LISTOWEL Th Mi i t S MILI BANK. WELLESLEY. eMilver on un s. Sovereign was successfully op-| ‘There will be divine service and Mrs, Peter Glebe departed > And Monkton Ti erated on for appendicitis on Saturday ae in Grace church Sunday next as aes “here for Berlin last Wednesday ARE PUBLASHED la sual. Subjects of sermons; a. m.| where they rete ed a fine resi- EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Dir. Jas. Torrance. M.P.P.. of Mil- “Givin place unto wrath,” p.m. “The; dence. Mr. J. Kaufman a is well apohay verton. was a visitor in town on Mon- us of belief.” Everyone welcome, acquainted here Bo takes posdesias ws ctor. of Mr. Glebe’s stan day. Miss Vidla Zimmermann, pee Milver- Mins Mabe A phar ete Brides to ton. who has been! the gu her ‘The Sun Printing Office ra iT ‘sp ee eee weeks in Ber] postponed carnival was eld last ‘Tuesday ant Ss fees ton, Ont 4 ttl an Sal POI oxkae Perit Mies Wage: Bttsekee eeticicd Foose kek Glee ae asec ihe past ou ee § SUBSCRIETION RATES. home on Monday. week ate his brother. Mr. e receipts werebeyond expectations ea ot Miss Edna Lavery Dorking | in Toronto, Messrs. Edward Dietz a Jen- + montiie, ‘Se cents ta aie dape; “Subscribers spent the week-end Tew friends in} Mrs. R. Paterson. of Burns. is| tine Habermehl spent a few days of Rs fn arrears will bellable to pay $1.50 per year haa ee ‘s seid a ae weeks with her| last ee and Sun in Waterloo Ta RATES r. V, Bamford was a business vis-| daughter. Mrs. H. Stewar and Berlin among relative: riba tasks Ree nied Mos {itor in Stratford on Wednesday. Mrs. W. B. Freeborn was a visitor] We have had all kinds of weather $8| Mr. J. Gordon Burt was a week-end | at Builverton last week. since the month of February ci omen He returned Mon: ‘oorehead who has been in| cea ana wif no doubr have sa tend with a few more storms before & visitor in Toronto. day. ene. 3 1 ‘A large and enthusiastic crowd of ti id tents Bites cach subsequent inser aalibA pi eraittiber” abs trend Eat sequent inser- | fans accompanied the A yerv quiet wedding was solemn- 4 7 gue caeaeaene “ail ¢ranslent adver- | Mimira on Wednesday night where the | wee ized last Thursday a the home of Unique Designs Hee: directions | i786 kame to decide the draw for e meeting of the W.F.M.S. at} Mr. and Mrs, . Ottmann. when| . “Aavetisemess without soci, dred ‘ac. | the group championship was ylayed. | Knox church last week Mrs. wisi their daughter. Henrietta. was united in oe ee es ey elry. A tremen- icoeiinnlys Mr. Melville Kerr spent Saturday} steven was presented with ad-jin marri: Herb, W. Kauf-} dou choose from, with Ghanaes ‘or contract advertisements must | and Sunday ot his home near Mill-| dress and a bible before her depart- man. son of Mr Mrs. John Kauf- intersting Hee throughout the be in the office by noon Monday. of this ce, Rev, H. Batten- ollec: . Behesisneeccrtenitmte rome) Miss Sov Carthage was a vis- Tank {berg tied the uptial Knot, ‘The bride F See atten or in town Iai 088 and | was ably assisted by her sister. Miss MALCOLM MacBBTH. 4, | Miss McKav of Linwood. met with | prope: i Billa of Moronto, while “Mr. Aibert GOLD WATCHES an unfortunate accident at the rink|Hoffmeyer” takes possession of We rater of the bride acted as grooms-| in different styles and sizes. Jew- = hére Fridav evening wherebv — she | business this week. 2. e happy couple ‘will be at ac d Rings of Ree ee at LINWoop. sustained a broken wrist. fiss Lavina Phair is spending to their many friends at th «Bi need Ee a Miss Hilda Mueller. of Wellesley | couple of weeks with Mrs. F. Thomas groom’s parents. We rooch 8, ete. Li: Ae uicraneely: velable Gent Mer- chants, we are in the lead. P. H. BASTENDORFF at A aed s Vera Baker. of sation) is| who spent_a short time with EO. viata Miss Freda Berle’ in town léft for home on Thur: Rey. Reble occupied he pulpit in gre the Lutheran church. Wellesley on Sunday Reduced.. rieve had a very suc- wthe return hockey mate! coat sale on Friday. Li Beftel aban the misfor- tune on Friday to have his fingers so ‘s. J. M. Schinbeim and daughter fo x Beott fetes nt a few days in visitors Miss Fisher of peas _acenk Sun-| Toronto last_ ws adiv crushed that it was found nec-|are coming with the determination of lew! and Optician day, ree Sts Rosie M Rev. J. d Nicol preached prepar-| essary to ampatate part of three of engine ou Eyes Tested Free Milverton, Ont. Bi ge spent the week-| atore servi church. St-| them. Mr. Bette is doing as well as a) sae at Wat Marys. ss Friday Jan. can ie expec! GROSSHILL. J, R. Richard: mn fourtee 1st e. demeooaps . Mee alette of Oshawa. | Mr. ichards won fourteen 1s W. Mofiat SSE BOT Jot BH, Campbell and. daush 1 Ib. Mountcalm Smoking Tobacco 25¢ arent Gundav with her ries at Hanover poultry Soe teak te ok Conrad Heinbuch We ate glad to report that inavect The Mornington Spanien wl jter.Mrs. M, Shantz spent a few days CENTRAL w his son) Fred. at Ber-| or Kemp acho as been seriously ill| be held in the Presbyterian church last week with friends in Stratford. BUSINESS COLLEGE fay is on the fair road to recovery. re on Wednesday Feb. 18th, after-| Miss e Coote ie: visiting wit STRATFORD, ONT. 3 2 gallon cans of apples for...... .....35 ree William Flachs and John| Miss Bertir td edt mn Si aa noon and evening. Refreshments eee in Gue 3 attended the ice races at py he Berlin for a short visit with| be served in the, basement of the | Thos. Ses was the guest ANADA’S best practical training ” Baaeecert. ni : Meatchy Ladies oPthe churches inthe ‘of hig cousin Mr W. Wilford of ic Hee tirens {OER 4 tins: Salmon: for oo..8).cis003, Gascon aie Dillon. of imira. spent Sun-}) Pate oot, einaines ae in an village are requested to bring bask-| mira. last week. Ghd: SGLEGEAPHY?. Co r, L Heimler's. assembly at Berlin las' ursdav | ets, Everybody weleome. All int MMi Navi Baily war renewing ac-|# thorough and practical, Individual srs Mn Vale. Je Sound. is spend-| evening ested in Bunda Schoot ork are esol quaintantes araend Omechtil sustruetion fs given risiaat t lb. Roasted Rio Coffee for.........18¢ Mr. Harris Williams of the Bank| pected to at Mr. Mose Shantz attended the fun- Bivaanewaniy! enter at an of Hamilton piste has returned from|” Miss Hattie. Baker. of|eral of his brother-in-law Mr. ceatalogue and = of 3 tins B f 25 Palmerston whi was relieving. | gtratford Di i ag-| Gardiner. of Baden ‘last Saturday. 53 ins Beans tor A stn eseee Oe Pawa nai es visited the L e las ek ed peta BURNS. : erg helpfnl talc It is announced bv the Canada Ce- D1) MCLARREAN: Ba ; a — fons les eerste ee st ome tie, yee tron pate ae eS Principal 3 2 large tins Pork and Beans... .....25¢ Messrs. Hugh and W. Waddell are|” Sacrament of Lord’s Supper in| dullness of business. they haye decid- : o! at present visiting friénds at Strat-| Methodist poe ace ue hour. Sopa by D. for rr The j Gs decided in favor of . She? irmat McAllister has returned VOCAL rept pMe ae NT at Marlban! anelon Lake. , STOMACH HEALTH— OR No COST TO YOU Very likely others have advised you to e Rexall ects “Tablets, because mother Mrs concert to be given by|a few days wi her nt Laketield. Ont. guisid cae will be held in the town te shortly. Watch for particulars | Toronto Saturday Nicht HB. Morphy the Listowel lawyer. who represents North Perth in Parlin: paid Henry Manser. of Gadshill. vis evi Watson’s during the ee yhe temperance meeting held in ite hall here Sunday afternoon was a decided success. a uA ‘dding bells are ringing in our W. K. LOTH MILVERTON, ONT. m of pomeaal anh if bury ‘The orange lodge held ean Bags he supper on Thursday night home of Mr. David sees, A “were njoyable evening was spent bv £ a Leaps oer Bontultee He idgeport. ‘| put much faith in new fangled inven- ions. such'as organs, but pinned thelr yspep wwe thinke-t0b, becsnee ape have done for: others an e Phe Grand Tru direct route trom points Bast thro Canada via Chicago. Detroit, Buffalo restore your make your digestion id we. will give back joney without a word or question. and Bismuth, two of re aids known tomedi- Bia sins sta eae Horning, So raroat; Ont J. C, Cunningham, Phone 1, Local Agent ach lining, belp in the nf gastric jtioe, check jeantbarn ik Ses 5s, Pr LARGE ASSORTMENT ALL PRICES = SAT ee Weir’s Restaurant al ENTER LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Any time and grow with us. Rexall Stores, and in this town only at ous store. ‘Three’sizes, 25¢, 50c and $1.00 srntowash a butts for EDWIN G.MATTHEWS, Principal lerich Star. he coming scribbling For particulars address pencils. Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness lack: Sith, ewe wish HAWKES) Peited eae in ys last week. and sprained ice! Miss Loise * bsg Mr, N, Metz.of Liat BS few weeks at Mr. nel Mr. Albert Ludwig spent a week at with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- BE acres Reidel and friend Diss The Ladies in this Town are Simply Going Wild oughly, In prices you ‘will find us right.: Laura of the 9th concession of Well over Harmony Hair Beautifier. And no wonder, because to make the hair lustrous, soft and silky we believe there’s nothing else— and we sell about all the various hair preparations made—that any- urg, Sum Berlin visited a i Repairing Promptly Geo. J. Coxon at St, Agatha. Owi fhe beat where near comes up to Harmony Hair Beautifier. Attended to : 4 not return till Mon- anaes pales Paras to leave. his sch- Ask any: one of the many women in this town who use it— idel behins bis me Sit ‘Ahrens oe a business trip to Berita ee Thur: Mr. S. 6. she'll tell you she “loves” it. Just look at her hair, and you’ll come to us and get some yourself. mapas “Duesday and . Sug da at Gu ciph. Se “Georee Moore spent last week aN ee ote Methodist Ladies’ Aid met at. : the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas B ‘ins as follows: Pres.. a 3 < i CEN Rae eae ts 8 Bue HH 4 R FAUT! Ele R Cans We will pay the highest market price “Yours 5 yok: Treas.. A f : s ar creer i wet meeting isto i Ba Supplied || for cream delivered at factory. Will Ri tei te held si the, how abe can Eve ‘ Free test and pay CASH-——while you wait. || ausin Sugden on March Is just what its name implies.—Just to make the hair glossy, Justrous, m fear oan ote to ae it easier to oes oud more natural to fall es ae su F acefully into the wavy lines and folds of th i pt It leaves a delightful fresh and cool effect, PEARL CREAMERY, Milverton s deli erfum: stare doesn" oe the m your hair each time before Will not change or darken the color. Cont: hair sticky or stringy. Simply sprinkle a Following is the report of 8.5, No. 8. Ellice. for the month of January in order of meri Names given in 0) t ze V=Martha Buddenhagen, brushing it, But first, cease! scalp are clean, by using Sr. [V—Myrtle elon a IV—Sta: indsay laze! Li ts ay Clarence Reis. | Sele igre Nalzger | Florence armony snampoo Kalbfleiseh. Alberta Becker, Laura —A liquid shampoo to keep the hair ee n, oth and beautiful. Tt giv eae John Natainer Howard Lind- = instantaneous, rich, coenine lather, penetrating ie: ev 2 part of the hair and calp, It is washed off just as quickly, the ¢ ion. taking only a = . TI—Russel Kerr, Willie Quipp EN Se ety Tt aes no lumps or stickiness. hit mete sine sense of cool; Soe Ered. Gropp. cleanline: ta dainty, pleasant and c! fragrance. —Bothin odd-abae ed ornamental hottles, with sprinkler tops. sas ag ie ‘armony Tair Beautifier, $1.00. mony Shampoo, 580, ee Tepnda Rekadves hare guaranteed to please you, or your money back. rtie Reis. Reuben Taylor. rieda Poppert. Frieda Reis wre Schmidt. ee John Kerr. Willie ‘There is no class of women who kno’ Ht be etter how t use of things tomake . a them more beautiful than actresses, Among the miahy reclebiated stage beauties who use and a: tie Nafzi Lorne enthusiastically praise both Harmony Hair Beau! Piatouy Ritts poe ase! « Gropp “yon: aie Violet — Reis ETHEL BARRYMORE URETIE TAYL i verage attendance “Tante,’’ Empire Theater, New. York. | tar ia in “Pog 0° pa Cort Theater, New What About Your No. on roll 87% c. 31 Eistit Tenet SON : “York. W.-H. Laidlaw Teacher. range Woman,” Lyceum, New Mo Nocra ee LT FE e e ere rout bnnscen gr eee House Furnishings in “Potash and Perlmutter,” G. M. Cohan " : MACTON. 4 é : pee Sige in "Wine Feathers,” now touring the Unitad Reasy We have an immense stock of uuinber from here attenusd the Eiinive (ain Weak Mondhy.- < Oanebier- able business was trans M ne , Allingham attended. the Sold only at the more than 7000 Jexat2 Stores. Ours is the Jexats Store in this Town ‘ Ea lee : Furniture, Rugs and Linoleum Some from here attended Mr. Geo. H. Bicnbach’s sale. 2 miles. south cast We also do Picture Framing i of Elmira ‘The stock went out he Public Dru Store Ar Le iht, 7 eiThe Weather Man assumed ROBT. McMANE MILVERTON, ONT. HoagmenPanos Milverton — *uritere Destetsicr |