Milverton Sun, 29 Jan 1914, p. 3

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STRATHCONA WAS WEALTHY Estimated that the Late High Commissioner’s Holdings Was About scat ‘A despatch from Quebec says: The death of Lord Strathcona will have a material effect on the reve- nue of the province for the current z It is understood that the immense holdings of the late High senianianen will under the successio) uel ne and cal- iiatiaia- asa easily made that the! revenue from the estate wil oO extent amount up to millions of ota em lions aa the aac of Lord Strath- It is said it was anticipated that the value of Bie hele was about abortres and, if the succes- n dues at eight per cent. wee aa, to $6,400,000. This-amot will very likely be modified Shes the value of the estate in Quebec is known, as this very point has arisen over the judgment of the Privy Council in the Cotton case. At all exons, the prouaine = expecting PRICES. OF FARM PRODUGIS 3 bela FROM THE EESSING TRADD ENTRES OF AMERIC. Prices of Cattie, Crain, Cheese ana Orne @ at Home and Abroa while common brought $475 to #815. But, ranged from $650 to $6 to $6.90; medium from $4.75 to. $5 0 to 86; common. from cutters from $4.25 to $4.75; and canne! 3.75 to $495, Stockers and feedere- Good stockers, 86.50 to $7; feeders, 86.75 to 7.50. Milkers and Springere sold_ at to $105 each for good offerings, Best calves brought $9.50 to from $7 to $950; common from Breadstuffs. 27.—Flouw | - 95 1-5 Ee ko Pes S40. ts poserek All Fail, No. 4 Northern, § rs fp fo, outelde, ‘and Oate No. 2 Ontarfo oats, 34 12 outside, and at 38 to 38 1-20, on trac! en stern Canada ote mt ey for Peas—$1 Batley Good ane acy 54 to 550, outs se fo. 2 American, 71 1-20, all i to. ye—No. 2 at 63 to 63 1-20, outside. in bage, Toronto freight. Shorts, §24 1 $24.50, Toronto. intry Produce. infertor, to Mo; storage Drints, 27 to 280; solids, 26| Fy to. 26 1.26. ‘ase lota of new-laid, 40 to 420 per dozer se levis, 96: 20: So, and storage, 34 gies 350 rs) viet ‘Cheese—New cheese, 1412 to 14340 for innge, abd Iee.tor. Syne Beane—Hand-picked, $2.2 to $2.25 per shel; primes, §2.10, Hones exieacted, in ting, 11 to 1% per Ib. fo. 1; combs, $3 to $3.25 per dozen aS a ‘and $2.40 to $2.50 ee No. 2 Poultry—Fowl, 11 to 1 r Ib. "Sater ene, 16 to Te: ‘ducks. 13 to 1 ¥ tur} 19 to 25 ibe; turkeys, . Potatoes—Ontarto, 800 per bag, on track, and Delawares at 8 to 850, on track, {i car lote. to $2.20 fed and watered, ote off. Swine—Hogs went at $8.65 to $8.85 on board cane at country spointe. $8 , and at $9.25 off Extra choice steers, ers Baistie bertohers’ steers, $8.25 to os do., extra good, $775 7.25 50; do. $5.35; lambs, per poles selsota, easterne, $9.75 85 to $5.50; $538 io $9.50; calves, according to size and quality, $3 to $15. kk LATE LORD STRATHCO Career Worthy of Emulation By the Civilized World. A Seensigh from London, Eng- land, says on. Lewis Harcourt, fable secre ry, speaking at astingden on Wednesday night, said Lord Strathcona was a great pioneer in all that was best in North suneriss, During the three years Hon. at the Raab ‘office it ‘had been his with | P private generosity and public bene- factions had been beyond record or left a name ersonal affection ad Bab lie honors and a career worthy B 1. in cane “Tote, | Pork—Short cut, | #28.60; 5 i i Medium to light, 18 13 wee ie Jghgeueie aasdas avy, 1712 to Re ized worl Bite, irreaktaat bacon, 18 to 190; backs, Lard—Tiercee, 14 i4e; tubs, 14 1-20; ae ‘ tubs, tc; pails, Baled Hay and Straw. Baled hay—No. 1 at $14.50 to $15 a ton, ‘on track here; to $13.50, 1 No. 3 quoted at $15 to and mixed at $12 to $1 Baled, straw Car lote, te0 to $8.75, on track, Toronto, Winnipeg Grain. - Montreal Markets real, —Corn—Amerioan Xo. 130. ‘oats Canadian Western, 3 do., ». 3, ; extra No. 1 i.” Barley—Manitoba: feud, W9-t0- Se) maltitiy, 64 to. 660, Buckwhoat—No 2 with weighing of chee 3 | te: Se oer TO PREVENT FRAUD. Cheese and Butter to Be Honestly Weighed. a A ce from Ottawa says: An measure to ctininte the porta ‘porn of fraud in connection se and but- , minister of loud complaints by farmers, who to other unsatisfactory of the cheese exchange in Montreal. tt ears the celede. Tea increased In three fo te, long Manitoba Spring whent pat- Win to 84. A 6 84.40 to $4.50; it 90 Ibs., $2.10 212. Milifeed—Bran. $a shorts, $24: dling, $25 0) 8271 mont £08 3 $29. ar lots, $14 to #1450 Checoe'inent westerns, EA wa'to Yo Sot do. eagtarne, 15 14 to 13 E40. Butte cost to seconds, 9 1-2 to fo. ew ah, 42, to Be; sel 7 350 stock, 3c; No. 2, do., 260. Pc bag, Car lots, %5°to oe pe United States Markets. inneapolis, Jan. 27. 87 34' to 61 Tho Did; uly, @ 88 to = 8 —No. 1 hard, oe wy No. 1 North. 3% 2 Roy ead at go, Corn 3 No. to 8te. Oats Non 3 white, 8 34 40-260. Flour—Faney patents, tw ran, a $3.35; second clear; fe, $280. 2%7.—Wheat—No. » 1 a! No. tana 1S 86 B00 Gulp, 89 B4o. Metso 88; Synasier 418 14, May, 7.25, and common, Heifers—Good to ae ae 9 medium to good, $6.50 to, 87.75. cows and Du Butener eh Bg from $6.75 t from 86.25] a) 75; and mmedigae ah can to $6.25, . | annual tea, - consumption Oanada. hard, | j, do., to 'y large fade one-tenth of the entire the es of ——_—k—___ WOMAN KILLED IN WRECK. of Pembroke. A despatch from Pembroke says: The Soo train No. 19, which left Montreal at 10.30 Wednesday night, was wrecked by the ry spre a rail at M miles east of injured, _ seven of @ been removed. to Pem- broke Honpital The dead cc - Mrs. J. J. Sammon, 0} who with her husband and 0d te yeas the wreck occurred, Her husband nd child escaped. CONFESSION OF CONSTABLE Personally Gave Rope and Revolver to Murderer to Aid His Escape From Prison A despatch from Winnipeg says: table Robert Reid, of the city force, one of the two officers meee ing John Krafehenko ‘then be es- Constable Flow- ers, his fellow guard, he clears of - suspicion. id had formerly thstood a seyen-hour grueling be- pletely ‘reversed his sworn sta ments. In the witness see Reid told see he personally had given the r SME aes guard, was turned. bars in the window; he said, had bee that all te arrangements for ie the offi escape wt mu ice Perey Hi ne Krafchenko’s pate sel, where eS had sent him to see Hagel. he not know what had indassd him (Reid) to help Krafchenko. Bux! office, and the number had been filed off in Hagel’s prceche ce. Ha. fel had told him that Westlake, to was to hide Kratcheno sue his escape, could mM squealing.” Hoel Zp to oe $400 to handle ie ais He did not know whether he ce, it or \ ‘The loosened not. ny years there have been |}. Accident on O.P.R, Ten Miles East | 2! ~ | rioultural Coles et m. Coulee | — ' THE LATE LORD STRATHCONA, 22 | Stop Sneezing, Quit Sniffeling, Cure Your Cold The Soothing Vapors of ooo zone Bring Instantan Relief. Thousands of Testimonials prove that Gatarrhozone cures permanently. mn germs attack the lining of the nose, make you sneeze and gag,—when later on they infest the bronchial tubes,—how eee follow them with a cough syruj You can't do it—that’s all. Cough syrups go to the stomach—that’s why they fail. But Catarrhozone goes everywhere germs—kills eas tion—makes Catarrh disap- “tNothing T have ever used gives ue and bronchial trouble.” Not aimeult for earriioncat: to cure, be- use it contains the essences of ‘pine is and other antisepti that simply mean death to catarr' Tee J its $1.00, 0} ‘O months treatment; smaller sizes 25c., Oe:, all dru; re- Bom, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. Sg 128,000, SPENT. Annual meyer of transcontinental ilway. Commission. Ottawa spent las The Ni produced @ revenue of $32,000. cost of 0} er ati n of this section was NITROGEN FROM AIR. Contession Granted by the. New- foundland Government. A despatch from St. Nfid., says: horse-power from erate electricity. falls to gen- WEAKNESS IN BOILER. Cause of the Disastrous Explosion A despatch fro Olaf Ba eae: rH eee epee rake oe a React eee and Insur- due to boiler. inds there was plenty of water in it, and aries the en- ineers from NO SIGN OF FOUL PLAY, Man Found Frozen’ to Death Near Lumber Camp. A despatch from Port Arthur Apparently overcome by a fit while walking from the Russell Company’s camp at Pearl to the station, William Lownsborough, ed thirty-one, was found frozen to aoe on Thursday. was. lying undisturbed, signs of foul play. 1 ry" with no SaEY Saks Oe Dead AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Attendance at the Institution This Winter Is 836. ‘A despatch from Guelph says: The attendance at the Ontario ae Macdon: Institute is now 83 We: lon. ale Srecae (regu College Cregulnr Soa) “bo. Short courses eed judging, 135; bee- ee 773 “poultry, 28; dairying, 51; mutval training and. special ubjects, 13. THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH HAPP .NINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World {n General Before Your Eyes. Canada. The Ontario Legislature will probably meet on February 17 W. J. Barrett of Thessalon was unseated as he owed the town 57.40 for taxes. Guelph Board of Trade wants a J. §. consular agent there and fa- vors hydro-electric radials. Mail service by Atlantic steamers will very shortly be improved, the '— | Postmaster-General announced, © which gutted the Sepacicn Fir | Athletic Club gymnasium at real, resulted in $100,000 sectee loss. Twenty-six new detachments of the Royal Northwest Mounted Po- lice were added to the force last re year. James Taylor paid the death pen- ridge has formed across the St. Lawrence near Morrisburg, causing grave anxiety through fear of a jam and Cori a confer Erovnees on the tenaibilioy mon the Georgi Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux Commons providing for Federal en- dorsation of the proposed World’s Fair at Montreal in 1915. 1d W. Mackenzie have been arrested at New Waterford, N.B8., in connection with the death of Jack McDonald, found dead af- meetin spector announced that the cit ages of the San The Belleville Board of T: asking the City Council to hold an investigation into the recent fire in Belleville wherein $30,000 worth of 1s practically Bays Wetause of lack of teachers, was a statement made at a aa of ue ia Boards of Trade of Timiskaming and Northern Board whieh resolve to the Department. of Educa- tion Ge larger grants tor rural schools in Northern Ontario. Great, Britain. The crisis in the British Cabinet cover the naval expenditures is over. Militant suffragists intend a cam- paign which mi oe a demon- erstioy at ingham Palace, ree n the au - a the members and tienes at society functions sporting events. United States. Edwin Ginn, the noted American promoter of peace, died in Massa- chusetts. in New York confessed complicity in the murder of Martin, the a, a a Toronto. States ‘proposes. to ak strong land foreetonbens in pe aiian Islane rs On & talk between petrol and Chicago were robbed a a@ bandit who made the porters all Saar records, according the head of the Lake Carriers’ As- vide aa ok | sociation, 5 ca ie to | There are not less than 30,000] 45 Aumestrsted Sees in Alaska to- lay, accor estimates of the Uz 8. Tesco of verennieres John Lind, ve abe States re- y has| 7 The] given notice of a resolution in the} * ted aly raise othe mo) f the Cabinet, and violent distur-| € it Lakes traffic in 1913 broke] sy Over Twenty-e A despatch from Ottawa says: During the nine-months’ period of Canada showed an advance of 10 per cent. upon the trade of the before. Accor e figures issued by the Uispareretteok ene toms Friday, the total trade, ex- rad cluding exports of eraiet products and imports other than those of domestic consumption, irom April 1 to Dec. 31, 1913, was $857,856,- 893, as against 879,587,058 in 1912, the increase being $78,269,895. The great EXPORTS SHOW INCREASE! Canada’s Domestic Produce Shipments Advanced ending Dec. 31, 1913, the total trade (7 increase was in ex- ight Per Cent. ports. During 1913 the total exports $307,- 15, 7m. against $278,662,167, the increase Safe and Sound! 5% BONDS @ 85 and Interest, or, $850 and $1,000 Municipality of Esquimalt, B.C. (Adjoining Victoria) 2 British Naval Baso on the Pacific. Write or Wire i EASTERN SECURITIES €0. i LIMITED 457 St, James St., MONTREAL, P.Q. New Issue!) Interest per thus being $80,463,501, or over 28 per cent. Imports entered for consumption showed a slight decrease, standing 434277 in 1913. other hand, increa: b; a $1,000,000, from $174,516,948 to $175,307,238. presentative in Mexico, is said to be seeking a successor to Huer he U.S. has acquired the Panama Canal for purposes of war is the assertion of the cans ie onersiian of Trades of South a has de- clared the general strike off. The general strike was called in sup- port ot the striking railway em- oye! Palios ak Destine Gas factories and seized documents showing the relation of the factor- ies to the American Tobacco Trust, which the Government has been vestigs paneer GSS COLD WEATHER IN FRANCE. ordinary Potatoes bring nearly louble their usual price, while fresh vegetables cost from four six times their regular prices. The old inhabitants recall the siege prices. Railway communications have been interrupted by snow, it being from wo r t from 10 to 20 degrees below freez- ing, Fahrenheit. oo STRATHCONA’S DAUGHTER. Hon. Mrs. Margaret Howard Becomes Baroness. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: Hon. Mrs. Margaret Qharlotte Howard, only child of Ba ays: | Ottawa newspaperman, fo ‘of | Canada. When ithe late A despatch from Ottawa sa) Toronto. is to be appointed Assis-| Strathcona was raised to the peer-|'The gap in the Grand Trunk Pacific m,|tant Comptroller sof the Royal] se in rovision wa: le | Railway in the mountains has been Northwest Mounted Police for the succession, but by a special | reduced #to us males Forty miles i © Great terways Union| temail in a new patent granted | were complete: month. At the urges the eoupietion of te a el-| Lord Strathcona in 1900 thé) suc- Leet rate ae sue erail-| * as|land° Canal, an ‘of | cession was secured to his daugh- be completed Bins The Baroness Strathoona was mar- only | child at the late Dr. of the medical facul- o iy ee McGill mUniveralty. SERIOUS STRIKE IN LONDON. 10,000 Coal Porters Out and No Fuel Being Delivered. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: Ten thousand coal porters in ds i Praetically no coal was delivered | a the city, which is in the midst of the nigel ery in thousa coal is bought daily, only a bucket- ful at a time. ee FATAL cooler T AT COBALT, Cobalt ie Mining _comanys| ‘oreman Killed. es from Cobalt William E. Janes, 40, Killed. here by. @ ‘falling derric! visit to, Nova TWO MEN SHOT IN CHICAGO. \The alien Rane That City id Place. A’ de aan from Chicago says: A feud in the Italian quarter on the North Side claimed two more lives on Thursday night. While the the corner, they found R. De- penza, proprietor of a small peak dying at almost the same sp where Portuguese was slain. te ie the last two years eleven mur- ders have been comniitted in the block. raided the offices of 23 creek te e sant Bridal Couple’s Ages Total Cen- If. 2 Charlotte ”' Gap in the Mountains Reduced to 142 Miles. pay ‘seven cents| 1913 leaves a wife, - he. x mG present on : Magie ‘Nerviline” Ends Stiff Neck, Lumbago Any pena Muscular ar ant Pain . sateeel tt eee On GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. don’t have to wait all day to bago or lame bi ek. himself of | a frightful attack: of lum- hundred ailments that turn up in a large fam- ee Nerviline is ae far the best thing o have about y OLD AGE AND CUPID. y and a A-despatch from Brantford says: Age cuts no figure when Oupid lets his arrows go! This is shown b; the marriage at Milton on het vy. W. L. Martin, of Man: Ont., of Miss riilisabeth H. Chisholm, of Milton, aged 72, George Haddlesy, aged 78, of ‘this city. ah a pe at GRAND TRUNK PACIFIO. sores apply Car- > bolated Vasel- . ine. The simplest, safest Nothing like Cam-. phor Ice for gam chapped hands, cracked lips, tholated Vaseline. relief is magical. pede ‘information. post-paid, © scratches or antiseptic dressing you can find. Just what the ae San was ee case of Mrs, H. J. Grayden, Still From Ten to Twenty Degrees ot donia, — who is — 1 outdoor man Bon Gouldntt think qf polng to beat wit rl needs. Sa neh but knowing we had Nerviline in the bi A despatch from Paris says: The |house. I have used it for twenty odd R ‘Gold ienced |years and appre Sts value as here during the past four weeks, }‘@mlly remedy more and more every day. If any of the children gets a abet which till shows 0 signs of stitt neck, Nerviline cures quickly. If ating, ala caused the prices of|it is earache, toothache, cold on the ris to rise from fifty to| chest, sore es Nerviiine ts always a8 Suundvea per cent.. above the |my stan y hus! 6 cured voi’ suetbs front neereas nasal catarrh/ Our ¢ “Vaseline” poowiet is full of in= ‘home hints? sad Pree, Write to-day. ple alway aime beetise they have a good e it along with Mother Knows Her Boy. “Jenny, go find Johnny, see wh he is doing, and tell him to sto right away.” of £72,000,000 A despatch from London says: Sir Edward Holden, the famous banking authority, made 4n impor- tant speech on sate on inter- national ‘réney. Af- | 000. ter dealing with the epaivs of | ket have France Sir Edward referred at | 000, some length to Canada, the United States, and India, year amo taken po! 3 cldise charac ‘Sample free if you mention this CHEMICAL CANADA THE RIGHT WAY ace Soph e EYE, NFU RRA "COLDS, ETO, ‘ Of all horses, broodmares, colts, stallions, “SPOHN THEM” 5 thal tanaien oeIB, the f feed ut Spohn's to all a tate Ta acts on the Blood mots ante ax sontee 4 the eee af ee te a 20 matter oe )BO- lutely. free eee suraung da Cinarious A child can safely tak rus gists and harness eer Distributor: All Wholesale Drugatets Spohn Medica! Co. Chemists and Bactericiogists GOSHEN, IND., U. zee $a, gee i. bats 6 for, $2.50. At Jiacueper CANADA’S DEBT T0 BRITAIN A Trade Balance in the Mother Collitesis Favor unted to about £ 000, therefore after paying toe he ie imports with her nance. she had to it £72;000,- ian amounted to about £44,5 000, the balance of. aie edness for which provision It wou Edward a ring | opinion, ea be sbiouay mth Be ‘ol ‘anada to go 5! borrow etsy oa it wi lowly, spend les: mean Kidney Trouble. sitet ane tee urifiers are useless. lo iN to cure the Marea PILLS N direeiy on these vital all disease—neutralize Sent on receij Paper. LIMITED, ould eee é: Rif for investot in this yun ahs cy ton up their pockets . - against further Canadian loans, so long as the esotraaee are of a first-

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