Last there were 1,061 cre- mations in tn the Ki gdom, the largest number recorded since ‘Gy ian fa tonan 40 Hoglieh rail: HELPLESSNESS Seay werougi the Rich, Red lood Dr. Williams’ Pink Bow) Actually Make. Thousands of women suffer from headaches, ack aa _ dizziness, lar and ‘ew realize that ite eae: Pei comes from the bad state of their blood. They take one thing for their head, another for their stomach and a third for their nerves. ‘ that is the cause of all the trouble. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills will cure because they actually make new, ‘rich, red blood, which reaches every 0: and every nerve in the body, oo with it a now Heal and Mrs. a eth. Charlottetown, P. ay i oe Abe ES hee ae use of tive of Aberdeen, ug Catarshozone doesn’t stop at the re- } oA illiams’ Pin! ls was one lef stage—it 8 —keeps on of the most miserable, women liv For the first time in the history going “till a cure 1a effected. Bod Pag secret, MMcrable, women liv’ |of England a colored man has been |Si0s , ti, # cure ls effected. | Bad Seda. lites ot constant dread, 1|°lected the mayor o borough: | the following letter: “Hvery morning te Richard Archer, whose father |for six months last winter I awol was taking weal spells.eo that I] (alm jucmrd Arohen, wiose father SSeawak Cottld not be left alone, It I walked from one room to another my heart would palpitate so violently that I feared I would die. I was continu- ally sending for the doctor, who told me I had no blood and that my nerves were shattered, Notwith- standing his treatment I did not better. ig on my stomach, and Jeast thing would mal to be lifted like a ‘child, and the pain was almost ui bearable, I was in this Siete un- ppecion when my husband read Williams’ Pink Pills, an me a supply, When I had oxes I It much better, and could go about ‘the house. I kept on taking the }Pills a I had used twelve boxes, | ‘and n truly say they age me a well woman, Inde I not ‘think I would be living m now but oe ‘Dr. Williams’ Pink Puls ‘could persuade every woman vio is ‘sick to follow my example, for I have proved they will cure the most 8, so Pills through ‘ny medicine dean: or jpaid, at 50 cents a box or six bo Yor $2. 50 from The Dr. Medicine Co., xXeS Williams’ Brockville, Ont. FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL AROUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. ‘Occurrences in Tho Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- meroial World, Somé 9,700 fewer persons were sont to prison last year than in the preceding*twelve moaths. vay built @ low car especially + cransport it. There are two officers still sur viving who rode in the famou: Balaclava charge—Major Edward Philips, 8th Hussars, and Captain Perey Smith, 13th Light Dragoons. The British Museum has book: written on bricks, tiles, oyster shells, bones and flat BOB eR ee her with manuscrip' isms loathing. parchwente bens lead, iron, copper and w new Temperance ‘Act. is to the Persons who have had than sufficient liquor are no longer at liberty to walk in licensed di Bucksburn, at he advanced age of 85 years. Mr. Paterson was a na- Bee eiea Meyor of Battersea by a majority of 1 y Damage to oe extant of over £50,000 has beén-done by fire at the premises at 33 and 3 Endell Street, aluable films Alfred Russel Wallace, who work- ed out the scientific theory of evo- Tution by natural selection contem- poraneously with Darwin afd: inde- pendently, \and then generously yielded the palm of-discoyery to his brother’ scientist, died rently 3 in his home in Dorset, At Perran Port, a little vais on the coast of Comwall, near Newquay, there is a rude little stone oratory, measuring 25 feet by 4 feet, known as the Oratory of i “Pian, who<wie sent .to, ling: 0 land by St, Patrick in the fifth cen- tury. The church, after ‘having been buried in sand for 10 years, was ay at dae discovered 1835, and is pst y the carliet structure in Eng! nm und, close at pains isa are structure or amphitheatre, compris- ing an area of 130 diameter, ae seven rows of seats that could Persons, History relates tht miracle plays were performed re at various fiance Doctors ‘ation Oily Liniments Public Are Warned Against Strong- Smelling, Oily Liniments Con- taining Harmful Acids and Ammonia, Many people have | clung to the old. fashioned idea that thick, greasy liniment is the best kind, Doctors ee not—dnd they know. oily Untments Were analysed, and they An a Karas donor ‘has given | yor, ound to contain an enormously £10,000 Stree for the | nigh percentage of harmful acids, and erection of a Agricu uate, such initating chemicals as ammonia, The will of Svalton W hitehead, et the et th . fei pit, | 1 ‘Colwyn Bay, formerly o! ehoot sation when first applied, : 9 but their continued use“never cures fit be a been proved at Theumalism, and only deteriorates the An Ulster athletic club is to be|6 started in Birmingham to oo young emergency ster. y has been bcos ei *gouth Shields North by fennel schrough which an electric way wi any ‘ae Sat MacLeod Fr. remation was introduced into the o use, becaus pountry in 1885. ramps, diarrhoea, stomach disorders, Tn a motor ’bus pigeon: earache, toothache, headache, tor comply such minor ailments. Nerviline is a fifty and pie alton belore B he| first-class cure. There is scarcely a: Be obihini’ silicstias 60 use’ dt for MCBe: 0 ain, internal or external, that Nervilin won't re, clan purposes. nds of homes no. other pain-reliev- Instea of running a new Jovem ing medicine is aie Fifty years’ under its 0 ndorse- ib tata turiation; and cau: premises and mor Caters semen on A familiar figure in the Bucks- perates on a burn and Bankhead district hi ee san neg era creme, ie instantly to e source of the trouble. me ie ayes oes s rich, fragrant essences and hea Gare eae SS: » | bi athed in vapor form number of these white, | 2& Your Bad Taste In The Morning Is Due To Catarrh Destroy This Poisonous Disease ore Your Health is. Seriously Perhaps you haven’t thought of call- ing those unpleasant symptoms that affected your nose and throat by any particular name—but it's Catarrh just © same. When the attack is severe, your through a special inhaler and give seas elief, stuffed up ing my nostrils,” writes Rob H. Rutland, of Regina. “ was 8: in awful case of chronic Catarrh. Relief first came from C; ble, coughs, colds, headache, or ca. rrh.” No medicine on earth is so certain rekeepers and ela or The Catarrho: zone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and ‘eee dose Canada. SPIDER-S LK. pecially Suitable For the Nets That Enclose Balloons. The silkworm is by no means the only: crestnre thet produces. silk. Spiders make their webs, nests, and egg-cocoons of a kind of silk that i is ederaue are bali finer than those prodiced latively stronger. The some of the large spiders of eahicel countries are strong enough to e tangle small birds. As early as the seventeenth cen- tury, travellers in Paraguay found that the natives made clothing from UE Bee and West Africa; notably in inese province of Yunn an, pike the so-called ‘silk of the Eastern Sea’’ is produced In the year 1708 a French jurist, Monsieur Guenaux of Montpellier, succeede pro drew the silk directly from the ody of the spider; and the material he oe The pain-subduing liniment, such a: “Nerviline,” to be superior to any of the white ammonia liniments, In his twenty-five years of practice ad witnessed cases of rheumatism, sciat- ica, and lumbago that simply would not respond to ordinary treatment— but Nerviline cured them. same hysician also 5) eat ad- Bes ‘ofession are proof that. Nerviline is the liniment for the home. What are Post Toasties? wafery bite of choice Oorn — perfeotly. flavoured ‘Toasties’’ are for break- aie ‘or any other meal—serv direct from package wi oream or suites and @ sprink- ling of sugar. Post Toasties are conven- tent, save a lob of time and please the palate Luasenaaie But atter all, a trial is the best answer. Grocers everywhere sell Post Toasties .Postum Copeal Co. Lid. ‘indsor, Ontario, Lae, || rose is off No Job tor Him. Mik tat, jsecure mans! after serving for years fae oné of the Promptly at 7 o'clock in ine ing he began as duties by walling ed his first fore- the gang to 0! “Ye all ie to worruk for me!” he shouted. ‘‘Worruk I say! And I-want every wan.of yez to under- stand at wance ie I kin lick any man in the gang All qgulltved ie insult except, one giant-built pareic; who step- Hee oa Wk “Oh, I can’t, can’t 1,” yelled ik u can’t,’ came back the ie we: “Well, thin, go to the ae and draw your money.’ I'll have man in the gang I can’t liek, Ag ao A tourist calling at, an Trish tage, notice which was a r of the rose?” said = Pal the gra the man what threw the brick,” "replied the ie _—t-____ Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, &o, it 4 Se silk are carried on in Mada- e Hennessey, a hefty young] your with a eeeous espe- cially aitialie terete: neta thay on close, balloo ee Present ‘the most promising ts in the production of by the silkworm, but they are re-| Your bre: ebs Latest Picture of the President of Frat &____. The Better Way. — "Do you #0 through Mrs. your ‘inubends pockets ii . Hoyle—“‘How i: that?’ - Doyle—‘‘The doctor says that he must ed excitement, and I think my method is better than sradie him by asking him for money, As-Tuek Would Have It. “Sure, it’ * Mike, the boy, that’s the lucky m aly wai Be lucky ?? Wy) rby, mum, he got insured for $5,000 and the very next day he| fell oft the ladder, paintin’, and] broke his neck.” A Bad Heart, Its Cause and Cure Sometimes you wake lar; ae abdomen, and cause horrible anx- Eyonr Rouble isn’t with the heart at all. Thes msations are the out- come = ‘naigestion, which has caus- ed gas to f on tis stomach ani ig ae Aaninst the heart re what Bappened to Isaac Malloux, of Belle River, months. ad Iw reak, sick], My aj petite, ‘vas poor, food fermented in ine stomach, I had friends divized, Nothing fone “One I eived a sample of 5 Henttori ‘ills, nd my cure Your druggist or si torekeeper sells Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, 25¢c. per box or five boxes for $1.00. By mail from C uftalo, N.Y., right. Tf. yo Red, Weak, Watery Byes of @ramulsted by lids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Druggists Sell urine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Fi ail. 1c Good . Need 'y Co., Chicago Murine Eye R: Certainly! “But listén a moment, Matilda. Don’t you think a good husband ought to tell his wite of her faults 7”? Ranier: a good husband doesn’t think his wife has any faults.’’ use a large spider At the school in a superb glossy yel- Ter butte color ie nice pepmmenieet! pone Gari WHERE vibes IS TIGHT. ‘Everybody suffers, n boots are tight nam's, 2c. at all dealers fan work in eotuartion with the |® France has ordered 35 more aiintble Balcones Minard's Liniment Ci Diphtheria. More than 300 species of fish are possessed of voices that are audible to human ears, LIQUID SULPHUR cleanses and heals. Oftentimes They Are. pein tne claim that eyes furnish a in other fellow has a rude and violent ageesat "| Mtinard’s Liniment Co.) Limited. @ | benefit. from {he uso of MINARD'S LINI- jentlemen,—Last winter I received grent MENT in re attack of La Grippe, very a ko and I have ‘sequently Bipred it, to be v effective in cases Yo * HUTCHINSON. Omaha inventor has pat n tented n‘electric alarm for * refrigerator Geb pans, “uiguio » SULPHUR cures any form of —__4_____ THROUGH QUICKSAND. A Party ae ae ae a Terrible Fording a» river Se there is horses out of a burning > In he Last of the Plainsmen’’ Zane Grey describes how a party of men dered in all ee firm, but water oozed out routs my like jelly. I pu: the crust, and #l a k me can you ford this stream horses ?”” I asked Emmett. ust take our chances,” re- “We'll hitch two teams |# ISSUE 4813. ' and I beds tages han this. am stuck ane a the ae anes ought to make—and usually she is| > cht. SAN f ey ne Eye hemeey ae BIG CRACKS ON HAND AND FINGERS Eczema for Three Years. Broke Out on Head in Scales. Itched and Burned Badly. Gsticura Soap and Ointment Cured. Lyons Brook, N. S.—‘‘I suffered with Taid g g g 6 ‘4 3 A 5 3 scalp, but no for pimples, blackheads, red, rougl itching, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry, falling hair, chapped hands and shapeless nails, nor do it 80 druggists m his son into # mount, and plunging, splashing along, got through at a pace very near a gallop, He returned in the —— same manner, and Say Many, Firmly Convinced They Are| ad place near the other side. Dying of deart Trouble, Hare|), Jones and I got on the first war Often the Strongest Hearts. gon tried to coax up the four splash. spray; the stream rushed gurg- ling ‘rough the “heel the Mor- mons yel I wante but everything saa iden liye vail Ton yellow my oa ney a et mee hear what he t wagon-wheels oe a Seeks 4 ee RR, most lurched overboard. A muddy splash blinded me. I cried out in my excitement, and punched Jones in the back. The next moment the keen exhilaration of the experience We seemed to rse down ! £, suspense, in which the imagination pictured another tragedy added to the story of this deceitful river—a three horses dragged their com- rade out. of the quicksand, Once ; he regained his feet, and plunged on. Spurred by fear, all ee remaining distance to the other sid We made that fine and easy,” remarked Emmett. ———_ tr ___—— Removing a Splinter. A splinter in the hand is not only uneomfortable, but ae dangerous, it may cause oe aon You should, therefore, always. r move a splinter pencil you feel a is you have no su’ rument + hand, excel cellent | trees rome pe re rom an ordin match. Split the kent a Tittle P way down the centre, and to ex- tract the splinter use it just as you would a pair of tweezers. eee. tering ‘place, reached" comfortably, nn now what it conveniently by the Chicago Union Pacific “Twas treated for & long time and it did | & North Weed Line, vi e fastest and not do any I gavo up my work for | most direct routes, amidst the luxurious miontt but as ‘oor det doing my Soe of the compartment, oth and pbdervation” pRulor, at the mo- ngrave: work seatn coe pcs eek Tuat oe DAS lara’ and homelike Tourist ear. Ghee Reps Three splendid trains daily~The Over it did not do any Ono day I read |1and Limited, fastest train to San Fran. bout Cuticura Soap and Ointment and |cisco—The Los Angeles Limited, three decided to try them. I sent for a sample | ays to the Magic City of the Land of and I used thom til. T saw it stopped the | Sunshine, via Salt Lake City—and the ftching and burning, 00 I got threo cakes of | S82, Francisco Limited. Double track, one | town. The Charitable Williams. At the funeral panes of an el- » Va., the following colloquy was ees between two aged negroes: “There ain’t no use in talkin’,’ said Mose Barker; ‘‘Dick W: ane he was the most ‘charitablest man dis town ever seen.’ “T reckon dat’ darky to whom ed so,”” said the e paus- ed as if waiting for evidence this: point. “Yessuh,’” “Dick Willia: stabaued Mr. Barker, » he always owned refused to lend dat hat to any- pastas havea | A WARM WINTER COMING. mae vrerall (uiCel (orale, the land of eternal flow signal. protection, rogk bal Tasting, tres dining car service. illus aes an shit particulary Ghee ine Heatlon, Rennett, “General Agent, 46 Yon , Toronto, Se one Jones—Did your Ready to serve ter ti -unsur- cady t0 serve after heatitig—undur n't waste. quality aad favour ane fit preparation, The Modest Enthusiast. “How did you enjoy my sermon??? “Fine, know a lot of fellows you were hitting hard. EDUCATION. , LLIOTT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, ‘4 ronto. Canada’e Popular’ Commer. cial School. Magnificent Catalogue tree FARMS FOR SALB. 4. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street Toronto. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Farm write H. Ed Colborne St., Toront father-in-law | ¥) ‘ow Yes, the rest of the family. Minard's Lintment Cures Garset In Come. | HW. DAWSON, Colborne 8t., Toronte. nee. Te elle DOUNRE: 120* If you think ee average woman de weaker minded than the aver-| ge man, you are entitled to an- other think. att, biouip SULPHUR and. prevent wane is the place © which Poe. 0 in or dingeacatis things pagel ae Kendalls Spavin Cu e The Old Reliable Horse Remedy vin Cure for Spavins, Curb, Ringbone. Lameness at Z uggists everywhere, $1 a bottle, 8 Po, also ask for a copy of our soil chard, 2 wells, Kes house, s,‘number cof’ onoclient, cotvalld: ings, 1 mile to R.R. station, ‘Ket. Terms easy. Apply to Estate. Exchange, Limited, London, On- tar! NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. OUNTRY WERKLY NEWSPAPER Fi Bale in good Ontarlo town, Exce opening for mau. ph puseays, Waite ing Company, Toro MISCELLANEOWR R SALE—SILVER PATCHED FOXES, Cc alg dark reda, wie eh to buy 100 als Mink: tor Ste TEEDOSeE Aeok Strathroy, oan TUMORS, LUM. ETO., Internal ‘and external, cured with: cat paid by our home trentment.. Wel us befor: Dr. ‘Bellman Medic Oo. Elntted,, Collivewood. ALL STONES, EDS AND BLAD- H der vam SRanol price $1.50. Another new remedy in Disbeter-Melltine, “and sure. ours. 1 abe ice | $2. dru, r direct. he Sanol Manutas: droge Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Mf When buying your Piano insist on having an ‘OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action '—orwrite to = B.J. meen COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont 80) 4 Sue Pe To Agents gy will give thie 4c gold. titled ne Telia your intial ey gd owe ie gam ring oat ne £ ete neta of a eoauticel eta ees miata “tt i ce ee Pe es aaa Tiooaat ii Coriitiant) salen at sor ae fl tS Ratent eas atten name and a Area and end yon fet ctradte fell aire old wahoo wil the ring ‘you chectes Homer-Warren fie popu . Toronte cupboars Ae you are solute! contamination or ‘mepsABet ind. lated white sugar packedi thee sheen ot Mcliod keas, rs can supply aa topiaes Coon: have Be Lawrence Sugar. higuen SULPHUR banishes RHEUMA- TIsM. He—‘‘They say kissing brings on diseases.’’ She—‘Well, a little ill- ness must come into every life.”’ Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. Every married man believes that ee household beara could be t in two if a chance turn his bieiaets acumen loose to ‘on the job. to leave it; another time LIVE FOXES WANTED M0. coPeATT, = oie, Ont Why we pay more for your RAW FURS JAW FUR HOU t oolleoto: URS in Ca jence, I A PRICE to You. 0 CANADIAN RAW That means larger markets and a LARGE! Ship direct to us, Shipm separate on request, Fall price tist now ready. Write for It. HIRAM sonia LIMITED, si wie St, jontreal. Mail Dept. “0” CHAMPION EVAPORATOR MAKES IT SYRUP NOW is the time toglve your Maple Syrup business serious attention, Order ree and rour rator In plage ok feather alts fn of your first—and mos! =tuns of sap. “Write fo Lal who sent MOVING PICTURE MACHINE FREE Moving Picture tern combines atti machine is complete with 2 will give this guleetd Machi large at o25 will sell 40 sets of vou eat pear ful cards: ae eal set (6 best slides, lamp, chimney, go 3 everything all ready for onr name to-day and we 5 one you an Didone outfit, with “a charges: prepal HOMER- WARREN CO. DEPT. (57 TORONTO