempt and. boredom, He unt SPs ee face. Sie it are) fins? eo are you tein to i derly. beamed upon him eoftly, almost ten- The present Hatineion of Si me ere? at bags es ey had | this afternoon: rop in at the club ant FI t 3 conjured. the thing ig pen @ quiet shell out with Trevor and|_ "I thought you were never coming, = ap Cee ee Bho r june sal LO at ie at gin PANE moment and she mm, htm. Desime. repeated, ehrunk a step ‘turther away f confront, him | have me, Bees txteomely dificult for him to ema yy say? Tt would have Cock Rares Ehoruss dye mide mental 0% mule, never see you again,’ “Come and sit beside me al rane soached a chair near the fi her own, Sad Bobby aropoed ints it, Testing. an it I—we—shor murmured. a. the Sianraee aeons of his ly wife!” he said, haaresly, ill star-| vow ea poere att out!” What ing at it. ‘Then he lifted his oves Preavae youn pe y's and a he had been ‘the eruelest and most hard- Teor slowly, and looked at her, looked and eet aqui aavet done ‘chats Oh, parents | hearted of young men. years, Those who have followe realized that e had spoken aloud, and guardians, wh are inelined 10 ‘Morgan fap told me: that: you re 0-|his business career from the begin- fhe hind told ‘her. urd on your erriag sone and w ards. I am so glad!’ she had the heart-rending With ag oath he Sung the portrait into | a fire-place. Tt fell wi 3 the as6 and frame ‘were’ shattered on’ the fies then he stretched out his hands to- ife. Decima, you know now 2 not marry you, I am married he Bat ap Ror hands to het it out, the wards. aid, hoareely. with tore’ terrible than any.‘ violonce, ‘that woman whose por- That—le why I can not now n't Yor gach hat tales sh Step toward, er ghe had drawn back with “And dashed if I remem! then it is not I you lore you can not! Tt-is shel” _ hore herh’ He laughed with fierce ae ternees. “You don’t know we? T hate, I loathe hert A cry broke from her ij qBut she is be wife, made a gesture of despair. How He could he tell ther’ make hor understand? cima, she is my. wife but i ha Bisco wate with a spark of ‘my y, like that of Decima’s. could do otherwise. Child, liste hat is it, my dea: "Diecensly Morgan Thorpe cam ie fi me. re “Onn ‘omy this; that. re BES up my| “My de Trevor, for: T shall go. mad. mind to cut cards for the future. The fact | am lati he eid with his ¢ - I left hh fecwali; wy governor hse dost gote mousy; | “rrevor: how we fit you 100 re. She is nothin, oth and I can't afford— ‘Trevor pees bts ate: alte nly, n't you. understand. But Morgan Thorpe seized his ha “Do I? ‘Then my looks, belie, me, “tor I rife t should have told you “My dear Deane, Tin delighted to heat [fect anything ‘bay ft Ive this beastly re long, oe ago. Ah, that you! you say that—not that your father has|cold weather coming in n Lee understand. Come to me. Child, have| Jost money, but that you are going to cut |. "Your dinner will put you right,” said ty her, and He knelt dre} 10 ask you if you’d mind my giving you fetinte tase: Ja yielded, or rather, she Pande eraawicns atumaeatiee tower eon ted not resist, but her e: ing to ask you if you'd drop gambling. fantly above bie wend, ea if ehe wore try: | 1'S <0 (aiked was on the tip of m: Ing 10 understand—and to boarthe truth. | tonite. “ter eehl you the truth, Liar and “Decima, now that you know, you will] T have been—now, you won't, min not turn from yon’t think us ‘nérusive ‘and impertinent, “Your wife! She drew one ihand. from | T ‘hope, Dy his grasp and pressed it against her fore- “said Bobby, | “Go hoad with « piteous litte feature of help Well fe bee thinking ‘about erence nope = (OB; did) —she ie always feady to tall, about, you, you not tell Your wife: ou know, You must know that she: well “Don't—don't repeat it ate | expreesion in his face which wae singular- cal wher hands ied, “Try |}, D the temptations thereof! “All right,”“he said; but there was an- other pause of Paes which, be sure, the wily ter oof Fay He: rent to the bureau of inlaid sath and took out his check-book horpe waved hand indifference need ed squarely, PORE Te enn Fay you remeraber your own youth | ik ood, bat Morgan with delightful to bother about that inet ald, | "Besides, d|or abroad, ning” describe months when the first edition of the Montreal Star were run off in a ob) there was nothing the matter and that, bi had not been able to come because he had D gence which. woul rstolaes actres and talk to me while for, of course, Morgan and ‘kdow! pinched were Mr. Graham’s hate ces in those days that he w nable to afford a steam boiler of hit ¢ own, ‘And in this way she talked to bir ing Coneclencs to. rest, and the beautit bewitching face blotted out all. e hes Dr Heereveane tt He scowled at Bobby as he nodded to him. Thought, you'd gone into the ge sai cold.” He gave Mearer the fire.” Hie face, mas r-| the pallor of the red-headed man— | eyelids were swollen and inflamed. It struck Bobby that Trevor had been drink- ing heavily, and Laura shot a glance at him aa he, atood gazing moodily ab the Morgan Thorpe, brightly; “and there's the bel , Trevor bent over her. fet that oud x0 Arse tonight he said TN, stay after him; Tw ak ‘Be made a motion of nesent, and smil- pleasant people, the Thorpes; and Laure Sir Hugh Graham. was an angel. Trevor arank a great he cr! potvatante ey oa wil drawback? | PSE, Mita" ratahlao eauckea hy | opt Mi nner aad hore. pied in mela i stig: it 80 Pi |, 80 toucl roug! is: re rr, oh Lean not live without you! If you turn the peautifal wo goodness and care | assiduously with “the earl’s wine;”” and and arranged with his next door Le a ah cuche we hate ie sould Tob speak. after a time aie ee flushed, and ‘the neighbor to run a pipe through the arena ane gtaen har i big aime, for] “and 7 promised her that ¥ mould. £| sombre, re, burned in ths, e765. gre| Wall and suppily him —e bo igs to fall. his, touch seemed to] {you herself. i'm coe ‘he wou 8 usual-Laura was playing, soitly. on keep an old steam engine aa at Bree ihe Sh Fue sn yaar eg | Be ope aed ab eh ght [press vine The smal payment fr en she has resolved upon fo her and. tm 9 to her eyes—she recovered from ing’ the 3 sight ite a eae oT ded | Meee aieape opened out ‘the eard-| the steam often fell Sattar s the erie faintness and drew herself that a duty ties before her. = ie. ee apes titan = Mi-<Graliam day. attet >. very uratetul; is very go “Do you play to-nigh ni “Letlet_me go! ah, let me go!” ehe| o¢ ‘irs, Dalton to think of me, to eare,”| “Robby shook his head. day ne watch the coppers com- Baniea “will go! E want to gol Your! stammored Hobby. “Not Yonight” he eald, reddening, | ing in from the newsboys until they “She de care, ire you; cares very ura’s left hand stole out mop u ghall not go until you have heard! much.” Mr. Morgan Thorpe Se aatcarane engouraging, evmpathetically. fees ae an amount sufficient to suadevetnnds a eat Soatd mera Son ly, sinore igolemanly. ae ae < mer hy eae ders estes looking] pay for the steam when he care. ~ interest in you. 8 a rule, Laura is very | across a’ 8] pie ak airs wy of meking friends. "She tiae aufter-| “Gent afford it,” said Bobby, with fully wrapped them in his handker- ON Sut un Y tt ed a great deal, poor girl! and suffering | touch of his old spir! it, chief and bore them off to the hun- Dect vqeat You must! You must listen. | hardens us—hardens us, my dear Deane.| ‘Trevor enecred. » ne | Bry neighbor Nahin Wendi al ightty, her | AP@,1 have never mown her to come out) what's a reason io one ean meot,” he BY : t feed pods cleaned Haney, hee of her shell, 60 to speak, aa ehe has done| said, with @ “@o on, Thorpe.” ¥ ace ‘unre eS eee or ig mad. h you. But about the cards, my dear | “Hobby flushed still more hotly; but, the Re aE Paes diore’h en rica 4 Tallow You are not offended?” ny, | Swall hand cought, and found, and press- omen carry as Beant! iene agi an St read Be gh oa a eh gro: i, con | wth em hee tld ‘in oloay, motallio, tonces | “Oe |for play, and—well I'm going to cut: it aide “cle piano, oF seat in hale clone Bente Hee paeinta kis Aula sththapiny don't ouster T know the way. |"2 Pe i and ceased to enchant. can't tell you how delighted T am_ to talked in & low voice, which, 1o} 1 will'go i and walt ‘tintilhe” conten a aid at, Slorean, Thorpe though it seemed to annoy, and irr ain. arid AL- Droaghing, [tate ‘revor, aud, 0200 ‘ ee renee eer Jane SO aues . 2a E RIEL a baton’ wet prior m Buritamor a we: | hits Aevenly sand domended:. Ibis easy to do less than your Talist Yim. a ™pobby grinned. le ‘qbesima heard the voice, the words, but citi apn mind telling you, Deans . 2 that come over again, 1jOht tla shel broke trom his white Pt nover iguch sn prec gerne aro Sauglit’ Deak ose, ‘They talk of the evils of drink. Gt vataigtetfor:g moment) thease guid By the SES Es Siateat ACA oi aaa ag My antl ue ting than ever wore ‘downed’ by Hquor. door yal Yad Tae t dragged inde nto the | WHY. T could give you instances, by. the Aafointite nm, hen ta lowed, the doar | sor, And jake Deine t may. tel you paatetoed puihrale Beck to Ik aoderaited! St Sigua ror ould oe tt ery. different re pouitlon trom the, low one Ww ‘ooeupies are cee ee iclasiseblots otenticaneiaor cist it wae the long arm of Coincidence so nobly made—and tuck to it" by eunning— “Why don’t you chuck ' now?" ai voy Sitoh had lod Laura, to i Price's Mauslone | Bobby, with all the verdant innocence of That night of all nigh! ‘Treo days before ther had been a lit- forgan Thorpe did not smile—which fle dinner at Cardigan ‘Terrace. Twas roves under what perfect control he held ike all the other dinners, porfoot of menu his ‘facial expression mal, tre | "An, my dour hoy, it ia: t00 Lak late tor solution. re of Mort ot, last ie-was-en Laura” he hod hab | a ot Ber. no} iar or this resolve firmly— grim road. to the infernal 01 after his resolve, Brorve, saarared {i faultleas | attire, guar ed G: rooms it he peel a Tone: an Rccther madtonty: “Delightful ns, these of yours. Al- returned. Ware strike me, whenever, X come, inte “My -dear boy,” he exclaimed, “wher hat ie hie ete at have you been?’ I called the other Mone then unt Gnd wag fled with alarm when they told | °No y. “He has gone. ue eg Morgan Thorpe brates oe his’ ae Mskowa tad sea. tra for goods on thet handig ot the = Which, though he did not intend, wae particularly accurate way of putting it, a pes sd gut up, T assure you, and} “I doi as to Layra— paused and smiled at|denly, a jo Knows his whereabouts. Bovby. “Well, perhaps Td better not say | Tim 3 if inlined fo think that he has gone news affected her. tales out of echool, eh, Deane?” He leaned forward and touched Bobby Sp Sheinee, 9nd Hobby prov, Ted and hut. “TI had a wire ea ome, and Fun down eu Morgan Thorpe slanoed. a him sharply. " Besitaliog. “At least—well, a right now.’ “Tm glad to hear it. of your people. was ill,” said Mr. an rales epgaue Tm giad you are back. We missed yo lear Deane, though you were away for | 9 ‘Trevor came t Wikis, butewell, ‘Teepor io: 'o douced yr your absence. I never caw Laura triste and dull. You really must come al ‘of us in my blood, in. my blood, my dear Deane. Hie would | and poor ted Bobby as | and Mustn’t tell | to “Afr let or a m4 horpes frank blue eyes. he mighi pl aitier emanate ? ag he ‘wal gone wroig—come Tuslneses but ive Thorpe had while 1 wae afraid one Gannt to Ana the PGivine Laura had not only de- a fellow, but he did't compensate’ us Barta but had insisted upon going to Lon- 43s had not dared to oppose her, for las!’ Some are born gamblers. It’s Rot the taint, too. Take tnd we chou ro o hang Ourselves. “It's tc0 rea ‘hat’s. why I am s0 you are , it will row'll “Dhat‘s all right. iis. Morgan ‘Thorpe paused at the door 60] & fatey expression of re: oment into Mori Heatly? Well, ‘Rthiea shot ight go to a worse ince. coming He With netic nod and smile he took his oe) reasion of relief grew more open Hee walk ikea. Away. For Mr, Morg2n had an anxious time of. it in J Donk to remain at Vevey, or remove to lon. You cannot affo: Narionat Bava axe sais nate Waters rd brain-befogging headaches. nis drug. 252. a box ai 121 He'll escape si at on | se abae you two whispering best; it is impossible 4040 SrOxG! Paora laughed s Af aaa and yet you must try to 9 bres Shite ine enone ols cite eane eating. mo, qHowt. Me] always more, even to the fanny man! Are you winning or losing, eet i a : Mar. Trevor! The former .ha'eome and| ‘The law of the harvest is to reap a ee the fire like good Mr. Deane and| more than you sow an act u 0 BRelaWorn under his breath. ~ | and you reap a habit; sow a habit “Losing,” he 6a Sour and you reap a character; sow a se eistursedl to tite fire again, an aharsola and you reap a destiny. Piri an. hour later Mr. Thorpe said, af- fectionately:: Laure, 7a dear, will you give us a lit tle champagne?” isis what is meant by bank- yt?” “Bankruptey is when (To be continued.) tan se your mo) your hip ¢ pocket and let ee prdioroake WHERE JONAH LIES. your se at ees “And so you think that some Tomb in Which ‘He Is Said to Have bisdecand-Rinnla Romie Rtas 7 Been Buried. “Certainly! Why, I had a canary te of Nineveh is almost per-| once that scipedl ‘from its cage and jumped out of the window , Na-Dru-Co Laxatives ‘ are different in that the do not gripe, purge nor d "The village is eh Nebi Yunus, calise nausea, or the Prophet Jonah, for the Continued use lessen their mosque contains the tomb in which he site map level; but adjoining the wes- tern wall are two huge mounds ae ooriceal the palaces of the ‘greatest Says a courcenendeny of the Chris- ian Her: but it was ty Poult Tae after the Hebrew prophet's time, How. ever, the er erat ened Biigeuda tira aie a —just once! an shut your eyes and abunch of fresh sweet violets, so petfectly have we caught the real odor of violets in Jer- ee Violet one Soap. it this is not We aves eight too, Behe autiful green of fresh violet leaves, yet kept this soap so c clear you can see through it ee Au hold it i. the Tight ist for ae via oie today. “10 cakes for 25c. Get a Jergens VIOLET Glycerine Soap For saleby Canadian drwteisis from coast ae including Newfoundland send 2c, stamp to the jergent Co, Lid'é Sherbrooke Street Sock onate. steep, narrow “I rode up. the ar fea come to el uenciwitte abcde ae oe made him understand. sae x host r lowed the priest “rough a a rayer- from which the tomb itself might be seen, but the place was considered far too sacred for my profane feet. The few Christians who have been permitted to see the tomb may look it een ta Ne 3 an i Free Gs neat "d Booklet, OWEMeAL Co, OF CARADA, LiMTTED: only through a Biall window into a dark chambar, in which a cloth- HOME Tested Recipes. —To three pints dd two table- Way to Prepare Ham.—Trim slice of ham t one inch thick and place it, in a covered. bakin ish. Over this pour one cup ree-quarters of an Bovey and brown for about ten in Datmedl Qoomieaacucone cupful sugar, one cupful flour, one eupful raisins, seedless} scant one-half cupful butter, two enpfuls. rolle oats, one-half teaspoonful salt, one teaspoonful on, _three- fourths teaspoonful _baki soda, issolved in a little warm water; two eggs well beaten. Mix the p dough from spoon on buttered tne ae one and one- half inches yay to Ure "Olek Tikes ne’ green onions, cut them off, that they be as long as asparagus, throw calding water on them, let stand, while they drain, cover with cold © hour, then|P saving dish, because cy can utilize all the onions, Iso be served with cream dressi ng: Dalioicus dish to eat with hot bis: - Do no ue gently till all the sugar is cents Place ove pour the boiling sugar into fen; beating the foam continuous- ly w 2 spoon, You will be s ised to find the jaisiurs fluffing and filling the upon the rface, ‘while below it remains creamy and eee Dough nuts,—Two cups flour, one- half deepens salt, one-half table- = aad ee egg. Roll ‘out one-half inch ‘thick, cut, out with 2 donghnut cutter, and fry in deep fi Uses of Paper in the Kitchen. the expensi easy to use, necessitating but site fleaning and costing next ‘thi eal, thebe fs no single article h us the hou rolled up and put out of sight as soon as soiled. When es cleaning has been done pieces of the paper may be rolled a, lighted and neat to singe the paper Whereas, the paper wrapping of bundles may be used i ithey siould: never be used when ‘they are come in dire ontact with In lining cake-pans, for instance, there is ne 8 a d it is never neces- cut a dozen linings than it does one if the kitchen scis- ‘Another Wale tals ‘o oil their pans with the | Eto bit of paper. Many s lost in search- hi loves to cut them. The screed alone consumes a large part o! housewife’s fines raitie if she could only learn to reduce the number of dishes, she ‘in, a eee mes to her aid. [i ‘baking, it is usually Hay ny 8 ie sift eh flour bei mei out the sugar ooth piece of raat oe is sea BE Nh it will not only save many as dish, be It the ipsnaile: are wiped out with'a swab of paper, ror to Tia ‘a large sorbed and the dishwashing Beaty ‘simplified? wash the dishes, scale them had leave them to drain dry if one has. #! enough to hold it. In case one has not, thiek folds of newspaper may be Spread upon le or. seb ‘tubs, and the aiken pened and packed one ae one upo! © paper ‘ain. as err nap and recoveres results. emptying. three scaldings a aa il it_sanitary Fried foods disagree with man; ‘because they are improperly drain d. A gen mi pinday night unless one BE extend meyiee inches beyond the ‘bowl. In the slit in he shape of a Mal to permit the insertion ne the egg ‘beater, set over the bowl, and the cream may be whipped without dan- ‘ing fruit whips salad dressings or custards that have curdled. dinary poe paper bags are ful for a ig bread-and Pegaentley |) ike celery. “tipsy keoging =the? part of the grease is ab-/5 yeas ae <= CA AS burs Te writes MosT PERFECT MADE THE INCREASED NUTRITI- OUS VALUE OF BREAD MADE IN THE HOME WITH ROYAL YEAST CAKES SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT INCENTIVE To THE CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE TO GIVE THIS IMPORTANT FOOD ITEM THE ATTENTION TO WHICH IT 16 JUSTLY EN- TITLED. HOME BREAD’BAKING RE- DUCES THE HIGH CosT oF LIVING BY LESSENING THE AMOUNT OF EXPENSIVE MEATS REQUIRED To SUPA } PLY THE NECESSARY NouR- ||] ISHMENT To THE Bopy. | E. W. GILLETT Co, Ltp, TORONTO, ONT [| WINNIPEG MONTREAL ‘from dust nd germs. They also be put over the mouth food cho} 8 HOW TO ENJOY LIFE. Agreeable Companionships Made in ; ‘ Should a man look upon his bread earning as an unwelcome task, to be hurried and done with confusion and at the risk of his health, with live. thereafter witho work, ii i ot whatover respectable occupation he has as a bore or gyn tee! a method Hy | of cerning. pie u vs ait on? And, if he so likely Whatever a man does dur- wf his active period he ought to qs with such orderliness and thor- oughness as to get from his daily |and monthly and yearly labor the pleasure that comes from doing his Kees well and the additional plea- re of so doing it that he a ee anytl =| to do it well enough. A: men who contract the habit ,of working wholly for the money are likely thereby to w them- ‘selves for the enjoyment. of a period of retirement; for the right-minded man makes agreeable companion- ships in his daily work, he. finds peg that call for all his brain and character—for endurance, for acity for sensible enjoym a that TOR did not have during your , |; Working days.—World’s Work. - remains Wencourens To Date. Peter, Peter, punkin eater, Bought and used a Seton beater, Now t! n the street, Benting microbes owt. of Pete. How He Knew, me sua: teleak ‘es collect-from me, ~ Medical Advice. “Well, you might try giving him bh few opportunities i in the daytime.” Stan (at piano)—They say you a Gas Yo a th—Oh, that itena t matter. Pray go on. a on od Liver Oil Hag pile of t] ds who, tou eae want oe ead easily ‘would otherwise take hold of you. NA-DRU-CO treserst NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. Restores Health By virfuo of {ts remarkable combi: scroful : Sait we nese AB or $Loobns obnyour Druewit.' "S11

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