Sve di cobaeh from Ottawa says: 4 Id crops in Canada totalled in | 4 jue nearly six hundred million "report - from five thousand bediagdua bine a Canada, and it will be s before the official fig- The; ail indi: » both as peaerde acreage, pro- aiion and values. For spring hess the rough fig- ures are if bushels, as peers with 182,840,000 bushels a fall whest cite estimate is ushel: inst compared with 199,236,000 bushels last year, an increase of 8,399,00 The yield ue Ea All Crops In the Dominion For she “Yeat 1913, $600,000,000 ah fee 000 bushels an an average Rosle in 1912. ° peas 3,974,000 Lees ote -| 193,000 bushels, for flax of 2,681,500 952,000 bushels, for corn PG flor husk- tal esti-|ing of 16,569, ee ataabels, for beans of By 040,800 incon the total ap ‘of fall wheat at 5,264,000 bush- els, of oats at 239,595,000 bushels els, a Arctaioe with 20.42 bush-|of barley at 27, es 000 bushels, of els in rye at 686, ee bushels, of flax at aa sari a total yield of 391,-} 14,808,000. bu 8,000 pushes an average yield of 0.57 bushels, as compared with For 1913, the total production rye is ushels, of 2,559,000 buck: eat 7,600,000 ushels, for mixed grains of 17,- ‘or the Asan North “West. prov- yield of sprin eat is placed at 183,852.000 bush- i Comment on Events jon Mine: %t is said that among ihe new legisla tion coming before the Dominion Par- which wil always disturbing to investors. invariably follows the line of least sistance, combined with the greatest safety. Cs in iteelt te o fairly specu- lative enter roperly —safe- oarded ft i ft fa with very fair accurac} a i proving payable, @ gamble as is “saually averted. thing else it has ite risks. ment need not be on a very abandon. ini successful mine ie such an eney way to get rich that many n votes his whole a hole in something romantic in the search als. the prospector’s life ie taselnating h govern the mining in- dustry outside the provincial ecvern mans. cian Ape mining throughout the ry will benefit thereby: Canada’s mining yurees are only just being tapped. . Pernicious radon. ‘ Tt iq not unnatural th mysterious properties of the new ‘element sit element {t isthe is it has ine the conception of the chemist Bed Siyaleiat: its rarity and resulting igh cost, have all contributed to casting @ glamor about the: substan se been herald ed 6a cancer in the avoidance of an operation, and e attendant pers pO, has no curative ee effect on internal Mo general belief that. radium. posecs- ower than this ses greater curative unfortunate, because falze hope and wasting this Heeslone mis eral to attempt the radium treatment, rf Coal ore ‘Tho time when the coal mi the a meth ies remains has b coe citing a Ae OS te oct way. $ energy are developed and made oa Qpplicablo to all the needa of man- this dons ae far Pacts.) bo peed employed for great it the comparatively amall task of pumping pater, Lees ‘one per ce th ae : tn -water falls and rapide fe stad thie ae it is said, and no been made ‘of ing the tides and the . The heat in sun- onl; stil work pl process of eee, to be yrooreg and a fow inces. There is that slow pra le for com. sive scale and if development, does not je de. | purposeful an ‘of pei | A The Department of Agriculture is ne |er, has called in is thio thiot aunt a =< * His 84-Year-Old Father 0 : especially an English tango. They fond of chickens and Aaring fn the pont Is a) enal a ties the “protection ‘of the naturaliets for thelr taste a fleld mice. 2 Ta ae ae animals h damage. great Neclcot fgrain, destroy the sced Sara in the ground and, roota of trees to their Paiineie voice. ‘owe their bad name ‘They really gommit few depredations on the barnyard. Fi to restrain the na- the! Deposits gained from $55,600,000 to mility. Tt lacks whe jingling: superfclality Maple oat “and ie well fitted to cong of @ people strong, i hene on -eaeaiiog tui tha of “The M be the national art —__»_—_—_—. WILL EXPAND THE WORK. stry in Canada. despatch from Ottawa says: preparing to greatly expand the work already in progress for the restoration of the live stook indus- try in Canada. ust John PHBL, Dominion Live 8 tock Commissio: West, Dr. eee and Dr. map out the programme for the coming year. e department has spent $200,000 on this work, largely | in Western Canada. It is expected “1914 wi w to generally bene- fitting the jive stock industry all over Can ee HARRY FRAGSON KILLED. Shoots ead. nee ee from Paris says: popular ae foe Tne lish into French and vice ue was killed 7 | here on Tuesday by his father, Vic- tor Pott. Pott, who is a tottering davalid of 83 years, acts is son f neglecting him and bestowing his attention and money on women, arp words about the matter, and the dispute ended by the father taken to a boon ae he died in a few hour: SULPHUR FUMES. Frederick Burlingham Was Cured of Bronchitis. Paris eays = th 1 =byROUnty Bact evidence of poultry or nei Sis pie Indications of Peas on field and uirrels. One specio te Sock aya’ Si Thomas Shanghceesy, “But Sane, 5 Stead Business, eis Is’ Beer: 2 font- tario Naviga- ‘porous Co! = 188 Carruth ihe. ib of tho Richelieu and ( npr er ee of fais the. winter, and w iain labor conditions are i "| British Unionist. member gnaw the bark and| 9, -|creased by $100,000, making it $30 as tio: Restoration of the Live Stock In- dust: ely’ Bt the banquet Mayor Toh Colonel Warde, M.P., who de- clares that the Unionists must drop tariff reform or stay out of office in- definitely. — +1 UNION BANK HAS FINE YEAR. Quick ete Over ver Thirty-four Per of Liab’ The org Annual Sie = ber 17th, is the best in the history of the Bank, ‘The net profits for the year after making the usual deduc- tions for expenses of mi and making full provisions for bi and doubtful debts amounted to $750,- 095 or $44,000 more than was earned in 1912. Other evidences of progress a further examination 0! The note circulation throughout the year in- creased from $4,700,000 to $6,200,000. @ rs) & 5. a g i 3 B 3 & $64,500,000. The rest account was in: 400,000. Current loans increased from 2 | $45,000,000 to $46,700,000, while total assets show the large gain of $11, 300,000, now standing at $60,766,532. A striking feature statement is found in a further exam- ination of the assets. The Bank pos: sesses an unusually large amount of gold, Dominion notes and other auick- ly available assets—these amounting three-quarter millions bear a to the public. increased during the year also cal communities year. The in President of the Bank, summary of ing in Canada during the year. on the trend of trade during the ye: mixed farming and briefly reviewed ger Balfour, in his address, pointed out that the Bank has now a total of handled the western grain meeting of th and at @ eae rice was electe Board, Mr, Wm. P: Honorary President, Mr. President, and Messrs. ————— LAST SPIKE DRIVEN, est. Port “laa of after €. in the Prins nent citizens. of the city. “| to Se the labor situation. of the Bank] py: to $27,655,000 as compared with bis? portion to the Bank’s total ability ‘The fact that deposits The fact that deposits in- ing the past year the current loans show an inerease of $1,780,000 while loans and discounts outside of Canada amount to $1,640,000 or more than double be Gee for the previous nk has now on deposit the eae gold reserve $1,300,000 assets have attained the Saran aaa the course of his address he’ touched the crops, the increased importance of the various great basic industries in the several Provinces. General ee The |. ti b; old Board of Directors was re-elected, | -lely with electricity. John Galt, R. T. Riley, -| and G, H. Thomson, Vice-Presidents. Canadian Northern Railway | Con- nected the Arthur ee ad ee arrived aus on fat bi the poe th of last year. otis ending Deoqnee | ist the HAPP .NINGS FROM ALL OVE THE GLOBE IN: A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your Eyes. < Canada. ie Joss from Canada to En- 6 the present time promises re in Montreal ocantoned a th residences destroyed amounting to a hundred thousand dollars. Preparations are being made for thé inauguration of the parcels post soon as authorized“ by Parlia- ment. * London Street Railway is now using Hydro power, being the Com- mission’s largest customer in the city. Luceise Leween, a Mohawk In- at was found by a Deseronto jury to have died through neglect, Hom drink and exposure. A silver fox valued at $3, Be escaped car at Wi pas fist before hs train started Wm, C. Browne of the King’s Own evens Borderers is walking from Winnipeg to Halifax, having recently completed in Winnipeg a four- thousand-mile tramp. * Miss Elsie Fleischer, aged twen- ty, sentenced in the Fort William Police Court to six months in the Mercer Reformatory, said she had meedustanee as a man i starvatior The Fo: de William and Port 4 eae to avoid Ar- hee taken tely and wi “a be pean ag he: Coane with Manager Robinson as operat- ing manager for both. et Street ery r by ¢ ae Britain. Bryce, former hie at Washington, has been created a Viscount by t! King General. Da Vinci’s great masterpiece, “Mona Lisa,” has been returned to Paris. The Mexican ee is in the north are on as ve of fleeing into angled Saal agreement concerning Portuguese Africa is re- ported to have been concluded. Jules Vedrines, the French avia- wa snneineet ie plans for a trip ls | around the wo: PE CANADIAN POTATOES BARRED Will Not Be Allowed to Enter the United States. in pee disease, were laid down by Secretary Houston of the depart- ment of aprieulurs on Thursday in the form of an_ official Seeisat Provisions eeaunae importers + neat the department of all ae. ments from countries not at ‘pres- ent anes the absolute quarantine an aed the enforcement-of a rigid inspection upon entry partments agents, are contain The countries now In tions of poner: ues and the ae the outs ship in the Britis! itted lectric power : Sepauehoie ‘ a DECREASE’ IN CUSTOMS. Heyenue for December, sure fw Decrease & despatch from Cae says: Customs revenue of the Dominion for the month of December $1,779,080, a decrease of $991,175, with the SE Ls For tho nine aggregate was $84,278, - a de- erease of pie i atl - ‘onpatinon with, the ent we pond- -Canapian Ge ‘AND CORPORATIO "More shan twelve years of service to investors Land Bonds Manici selling of such We continually have a wide range of Bonds and Debentures suitable fort —The requirement ts of of the Dominion ; —The requirements of Insurance Companies with the Dominion Insurance Department at ern. : places the Dominion Securiti surities in a position to offer all facilities wean acy bara securities, pases 7 te Provinces - and the various Provincial Departments; he usiness Concerns SSipaaide The investment of $100 receives the same reserve funds of seer and attention as larger amounts. In requesting our services you are under no obligation whatever, and we | may be of material —Investigating or appraising your investm assistance in— ents, Our rela- tions in this regard would be strictly confidential; —The replacement of investments shortly to mature ; —The adjustment of investors’ holdings to derive the benefit of existing favorable interest returns from con- servatr ive investr nes nts. Our regular Quarterly List—January, 1914—is ready for distribution. A\ll bands offered are purchased for out rr own account and are submitted to investors only afier thorough investigation, the outstanding features of the oferings being safety of principal and regularity of income. CAPITAL PAID UP, RESERVE FUND ~ 2. n. Woot G. A. MORROW DA FRASER > = Vice-Prespeny We invite enquiries. fies os SECRETARY. 26 KING ST. EAST DoMINION SECURITIES ©RPORATION wee Sa MONTREAL BRANCH HEAD OFFICE! CANADA LIFE BUILDING ON, ENG., BRANCH TORONTO AUSTIN FRIARS. Toronto, strong itoba whe: Bay ports, and Ne French Scientist’s Discovery May Entirely Ba frices of Cottic, Crain, Cheese ana Other @raduc: Home ang Abro: Breadstufts. ee wheat to. 83. aboard, bakers’, No. ierr A despatch from Paris says: An- : nolieeisent: “has tM teur Teenie, to the Academy ‘ot PICS OF FARM PRODUCTS) A CURE FOR TUBERCULOSIS. @EPORTA FROM THE LEADING TRADS CENTRES OF AMERICA, Aspect of Tubercular Cure Problem een made, by Dr. tet the: propa director of the germs. This te isolated, has © added to any culture medium) gation of other 0 by the de- ed | to ow bheatn ors queak 2 Ontario oats, 341-2 to Western Canada for No. 2 and. at 390 Peas—$1 to $1.05, outsid oustley—Good. malting Barley, 85 to 560, 40 10 por! tsi Corn—New No. 3 American, 7212 to Tic (0. outeide. to. 660, 100, outeide. holdings. i Bran eat to $21.50 a ton, in bags, Toron. creased 1s an indication of ve ee. patch from Washington |to freight. Shorts, $22.60, Toronto, creased confidence on the part of the}... suena of the most: ex- — public in the management of the| .-ting character, restricting the im- Country Produce. Bank, ‘The Bank on its side has been|yortation of potatoes into tho| Butter—Choico dairy, 2 doing its full share in catering to the| United States to guard against z fe Bear ar i she ie, PME to 06 s—Case lots Bae Aaid, 43 to 450 pF aor selects, Wo, and storage. £3 350. per dozen. Cheese—New cheese, 141-2 to 143-40 fo: large, and 150 fur twins. en $2.25 pel 8 Beans—Hand-pick bi ‘ 1e—Ontarios, Bale Fle hay—No. 1, $14.50 to ores nude Pasa aL $12 to Ee sttan Oar ots 88.50 to $8.75, 01 er bag, on to 815 a ton, on No. 2 aes at 813 to $13.50, Sty to Bos] the Bates ane of the ye rine, which it is thought may ite: outside, and at 38 to 38 1-20, on trac! Po: entirely ali quest for a cure for tuberculosis. 2 Marino observed that all other germs which multiply themselves \together die if cultivated with tu- bercle bacilli after the lapse of ten r fifteen days. experiments ° is | have established the fact that cul-|j tures of tubercle bacilli within that period give off a es fatal. to y form of microbe, w drops te; inferior, Oh a torlg te fittyeday ahonoe eat as those of diphtheria and tetanus. It resists the action of the heat and her experimentation when in- the buck lambe: Hoge-#890 to #95: fed e and. yatered, $9.40 of cats, and $3.60 to| r —— 7 METALS oo A REST. Man Does. eee tease need a holiday, ) Thi a rise to many ia tslinve ak Snetale are always despa Ca larry Fray the celebrated order. | tracks and Del rea. a £00. track, in, W! Fi a. F * devill Jatrotie of over $11,000,000 during the Boia, snapores es | ra Een relay exces a ‘on sin, a that Tite oe a veue inglo: an ve leville singer who ‘address of Mr aa Galt, -won fame adaptations of ‘The addr te | 222! Newfoundland, the Islands of — zee ars, Great a oe hes ol has ben proved, however, thap| Gom any, hate suffer from fatigue just as | much as a an ach, pet that rest nm NEW be ttalet RESOLUTIONS. o more imperiaat, reso] can be made than the Sermaaslon: to systematically save @ proporti f one’s earnings. And aot on safer place for such a purpose, can, be found than with the Union Trust totalled | $27 50 $354 to 140 jis that. ease see. me oe Butter, ae olce! re pate 600; teiected tes No. Pitocx, See bag, 5 finest ¢ S40. co a i prnt-Uacone ae, oF scorns, 18 1-4 t0 18% samery, 2842 10 Be pieces. ; years mo SMA car jote, es] ember | says > on nie hard, tee rail would have lasted for several ‘ oon yrapplil » with. ae ‘| The anbxpenked ha ex- A Beteoner seat a a ‘Ge often as the expecte: ample of what lack of rest w At the narrowest aint te metal This gall host sone SOs | Straits cf Gibraltar a af : miles wide. - Hu hice’ in Chin of ex] Be riee en oy win; “with a proper rest, fl ; bee! tril rer the wor! re. LLROX IN ae TONDON the outbreak ie ee ar, Domini ion of Can: I a me ae “proved os “oa — Provisions, wires kept in constant motion dur- Bacon—Long clear, 15 1- per Yb. in ence {ing the week act quite differently COSTLY pe AS = oe Shar Cats 2 after a Sunday’s rest. ‘ams—l 1-20; " 15 ise} countless experiments with various Hloctrcity, Proved a w Failure on Brie | poccjte hon 36 Be rote ee metals under many conditions,” and _-RECORD-BREAKERS, tish Battleship. Larisa evant = fe to ies tibe, tate found that an iron bar which is sub-| — ta Bach hod Loiion ae yes ected to frequent strain while| New Brunswick’s 's Reoeipts $1.450,+ Ol mie British Govern |e Norking’? will Hse 10 pot ee i 122,22, Expenses $1,448,962.54. a esday came to the conclusion that § do. Pema elashiei, ate i anrnteaotnat 7 ee Sires, from: ace Gast N.. x had made a costly failure in fit- ie: Fi ‘rejected, aie ro eo Royal ette i a peated ponone have prov-| ing tle cruiser ible | 76 te) Non 2 Fedeo dito, Na, 1 dee Wadeatay ublhet tio e cctriciy. a his emulty, ee a yt ter ie eae that steel and wrought iron acta of hae been sent to the yard to have | No. 3 red Winte: lo. dl hydraulic power substituted be ars rahe Noa aadielty fae ie working of 4 Bie cea tt 4 oe Ro Re guns, and it is that is wil & Joes selected, ta; Nord OW., 6120; |man machine, they, will collapse al- cost about $1,! 000,000. The ors x. thee ther, , however, ep