Milverton Sun, 20 Nov 1913, p. 1

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nine . 4 4 3 3 laddin antle Ja: 3 Live Poultry Wanted! 7 Aladdin Mantle | amp We are prepared to buy poultry Wines nt “rls fest ig ash shige olan in any quantity at bigh- ‘ Common Kerosene (Coal Oi). Cait anand est CASH price. see the different designs and get pr 4 = —— KS : - bs P. NEUMEISTER S. Gleeckman, ~ Milverton 3 “it Shines Bur AML” ) Painter and Decorator MILVERTON FTTTT TF TF sy Vol. XXI—No. 20 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, November 20, 1913 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher B a | Do your Christmas Fhopping at| Do your Christmas shopping at|. Bring us your fowl. butter and ; ind + | Engeland’s, Engeland’s: eggs. pel seat heads off ae lb. Enge- ae f * LOCAL NEWS + Wanted 100 bags vot atoes $1.00 The price of tobacco will be advan- {land & s + | ver bag trade at Mohr’ ced shortly. are cst ticket at Hngeland’s for s Bring us your fow! ites ‘butter and Get a ticket at Engeland’s for a/ han ore picture or glass water ae etropolitan Bank ate, god Mes BN sun: [eRe Geers: Mende otf 140 Tb. Enke-|Indaeme picture or glass water set | for Christmas. RS ee ee gee ane for Christmas. esr Jas Torrance M.P P,. and . day with fri easton eS A) eet a teket dt Tngeland’’ tor A. Stratford wifa-beater bas been|W. K Loth are attending. the Nat ne hanitome picture or glass water set |threatened with the lash by the mag-|ional Live Stoc artleulture and Head Office : TORONTO week trom a business trip to. Winn for Christmas. istrate for the mext offence. ui Show at ‘Tor 7 | ‘Mr Wm Gatcke has purchased |: Local Option wilh be voted on Provincial 1 Gorsrament thr-ugh | Re CAPITAL PAID UP $3000;000-00 Mise eat sof eta ie Halts soe Mir: Chas “Witker the Schmidt jone city, thirteen towns, fourteen vil: | the eae DepTan cut a chee: RESERVE FUND & UNDIVIDED PROFITS —1,431,888.26 oo other fiends of Mr. Geo Gropv| jroperty for t lages and twenty townships in Janu|ed the injustice of eoking fhp Sinton 7 | OPPS iatay Bohesk ones oh the lane. temperance workers to bear the ex- Mes DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS ete Or vas cat Re Ol: Fle: Bvangelies) churoh, are busy practis- | Ad Indian lister was fined ten dol-| penses of de! Reon gute esl durday afternoon in ling for a Christmas entertainment. | lars and costs at Stratford on Friday | bytlaw vied the ballot boxes Issued payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST ness ‘Mr. CS, Grosch who has been| last for being drunk while on the| tampered w of remitting money. rice ‘han e ee a ths the Ser] cleaning, uo af the poultry shows in| prohibited Ist. heiress % ; | Vices in Trinity chureh Elma will com-| this district with his barred’ rocks| Among those registering at — the|sent to the president. : Milverton & Mittbank Branches: D.C. Brown, Mgr. gn apes Be consignment to|Contral Business College, Stratford is a ohemie fore sist in pay: Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday " th her friend M meet Pompetinon, tw haa mayer Me dais Tncureed by the-Local ist : alter runner Option Commi a Frot 4 vistock, : as . t@ Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph Mien thoca Kear cepreen tee Sui: The new | pareel I pecesecrice tae elvin Hanns: number, of our exchanges perio Sable iPmer at the Library 'ist. Iti is expected! that as one re- {mann ‘Milverton, is doing ot ZB Bone Tob Ney Wee aE nat sult. Montreal will be a clearing| A, year ago an Oklahoma girl ad-| throughout the country. It is ate ‘ohn_Ney . Watson. of Hamil-/}ouse for fifteen million parcels in- ise sost of $11.25. for derful how many people are duped ton. is at present spending | y aa ivi tire strakig- | <n = 2 == = — = = Sat i. the first threé months of the THE STERLING BANK | at the home of her par= Sne bazaar will be held in Cook’s (Schaefer's Bee! Spaeie on Noy- h.. 1913. es Ladies? Aid § ch Save Your ¢ Money paren‘s. Mr. iew F What aman earns is " rtou at a 3 ofan nea Ry not as important as what meeting on Monday evening We : cpa d trans r0) e saves. An office bo} to submit a by-law to the electors | "moue ‘bring your ie, ieee eats making $6 a we ee OF CANADA rPiehe coming muniepst stectons | SSB in the new old very serious afters and egarded | + * ee pee bey - A scbler ei preac eh shina an¢ nails aré worth two: cents the same light as robbing a mail | ‘* SHORT STORIES ee Bis ia actual Ny ening sella is AORN aero y rege ae poe 4 a man who edves nothing pomet |recently in Vancouver by new ar Mi sterious noi own cellar for The boy's. business 1a ay SAVE, because--- No. 59 Know Bech Other In Hea ee tent ie ge ace ar “ Honig Peat enue iNT, Mie Mi HOPED FOR THE BEST ing a dividend, ; the man’ public is scons invited to attend ings a ths a Bee ae is a failu: % : eran the . oS e stiscup ey i d yReill No m: The man with responsibilities must be prepared to q Oe ene ete i PRS Anke ih ke dae hie your ep ioe Digety : ; : county gb re 2 ee rove 3. pate he A vp to t iti make a serious miatare se! ss meet them, even during financial reverses. Regn ranma Spe wae kin ist) i when you fail to save a : owned) by Swift ,and c ‘he | etables laid in for er. which ‘hal rt it. When you get = oun. but it~ has | heen gatherdd from the arden, Sour Text wteeca canta’. ; HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto a At aves. epee og Paisley Advocate. Mele ap wae add. Yo alee > grazing in I s been int: ar and) it was "polind necessary to eit a Sot agianipete es o1 istence in order to fisting gis > S . the Phigheas onctent cath? > ¥ ink re con- i. c ele: think they aould pela ae Bae alt bores : get a w en Ie 5 re) ate: bea e er’s name and be} of esa ee ‘now pol i Ee ieee totem cosine | Henry Martin Hexnet. = = Pasa Aa Ta issolution of sugh | . MILVERTON BRANCH: : for damages for the eyes tonne guilty arriage shall r egal Mealy oe : joss} of plaintiff's hand by, an explod- ~ that ault |-vorce. an he father be already} > SE Beant d Mr, P, J. Fasken, Manager ini at ae at defenid- e prosecuted for! Demy e a seinienlesed atthe Par # my. and held responsible for the . aes 3 6 _ | we m child's Bela s sled at grrattara: lost weeks abel? F MRO IME ateno. Tt 3.1 The x of the cold storage : of all kinds at The Milverton Hunt Club weturned Merliham® of the Amiorican’ Hotel on loostoerns is ahi exhibited in the U bi an ' “ , on Saturday from Mowat where they |A0Til.3 last. 5. just now They bought up mill- | speaking of. 4 ‘ 3 ELttheteeeeteereneeeeee, Mohr Ss Grocer spent the two relies the On-| Mr. eir, the veteran anec-|jona of dozens of egms early in the Som Dempsey ‘ : y 98: | igneer of Perth county on his 59 sear, paying ‘the _mratucers from 18) aman to take a blag ; They eight : ea, peyine dozen, and.are now try {land in ia "minute be: was ee ae reer im pail |ueted, a sale ng cattle. cows ing ¢ fo make the consuming. publ’ piy form. Bologna per Ib .. 15 cents Soumplement Bish. if Huron wilt ad- ae see Fre ricer Taagaessrhi oes ee: mer Pee at a carried.” Headcheese per Ib 15:4 Saimin che-ehalent eieatte he to O'Reilly and the audience, “na an Liver Suasage per Ib. « Bunredotien id Obriat clita twenty minutes to two o Vil show you what I carry im my hand " rk ; and had all settled wo and | ing th eae oer eee all a iter in the bag” ne i tins “this (puttin « pan OIE Sliotil der.:perilb . wha. oat will: endeavor te hes present hW nd mb i bundle of ns Honey per qt. j: td ni that sion; of ] »m | vublic accourits oni tha 2ibs, Laundey Starch, “ We are again indebted to Mir, Fred | Maybe & Wilson. eommiss mer-|{q think there is any necessary work | this {4 mv fm mh hae td Zimmerman: w hese ane eing hoy y and! dll join in wishing ice | Unk Oroanerons wr Dr. Haugh. of Buttala: spent aday = ™ | Wepay: BUTTER 24c :: EGGS 30c ___|Zimmen shi | eounts of our good Government rut bad no funds.—Lucknow Sentin- HU A A nT rn AA i ui : : 1 SKE the editor ca pn anes iuntie te ar la fare = GOOD IDEA Inst: week with hie. friend Me, Thos “ihe Miron poultry fancies Wee Hien namnpion SuRbY eibemer went ih wala reaultin very MAF] y9 gcrious-looking mon wos try-|, Mis ees entertained a few - ee a rev Graoner. a former Sr a sc pa cups at the ‘Now Hamburg poultry | member of # a ; in| staff Hore: —"Ondipper. has developed * the f J. G. HAMILTON Sie eget "Ge i ent grm eatt his | side. He: report. ings ever Been in he este Sole Agent for three years in succession with r 0 ite Ware dotees. Neuméis~ e Real 5 L.@ PORTLAND tert won the silver ctip for best col solve. Pe ‘ 5 a Mr. © | game in! which /he Koes not cleabety paciah atuar kar TAD SCRANTON See Eons De ater ee toP ihe post i fans by .a spectacilar run. and | 99 aa than the preneding. ae The and in a-disspassionate tone asked ;— pe tien titated ST. eee collection of barred Rocks. hen Jerry gets poing he is amighty responsibility. for On ario's Hleclini Ss aie eeay aes f eheareoke ’ ANTHRICITE 9 Milverton Pastime Club reot¥ te ind man to bring birth nate appa'rently neni with the | yet we i with her son Rev. Perjury has Baiee mon | cities and towns. They. vith ar “why. no sir. Why do you aut” rd. venin| with scanixed Oe aT ae that moral, religious and deans: otto 22,920 marriages. were able|\ “Merely because I was abou CN. R Middleton as returned from ‘ Ik fficers jointed be the ensulni ye ‘President. H. the euggest uot at’ he bas an wrecks: deer hun’ unt in Muskoke - the sten med you might name Pay pS ke} Ae Sie wi lsome deer, E <| witht mut 10,910 marriages, 2.- | fase, we understand he lost his valu 028. birt Bho why “Good: Idea”? asked the ahh hound “Hagen,” : Miss Tossie Bt gner thas returned on Asta of | Becaus e man struggled hard | home after spending "x téw weeks to repress his feelings—"It should be] with her sister, Mns. Gee, of Listowel carried 01 Jas Freeman Jr's. — friends wen leased pep rene ete ar toe ir Meyers who is ma king: mndor ‘a \ Millinery Sale | ing: of nex ee eae the HIS COMPLAINT LOCATED > i. : at present by the scores who put i “Mr. and Mrs’ Geo, Dobson, of Mil- % to thein lips Ie Willie bad teen absent from sehoo! | verton. sient, Sunday with Mr. and At the Judge’s Court of Revision in a li yu hol teacher sent his| Mrs. ‘'T..Tanner “ jontest_ was between he nd compare 8 A pei Encampmen' hes fellows journeyed to Stratford iv cevening ‘te abtend: s Danauct For One Week ONLY, commencing SATURDAY, NOV. 15th to ry. the pl it Jed cone Tile and the “Dear teetcher ys ot wet in the will be tf alata fer am and sick in t lis irs. Ww resi- ionists Keoring about 30 forwanich to "Dr. Myers. who will sae rion Wot ; “f : Fy stvone thom It for the Baw: SATURDAY, NOV. 22nd peeD a wus to bave been given atthe | gal form 1 SY ot the Felenstion: RINITY CHUROHELMA. AY P.A last meeting. All ladies ‘are invited) ties owned earls of families and) 4 Brant fa! . who got his arith- urges Don’t fi tt ith th to, ‘attend, deeded to fae daughters for the pur| metic mixed and hii & A splendid meeting of the above as- ont rorges to:come with the crowd Two Miitbank ladies who were dri D the salaudr hitched old and have first choice of - Reena paar earns - day for Barrie where he has secur snin| — f ata man frequently pulling — his . dest covees at 2.89 horse and rig cross the roi ase S38 iti paaedl ni 5 Fe ig ae ae ot ae eee cee : aang In an item that appeared under this Hats fate Price $ = Gham proceed until they tnformed him themselves. pillars in ¢ a ot vas Se corn eae Seay rst | Reading, in a recent iasue with reference ‘they re fin- ration said to be unique in jority of rs - owing som ees Bete Siar Baka emt Rey annals bas been successfully vast ‘majority of i ane em|. ‘The topic for the evening—“The|on a auuiber of girls that were sak: ally compelled to Mrive into a aurgi har peeped orf ‘this opeii-air pe Rie crete ae ak! thee aca and seek assistance before they | verformed in London. Ont. Some time pros: that a good Ga: eee Cee BR pee oe ae pe kite yr scare CA =k Nalsy.vinite™ Gtr Hiedtlonce en. could rid themselves of theix annoy WB Phoenix. of Oak street. nthe burdocks wved the [then intoduce!: by, = |bave been 2 naeured thet the water was Main er. Perhape the young man may|fast London. a milkman was ve | ing: paper on “Wh ny we «| no rely warm, MRS. K. SPR Epa have thought that he was laying an | seriously injured when h 28] fd wrong with the veople. On being | interested ih pots hy is oy Balle 8 BUD) a 3 MILVERTON prank but it was a serious cl Grand Trank express at} ae inaeror ale rm | MeMane. This wart followed by the ae nee nevertheless. : te eppri ts ‘ 5 2 pean ie the poem. “A Psalm — of 'RELD— MULHOLLAND : ife.” by Mx, Elgin Smith Miss Att oe Tecent vet spel, has rendered chevon's a the boyhood of The marriage of “Miss -Aling T a country all hut, impassable and ha: D feiee pec dt ee eae = ein ty ais Sa0t THE EFFECTS OF PRAYER THE ICELANDER. brought to Geb teteaptint of the sgub'tseoue procured. rilver plates to) When interviewed and ine 8 La peace ae ne aE far Bay Mulhotiend. i i is i isi em = Ps vy 3 ¥ : cinksie peeatere j Getmonton Journal STi wat at peseuarent conta re Ua : ed up andthe | PMO, 2 Fe ereoultural evetone “ ; the | Mr. Richard Rel The Governor of Kansas, evidently| The Icelanders are among the most| would be pleased to hear from rate- i irmly in| ent asa ill. iy One Beale |< Wie Fae erie ae ee is not as firm a believer as some in eaeeatie Tespected of our ininigearts| waver’ wn: faimbrs, thoughout the se. ae the efficacy of prayer. since he has| Yet none have clung more devotedly | surrounding district suggesting ways tok Phoenix zat sabti as shbet time | cpp, i ai e hig reno By - \ ce : declined to isste a proclamation: cal-| to their own language and liferaters| aad means of Gmproving thé high| be able to walk asever.| cost of livin ete pense nee | eee Ce ee dist ehureh. Toronto ‘f ode ling for a day of public prayer in|Tho result? Their language is onthe| ways. The letters should be free| The Canadian OOS terran om ee Mane’s he de rarneliats cectaierea dha otr vor to relieve the drought in|curriculum of the University of Man-|from personal attacks on councillors] rushing work on the Paaoiaeas iff will hi Yat Cit have | the summary of the poem. “Evangel-| being present. They sailed Thursday ‘ansas, While his attitude may shock|itoba. Their professors are on our|and others and point out defects in| off its main line west of Toronto to| tq wait and Fee Eo He ee tu ho S208 on. the Empress _o| f Treland tok ee gome vole. nevertheless there secms| teaching staffs and ‘their students | the resent system of ‘roadbullding |the best ‘advantage but it is not will work out. As te [Udiebted the nudignse. Pe eee in kann, be warrant and justification for it.| throng our college halls, Last year|along with ideas as to how conditions| thought that the second track there i ; ‘ Tevtavslmoat too tuch-to sak Deit)|tha man t0 be choeep ithoder aoivien|eonld becinproved: eer alt before 1915. Th os : fe onening Bina i e TO CHEESE “FACTORY ‘PATRONS panera of mature in the from the University was am Toelander,| Los ay evening's rervice at| is now op'erating the dahbie ack | new ty fed. Miss Carrie | Aitter your: factory closes if you of any particular community |No that was two years ago, Last| the Evangelical chu ceaotaten | betarteal est, orem and Bri % fauine off on |! ; . | Ca ny varticular body of veople. | year the Rhodes scholar ren Te the ae Sor tie etek cis ast lene pune aoe catia oa nts re fel the eco and Reg aden ial eaates wee le ‘ay wie. eh : ennonite trained in bitli ag a splendid success. A full house : : HIGHEST MARKED PRICES PArD|German school, “Are not both of these | enjoyed two. splendid. wnther ae Mtn. thes worthy vie | for month. cheeks “payable st par. Send FOR CREAM ment richer for having entered ato) ered by the choir. two choruses oy 9 | Seeinente es adityink ahd -pleg? Rope — genes reasurieg of two literatures and the| members of the Junior Alliance’ and | Nex! m SpPasmert peril’ ertand to. wilisdax:| tr titione of two great vevplest ‘an able address by Mrs. (Rev) Gis- ee Drosera shi Sola toes TRELGAVEN AND _RANTON : ing: the fall and winter months can pend chler on “The price of Success.” This | ing to d ae a Dave Hoot _comsin, ta) Jock fawn Palm Chepmerd sae a Ecaeraiens secure best results by shipping to “WARRIAGES. sepenieation very. eotive. in hed purnralidtttionlesatn he: Wey of Teak in 3 rening Before leaving for heme the : ~eiRTHS _ the Walkerton Creaméry. eee at eee at the|Master’s vineyard. They donated sh00 cuts and deep gullies if is ae expect | must 1 to far tel wlmembers and visitors were ‘provided 3 All express charges paid. homd of the ‘bride’s mother, Mrs. | towards the new chia organ which a ee it will ‘be possible to proceed } la: i it with, a, refreshments by ‘the host- Schenck —At | Ehlice © ice on Nov. 16th. to Every can carefully weighed "and Fusabia Ditumer. on ie esday | Nov.| will be inatalied in. the nest future. farther .in the entire season.|old. There is only i ait | ess. Miss-Roe. Mr. s Christian Semen tested. Semi-monthly payments Lith. by. the Rev. oH Wei AG eae oetsee whlair all Yornelees on (Renuteiia tne eae ie brought sand that is an emoty| “ho next mecting willbe held at 3 ete eS ee Ea Se Las ¢ Fevers Friday See ae in the store] on toward Woodstock Lé6ndon.|stmoach. Like experience, ‘t is adear| tho 0 of Mrs. on Novem-| Foeeawday ‘Milverton. -REAMERY of Cochrane. Alta. ‘osena | vacated by Mr. H M. Schaefer should | but that will require foes very con-| tea but it teaches a thorough | ber ah A eeunied ‘oie a be in| Nov. 16th, to Mr. and (Wialkerton. Bruce County. ‘Ontario.! Mary Dittmer. be largely patronized’ by io public. | siderable time.—Guelph Mercury lesson. troduce\ by Rey. F Deacon. Engeland, a daughter,

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