Peerless ce satece Psrettd, paced—making lete barri gan ye anal pa epee body Ei Paauiees ieee 4 De: Kenta bave praven to'be the best satenel taeda fore maak ake at fencing, Scud fot. AS Ask about our farm and coast: fencing, ive agents wanted fu unass!zned terriion rhe Banwoll-Hoxte Wire Fone Go., Lit., _ , Dept. 10, Hamilton, Ont, Her Great Love; Or, A Struggle For a Heart CHAPTER XXXIX.—~(Cont'd.) pokTever leaned over the edge of the ener say that man, entered Lord her, Gaunt’s rooms fat night. - Ho oflled at get Do you think att otiun wer | as Kood- Penne E75 can acawer tor one, my dear,” re- Lady iv in S elle yourself, Teeovered from it he resumed, with dif- friend’s arm affectionately. “But there Aeuity, and still more hoarsoly. “Tho ure some very wood lecking youre ect men was told that Mrs. Dalion was ple here this afternoon. If 1 were in- a to be vulgar —w v, ten al ae tena pAbngtt ied the phones ABs quite a beauty bg inte ce Wanted to know) “How awful!” excial a where es De eee hie called ogee | dale; but ee a * op ont where cab and follo her—" hat Ppereesiona bls oe (te ne edie isband, B: TA at tormey Reneral ro fae: bike ce I_have not seer for the last Is h fence, tuts the judge eld up me nana, | peur sate ia hae Be ot mine i r. Attorney-General ‘resumed a lined to’ feel” fealous.”* ha, preteahila te mishy aul LadyeRo- ‘Had not him. but walted” es unill the judge signed Proukh smiled. ark ou need not Ww her go into Prince's Mai 3 ato ae, thought sho had Rone to vis: in his admiration. te who lived there, aman afety in numbers, you know, Knew. He Went into, a ubite-nouse and at is my only’ consolation” gota drink hea cent fala ‘Tears Rernaali, ith mock gravity. lown to the Ma ne “Though Baw: concentrated his ring the bell, but he fe wide ind the Fisor sat attentions upon “wise Deane of late. Is and he went ‘There was no one. in| that he talking to her now?” thé corridor. He went Into, the, Sle | Lady Ferndale was short-sighted. Lady Roborough put up her eye- ing-room. Mrs, Dalton on male companion. *No; that is young TMiminster,” she SThere was @ certain sienificance in ‘What a sweet girl she is! musingly. “Now. 1 really don" She added. uuppose she Is; oh, ves, of cour: had ise arey nt a im Lord Gaunt's rooms. ‘she laughed at he te eoeentad Uady' Perndale: as é ni the man; she told him that eho was el the truth, T never think of yoarried already, had been married all ness =when T arn with her. 42 time,” and ‘had ‘been foollng him. iter sia something about her. that ‘pase: More than that she had been helping las our friend. Hamle! = nef gener, ee rob him. The man went ald. sLady Fernaa aie “she fas- woud moment wad he wtatend, Sinateg me, and Tauite evpathins with 0 ‘Yekcaped the crowded court, De- hoi wi than he clma's hands were stretched out to- nd yet.” ward Gaunt for an instant, then eta are elvis edion her bosom. Trevor was and certainly more maved “by” the’ excitement For instance, around him, and ent on in a hol | hing low and impassive vo! There was w foolish Kind of Ret lying on the ground near him. aan fe fi 8 Ie She was dead in an instant: tt mast — PRED Soot SAY SON gel ae ath 6 heart, He : Jala heron the wofa and cove uur coat he found alvin Thon ‘he ott the rooms, by HO one saw Dim. SoH, 4 RS of eoUKhing selzed nim again at | Paullne's ward or chara, ‘Ana vot there Y es, era oment| isn't # trace e Pharisee in her.” ov) two. holding his blood-stained: wands Perhaps ee her mentleness,” sug Kerchtet tn his wasted” and” twitohing| Rested Lady Ferndale” “So few | gitis Rave that nowadays I'm afraid it's ra- ENE SE SECS, ‘avase Lnfashionable, | Girls, like to be No one would ever have suspected him thought fast and ‘smart’—dear me, how Gua “an, imnocent man would have suffer:| Lonate the "word!—-and are ashamed ot Sd) Bot certain ‘tings happens bbssedsine Tint: ineheeetlen a Sr te earave tim to the street in, Heart, Sometimes I'm inclined to think Which the Mansions are is in court.” He| that in the next ig Hom sy. ae Fiunced “oward the Mend of the room| Will be only. the men who will be cap tenths duar-mald who served him 2ble of ‘emotions.’ | Now. Decima Deane with the Hq Thev have not comaj ! Jike a sensitive leaf.” forward. before bocatino the cabman} ; foo sensitive, [I'm afraid,” satd thought the cas against | VAdy Roborough. word Geunt-and didnt ‘went “te se yet. how: admirably jvoubled, and the bar-maid—well, ieee one “3 had no Yeavon to connect the man’ wit ad n 0 is ‘and et 30 aoe Preath. Sir James rose. He was very | Célm. and—what do you call it’ Hale. and hie usually firm voice: shook| Jmpassive—but: Adrting’ the frst te ‘an fi prot ad a. aie Tae ‘sound ikea slang she _eatd, Gaunt, oT vase you the name of ike man leat 1 see you know what I mean, She you thus chars | 20. mi it frevor wut, his handkerchtet: to his | Which have stood the wraig of the ied maputh and wiped, nie Bice od-atained Tins. | ong 1 AN ‘ 4 a r Ralph Tro: 4 Fam’ the man f feve ne who was present n’court has! at seid Lady Eoloroueh, or beon able Yo elves clear and col a girl. and as fresh as ae! Aooount of what Followed. though ne Sein hp apie Meet koe TESS Seelne. © wevepal witnesuen | Lady Berndale, "She was no very, il, the box aft been \d Tooked so pale and frail for 80 Jong. out. B NN y | that T began to fear. the lily would: n t the. y, | how ub its Head aealn.” Without Teaving thelr seats, return ratioes quite well, T think. She verd! of and the juds ph ig aoe mimi Indeed. she vulled Pienounced To f mi through, She was plaving tennis ue he ofr riy {mipos-| Now! a hard game, and sho was on the o nd tt utte ible “to check the roar sot applause weit vein side.” Which the crowd receive pee she has not as “ue er ahd the Judne's exnression ofsbraparhys| Lady erndate,, “tam glad and mt found himself carr: Raxemnonit W with’ that an ‘Mr. Merahon, prep as "te were, Into the open atr Tae broken off. What has: becomo man tndeed. im. vou low 2" ey Lady ara ook her head. cuArrn a ; left ‘The Birs more then a Year ago. It is for sale, a i: Stes, tha. agaattial T'don't know what. hus ‘be mt it. not marry. $I yugnal one or two offers during the sat tee nthe, Ww her--of course, has not told ‘And there will bea third directly,” intimated, sh: sald Lady pert aels nat art Lord fl- clever old lady, tar. too clever “and rood | Minister with h si oatured to Ret tonother w mob of voonle| a1, 16% yO yeti, he: wil propose to her, and permit them to bore. thom ou gen tor" death through. the hotiest and “most | Much In To hen ying pa: a& sumi day. hee ¥ ol asked ‘me to help him. Bue Y destinel o jal suffered at {t?—-but Lady n exception to the ohorough you os Blenty of whade—the he | Pectma is not Uke most girls, and one| court, Melde. uf the: coun ander vitor: eels that one would be treading on very musdmne} There. were. f delicate ground if one pereared. to play (ARE eae ee fart OF Mateh-maicar with her 4 bow line, “green ny Tady "Ferndale ded sympatheti- ow: touts with an unlimited supply of {eos, and more 1 | tS bane Or ; $ eon alr, sic in tho “ r orn. if the dius, ahould bo. wot-—as it mag tomt know. Sometii Imes ta my ie pale thera | She, inay. ve others T think Tio pel AE ee re doathata very’ uonecommitial, .. my ‘which one could ‘sire “Or smoke the sur-| 28." responded Lady Herndale with a Feptitionn ctxarette tn, nat ately. pies cig ta ARS ES ; an to ‘e3 what ‘ee! ols . Br Micon pertensoht ion tumor unre eae Dealinay without meaning course State, were falwa; v8 sorry when the time ip LT = simplletty i Same’ for them to xo, and’ the butler to) decert i ‘should not like to venture. I coul Do you" think “she wii accept T think Per 3 ve stance, ‘sometimen she i OL wll be aultes-anits friendly” inom hg jadorouh. looking earcely a Wiminster, and he wil co about looktne tl ean. hy sme ling the boats | OAD. conn) {he parties {6 "he cavefile and seping DAS eltlier. passed Mim inthe ena cate Tike ho ane. Went wilieraticie mete] Ricbia bow. oF snewered him ko abgent- cup of jy and witha preoceuple “ea Now and again she persuaded herself | M@nner that ae is sure there is to hope fp take @ vent, aud seated Just. inside igi Fines the bi rqude, from whence, Mik low! How T pity him! a mene ne oe see Thek oreo, ain. bie realty in lou with Deoima Deine: of-ine: elder who liked the | .,"Oh. he suffers badly enourhe” sasont- “3 mate SRI REG Lady Rohorough, placidly.” “But T ork n't fé6el for-him so much. Tt th rie ectings 7 Wat hoe ta be" navn A’ great success. ae Gaual. iny dear," | Dee oar caine y Ps S ‘And she fomarked Lady. Kerbdale who sat next Lady Roborough looked) dowbteni ana “Hverybody seems very happy—at any | "ther si 4 Tate. these apnear to be amusing ‘then: goss now. foly nitted Lady Roborough, (i ni aeecnne sql b ete thine to bettie vote ti] ort timinster ao ty be ol to. watch young [on her fac i Heoner” su cinue : ching. th expres ‘basaea “autokiy: veiourh: i a but-it-has been there, and one ean i ‘asn't—wasn’t th ce fee ced Sea : NA-DRU-CO | BRUYR ROSE: Feeidale hesitatingly, and know. ‘They were very ‘Stone Oras aad of Caneds, ie ast sea since the trial.” remarked Lady Fern- reanonsthitity?. ing up is not to is ie: has been i us enjoying mua. “tor there are plenty ‘etty some of the giris ¢ half in sponded Lady Rohoroush, touching her be, “Lord Ferndale is” deliuitully 3 a lasses and surveyed Decima and her ry her tone, and Lady Ferndale glanced at ink any of us were quite so lovely ‘as he heey Hideed. I'm rather more tn love enlarly eare interpolat- MR AND MRS. HARCOURT. Interest: in the personality of the Joyes her home and children. a rs Political Dondisains Genet my ea hasn’t, Bob: 6 id ‘oice—' reason. ‘why he should pee the seat, ister. Learning a8 a rete Path fall- fom a She fetoed him in the vile : indeed, all the Ais Pgs Shy tful, snow ve penis But You know ait apace ee |W tollet preparation, whic! ds well @s I do. But Lord Gaunt, was: Tad completions Sle@ 7," nef Soot a ae good, anid good ones better, lisre "was" noting, “How “sould tags Spiendit toro ue thi How could there = ee sore skin gle «: ¢ Bilere Was something sald, i cracteed Ii Oty, ti0” She chanced 6 > : “in 256 opal Cast Saris at z per, brother wien Lord Gaunt went to © sor Druggtat's, ‘202 Risjrooms thnt mee. these was some - yor fuRgestion. Some hint of a inve aftalt: ‘ a from ste PO ue wise. wh: he not ‘time to try f atter ae with a ttle tee soda. of ek; nothing has been scon of nim YOU See, T only fell five ston fes.’? A a one , Catering to the Convalescent. The most difficult epee to cate convalescent, un! ze it ieee a i I a = 3 ge Be = 3 at sh lo ea neral conversa. ion’ is ache too much. fo: eluae Dertma cams vent with he rack Z ; THcket oF digested as 4 repare kent the room, is better for, a convalesce:tt, bp penecielly in, case of nerve exhans- jon. Also see that ‘a suitable stan. ee Ns o table is placed. convenient forthe miner itined end knew patient before you ~ bri in the nen fe tray. lace, a. cushion oe footstool Broiled Baron.—G ana, EL bring some Jean finely shaved bac roi sides until bacon dry golden Paus Onod a ensved eit = oaaee with a egg on toast. . Nuns ee sie! an egg well, a salt. Cut thin into ith pm a rounds of ee oa bread, dip ee egg mixture to cover all euler then as! Saute quickly in a smooth omelette “pan in a little good butter. As soon |as een is cooked a golden color place n hot sere ee Lie itis sugar ver or ith a little jelly. This 4 is ee nits janenega dish. Glorified Rice. va pee La lespoonfuls of r pidly boiling ee tnt aa ee Eine stands alone and is soft. Drain rm-p! “| Whip a halt “eupful of double cream, sift a little eonfestionore Sugar over rice and whip into cream. Mound daintily on fancy saucer or sherbet cup. With = Cream cream gradually, Place a well-blanched nest. of dak tuce hearts.on a plate and ng and a good addition to a gener- iet. * Creamed Eges.—Beat two fresh but ee late and serve at once. Some like a eornkling of sugar over nhs ccna making it a Swiss ome eed for breakfast with assed biscuits. Broiled Beef Cakes.—Run a piece of the very best tenderloin beef, fo hopper. two knives rm into aneat oblong cake. Place on ot bi ub bod under gas onée. ‘This may be served on a very g|thin piece of crisp toast ox with a potato. mils aed p double. Place in a pint preserving jar and screw top on careful. Now prepare a deep pail or jar large enough to Picronid die apeant Path 4 thick to the top. of jar. Now pour. in enough strong salt brine, made of eksalt, to show through top of ice. ‘This will settle the ice some. ir sikles lias Keeome cb ngealed: Cover auld ses ae ‘this in half an hour. nd keep until poder This. seh be Kost Weis hou ed well, halt, pint of “ean meee re | several Paina sot b oa made in two portions, eoepins ta iP of the or co eam oe Loy oe ing day, or you f the cream for a shied ee doses or pate? Hints for the Home. use a cornto drop out tie a five n Pencil marks on linen should be To piece of lemon on it-every night for ights. nubbed off ae wales as water the _ /fets the lead m Tf sere are ict nace remove ive PERSO) wint ould eacn ning: a visk Soe catching cold: Ta my is restored to rubber and the Battous will ue twice as ong. When cooking a’ mg ina dou ble botlen put Pate ith he water in the’ outer recéptasle, then the cook- ing will be more rapidly accom: lished. An easy way to thread a darning needie is to p When expecting guests, pan the meals ahead for the entire time the guests will stay. much more delicate and their way into the Palen by means of the grocers tim to. rest the feet on and haye all] The housekeeper who must do Ben foods ‘so prepared that it will re~' own dishwashing cold windy | . days should rettcniber “that. & “cut a warm water. Soak the velveteen in it, but not rubbing. When finished rinse in plenty of clear water and hang out to dry. any housewives have bemoaned the fact that their tarts and pies da t have the deliciows brown desir- eep in your cupboard a ult pastry brush and brush your tarts and pies with milk just before en. Refore mending’ stockings with ordinary darning varn it is a go ph an to scald the skein or ae over the spout of a kettle of boiling wa- y ti means the steam ter. Vv is shrinks the wool, and when the stocking is sent to the wash there will be no fear of the mended p. ate deguiiesabag oa ea ane surrounding part: pareeraee Be DISEASES OF THE WINTER S IN ALL WALKS OF LIFE SUFFER. Valuable Information as. to the Pro- per Way to Liye in Cold eather. rae of communicable dis- i other diseases which, spread. rapidly in cold weather when people huddle too much in stuffy houses are ‘he ua ary.*- The germs-of these dis- eases are almost everywhere at this season of the year, but they will lose their terror when persons do more to increase their p: sistance and improve their general health, ‘The success or non-suecess of the attacks made on the body by ti] tirely on a person’s physical condi- tion and his sdbility to ward off Rucker, “The frequent chilling which peo- le get from draughts, wet, feet: and other causes in cold weather, lowers their resistance, and they easily be- come infected with organisms vith i ata: pneumonia or diphtheria and aillex n o harm. When this person has his resistance lowered'to a suflicient degree, however, Ba ee ack ‘of the sease ies m is € es tear the risks run by: the ee der nanciit be- cause of eae light xsd ab- ress. In my opinion the eviat present-day stvles of dress are far like our grandfathers and grand- ers) put. a in ante early a of ach fall thas p: Wrap. = p Properly. “The ‘age person in the city aver: to-day. lives at summer temnpere- ture all the year around while doors, and, acco thing a wear clothes of about the same weight during all the months of the year. If this is done, andif Ben ‘sons W oe up properly when Se rege atk soe pass out into a. colder. atmos- thes phere, there will be little or no dan- ger from cold and better liealtly will be enjoy ana vomen abe critigized th: fe jay for wear an alien ~necked waists, on the theory that they are run- opiniona T think the danger is youy slight, if there js any. Light-clothes ‘6 just we ate who spend most of theit time in the wel)- heated houses of to-day. When they go out into the cold open air and carry a coat and wear furs, there i: little danger of caeline cold, Be eta id more ex- an ca is vapotene that persons give the proper attention to the heating pad Somes of ‘their lon dur- m the only ee ihe average person has in mind. in egulatinyy he nt: ioe phars-ch bie tick is the degrne of temperature. Tt is bagi portant that aifention Ye given: to x ; Tn coe tL ae {han can be found in that of Pe driest desert in the world, ate ati tion of the mu- ry air causes and not have the everday bother of planning the me. successful attack of the ge: pneumonia, colds and other winter | diseases other sea: an persons dat ntinue exercis- sons about the danger ‘of draughts. chines may hay open air as nfuch ae possible, in a way, this beats itomebifing ‘ot alie Sagres: bat hin ean 01 cise “Dur parent, should take eve: has never been now is the accepted smallpox i should never be expos rop, aj or any ot the other so- ale Teghild yeurs, committed suicide by th ren’s Sona ) picks some ings himself downstairs. at firs ped: Cases 3) that many of the diseases which o¢- cur more frequently in winter are | 4. compared ai mord Tiaiee in auent carrier a the germ dis Keep th tres parties iene ca are likely The West Afric ied, Here 0 ie for us to. ut. a in panpalien is ee the ‘trode of forms, may be borne by thet into the world of ghosts. youl a for his Seine BEST YEAST IN THE WORLD. DECLINE THE NUMEROUS 1 IMITATIONS THAT ARE URis SErerer \ WARDED HIGHEST HONORS AT ALL EXPOSITIONS Ew. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED. WINNIPEG ‘TORONTO ONT, MONTREAL cous membranes of the nose and U throat and opens the way for the [FROM ERIN'S GREE ISLE rms of _— NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE. Get Plenty of Exercise. . im LAND’S SHORES. “Tt-is ortant th: everyone at should act -pIe tay of exercise during — , the sa outs of winter, as well year. Happenings tn the Emerald Islo of ing ie open air to a large extent Interest to Irish- during the cold months, Ae in this men, way the power of resistance is low- ‘ ered and bad health is the result.| A flax mill at Moneymore, it ph MeL the sleep, dependent upon property of Jose; lcLean, waa y fire. nd condition of health, destroyed is also just as important du g the | @ Granard rural council water as through the months vol the | denided: 40 nave’ all tia contracting n the “temp: ature is mo-|work carried out on the direct la- detate. Cold baths, taken ee es . SVS : per precaution, are good at an: damage wi Considerable oe, and seca ae nthe winter =| by an outbreak of fire that Sonne Ja! re must be used, however, be-\in ithe Oddfellows’ Club, Arthur re) Row, Enni harm than good to many who as unused to it. With some person Kilkenny Corporation has mad bitter cold pisech prods reac: tion, which throws nn burden upon tl “Mu S| application for a loan of $110,000 to construct a drainage system in the ity. . James 0. Ferguson, of Bel- fast, “suddenly collapsed” in the : all Street’ dispensary ain a ey Teton DoHadagih piecain ‘ireulatons syt ch is ean from some he chilling ci en one’s res pirely emake 3 snegatiiet and f a disease ti ck sue-| Ulster Volunteer cee are ding iE an cee ae o 8) aap cea tb tas cessfully who with full] severi power at anna would throw | closed market them off. Everything should be} The Cri ipples’ Logis tas Belfast, done, therefore, to increase one’s}recently entertained all the crip- power of resistance, to sprain one’s | ples of the city - tea, followed by self to cold weathi efi ues some peo-| an entertainm: me) ple sometimes say. Aut aeons ae: The death has ee place of Mr. ings serves wall for this Boek but| James Connolly, for forty years who have not vet acquired ma-| principal teacher of the Tubber- e their power, of re- curry Natio nal schools. istance raised by ea in a as taken place at Killplea a Joseph Hickenson, ae 7 one. gets fine exer: hadsatbained the ape OF aT Goa: same time. There has been a gradual re- Guatd the, Osidrea, sumption of work at the Dublin ing these cold winter months | quarries during recent days, and onthe dia eal ol thd sirtke aebiaprise tad 2 7 e Braet Aber atten from | off i The Belfast customs and excise returns for last sone show that the B total received by the collectors ex- infection is most common | ceeded that of 1911 by $3,886,710. uring the winter months. sont A’ Belfast architect named Tho- more dang than mmallpox. Tt ate he remembered © total soit’ in pee dur+ ee the past yea inches, 1912, showing a decrease of 3.35 for this reason all persons should | 1912 4 guard against the use, of Ruby tweens Aor : Be ; logher Valley Railway train ae ng cup, which is a fre-| ran into and killed a donkey. wan- rai dering on the rails at Gold, near. Brookeborough, and the train was. nearly derailed. New Ross urban council have of thes ie euiklen cent mon swappers of germs in the win- | just completed a scheme of eighteen ter, and in the schoo! the use of lead | n¢w artisan dwellings which are t pencils. and penholders’ which are|rent at a weekly rent of 60 éents often put in nae mouth eathy each. accounts for ther colds,| No settlement has yet been ar- dieklaee: nomisettey of this kind /and their employers in connection should always be guarded against the demand of the former for | carefully. . |an increase ©f 8. “Lastly, among all the other win-| | The death has occurred at his ter disea: mice watch out for the com- residence, Athlunkand Street, Lin- mon’ edld. ‘Colds ined ® greater) erick, of John Griffin, for over for economic loss than many dangerous ty years connected with the general post office, Limerick. gitl about-47 years Bae sae neg shot dead. x view Avenue, Laas North “sir, Dab hy ® young - fi man named Iiams. ipniay er losis or some other The see ar re ae rabi yo Dairy, , which has been. working. for, over snag inne gass oe twenty years; has been seized. for INFLUENCE OF GHOSTS, Over 150 mombers of the profes- n Bushmen Haye| Sh community. of Limerick re- ‘i ntly entertain Strange Belief. _|derman Phillip n the minds:of most-of the West | banquet in the Thomon ragic accident killed’ a boy named D: soh, aged ‘eight canine and fatally injured a little girl named Su Potter, But the man ney to. burn may not love the vi we smoke. them; in ow es The clean tablecloth’ Aiciotin the LY: Ore is th ear! Se ‘spot. offering (goat, sheep or ea) mah | See ee haye killed for him who. has l uur portion. It rave, so thes, aie si boutia thousand years. a man who feels sorry