Milverton Sun, 19 Feb 1914, p. 1

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3 BUTTER WANTED ! Iam prepared to buy any quan- tity of butter — must be without salt or‘coloring. Highest prices. S. Gleeckman, ~ Milverton x TTTTT + TTTF “Jt Shines For All.” ( Skates Hollow Ground A Pi + Painter and Decorator FETT GOOD JOB GUARANTEED NEUMEISTER MILVERTON Vol. XXI—No. 33 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, February 19, 1914 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Head Office : TORONTO $1,000,000.00 1,432,547.61 CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE FUND and UNDIVIDED PROFITS’ DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS Issued payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST y of remitting money. Milverton and Millbank Branches: D, C. Brown, Manager Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ta Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph Butter 25c. Engeland & Sons. THE STeRLINGBANK |||" OF CANADA SAVE, because--- No. 98 A savings account enables you to reach the goal of your ambition with greater ease and surety. N HEAD OFFICE : Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto GENERAL MANAGER: A.H. WALKER MONKTON BRANGH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager DMG GK WO WE HAVE IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF Pocass Seed, Timothy and Clover ut Call aad get your supply before the prices go up. Linseed Meal, Cottonseed Meal, Oil Cake and Gluten Feed Full line of Poultry7Supplies on hand. BALED STRAW FOR SALE. 2 MW Special Grocery Prices 6 bars Comfort Soap for. This 2 Ibs. Icing Sugar .........+. 1 Ib. tin Baking Powder., THURSDAY, FRIDAY boxes Silver Tip Matches . ‘and Stuffed Olives, reg. 15c, for. : Jewel Flour ... .70c, 1.40, 2. 75 SATURDAY Chloride Lime, reg. 15¢ . 2 American Coal Oil, 5 gals .... at Clover Honey, gt. jars, reg. 50... Brooms, best quality .. 5, 40, 60c M Oo H R’S The Highest Prices Paid for Produce eee ee i! e. NY |. Mr. Geo. Roe P. Roe on Monday last attended | * | i ) | I. D. ATKIN, Milverton! | Mr. Ge oe. Ranney of Port Elgi | Herbert Spencer has en jected Seeretary of the Middlesboro d of Tay for the year ae aa Ww. ese. of spent a few ence of her father. r. 8. J. Grosch left on- Monday for| ie Pauline (Berger is at present 1. anes © the residence of pie son| ditional foes will be char; and best aie of the} Brandon. Man.—Aty | i o’cloe! | season will be held at pine in a | Friday evening sees jadrto on another Conn.. $60,000, tos wil now proceed a8 reduce Wi eonigee where he will spend a week) ¢, thin air. oolishn 2s has aes or jays im the interests of oe firm and Mr, and Mrs. funeral of the young son o! ieee Atwoo Monkton hockey club ew mais |ea a meas Tain. to con’ ‘s to the game ne Silverton maeiday eveniny be Burgman. at Melville. Be mother } m. a aes dass this week tittrionds ia Wi ing ie Soha-urowsy ofthe Bank © of Hamilton staff is spending aday or hi_at the bed-| Nafziger. It is 1 in- tention we understand to move t a. ton. Mrs. Ker visiting here for the past four geeks spending a few ‘Mra. H. L. Engeland and Mi: Trim preparatory to Cee the millinery openings at Toronto. A meeting of the Trinity church a Y¥.P.A. will be held at oie — aving a profitable and pipacany meeting. It is hoped that all members and friends will Lei ake ‘or to ‘be pebaa on that occasioi A splendid entertainment will be ethodist church on 9th. worth G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for D. L. @ W. PORTLAND SCRANTON CEMENT STANDARD Oa ST pg ANTHRICITE COMING! Berea vom: HAIR MAKES eve: all who desire to make the st of their appearance should pay a visit to fee Pember, of To- ronto, who will be in MILVERTON at the Grand Gentral Hotel TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th With a veer aetee to stock of he ae styles in hair goods to suit every in- dividual, Transformations, Bangs, Waves,’ Switches etc, A FREE dateonseatien to fi I. GENTLEMEN, WHO ARE BALD Call and see the Pember e free of charge all cases of scalp trouble. Do it fail to call and get any information ‘aes may require the hair. Ladi alee ae cannot call, kindly phone or write and periaiaibe to will call at your h rof. Pember Ratiaber the Date: Grand Central Hotel, Tuesday, Feb. 24 oe preparing an 5 dinarily find od way he market. of young men’s choruses. childr 1a the redistribution bill to be in-| Gin net fishermen — were not. they ruses duets ora ite troduces an eafl 13 mem-/ said. properly vooked after by the using operetta. se Ae! I seelae, ers: wil = added thg Dominion Government ‘nspectcr: shioned rag sociable.” All weleoms. | bringing the total up to 234 instead Fa Admission adults 250.. children of 221. as at present. Quebec. which ny worm in his ear caused the ong those fr tance who | fovins the basis of representation. se-|death of Munro Ward. the nine-year- attended the funeral of the late Mrs.| mains stationary at 65. and gives the old son of Mrs. Rosa Ward. of Spin- Iph Tucker on Wednesdav of Isst/ unit of representation at 30811. In |nerstown.Pa.. Three years ago while eek were’ R |, McKelvey the redistribution Ontario loses bov was sleeping under ‘a tree Ethel. iio sskiatag ith the servi members. Nova Scotia 2.. New Bruns. near the house. the worm erawled in G. Spencer ~ Dunne: 88 |W and. Prinee Edward Island 1. t his ear, same evening — the Pear a tucker and and Mrs. J. Manisha Sur cesta 5. SaSkatchewan 6, |boy complained of a pain and insisted Ffaterburne. Norwich: Mx. W- sa itish Columbia “6, |that something wa et ‘ucker onto Mrs. (D) the new representation will be On-| head. A physician was id teith. Mrs. Jas. Monteith. Miss En | tario ebec 65. Nova Scotia 16,| the boy was kept on a pillow of earth teith. Mi as, Hesson a 4 Oi Ney Brunswick 11. Manitoba 15. Brit-| for four weeks. in an effort to coax J, Morrow. Messrs. Walter an ‘or ish Columbia 18, Saskatchewan 16. A]-| the worm out off the ear. but to no m Dorland: Mr. Wm. Mon iE ov,| berta 12. Prin Faward Island 3. ayail. Total blindness soon followed Bhaiite ee Pe es Be ee eaused: it is Relieved. by. the jeer ridge: Mrs. A. Met etre staan Pine eeding-o1 optic nerve, = Ee Mraind: lock of about a dozen Pine Gros- Min ie ein ite, Howard beaks have taken up their — winter |Dhotogranh revealed the worm deep Morrow. bie, and Mrs. Jas, febard:|auerters smone Me James, Tustin] removed iy mieane of alcoholic son of Millbank* Miss Emily Burg.) the frozen bertics of Mr. tem’ | miections . but the boy grew steadily CR Oe eer ice ae-|¥ Maitier's agus h, ‘These birds | Worse and death followed. parted this life on Wednesd: are of a brownish grev color and are ; . hic ing in the person of Mr. © ee TTT i CO ALE Se Ee Papers in fet shire England. and came with at is giv parents to Canada over 52 yi Gros- Y 1 PEE are Py enue Anais winter eclde thee is removing to ha Seales fry,|thev are distinctly a northern bir & yh was Se a new country. About 45 are ago Mr. Broughton married Miss Lucy Pritehiey who with survives him* Samuel fon and thence to the ee MIS} at an en 3. Kertcher. of Berlin. spent |P® he | was led to a fof ous ae |feased. but announced his intention of | setting drunk so he would g Ed. Climo. a St. Th cecently to spend the le ee visited New as | found the er cold th and then Sein all through “Florida, He found: conditions not better and _ could enjoy cold wea just as well ond conse- 1913.. 29.640, Bike Sit gee boom’ is le have learned au lone for now” said T: as he cell at Philadelphia. The first orange demonstration ever} held in Berlin took place there on ee night of last week when e! embers of Galt. a | preston: Hespeler. Guelph. Berlin and | ‘Waterloo lodges took part in a torch-| light procession on Main. eet. e O re nets test against excliidiny Sentinel from the files of the aa day is a new trading fea- date, for one dollar in the various lines of goods thev handle with the addi- tion of other reduced prives. ne tised. 78 MMliverton this plan should work well. sweet singer. but i ine Ite ehort salgration from the woods Srl Batic last week cel- nae ies JBC birthday by publish- ing photogravures and reminiscences of its oldest Pesidents most prominent Campbell. “= photos ublished TE records events of interest in those carly days the Fehian «Raid y El ma eounell minutes and an cecount c ‘ion of stay es & gf Rae spelling but\it evidently. did not ce care reet the pronounciation as the me to correspond to mame of irs. Longmire fare jst, week for aes who} lanentiy setirned. io BE Thon Me ie Homestead entries in tg eat es My silent oe REE au é et cnet dollar and gets fit years. according: t earnest made | Mrs, : whol was awards in Hoi Commons last week. | oq $2.500 damages against Brant Tp. In 1911 the number of such entries} for the death of her husband. haa was $8511, in 1912, 35.226. and in offered. rs her solicitor. to that homestead 50 ae from the nearest ri t pane e. 86 s ae said to . SKATING AFTER BOTH GAMES Stratford vs. Milverton, Friday. +} Read Mohr’s special grocerv prices. pene your wall paper at Enge- LOCAL NEWs +| Good skating every night this week. See our splendid range of dresses, Engela: Sons. Mrs. 1 visitin; Listowe! e Lightfoot’s Speed hos fr M has left for Tor-| Stratford at ithe rink a Friday . onto to attend the millinery openings, | evening. é butter for sale See and the Shaking Quakers| All sutstandlns: Aca: aia be | Row at the creamery. Also Methodist ae this (Thursday)! settled by one May — evening. erry Poole. A large range of Ladies’ Raincoats. ont’ Misses Clutton, Kerr and Mr, “vas fe even neat Bet Baa our special $3.99. Engeland) & Charles Kerr were the guests of Mrs ville when ached to a milk w: Glenn Sunday. This is the worst yet. Me Torrance. M.P.P.. left " Miss Celia Legnatt: of Toronto. tor- ev. S. M. Whaley B.A. of Hick- Weainaey for Toronto to attend the merly of Millbank spent k vis-| son. has been called to Durham at a opening of the Legislature. iting friends in Milve: sataty of @1800 nse, Miss Mabel Carnochan. of Linwood. Miss Emily Burgman returned 1 Dent tates mae Miss Nicklin’s returned home after spending a few week from Simeoe and will likely re-| great The Amatta in Metho-|days with her friend Miss Jean Gropp ese at h ist church this (Thursday) evenin; The lady who by mistake too a Having. dispo: of my air of skates not belonging to her with his mephew Mr. Malcolm Mac-| ness I desire to ha il. ascounts| from the rink on Saturday night is 4 ees a ae present seriously ill. aS ete ‘March Tet. Wm. Peters, |Teau ested to rgturn samb as soon as ; n. Hartmier has been con-| Bru: {29-3-p Possible to the rink manager. | er room for past few| North and South Motnington will|’ There are Harris Lat le ris an attack of la grippe mest aan atthe See Saturda } sl a Mrs, Robt, Ranney — are! evening from 7 to § | Ss i Hiuafe-conl and go in 'and ounce en See feos for six weeks longer.—Harriston | oe i lew. The number of cases of the distanbe: Ji Soubetes are | because they lasted too long. gives an Poa aDs x bet a mai get a bine ‘i erable less sum than judge's interest, He proposes to maximum interest lcent. The diffic |be a difficult law to enforce in West- [erm Canada her each. Men see /tane in a block of land. and to e it 12 per “satel Having ohce — borrowed thev are not likely to squeal 1: et over the legal rate. though vaying The extravagance aad wastefulness the fishing indust | end of Lake Irie whi artly | sponsible for the high piles” of that \grade of foodstuffs to consumers was | poi out to the Minister of Pub- jlic Works, when a deputation of fish- jermen from Elgin and Kent counties waited upon him to ask for redress. Their main complaint was against a a fu who. they declared abit of annually — des- troving ene of fis! TWO FAST GAMES Stratford vs. Milverton FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20th Game Called at 8 o’clock Monkton vs. Milverton Tuesday e| EVENING, FEBRUARY 24th Game Called at 7.45 Sharp The’Monkton Team intend running a special train for this game ig came in 1852 and resided in ie ae of the forest for | | Admission: 95 & 15c seven weeks: be he heard — the of an odman's axe. i 5 Ontarios by 10-5, “| ports {MONKTON HUMBLES MILVERTON key players” t ton on had ‘the varie athe tied to the cowcatcher thro! out and ram we Honder- mit! nd acu perros the line-up « Pac ieh Ro nless & Co, unlimited may possib- | v-proyide a es enterta | sound MORNINGTON DEFEATS NORTH m Friday evening an ryoaniaate their opponents. ae score stood Ebnira proved too much a Listowel mira wo! it were de- feated at Listowel f by 1l- ee Drayton and Elmir: are p champions of the districts where soueatiee have been completed. Wiar- ton are also runners-up in the inter- mediate 4 iday evening of this week Strat- with Come out and sce some ciseay hockey Milverton fonioys 5 eamauished i te ton on their last by a seore of 5: = 2 ter 1 hour's play and two over- madiens defeated Nat- e series on yy a score 4 4-3, ane lay cals orané Sortotiaeed Jay Monkton will run a special train t ilverton on ext, The res- idents of the neighboring burg are dyed-in-the-wool fans and if all — re- are true their boys with a are pte Ki ss of “Times” quired the testimony of a| | erman immigran itzmann” said the lawyer ; | fox the ‘plaintiff. “what do you do oF c e reported it x vos pretty vell.” replied witness “I am not inquiring nese is want to know ‘Vor! as ton what “Where te you work?” A hand-picked aggregation of he Fr ford puck chasers will visit Milverton | yf BusinessCards DR.M.C. TINDALE,L.D.S. G 89 to Dr, Lederman) HONOR ko DUATE TORONTO UNIVERSITY -own and Bridge Work p a specialty, ‘i Office: Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton butter | boiled hin variety and quoted eon. Medical, F. PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYE, M.D, DRS, PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, NILYERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,aud 2 0 4 o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. 1m. DR.A.F. McKENZIE, M.D. as and Surgeon MONKTO: ONTARIO "| Office oe Be ‘far as <3 onsite from 1 to and in eye F 5 R, FO! iSTER, Bye, Har, None wa Uhsere only. House Surgeon New York Opthalmie, and ‘Anral aati tute, Clin, tant, Ear, se and Throat Hos vat al, Golden ‘Square and ee IS tye Hospital, London, Eng. 63 Waterloo St., obposite Kaos Charon, Stratford, “Pho Lega H. B. eee KG; Barrister, - Notary Public, - Co: uses Soli Horton Bank K of Hamitos pap iy GG M TON, on sto Mllverton 0 Loi ER ‘BLEWETT, K.C, Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Gordon Block Office STRATFORD, ONTARIO Veterinary. J. W. BARR, Vetermary Surgeon Milverton, Gradiiate of Ontario Veterin ary College, e, Toronto. Treats of domesticated animals, Calls by tele one or otherwise promptly attended to Societies. MILVERTON: LODGE, No, 478, -M., G.R.C., ‘uilvoctaes rane ec eape on oF every. mont ee tele oeger, 1.0, 0. 8. “Silver § Lotige," No. Foo, Milverton ir bg Village Cl fiidevits m flice in the Weir block over the Metropolitan Bank, A. CHALMERS, Monkton, Ont, tary Public, key riage Licenses Hotels. GRAND aaa Lt verton, First-clas: oasgial travellag ton, Ont, for commercial Two large sample Fe eaoest of Wines, Li- Cigars at the bar. Good warm les. George F, Pauli, Proprietor. he turned to the Ral again, i t do you make in the factory?” he ee ed: “You vant to know vot I make. tee in to earn his daily brea: Ww =IR'S SALE REGISTER. w. 0. Friday Feb, nes Oe staal ao Jaa on 83. Fim: about Shalt niles suet oo Britton, tation. tor John Burnet eb, 24th—Livery horses veMicles. cutters. buggies. wagons. robes: blankets. harness. ete. for Wray Lint ‘Phorsday “Reb, 26th—Stock ee im- Loi i 3 Wellesley (Western Sect) ioe Everything goes as the proprietor has sold his farm, Tuesday March 8rd—Stock and im- ‘on. Hesson. for em mesday, March 10ek-—-Rexl Barats. Farm Stock Implements and Grain for Jno, Reis Jr. Lot 14, Con, 14 Ellice, see SAD OF THANKS. The relatives ‘of the late ‘ Mrs. Ralph Tucker wish to extend friends and neighbors and the Board ¢ Management urns kin ay Rote donations received during the cent bereavement.“ Abin ee eas on Feb. 16 . A. R. Hollefreund a Sdeaeieree DEATHS. MacBeth—At Milverton. on Tuesday Feb. 17th. Peter MacBeth ‘in his ‘76th year. Broughton—At Milverton. on Wednes- day February, ae Chas. Brough- ton in his 82nd y GOOD RE REASON They a him so mie erazy house For a month or two Benthee? he asked his neighbor |» “Ig this cold enough for you?” THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin ays special attenton to Commercia trade, Splendid sample rooms, in liquors tes $1.50 per day. Wat. Wirt, Prop Your Present Salary. You once earned a small- jalary than you are now and — managed wer it to if pee at interest with oaks ns your etc to re will earn the highest eur- rent interest. Das pereollet “will open an ROO MILVERTON BRANCH: P. J. Fasken, Manager °

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