WEBER & BETTGER “It's a Long Walk To a Better Stock” That Would Make a First Rate Motto for This Store OR GENERAL COMPLETENESS, for all the time readiness, we can’t see how it would be possible to surpass This Store’s useful- ness to this community. For everything that you wear. For all that you eat. For almost all that you use every day in the year We stand prepared to supply you with, Simply give this store it’s di Appreciate it for what it And we will be well pleased and so will you. FOR THE LADIES WE HAVE: New Spring Dress Goods New Spring Wash Goods New Prints and Ginghams New Sheetings and Cottons FOR THE MEN & BOYS WE HAVE: New Suits, New Fancy Shirts MONKTON. The anniversary services of Henan fine anniversary Aes Rae. a Arttensll ‘Nill Fullerton Paes teams met at Mitchell o Pains, Backache and Pain in Side by Lydia E. Pink- TORONTO WOMAN WELL AGAIN Freed From Bearing Down), quite puget of the moted author. Barrie is vi the gallery ” SHORT STORIES RETOLD. _ RALPH CONNOR AND BARRIE alph- Connor. the Canadian novel- retiring nat- Sir J. 2 Victoria serv Victoria. as well as THE GERMANS IN CANADA The celebration pf — thi williant's birthdav is always dulv ob- RSs hs n 1904 there were 2 teachers employed in rural schools. 1 Colonist mperor | MO nts by a number 0: 0 are privileged | Eatoulated to. fit them for the 1.469 male n for Monkton by a score sta », publica minutes before time 13;0. when Utt- ham’s Compound. is rarely. if ever interviewed, ness of life—Toronto Sun. Jev the jgoal keeper was knocked un- Canadian author 3 tees how he h conscious, fu al score stood. 16:5| Toronto, Ont.—“‘Last October, Iwrote | once attended a reception at an E ey Tabl in favor o ton Rese Sendt| to you for advices Twas sors letely run |Pureh chureh given bv the young : ‘| Railway Ti les and Uttley starred for Monkton, ‘The | had. bearing | PeoPle Smme thre see ee aa acawnre oes Gieh:cuinderd Bally ue = return match is to be also played this rising Scottish novelist. Connor was . s ee ift £285 it late arriving, Near the door he |! “itizenshin. Carat The Farmer’s Institute meeting will met the late Henry Drummond. PERCE, Guelph aria’ Redstich be! held in ‘Erskin on Monday “Have you met Barrie?” asked WILD CATS PLENTIFUL ttternoon and evening. Feb, 16th. Two Drummond. pa Sas able speakers have been secured for EN bal would like tdiees aii ‘he occasion in the persons of F. M. “Well.then.” laughed Drummond. Donte Ve 3 38 a Jee Johnston. of Boston. and F. W. Clark. “just look around until you fi Beamish captured a wild cat a lou OattagEa War of Cainsville. It is to be hoped that hole look down the hole and there|in a trap on Saturday out ip Melan- Going north he farmers of this district will give you will fin ie.” hon. an endea pam. every encouragement to the Institute A little later on Connor found Bar-| animal to town alive it strangle 4 directors by attend tie ina quiet ccrner. looking for all|self. Ernie Bell. of Melancthon got a C. Heller's. teal he world as if he had searched injwild cat that he had set for guided jaunt from the chopping mill TY | vain for that hole. and did not know|got awav with the trap and AS ORAS up the boundary as far as Wim. Trecommend Lydia 8. Pinkham’s | what to do with himself. bor shot it some days later in a barn. Grand Trun! Bettrer’s on Tuesday morning but Compound Mrs B Was all seg Rabe tye et e trap was returned to the owner.| Northbouad Souinbean pansies no damage was gan Ave- | . x, = Se " 7. 49 G Stations 6 Wm. -H. Barnhardt setatied nae: ag coped! ‘VICTIM SEE RR TS he iiepeoe Be, re to stratford on Tuesday after spend- = : lp 5g3 Lag DE eo oe eleadecte ee ee This hs An old negro Spent into a _orur {Fe Sr hin and he wil Shin. theto. 880 128 eee ie *y No woman suffering from store in Richmond and said; “Hoss.| if from fin ir 9: Fee ies ee oh texale “rouble should lose sige ane | will-you please sub, call de colonel on | “FO to visit friends at Atvood. as given Lydia eager. Cele D Mane ons ane Oo econ Mrs, A. Huggins after a four week's cable Compound afar ial, Saree eee eMac Ea nee oe EO visit with friends in Listowel. famous remedy, the medicinal in- a 4 sof @ dae: ailer wood and Palmerston pecoimads bonie:|grediente of which ate dasital Tease Cos a er. ‘aes EAE, YES Leave your oraex |g PUBLIC NOTICE ! on Tuesdi tive roots and herbs, aoe nearly dant trings round his ears pee ie didn’t R ORG Mr. Kleber of Brodhagen | years proved to bea most valuable tonic | Pudge. What's. datt datt ail cis Gpaltgineycement ae ae aon) Ta ey ee ee eo | Bad inviporaior a aie nae treniea: Bee sak ft bulla: wotiee uniler hth NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Enmber, ‘Lath, Shingles, te. "Cider Women sate in almost every city | but it didn’t do nothin’ but scoreh de See and Apple Butter of the best quality M Je D l= < * S: . won of Logan. See as aad town Jn the United States, bear [harness Yaas. suh suhi [took |1ui the matter of the Estate of Eliz-|@ “Al daeob V-Meyer Mat yvindeaill his mitt became caught in| Willing eaathiony wonderful 3 abeth Voll. late of the Township of he gearing with the result that _his vitae oe ee: Fiokham’ "s Vegetable is arate in the County of Perth. left hand was di in fore ee r he could extricate himself the index ow have the slightest doubt tal “he oie ppetinsoagea EPLPEL PEELE ELE ETE EO RTS M finger was take: t the second that Lydia E. Pin! rs Vi ‘dat i joint and his thumb and wrist were | ble Compound will ieee sorte ee ee ie to {cena herebe elvan thal all per- q badly lacerated, Had Mr. Davidson | to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. sons having claims against the estate oke ° fainted before his descent from vice, our letéer wall be ope rd SES peck Voll. late of the Towr 50-foot tower his injuries might have | VI ur letter wi ponencd b eae ship of Mornington. in the County of been much more seriou: ead and answered b CHECKMATED Perth. Widow. deceased. who died on| # LINWOOD. eof) MoOréadw + of. + c.{and held in strict confidence. x about the 2nd day of December. Guelph. delivered on Mo fter- A young Irishman in want of 913. are to send the undersigned Ex. i f ak five pound mote...wrote to his ae ecutors on or: bi f wee Dealer in’ ss. New Work Shirts, Smocks and Overalls We expect in a few days to pass into stock a car of Redpath Sugar. Get our prices off car. MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY? We are showing an excellent display of WATCHES, -GHAINS, LOCKETS, RINGS, TIE PINS, CUFF LINKS, JEWEL CASES, and BROOCHES at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES We carry a complete line of PARISIAN EBONY GOODS, FANCY WRITING PAPERS and PERFUMES. ASPLENDID LINE.OF SILVER POLISH ON HAND J. A. HANSON, monkton, = ont. Big Reductions in Felts Sale commences Monday, Feb. 2nd, and will last two weeks Men’s Felts, re; i $2,75 and Pec lad Mea iatataniten 9225, Women’s Felts, regular $2 and Misses’ Felts, regular 1.60. and $1.75. for eta wbsawnth =Vyd 118 Youth’s Felts, regular 1.30 and $1.50, for 98 Big Reductions in Men's, Women’s and Children’s Dongolas N. ROSS sccman Monkton suffering in after-life. e oe eae womanis often a ‘‘bundle of n ee beer ing spells— coal ia oat ae a heloga ns bien ee a for 4 Such gir vs. ‘oak & over this distressing stage ic ie estes Wer ‘over 40 ys Kaverite Prescription oi is a keen enemy to the physical einesses of woman. A medieine prepared by t eating woman’ '3: jiseases carefully adapted to work in. harmony pth Ir ie wole obtainable in liquid drug store—or send 50 caeceek s! Br Pierce Dr to tnvaliie’ Hotel d may be sure that Jentious, confidential consideration, and tl ved medical advice will be given to her free. DR. PIERCE’S PLEASANT, PELLETS 0d te invigorate stomach ‘and e play 2 eat atipeeel sted. “that. the park be ae at the disposal of the school board ne es, grounds. J. A. Hanson, and Mrs. Nor- ae eae left on’ Saturday for St. ae < | spend a few oe paca friend eae “of Milverton, and of Newton. spent afew R. MeCul- Mis, a. 7Re pan last War with Mrs. othe box social held under the aus- Court Tdlewild-on Fri- onto. spent 3 Rgoaepk: Montgomery Ry to spend a day or x with friends in Strat- fing Eva Holmes returned trom a oole om Thursday, jase companied by her friend Miss Mag- gie Flem| a The carnival held here Thursday night wag well attended, Following win the prize winners: Fancy, costame ev costume. gentlemen. F. Terry Yendt; comie costume. gentleman. w Bettger; Child’s fancy costume. Flor ence Merryfield. Mabel Smith; child's naan stume as M, Matt- hews *. oldes' . T. Gill; geungaat child 0 atk ice. Lyal Erskine. Editor Times of a party Fish. and may impressed f med one: Se anior Room ¥F, Merryfi>! oe issn ea WI! hite, J Struther: Veber Be adoae a Goth mm G, He R. 8. Stewat i ‘ Solin eid Ti-s. pene ff Schade nahin =U, Wickie H. Marshall. M. Stewart F. Gill L, Henry. M. Adair ren. ©. Merryfield. H, Adair. M E, Se lv equal. iE, Gert E. Gi. a Rennick. M. Eau equal ©. Byers. N. Marshall. R. Macpherson. Teacher. BABMUNN NOCK. m._of Hibbert. are leans, to hear s been quite ae is ain. was at Monerie!f ie er brother Mr. Russel Robertson to Miss Hazel McDonald. of Cranbroo! The young couple will reside near Brussels. WAGES: Dixon—Stowant A Stratfor on Tuesday Feb. 8rd. Miss Eva Stew- see Seales of Mr. and Mrs. A. to Mr. mm. Stewart. of Logan Dixon. ac- | 8.8. SONEGAL The many nds of Mrs. Jas. Bu- chanan will be pleased to hear tha‘ she is recovering from a verv severe illness, m by the i enfoyed ‘Matheson. of visited ae ppeather: Mr. Win. Mathe- again, SCHOOL REPORT. Miss Grace Cae ae Hawkesville. y a Norwich t express myse oe to tell you I preter uu this messenger who 3B answer. “Your most obedient ay ate nephew. “Pp. 8. Overcome what I e ’ running after t! t * Cont: SA pra: e emergency. area idence If oe could. see how. to Isend sill wait “for nd affection “ie yourself has e messenger rol The ae ee _ the report of No. 9. Elma and Mornington for the: month of January. The names are in the order of the marks obtained. Those marked with an “x” missed one or more examinations. ; Sr. IV—Raehel woth. unie-Ury-| pina at uate ues John e time since according to inirene’ Bawards Sena' earing an exeeed- Jr, 1k—be Albrecht x. Marv ingly thoughtful expression, entered Brydone “Sam the office of a lawyer Second—Fern ra s Bry-| «yfr, said: he. addressing done. Joe Brydone. Batic Roth, Weled as jenal i Meat Wee ae Sanderson. absent 0 for calling me a rhin- Primer—Mary Long. wae Hare man Bella Hoffman Viola Florence Atchis on. SCHOOL REPORT. aah are at your do lects. takes its toll. balance to the producer.’ . No. 6, Mornington, against a oceros?” r reply of thé law: call you a Shion Gs astonished lawy: GHEST ‘QuickLy RELIEVED Co Syrup of pbsanie Chlorod, ‘writes 3 which settled on my lungs was very sore, breathin hacking cough. Iwas SEVERE COLD ON LUNGS AND Mr. J. Seward, Bpoiapionpilie, Dues ‘eeks ago'l took a severe cold s aud my chest I bought a botile of Na-Dru-Co Syrup of pI and Bives ait the cold ‘before it Beaune 322 aa evening.” MARK TWAL ‘Not “But everything is Bol: have to stan “You certainly aes Wee the poe ae 'Thé number of anecdotes that ‘When see’ reflected the client, sav ith his fi { presentation i # Thete, “Bros. JH. Holmes an Sr Eee ere a: Muriel Meads | Mt, thinking of binging suit Holmes of fo-1990. Monkton: assisted | gy: gueidon ‘Wateon. Geoll Watson, [cree SU"; May way T never s8¥ sk pecaaes ss aoa Nellie Dow: Richard Moore |; \Pincccros until vente i in the mewly organized lodge Second—Irene Meado rg EMEDY them being Rey. M First—Bvelyn Reid Alvin Exler a el eae 1 eae Elmer Rei un American traveller found -him- preaeed epson “embers cat the Soe pases self the sole geeunant of & compart: i ent in a itis! ri and would take a fall of cit y BM, Little. ‘te achcr, go eae 5 parties if t lowed civil rights eee: ecleainatte catered, © Bh and liberties ‘to be enroached on. diatHs La ra Ana ish held a meeting in the Metho- ps ed the Te buroh and has recelved avlotof| Téntier—At Morninkton) on Sunday | oai ent it down Tieati aa lag cay tat poner ee: ath, 1914. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo.| with a ban he next station Ribose Leas us . twin daughters another woman entered. As she sat down she gaye a lool open Monkton Orangeman. DE: a aticall Report of pioaiten he pete gi pr yaetre on ° Saturday bitecae adbeast ie ei ont y. for the month of January. in 914 Maria Sarab Spen-| (0°! Mireotio#” of the male person.“ order of merit oe * eliot vot om ee Ralph ae See caetis death git aeied. V Olns—F “Blowart, P. Nettenfield | «Tucker ance 2 ironchp | Shel eo ety olgaedl lakiall-ent: We Sa ene a eee “nloenin ton on Thursday |focate!” retorted ‘the woman with th eee qiscarthy” ME Wood | web; Sik 1014 Elisabeth. Florence /Jorenelte. Just then ke pit et sate 1. Bhine Reid. beloved wife of William Reid. | arow Her braun tosriines 9 the Jr. 1¥—M. Leppard. J. ee anlee E| aged 47 years, 10 months and7 days os woman * im caloner Laie okie Li, Schade. C. Ger! Sea e a “UILN. Matthews. ie corel t It is pointed out in Collier’s _ that |from the lorgne ei ce: Saeletes, er 4 . Morrison. |the parcels post in the United States |lv he was th & Sree Mer ane Swat . Murray has stirre the express companies | Sit base Behe lawesealbalae de ae Martin. J. Clines |The Wells-Fargo Company has under-| W A: an nia Biniblé DNs” the Bennewis. F.}taken to beat the Government at its |S It’s quite 4 ae Sh ashe galiza oi ene Stuart E./own game. It. has organized a par-| man i ee ARaee ke it ie Bait. on Near. G. MeDonald. H.leels service, for the colleoti aye se os aeatn Thole Mobonald. AL ,batthew: delivery of food products. Industrial | lady mado eh ! w MeGregor. Principal. be ted for Jari sudtpents LS s. WOULDN'T SPOIL THE EVENING pe kind of a man to ses a serie 'S HARD .LUCK foi Mark Twain ei apers print about M hows how world-wide isthe ‘famous humorist’s populari the course ofsone of his lecture trips. ake Twain arrived at a small to’ Be- fore dinner he went to a bane shop d. Tdnseed, “Teortes and lorodyne and {to be shave after a few es I felt great relief and I “You-are a stranger?” asked (the went into a sound sleep, a thing I was | barber. ot able to do for some nights, lext. ‘¥es” Mark Twain eae Sunis day Iwas able to be around again, ard: |js ithe first. time T've been her f gitone completing tie parle, iter at ahoe ao heed. Lane-48 cae ine congh and che ees continued, “Mark Twain ues going to read and lecture to-night. ‘u-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice | You'll go I suppost “Ob. I guess 60.” “Have you bought your ticket?” et.” da out. You'll on “How very annoying!” Mark Twain bottles, at. your 4 said ae Ee 2 eee “J never saw such gies. Nationa) Dagan Cheiical Tuck 3 have ee stand when Co, Canada, dines, that fellow “eotures!” estate among thereto. having rega: ceived notice. ‘or Dated 11th Feb. 1914, r e the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of ie varties entitled of which thev shall then have — re- Christian ae Henry Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Ete, Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture rd only to claims Betoeet ct or ly Ke Garthane, BO. Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand i 9 FLOUR Ww Wedding Gakes a specialty HOLESALE and RETAIL BRANDS WE HANDLE: x in, Body Builder, Lion Heart and The Great Bear It Pays to Dress Well “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to he Well Attired” You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop.,... HERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. O. DUFFIEL The Up-to-date Eases Monkton, Ontario SEEDS! GRASS SEED as DR. Farmers can save some money by buying early STOVES, RANGES and 1 Have all been reduced in price, time to secure a bargain, M. E. Bettger Q. Co. Hardware Merchants, MONKTON of all kinds, CLOVER, TIMOTHY. and ALSIKE on hand the tendency of prices is to go up. Now is the HESS’ STOCK FOODS ON HAND i peas i eect