ie ae Skates’ Hollow Ground A GOOD JOB GUARANTEED Rs Pp. NEUMEISTER ) Painter and Decorator MILVERTON Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher ~ Leta LLEe: Y ROTTER WANTED! 1am prepared to buy any quan- tity of butter — must be without salt or coloring. Highest prices. S. Gleeckman, ~ Milverton FTTTTTTT Vol. XXI—No. 32 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, February 12, 1914 wes en 25. for butter. Engeland ee oben special grocerv prices. MRS. RALPH TUCKER PASSES ' Se Rae eaneien ae BusinessCards & tee Sa : The latest Se ee Lord| Not for some time has an event| ])R, M €.TINDALE;E:D:S: - 000. | east such a gloom over this commun: LOoAL NEWS a See of 50c. dress goods. j ae i rlin, ar of bulk salt will be aaa: on Monday, Get your Se WA etropolitan Bank etropolitan an eek ‘with friends in Listow “Geo, Pauli and son Win. spent |ity and brought out the sentiment of few days this week in Stratford | gym he ds in th ot a TIAPAEY of 2608 in Huron and and Be w i Miss Luella Appel of ‘Tavistock. is| ‘Phe official count gives Me sont monte : luo i : TORONTO | ae Fel a “oth, for | 57 ae Peel. Head Office : TOR i ist chureh, r 300 pieces of print to choose Medical. $1,000,000.00 r of Stratford fons ‘for your spring sewing. Enge-|land & Son at CAPIIAL PAID UP 1'432'547.61 esent visiting with friends in sons. Do a fail o hear Miss ‘Nicklin’s tek of, blood. poldoning,. What F PARKER, MD, PLL. TYE, MD, RESERVE FUND and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . 432,547. wn. : mtcous ice crop is now ass! olin. imhursday Feb, 19th. in | ee} fe death especially ead is the Thee Y Mr. Henry Bettger. of Neustadt ae The storm of Saturday. and Sue Methodist church, Be eee cee ihaver four ahidsin | | Sc eee ee E t spent a few days with Mr. Frank | day was a Rune Easson of Stratford. oe ranging from three to ten years eee Mrs. F, Syer and son Irving. of | been eateaied. wuekialea of the ool age oro hee hastawa epee: OFFICE : PUBLIG DRUG STORE, MILVERTON DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS w Kerr spent the Hamilton. are at present visiting at |iate guste Boar oa Penne . Issued payable heer desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST friend Miss Shirley Bin- the miome of Mr. U, in Bogel land, Comfort soap 6 for 25c.. 2 pounds| tes led eee TR Ng | Howre—to to.12 o'clock a, m.yand 2 0 4 of remitting money. istowel. a Gischler eee his bro- jicing sugar he. 1 pound arate ow [ietle ore’ thread weent-abe eine Ge o'clock p, m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. m. é Miss Frieda Schm:! of . Brunner Ae Vey, M. Gischler. Shakes- ects Ae: this week at Mohr’: battle to keep her little family around F. M 135 i k Branches: D. C. Brown, Manager [” |tcturesd home after spending & Dees Ae bevival meetings this: week. wi of Mitohell bas decided tol per ca seer her nd) DR. A.F. McKENZIE, M.D. Milverton and fe ie ranches: D. C. 5 py) jwith Milverton friends py | gi James Roulston. of Humbolt. ae anew school building se weakened rendering her an easy prev Pijaaac tee jonday, Wednesday and Friday terborn._ 0! rims! ask, is spending a month or two lis estimated will a at least ‘a wi 3 Pe cae Gch fe eet re ci tends fm and around Milverton. s nae ch} MONKTON, — ONTARIO tr Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Gulp j ‘other. Jacob. of Milverton, Mea, John Herver. of Paislew spent |tertained a BESS sat Pro /and "a ‘orn near’ Bourncmaugh | ofice hours: So jaf pombe ae es and in evenin; Miss Nellie MaeBeth.|a few days Ss visiting he: “two . Mr. | brother. Mr, ‘Peter MacBeth. in R, FORSTER, Eye, Kar, ‘ose and ‘throu ae House Surgeon rae: H. Barnhardt and daugh- Flossie oF Eiages sie spent an 9-3-1 New York Opthalmie and Aural Insti- nd Mrs. ae Junior Pastime Ch ndid dispositi vas held in| tute, Clin, Nesistant, Ear, Nose an es | roa Hospitel. Golden ‘Square and Hoy pital wei ' as | airs x ie of Brussels. Mooresiol’ ital. London. \ a fev he See aid r 2 was Eng. 3 Waterloo St., opposite IN {tended the tage eral of the late Mrs | bie thee is Scania = oe Sine ter eautify your ne by having i patil ighbors. e | Knox cae Romer: phon e 267. NN | Tucker. |General admission 10c, papered wi and’s wally; was a m 1 of Burn: ni "e esa few | Milverton ee on Friday ek choose from. Engeland hoi for which he 2 8s ie a “4 in| H. B, MORPHY, KC. Mth and "Mr Feb. 13th. bi en North The children’s carni n Saturday Ihad Lables: N : rODD pe call s to attract a large {were intereed in Greenwood cemetery | Barrister, - Notary Public, - Conveyancer |_ Sacram of Lord’s Supper in the) sharp. crowd. Many pails from the school | Milyerton on Wednesday afternoon Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. \ fethodist ane next Sunday morn- » Building Committee of Knox children net the surrounding district | ja; urse of friends and neigh-|;isrowEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD iy ne mecting on| church, Stratford. has, accepted _ the | i i Tes riomeag: clatowels alverea Mon Nit | eS oe MeKe pans and are Soa A hockey ch will be plaved on|75 different patterns and colorings (0 hefore the death of her husband was i & & ork SAVE, because--- No. 97 A weekly deposit ensures financial freedom when employment is difficult to obtain. |b v 0.0 Well paves riabt to stock No’ neta ad > Tindale wil ate ere the i Toronto. 3 i ng./to order just come in ae e the jes ect. The funeral ceremo} was eu alléd_ for. take home desir Miucted by Revd. T. J. Roblason| sas 5 or it os eee what you. have | SEO Deacon. ThE i FR. BLEWETT,, K. ©. for what you use, Ps ive thers. Wm. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto ity} ; |Bngetand & Bonk d| ‘The county meeting of sist Perth L ordon Block : = = _ ONTARIO HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto ears or ui f 5 GENERAL MANAGER: A. H. WALKER the = & a ee Stn elect, | Pillow. diene e sed “Fate ES Werarinaion Mr. 8 5 Oe ray Mothe: MONKTON BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, ‘plat eahitas v he a the ¢ ve e ro a of the oF een spray . ba acker and Miss W. BARR, Vetertary Surge \ Sal “tv ie amepaaes 2 Vee ee ion’ ser: | Pes earl “tucker Norwich: Wreath. | avert, Gradtate of Ontario Vetorin? /™—)/??'M/«@o lWJ GW’ €?™?>E» ee ee ae fia pietsh ASS SS SSS ea ring opens proceed| At t e icial Board of Wreath Sieattord Friends: Wreath, y barn in the place of | the Methodist church held |W Sreguire, Geo, was destroyed by fire | last week. ‘the pa r the Rey. Dr. iminershanD E AU | Briends : Sprays. amble, Jno. Societies. i ily urgman. ; ae Mrs. 0 a he Tru Seine nce os Sipimkbeiners ME. an MILVERTON sae ae oe paper on “TWe Y austen {Sunday Pao eee at interest in |lowea it was decided to call oan Hig ~ Kot 5 rass Seed, Timothy an over: ‘Teeamo ines ee ei uadey Bel ee Coeat Cilio | coereraiteel estos Conia maiaa ae a a vi ‘ pan Tadies 25 _male qua: rtette composed 0 of Mesers cecding with the church renovation, | Nira D. Stevenson, rootstock. progr? WE HAVE IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF {i a Fin ected chori Mt as t your supply before the prices go up. eoxdinty invited! HH. Grosch and the three Finkbein-| The lon; cuaine dispute between * 7 Call and get y pply pI = x ta Benen prothera rendered splendid ‘serv’ | the oa eae ": E ns an a Nevve ; i Panel ape peleoms, J.G, Hamilton, W * . age fh 1 jfoundland over the boundary line be- faa Linseed Meal, Cottonseed Meal, Oil Cake and Gluten Feed sending deteaat The city of Guelph reqps « ‘tween Quebeo and that portion of the| “an editor is supposed fo be the 1.0,,0) Py TBilver Sb at tee, a he Guelph | territory subject to the jurisdiction of criticized man on earth. but Lodge?! No. 02, Milv Lyles Aa oa aretiol Se ginetion Railway over which the C./Newfoundland which lies along _ the | p,. just been putting in 2 Full fine of Poultry Supplies on hand, L “ | OD, D. ATKIN, Miiyerten as seats mn Wi His-| DR. has r running rights ron: Suet Labrador coast line is to be dealt | Word ft en. claiming BALED STRAW FOR SALE. rict ais ed. At i elph: Jun the year 1913 os and seis upon by the Im- a erable 0! ao SPER, In ad grial Commitice of the Privy Coun- | ino sons of men. He says: 5 A cn rondey cai itehell. was” held 86: e ar oe arate ted tovene on Tuesday evening last./Sir ™ i Miss poi had been sere a number 'ed by the Sprorinel ial latare. “the ¢ SI Dresum= |" Special Giasery Prices 2 [and wi and ae No act-| gam ee ee pauhesl utes i ‘ in the historv|ing. If she doesn’t she isn’t i it el eee ne Oates fe einen as 3 aed tin iz ; : Say of i she otes BYE. ONDE |edit Het a UASRNCRE eae ‘ @ bars Comfort Soap for. ois beagaee and 0 1. man being Feane ested to direct a pe preacher fends note: ne 8 over the Metsopolitan Bank, : onal appeal to the local member. re, If he sett) ea tecnucvametualy he sta ¥ A, CHALMERS, Monkton, On (On Monday Web. Sade Mrs,” Lonis tne anit a gh. I ay tary Hibllg£ Gonveraicer, Issner of | Gr of Logan: met with a painful} hom in is stud e does not foe riag ico the County 4 accident: “Her Iittle “boy had_gott If he is Perk, Heal'Betase bought and sold. the gunpowder and spilled ig onlete «e vie ta Soleo farms for immediate sale, =| Be volesaie upheavals f last month, | ; aawitipz the as This np ueee piBAY 1 1. tin Baking Powder... THURSDAY, A 3 boxes Silver Tip Matches Stuffed Olives, reg. 15¢, for... and oe . 4.509 natives peris r the pow: vas thrown on the sJewel FIGAE nT0e, 1,40, 2. bes ne ation but twa countries TE ""rhe site of the mission hospital fire with the sweepings. when’ the SATURDAY Chloride Lime, reg. 15¢ for 25c -bolnied the death’ penalty | SOW. lies beneath eighty feet of water tt flamed burst ‘ott burning part of tite American Coal Oil, 5 gals s the repntation of the most sie oe breviousy pS olsen ees Mandesc ems sad alba re eiatass Hats : 1 A while supplying) Z ie. rong, of Mitche could have told him 0 do ae Clover Honey, at. jars, reg. 50.. polving en. the approach to ads, 1 aaa eetled -a€ ches andthe “patient ie lori feee miarhease” tines me eine Ore See rs Kole ane Brooms, best quality .........35, 40, 60c al d. France Ww Rankin and Ate D. A. doing as well m be expected. the i never come inand| Chas, Ritter, Proprietor f i an Downs| A Kingston despata says‘ mises that never matui ext to iS MO H R’ Ss ontem) SsbB life 1th art ae Lao Be oe mi pated vaneay of Athens ae a|peing an editor it is the poh awful | ee 'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont, a reed to ak i sea er ate wus york. a life” fe best accommodation for commercial The Highest Prices Paid for Produce Auivse meres ett beth abit con Poveed:|tising for a man , _—--—-- \peavelloey snd veer, cbt ts jarae sample : Methodist chureh on ao uw Ssessor. CITIZENSHIP room! 3 " Ps] a i mE HNN tl st i ' " 7 i " he we See eens ee naghe: ike eptlonsnaatae Mawes - : go ee Ue hoicest of Wines, La I ! a | heuice thereceta ; r guor gars av the bar, Good warm aa auspices of Ww Miss Je that the former: was vhased ow ae r of fi e < eins Toronto Weekly Si tables, Geor, reek Pauli, Proprietor. = = = that he had been assessed on his si tor. danger at Imper- z eee eee ed violin said to wi sional indemnity in 1911 but had not | trasney officer col ster. ot + Hal fus et ape ee HOUSE, Berlin 3) s 00. and Mra Waeayow faired any a toh | rte attenton to Commercia A G. HAMILTON {been defeated in his ele ae a jand giv ale state te. thie ee in England t the deportation «Splendid sample rooms, © Bes ‘ewings. addition to the above | course refused to pav the i -fvi tion.” labor agitators by the Uutlon of South | wines Tiquors served. at. the. bar i e Barron dismis: ae. with ae and parish pri well’ Africa. Intervention is flee anded, Rates $1. 50 per day. Wa. Wrrr, Prop Sole Agent for oe ts joe unti oting a ishi will| and even the revocation: of the con- ‘ no Tonge be allowed on the highwi ways of e i yak D. L. @ Ww. PORTLAND Te cata: aaa Rt Hea ed to the title of his late | SCRANTON pagaanighe musing 0 ‘led. “The old| father et i STANDARD ST MARYS “ite” © ociable.” All wpleome at the eae ee aes eat aN pay ? sth arene ored to well to th rnmeat a 2 win saa S i o = h. the at “of | Ne uildings for £400,000. Duke is} farm aining legen moted first to meet th the London Chronicle.and i i in thi Messrs. Van Horne ae "Shaughnessy rae = * private property only upon the ne nt ae the owner or tenant as the enship be wei ake i oni : ‘During Toi there wil be four, ge: ened un thet: The f 1 tcok place from thi succession duties to the : of the sun and two of th Beene eeu tonoe on Tuesday afternoon to| when it is a question of making the | mo a i ereury over| W. Ds WEIR'S SALI SALE REGISTER. State pa<for land: taken, the i te evulsion “of feeling - y. 24. 25. is not i Thursday sky "Rh—Stock and im- . | here. lipse o! i OMING! Been com HAIR MAKES a re T. of Milverton. The sympathy of the mmunity goes out to the stricken. urday Feb. 14th— depen and effects on Lot 18, Con rnington, about 3 miles north “i sian and 4 miles west of Lin-| HTS Wag @, URED Exe ¥ ot 2. Ci , ily. Tenders are beine called for pay a visit to Prot. # .R. out of Milver- ronto, who wi MILVERTON at the Grand Gentral Hotel rites vor psi . He ury. a While the big wi st | We Brincipals of the city are too barden- iday di i ‘ Butler. The : of|ed with routine work and have in-|cd thi ideral icul-| EF ‘eb, 20th Saving Habit sutton tine consequently for teeahe ing 4 i i Con. a. ing. Elma. hn . Con, 6. Elm TUESDAY, FEBRUARY QAtH Fitvcen cons sat x vd thm Senet sacle and me 0 Me OE rs core eabynieak” her ines tae ane : 3] de ‘m: M. Hunt, i in that the imber| Thi day Fel b. ee Stock and _im- MANY people who are d between lots “Se 0 | wi earning Jess than you,and A = north’ to/far as T am concerned the new build- i en i plements 1 wnat ae tee ou franbormatios, pone Wats: SaiGkea i = and ins we have in pee to replace the |and mo Q itons that | Gon. Pvetines Western’ Section) whose, necessary, expenses ‘Tf fae ui tl iT ins fas . have en A FREE demonstration to all. i Sky Riis nes S6 She OConcatae aa saving for years and now have and ‘able OVER HALF. (oun oe porvranion bank accounts. Systematic saving was the foundation of many a large fortune. It is a habit that is ie GENTLEMEN, WHO ARE BALD tion | old ti -—with every man who can Call and see the Pembet be pind into service fe i ze the sronte WLLL : Lightweight Ventilated pol in bush or on the road wit! ¥ Mor one ohaike Hote! ot pectic ily _ acquired, aff Toupee or Wig, which is ‘nomi Fit Every Sunda ichool | resentatives last Thursday ready for int) nati Be a in| tion ne dutate Ie: afforded eos ean satisfaction ane: Pe the most natural substi- Sundav service. e service on Sun-| whi the minion wieker . ferinj larger ards tute for one’s own hair in or thi ay oe ae well senate con- | mai i eof 1912. This repor: g Sr pe tehee: habit that € nt Prof. sidering the extreme cold and stormy ivity 8 xt eudanpe Mcurst-ae tical Pember will also diag- ave seen and fi Is of ‘the Pro- aon oan open en account ose free of charge all unday speak well Ss ir savings will be cred- cates of seat trouble. with the Bighest eur- ie ient Ber jertha Laine. su uperintendent elemen- ation alte Asso Do not fail to call and get ‘any information you may require pertaining to aay, it inti mto- Rey. J. v. W.|to playing a pipe vais aterere ue pe Rene es call, ndly phone oF write and Prof, Pember ‘a Rev./A, D. Gischler. Aj with a little meta simelise ‘be able to r cent, é ‘ t choir of the vi lelig congregation wi year was 221. Anestimate| It i le that the percentage MILVERTON BRANCH: Remember the Date: Millbank. will furnish the m The | ric low. ins _p i 1m) 00 ison Mac-j of pu in rural schools és : seein are. as fol- new instrument. Tais 01 v P. J. Fasken. Mi Grand Central Hotel, Tuesday, Feb. 24 R. familto ao |loaned by. the Bm gmment| rural population to, that of the P. d. Fasken, Manager ib: Deacon. Milver! mA. >. Maisehler, “mivert ‘on.