Milverton Sun, 12 Feb 1914, p. 2

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, 4 F ] ' , , , > 4 : > > 4 > 7 7 , } , 3 DR. WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS MAKE WOMEN WELL Just because she is. woman, FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS BY MA{L FROM IRE LAND’S SHORES. there times when Stert canprtes Coe and il form of a blood-building tonic. Happenings tn the Emerald Isle 0} thousands of girls and women Interest to Lrish+ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills men. vey, a laborer of Drum- d , intaboll, shounty: Glign was it to From Great Lakes To the Rockies WOMEN SING THE PRAISES OF DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. Sa: ae Lady Adds Her Tes~ a mit sates Already y reat Work Daa die “ae Are Doing. sarville, Sask., Feb. 9.—(Spe- cist othe scarcity of female help in a new country Cael the wo- anaemic girl is lan, pieces jdland Railway near}men of the prairies to unusual a Sligo. strain, and careful observation has like breaking; the matron whose} A donation es ae nee to con- established the fact that this strain hi ye a as she reaches eas tain about stolen | first makes itself felt in the kid-| © age—for all such sufferers Dr.|from the Catholice( church at En-|neys. For this reasoy "3 Kid- Wiicoe Pink Pills are Rvalcable be nistymon, ney Pills are making an enviable use ill health in woman is fire occurred at a flax mill at| reputation from the Great Lakes usually caused by bl 5 es Beltooney, near wton-| to the foothills of the Rockies. insufficient blood. These pills have | stew i Everywhere you wi Ke women Dr. Williams’ Pink pills, been a great sufferer from troubles that mak« Picked! and vortated sien My héeves emed to give out, and at times e nee! could do no house work, and 0’ women who have similarly antiased know. what I endured.. I tried medicine after medicine eae returned, and ever I did in my life, and m par lating my experience merely a in the hope that it may | gee from. J appaee ‘60 er iy teh, a ad to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. conte iy restored her to her usual gi ealth. pays get the full name Dr. WE Te kone The «De Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ———_— BANDIVS PREVENT WRECK. When Mail Train. rob a mail train on Ey es muidives, train was rapidly freight train the driver of the mail pa meyt in his cab, with a bullet ad | per as wy ole terhacohest- ‘The fireman bi erica z 2 ais I = = rf to say too m in praise of finally pei suns Pink} ‘The some ed ae Show, the Digna hy of Miss Sta- + the genuine pills with illiams’ Pink he jcorked bottles containing corrosive st paid at 50) A oxes for $2.50, Williams’ They Shoot Engineer of a an attempt by bandits to i the Manchurian ve ported in a story from As A freight train was slowing up overtaking the The okie mill was destroyed, stir has been created in Clif- den by the fact that the doors and showboards of houses of prominent residents in the town have been ose | tarred. the life of so A miller, named Patrick Reilly, away by being caught in the cogs of a whee During he past week some large seals made their way to the shore at Dungarvan, and two of them were shot by a man who went out in a boat. epidemic of scarlatina is still prevalent in Clonmel, seven fresh eases having been admitted to hos- pital, making 24 being treated there altogether. A purchaser acting on behalf of ee King, purchased two Aberdeen ngus crosses at the Dublin Win- ples, Dunmore, Durro' peaked Place i in the Mi 33 Rhatigan, at tl She was the mother of the Rev. Fa- ther Rhatigan, U.S.A Militant suffragettes have again been at work in Dublin where un- fluid boxes. At has been dropped in letter Much damage was done Ballymena the trustees of t Independent Ord prosecuted a number of that Society mployed i ilotsrenkion bhtke eiutinipel wall ings in Wellington Street, Lurgan, George of the cabinetmakers Rates on ethe premises of the Sligo Iron Conpaay has been suc- , ork after an absence of five yk ‘epstation sprees athe st 1} ed 01 eek each. The postal authorities have com- FeCo' ine peat aad tliat had ceuddenlo produced a revolver. At the same time ‘PIBABY'S OWN TABLETS nd set the brakes. ing of the train ahead. More Like a Thousand of ’Em. “T neve or . sawyer in my li not! such a fee as that?” Do It Now. Bix—I’ve bad this umbrella eight years. Dix—That's Jong ought to return i as the train he noticed armed men in the woods and realized that | year. He knew noth- r paid a cont | to a doctor Who ever heard fir ofa. lawyes: ohkerna On enough, you fa as ius emigrants who left Irish ports dur- 598 were males, over 553 1 decrease of 123 persons over last a ARE SAFE AND SURE Mothers wanting a safe and sure remedy. es hel ee ‘ones car de- ens Own Tablets. a government. anal Ont.,, says — them:’? “The s are sold by mage dealers or by mail at 25 ts a f .e Dr. Williams’ box from Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, enn enna THE TOWER OF SILOA Appetite Finds Ready Satisfaction In a bowl of Post Toasties and Cream. Thin, crisp bits of In-~ dian Corn—cooked and toasted so that they have a delicious flavor— Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve —sold hy Grocers every- where. Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd, ‘Windsor, Ontarlo. - Its Foundations. _News of the finding of the founda- ‘ower of Siloam have whi in Luke xiii., 4, as mate eighteen upon whom towe Siloam fell a and slew, ithe ye that were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?” excavators, according to the message, have ‘‘discovered well-cut Greek inscription, speaks of the presbyters and fath- ers with Simonides, laying the ae of ihe synagoune, the nsary. These ioe on the ulations of the now shown to be above the epring.’” eee ae Value of a Good Wife. ae man at a wedding the other day was telling everybody, in o Orr loud. voice, if capable of turning this palgey cont Tae: a joyous heave eA ee ean make a sortable angel, Ee. ” “he declared. ‘You cite Tat sae one of the ea ried men exclaimed; “mine came || near to i making ‘one of me with hee first p ° ler of ababites for imitating a doctor’s signature | jn in eee 5 field. Nevertheless, they, too, fre-|;°r_* they excavated a number of coins] ¢, cessfully settled, the men returning th Canadian kidney ae that has banished their pains and weari- ness, and brought them back to health, Among the many is Mrs. Sdgar Cowen, an estimable lady of this pla ace. “ZT haye found Dodd’s Kidney Tt, torn | Pills very beneficial,”’ Mrs, Cowen states. “If anything I can say vill help any sufferer T am monial to what has see sai The kidneys strain all the refuse material out of the blood. If they are out of order this refuse remains in the blood, and becomes poison. That’s why sound kidneys mean fre iblood asd seed Nemes Data Kidney Pills make sound kidneys. ARE COWARDS. CRIMINALS Observations of Italian Army Doc- a9 During Tripoli Campaign. nkfurter Zeitung his caer oamuee the Tripoli campaign of 225 soldiers who had been convi oe crimes before the war. He says the eaten criminals, thongh bold and aggressive toward their superiors and their comrades, were, with searcely any exception, als, Ge Garey TGR ee dacily cpbeeiee ing, by drink, or by tho spirit of adventure, a few were foun themselves in the quently rendered themselves liable disciplinary penalties; further, they proved themselves incapable. of al effort, Those who proved themselves best. to good citizens in times of peace, fs Seine ease ing November was 0,101, of whom | ft el i Fo eta ae guaranteed by | {< 3 I bs he proudly aes ‘out Exeoayators in Jerusalem Uncover nae Tho Chemistry of Roads. The macadam des.” tis, they ch really as well as In a recent lecture be- Anstitution in i Brats physically. whole seasons,’’ the chemical eee of water was of serious import pantadasly=<ausesntibla “46 this action are ispar, limestone and those containing iron and sul- phides. Thi destructive chemical . Consiglio, an Talian ermy |the doc va eums up in the ‘ed | up tl ie besa ee a greasy FEET HEAVIER WHEN ASLEEP Head is Lighter and Feot Muck Heavier on Awakening, You often hear a person com ie of his head feeling ‘‘heavy’’ ai iaothen Experiments hiave_shown that if “sleep on a bed~sus- penile exactly at middle point of his weight = head begins to a slowly up a1 ‘his is due ‘b the fact that when ae sleep the blood in the brain goes off to the other parts of the The moment the brain wakes to life again it draws the blood back. Another of the curious facts brought to light by the scientists who are fond of trying to solve the | mystery of sleep is that when one is fast asleep some part of his Regs or several parts of it, may the i = man oe walk, talk, sing or solve mathemati- cal problems, d yet ab the same time he safely in the land of Nod. It seems hard or impossible to decide what part of the brain really oes slee| sense of time, for instance, is stronger when we sleep than when we are awake. Ex- periments conducted some years ago on a number of men and women between the ages of twenty and hirty showed spat 60 per cent. of them were bet wake up in the cee they had de- As thing in the and when the hour has arrived this something gives in some mysterious way the alarm and the eyelids nother curious fact about sleep is that the further the part of body is away from the brain the less soundly it sleeps. A touch of the toe will awaken one much more readily than a touch on the shoul- yarious | der. Cures Old Folks’ Coughs Doesn't Disturb | the Stomach, Eases at One and Cures Thoroughly. «C ATARRHOZONE” ON TO x. BO ANY THOU SANDS. @ you are old is no reason regular work or of a sustained mor- | 0”! ia direct prentliahial f soothing’ antisepl pine essences that reaches every sore, membrana in two. seconds, to take—nothing to harm: because Cat shel re Sige Not one of them eally It bene- me more ina few hours than 3 of treatment with doctors’ and benefi ers, or The Catarrhozone Company, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. oe — fe England rae eA eS ae Mother. ve what ade me ” he political speaker as chest. ade Well? gaidcaveuail man et We fear of the hall, ‘‘she must have put most of her time at other : thingy.” Teese in s. % 4 Part vee OrNiStane “ale 1° Gure itching, Bia, or Protrudin, es. First application piven relief, 500 cause of their superiority. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto, It Was Discouraging. add—Dear me, I’yé had ed | Mrs. such & | discouraging hard day of it, making Gadd— What was the difficulty ? Mrs. Gadd—Why, & found ‘nearly every ‘one of them a t That, come what hold ow some men do hate other men x Play Straight—Play Fair, When I was -venng and thin and We had a sort of schoolboy vow d As dearer than the purest gold much more And woe to him who beaks tie gale |e This steadfast motto of the school : Play anole, play fair. Nea I grew up and left the scien es to keep our golden rw! rtsman just the 7 oes to win, y lay the game. Bas in ike fight of life I sought. In vain, for decent, cleanly sport Was. truly rare. And peop! be seemed to stand aloof, Who ore ee yelled in stern re- MPlay. straight; play fair.’ And, 80 it is, though blessed in e: h, Crammting down ill-chosen food, and rushing back te work, leads straight to dys- th all it means in oe ‘of Ww i have not garnered heaps of Success; as most consider such, , ie a a eeu perm for I’ve tri Owes others Route have need an ) mile to wear. heel isle Role maaalyaepaid If I can say that I have played Both A etraight: and fair. Me itenat Well. Hostess (at the party)—Miss Rob- ins has no partner for this Stk you ee ae with ‘The Mi Men Oa AS contrary, I shall be delighted. One Thing at a Time. aus (anxiously) — But if you buy this costly fur, how are we ever go- in iS pay for it? ife—Now, Tom, Hom A let's talk eae ‘two things Let’, talk about the coat. Minard’s Liniment Gures Diphtheria, It is hard luck that comes easi- est. : 021 one favorably | P® spoken of, and tried. it. we used to eyes m: ry Rip's TINIMENT, ay with the liniment BROKE OUT ON HEAD, NEGK AND SHOULDERS |=: In Little Blotches. Scratching Caused It to Spread, lands id to Be Tied. bried Dayand Night. Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment Cured, lien, N. B. —*“The trouble started ‘They broke out Dlotohes, oy watery, scratched and caused to a mass of sores. four months old. aS ‘ab first in tle which the child to keep her from scratching the sores, ‘The. eczema caused her to itch jetely Mrs. John J. McCann, ‘Although "the Cuticura Soap and Oint- sep of the skin, scalp, hair and hands, iso most valual juable cS Rested dnee sh We ollet, bau Ged el ‘maintain the health of the ney toage. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a to Pott Corp. + Dept. D, Boston, free sample of se with 32-p. os ee & Ol BTILIZING. H POrASE SYNDICATE, mple Bidg., TORONTO. inimated thre fin ad the going All ie is pet to the life rted, and the fool Of Vital Interest to Syrup and ‘Chai vaporator, made in 2 sines, Tpultable Tor large’ or stnall “our 68 Wellington St, Mont#eal, Qu r ERE, educative fon the important subjoot ce fe are sometimes The fool and his mone; GIMITED POINTED PARAGRAPHS. me Hens a sete more than Those who Des as. they 8° usually music,” says of a tramp to nough square yy are soon — ice money marry a title, Same ti (aaa Cold in On Take ATED, BROMO, QUININE Tablets. fails to _Drawists 7 refund money if it Vase ROVE'S signa- {ire is on each box, After a Good sae Hantone a0 potter pie, Georgi ei eine pay ib piece of mince ‘ust a small eee! *(ecluctndly No, shew it, nb a inclined to cee DEAF AND DUMB CLUB. London Has One of Nearly Two Hundred Members. One of the most unique ae in a world is the National Di mdon. Nearly » members oe ee. and they can dine an and play ane foal williands = the siablicare whenever they os n are admitted, an: Fe rm-about a third of the member- ship. There are no talkative waiters employed by this club, says The @ g Es e é is 3 one presses the bell of the hall door a red light appears over the door- is said that at the present time ae : A ages and money A) eats producer, 7 way and Poses an attendant at once. A si FARMS FOR SALE. noti- = a aia ele his services are W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Strooy “Toronto. Those fortunate persons who can speak and hear and who have been write H. W. Dawson, "Bram Colborne 8t., Toronto: YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A pton, or 9 Te ribned emesalia anise bile ards at this clubhouse declare that | # grievances as he goes along. There are no criticisms of the table, balls or the cue, peaceful and cutie Everything is} ing. Went Anotuide Strat. 'W. DAWSON, Colborne St, Toronta. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, B HAVE SEVERA\ arkable men nother over the world a Soke number of times, always. accompanied, and, f 7 S Varieties. Free, vexent NURSERY STOCK, RAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, PIFT ie Catalog. ‘MeConnell jon, Gro’ CELLANEOUND TUMORS, — LUMPS, ‘SNCER. though he has been in Tiay eile ed lands, has always been able to look after himself. ‘Phen there are various professions. One actually teaches music; another is a-nurse: deaf and dumb persons, usually presided over by some em- inent mute. The Baby’s Birthday. Among the innumerable supersti- tions EaaaK babies is the old saw about the day of birt Monday’s child is fair of face; Tuesday’s child is full of Brees floes 's chil sad; y’s child is merr y. aa glad; Pray? 8 vate is loving and giving; Ses child must work for a But ae child that is born on the Sabbath da; Is blithe and bonny, and good and gay. Impossible. Binks—When will you be able to Binks—And will you call Re my of- fice a hunting trip with it. ngar gles race Sanaa of young oF old, Good home-nade can sugar on Bread—not only 6timalotes. ridge, fruit Kee puto 8t. Lawrence Fixtra Gram Hag diag ta teecne’ a tr rier pe caste untouched byhand irom factory to your itches Bagg rep the Tb. 20g abs, pay me that money you owe ae Win! ‘eg,and branches and stems as wel nit be cured Yee, by applying Fut: nam’s Corn lxtractor; it’s painless, safe, end. fnyariaply gathfactory. Insist on only a itn n's Extractor, 26c, at all dealers Cartons FULL WEIGHT GU; tee stenren ats I’m going on Sold by best dealers, 1 i 1. Lanrooce Saner Mefinaioe,Lialted, - Rlontoal, HAS ® CORN ANY ROOTS?! atany a man is dissatisting that of his neighbor. Minard's Liniment Gures Garget in Cows, his lott because it is located tuo vear with 4 A Paste NoWaste At \ Mi ; dl AND LIGHTNESS,USE K ROE NZS KNicit 5 UST | THE FFE DALLEY @ utp. HaMILton, On| NOR Rust {nard’s Linfment Co. Migome time ago t had a Limite Wma attack of Quinsy which Tala me up for two weeks and cost a lot of mon Next morning the attack of Quinsy to t ARDS LINIMENT. St. John, SA nd saturating | left it on all swelling was gone and I attributed the warding oft. of free use of M! G, F, WORDEN. Doing Well. Bix—How are you making « out on your resolution to econom Dix—Fine! I’ve Ssentae expenses slowed down to a walk. Try Murine Eye Remedy If , Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn’t Smi oisoothes Bye P Druggists Sell Murine Bye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. urine in Aseptic Tubes, 25e, "oye by Mail. i inga tosis abed For Xa Myes ta Need Gare Murine Eye Remed: ¥ iy bon Chicago People with a vivid imagination work the hardest—so they say. Minard’s Linimont Cures Distemper. Perfectly Agrecable. aShe ster, Alphs 2 He (bri iis) =A ea ohbs kiss your brothe: o rejected suitor “T'll be @ _ Come ED. 4. ISSUE 714. posed” kept from ha Liquip ©. W. MONSON, one of the bast known poult bart fecomend INTERNATIONAL PO! teated ft hens. gall winter There did wi aS Swell with their rt i pale alts PO ae V0! relies t NTE and doatte yout Or stock aud poultry Shipping Fever pink eye, epizootic, iseasos curcd, and all others, no matter vin} ISTEMPER CURE. ease, One bottle guaranteed to do ao. hing mai ‘Acts on the blood. Druggists sat earner tributors — ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Cos “INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD" MY BOOBY as have x. Noone saad e a core, Ont» March 2¢, my bea wonderful vents chicken eholera—cures rou nd is Heme figs AS RCULTRY FOOD y For Sale by Bees ae inayohare ‘We'll send you nf) International Stock Food Co. . “Limited TORONTO. distemper and al Aor bk vases disnaben. wish | SPOHN'S ol Three to six xo af Sita —1 Lege espe! low is tho time te sere hag 76 copy Of our 82,000 ers & [OP Ate oo FREE !! AND 100 VALUABLE PREMIUMS 6IVEN AWAY ast Prize, Maco in Cash. 3rd Prize, $36.00 in Cash. nd Prize, pil oc In Cash, 4th Meas nib In Qash. “bin to 8th Prises; each 610.00 In ¥ $200.00 IN CASH Pony YRING, Cot

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