a oat doin ONE TNT es eee Oe @ married man-his family residing in| aiting’ liable to. get sick easily, i¢ needs 2 GE I A Ladies’ Coat, Gents’ Overcoat or Furs at Rate of 8c per day Walkerton. He had been ina des- | medicine to build its weight and strength IMPORTANT CHANGES 1N vondent mood for some weeks For this purpose there 1s nothing else We TRAIN SERVICE — know of that we can so strongly endorse a: Rexall Olive Oil E the remark leaving atente seit SALE inion Whinipes been temporarily withdrawn, A lot containing « a brick house and | : oF sha phig ing Wi gcod frame stable for pee uber. f nto 9a. m been temporarily withdrawn, Seas SEO; DENSTEDT: Drumne a Besta No, 7 Bas been resumed het ween Tparcmto: Ga Suabu oF $8.45 p.m. daily, a1 ® Train No. 28 ae Aiea resum FOU BREE Ba CEN WOOD si ay, ae a To: 1040 pe . Berlet is offering his well the ot! located property containing—a store ndard Sle 4 c ao sic in neat hild itd tos Marie Lae a a Sombined. 2 eae FA | cood work by taking hold of the w splendid gotapliadey for pi kind f fa builds the body up to i se strength, at the same time makin, m: For * Winnipeg & Vancouver | °! business. -V. R. BERLET. ave Toronto 10.20 p.m. daily 5 Compartment Library Observation car FOR SALE Standard Sleeping C re Toronto to. Win- er, tou All our Ladies’ Coats and Gent’s Overcoats Reduced ind Toroato to vance = Sieofa ear, "dining ear Ors A few acres of _ standing timber | hide are ~ es, colonist suitable for wood. Also some good | pact nd tell ies hac : oapatticulare from Canadian Pacific Agts ay een noe nee and 2 lara twant you tolosea cent, We think ‘ rite M. , Toronto, a ‘air, and it leaves you For old le also F. W. Thomas, Local Agent || better see me as I will sell this rea- te tae a peop = sonable. A. E, ROSLIF. Milverton. | Gous, tired. oee ‘rundown, nor ‘h ‘xall Oliv aran For the benefit of those who have left Coat and Fur buying FARM FOR SAE. tefachibtt 7,000 Re: = as Sto) Bi ° 100 acres in the township of Ellice | by us. ig Reductions composed of the west, half of Lo e of Lot 33 in ie until the present time and feel sy anid ia anne tees only they can’t afford a coat, we have THE PUBLIC ORUG STORE. | fa 3th concession of Ellice. Good frame | aUeRGH ie 1 ae a dwelling house — wit: kitehen and | : y o ’ D woodshed. bank barn 40x82 with driy- | a made it easy to get that much Men S Suits ling shed. hog pens. drilled well. wrind z | mill. water in stables. 95 acres ELMIRA TOOK BOTH GAMES FROM wanted coat, 3 SEERA PSS ulti of | MIL VERTO: IN ptette made their From now until February 15th, I will will offer 20 Suit Lengths at cost price. Good trimming, made in latest style. Fit and workman- ship guaranteed. Regular $19 to $23 suits for $14.2 °17,2 Coats and Trousers Only $12 to $15.00 All we ask you to do is 3 pay $1 down and 50c ; a week until paid for, at the rate of 8c a day. FARM F That va es abl “farm 4th 1 Ch: Lightfoot. of § [fora handled tie bell giving satisf th tea It will pay you to investigate this offer before buying. Who would be without a Coat at 8c a day In ned with a rush ar at -wi Nees fon Mitverton hig dry, 0 J. M. Fleischhauer 8 i= soiss iov'nercantic Macau muvewron BT “tn This offer includes Ladies’ Coats, Men’s Winter Coats and Furs Weichel we = the home FARM FOR SALE. strength. The valuable een of the ar You dnsured Lackner, ae at 6. ¢ Son, : TIFORESRERG oes pote ee Our Special Ladies’ Raincoat $3.99 wie tniulmums cost. Investigate it A See this Coat before buying. S. Spencer, C. 3 mise: FA 0: ipreat battle. N. i orn i conven. g pa 4-3 Score, The bat Hh Se nk-batn with s r Our stock for spring is most complete. SS Do your sewing these stormy days and < be prepared to enjoy the good weather ~* 3 when it comes, <a P YALES! rth Mornington a t apply he premises i eet atthe rink on Fri- WANTED F, ©, LACK} fawkes op ening JOSIAH 8. ST PER Vate 3 Nat ) a Canadie —— ESS es x draw ga in a tow tate Ge Mionniay cach! The were unable to finish owing skaters taking h t is expected tcok Berattord “WBE wie! Northern Leaguers in the near future ake big ings his fall and’ winter Charlie. bad dermis who aa b Id dows Pe rise ye aaa Mail Contract Senin eevee : tea i Janada : ae Black Sateen Underskirts 50c each See our splendid range of 500 DRESS GOODS—a big variety to choose from For every town and district where ¢ not re~ bringing bi ig in dema, Splendid range of Waists at 50c Experience not necessary BUALED TENDERS addressea House Dresses from 89c to $2.25 Free equipment Bis Postmaster will be re Exclusive territor, eived at Ottawa 5 cig noon, on Fri- Str ‘atford jun’ ors wer out ae Highest commissfons paid day the a on a ‘March. 1914. for |f the cg Write for full particulars STONE & WELLINGTON “Fonthill Xi TORONTO ~~ ONTARIO DR. WAUGH EXPRESSES REGRET Dee, 1-3-m over: Mi decide the pg : i thi Elmira. = ‘ Postaiaster General's Pea re ; Printed ¢s. containing further i ee mation as t : pro: alee Re Ne eat eae eos gd Dian) Se. John Waugh Chief Inspector of ; : fe. alan: Py Pal arate Schools sends us == the ost Oifice of Milverton the following communication and: also VT, offi- ‘ G.-C. ANDEHSON. | cials as to the reason of hj non-ap- Post Ottles DEptenent Won Gone eat Sten ae ok “The People’s Store”’ iS ere MILVERTON, ONT. ins Branch. Ottawa, 80th January, 1914, |Milverton Public Soh matter of general regret that — Dr. ean | Waugh wannot viedent at that tune: ur i i r j and home game tiom and we know that no one Oy é ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS: lgrets his inability to have been pres- lent more s himself, . We I ailo rl ng iN THB MATTER ‘of the’ Estate: of {ore ctaure bin thet Bis esplanad = 5 > —— homas Tanner. late of the Town-|are more than satisfactory So all con- ene ; i j PLEA FOR “PERFORMING ‘ANI-|THE SELFISH AUTO INTEREST.|{t along the lake shore. . When the act was passed by parye. : See ota marnington, in \the County | cerned and besides we have “his « MALS” route than is needed. simply Sar leep in 1912, authorizine a bounty ruyeses nein ao come anv other tine Toronto Weekly Gun | the lake shore route eee the fran | at $100 cach to : that we mav desi: * |Iidy Irving i London “Chronicle.”| How utterlv selfish the auto inter-|er number of scenio effects. An er minister of callin £ Pees ae ‘OnICE 18 HERE ae NEL Sad te The merciless exploitation of” the | est is if one may judge by its chief | the verv interest which is calling baal ad Estate of Thomas Tanner. late of th: _ Toronto February 2nd. ‘14.|kinglv and kindly “animals of the) spokesmen. was again shown last this needless expenditure mainly for|be paid wi 3 Township of Mornington. in the Coun 1 am enclosing a mark-|world.the children of the wood and| Week in connection with the fina}/the enhancement of its own selfish |and 10.000. In the. auditor-general’s 7 Clothes ae you can well feel ty of Perth, Farmer. deceased. who sore a The Grand Trunk Railway 01 hae ild. public hearing before the Ontario | pleasure objeots to the very moder-|report tabled in the ‘oud to wear. Inexpensive, i i i ose ay Commission in this city. | ate proposal that a tax o! ~ per | wee! litor-Geners 4 rane made 4 pro xpensive, died on or about the 2nd day of Ap- |'Time-Table from which ‘A te tale ned ein bi toate this par yotrry ser bas decidedly dressy. Clothes ril.1913. are to send to the —under- | information was derived, which caused 0 much nearer eae in men-| That interest is the chief agency be-/horse power be imposed on autos ‘as althis significant statement:.“Up to a neat, signed Executors on or before the|me to miss the train for Milverton on | tali in spiri hind an agitation for the building of /me Gear tn meeting the cost the 12th Dessiaber. 1018. 16,886 war. ran appearance. in the rd dav of February. 1914. fall the night of the school opening. ai is a concrete thighwav between Toronto |of road improvement! r sue ing to single-breasted sien ater the Houlard.of theixiclalis verified wetea See of the telegram sent "to d Hamilton, Such a highway will $1,580,600 or $585,600 above the highs English or Ame: odel: G: i be enormously oauely BE Yee: and yet ee EE are ey S Es Soo apni a anon are arte : ich i ile,| 1 Is orgposed to make ft even more ‘or a ci conte |15.000 applications still under consid eee f EET eh oe ee eee oft es THe gostly than necessarw by deflecting thin auestabiee keene: tion by the department, Fabrics are guaranteed all the assets of the estate among — the | ino wrong information in rear i wool, pure dye and thoroughly yartie# entitled thereto: having, xe-| the time of tie led vine of tealny. Yor sbrie before being made up. ra o claims of which they | will confer on me a very great favor > hall then have teocived ‘sotles bv publishing both the marked copy |e Ifred Tanner. of timetable and the telegram enclos- ee . W. Tanner. with this letter. I realize that Executors. |yery great opportunity for doing good R.R. No. 1, Newton. | has been lost and it is ais avery Dated 3ist. January 1914. i] great disappointment to have been 3 s. N. SMITH euanie to meet my old friends and 3 “the Tailor”? some of my old pupils in the County |God’s creatures within the sphere _ of tg Auction Sale [+22 | 22d looked forward to /charity.and mercy.” MILVERTON, - ONT. u this meeting with a very great de- seer iene j : ee gree of pleasure. SLAUGHTER OF WILD DUCKS Of Live Sees and Farm Yours very faithfully Produce JOHN WAUGH. Wibdeae Record Over two million people in Ontario —. Jam tnelructea: to "sell. by “Ww. ilk Teese Fase oe ‘0 see WI Bs the Be done at the coming sessiom of the Lepisla-~ Fall Wh -$ 85 $ 86 | Dunloy ire. Inspector. to sell hy From Toronto. Januare 30th. ture Gur de en cag iene eee per ei 4 public auction on the farm occupied by Filed 5:15 p.m. at Milverton. 3) 33)|Cbarles Schiebel..Lot 17. Concession |v, agent, ur Eek ie nn aed ee oe On account of wrong informat- sled Saag lois were wueveyea by lt TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 24th. 1914] ion given bv our officials to Dr.John} the high-priced hotels and cafes owt... 280 2 80 At 1 O'clock Sharp Waugh as to time of train leaving their wealthy patrons. The plain cit- 2 29 for Milverton’ he cannot reach Mil-|izen who enjoys the marsh — shores. Th Onl Satisfactor S reader. Wh 9 4 horses. 5 cows. 6 calves. 7 pigs..1|verton to-nij pate where the ae ae = available gets e y y p . y : gow 500 bush, oats. 50 bush. barley. igned. John J. Beck. tha: {rach ale but cio" GUaks, quantity Hay ‘shovels. forks. spades. Supt. ‘The ruthless rane hunter feeds binder, mower. dise harrow. cultivator | pjease notify Mr. Torrance and Ed.|the wild ducks wheat and. barley ETTER pulverizing, wider and evener spreading, less weight, lighter draft, absolutely, gearless, Seaplsit, seed drill. hav take fanning mill.| Milverton Sun, goes out in his launch. rounds up the less breakages, low down, easy loading, better constructed, longer life, tracks with standard root pulper. plough. cream separator. SS are ducks and slaughters them with six Riseuc wicele teicaloat cxrieciny Uoth adie, pointed opiintec teat th, no chink a Sic Staines milk cans. wagon. hav rack. sleigh. and ten-shot int guns. Is that est Shesls, best traction, only perfect endless conveyor, conveyor cannot race ‘or slip, widest range of reed. = cutter. buggy. double harness. single PAD OF THANKS. what we call “sport.” harness. ter trough. grindst There were 26000 wild ducks ‘iltea OOME. AND SEE ITAT OUR SHOP wheelbarrow and other articles too| The members of Burns church ; de- numerous to mention. sire to thank the Milverton Board of 2 erms ;—Under $10 cash. Over that |School Trustees for remuneration, re- Same S meutay eae ce | Fonotae (setca for eee occaMeeOERE ooo ole ROE & SCHIEL, Agents Milverton diseount for cash. sbpresjation of care taken of. ehvareb J. W. DAVEY, perty by teacher and pupils. dur- Piers ics ‘their ERR OE ON