re LELLLLLLELLL LY ere ‘BUTTER ‘WANTED ! 1 am prepared to buy any quan- tity of butter — must be without salt or coloring. Highest prices. S. Gleeckman, ~ Milverton a ewe ee Skates aiilw Ground A GOOD JOB GUARANTEED P. NEUMEISTER 2 Painter and Decorator MILVERTON Vol. XXI—No. 34 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, February 26, 1914 , : Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher. Pa ai) Bank Head Office : TORONTO CAPIIAL PAID UP RESERVE FUND and UNDIVIDED PROFITS DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS $1,000,000.00 1,432,547.61 Issued payable averse desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST of remitting money. Milverton and Millbank Branches : D. C. Brown, Manager Milfbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ‘a Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph oe +] Macton. ING SROM STRATEORD LOCAL NEWS #| The largest stock of spring goods | The: annual convention ‘of. Ue Sees shown. geland & S | Milverton defeated a picked team of | Mornington Toray auger Seno | ningt pathwasters valk pet in-|gity leaguers from Stratford chaper- | Association | stalled Monday next Mareh 2 \oned by Charlie Lightfoot at the rink |CBureh. Millbank. last Wédnesday af Miss Minnie Nurse spent Sondayat | Mn naheek shorten lige buchen vty evenin ‘The pame|ternoon and evening. her home in Mai not oat ie scetiile of ios thin sea |was evenly cated after the visit.| (he convention was opened with d Mr: i. ‘of Toronto, soe Dea yee Ree As atte an gotions exercises by the president’ alt t ae at | NS John Dobson is visiting her | ¢ombination was wor! by ilten. Th sines: Cora Schneider comnt ea tew jaausbtes Mrs, Hollefreund in Strat- | | teams. e commencement ittee being appointed the chair. ays with Selene in Bru Is sontionaly bombarded Strat himad eae ev. J. Little. Burns. Li evap anes sain Messrs. J.-P. Griffin and . M.“Al-|ford’s a tbachalfended. fF in a stirring address on fiedar with lewis in Late ee. of Nelson. spent Saturday in the | {their : (Sate TRiuday Gebodl". Suberaiten spent wel. We ai Edna marks the My i ae THE Deine Bank OF CANADA SAVE, hecause--- Economy is the price of prosperity. No. 99 HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto GENERAL MANAGER: MONKTON BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, A. H. WALKER Manager Grass Seed, Timothy and Cloner Full fine of Poultry Supplies on hand. J BALED STRAW FOR SALE. WE HAVE IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF Call and get your supply before the prices go up. Linseed Meal, Cottonseed Meal, Oil Cake and Gluten Feed I. D. . D. ATKIN, Milverton |" 2) ne cit a TT |) MOHR’S GROCERY (| 2 Ibs, [cing Sugar. 2 Ibs. Roasted Cotes reg. 25c for. Polly Seeded for. Granulated Steans 18 Ibs. for .. Fels Naptha Soap 4 bars for . Spanish Onions per I Cooking Onions per I’. Fresh Fish, all kinds, per 1 Maple Leaf Peas and Corn, per cor n HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE 35 ELA AU 1s J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for PORTLAND D. SCRANTON CEMENT STANDARD oa ST MARYS - ANTHRICITE LIME oyu 5 ly glad to report that Mis | Hopf ts able to ettend school again. Yesterday being Ash Wednesday | opening of inne M e re. et hi farm to Mr The fi Charles Brou: om the fam ily residence on Saturday last to the | Eins Cer ee ere inter: ment too! services were | Ratots d by ne r ‘Deacon of Christ | chureh. he Moralegton Temperance Assoc- | ongr: Paine upon securing A. “see ald MIL BEAUTIFUL HAIR every woman desire to make t at of their appearance have the opportunity of pay- ing a visi Prof. Dorenwend OF TORONTO 4 who will be at. QUEEN’S HOTEL LVERT‘ Monday, Mar. 9th with a immense er of the Latest Fashions in Hair ioods. A style to suit every individual. , “Ladies with Thin Hair” ‘ON ited, inf quality of-hair and efficiency THE ‘activeness to an otherwise plain face and will as: rom: to keep her Sena ap iarance Fey Rey ak Bestop alloted te ences aay pes. ans FREE DEMONSTRATION IS oe en TO ALL” ‘all_and see TOUPEE,, which ts a jead. This Toupee 1 prot and may only bel Dance te For-na\ hy man n appear years youn; ted in all countries mus, Do not fail to call and see them and ““Gentlemen, if you are Bald” THE DORENWEND SANI- erfect PLA, held in’ the hom of ith on last Friday evening. The vice-president Miss Ada ‘Mane ‘provid very cellent literary _ al Four carefully prepare ep. ‘Heroines’ were re 2 appreciative audience. jose §=—Who ve from time to time prepared fall are wéleome. The oncert face the auspices Methodist. church: lin were grestly appr reciated by. all lov h he vartily encored. the r - worn “stibank Pfatted he whole pro- t] friends at class Hue ale au was | t! Mr. Sid Spencer spent Sunday with MILVERTON WON FRIDAY y EVEN-| Mage gall in and see onr stock of| “back herd tales spring suits and coats, ate Pred, ‘Lol | ther. ity old eek ehu. Enge h.. of Birrie. Ape thera an " chiureh eee | saith the tree and a game. was fin. ago and jished with 6' the jaeeo0 | The “butherans {period the aot nar ae treated n the second half Strat- | 3) ford missed hetter anecliag | and working some fas mn. | iss Essie Posliff. of - Wing Boys’ and 's arrived. oan | Err tow he tO en tee oe ted by Miss Laine was very in- few days with her anna and nes 08 cantendl array of suits. |for repairs but after numerous stars | teresting and helpful pee ingeland & & d ceased to obscure his yision play | report of the nominating banca s. Nurse of Lumsden. tas! D il oe Stratford added two| mittee the following officers wer Biers Seema On. ete Sane ‘om now 1~/ rallies in this. period to Milverton’s 1. eleeted* Pres: Hamilton Mill- ro ane st \the game ending 6-4. Milverton team | bank: ice-Pr Seah ee Miss. Pauline Te reer left on Wed-| H. ook | was minu! sithe Petes of their de-| Burns" Sec. atreas, ~ Rev. h- ior Toronto to hee the ay or two ith hes in | fenoe men “Gbe r brothers but Smith e, ‘Milverton. The super’ ntendeAte openings, ft s week ‘and Schaefer aur replaced them play-| of the vai rious Geppennctts are: Ele- Miss Mina Hartmier of Stratford yrtle Orr yeturned pled a ste Charlie Lightfoot } mentary Frecborn Sehogl spent the week-end at Eeateey Geening «week {aan ight practice with the | Millbank ‘irs, her home in ¥ iertos nds in Str: d | ara Aine ompsom. ‘Bible Mre Albe rt Wilson and son Jim. of | Handling but lacked Sasian to pull | Class. 8. eS Dem *] Abwood. spent # few days: last we ek, off any spec Pie tea aie W Milverton abi at the home of Mr. * acher ‘Training m. ° Henderso1 Mist Nellie MaeBeth To i on Thurs-| Mf P.P. “| MILVERTON 11—MONKTON 0 |sttbon Missionary. MH. Reid day last for her Regin oe ee and best carnival of the is Temperance Richard Cbul- Sask. after spending afew weeks on will be held atthe rink on| The Milverton—Monkiton on; The evening session boty egy in Milverton. ne antag February 27th. See| which attracted wide lareel¥ attended, The meeting . Horace Williams at mn anot throughout this section was pl ee . R. B, Ha: tay oe See hon 0 Htending | Tuesday es Alliance Prohibition 5 . Uy orouto this wee 1 tra: ve a ma of the Eva earetical Sonkton team <i i gins e Goderich. while Milverton de-|and his teaching that leads to sue~ e Jarge pee fence was strengthened. by Stewart | cess.” ‘The importance of consecrated in Ga Bre The Biya the gj artist from us | teachers was Ammpresae upon those L 2 jast heen somal 4nd |e The boys were sa d up ertha Laine. of Tor- joyable time ey \fs 146 fect ut vi o'clock and. Milver tae time! ¢ Jos Martin. ir eeds” a t | as | was y ably dealt-with by: Miss \Laine ANNUAL CONGR ee iBusinessCards Primary Teachers’ ~ Tools.” . superintendent elementary div- nm Ontario Sunday Schoo) Associa- gs “The round table conference con- Paine has a ha ay nd her staat were well The Aas the various churches in Millbank ea tea in the — base~- nt of the chur: aes ape event ee and got a sn et possession ome ponte muous hoekey and bas Se July next.—He ost. \Tamford was coutpelled t verybody — re- A Seott Act sate in Perth and Ox- aes ee pers busy at the penalty box. | a ere. It ord counties is by no means unlike! locals ¥ ore the worst said by those who attended prev- this y ‘The recent. sweeping although many of the penalties. were ious conventions that ane vention age fn lurdn and the good sho inor ctonieee: ‘Milve erton beat | in Knox church f the most Baek and Vor has cnsouriged | Gfiey with five shots. . Bam-| successful in the history of the f Listowel. had charge of ae is the cost of the ek ys cost, country. h Battle In a raid designed to get peace against every vlace where liquor was suspected an sold illegally Provincial Officer Phip- en on the night of Saturda: ‘eb. 7th, seized a quantitv of beer and wines. most of which came fi two. places of four of which asi investi- gated. ement fous a. al ‘liquor. At the stores of ae whatever was found. The Eee a a-score of tea by citizen: Nor: ford will soon have an | vei w “high living” and of living that ails this in Bet Hasenflug no raid com- o the tect not | Deen Pos dis- miles | so1 Sanization stoned game peamives to be one of the best of the in R. Grané has commenced matically. The majority of a coun- f Mr. J, iation, Limited, for rental, tolls etc., must be made to The Met- ropolitan Bank at Millbank or Milvertol By order, G. R. HARRON, Presidelit W. J. ZOEGER, Secreta ALEX. HARRON, Treas, Millbank, Feb. 20th, 1914. -| #, PARKER, M.D. DR.M.C TEN DAN LDS; Hoxoy Diese ceconnitea Ral ane Medical. PL, TYE, RUD. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTOR Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 0 4 ‘o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. m; DR. A.F. MCKENZIE, M.D, Physician and Surgeon MONKTON, |= ONTARIO Office hour # possible from 1 to 3 p.m, and in evening J, R, FORSTER, Eye, Ear, Nags aad aHvou only. Honge Sui New Opthalmié Clin,” Assi Hospital, Morne Bye Eng, : 10 St., opposite Bucs Chasey Stratford. Phone 207 Lega H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, - Notary Public, weyancer Selleltor for Bank of Hainilton, y to Loi R, BLEWETT, K.C Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Office ; Gordon Block STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Veterinary. BARR, Vetermary Sur; ailveion, Gradiate of Ontario VY earl ‘y College, Toronto. e romatieatea animals, Calls tele PhbaG Opa het Wise tearaadly eeeera ee Societies. ee agate No. 478, ren always welco Ms Wo 1. Boome, Heys Tor ters th | game and his work was worthy cert in liters Hall Millbank. on act if submitted will carry. ighest praise. Monkton boys. con-| W, D, WEIR’: a BALE P REGISTER, 1.0, 0. f., “Silver Star Monday evening March 9th. ¢ | The town Aa ee of New ering the fact that they have only | Lodge,” No, 202, Milverton nd hear this celebrated singer. ported $2.000 damages to the bid | lan oe mn air rink. play a stelarbrand| Tuesday March ee Stock and im- eets every Friday night. at Rev. F. ghes. rector 8 il-| there in last spring's floods by ve have little doubt|plements on Lot 1. Con. 13. Welles- .ta, in their hall over Bank of Ham hank will officiate at both services in P| raising of ce Hanae trim the fastest | ev. Western Section Mile oie of |ilton, Visiting brethren always wel- rist chureh on Sunday March. 1st.| through works Domini’ t on their own|Hesson for James Kenne come. KE. Siegner, N. G., W, K, Loth, He will leo conduct the” afte ete RES ood ares ames Friday. Afareh, 8=St0ek si <impte-|F, Seoy.s N Mecuire: R. Seoy! saris in Tri eh Elma. Rev.| pay the damajes but offer: ‘he line-up was as follows :— ments on lot 9. Mornington. |i Deacon will take charge of the! 300 for an automatic pump to take| Nfonktom—Goal. Uitley: ‘Defence.|24-2 mies north Millbank for Joseph Notary Public. pies in Grace church. Millhank.| oara of the overflow from the septic} yondt Terry ts ins; For- epfer. Ww. WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- on the first Sunday in Lent. March Be wards. Holman. Merryfield. Holman.| ‘Tuesday March 10th—Real Bstate. | iioneer eo the County of Perth and ist. he Board of Education, of Berlin is} ytilverton—Gi pr mee-| Warm Stock Tmplements and” Grain] Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wille and The funeral of the late Peter Mac- lopraued to the introduction of mili-!pivour Spencer ‘Wanless for Ino. Reis. Jr... Lot %4. 14 | Mortgay 2 ara pet lasttdts naw: MacBeth took place to Douglas Hill | tarism in Pengestion with school stad-| poryards, Pugh. ome *Hasenflag Village Office in or Weir block cemetery Brant township. Bruce cow’ | petition” was presented from a * geet saay March 12—Real Estate.| over the strona wer ee eter pureday last, The services| class of forty hoys for permission to! goUTH MORNINGTON AGAIN VIC-|stoek, implements, household etfests y Rev. et corps under the direct- TO: es ae Sealy ‘on south 3-4 lot MERS, rane Ont., No- fon of the Strathcona So ae - con, 2. Mornington. for executors of tary Pati, Conveyapoeds aerate of Mats refused, Another re- ‘iage Licenses, J. P. for the County o} f Collegiate: Institute eal ees more gn anne Wii, Onper sestete <7 ee Heal Reece BORMU RN GLE y students to be permitted to ar aoe sat De ar nonte or 7B ree ti adios callin And see bur etoek of | f° Shpine farms tor immediate salé, Drache eat et theated a fe teamg work ladies’ spring suits and coats. Enge- Hotels. ed and cheeked like demons.” I ities) everywhere You have wey ee ee gagp | Harry Buller, a young man who| GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil: ires oe misery seething jouth—Goal. Witt: Defence. J.Orr|has a cobbling shop at Ridgetown. | verton. acne Pee Em for ad Termientug, | We Pee: itney” Rover “Opner: Forwards | has been deaf and a mb_ since child rete nd others. Three Bay on one forget that div- | Chalmers. H. Orr. R. Orr. |. However. when a gun w. lar, Good stabling. ie S dapouls igle 4 emt veh“ Coal: Dondean® Defence. 11. led oft mearby he could feel tbe eho Best inane banal f liquors re cigars, re B ee Eee aa nice HORE sertied by | Waddell. P. Waddell,: Rover. Donnel-| He felt the tremor of a gun dischar- has. Ritter, Proprietor, Sylvester as pianist rendered some breezes fro month: south, cast and| 37 Horwards W, Waddell. T. Wad-| ged, the ‘other. day and going ae SURENS HOTEL, Milverton, OY srry pleasing selections. which were) wost, the ominous Tumbling of the |“°} DAVIS wverton Sheet au itahy. fosliseciit hisoheeds lee peamed lon Sor, comfnereial ger Bae s soli chafots Sey eal which ice Tut He was: taken rich thby getuve [even amteane taint oe oie rt audience. Mess! ‘arre: ist’ | drawing nij fow long wi ese ah cooms, w choicest of Wines, : Li- ee i tateaonirtmenalet oi. |ingunces Jak forgets of men.|UINWOOD, JUNIORS DBFEATSD and now ehsay to isa aio | hse caste ener Kinsman, 0rd obat. were very ‘oud women and children. created in’ the oT wea Galle “Were, dete itd ite tue Mamet br Genbelge ciel ane Sen a ees Paul Pfoonteton es el ‘a colored comedisn) image of God! ow Tone." T1094 |py North Mornington's husky septetie |able to talk for some twenty-five! “THE AMBRICAN HOUSE, Borlin Mr. 7, Brook Keo! See TEE dither Stee tk eee aeabt forok An fhe |at Milverton on Monday evening. Tho| years tho change seems strange, 0] pays special attonton_ to Commercia roar of Iaughter and was kept rather) hore is a good deal of foree in th score stood 3-0. North. Mornington |him but makin cadway. | trade, Splendid sample rooms, Bo iis Vee Ge ee eee Cale ee eat ublish {Was assisted by Geo. Harfon Listowel’ pits wines and liquors served at the “phe numerous rophecies of sm 0DeR| the eanse of the high cost of tere Cee daa every ee ne ANKE, Rates $1.50 per day. Wa. Wirt, Prop winti mere Boned Our ae splayed wood hogkey but the| Mrs, Chas. Broughton and family hand during the late fall and early hat, we've’ tet lot pees saubhe bee oatiee ‘oo much avoir-| wish to express thelr deev appreci . winte! is tion of the kindness and sympat! exe winter. though a very vleasant N¢-\ ces and lumber from foreign count: intatened fe este Linw woot eee ante ste: ate daeigge usin adel bet ery steady Sno’ | tries: we throw nd ‘Koabe! fell in sufficient quantity as to make| ashes and buv soap; Defence, Fsiedaann. ARES good sleighing on nd and has! many dogs and buy too many ee SS Woita) Deskert: aed Roerinued ever since with every DFOS-| we raise too mal oe eot of it continuing ell on into| yaay sepeta Ra eka arch. ‘This only “prove the] cont fish a contention of scientists “that there are build a schoolhous Bh Oi Sa ee ei NOTICE ! no signs among animals or humons) children off t (Wednesday\ im: the’ semi-finals. —_——_ or even in inanimate nature that uur bows out with a forty dollar gun} ‘g,, fesweres defeated: 1 sNaLD. would indicate what the atmospherei¢/ and a ten dollar dog to hunt five | semi final game at London on Monday || Notice is hereby given that all conditions may be for a longer period) cent rabbits and ten cent. birds. and | gio) aVinents due: the Mouniietor han 48 hours ahead. iy we! tonteene auphoniee” to buy "mnet-wellewessLintowel mame: bila 2 oy ost successful meeting o! | four priced automobiles that we don’t |.q for Milverton ink to-night has & Wellesley Telephone Assoc- as h The cil favored the W, Dowd but this’ was ‘locke when three members of the council left the chambers before the necessary e law was given the third reading,pre- venting a quorum. “Many fakirs were caught — red- while ghee over 600 am, pre- te a the At- dlignense justice according t9 anv other 's way of Suiteine. The cease Of capable of filling their respective pos- tions as Mr, Wilson is his and tic talk ‘i Small Depositor COMING SAT, FEB, 28th “Victors” — : coo Specialties . —_ Comedians Swiss Bell Ringers ‘Sand Dancer: Speci res ae Instrumentalist POPULAR PRICES Reserved Seats can be had from Mr, P. Cook. SMALL deposttors in Ht it isa beginnin; six months ee current interest ited to your highest, MILVERTON BRANCH: P. J. Fasken, Manager _