EVERY ci Spealans MORNING The Sun ‘Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont| V. Me: SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1; six , 25 cent ight cents per lin ¢ insertion and fone tents pez ge for cach subsequent inser- fon will be charged for alt transient adver- 3 eran ts without specific directions ill be inserted un‘ilforbid and charg P cordingly. Changes for contract advertisements must bein theoffice by noon Monday. MALCOLM MacBETH, E attention: 4 Publisher and Proprietor PFINE TAILORED GARMENTS FOR MEN SPRING SUITINGS {and TROUSERINGS ENTLEMEN who have a careful regard for their appearance will find it an advantage to inspect our Spring Suitings and Trouserings. We guarantee a perfect fit, proper style and first-class workmanship. J c28¢ ¥0u prefer to have your suit made in the city, we have ' Linwoop, Mr. 0. C, Vail spent Sunday with friends in Crosshill. Miss Irene Berlet spent Monday in Walton. A very pretty-wedding was solemn- ized on Monday when Miss Edith Bieta RE DOERInAd an Bie Jeoth eyer were united in marria; On Thursday last the Yugen Freund n church journeyed to pathol spent a Pine wwe daugh- ey . R. Berlet. of Berlin. spent bee week end at his home here. Steiss. pe eet aa We ff Mr. meena Williams. We i. Schummer spent Paaay in Ber! Mr. MeGormiek and sister. of Millbank. spent Saturday with friends here. irs. Robinson is “spending a vaca- tion with her daughter in Toronto. Miss Ada Meyer. of St. oe is spending a few days with Mrs. pp rae a er. . Kreutzweiser “ = @ business visitor at Berlin Fri On Wednesday night a rie week a very exciting hockey game was played Noi when North Mornington boys visited our Colts and the score resulted 3-2 favor of t anager Heinbuch has his men’ trained to win if possible, N. W. Ament acted as tefere! Mr. F 5 hert nee oe week- end with relatives im Tay! iMr. Antony Koebel. sie verge Fri- day in Berlin. We are sorry td report the ose suainy WOMAN A GREAT SUFFERER Tells How She Was Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound. ‘Tilbury, Ont.—I could praise Lydia E. Pinkham’s qeneratle ‘Compound all unk no dia B. Pi inkham’ 8 Ve; crea Compound, Liver Pills and Sanative Wash. I give you permission t to publish this letter to help o1 WILFRED Mar- eres ee 464, See Ontario, Can. Case of Mrs. Soe Chicago, Ill.— “I take pleasure in writing to thank sh ae what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has done for me. - I suffered with such aw- ful Beriodie pains, and had a displace- ment, a eived no benefit from the doctors. se was advised to take Lydia E Pinkie 8 Neeciaia Compound, and am now as well as e TL [AM ieee 2052 Sean Aree Chicago, I. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound will help you,write toLydia E. Pinkham MedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, MILI BANK. Mr. John Fewings has a carload of corn and a ae sak salt for sale at the C.P.R. st! _ Miss is ‘Gene ot Toronto: is yis- Mr. spent eid. Mulcahy of Listowel. was. o- visitor over Sunday at. his home here. r. Jas, Steven moved. his fa; to their new hom: 08 rs. Geo, Love visit Linwood during the past wee: Geo. Smit! Listowel on Saturday. jon't forget the Institute mertina at. Mrs, D. B, Grieve’s to-day day.) MM and Miss Crook- ‘ident. and district oménh’s Institute. paid a visit to Listowel and Listowel West ranches last wee’ Miss que Stewart. of Grimsby. who is visiting er home here spent’ a Baciwith: Mis s-M. Hunter. of the post neiee staff Stratford, arp moved to the one ier purchased rom Mr. sennek at Newton. Mr. ‘Tanner has aken possession or the property. pur- ic services will » _Menox., chiireh Sanday ae Kinkle Servi day at 11am. and night during ine week esate Satur- day at 8 o'cloc’ very oe tal Sunday Schoo) chair, Miss Ber to superintendent of the elem divisi Ontario. 8.5. tion. gave a verv helpful afternoon on “The Primary Teacher's Pools.” and in the evening Meet- ing iN the county and te part in the meetings. SPECIAL SHOWING of Ladies’ || Suits, Skirts and Spring Coats UR SHOWING FOR SPRING you to these new creations, Our prices are reasonal ‘ “Special” Apron Sale ices Feiglee! ees : 29. teat Sirices Pi ee Cc New Prints in Canadian and Crum’s English now in stock. Men’s Suits! Made-to-order. Our new. spring 1914 cloths have arrived. Over 400 patterns to choose from. $15 to $35 SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY 1 1b. Montcalm Smokin; ToPcY ane 3 large pkgs. Washi 2 Ibs, Sorte for a full range of samples from Avani pe eet a AB w ees took | and held in strict confidence, t pues The bat took place at Peru. —=| tnd. on Tnesday Feb, 10th, of Dr. © <The Library Concert held in Seh-| con on 1 murr’s hall on Friday night was 30 far : ; J. M. Fleischhauer je delieheed he a samples before buying elsewhere. Yr 20th Youngest, dauehter Reade, wis shales Ree Letioia Century Brand in 3 ‘Mr. Henry Voll. of pat Hall. ot Clothing Bibai tne, Hevie deadustag "tia © Gull, Gamera nae etic: : ceremony. i le kathcucuetereet the aie Mrs. Hack- ash railway company. a 1. % Mr. Albert aes of Chatham ett at Linwood on ¥ the Toronto, and will be pleased to} ||| spent a few days of this week athis|" qm. young people of Linwood sur-| left on enin| tre - aye you call and look over these | ||| home here. orised Mr cand Mrs. Walter: Martin: phe nde rah a in a “handsoo L MILVERTON, ONT. ceasion : ae ‘hus fe fhe of e spied of the Hose hakdae “Chev had a eee at Rs pl ae a “tl jolly time until they noticed the fire |©#* Wi! Ape at home which made them return} ¢S On their return at Peru.Ind.. where Dr. and ostrich plum- tl very fas i Se sthel Ss: _|eart is exceedingly popular. Merchant Tailor MILVERTON, ONT. }}/ SURE 7 several instrumentals whieh (eM e. ae took: in “the: Doll as LISTOWEL rs. Stewart ani)" 4 Joati from here took in the St. WELLESLEY. nae Mr, Dave ae es ‘spent Sunday at the |his home at Millba held| Miss Ada Moore aca Friday with hotel. | friends at Brasse]s., Ween oes a k. treated the aud- eda ibaa reated the aud-| y,oobs carnival and dance last Tucs- a number of high-class ay nicht, tions and upheld their rep Mrs. Griffin of Keylemore. Sask. § oilers of hearing |SPent last week with Mr. and Mrs, the nrivilene of hearine | 5 VALENTINES Siar sr a ites a Brent ‘Miss Blanche Moore is visiting at gain before lon, ot man, of Detroit. Mich... is| he lee harvest is now on and the|the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. nto. was the Hinetteisnde: tere contracts are being filled: as aniehdy Dow. the evening and act- tt ent. a couple of | 85 Dos sible. Mr. Donald Fraser who has spent ian Alvin Ottman spent « a srs. some time in Millban nity | LARGE ASSORTMENT Five a hand at oe: Wir. -Manfrea orwell spent “Mon Gor ated and pli ab Besheld celnrnenien towh is the time when jerlin, co ay on Tuesday. ALL PRICES a Mr. erlv Bamford referced the A large number from Linwood took | who is S| serious Mrkion Milve erton hockey match ‘at Eevguligenonmonkton hooker | we st’s infant son dicd y being run) the latter [Blnce: pil Tuesday. Bev oi at Milverton on Tuesday even-|on Satu uneral. took naway “ho Fs sine, ak be one of the best Dlace on Tuesda ers near Topping. Mr.| a -30 p.m. on aserey night} Mrs. Thomas Hittier. of Heidelberg unawares an ert Mr. Melee. ‘Kerr spend the week- k fire broke out oa the visited Us Sobn ‘anner on Saturday were fractured. His | end at hi e near Millbank, G. an Dace hier ae left ie ae of recovery, are doubtful but} Misses es oie and K. Wilton. of we Stratford. called on friends in_ town Tatheran | on Friday. ‘ir. ittle help, “rild te | gat in Berlin. Mr, appreci Sittler visited his brother and Wed se AT ee Weir’s Restaurant curned to Ber-| The 3 es ee nique Designs‘: tts eeks with | church corned | “ter. Stockmann at | megan played in the nets ee his home in N veek | for North Mornington against Bran- in all sorts of Jewelry. A tremen- Alma Forwell of the Bouin and bres eae ine wit ner at the Mil venue rink oh Satur- aoe shes to choose from, with d under gown, A pleasant afternoon wa nt | dav last. ay. a me. t. Geo. Harron was a business vis- . us He °D. Hastings} Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kreutzweiser |itor in Stratford last weel made to save the hardware stock but |of ‘Grosehil “ spett, PPIGRY in the burs. have returned from a visit inLinwcod| Listowel Northern Tepne “team was prices throughout the Your New Harness ig Sollestion. Ww. ‘ é he best expected to play a sudden-death ex- after the fire reached the carridges| Mr. 1, Spies ae ura| The former is not enjoying t! xpec “ z GOLD ATCHES all work was immediately stopped. | spent Friday at St, Jacobs on business os viet put sessions Rs a change for ES eer e amaearsiea rie i 3 4 ste: 2 sey etter wi q Aspe daha Fad rious oiseva Motel wine ae ees wtown a Webneatey spent, Sunday | he 3 Rumig of the Albion hotel verdes rink ar cs, ete aan eee Leave your next order for a Set of Harness Pits, Brooches, Cuff Links, eto, |e buildings will be about $8,000 and Giese made “a business trip | svent Tast Friday So Dexia ons Hs) DONUOSERE (Ta ank cocsits ana eg te with us. We have employed an experienced ‘Ag thoroughly: teliuble Gem Mer- RO sa eee ion frida Z _| "igssrs. Ed, Reimer and P, A. Wag-| big match of the season, man who has worked in the best shops in the ake a 400 insurance. Mr, Seip is making|* Mr. Jonathan Wilkinson. of Win esi RU ecphe had nn eae annette! open ft ante) we are.in tI preparations to rebuild, The Metro-| terbourne. visited his brother here on | ner of the Roya Eee uae se nae nd Listeeeal oink country and understands the business thor- oughly, In prices you will find us right. politan Bank is now conducting busi- rsday. vis ia G t th Pp. H. BASTENDOREE | ess in Beriet’s ota taitoring stand | Williamson & Son. of Toronto. piek- | Wednesday. oe he Ling elicntarc tec day of Jast week Mrs, John jed vp a number of good horses int his| The Missis Zicaler. of Bia he. O04) date 13th’ cones: . weeks with Rev. On Tues aie Seweler and Optician Eyes Tested Free Milverton, Ont, | ach ter pattenbere, CAnD OF THANKS. take this opportunity of thanking apiletad abine ay friends for their kind hospitality it among Mr. Chis. Coote called on| towards me aria: my_ visi Grosshilt a riende last week before| them. I carry ges wiih nes ade leaving for their home in Edmonton, | fond remembrance 0 r) i hours ‘spent in their homes. John Attridae, hence Geo. J. Coxon mt Satur nday RAND TRUNK 4y"em Homeseekers’ |i Excursions — ro — MANITOBA, ALBERTA and SASKATCHEWAN at Mr. ‘William yack’s, young “people from rnival at Elmira Wi 8 A sleigh load vena tale 268 Mrs, Nick Hereott. ‘ in the box social at Heidelhnre on! Mrs. Wm. Wilford’ ~was visiting} ‘The first time a ani is W angarenats n by a a in| Friday night friends at New Dundee. is afraid that other men will try to of saat ne “Mr. Robt, Stricker. of eee flirt with her- but the second time 3 ER, spent Sunday at the hom she’s afraid they won't. m: and Mrs, Foster. a ly. |) Mr. and ‘M: on| Messrs, Geo. and Jacob Lather. of spent afew days with 1 Monday for their home in Hamburg. | Michigan Mi Each Tuesd; Mi to Ou! {nculbive, via Chleage, ®r bout oe Dela iss their brother. Peter. CENTRAL -|ford Normal School spent the wee! Mrs. Roy’ Rowland of El- We will canary 5 WINNIPEG and Return . . $35.00 end at her home here. See rare: Benday/etoset =the Cans e will pay the highest market price “Yours EDMONTON and Return , , $43.00 Mrs. W. Peters spent a day with | home of the, latter's parents: Mr, and Supplied | for cream delivered at factory. Will a St. Marys friends last week. s, Jas, Anti D. STRATFORD, ONT. d CASH hil are From Toronto and stations north and Miss M, Laidlaw aren ae wie Mr. Dan Kennel and two _ sisters Free test and pay —while you wait. Business" PAPER GRRE AMIE Fee : an id; |end at her home near Atwood, ve returned after spending! a few meee) hea sea ee 08 2 ts SE sa ae alion Sora, Mr. and, Mrs. We anemnane Mrs, R. Peters and Mrs. §. Smith | weeks with friends ini the States. BeHBOL 1. SUSEEE ND wurn Limit Two Months Toronto: Spray Mr and Mrs. Walfer event Sunday with Mr. an W| Mr. John H. ell is visiting} | gnq TREEORAPHY, Coursesare | omullparticulats at Grand Trunk ‘Ticket || Adams. Macton* Spray atts and Mrs Long Unionville. friends in Maryborough. Naas ten vs ae Individual PEARL CREAMERY, Milverton. rwrite C. E: Horning, Dwe.A., || H, Fe eam Dorking. shee ‘Mr. Wm. Anticknap left on Monday Ta tee Sg hs x i Foronto, No time for a‘last farewell. 00 [7 or Berlin, where he intends taking a| | «Bidents may enter at any time. Get one ee ae nosue: and see what we tg a mine moment’ ha oie THIS NEW MEDIGINE 3, Soll Biautm i ly SAVES YOU MONEY Oat Fred hiss Bite Campbell | > MoLACHLAN, ee eee se ar. how surprised. ¥ 0. eee | Witiitile to Psalter Sale care acs ar drut sigh erin you own | of Marnbnrouth sent Sondsy Sith ry Only a moment. o! oa ates vie @ ee drug busine frente at ‘Crosshi been One ay CANADIAN Sree ot the fleet But itis because people have to have drugs ae And then the beautiful break Shai Bui HE Rceaitie ae Ten to ce MACTON. PACIFIC ih found lf ae YOU) séevi is ailing, HOMESEEKERS’ soa rey oo iy Se fo ais igeresed tm gooing them take ths |r. + Intended for last week. omas ‘D. Allingham. 4 seeing t pe r : i: In the repose of the Fatherland. | best medicine there is for their particular | visited ar BOs in our vicinity one so EXCURSION S|| ™™ ree oi ste Hones peg he ets Oana Meee . is : PEFFERS. fas we don’t believe there ere such things, | “Mrs. Thos. "Fiackett and son Gordon. en ‘< Paces > MANITOBA, ALBERTA ‘We don't want you tospend more than you | of Linwood. called on the former's < 5 SASKATCHEWAN Mr, J. J, Carson attended a mect-| have to, Some of you get small wages, and | father. Mr. Win. Newton. al 0 rl ll = x Tach Tuesday March 8 to October 27, inclusive. || ing: of bus Orange brethren at Brit-| when you're sick, none at all, and you A number from here spent Sunday a ay Winnipeg and Return - $35.00} | ton on Friday evening. ld yourmoney. | éyening in Linwood, he Sg and Return - 43.00 A numb an ie our citizens are laid We zecently came across a new remedy | Some of the farmers in this local- Fro onto, and Stations West and |} U0 With a _ | for increasing strength and building GP lity are drawing lozs to Ratz’s saw- ies North. hh *Toronte. Proportionate fares Mr. Robt. Breen a pans iz pe who ate run-down and emaciated. mill at Wallenstein. sh trains Toronto to Winnipeg and }| for his saat in Montana next Mon- wat , COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS. }}| day. No charge for Berths. eee rurclare from Canadian Pacific Agents or ite M. G. Murphy D-P.A., Toronto. ] ay Soe | Mrs: DB. Grieve, of Millbank i rewith, vizj—Taking for Fr W. THOMAS. LOCAL AGENT. |apent a dav last week visiting her ee instance does not stand fol? &, N,. SMITH from Stations Eas Se ae visiting his _brother..Mr,_ Thomas| We know that a slight trouble sometimes Mrs. Henry ae spent ‘ we Ao ge: grows into @ Sefious one, and to stop it an Saturday evening ia Linw REDUCED. ), SETTLERS? FARES rom here attended. Dl Ba Ge ey ltteer emer aera x from here cxpest 0 ike Clothes that you can well feel Mere SECOND CLASS) me the lat roughton | end. is new compound is t at Linwood next Fri- Pau! ov sig OA SY Mamer AND APRIL ||er Abr ood on Saturda Olive Oil Emulsion. Tt is the best remedy, pte a = Pee redecinaart Clee What About Your eo ka Settlers eat with ao oi. ‘and v Freeborn who has beer. | when you are run-down, tired out7nervous } 4 @umber of sports took in the Al. that give the sflecte ould tale SERTLERS* SPECIAL: seriously oie during oe vast. couple | —no matter what nee oe It Se ‘Woods show in Glenallan. last week. natty appearanc . cae FANS. Smeg car ves West Toronto ead Feb you indisposed at ter the u urn stay, during MARCH and APRIL a LU eS oe ooitoredian Ole on tals elgg ae uy | weeny fe eae tage oar styles after the ouse rnis in Ss to-Union Station. ahaa, coe Wednesdav at Mr. U, B. idee iD to.e healthy, on the Tosa to recov cleverly mai a ff Monnet conditian We dros! derve-food 2 Wiernenek Geunder fhe : : Tete 3 should ue WcRECULAR TRAINS, eevng s, Jas. Pefflers spent | toni blood, strong | aootor's See iE pyeients We have for dell i x : Foronia’ 100 pu, OAM. Though sunday en friehdevon the. Sth th a ea Ttcontains Hypo. | oe necdy recovery. : Se are ee nen ae We have an immense stock of 2 Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Freeborn intends leaving le the nerves, and fears = ool, pane cine ane toGrougNNY es soeribtes ee run iP. ’ . $e the blood and a ipertit einice Smet Oe Oe ae . Furniture, Rugs and Linoleum x The manv friends here of Mr. wi take. Contains erg cemnnietea under the im peeaatey that the figures m. to -hear of his sev-| 18 drugs. We promise that if, on the on the label of their — paper ; 5 Give back |stands for the day ofthe month. or = 5 We also do Picture Framing * ee ROBT. McCMANE [| Loney are sorry niece. Mrs. Chas. Barrett. phis ba ig “SE00. January 14th. but January 1914. “By ad ee ‘ = f Listowel. spent a can ss ie Tells” Pe Milverton Bdsatnive Debtor ind: Nap sebes a aa MILVERTON, - ONT. Abel. ¥ If time is money whv is it most | dav with Genie here aa Week THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. iv read how you and | with men haye more time than anything | Ai good supplv of logs have — heen e ion y _ }hauled here for sawing. MILVERTON.