Milverton Sun, 19 Feb 1914, p. 5

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WEBER & BETTGER “It's a. Long Walk | » To a Better Stock’ ‘That Would Make a First Rate Motto for This Store OR GENERAL COMPLETENESS, for all the time readiness, we can’t see how it would be possible to surpass This Store’s useful- ness to this community, For everything that you wear. For all that you eat. For almost all that you use every ete in the year We stand prepared to supply ¥ you witl Simply give this store it’s due. Appreciate it for what it And we will be well pleased and so will you. FOR THE LADIES WE HAVE: New Spring Dress Goods New Spring Wash Goods New Prints and Ginghams New Sheetings and Cottons FOR THE MEN & BOYS WE HAVE: New Suits, New Fancy Shirts New Work Shirts, Smocks and Overalls We expect in a few days to pass into stock a car of Redpath Sugar. Get our prices off car. MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE . SATURDAY, FEB. 21 HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY ? We are showing an excelient display of WATCHES, CHAINS, LOCKETS, RINGS, TIE PINS, CUFF LINKS, JEWEL CASES, and BROOCHES at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES We carry a complete line of PARISIAN EBONY GOODS, FANCY WRITING PAPERS and PERFUMES. pues ASPLENDID LINE OF SILVER POLISH ON HAND Pry ear aad The municipal coun! of the Lowa MEETING | shiv of Elm: in the Agricultural hall, At wood. on Saturday Fab. 7th adios se =Reeve | William Boies ler Scott. Deputy-Reeve Sa ail and Councilors ‘Win, Coates and Wm ae reamery WeClor: ‘The minuées of last “meeting — were| ead, approved and signed by the Reeve and Communications were read from G. Reman td ce fee whe casifon yeas wii G.< Maphersod. Or, Ole scahe. «the lined and dlscunsed'andomeers will |] Peace he fare interested in large profits mt and bring make ita point to be presen Your ucigibors with you. m, nk RR UIErS has _ purchased fro fred. Pierce, of Mitchell. the |roadster stallion . varies Corbett. John White has purchased a a an Bre lattending the Se eaaie Hoe ee ese é fonto and purchasing spring goods Sse oe of the 16th haat Wiebe “ae Hon Sone on Friday All speak in the hospi number of the youth and beats of ‘Moncr'eft held a dance in Erskine’ 5 ete last. | eb Bettger expect aj} nici fare week in car ‘of bulk oe ere amy orders early wart lett on Monday for the millinery pings at Toront Mrs. J. at present ill atthe tome af her’ Se nts in Follar- 3. Rober yee of Auburn. Mr, Jack Bettger leit 0 on Baarday last to visit friends at T for seyeral days. Mr. Harris it impossible to set iti at the time and hedford but| soo, Maree by Mr. Ronis: seconded y ilverton—Mfon kton hockey) yr, MeClory that Reeve and n't a game. Tt was a bom) Cjork issue orders foe sis vaginal! id 4 number of accounts Mr, Dan MGCarthy while agsisting]" Moved by Mr, Suith seconded by iat ces tag y ne as. Henrv’s| yr, Coates that the council do now barn slipped ae ral in = very simple adjourn to meet again in manner breaking 1 bone in his cultural hall. a ood. on. Te awelled- so badly that it was|/S™ tr nen doia ae 10 grelock ELMA COUNCIL, Municipal F: ranchise Referendum Com. ittee, re franchise to married wom- = Our motto: ah taxpayers, he guests of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Wx square deal for every. man,” Tere ats BER aeauned by cae ott, and prevent roughness. BARRETT & BARCLAY, Props. || Mr. Co: See thar tne Tecaeureen airs (Cote weather hag been exceedingly chaps and sore lips. us W.|cold and stormy for the-past fev oR a v yea mderson | Wee Seat Ae Apply at bedtime, rubbing Allan Roy, “MaNfane George Stee MONKTON. Hurst and Mitchell in the sum Frank Foulston who has been St tn cwells tho, etter ae Fe ae f $3,000. each,—Carrie visiting with his parents in this vie- delightful, Miss Pearl Ross left on Monday The Auditors then presented their] inity intends leaving this week for bicudshar ahalessie’ Wiligers areal cea hig home in the Wes In 25¢ opal hes Jars, dice at Toronto. Moved by Mr. Coates. seconded 2. J, Robinson — will conduct at your Druggist's. onkton and ‘Mitchell hockey teams | Mr. MeClory, that the Auditors’ re- ae meeting service at the home of Seas to cross sticks here on port as mow read be adopted. and that | Mrs. Cui tbbekieon on Wednesday even- NATIONAL DRU dav eveni dlerk be instructed to have 150) ing, Web, 25th. Pe 2 During the severe weather last |eopies of the abstract statement prin Leu ead dinky te au eanlaie cons MICAL CO. OF ae a ber of people in this vie-}ed. and that the auditors be paid the death of dtr Charles Hamilton (nee CANADA, LIMITED, inity Were tros en. sum of $15 each.—Carried, iss Bertha Gilkinson) who died at 1 NTREAL ‘The Mon! Santen her home in the West. where she Mol 198 public ‘or assistance in main Coates ue d oy ates. that the clerk be e notice to contr eau for the. con- The ‘Move d by Mr. Smith seconded by Mr. Coa : Bee: and marked wee for $100, ied. Moved by Coates. seconded _ by Mr. MeClory. whet the Collector’s roll and ey the colleetor he | be accepted dis Sains et $2.89 that Walter Hamilton balance of salary a im full Mr. Hamilt woul Ffice a fur- ther term and thanked the council for their confidence in him a: lect~ r for the past nine when each mber of the council expressed his regret that Mr. Ha would not ept the office of collector for a rther term and hat he for appointing se pathmaste ae at ee Wal verve : Mr. Barclav age AS into the house belongins e Johnston 0 which uh eoently cusiten by Mr. H. Wi, Ham’ Mr. Te Ditl ley who was ipjared on Monday of lagl, week in the Pullar- Hocker eame at Mit; chell has since been compelled to “The Jeweler” J. A. HANSON, Monkton, - Ont. = bates Big Reductions in Felts Sale commences Monday, Feb. 2nd, and will last two weeks, a s pas roualie $2, 75 and 3 8 Fe, dctied tens anich £ 6 & $13 ' 418 ae Fel, for... 98 $1.50, for Women’s and Children’s Dongolas Fe, oe 1.30 an Big Reductions fm Men's i 7 | N.’ROSS «.::.. Monkton to bed but we bope that oe ot a +s lone tyetiaed bub vip be able to De peal in xt take his okey sont Milverton. oni Gechean The following mew boo. recently purchase ry; Germany ant, the G Col-} “nd_the English, Got Whi jer; Bnelan The Mixing eB Ey. Harrison “enn Barleycorn. Lo lon ¢ Wav Home. King; Getting into arliar ent. Ross’ Freckles. Porter} irl ofthe Limberlos. Porter; The ni f Collier give batts Germans of today. agree with ee AE was 9 a to. Bee sai 0 be one ponia Ristories ever en and it is bro own auile goon mes Banish the “Blues!” 6 Weary than hey © hing that will alter your preser pormal eal ane. isin 2 helps the stomach to ce a ox — ate syste ‘s Hy Ny from pelgon Every organ is rejuy: nated, “Ynétend ofthe” re aoe ean to any tas! s or ie tia any plee lg oe eA eG ed its we it io its in Pee or liquid ve or worth s Send3t aciaeinleceadiaatl simulates per fo ied, “Blues, pm you ete foal an year. after y: gar, ales 3o0F” Efi box x by ee an uor gver lec orate user's Sook cent Hg Tot of Loe mates for the acai tans eae oe a BRUNNERX. afr, and Mr ae Hartman. ae ea ‘axy Doerr = a ose Brickman, is the ents few “schmi ee Mr, McCarthy suffered eects art nd. tener- Tt will be some weeks before he att a anahie, Bueutese! _oarr aha. he able to'move about again Geo. Lochhead. Clerk. ee Le a Stratford, is her as s Lizzie Sal- kala ‘of the 160 4 ‘ were visited with the sag its Me es Hes rg gartaed cand ing sold spell, last week and "are move thank: t somewha milder Mr. hos. Ready of Kennicott last |W'tyr 4 Mr. Wm. Ehgotz had a bee haul- “Sir. Hishaed: Byers. of Mitchel) ie bk ae a: Wedneeday: spent it 2 me sh and stored away about 30 loads. Mrs 70 i annie rs ! : Isaac Atom eels as others see Pots: Tne his ook f the best f religious ace ‘week. of Strattors rr xo wedding, of of cats eee also. got in her summer's sup- oe Fred. Harlote had a bee draw- ing sand on Fridav for the new driv- ing shed “vehich he intends to erect next sum A very ‘enioyable time was spent at nd. Mrs. Ed. Weiss when a num- ber of friends and relatives ‘assisted hem in celebrating their thirteenth ber of our young peo- nite ple drove to Gadshill last. Friday home Mr. Mrs. versviller where thev had a ke Wells oat favs tock. is eeanaintances in and Cag pee artbure. Spe Le Soba atraliont i has just been plac- day at Dire petel totes this done at HERE j P the minimum ed on the shelves a splen- Cf, W. B. Kruspo is confined sg int ota with a severe attack o! i mt a nis did tise of Scotch Aika of t that OP sare : Fee a teal emntined ty ie Bet a new pattern for fall and win- ed. A address t t the hom Ine. BREE FOO ae Rowse. te ih ter wear, that will make and ore : wear well. Call and see our er stock, We guarantee you % Tit. re are ae , 0, xeport that pret little . and Mrs. nh, 4 owack 1s ot eed to bi R. y, FISH nce och te i Oat Rast - ace The Up-to-date Tailor, oy varot UFF E 0 Up- ‘ u neat Wo O. D I I Monkton, Ontario Se eaRTAee Sees beer Coal, Cement and Limey Cranstod, of Palmer Bae Motar Stain, Ete. fee sre preparator eee? ie ceat bow nM pai ea o' oore iinet @ cal @ Suecessfu h held v7. Diettich, BENE don of as gale on Thursday éf ‘A umber ae —Listowel. hockey ™ ie wt a Piday vee, onde ast Peiday ek has fin- of Besson. eT ing . Roerster ontract ‘Sf supplyin a, man f ond of corn ahoulan’ wspire, for the? me, ti atte i na ‘gore iparn, | Price $4600, Terme 5x70. ood house. barn 4! 300 set cleared: $8000. Terms pease al ibo acres 50 cleared. 1 ‘ural mail. and lat-| mee — eee these farms. RS 0 adhd og ee m Tralee station on from, here attended the arm 70 acres clear. brick 9 buildings. of Monkto1 OONEGAL. was taken as a bride a little over a -—— year ago. Her sudden death has cast Miss Minnie Ritter spent a few|a@ gloom over thi munity as she days last week with Milverton friends | was ee highly respected by all who Mr. P. D. Cockwell. of indsor | knew ber spent Sunday at his home here, Some of our young men attended What's the omen penny pales cowards of “« DE ROBY ROSE COLD CREAM will keep your hands and face smooth, soft and white, League on Sunday night, attraction? ts. R. MeCourt and Naat visit- eee e 42 a present Miss “Ollie Mo- Court at Maitland, Mr. John Marks and -| aanchter Luella spent Tuesday as GILL's GHEAP SALE During the “Lenten Season” I will sell all kinds of Canned Fish at reduced prices. Our salmon are extra quality and prices away down. Maple Leaf Salmon, regular 25c, for Unicorn Brand Salmon, regular 20c, for Cascade Brand Salmon, regular 15c, 2 cans for. Cascade Brand Salmon, half sized cans, each Canned Peas and Corn, per can Canned Tomatoes 15c each or 2 for . Canned Finnan Haddie 15c each or 2 for. Kippered Herring 15c or 2 for . McDonald’s Little Sardines 10c can or 2 for Brunswick Brand Sardines, in oil, 5¢ can or 6 fo Graniteware at Reduced Prices Monkton J.:T. GILL, - ae GOOD SALESMAN WANTED For every town and district where we are not r eo Fruits are brin, mutsery stock is in d g money this fall and WIAteE Seeactiy oa cae Experience not necessary Free equipment Exclusive territory Highest commissions paid Write for full particulars STONE: & WELLINGTON ‘Fonthill Nurseries’ TORONTO = ONTARIO: i Are You Insured THE CANADIAN ORDER-OF FORESTERS offers protec: tesHlon-tor ie aha Seraily Ae Soianwese ese Ta e it! S. Spencer, GR. Ny ery: ’ Big Reductions ship guaranteed. suits for 914,20 17,2 Coats and Trousers Only $12 to $15.00 It will pay you'to investigate this offer before buying. FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: The “Harvest Queen” Brand One of the best on the market We make and sell Wholesale BREAD wronaai A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty - - MONKTON, ONT It Pays to Dress. “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to Nell 1° You can have J. M. Fleischhauer Merchant Tailor PUBLIC NOTICE!) MES, 6. BORGEL, LINWOOD Keeps a Coa Lime Gement and all kinds of Bulldin Lumber, Lath, Shin, aind Apple Butter of t jacob made. r, Manage i! RAND TRUNK Soeres Low Rates To California, Florida and the Sunny South De COST AT NOw IN EFFECT win Traniaitway isthe most trom-point through causa aK ShBED Stott, Buffalo Full particulars at G, T. ticket offices or.write C. B. Horning, a EEDS! TIMOTHY and ALSIKE on hand s GRASS SEED of all kinds, CLOVER, Farmers can save some money by buying early ‘as the tendency of prices is to go up. he of STOVES, RANGES and HEATERS Have all been reduced in price. Now is, the time to secure @ bargain. = cK FOODS ON HAND DR. HESS’ STO! M. E. Bettger @ Co s, MONKTON isle Hardware Merchant Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture Above Goods Constantly Kept on be eer i : i : ¢ : * Oe Railway Time Tab Canadian dian Pacific Guelph and Goderi ee Going east _ rt Sab BY neton.: Whvertee 1 By So: Kongens Stations 6 ah ey 12.01 7.87 Bi 1355 Fs0 58 1 % ae 12,20 ee ‘old rouch is. dasa. ome 20 why it ae a a ONT.

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