IN MISERY AT MEAL TIME enn Can Be-Oured- By tha se of Dr, Wiliams’ Pink Pulls * your digestion is weak ous cal ih HE ee a test from. your stomach that it is unable to do. itaswork. It-is then that you ie petite eons dull head- Pp: 6. chest eae he peas ate other tressing symptoms. gannot cure e indigestion by atives, re-digest- stomach In ates: ca ed iving tone to mee atfeanientnd the nerves tha control the stomach. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have cured indigestion benefit from the food you take. The following is proof of these state- ments. rege Bret Great Shemogue, e years ago I was taken dé a fever which left me suffering from nervous stomach trouble. I ap- parently got over it, but the trou- could not have been wl srndiontedl, as during , of 1912 T was taken down with it many medicines, nt in ains; pee a drink Colinas le kab iia £0) upse I slept poorly nih at. last Meade to see night come. In condition I saw ina spaper the story of a woman who had similarly suffered ’ Pink Pills. I decid- y the Pills and found by the Hees iid aise ante tacos: that they were helping me. I continued using the Pills until I had taken eight boxes, when the trouble had | PY disappeared, and T havesto thank] { 8 80) by all eae Meare ill sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. fee Medicine Co., Brock- ville, BLACKS’ FEAR OF mor MOTOR CAR. Eclipse of the Moon Added to Ter- White Man’s Advent. How the primitive savages conten parts of Western ‘Austra- lia were dow! frightened, first by the appearance in ‘their de olor. | e of a motor ne s particular exploring party, ate set out powerful pcion -car to traverse the great expan’ When they came a) h ed a tremendous Maniy of the blacks strange apparition, t he rers had jeedie Mconeiled the natives to the presence of the ish a new evil arose and aberpaiton sniona the childsenof An eclipse of the moon curres At this time the pariy: of motor- igbs were near a cam 300 tives, ee é place eulee ley a fattie station is main- ait ty “the West nusioelia Gov- ernment. in order the natives aa beef, a plan which has what successful in pre- Moun Hie’ Blacks “Geta sate iat cattle fre by pastor a the sietgnonine moon. was. suddenly the natives were ‘ich the popes last- 500 dogs kept up a howling accompaniment to the noise ler, aid, to fr Macias that had seized upon |* A tacen REMEDY Baby’s Own Tablets are the only aging for little ones under a guarantee to be per- ie safe. hese Tablets are hacked by the guarantee of a gov- are sold by ee bce or by | Calle ured through the use of | 5eV Violet Val. {2 FOR LITTLE ONES A ©j}seventeen has the mere chi “MOONBLINK ” IS REAL. African Scientist Confirms perstition. It is an old auton that to sleep i a di South in the moon’s janger- ous proce aie Sah there is such a thing as “‘nn ianlisky ”? a tem) ary ites: ai to. be a eat report a devitalizing Bates Bono ee devour on vege- table life. There is even quoted a death the cause of which-was officially stated to be exposure to moonlight. Ap- foete vita statements have as to o ll-ettegia produced tn gerne or Ws s polarze, and possibly po- t may exert a peculiar |, few peak anesn Subsequently, polarized light was Blament lamp, the lisht being po- javized by means of a pile of sheets ise Dieta claes backs srt wee and plaved at the correct angle. experiments showed certain med foe re d in aoe way, although it ai probable that stronger effects would be obtained with a more source of light. When t+ cut from the same fish were hung, one in the direct light and the other in the polarized Be ra the latter inverse ly began to decompose be- the denier lou the temper- Ered nt ate po eam was eral degrees Lee than the dir- nther investigation, and aS "thowld be little pursuing such a line There are so many influence: eribed to meoplialt that as “rod ioe obvious interest to hi scientific oui tracing a a definite ifficulty in of rese: arch section to the rays. It be curious to ind that such terms of obloquy as jancouet ud 72 on- shine” and ‘ were, after all, not entirely “empirical ical. Liquid Coush ‘Hixtares Can't Cure Bronchitis But the Healing Fumes of Cata cea Which hest Recesses of Tubes Bring Quick Relief and Sure rh: ry sufferer from coughs, colds, bronchitis and all Ime ie, aud Ctires the ailment ares And itty medicine is “Catarrh- rm-killing balsamic vapor mixes with the breath, descends through the throat, down the bron, soothed with rich, pure, Pate essences, whereas with a rup the affected Ears eae not be Toethed: and harm result through benumbing the eeannaels with been a chronic sufferer one, been completely cured, and, in fact have been well for some time. Magar WILL IAM RAGAN, Brockville, Ont. r absolute, permanent cure use Catarrhozone. vo. months’ costs $1.00; smaller size, 50c., at all or The Catarrhozone Com- N.Y., and Kingston, THE CHARM OF AGE. It Largely Depends On a Woman How e Is Taken. achat Fpnae Te ea try and lay at may be good-| eign active, aniaren at heart, and all the rest o! gs ‘he art of fascination? viously mer childishness. is wholly out But that sort of venite pa ae oy food most seriously af- | ra powerful metallic | fr outfit | § - | shop: “to geta “How long married?” ; the sha a8) Ved. leven WANT SPECIALISTS NOW. The Old Family Doctor Seems to Be Out of Fashion. Bpscinten cnn which is a sign = times, threatens some old cu: Among. the signific: cat stances of to- one is the dees fleld Balzac, ae confided the secrets, hopes and woes of man; a household. Modern branches, medicine with its. many early infancy, the ort ‘thopedic surgeon to correct the natural deformities of childhood, the oculist to-prescribe the glasses of adol lescence, the surgeon aha had partaken o ‘of fish aah tht ASA So, Pana BO; |metabolist for the digestive troubles gerbe rsa eee ied f midi fe, the aurist for the deaf- shemical from | ness of old age. South Africa, su And though the change brings with gests aaa possible explanation Delt a Migher degree of emaltey, ter phenomena, ai m | is mucl et in the loss of con- a: baud, righty: lice ts well-|tinuity of the friendship and counsel Seas fact that the light of the, of the f joctor. His interest in ae ate li ie more |the patient was personal. He kn moon; being ignty 15 MOP’ |the physical weaknesses as well a family, He had followed them from irth, He was more than a physician. He was a guid philosopher and lent FERC ES eS Ee eee Pleurisy Pains Vanish! NERVILINE HAS NEVER Baten TO CURE. Don’t suffer! rviline HE your relief. line just rubbed on, lots of it no. ss a b This and T awoke uy ways par a ed POINTED PARAGRAPHS, ife. ‘1 who does not paint isn’t e ase, artless. Work is good for boys, but not all boys are good for work. divorce is the morning aft are too busy. talking heen doesn’t show up well at short rang NOE coralllts it isn’t physical cul- ture that woman strong What a satisfactory old world this would Be cm we could sow thorns and reap r Tai addftien {o: the love’ of mon there ars the queer ways we have of getting rid of it, man always expects his: wife to be a lot better than he expects her to expect him to be. mother never disturbs the slum- bers of her second baby. to see. if its eyes have changed color. verage. wife thinks she is her —but most manages to “strangle her aliens because she ered that weeping makes her nose red. ‘im, as im-{ to Chest Colds Cured! : — $ 1 Better a sweetheart than a sour Courtship is the wine pe life and t others, | the has discov- jaar: When a Woman Suffers With Chrouic Backache There Is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending the wants of often break down factories, and on a farm are weak alling women, dragged torturing backache and Such su fering, an natural but it's -|dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged ich go direct to the seat give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend afd to the bladder and cate frregularitis ieee is well know cause of thelr mild, soothing, ai healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pilis are efusi q stitute for Dr. panier Pills of Man- drake and Butter Se ee WOUNDS IN BATTLE, Large Mica Are fe in the d and Ha t, a surgeon ae served as a yolunteer during the Balkai per by sl teel. 1 nM 1 per cent. a The pene- trative force of pirannel! bus is, he declares, ree much less tl en that of rifle bullets never are. the other shrapnel Aen at ‘some distance from mu more frequently from cheba wounta than from rifle bullet wounds. this, he suggests ‘the use of a Tight, aneue shield to protect the head, and that another shield s] bi to the hand or the rifle itself. A third might be t | Dlack in ie i f the heart. Indeed, many of our own soldiers who fought in the Boer War their lives ————_kr_ _. When Choosing A Husband. pie has been ates in the way alee to women on the choici tk} Evil of Substitution Exposed. A deale substitutes ber si he rales eure. m’s contains no acid and ig guaranteed. Alwaya get Putnam's Extractor, 25¢. at all dealers. abe 's the most insulting woman. iS ever met.” “I never liked nee elt “Just think, The las ace she soiled us one ‘didn’ 6 ie feet when she came in, but she TENDER FACED MEN UTICURA SOAP Constantly for all toilet pur- poses, especially shaving and shampooing, with occasional use of Cuticura Ointment, because so effective in removing slight irri- tations, redness, roughness, pim- ples, dandruff, etc., of the skin and scalp and promoting and poe skin and hair health. weight er head. ‘‘Yes,’ He “there were five fore e you—my, m mother, an aunt, Si three sisters.’ Try Murine Eye Remedy If yo ry. 5 ‘An Eye Tonic Good for Alt Eyes that Nead Care Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago * at a a man’s fail world may be Suibie: tothe fact that he used blank cartridges whe. ving at the target of atom One RUE: QUININE” ‘EH BROMO QUININE, nthe mencutes of B. W. GROVE. Cureg.a Cold in One Day, Cures Grip in | Pwo Days. Only very young men understand women, Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. “Well, madam?” in quired -walker. “T wish,’’. she resent for my RetenG oe years, man, exvects | mail at 25 a box fro ville, “But he sw. sh girl, ‘don’t be aa on Harry. He lana a friend bound top" n 3 resay ‘bit bald_now, tant te v’ said the ce parent. een nonsense. Dr. ae Medici ine Co., see fiat she ts Tey be at sixty if she e 5 fe's getting a inreely depends on a woman how her decade she is a wiser, More agreeable companion, than the low maiden. However, to forty SB age Sa charmi: age is ming does not zo Be about it, = if she has fount: the is there- le is irresistable ie “thirty: five, of man taken, but directly us ee ply. iB peritad to he te gains down that ce Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills made according to a formula in Hotel) a cent Tndiane, and learned 1 Dr, Morse. “Though repeated oan 3 ee chiemiete it aha ‘peed ma impossible to i improve tl ills. Dr. Mor iney and he} t prompt pani otecceae and ze Cleanse the Seniasi act” poung, all is up with Ed. 4. ISSUE 6—"14. denly relieving his shoulder of the 1 his! are supposed to dig sabe thom whan cates oue oa % “Am T the only woman you ever loved?”? “Oh, no,’”? he answered promptly, ‘‘you are sixth.’’ = as ¥ “The sixth, hag nalie exclaimed; sud- a Nova Scotia “Lumber King’ consider MI a tran LINIMENT the "Bae Untment 4 ry foot me “Jammed lately. 1 bafieca v fell with MINARD'S LINI- SST 6 ever next ‘uly, Yours very tr i GU MOMULLEN, WISHING WELLS. Where the Passerby May Have His Wish Fulfilled. All over Europe there are to be found springs and wells, tl quality or som magical Throughout the northern part ft En, ng- land there are “wishin, ihe Passerby ma; reathe his drops a crooked pin into the er, A curious custom is still to be wit- nessed in Cornwall. Two ee is of concern to the smnaiters were to be learned from tho Position the cross- took as it floated on the surface, r A Single eee John, ackward loyer, sat at one end of ae sofa, ee or Eretioety at pes puser: Beth mi were too full ‘yon Starete tion, but at last @ the Cady spoke : 4 m, what are .you thinking about Soe awakened from his answered with a drawl, the same as you are) rised to get the “Tf you ae Tu box eee ears.” Soa, “Oh, j "and was Ae joap and Ointment are sold throughout ‘idress ‘Potter Drug & 1 Dept. 5K, Boston, U.8. A. GRAFTING IN SURGERY. Has Been Practised Since the Re- motest Antiquity. The art of transplanting or re- placing human tissu has been practised sin sramcioll an- tiquity, states r Paris i Tistantionts In Wridia. a“enste 6x isted that was renowned for its skill in replacing cut-off noses, and had a great practice, because the ro- moval of the nose was a very com: mon punishment inflicted on cer- tain criminals. From India this sort of surgery ound its way to Italy, where, in the fifteenth contury, to itinerant icilian surgeons, the Brancas, fa: her gad Gon to pad dose eae lane aa Meaaj inter oF Akh one anato) Similarly, in the sixteenth con- ury, a Bologn ans or members from one individual to another. ‘ein Plils for Womon raxris Bays About features of unredeem yism. If | mend What Mrs. he father ia indolent and irrespon-| | m Harris, oe le, be careful to note if the son wows all about G shows any signs of tho same trait,| (Pkg my tind box of GIN however slight, and, i. so, be warne ack and Eis 5 ere fe in time! ‘Like father like son’ is | WA8 A great sufferer from Hhoumatten but ft Ul left 1 strongly a true saying in the «majority of| vise all women, who. suffer. from Pain insta. es in back and Weak Kidneys, to try GIN PILLS iC yon aie Naess Dee © erchiemtcal Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto, eles a Sse have a wonderful Mory; mma.” Mamma — PAWhy 80, ae child?” “Because ae, re always Heme REDE to re- nind me of things I forget.’ Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. _Soraldine— "You haven’ keane me sinoe, you asked my father ie my hand.” Gerald—“N. is the first timo I’ve beet? abie te Ls 8 CURED IN 6 TO 14 Tour eae fet will refund Hone. hs PA 20 OINTMENT fails to cure any cage of Itch. ing, Blind, Bleeding: in 6 to 14 ‘days. or Protruding Piles The richer a man is the richer he wants to be. Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, ‘When. a man tells his wife he something to s: sure of a aor scold THE VALUE OF COURAGE. Good. A great deal of talent fs lost fn the world for the want ys a Uttle courage Timidity Prevents Some Men From! Making yaatity, flavour, and a Perfect cooks, mainte id pa Just heat'— then serve ‘tad eos first-cousins and particular Beret that-he has no PAORS time to follow their FARMS FOR SALE, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colboras Stroy Toranto. F XYOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Fats aking a day | more popular idea, however, 1s to take | olf was forbidden by law in Scot! land in 1841, By the time a man's sulaias Bet | old ‘enough to help him, they decid e to help some other man. Enforcing the R ae Tustwed—T'll be Back in moment, duckie. What is-it, jani- to Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. < It’s cheaper to raise colis than to buy horses, But it's costly it You lose e colts. Keepabottleot x Vs ies -five years has proved it the ate reliahie remedy for spav! in, SP Ut, curb, ,ring- bone, bony growths and lanieness frotetinhtiy tango druggists everywhere at $L boii No Gotties wae Get 8 free copy of our book “A Treatise on the Horse” at your ahiggist's or write u 85 Dr. When buying your Piano insist on having an ‘OTTO HIGEL.” Piano Action Cease using old-fashioned meth: Be up to date and ins Bvaporetor red @ ana ‘catalogs giving fan ineormation aoe ‘on } CO, LIMITED 58 wWoltington St., Montreal, Que. Apel Zaro Buk to all. ees and sore with a layer of pro- wound w: aN ake cs all poison. ly in the wound, aad uur Bo thantted collingwoed, |“Licks the Bucket Clean" ea ; write Daweon, Brampton, aa BTS Colborne St., ‘Toronto, Facts and Fancy. W. GAWEON, Golborne St, Toronta, Men, like watches, a jud y thas rene re Indged Py | TOO 4GRES ac On, LAND. ALU conveniences. D, J. Kerr, News Asparagus is good for rheumatt stadt, Ontarto, thing most people ever! WANTED. irls celeb annive AEE, INDS OF WILD girls celebrate the ¢ anntversar ATT, J oF WiLD ison Adelaide Street, Toronto. Sse. West NURSERY STOCK, jTRAWBERRIES, 2 REED AREIES 2 One ee, ‘MeConnel “A MISCELLANEOUS CUNGER,, TOMOUS. LOPS, © ETO. internal ‘and external, ¢ u }out pain by ts hefore too Blatchford’s Calf Meal | /As good as New Milk at half the Cost, ah ph Pan Woe 100 held mates 100, Naked of Perfect Milk Substitute. pases fe pamphlet, “How to Raise Calves ly and gaan! vers Milk,” ur Dealers STEELE, BRIGGS Oe ‘oro nto, Ont, Grandmother Saye? that w: listen rn; tools a = veuettinlets. Sekeiee “"[JOuio SULPHUR (TPS NOT A PARENT brings within reach of everg- one NATURES a REMEDY He RHEUMATISM, ECZEMA hx And Kindred. eoudles. regular use of histone: otal and via you all the benefits of a vis HoT SULPHUR | SPRING ue & 3 5 3 S tor & o Suipuur Propucts Street, Toront yourself, Price, *"DISTEM Sure cure-and ponitiy sete onthe Blood and @ the body. nected or “tex; Pink Hye, Miplaootio, Shippin Fever and Cheaehad Fe pp ne PER @. preventive, no. ma sed.” Liquid, empor, Causes and. Cures.” DISTRIBUTORS ALL able LN paunoarg S2oha Modicai Co., Chemists and Bactcri logis Cc ea up in ace ruggists jepai bares: stemueber similar irritation of the skin. " = soothing,-emollient prop- “a zomtore phor Ice ever japped haa SS lips, cl t effects of 1 Pe and cold: |