CRIPPLING PAINS OF RHEUMATISM Cannot be. cured t by. Liniments —Must be Reached Through the Bsvod ‘housands of men and women This is a great mistake—the rheumatic poison is in the blocd, and lniments and rub- bing cannot give more than the most temporary relief. If you are Williams” Pills have cured more Pink of rheumatism than any other disease | 0 except anaemia, just because they mike the rich, red b! ae your bl bt bene curing your rheumatism ite ith Dr. --tiams’ Pills. The following are the pee, ticulars of one of the many sands of cures to the credit ot ie health-giving medicine : Mr, sees ere St. Jerome, ry iti had been fates. of Theumatism a the ° the denprowtiens from that time on was rapid, I joyfully continued taking the Pills santa every zostiay 2. a9 ‘ocd that goes ‘ Pink | to NOTES OF SCIENCE y has given Busiieh, a ists eseiacte to reorganize i val arsenals and Bockralte with c the latest appliances kriown to val construction action for on automobile type wheels so as to do away with the tracks. In behalf of a recently. invented am cream less sil, To protect the interior of se from the humidity caused by th condensation of moisture on the metal walls, an Ita.ian has invented a varnish containing ground cork. For riding in winter a ston en. usiast has designed a motorcycle me’ to protect the riders from wind that it resembles a submarine, Above and below the air chamber French automobile tire are 7 ace nee relsh process for timber, used which do not discolor wood, it i nailed, glued, polished’ as though bed not eek treated. manufacture in the United is consuming 73,- 000.000 es of Iumber annually, of which about. one half is: estimated to be in “sharpening or perce rey ee ends. it io! estim: ade India of the w. onde rise aeciiee of rubber for several years to ie indicate a constant increase, pass- pas ing 200,000 tons in 113, but never equaling the demand. ecause of the danger of explo- mn Hamburg forbids manufactur- wool waste on they have special buildings for it, requiring them. to keep it in a municipal storehouse. of oe ey le ilar suffere: are the gratitude I ~ for this relief sé I have since rheumatic sufferers to Meciine. a trial.’ You can get Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills from any caer dealer or by mail ‘at 50 ce ox. OT six boxes for $2.50 Sout The Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, mt. Sse. Lars Se A Modern Tortoise. Giles purchased tl the 2 fodias county. @ |” “Th a sob any a saucer his angry dia- tribe, + Sandy remained unper- ‘tur! ed “And so he did, mon,” was his quiet repoinder. “But he can’t even trot # mile in eight minutes,” spluttered the out- raged Gil te who said he could?” asked ly. “It was in ploughing atcliea that he took sax prizes |’ No Resemblance. At a church fair recently a so- Jemn-! BEST, erly gentleman remal to a young man: ‘‘I never ietend a church fair like this with- out: thinking ‘of the money changers in a9 temp je.” I don ’t see the resemblance, sir,” replied the young man. “There's no money, changing here; whatever you give ‘em they keep. Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. x bi @ man out. You; out at the elbows.’” survey estimates place the production of Portland cement in the ae 28 of 92, m they have prevente canal beds by the waves set up screw propellers with a boat equip- ped with a rvdder on each side of the screw to break up its waves. et BABIES OWN TABLETS CURE INDIGESTION Indigestion is one the childhood indigestion. They act a-gentle laxative, is nthe sto- mach, regulate the bowels, and make the baby healthy and happy. Conee m Mrs. Alphonse Pellitier, St. Philippe de Neri, Que., writes: “I haye, used Baby’s Own Tablets for indigestion with great success. si proved successful in colic and simple fevers,”? The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The DE Sa Medicine Co,, Brock- vi SST RO THE SKILFUL ESKIMOS. Fine Art Exhibited in Handling Harpoon and Line, he Eskimo is said to be a skil- fc huntsman, and especially in the capturing of seals does he display considerable Agee uty Whenever 1e r hag gone to the loes not wish to break the point, aos EF writér “FINGER: Ml HOPPED OFF Skin Beneath Lifeless. Fingers Painful. Sleepless Nights. Used Guticura Soap and Cuticura Oint- ment. Complaint Gone, 720 Agricola St, Natifax, N. &,—"Some™ the fingers and thon great deal of Cuticura, soap and ‘Slataeat I sent for a sample of both in the hope = w - pround the finger ends and wore gloves to When a seal o: har- pooned, the. sudden Nae of thi animal does not b the spear, but merely unjoints the point, and e-more the animal struggles the ore tl i, turns crosswise in di The animal merely swims away or dives deep into the sea, carrying with him the spear. ‘The long leather thong which is attached ae it uncoils from the deck of ee ies eee plays out. It ear- rie: ‘ag like a kite, but dors Be ai ae st ehongl to break te line. Eyenthis drag is made aa Ha stretched over a spliced cr When the fee is all played Ae it is seen to he attac which is also of the boat. foo precious e used in this ea of ivory so es from the forests. ‘The _ then again-in the morning wusbed my bands float serves as a b with ihe Cuticure, Bou. ‘The Outleura eee 6 Eskimo can fellow the ani: 809) cooling: and end after } after them for short while X was sur- mal and td fe eer prised to: fest mach less ‘sore and | pont; keepe the “ a hrestnnlng to asitione# more healtty appear- | 20%! : seas Nasir old malls disappeared and then new strong depths. nails formed. teen months before usin Diakznent aa After eons oasis tee ~ ee et ae with ‘inks ee oes sees f eoniien baat Seed os ‘ollier ki and complaint had entirely gone. Ernest Beckford, Oct. 12, 1012: Daughter—a certain young. man aby druggists and deglers:every ia ee een | Satya ae seat Dostana to. Bre & tian: Gomes Cones apes ‘of: them sorbain, fill yo oulre got (..3 DostonaU. § eds, the first English city to my face wer y curios. breaking up| jp. Jow'a Sick Woman Can Regain Health ~ Read This Very Carefully. “For Redd I was vas thin and delicate. I lost and was easily tired; a yellow cae. anges and blotches on mortifying to I grew very weal remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without’ permanent benefit. yisit to my sister put into my hands Dr. m’s Pills, She placed reliance upon them and now et they have made me a woman I would not be without them whatever T fount famil- never once grip lished regularity. My petite grew en—my blood red and pure—heavy eae. Spe Ta it. all.” e above si tralghtforvara ere from Mrs, J. Y. Todd, well- no citer pill but Dr. -* amilton' 8, 25C. per All dealers or The Catarrh- 6 Co., Kingston, Ontario. —— CONVEYANCES OF MADEIRA. Ella eset Wilcox Describes the “Stor ee he Vehicles. Writin, a to Algiers b. way of Maseiva, elle Wheeler W: iD cox says? “Waiting at the dock to convey the passengers to the oe ee an e such cu: ae Zee ie old Barat phaeton top, and harnessed ach stone boat carriage was pair of robust oxen. Over the ote blestone streets the sledges glided easily, and where the road was le- vel the oxen were aha into a mild gallop. ‘*beside the ox sledges there were hammock chairs, carried by strong Portugu: nveyances proved delightfully comfortable for rtuguese wom Gh Gia aad: bed ching, etl areal “Qne phacton carried us to the end of the line, where we took scenic railway the re- summit, which overlook ere we were confronted by guides to various aes of Scenic beauty, and finally landed in large baskets, fashioned to hold two the basket back by a sti rong cord, we He boeennen: down. ee hil to the tow pacist chinks eae ‘Tommy’s Reply. Tommy had broken one he school rules, e teacher told him to gel his mother about it, and also al punishment he had next bad behavior yesterday and how I punished you!” ‘Yes,, ma’am,” replied Tommy, quickly. ‘‘Well, ie did eh: vr “Said bite like to wring your neck,’’ replied Tommy calmly. hh fi WONDERFUL DISCOVERY An eminent iclentist, Ea other day, gave his opinion that most won- derful disecvery of recent S| was va es covery Just ht jayer olson | imfcrobe has been found that, “Zam-Buk oes not Then agi jon as Zam-Buk of Zam-Buk. ri eae as Zam-Buk is ap- end |© eC thaindet at jie two housed feet | the historie and | both Pecira 4 She thought his mother | rhe NEED MORE MEAT. Workers Should Eat 1 says Professor Balineny Privy Cor iT. seated work m + he exp! aia end = vewsables are ida as appetizing meat : his, Sat is stim calpite ell as wa wi The meat eater, says Dr. “Rabner, commonly eats a. large proportion of nitrogenous: pica sib -(flesh peste in'the'other two. He has, ss been scientifically’ noted, a spi burst of energy after ‘the a "The Be Ri oes i seen: fon and ee s th Is, rand eater to his best rtable ina temper ‘of 18. desress eae ) eter tt than te per- son carbohydrates can “The feeling of carat the meat eater enjoys is not a deception like ae ee ee ie rom, an actual increase of adds the professor. Ss eed: ak Ideal Protection Against Inroads of Catarra By Breathing the Rich, Balsamic Va- por of Catarrhozone You Prevent and Cure All Head, Nose, and Throat Disease. Remember this: You don’t take tis, asthma, throat and nose soreness and irritation. jo medicine brings such prompt ré-| lief, Peseta such an invigorating influ- nce, 0) treatment is so indispensable as “Ca- tarrhozone. Victim of Chronic Gatarrh Cured, 1 contracted a severe cold while fol- lowing my occupation of furniture tra- ling, and eventually it developed into Catarrh. The di le chanc 1 bought 3 A. H. SWARTZ, prac ie nk For aay: S Be for re hour, ‘use Catarrhozone, tie Scie at: rect breatliablemediettie: ‘wo months’ treatment ranteed, smaller size the Catarrhozone ston, Ont., and Buffalo, Company, N. Y., U.S.A. oe Standing on His Hea Teddv’s mother was walking down n wal n she was hor- rified at seeing her son standing on his head against the garden wall. ‘Teddv. you wretch!” eho cried. ‘What are you | doing now?” “Standing on my head,” replied Teddy. “Dida? ‘+ you tell me to play at something that wouldn’t wear my boots out?” Most Important. Basie Il take hold of your case for $50. Client—“And how much +o let got” aly One as Qu: ” To get the gen for full name, LAXATIVE BROMO SOTININE. Took for clenature of ©. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Sorry Ite 8 Spoke. Hub (on. street)—That sept leran the ho just went by was say‘ng to lady with him, ‘‘T can’t afford it.”” ife—Huh! Ill guarantee it’s something his wife wants, not some- thing he wants himself. ‘ey, W eure in itself, stimulating the mest | y As for warmth, the meat — is “aabur tox’ sgt liquo: it; 7 Magic“Nerviline” Cures Toothache, Earache IT. RELIEVES EVERY EX. TERNAL PAIN Tight Chest and Hoarseness, It’s when sickni at night, the druggist ci oul o' - dren mdy have toothache. ithout Nerviline—a_steepless night for th entire -household. With Nerviline the ain is. relieved quickl, It may earache, perhap: tiff neck, or one f the Kiddies coughing with a bai rubbing with this old-time family remedy. ne is too useful, too valuable 2K0, lame ‘a or neuralgia there/is no iniment with half of Nerviline’s pow- er £0 penetrate and ease the pain. As a family safeg as some: thine tb ward of sickness and to ¢fre the minor {ls that will occur in, ev. ‘family, to cure pain anywhere, you can’ find nothing to compare with which 8 femtly size bottle, small trial size 250. All dealers sell Nerviine. = MORMON MAGISTRATE. Hugh B, Brown, of Cardston, Al- berta, Deadly Foe of Liquor, Hugh B. Frown, Cardston’s ma~ gistrats, is striking terror into the hearts of illicit booze sellers the position of Latte only. this year, and already he has imposed fines as high as $209 on those who would make gain ty trading in in- magistrate is a member of the Monrga Cre, his wife be- ing a grand daughter of Brigham Young of Dolymatyie renown. It ig net as a member of the Mormon: Church, however, that Mr. Brown ieiseees Es Cures Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat Weather Signs. The repeated washing of its face by the family at, the" apparent nearnéss of distant objects, unusual activity on the part of fowls, are all indications + rewing. are, signs. more easily not Lf; on picking? up, the memapapel in the inorning, it. displays @ bendency asi downpour of rain and be hard. to pull on, walking stick and umbrella will act as a baromet Before rain the handles will be ‘slightly damp, and will stick to the ‘fingers when touched . PARMS FOR SALB. Something to Remember, W. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne sirebly Toronto. «My. Kah ,] want you to remember one thi J resis, stock. sain sha Dairy Par, “What's tl hat, dad t'* Corerne Rt. “Notwi Fhiseta ds all you - hear. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A about big steals, people do and can WW. DAWSON, Colborne St. Toronta, get rich honestly.”? NEWSPAPERS’ FOR SALE, WV 3a Pati pro) taric ee ‘igh! Try Murine Eye Remedy tae le t righ td Tl Renee If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn’t Smart. spScotnes Eye Pain. Droguists ‘Sell eUage Es 6 Salee is Aurea tamer RASPEERI 25c,/-50c;,” Bye Books Free by: Malls (99. Varictien, wresse nce oe ‘An Bye Tonle Adoed for All Care, & Som Grovesend,-Ontarie > Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicage After acauiring the ant-of talking well a wise man keeps sti Minard’s Liniment Ciires Colds. Ets. [were CARE, NCHS. Lua ete. Chinen” a a! Go.,' Limited, Col newood, Ont # NURSERY STOCK. es and et , cured with pain by our hom ement. * nefore too late, man Modiead DOES YOUR MAPLE GROVE oo What's the use of working hard, Wasting tlmo and fuel every Sprin The Heart ofa Piano isthe Action. Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action 6 te boiling contrive tor ances that make, Poor est free? Ceerapton® Braperater. Lake a Httle comfort and make better syrup, Which means more money for you," Mado in, a2 Taiterent aizon, Write at o1 ‘or our free booklet nd catal @i G. CO., LIMITED 58 Wellingion St., Montreal, Que, IST. PROOF | Satisfaction: Price 7! to warm, Reseronsst we lige’ nom aed oleae polich. Portpaid 29cta, THE HOYRO EO. Hiamstion, Oot a the ran blond of ot out Cures all Canadian Hair rey Hair: to. Bait es Two me bottle, hair of one, ‘becomes. bi titer ‘color ia they were fi oy ‘Falting Hair Dandrut, i eh a pa sed om ey eee fe Setar (oocaes pa eold in Canadian tale Restorer as rail ONT. is waging war against the | tidn of whiskey into the tion territory, but simply officer of \g man of 30 years of age, Mr.’ Brown is prominently lmown in military circles in West- ern Canada, He is a major of squadron of the Alberta Ranger At the last convention of Liberale held at. Cardston before the last, Provincial® election, Mr. Brown’ name camé before the convention was favorably received. The te ng man, however, is not anxious a score palitfes and retired in fa- of the former member, Mr. Madin Woolf. Use Use For Talent. Fvery man, every. base every child has some talent, @ power, some opportunity of peu go and doing goo Each vt offers As we use it it gradually dnsresese) improves, becomes native ‘to As we charecter. it a Bight law by whish-we live ar apne Hise Ene ——%. Flowers, mae = Sunshine i 2 ae *foundein Caltfor- are Star ‘hes Taeal wintering place, reached ‘and conveniently, by the car servic filustrated maatter and. fall Satioulers ‘on application, jennett, General Keente 46 Yonge Street Toronto, On- rio. + Gone woman stars a Lea for herself eee wil be satisfied to take some man’s. Minard's Lioiment Cu bps pig sii vo rey ettt Go sn one Day Table eetsts. BESS ain it it fale, “6 ou: Stn = GROVE'S signa: oiled ‘o . Lae te Fairville, Sept, 20,1902, ee Sere ried that new ESE rene, ne aD e healthy | tiga is quickly formed. Th: iN = Gonsider set, i MINARDUS | 8 forming of Heth, hen Heep Jrom | INOUE 8 Sty HR i i : wou The tiseue thus formed ts worked up Porwithout It 1 the 2 pete waa ‘one. dole 0 the surface a Mterally casts off | J#" « bottle, 1 mean te the diseased tiss ve This is CHAS. it, TILTON, 1 a cf are ements nly the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier ‘Ave.; are sr pon the Zam-Buk Co. ld thi that’ for- over Teunieier years. he had been @ martyr to a. His Ras Cie e tte 50. sayered sees RPSES, with sores that he to slee ee loves, Four years ago Zam-Buk was| . 10dze—‘Remem| Ou {introduced to him, and: in: fow| re sworn to tell ue aan eae no- ota Stohr him. To-d ee Sia ft hie ees three years after his cure of a diseass itness—'‘S: ude am trying my he had for trent years—he is durndest do it, Sear pie-faced still cured, had no trace of} slob of a lawyer dere von’ let any return # tine 6.2” ‘All druggists sell‘ ZamBuk at “50c, = = box, or we ill eend free cin ii a you send stamp (to retura postage). “is dress Zan] Co., Toronto, — ae She Wears a Hobble Skirt. What has pecerie xe of the old- testes girl Ww! @ fascina- had be: Feariet , and realized that shine in little Tommy’s ey: ly he 6 raised his hand,’ a1 For haif aa, hour site inashor b ues fs the come at-lash-for her to mbnanes, Then a look of knowledge teenth. to | es, Eager: Dra t ka,too many. ehances Af, u,v, singrone, ae or 350 SHOT AIR RIFLE, €o., 18. Chief repeater, hammerles: ommission If you Bldg. By it it ans Proved “ pewor ia pvmdreds Peabe oe 2, 1911 using Kendall's: Spavin Cure ear with good results, In very little, in perfect. condi- * ti FOR SALE Cranston Cylinder ‘Press, fast. machine for six column, four pogé newepaper, used n, low price. Casini, Wilson Pub- 73. West g-nertions, ee for thiree, buy” getting better results han from auy-ot ‘To th depends on thelr crops. ‘other needs, tity da gerstination Ys the big consideration, as thelrfbrend and butter min every way, ‘We would say “Tt Will Pay You To Wate for eur tr9-pnge 8, Liat, Bale rt Suppli FREE (6 Buy Bruce’s Seeds” and care for poor for good, and + poor seed means Segeies and toga for n aurety. ted and deseriptive entalogus Ri of Vegetable, Farm and ? ead Seas ‘Tools and Janigeee es eh 1 Reever shamed hands, helps « Tiluatrated Backes all about the dif reparations free on request." Needed rite CHESEBROUGH NaNUFAcTURING fies oreness and irritation of the skin Le "7 or auateud quickest remedy. cuts and sore Se to #Vaseline’* every home, COMPANY . Montreal \|aeceeee No Dust’ t fadtcg “know,” he ae “Ws: a sith