oe noone ie oH <0 S0/ WISDOM OF THE FATHERS INTERNATIONAL LESSON, NOVEMBER 23. The Moral Obligation ok bani of Deciding Things for Our- selvess Even the [ost Ancient Things "Doings in Europe. Lady Grace of Westmore, the Beautiful and ‘mysterious English Sultragiat | Sent to Berlin awe Even at a meeting of scientific leaders “sensational’’ assaults are made these days on modern educa- tional systems. Not that men ie science expect radical changes Fashion Hints rm the German mini ters, aincladn ne ihe, imperial: ¢ QP. Hollweg, Jet Beads on Bags. be made in a day; not that tis fi é z “© fail to realize that readjustment of iths se orsedinely Wiese we the ig ss sateaivete ae n did that which i ii = [Season ea! er Pe Leader. Josh. 1. 1-9. Gold at whic! et On th Be re eee eee oe are son ee et ae ‘ pide lee ithe sight of eel etka Ge eae sarily a slow process. But even th fuat.ot Pemoud. Text, Josh. 1.9 i phewt Coognize the fact that our inherit~ y. hol ot © | jet beads, embroidered in seer Ee oa yea 2 thete his father Manasseh did. He | ance from the Past represents the / 8 human,-and when ter-|designs in the leather. ‘The band| xii :0t80, of Wostmore,, as eho: ia After the death of Mo-| ‘walked in i ere ds his fa-_ | matured experience of unnumbered el ‘se 1. or the svi ns thad nel oe ses—The Lana camped in the lan of the lowest Tone ae In_ Deut. 34, 8 we are told that ‘“‘the children of. Israel wept for of embroidery is often finished mh ntist \ tibly in earnest, his style may be- dangling bead “come a trifle lurid, yt Conway . Kings, xxi., Thus at the meeting of the Brit- 4sh Association Principal Griffith, a noted educator, roundly condemn- ed modern education. ‘We teach what we shouldn’t and leave un- taught what we should teach,’ was - the general count. Special counts h Rate Altes Nothing. rd °. Amon was condemned, I have no There ia an | : : actu: o. * | doubt, pashan of the ‘al evil) i | toast rT suppose that the So aes a “ings” did not intend and smooth and somewhat dull. Collars tor Mutts. Wlere tho birth wate. \ : "7 oh the remainder of Pra: ‘Whe’ cat 3 Saks Sete eee et einai a At Shree at at ple and muffs. Huge muffs of black or|° Jehovah spake—It is not neces. ment oh tae ses heal ae wad sulored fox have sully aboce Pele sary to think of an audible, verbal| {PO} .00® Chance fact that he dia? SS eeu Bessie Wakefield. is father Manasse! followed, We do not teach sex hy- |hands of wide pleatings of eream or| lan sentenced to be hanged | Communication _ fre chovah 0) Whether this be the asticean i = x case or not,! tion ictie } wade nob eniphasted charac: |/25F ye et mounted over chit: ORS panes ae “Weathersficld Conn., with | Joshua in this connection. Joshua ‘however, this latter interpestation Wiha tau ree tbs cones yi : fon, mes the collars to wear | remus: the Seso James Plew, for the murder of her | bad ong -been second in command t =e qinglo tees ter building; we fail to si co i tain: ciiffe‘ere finished at the| st ee Txtra tits |hushand, No” wens has bees | 82 ant of Moses, and the j.°P, othe be taken ax eminent | prngy of Miike dat eet orke: “D been 9 % ly er wense into education; we send to h wide, fichu-like frills off easter dets bangs in that State since 1876. situation natvrally demanded that| walked tea the ee ae Ne ar Oiianmienest ls, pated eae as a unienment and find ow Ral oe eth Bs aH take is snmnedigtely the reins it! many men and women to college fale and chiffon and not nearly enough of them into Novelty in Handkerchiets. seeccec dees carry out t vocational schools. es ne edged Bein are a no- to SERS 5 i Sie tirely saat from the actual nature] we must =) this for the reason that thee cat ase pede, woe eet eee most clear, | Of ls deeds. Even though Manas-|we have found out for “ourselves y student | them, with ruffled net, about an naa cert oung “0 S seh had been a noble man and aj that the ancient patl ‘with a and as inch wide, about the edge and some he contemplated the work that, the of histary, political and education- The : ; . ise sovereign Divaenc th | of them with a plain net hem. The peli obtained that ne nese Scommendin Pee ngs my cand’ the. best medus OF iu nt iimshad fesulted aite fa] cae eae ot kate al, knows that our defective system iivcots ‘eoct quality and there- | method to other PMs Boe |: carrying it out, he was conscious and’ ‘nobein’ eyils eHlll would | 48 ‘Coleridge puts it, in his transla- kub An Up-to-dat, en , : ‘Nler’a °« Fiat represents. wonderful progress aes washes ahd Wears well. at Be ua in a that the work intrusted to him was} Amon’s conduct have been repre- tion of Schiller’s ‘Wallenstein’? s when compared with the education- The Rose and the Bee. al conditions of, Once garden there! mind by the Divine Sp For this one thing is sure hat no belief is sound which is not the result of one’s own M on handker- rion the the ‘place nd = Self- ponte arliona. is the only Handkerchiefs ‘of | taken by Serviana Parks And” (Bulgariats, in a Sunny ms years ago. In Britain a veritable has a system of street lighti Brew adeep red rose. She was just and overwhelming conviction Deron. Fee oe. the laws of spirit, in the revolution has resulted from the | °° 7 = a ae ‘the hpstallation waa. almost. nished in| opening, and each day she ued he sould EL 2 ee which % Stic ae eae. extension and improyement of ele-| vhite, [ote nae wast dust belore the war Pinte, 2 leaf, saying to herself, “I “go over this Jordan,” and le astac ot a poesia nae tar bis inet) ae * mdividual character mentary education. But new con- pantie Saale and ‘the rleate staff | to be so beautiful that an sie the Bis of Israel unto the Tee If We Walk in a Cert Wi That acts in strict consistence with diliun ond uswisaiatienbatatbars| ratlee Asean S| world wil aetna Go sorbed arabe Dhan een taes borden) Sikes)! elf.” because our father walked in this od speaks to men acutely presented certain educa-| cost about 80 cents each. jay n all the warmest and - | br: ightest ae warmest ae ams to to-day as truly and as clearly as he ad to Joshua; way ‘before us, we may be doing Emerson called sbie: ay gospel tional problems, and it is for prac- Velvet Flowers Popular. duces et] give her color, an ight she|yet we do not expect the audible,|what is good from the standpoint | of Self. Reliance, and it is a gospel tical educators who know life out-| One big velvet flower is the ee prank all the coslest iad GUentsud eral coneep omen ie —nor] of the world, or we may be tloing| which needs as urgent breaching in side of the schoolroom to work out | #t Present. A huge purple velvet rops of dew to give her perfume, |need we think of such a communi-|what is evil. But whether good or| our day as it did in his. Too prone pss with many 8. id | and kek the soft night breezes|cation here. That the language of| evil in a worldly sense, we are cer-| are we to take what is given us ae ke of these problems, There nameless flower, rot plough stole around her she spread out the the sacred historian is figurative tainly. not doing what is right in a is, happily, much constructive ac- squared petals—either one is strik-| ws,, King’s eaters Poin. | Breen leaves of her stem and quiver- anthropomorphic does not ne spiritual sense. For the Baltanue do we accept the inheritances of ine. along this line, and results ing and in good form. With tl cia area ae by train from ‘Tole-| ed with pleasure. act from the value of his narra-| life is not a matter of outward con. theory and practice transmitted cannot be long in coming. me morning, when the sun was tive ce » ib ake formity, but of inward realization. from the past. Too of us are af Jere ising, she raised her head, bathed much ee o foroetulnes and beauty | It is spontaneous in its origin, and} afraid of our own souls. We dare ir price has increased, (oe bt aL” or ‘modern nd as the eiear rays fell} and gives to this ancient record a| not imitative. Its seat of authority | not open our eyes to new revela- really worth sign ‘andfath i i We tremble before untrod- Science, what stupidities are ut- they are every cen’ is the soul, and not the law. 6 | t! tered in thy name by cocksure dog-| that is asked for them. For they © Nitbote tood there, a full-|and value. only is living the moral life who is|den ‘horizons and undiscovered matiste!“Acman-calla’dimsel? a bis carefully made and are in good ie sie Saad a aoM Bande et | blown Beatty, loses’ minister—For forty years, iene his own Jife in sincerity and| worlds. And when there cometh Bitiaintiand tuecwmine at hie” iyle and color When noon pee and the sun|ever since the 2 of the Is-| truth, and thus serving G not/one who bids us break new path- . seni ahs i" Tulle Sashes with Beads. was. hot, rose heard a gentle|raelites from Egypt, Joshua had| necessarily asthe fathers served| ways God, we stone him and See cane eid noneenee'on 8) aig auction are made with bead: ly | humming, and looking “down she| been: the principal. assistant and| Him yesterda; his soul] crucify him for very fear, It is not “variety of questions that require edged ends. One, black and|its os a bee flitting about from flower aang ae ae es. Festi him He should be served to-| surprising to find Professor Bury, general knowledge, vital experience} white tulle used together, has a Ciao ek ower close to her. All at once|_ 3. u have | da; of Cambridge University, saying on and brain power. And Here is Sir|deep bead ornament on- th oh ae sithquele it due ite bee flew up and settled softly on|I giver a fistene Baty aee to Me saying this I do Hof mean to) the last page of his recent ‘‘History leventh. ceitury, was her leaves. “What do you want Ranttask and fait imply nee we should never"do, what] of Preedom of Thought” that’ “in Almroth FE. Wright, British physician, who poses as _an| 1. Sometimes pink cottered nthe ago for the t Der <1 The old church -| from me?’ said the rose. “T have come to ask you for a As I spake unto Moses Tho, pro- mise referred to is found in Deut. the fatl am making “no plea ney that superfictal radicalism eee is the first commandment of . $4.2 + ¢ ‘ authority on the many sciences in-|and white, blue and. white, black | rum aud he, rice of ae t ‘oon ft ee of your sweetness,”” said the|11. 24, which reads: trey place| which believes a See promise.” ev. John Haynes z, = ecause t] ie x volved in the question of woman’s|and green and other color combin- | 3° and st es Nay, En 4 oe J break witlt the par is the key to| Holmes 8 place and function in modern so- ciety. He has published a boo! Which he calls ‘The Unexpurgated Case Against Woman Suffrage,” but which is better described as] y, “The Complete Anti-Peminist.”’ He of tulle are used, and har. y<|Monizing bead ornaments are used if with them, Attractive House Shoes. eels and pointed toes, are em: broidered with silver beads across Black suede slioes, with Trench] the rativs thou éven one hws ons t God re Dame in the by Simon, jcomate de iver Euphr unto the hinder "(wentern) Ben sat pe your border. - The boundaries of the land of promise, the new home of the 3 HEALTH evesewr especially true in the case of sofb foods, which are sometimes literally shoveled into the stomach! Food that needs mastication will gener- ally get a little, even from the worst a mtfort, 60 of > deemed nation, were to be the ‘wil sinner, althou gh sometimes it gets : the toes and the lower part of the| Amavizy ‘the First, who wae a orp ewoetnesi dernesson the south, the. lofty| oe only enough to make the act of Sir Almroth makes no weak con- j over | Eine I pray you, my fair rose, let me b : Paes instep. They are cut away Thi Eipart kopt for iteelt the entrance| 4a. littl untain ranges of Lebanon on teeta 4 cessions of any kind, He ease the upper instep and ankle and are | of stone 4a, the Homan style, 60 the buyer, ont Z Pesiiabe Aa Sc Siig evant artgantule Tobacco. Thorough Soren ion acts in two , a ¥ ler, you, le. fe z: yay: Been te steer q alia}, they tated uealy to rae TAB eae pate the” agence” ot he ulstoris| Ore | ee at ee Ne “some, |tiver Euphrates, on the east, and| Although tobacco has dosh simak | ways, to oianlisiah Sis angling of food feminine mind is inferior to the) Wide black satin ri ag tae: Ald Obesity tn children though very unwillingly. the great sea toward the going down| ed, chewed and snuffed by civilized ot tke Speers eaters ous masculine; that society rests on| my es Sa cette Sat o | qalethers who are proud of t length a day came when the|f the sun, that is, the Mediter-| man for three hundred years, by of ae wk cd tanatientt | These shoes make attractive house thelr fine 6 pity be ponies ma "be surprised | felt. fie ae failing. The|Tanean, on the west. For other|means every one understands its|¢Upied by the work of mastication, . = mm thats 2 , on th : , Physical foree; that woman ought | shoes. sul Missy cane ee is ce specific designations . of these precise effect upon the human or-| the amount of food tal howe who to be grateful for all her blessings, Chenille to Border a Stole. jou conerosg jene week at the boundaries, compare also the fol-| ganism. No person of cleanliness| ally less. Furthermore, those who since she never could get them by fighting ; tionally narrow and ‘personal’? ; subordinating justice, law and all abstract ideas to their likes and dis- likes; that only unmarried and un-| silk, and the st happy women want the vote; that women are constitu-|of white chenille Chenille fringe, formed of senate |e eal of chenille is tied at dangling end Mi a little wick med. enital for Bick “Ch tded oy Pi ‘obably of Hereditary. “bredieponition. “An abnormal ion of the vaee' m the result chiafrens eh mdi nda _freaentiy ead fo ‘obesity in | her £9 in ed the ‘olor from: het leaves ‘scattered many on the ground. Just as the shower had ¢eased she heard @ well-known Immming, and saw fly down and settle upon her. “Alas sighed “my gone and a am. eaeyied and she wept tears of rain. 0 lowing references: a ie 18-21; Exod, 23. 31; Num. The land of the Hittites _North- ern Syria, extending westward ‘in- to Asia Minor. The Hittites were neither Semites nor Aryans, but probably Mongolians, whom they esembled most nearly in physiog- nomy and di or refinement takes snuff or chews tobacco nowadays; it is the practice of smoking only that needs to idered. Tobacco contains a vir- e action bad effects are ally attributed ; but it is probable thai certain product 8. of soins carbon monoxid, and a others do, for they ope what. so) swallow, and are free from the un- natural hunger that, ‘torments the rapid eater. Mr. Fletcher, the diet- itian, has q - vigor on @ m) food than most people think they 4] fe : that no tails are used with the er- rose,” said the bee, “do | ROMY ress. r pyridin, ca; sae ede: for sees iis | saitiescthe ebele achlack aud white from the eweetnzsy 1|i8 said still to persist in the peas-|rlatile’ oil--are aleo hurtful, sepa # to tho neal heavy emigration to the colonies. Catae ln eeinh gis: Tees made ntry of Cappadocia, Their most} That tobacco does affect the hu- oe er ioe tah at oiGes ihe i i 1, poapeious national period was|man organism injuriously is cer-|of the rapid eater ar A book of this sort relieves the| Gives Point to a Garment. sad for hand machine embrold-| . om bate al ian ©. 1000-700 after | tain; the only question is how much| unbroken lumps of food that pass ne, in Bits oe ie ie nce Fetgin| therein a legacy which will delight| Tr lier date they were ab- tobae it takes to produce those | into his stom some cases the digestive juice struggles with them its end, fro Not fi of “home embroider. ‘good ind maghines, men long after your beauty has he Assyrian empir the movement he assails, ren gperatine near two | faded forever.” sorbed by t is. te ¥ a de, in, they cause much dis- full of whitns, crochets, fallacies, | jin, mathe onie| The rose shiveréd as the wind| 6 Ae 1 was with Moses “he nar “ri sahara Aan a arte contort ‘an often 4c serious dis- prejudices, gross misstatements of| white will not have high favor in irs, toh aim Cored away her. ast leat; leaving | eee ee il eecge thet aha cane tha Rai BEG Bestee eles not en fact to hurt the so-called feminist | combinati ane ea eee nase the 8% | tinuity of the nation and of its high|orothermas, A tow men ene Children, should be movement, Even opponents of wo- aie predition prepay ee peared fo be which formerly =o una eto accommo- tke me gal rae ne S ©"! purpose was independent of, and] a long lifetime without suffering | Chew their food well, aoe ite feay man suffrage or any other particu- site Onloss OF Ae act me tae eT ee not broken. by, a change in the any apparent harm; but others pay | condition of the mouth and tee lar proposal will laugh at its viol p inet materiale Sulotee ei |e! fing. Ht TOS cenit 2 Saar person of the leader the penalty of a very moderate in-| after life depends upon their doing ; es wr will laugh at its violent and suits and coal au iff a nine ‘has not asiven the Put to the Test. he will not fail thee, nor forsake dulgence by S Gaunt indigestion, | 8. If the jaw does not grow pro: Spchsuedities, ne out of cate and : : —A promise quoted by the au- perly, there is not enough room for ™ Sree eee er. to] 1 of minor oe iu Little Willie's father found his thor of the Bplible to: the Hebrews | the teeth. Now, the growth of the f ein ay a s white tulle | Wi character ot a -| youthful son holding up one of his ot Rihe MOii= the Blugat ct depends in’ large measure on CAUSE OF FOREST FIRES. wilk |Cortnae arken sae Ba the es and saying es mo: ee content with such things the nue oa wpon hs iis ere mm 7 stich} him, “How much is seven and| a. ye have: for himself hath said, do, Th themselves suffer Sun's Rays Focus ‘on Discarded ele of the tale: “A single length | "Si% rt roduetion| Seven, now?” “Bah!” the father|T will in no wise fail thee, neither also. They miss the active circula- Empty Bottles, ack velvet, ribbon, very nar-| Sheil al don ae ard: the boy ceayy (knew: youl win Tin any wise. tofiake thee”? tion. of the blood, the stimulation Governmerital authorities are al-|70W, hangs pendant, vith some: or. | meckinva (Heb. 13. 5). Compare also Deut. he gums, and the cleansing of . : 20. 4 cause for the fire, was in Seb Br et Mes a tame house snake, After the finger had si [Ror Sones emphasis on the per-| 4), taste for smoking little by in: 30-years, he the act of peal Poh edie bears api uindloaad the losses pare] themibenis, thet killa rate ‘heedieg aid genet At it eon For Meaderatinrct Jehovah, com-| ier? Datos ee RE ANE hie Leow hy SME ALON, hake: are covered the bottom of a beer bottle | of the bodice. To this is fastened,| Speculation leads to peculation, then. eyed. the Sean apprehen-| Pare Deut. 31. paisley Th is hardly necessary to {31,586,000 seconds in a year, I mul- lying on the leaves, upon which the | : , Se sively. ———a~.—. 3 that smoking is a habit that, | tiply 20,000,000 Og ee i eo Knew, cor , 900;000, 000. en I mu to mye Se eee green] oh Pee Gs Ww ey s fhe qruatten, boos Did it Taste Any Different? by_ reason of its costliness and ite be, 00. by 30 and get 45,000,000 ; 20, - r great fore pleat HOG Pama yetiner en erens caeeiten cd ee Taufin’ AW Swng! “Waiter ?? sou Se ae yor 000 by 80, which gives 900,000; and tg 9 5 « cs ry narrow Ih ot ., fires, but if it is true that fires ae Robert was about to have another) Fanny “s jest wondering whether Ah had| ‘{Yes sir.” ated is dar better shunned altc-{6,000 by. 80, giving 180, , measures taken to pre-| birthday. In the past the fun-mak-| Fa; ‘anny— a’ am. been bit or stung.” ‘What is this?’ z wether.—Youth’s. Cémpanion. I these prodpets and get 946,080, - yent hunters and lumbermen from| ing alt ecn so hard and reckon wet what ,does it = as m sorry, ie ate oe nai eeice seconds in 30 Midd aren is throwing smuly bottles carelessly | prolonged that it left him fatigued! mean? . Pada 8 phonogray SCS} Why We Should Masticate Our |-swer was given in 14 seconds, away may mean the prevention of| at night. So this year, before he| Fanny—To take in. It requires a ee thas to~ re- er rry it got mixed up with your “s Fo oe much costly sagwuntion: Deacher—Yes. Now give a sen-| Member a woman's birthday and, plate & See sir, It’s a mis- S: ‘When a fellow carries a picture é tence using the wor yet forget her ae take, When we do not chew our food}in his watch there is uswally a wo- a iS rT Had sai anny—My aunt imbibes. board- ene mae ‘adit properly ie Cus oases 2 ass i rears % a you @ pen- S| ers. “Edison eclares ashe, hi many, an n serious in. their jones—* nies and Billy had four, and Ae a Be eg mise sine per night '5/ one bee “ eee natal tee eee sod Sret te | daughter the Tustin 4, ave a fook his an sir them | to yours, | “Oh,” We imagine that a dumb barber) enough for any “gan.” Kidde life!” Mr. Wye—‘‘Yes: and|In the first place, a 0 been what + make ”’ tired to would be even more’ satisfactory} ‘‘By Jove! Thay is exactly hat an qlah ee heap aeetees does not chew his tesa sufficiently | “Not much longer. That's why I ble.” than a d iter. my baby thinks | | 2 is sure to eat too much. * That is| want to get married way of forest fires, since Canada’ suffered severely in this respect in blouses, ‘According to some| t theories, the cause is very often | or two recent years. empty glass bottles. Tt is an unfortunate fact that in\ the nee | et ol embroidery is orked into white satin slippers. an Color Scheme in Favor, aa nlatufactoned 9 on Fact cad Fancy. If we'd look up more we'd see more. sunshine ihe rich Filipino’s cigar is a foot ecording to all he law—The law ‘s te. be strictly , mark, and han this allowarice, of over-indulgence in tobacco are s, poor sleep, indiges- tion, sometimes failing presale and frequently an irritable hear with a rapid pulse, frequent ae ation, irregular bene and occasional SI uy follow upon the act of chew- Eo Nath A “LIGHTNING CALCULATOR.” Patient in Asylum Cannot Read or practically every hunting camp ight green and pink, a color ae man’ 8 fey horse sense when he i bbi a the inwardly digest’” that law, earry-| naro: ot Write—Solves Mental Problems. there are men who are fond of sauinaton that used to appeal to| can say morning ae rate ate he world | ing. out its mea ehions te thelettors|s Meh Btcthers alistapbunoae ante ‘ RTE their drink, and = as in our childhood, is a. combina- Hark Dwain smoked 3,500 cigars} Breatest multipliers in the wor! | Have good success — Literally,| sunctional, and disappear if the| A doctor in an asylum at Nan) tion r ES aoe ae erst arene aaa ‘wisely? smoker sires up his tobacco; but} has discovered among his patients Avtully simple girls are simply 8. This book ofthe law—“This| ip hep n the indulgence after] @ “lightning calculator, who, = glass cast into a -bun Hither Bitten or Stung. obviously refers to the ‘law’ de-| 1h. ated 6 Thalae though he can scarcely read an leaves will catch the r: The face, to prevent’ wrinkles,| An aged colored man was passing scribed in Deut: 31, 9 as written by ‘ine at ales eee will follow, with| cannot write, aa yee eee fae sun and Eee just an should be wiped up—never down. | 4 fish store when he stopp. to | Moses: and delivered to the Levites abnormal changes in blood-pressure} métic problems involying large fying glass woul kirt of it much aaa and|* The Italian government has ®! examine a huge turtle cas in| and elders. That it embraces | fom which he can hardly recover. eke al te round the bottom and along | monopoly of Playing cards, whence! jhe doorway as an advertisement. | considerable nucleus: gf the Penta-| Aaj) this is applicable chiefly to} Asked “How many cere f the drapery that |‘ aevetue pt Feds never seen a turtle, be-| teuchal epidatise (including, ~ d middiesaged | the: 39 years, 3 months, an pery had a tle, the young an os nearby. He went looked a Hf aie ae win a man’s love pith co fcteclorvan keep | it that [tose aie he prodded the strange Suddenly he popped is Meee into its mouth with a howl o: course, the bulk of Exod. 20-23) few critics would deny.”’—Dummelow. Have not I ponieaided thee t— should not smoke in any stances; and old men usually ees she requires while doing it!” — re in hours?’ he gave the correct answer in 82 seconds. Explaining how he enlasliated the eed of seconds