“It's a Long Walk To a Better Stock” | © ‘That Would Make a First Rate Motto for This Store OR GENERAL COMPLETENESS, for all the time readiness, w: can’t see how it would be possible to surpass This Store’s weet ness to this community. For everything that you wear. For all that you eat. For almost all that you use every che in the year We stand prepared to supply ¥ you w Simply give this store A 8 ss Appreciate it for what And we will be well Here and so will you. FOR THE LADIES WE HAVE: New Spring Dress Goods New Spring Wash Goods New Prints and Ginghams New. Sheetings and Cottons FOR THE MEN & BOYS WE HAVE: New Suits, New Fancy Shirts New Work Shirts, Smocks and Overalls We expect in a few days to pass into stock a car of Redpath Sugar. Get our prices off car. MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY? We are showing an excellent display of WATCHES, CHAINS, LOCKETS, RINGS, TIE PINS, CUFF LINKS, JEWEL CASES, and BROOCHES at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES We carry a complete line of PARISIAN EBONY GOODS, FANCY WRITING PAPERS and PERFUMES. ASPLENDID LINE OF SILVER POLISH ON HAND J. A. HANSON, monkton,- ont. WEBER & BETTGER |" = eet Big Reductions in Felts Sale commences Monday, Feb. 2nd, and will last two weeks Men’s Felts, pecnd st 75 and 1, 9 8 $3.00, for 1.68 Women’s Felts, State $2 and 118 $2.50, for ...... 98 ine ae regular 1.60 and Big Reductions in Nen’s, Women’s and Children’s Dongolas ct, s ae regular 1.30 and PAB OOE Se Hess rein ORE N. ROSS s:..2m0n Monkton MONKTON. Frank Tarr leaves on Saturday for Saskatchewan where he will spend funeral of the late Charles Brough- t 7) c : ith the eer : Pascoe..of Mitchell, is spend~| ; teemed. resident ek fiends in and | “etnere, wi carnival on athe |aroand Nev | Wi CHHAZELE rink here on Thursd t. Pid saan nenesthe seek one isis | Robert Crawford and Miss| turn from Milverton last Saturday | CREA | Bifie Crawford. of Milveton. spent ‘a few days this week at Ronnenbere’s. number from here attended the assembly at Atwood on Tuesday. Mr. G. Mitchell on Tuesday. they will come home icke ‘A number from here atten | dance at ‘Bornholm on Fri ‘gage even- with the ing. z4 | th e Logan boys held a dance in Erskine’s hall on Friday’ evening and) yall | right royal time was spent ore . Messrs. Dalli ee and = Mur- ay supplied the iy Per of the youn peoule of jllage walked out to Jan | Bol is Friday A Neeree He i ab well y died last wee past twen! tye | Enown in this joality rs. Ben Schad with | Alex) Harris who Ms, John nite met with an anton bs mate accident the other morning to get his ie = | ndeaso ing eee | forward on the tove and |, and has hai “tol settee end | tine stuff tha si This Ww got more hot of Knox on ing a social on riday a Mr: ‘Thomas Brae ues oF il ae heme ins ae ees spending few days visiting ‘rer cousin. Mrs. 8} ith | saith ae uel. Smith accompanied by fer Candace left bubgeoe ry tw attend the es enti e in Toronto. Hees ae thats considerable interest and m Tittle Indignation wae Magistrate Davi Ea Pan Bride afternoon behind when should all the sity vossble gh Rergason, im tor 0: oh ee Gaclety charged i ea ben ar-old 50D anid beating eleven- ad been adopted ders with a fe FeGanitefh eae Died | ae "Monkton he ried in whitewash after an hour's soious when 5 of the goals were scor- Wonder what the old town will that Gill’s special sale resser March 7th. Call bargains. NCES: nee doz. bananas 20c. a dozen at Gill’ ir. an have been vi tinge for with friends in Monkton and Elma jeft Tuesday for their home in Bran- lon, On Tuesday evening our hockey ver to. Milverton of eg s+ and share in the iastic supporters efeat the game was intensely inter- sting throughout and brough to- gether the largest crowd- of at rink, ane proceeds at the door was over $10! Mr. Philip Ak aes of Logan, was married last wee! ‘iss ean Crawford who has bee residing with an mS Harrison, in Bet tger’ returned on-Mon- A “Sh Helping Hand Han ” Extended to me Middle Age ed Woman 2, “THERE comes'a time in every woman's ee Aes is.a exited: period. man needs her fuil health and str ‘or your own sake you: should auticipats this, \ Dr Pierce’s Favorite Prescription has been recom pa for over forty sear as 3 : men. Tt is helpful in the equall Thelatestinmed- J tion of the amen iva of the blood aad in regu ical science is # lating the action of the bowels. in Dr. and low spirits disappear. Happiness and con- tentment take their pl in tablet form by Medicine ee er hie eiaisla toe av es ‘hedford tion for being a good workman. eh. aoe J. D. Fergusson and Mr. John rat ‘att tended | Presbytery meeting at Stratford on Mr. Geor; Manta: of Ottawa, is spending a few. days at his home here. Miss Minnie Manton who has been spending two weeks al er home here returved to New York on Mon- av. ie Grand Trunk Wiiiway has joor Pullman” cf the ros beat their {cssage as well as the com- nanv at one the si woaee most tvery freight train into Lond \d particularly the way freights. has aye of this clan al Ls. quent hey are detected slinking See a noe in the darkness. in’ wl ease hey are “nabbed” Be the watchful ‘¥ | not. ee nei red |} y of e3 | week with her cousin, s ee ne Mi e- | at the on| bri Arotine Hebit, have vonh tue: Wore oH R. Y, FISH &CO. *lexpected to refrain! ip 4 LINWO SNAPS IN FARM PROPERTY ve Dealer in wus 100 rte nasi all cleared. § NEWTON. i NA-DRU-CO & CUCUMBER . Biegner. of Hami STE a me aoe of we with her, aunt. Mr: Mrs, Williams snd son, of Linwood. | have returned home after spending « after key. match? You did} ither did: we, Sheree The finest form in whlch, you sf: Eee, cextalnlyyeelt use healing Wich Hazel mi I tha was 9-3 in favor of Newfon. cand we B te e An interesting meeting of the Wom ae Institute was held chiradey sil ie home of Mrs. J. 8. Lockie. s as “on ‘siending| ith Mr. an ur Druggist uarional onua avo oHEMIGAL EO JADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. at here rink he has King pe me week- | “we are FREE FARMS ‘OR FAR-SIGHTED FARMERS ERE are now open for entry 128,000 free homateads in Western da. The bulk of these are located along or near the CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY, which is recognized in the West PIONEER FARMER'S RAILWAY. a itn T's sea sat of SNS BE 5 to} -over erated at an’ NORTHERN Station West of Port ant bur, * ¥ Some Canadian Northern Publications “Fort rty- -Five Vital HES Gas: * “Peace River, Alberta, and How Reach it,”’ * nada has a Home for You,” “Thirty-Five thous. and Free Homesteads. Tourist Cat accommodation and all pean nate. in_addition above Piduiceiones py 'y to your nearest C,N.R, agent, or to General Pas- senger Department, King St. East, Toronto, Baan Master R ed home r spent Saturday wit |son fn Stratford, | — = LORKING. d ayetlee re- nable to per- Lath, Shingles, ete. Cider | ci ADE Butter ofthe best quality mn: ob V. Meyer, Manage! of Reva 8p nia Mr. Wesley Alling-| d Mrs. and = = days Wm. Chalmers ed a few r, eturned on Sat- ENTER trends ox visiting a few days with /Ht 1 iSTOWEL BUSINESS. COLLEGE ‘ir. er nd. Mrs, J. H. Byron gpent Sunday’ "eit finns in Mib: Any time and grow Mr, Henry’ Holzschuh peat Bale with us. |day in Blmira. i Miss: Hilda Bailev took in oe con- EOP DRrUlass Sore sy | cert in Linwood eni EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal to De aauentee vay “with Mr. and Railway Time Tables DIRECTORS! ee Ganadian Pacific Guelph and Gederich Going east Going west m. pn a.m, p.m, si iest Monkton. 11.44 A * 11,30 ase wal eecke GILL’S CHEAP SALE During the “Lenten Season” I will sell all kinds of Canned Fish at reduced prices. Our salmon are extra quality and prices away down. Maple Leaf Salmon, regular 25¢, for . Unicorn Brand Salmon, regular 20c, for Cascade Brand Salmon, regular 15¢, 2 cans for. Cascade Brand Salmon, half sized cans, each Canned Peas and Corn, per can... Canned Tomatoes 15c each or 2 for Canned Finnan Haddie cs sash of 2 for. Kippered Herring 15c or McDonald’s Little oe Ae can or 3 for Brunswick Brand Sardines, in oil, 5c can or 6 for. Graniteware at Reduced Prices. JT. GILL, - Monkton eeting were 7 read. confirmed an iipoe . he to cancel file secretary was Tie ae aailey J, W. Wilso: communication from the er’s Association, Applications for surance were pe amounting to $102,800.00, The me adjourned till Tuesday the ith aire to meet usual ae and place. R. Bema: Sec'y. A man named Stone and a named wees met on a street in a seachy thev stopped for a a woman in a y notibestle sheath gown Wood turn- ( ‘ GOOD SALESMAN and ne turned to mie dere eee WANTED igemaekersstarwier Gare a agent at Tilbury Ont, and now locat- at Jeanette Station. in ‘Tilbury Willis diced dels Bast. discovered a honey mine at his Mba kB ag e. Noticing bees . flying around estas the cerner of the house on warm day Fruits are bringing high prices, and e star to investigate and found nursery stock is in demand, between tho ceiling and the firs ake bl money the fall and winter floor abd the flooring of the second || by taking an ager storey of the hou ha aontained 1,000 pounds of ho Experience not necessary FLOUR WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: The “Hapvest Queen” Brand One of the best on the market mak tha'ser® BREAD snes A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Gakes a specialty - - MONKTON, ONT 4 Free equipmen u Exclusive territor as persistent Highest commissions paid Write for full particulars STONE. & WELLINGTON thill Nurseries ONTARIO De can be effaced that s) sentludaite fought an advice and warning TORONTO It Pays to Dress Well “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired” Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc. 100 acre farm 70 acres clear. brick tages: bank barn, Price $4609. Terms e barn 45x70. 800, Terms acres good a Grain, Flour and Feed “100 acres 50 cleared. no buildings. $2,500, and Furniture ant within 5 miles of Monkton. id mn aud Stele Pe ee ee hone eeu bY See farm: Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand A. CHALMERS” MONKTON. 0 You can have this done at the minimum . cost at This Shop.,... TH ERE has just been-plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. T " O. DUFFIELD juin" | + DUSTBANE [| put the ee’s (ease) in sweeping ih IT KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY OUT OF SWEEP-DAY Cleans Carpets Brightens Floors Order a tin to-day at your grocers or from your hardware man. | Don’t ask for ‘sweeping compound Si SAY DUSTBANE _ BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES - Hl SEEDS GRASS SEED of all kinds, GLOVER, TIMOTHY and ALSIKE on hand Farmers can save some t as the tendency of pri STOVES, RANGES anc Have all been reduced in price. Now is the time to secure a bargain. . ‘pR. HESS’ STOCK FOODS ON HAND M. E. Bettger @ Co.