Milverton Sun, 5 Feb 1914, p. 3

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CANADA’S RATLWAY LINES The Biiiaics Now Has Under Operation Over Twenty-nine Thousand Miles of Steel A despatch from Ottawa cane Bome interesting facts about Can dian raitways and the statistics in connectien with them are contain in bie annual report of John Lam- bert Payne, meee of eewey mrtcy tabled i Thur: peiay evening ae ig ee Poti the . last ©) fa be eee e foes F pe year ended June 30 up to leads, 6,000 aaleabaliow an is secon with 4 aay Manitoba is third with with ae d nm car- 30 538,256,796. as di- vided as fSMows: Stocks, $759,645, - 6 ; eonsolida debentures, tocks, $163,257,224; bonds, $625,- 358. Sinee the process of deletion cut add a for actual eae 3,63: le up F 47,852,910, and funded debt, $52,- ,723, The cost of Government-owned nd perkted railways, represent- not included in capitalization. The of cash subsidies cies aac the cee was as 8, 758,084, tributed as fol! perative mileage maker oe creas By the Dominion, $9,176,234; by the Ea ,500; by munici- | palities, $27,350. The additions ‘Pp Denies 8163, ar 1469 ; by the vinces, $36,500,01! iby Prantdna: ties, $18,078,324. ross earnings for 1913 aggre- Gated $256,702,703, as compared with oy 403,753 in 1912, an in- by Canadian railways in 1913 from ration king outside ope: @ final total of $281,291, 113. Passenger earnings were A 481,994, and freight $177,089,373, operatin, expenses aggregal $182,011,690 in 1913, as against $150,726,540 in 1912. Rail se aes a ae 5,119 Jocomo- tives, arpa cars, and 182,221 “trght cars, The movement of trains in 1913 renied 1a the welling of T10 per- idited rom all causes, 41 were pas- seng 324 employ: nd 418 were classified as ‘‘others.’’ Of 1 the injured, 687 were passengers, 3,407 were employes, and 498 we ‘others. One Passenger in every 1,216,599 je ie and one in ane 71,124 Ss was mpara- tiv ang ie ee in ee, ot fatal accidents, but the proportion of in- jured Se ee The number of e: ed by 22,751 in AOS bringing oe total up to 178,6! Salarie wages amounted if “9115, 749, 25, a compared with $87,299,639 in 1912. igh. ., Wi eianes é which is shortly to be floated. Britons. Our London Lettor {tilt Anowaver, to overlook the growth ft thrift in their own country and) in SE —— | thelr colonies. Whether tested by, the neome tax returns, the deposits o: das Facies bee! ee joint stock banks, ‘the post office say- Colonel 1 eely,, secret gs bank, the accumulation of — fu atlantic Thakt igs Winston church: | invthe hands o¢ Frade, unions and friends Ail first to rd or the vadimiralty, establish: |} societies or the contributions to # the reputation of bein overnment’s insurance scheme, tl ile minister. ihe colonel, .| middle classes and working 5 population Gnuren ith wi e,{of Great Britain are mi gol Xo Drudent in. thelr, expenditures. "This 13 uth African {veuistea ‘wervice order ity, however, has been more pronounc aitice he, aueceeded Lord Haldane evil head of the arm: gt Pictures just onel as a member of Ufeboat of the Isle ariien he ireduently eof ae ublished P the the string bec; When: te pulled it aud the nthisto ater quickly cl imbed. up. th d did his unveiling fron the =e a Keres & House of meets Prange Kee Be eau nhenents ‘orm of the house re of 1 o! fons which he house ‘of commons’ to. pass: and Steer rd he Will found a bill upon rete] ukater General’ Barnet Tas tate ol- fe that they propose to the ie pee Princ!pls altogether, hrowin op= bu electio: @ existing. peers jon. -Altho ally. interest, themselves in use of lords, they will fight te ously’ against being deprived of the work ealth “coffer” of undeniable import= ugh Britain lias indulged in ex Senalvermstnoae of Social reform and earmarked further large sums for this pose its national debt. dur ng tl fost ten years has been reduced Sage less gan $00,000,000. This is all ithe ed how: the other countries of the world are adding to their {ndebtedness, "and powerful neighbors ike Ger rance are reduced to Solsing Pande by. ans of pssersed contributions from of the wealthier classes, ein a eet hilleide esta ate rou r, the value of D6 affected by from the fur, the terri - for Which this Bina 1s ihe ous 18 valuable medtein serlbed for asthma “his ‘thr pro- ur os his tale London, Jan 26, 1914, o. MEETING OF LEGISLATURE. Attorney-General to Tako Charge, As ee of Council. heir privilege King Moy Visit the United States. ae seme h fro Joron’ eke co tinue: to crop up that Kin 1 a1 ee R cpr pag ate wits el % Nay eis Legislature will bi Rated Btates, but this bel " ether nesday, sieing intends to continus touring| °PTUaty, 18th, instead of on Feb- the, Industtial centres canis: yearn he | Ell Ty 17th, as ooeuals intimated. IL visit pared of Yorkshire or the|'The shipbanding cerltres. of the Tyne, Hel vote by th Gu, uncement, oe iso inten Opa rs y the eerninane on 5 jouth, eepeciatly ff tho Mrencly feet t hand urna anchors. 0 oft gol pitten aa, ta he a : st year the House open- Bi LO ae 1: i When he returns — to° tow yet Oo Weeks earlier... Al- again give the occastonat becherbe din-| though no official intimation has Hare. wbiok be ine itated 1kst yout. They. been given concerning the leader- ane a of fae dita and w 3h served in| Ship of the House, it is taken for 3 a prt a K yom in Buckingham| granted that J.-J. Foy, as pies ser ae member ot the Executive os mr Al oe een ounetl in the senco of fir thrice. ‘Le ea tf York, rf ii Ueletth MER Gace] Tames Whitney, wil “dineeh the ‘o twenty of the inhabitants of York naib ® sovereign each if during the last year| — were not ones convicted for drant: ' s.. Out of this number seven were aes a cee pe LS Oh ve Ves. 0 ands and 8, _\ ed te ee Wan ae ol cues: them @| CO! pans youn; eae to each of Bato book containing a deposit|pupil nurses in City. omer ‘0. en) te winners ina thritty | Cleveland, ll_ vacancies cau CTA ginal g ‘om wits Pere ‘°/by graduation. ~ Unusual variety of the ogether with | experience. few Nurses’ Ho: nye supe they might ta} sie tel ; would add 25 per eh on January 1/8000 to be completed. Finest con- gf tne unsticeeserul thictean. ‘had|tagious disease building in the wenty-seven lotion: * uring. the year, while the twenty. State. Children’s Ward and Ma- a Nai $00 convictions in ternity Department. Two months’ feat ‘ar Visiting Nurses’ work. Monthly allowance from time of ee Address fast Frederika K. Gaiser, of | Y, Princi ‘ipal, HAMBURG AMERICAN [INE { Service Will Be Placed In Operation at Once Be- tween Hamburg and Halifax A despatch from. Montreal says: *That there is 2 big trade with pas- sengers and freight to and from Ganada is quite evident, O96 our company speided. some ago suter ine t pebvics I do raphe abo ab ‘rate ae ‘beyond What € Thave read and the rg-Ameri- ntreal nouncement in the ovemeine words, that his company will open re Wee ae Montreal office will be in es of Henry Dorgelch, at present in Boston, but he was until recently in charge o} the company’s affairs at San Francisco. He thought traf- fie would originate from pooner that the freight biaiices jockad very promising. THe NEWS (NA PARAGRAPG HAPP UNINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World fo General Before Your Eyes, Canada Middlesex county council may de- cide on an industrial farm The Nyberg Auto Co. wall Joente gcneclin ant employ 200 Fenian Raid bounties pa eDit $1,585, we being 58 per cent. above estimat The ede ral Governmeni’s adver- tising and printing bill for the past year was more than $1,400,000. Owing to the campaign that has been carried on by a lad; the Sarnia peas until the special officer one other points, is reported that the ‘majority of the municipalities of Quebec and of its eee i well as am- oe ye Montaeelt in its tag the mediate con- struction of the Ceca Bay Oa- nal, Great Britain, look in Mexic United States. An antidote for bi-chloride of mereury poisoning is said to hav en discovered by a Chicago phy- sician. General. Gen. Villa has pledges of loyalty to repeated his |° Gen. Carran- ¢| za, head of the Mexican rebels. MINING CENTRE BURNED. fon | Tuxeda Eat = Bellish Columbia, f Provisions. A poe — Vancouver Poe Vananda, the busy mining centy is of Tuxeda Island, was swept by a dis- 3) axtrous fire on Tuesday night and of provisions in the | short time the’ conflagration had pt apreeel and consumed the general | 2} store, post-office, telegraph dflices and Customs, as well as Kirkness’ rug: store and -pool-roo) yna- ite was used effectively on: the Hall to the from spreading to thé hotel, Very little was saved from the path of the flames. ie Se Two natives of the Emerald Isle wore discussing, with evident. irrl- tation, lem. i WHY KEEP ON COUGHING ? Here 1s A Remedy That Will Stop It Do you realize the Suse ine sieglectea cough? | a lout you get rid o! | 5, You x gamshiake if, even thoy h | it ie ak to you for a long time, it you go about Iti right. { in the fresh air as much as | rou can, ‘buils with | nty of wholesome food, ‘and take . Hinseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne.- This reliable household remedy lias broken up thousands of hacking, fy De ; sistent cough, which ‘were as troublesot what it t has ay.) e ae harmful drags, am in be give safely to children, as -well as adults. Your physician or druggist-can confirm this statement, e ready. to send. them o a complete list of alt the ingredi Put up in 25¢. and soc. bottles by the National poe and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limi 317 Wh: ance resent an old appear- ‘ore your time? By using LUBY'S|: HAIR RESTORER Your Gray Hair can be re- stored to its Natural Color. THOUSANDS NSYE SENEFITTED BY ie USE At all Druggists SOQ0.a Bot. ean strike of coal porters “Comment on en The London Times announces = that Sir Lionel Carden, Ovortaxed Jepan. Mini r to Mexico, will aiostly Te- pan ae story “ot the torrie to |2 2 turn to England on leave to report|in Northern Japan reveals ous of 2 many Government upon the out-|feasons for, th ioe Ane eat 01 rit nie ai i that feateth nol tS Sudge him in Tet | im Tot deans ind Tet him, not that e: the Pro “Phim furriners is gettin’ an aw- il Bai ANOTHER WRECK. What's the Use When There’s an Easy Way Out. Along with the tea and coffee habit has grown ee reve dis- ease—nervous prostration. following Teter shows the way out of ae aoe ‘Five yea @ great coffee. anaker ‘nd eee its use I ecame vous I could se: sleep at all nights. My condit grew worse and worse until finally the physician I consulted declared my troubles were due to coffee. ee is just as injurious because it tains caffeine, the same drug found in in coffee.) “But heing so wedded to the bev- erage I did not see how I could do eae it, we at pete complete without coffee. “On a visit, ay poets deprived fi ‘ove that it wa: eraving for coffee went back to the old habit a ae as I got home and the old sleepless | ights came near res a wreck of Postum and decided “T heard it. Idid a when mi after directions on the package, it was delicious, “Tt had a soothing effect on my nerves and none of the bad effects that coffee had, so I bade farewell 0 cofiee and have used only Pos- tum “since. most wonderful ‘ostum now comes in two {ora ieee - Postum— must be w latent Postum — is a soluble powder. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly i in a cup oF hot water and, “Thal hold in this counthry,’” id ee Peni, on rie “ott Tim. ‘‘Thrue for yez,”’ oil 00 eae’ the other, as he transferred his the spooples ‘of at. leas 01 e other side of his | 84,295 ‘Zooa tor 80 mouth, I wuz readin’ over last others, and what evenin’ the list av min eeeelet, Gian wi oe gvorima and tho, otter, Bro Be gle Gorman ah ‘Eruption and Barthquake The Mout a Ssalbsiie ‘ At this time, when ‘Turkey: ts care- ake from Greece fully preparing to, tak Greene de- "Slace the cross above the cres= tis fignred that the male population of Bulgarian Macedonia was reduced in the courge of hostilities from 175,600, to 42,500. Bulgaria Sie000 mele eurvivors out or @ popula: Hon of 494.000, | tp. the dinpic: of Sue Ps 0 the north dxian- ach of and to Bulgarian Frontier 4 000 men and boys remain out of f 33,000. These figures are nly for Butearia. ‘The. awful significance in the census showing is that it relates entirely to a in the number oi Paresis. humanity's fearful mala- iown as incurable {3 en res! Bcor roof hi Gise pivots get ate hosp: the proportion among. the insane a tals eokanne elsewhei day nizes no lich thing as incurablo, disease f body or mind. o asionership. position. of High ‘Commissioner a Hendon ts tne bibe ribbon (pf | the Cenadian civil” service. distin- guished with cream and sugar, makes a de- licious beverage tly. Gro- ‘cers sell both kinds, « ‘ : = Kidnoy Trouble aut, ied by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. = ny ; of Krafchenko’s guards, pone in ue et aeat ae anaustute, for Medical Resesreh kuare discovered that Masdonald; police magistrate, on an agent known as salvarsan. injecte sday mo! into the spinal canal will conquer one Thursday. morning, eee of the direst scourges of the tee, end tenced to seven years in the peni- Several complete of paresis are! tentiary, now reported. It ie: ae Peas hat a generation orn will live to See the When soaicet science recog- PRIGES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. Feleee of catzte, erain, cnense and o1nw juce at Home and A’ THE PARCELS POST SYSTEM, Provincial Boundaries Zones—Local Rates Will Ap-l ply for Twenty. [iles From Each Post Office Breadstufs. from Ottawa saye: A mi ‘The, ext rate Bret toe oe i porinnel Yoronto, Feb. 3 exis the “methods” and working of in na article, eg four, 90 1 $i fie eee ‘parcels post system has been is- staan Tal wn et doer es "= 3 LP, Pelletier, ae Bit nd 4 conta, ‘Ehib cost patents, ia ers bas, ene AL is, 420; ieee oe ine. are! a aie | ree the a rf, of for Roane e parcels post aust 5 we OCCBBATY Ty ieee rand No: ave 1-205 ae a8 di adopt | a aintaesr rhe! Tate ‘he frst mod ee rail, No, i Northern, ng puree! post] sidera oo ons ie aa eae ° aren Ov (anit neat Poin of No. 2) azo, of line, $0::b6, made weight 0: ¢ BO comparatively a ide, and 91 to 920 on tracl Cond, Eis Som DRER ETA BON reg elected rieilgny ear ao 2 Ontario oats, 360, outeld secs fied teh onl ap genta for, the Epo ey ae apes from one end) charge of f conte will bo imposed, making ingest Ya. the extreme Socata tor exch exh Fat te ret ite WO igh | $08 WAG tahoe or provines the one in'which a Sac a a eat | Pehle. adios cnt Bue serine Ko. ee at 73 to 0, outelde. | and the ec only. presen pes sppesree. ie Fiat Shen tobe er po tination Bran—Manttoba bran, $22.50 a ton, in| be the zone aystem, Fis the rates | yas 2 Spell a oat hace, Toronto trvieht, Uhords, #4 to HIKED, Are graduated ac scsording to tho distance) if the parcel, up to a tum charge. o! “ay “Phe mettiod of poding ibe Fate on any. Sey aha Provincial Boundaries, Bee erent pate oes se 7 “| “On: accor 5 tholee dairy, 23 to to) Interior, | ton of the provinces of Ge Gatiada gd Bol htuepezate oe farmere’ separator prints, 24 t0 | bein, Arete the same hen amas. printe, £, to ag eli ST | the three Maritime provinses are consider: ‘age prints, 2&7 to 20} solids, |ed as one it was found that the provincial z Se. boundartea would be, the most conventent | 4 pa Be Jota of newlsid, the ver doe. | to adopt ne’ the Limite of thie aon Syd y te 40880, and storlge, | consequently Zaleg, were fixed by oro- |, "Waten pargol a mailed the. postmag, 3B joe id ke dose 4 vinoes, This on kos yetom ter @ rom: the address the pi perines nee o} got, 14 18 to.44 34o for |nimple one, ‘much exsicr 10. follow. fish wah Tb tee 40 ‘be carried, large, and 1 ring, the sone system based upon mileage alone, {at this oard shows him, wi passer Boana— Hands nicked $2.20 to $2.25 per} “The first or local rate fs five cents for |any calculation, what postage wil bughel es, 82 the fines pound and one cent for each be.” Hioneytixtrasted, im tine, 11 to 18e per Gitlonal pound of traction thereof, up t Rates, oe No. fe and @h40"to #430 Tar Ros hen | eeue, ud two conte for each nub: | ne rst rate la five conte for the fin or No. 1, and $2, No, Poul 1, 42 to 80 per 1b.} ohlck. socieht papi uy 13 iniles ‘loan the piace |BOURE And “one, eont tor each addi ns 6 ducks, 13. t. e, 14 | Or mailing, irrespective of provincial {Pound oF fraction, terest upto, fous 160; turkeys, 19. to 20, Houndarlos,” ‘This ta. to Rive Yea “mer. pubis) oud. Vxor cele ar Paar saan A tatoos Ontario, oo) 0 Der bag, on track, | chants an’ advan ‘fats 7 {quent pound up to it pounds, within 9 and Delawares at @0 to Bc, on track, tt | neighborhood aud. iso Yariners’ nud gor {fedius of 20 miles from the pice of salle Gooereemert aed ee feces pad eating: respective pf provinelah boundad le produce to thelr looal market at af. Phere t, Taesth Axed fon Ue prota «Provisions. a nd. te te ad ot if can be sent 20] Tonal pound tour. oc Bacon Long clear, 15 to 160 pps Tb, miles ortc te ae tn sho re jncen' cane “Tote Bork short cut, 8850; give the farmers ea, od on ser oti tes Pr erien mn emg, filo, "ame Sted faht. “| iaarketing epee nnd Sehr penbaetiees, ak | fen cobte for the fet pound will, apply it Seer ea Gos eee [ian ant fs ive a decid antage eee RTE Ee teat Hare Eeay broek iat bacoas ip os iset ‘oacens| tg the, connteg eetient er the depart: |ing the rate ten conte for the fires pound in net ei pods os; store 6 farmer can send out ma 3 for eacl juent pound.| uprd—Tiorces, 14 1-40; tubs, 14 1205 pails, ‘ n_parcele up to 11 pounds to Borond the province ‘adjoining the one 1 tomers at 2 conten pound aN the} which a parcel is, mailed, an additional rom a depart | fo cents) ® pound Balea way ee Straw. [sie oan Bh mation distant, somone | eee geil Et a aled tayo, 1 gut cost about 6 cents a pound for pos rou oe gertaeg aoe paced wee e75, on Winntpe; to$ 1:20; medium, 6 9-4 to 7 1-20) com- mon, Pulgh caws, ' $40. to n15 ebgh: calves’ 11-8 to ef ep, at I-30 ‘émbs, abou Cedi Is Hereditary? UL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ~ ALWAYS CURE IT. uption and earthquake aatbsrical for last y the co! quttcermeneine '# populous city and edie en. Man, ‘Who Inherited Trou- spicuous feature of the main esti- Giacsiet of the Mind'since the Freneh| ley, ments Speedy Relief and Per-| mates for the fiscal year 1914-15 island of Martinique was lald waste fn) manent Cure in Dodd’s Kidney] which were tabled in the House on Without doube it is the most galing . ursday evening. The grand total hist t Nippoi : i gaiastrophe, In vlon nodeed. 94,000 peo-| Dresden, Ont., Feb. 2.-—(Special). | is $190,785, 176.42, as El a ian pie, is modern, Rompell of Hercult: | Whether Kidnoy diseasé is here- | $202,600,100.59 last year. re Thousands, wh egcaped the whirlwind ditary or not is bber pin- Sao didi Bee a of fro. and the rush taal wave that|2on. Mr. Samuel Burkett, a well|dated account anc fhe eal wept over city. Others fled only) known resident his place, is|chargeable to capital. eo st o be Sanpete ee Oe he ee ee ho inherited his{decrease, that of $3,7 ests, ‘The tale of horror may ni , ok a Zot complete, for twa ether ,votcances is parent fe knows that|under the head of public wor SG E ed Baa es Dodd's. Kidne; eile ue chargeable to income. There out io, Japan in [he manifold vvistta-|_ {I inherited my, Kidney Tiscaes decrease of $150,000 in the Naval woe, e oF ’ 4 reby a eth pullitudes of homes} from my parenta,” Mr. Burkett] Service appropriations, another at = ae BRE ix ‘a st states. ‘I was treated by a doctor, | $138,750 under railways and canal and tried various medicines, but it was see au ae ees snes use Dodd’ Bonne Fil sat I Sot any per- manent relief. “Since then I have not felt any effect of my old trouble, and I feel | 9 that anyb: troubled with Kidney es wil bene: y the us Dodd’s Kidney Pills if they oe directions closely. others may be help- I am ly who for reply. Dodd’s Kidney Pills never fail to eure any form of Kidney Disease. CONSTABLE nee EID SENTENCED. Gets Seven Tears te for Allowing Pri- soner to Eseape. spatch from Winnipeg says: Ex-Constable Robert J. Reid, one and self- confessed participant in the plot re effected K: enko’s escape, peared before ir = Job: a MAGAZENE EXPLODED. Italian Soldiers Killed and Serious- ly Wow : i A pay ape from - - wder ee, Any appointes) W a featond le degree the ine late esteemed {moun ery a erent seals | were serious] aS CHINESE BANDITS, Virtually Burned the Entire City of Liuan Chow. Batibor in 8 REDUCING OUTPUT. Pennsylvania Coal Mines Are Shut< Down. ‘ ting lieries of the Su Oo: Company, a Ponmapl eatin Railway tt ond suspended o, operstion until Monday, Miners say the; § fea an ch long vortiabed auld Saas ay this season of the] e 8 FR WOMEN SEMAN ED: gouted in ie Were when two women wer nurder, They were "headed iy the axe, in with a ust accor rc ) Prussian custom. 4 es, ce ee Rocstern. is bee i Nos wh ‘Norherny ann \ nee Cia with | 5h 20; ee Gri) Bo Tel A despatch fhm the Income. of businessmen me ‘ise; No. & relediod geeds, 19 120: | China, says: A force of 2,0 and’ property Nolders. ‘The industries : aen ; are etna bythe Ick “of tren tu Lo; No. Fomauy, 19 1) No oa ee sie cose ure aokae of tbe handteaps "i 208, 740; No, 8 oe Winter, 62 7. ONG a Ps forth’ with much detail by a recent Xo, 3 0.W., erver, George _ Sherwood Iddy, Nol ff ine New wea ty the Hast” He a 2, foe ‘ glares that, excep ter, of ‘elt 40: efence, Japan i E Sf Bo" poor to are LN.W.O, 81.27 1-4; No. 2 : ¢ another bg te ei Reena He No. 3 O, S111 1-2 ae “convinced that one ee sui i people as. Bol and fierchanta are only an « United States Markets ey & : Tape. ae Ae lai ht |Mpmegaieg ah wheat, e ia jo [believed they, have not been in- life, : OF the peg le-sare, still under the spell Xo id he ards a 4 ta. eee se Cash: | jure brigands ponarontly of the Middle Age 3-80 Pan Regulating Morals. by Feeding. 2 Having tried every other-eMypiment| No. 3 white, on jail prisoners, ao ee SHOT ap Nae ravaging the eastern part of Honan mov" S896; & g om ee amected “parts: oft Gerebrum,}yrn, $6 Nos © Provinee ist repose. ta improve ihe heriats soe goose, to moran ates, Sneed ean lati their “diet, onthe, precens te Une Tey, die pris: are noe ames kote. Brant county councillors oaal bur ib ex pert uly, frea ted both. ‘onto, ttle—Good put-|Teject the proposal to join memeity ane ai Fach prisoner 8 cher, $8 tor %. bi ee $7 to $7.80;| other west io counties 4 tugtes and Is cholee cows, atid Ee regres aa ee the be- ee secure an ndustrial Prison Fa fier of the exp one of idea, in- oh Guns’ in the fort: Bt. clipe: te Feo a tusory te found | corSbitige Wate: Brod’ alt “ata, 50 Mi mena nin Wi heir danger..when npous parish beadie tn : H ng i er. wis: a cyclonic storm drove the water ie Ol icaat fen aa { the Gulf of Finland into the S borne out bythe fact that th Hver Neva and flooded the lower th isoners larg He fr inte. fey ght vartehes of fo od which quarters of the city See In a oy a —_ Be] Good $11; common, $8 to Junoton oe ae tne aa ri te veal: tah M-reime peeves 1 1 THE FEDERA Grand Total for the Year House on Thursday, is $190,735,176 { é L ESTIMATES 1914-15, as Tabled in the, A despatch from Ottawa says: A aecges of almost 112,000,000. is (income), $114,244.10 rest miscel- laneous, and a decrease of $71,905 S| under militia, Tae Tnoreases. The largest increases are $1,- 266,500 idee aaculenre $1,911,- 840.75 under post-office, $250,958.22 in provincia sul sidios, $383,550 as immig: Eee) Aisha: un- mmerce, $745,570 oles eiwagh, “3584, 041.87 in civil government and $1,738,013.82 on account oF Pubes debt, including sinking fw During + ae fiscal year end March 81 last the total Pape ee was $184,196,317, but, aca whic loses. reh 81 the See ates on ee. national un connection ath. ninmebte ee very nthe Agriculture Department the detailed votes include: $770,000 for experiments tal farms, an increase of $11 ; for the enforcement of the bereits Insect Act, $50,- 900; davelopment of dairy and fruit industries, $225,000 ; cold oouragement, $200,000; health o! pores $500, ren Lansttateption g - | creas of Meat and Canned Food Act,) $240,000; development of the live stock Industr ry, gos an in-| ‘of $200,000. the Agnion Under rultural ret a tion Act the provincial vote ova, ID ss evtereere New Brunswick .... Prince Edward Island , a Biase mbia .... Veterinary dolleges mea 800,000.00! The Railway ao estid mates ae opie minals at’ Total alifax, a docks, alten? ‘no, 000; installa, ion of block and_ telep! ays: tems, ,000; new. car ferry and kk + »Milgrace, $458,000; new rolling stock, $1,000,000; east. erm msion in Halifax County, $850, For the Hudson Bay Railway terminals ants porate the yote is; $4,500,000 ; the N: al Nee * 93, 00,0 3 a % hin: Dent $215,000; Trent Canal, $1,-) io Works estimates include harb: abe Pee regen. River improvements, $500,, Victoria, Vancouver, Port Arthur and Fort William. Public buildings votes are largely for the smaller structures, and DrAStieRlly all re-votes = nen ntinuance of works alre: progr ae 5 7 INVESTMENT | High Class Promt-sharing Bond be withdrat ‘daye’ notice, ¥ Hahed 28 yeare. : "al eta tet aun CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING - Series $100, peat “TORONTO, “CANADA 4

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