Milverton Sun, 29 Jan 1914, p. 8

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ats seHto0t ane 70) HACKING GOUGH OF TWO ¥ : . < oan Fiateeesinne paper delivered py MONTHS STANDING * / Mr. ee at a recent meeting Cured by Na-Dru-Co Syrup of : 9 wi 3 I 4 . ‘ oF "uverion ae es are _ | Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne 6 6 : 99 | ion i ® is life ‘You know how hard it is to get rid of e Sebool is a great factor in every) a cough that has hung on for even two 001 means whatit| weeks, let alone two months. So you IMPORTANT GHANGES IN TRAIN SERVICE 2 Train No, 7, formerly leaving Toronto oul will appreciate what Na-Dru-Co p of ~ 2.3 304 Opa pare ine weiuniocs: “|| Away back at the very beginnins| Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne did P jof the human race schools did not | for Mr. Patri ick Holland, of East Baltic, 4 Train No. 8, formerly leaving, Winnipeg |imean much. meither did the commun-| P. BT. He say 30 pam ig Toronto lity. Ancient history merely mentions | | “I suifered from a backing congh for Ah d several reme- At die fail i ru-Co Syrup of Linseed, @ @ SF Licorice and Chlorodyne, and got such gi é i I tried more, and after using b 5 ed, ‘ oes ‘The unique, scientific combination of “ae iabl ies makes N : u-Co Syru : 0% Mie tes hat é eS s d on fabs Z rd Sleeping ; don train No. ‘Aing on train No. 28 es & Vanoouvor Gt BOG = onto 10.2 bottle from your Dru opose aad mee toe \ yourself how effective it is. National Observation car oronte to W mpartment Library rd Sleeping Cars nd Toronto to V di Drug and Chemical Co, of Canada, 4 imited, t highly civilized g . . . . ue education was} Tamed 323 Now is the Time to Make a Substantial Saving on Furs t. mv the | school is more than a mere place ian Pacific Agts D.P.A., Toronto. Particulars fron or wete M. G. Murph Call in and Get our Prices before Buying F. W. Thomas, tiocal Agent mee Me Rene a xi ing to * ones e : ome as in| tant: age eee ; Greeee. the rulers considered that the Dulldie o Guinea aa well ae the Fur Collared Coats, rubber interlined, e $1 1.99 | Men and Boys, get your Overcoat at the late sea- = ——_—- ve ple sone: puore reais: movernsd | intellestcal aides ot i curly cloth lining, extra special ..... ons reductions. A good selection to choose from. Bo ae ae k church or even the the child and establis f oe the hg astaee: ol} Are You Insured TAB CAS BEAN ORDER OF DER OF EXTRA SPECIAL ORE tegtion for’ wife aud t tainimum cost. Investigate $. Spencer, GR. iN. Zimmermann, RS. The the school and thi & - keine rapa not be carried dies? k see’, se tough they were ene re ei Ladies Black Sateen Three dozen Ladies’ .Top lated fo connec Underskirts Skirts, each fe jevervo ” 2a aaa meee lion as far a eerned tiv that the interest of -o \ } schools soon came to be the ‘the interest of both, he coi | GOOD SALESMAN } ae pees ~~ WANTED For wey a atmosphere of uncertainity. e = fed. 50c 52.95 An exceptional Bargain | Black, blue and tan wool. iorating effect the whole community BURiadek aA Bede tas canton yeaa as ar mult of that one ty | quently lack of eo- at ation has | ed between Le oieue nd the | nool. Here arc e|ing to the same tries are not as_well supplied wit he Northe: Burop Fruits are bringing bi; nursery stock is in demand. Hand y Lake big taking ¢ The New Spring Prints are here Cotton Colored Waists i. Tesanuian tiene 200 pieces to choose from, all colors, indigo and Special 50c. Exclusive territory ER pander light blues, Dutch blues, creamrs, lilacs, grays, buff Highest commissions paid r | which the hom and the school should pink, reds and scores of white grounds — the same | Plain Ratine in new spring colorings, stripes and Vrite (or full pafticulars atic ene aoe ee quality as you’ve always bought here. ll] two tone effects, also checks and plaids in colors. STONE & WELLINGTON See ca ae five “Fonthill Nurseries” TORONTO . ONTARIO Dev, 1 Ladies’ Ladies’ em running back |The wa yoo . ’ 2 thr ndred | modern civilization ist of co- New and Misses vears. One of our gra ri operation. We want far in- . ; : aie eckner syatcuc thet-ar dustrial co-operation of religious co- House inter mar ized humanity. hoot | Oberation and of educational co-oper= t For three hundred years our schoo! ation Te tenckee greatly m needaeehe C ee oe, a Dresses hs begigming to realize its tru value. els of the parent. He needs in- 5 1 1 Wezare beginning to realize that the | formation concerning the child's home 3 al 0 rl nl = eae life his tastes, his habits. ete. The > a ° He parent on the other hand should have Se Ss ae ae Re Bcukeut. ctarehedts rei ———SSS ; all reduced We have opened up a % : EOeE: oe woe shipment of 12 dozen of ” y “4 =< inter. D. G cd 4 SAGE eet | F]_ Milverton between Engeland’s| ests as displayed in the school-room. the Most seryiceable ress Goods a a f store and Methodist church a pair of|Through such conference teacher and and neatest appearing 2 P joker skates and shoes. Binder p!ease| parent are able to supplement the ry 2 Tetmnedts ne leave at Bun office, efforts of each other. —, : house dresses we have A shipment of Dress Jothes that you can well feel "The work we do is not for oursel- 4 ; proud to wear. Inexpensive, Seg ~ | yes. only but for the community and See SHOE: Goods has arrived and 3 yet decidedly cane Clothes FOR SALE the world at large. Where we the showing is beautiful that give the wearer a neat, — the greatest co-operation 0: the : natty appearance. Coats in the A lot containing a brick house and} school. home and community interests es ‘single-breasted styles after the gcod {ram2 stable ‘for particulars ar |there we have the beet schools the Lowest * English or American modeler oly to GEO, DENSTEDT. Brunner |nicest homes. and the best communit- Possible Prices Cotton Crepes in great variety of colors, at 15c to 50c yard. 3 cleverly made. Fabrics are guaranteed all : Le 3 woot, pure dye and thoroughly PIGS FOR SALE with one object in view. the develop- Shrunk before being made-up. Saks 6 young sows 9 months oli. due to} school. Beautiful homes and. good “ : vie in March. For rane partion: dex of the intel are stanly ae ee I ON. Lot 5.|dex of the intelligence st- 2 4 Boece Mita aiek sec iene fl ead yP-arndburaty ue reur coon (as * ton, 422-2i-pd, ao otter iuapitations this iioagh and 3 ich s 3S. N. SMITH striving for higher — thin g e 3 ———— should ithe eHoste of “ : FOR SALE modern society. ‘The Tailor”’ pe ‘There is also something to be sai MILVERTON, - ONT. On Temperance street a ones about. ie wlace the nate shoutd 5 frame house hard and soft water.| hold in the opinions an e001 good lot. For further onranalnes ap-| Wishes of the people As the most in- ——— | oly to RUDIE BELLAR. Milverton. | fluential ot ne pared ae oneal . Ont. 329-2ipd|the prime factor in determining the ° 99 civic intelligence of the community os - = ‘ Sate = siris inteligense of, the omaninity The People’s Store MILVERTON, ONT. 4 HE RORBATDCANEeeoon esteem, Thev should be regarded : i ° with generous feeling and interest and : : [every citizen should feel a personal : ; 1 ! Jocaied’ proveees: citeting his well |cpligation to contribute to their effi- x e cre eiency. The late President Garfield ond dwelling oc mmened. an extra |oice said that the best system of —— ees i welling a good barn and garden.|°BC® Sale { de x = —— P A splendid ma for any Ind eee oe ie eae athe vclantary of [ers we must have them if the schools| cee ood that anyone elie doet is, for . ‘a d usiness, . one . e: > paueh aa pte ea Bet Rey t made by a member of the com- WE HAVE IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF oo ve __[eldeneonully bat we want somer| wil strut the puns {he saan so nt eye a z FARM FOR SALE. = aioe will do more than! it _toun- G S d, Ti Linen Masks thing more than merely. a passive in erat We meed teachers who will tte the school and the community in rass ee Imo y an over i A good 150 1s : i instruct the pupils in the — proper to one bond of __ Domino: Masks ; Ge ae Cee ae fon crers it Ue probably not ect things of lite. and assist them to be: |help make the community a better Call and get your supply before the prices ¢o up. (in cotton, velvet or satin) $ | Large orchard. big briek house with| money put into the education of the [come oe ee ee wei {Blase and ee ee : ard and soft water in the house.| common people comes back in increas-/ need an interes! : 7 ~ . . Cashmere: Heads big bank bara with new straw shed [eq tax-paying within fifteen .yenrn nh Suto that Asses the ouonees of] ox Widen until they meet and Linseed Meal, Cottonseed Meal, Oil Cake and Gluten Feed One of t! est located farms in the|¢ontinues as a permanent income, 2 3 * NSS a Tramp Character Masks towmabt LS sel ee zt child who gets little, out of the ble aoe sun? aes ae a it Tea age ee to all and] a ine of Dandescessie sake I D ATKIN it te Sarena Wigs = habits {2 | school. ‘There ‘ould be a spirit of |_| BALED STRAW FOR SALE ~D. , Mi verton SKS to represent an | co-operation instead of a spirit of dis- se Bees y FARM FOR SALE. sension. All the good we do. andak “HAIR DOESN’ aT Dl = character from a Rooster Pape i ft IT HAS. T0 BE KILLED That valaable farm’ consisting of| the vablic sohool the’ more taxes he | toa Leddy Bear. Lot 14 in the 14th Concession of El-|will pay and the less liability is there | “All Sizes : All Bice Tice 100 acres. Good frame dwelling | that he will be a burden upon the - ° ster the fest ok ee taee ‘teeta : ouse. wit! hen and —woodshed. | tax-nayer. B R d t rough neglect or ; All Characters drilled well. water system in both} 1t is to our interest to have every 1 ei uc 10NS | man es ‘ = house and barn. Bank barn with |community no a where located. Le [outorietcogy, Hiles at dil -looking,is good stabling and straw shed. ‘Tendo its best. for the in of a - | entirely 3 Set ages acres of hardwood bush. 90°acres un-|community like the influence of an ; 3 | proper care. ee mee oe der cultivation 9 acres in fall wheat. | individual extends far beyond the line M S t it—easy to make it mor 2 This is one of the best farms in Hl-| which is commonly set. No one ens Suits | Harmony akeitgiosy,| On We will pay the highest market price ° e lice, Well fenced well drained. close ae how far influence vu extend. ES 2 oft and sill ae Harmony geen Sunil for cream delivered at factory. Will to school on good roads about 5 miles| but we know that we are influenced | Kec from Milverton high and dry. Will be pst ye by ‘the teachings ot: findeede z i a Hair peers delghfally Free test and pay CASH—while you wait, sold ‘at a bargain as the proprietor |of oe ind that as we arein-|@ From now until February 15th, 1g eo raat as pee Ree on your eee le ie wang 1. | terested in all other communities |@ wilt will offer 20 Suit Lengths at @/ 22! ing it. It con- i Iv to the proprietor JOHN REIS on ty hi ht t ee | hair each time before Deeg it. PoE RCIAls the premises or W.D. WEIR Mil, every other comment ¥ has a right (16 cost price. Good trimming, made tains no oil, and will not change the color of PEARL CREAM ERY, Milverton verton. *Phone in the house, ‘When you drop a pebble into a|@ in latest style. Fit and workman- @) thehair,nordarkengrayhair, . brook the waves from the pebble ship guaranteed. Regular $19 to @| ‘This create a cirele. widening and ever ‘ | and clean, use Harmon: ee ae FARM_FOR SALE, widening until it ereeps to the other 2 Se Ie pare liquid Ratiaes convenient to Gems is the Splendid. ne 2 shore. uu drop a pel in al § 50 $ 50 ndi Flour, Jewel per cwt. 0) The valuable Ae ne the late H.J. ‘large body of water the circle of 14 == to 17 = Ie “« Banner per cwt, Lackner ‘situated on Lot 6. Con. 15.| waves emanated from that pebble — — Parl hea and sap sosring gee Stock of ei: i Township of Wellesley con-| widens and ever widens until it i be aisting of 187% acres. about 35 acres |lost in the waves coming {rom other oA aly, the enire Operation taking only i Attractive Jewelry in bush; 20 acres sown to fallwheat.|sources and mo one can tell just Coats and Trousers See ee ie and losee to Marnie 2 a portion seeded to grass. the balance | what influence caused this wave or Only $12 to $15.00 | ee SE ork swcet deanliiests lowed. Upon the premises is amod-|what power created that wave. How- nly $12 to $15. Hotes Boe renee ern red brick house with all conven-|ever the power came from — som ASA ¢ u : : 2 ae _ | very omamental bottles, with sprinkler ola cites for: securioige 28 a ahead ase uae | mute, Me TMUPREE DN, She; |g Ue pay you to vent this $ tpn “Hamony Bay Heb, 810, shieabl ene We aw args and hen stable whe orchard be-| create an influence. to co tho | @ offer before buying. farmony Shampoo, 2 ol pay casi ye ‘ ainning to bear. good. supply of hacd |original power t no matter how | Pee a rneaey caly aeour means a saving “tor. vas nae fee yoH ft water. The farm is conven-|far the influence may extend. having | e the Rexall St af = a ics glad to ientlv situated being 3% miles from|had a right beginning it must have a than 7,000 leading dru cares of the United whether you buy o: Linwood. 5 miles from Ehnira and ¥ j proper ecurse and everywhere. wheth-|$ QJ Mf, Fleischhauer Sone! exeada aad Crest Britain, shill mile from school. For further infor-|er it is recognized or not. it will do Se Laeeteniar to: P. A. B. ASTENDORFF ae ee ea ene esomouee High: wascaatended for Ibe | @ Martaat Tailor 4 | ronto, where the celebrated Harmony Per- ‘ Optician . < on | al JOSIAH 8. STAURFER. Waterloo. Win want the right kind of tench- r fumes and Toilet are made. tye Tested Pree

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