THIN-BLOODED MEN AND WOMEN Need the Ric n, Red Blood Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Ac- tually Make Thin-blooded people do not re- main so from choice, but from in- difference ; in some cases from de- Beople who are pale, 1 guid, with pa Ipitation, of the heart, some difficulty in breathing and a SBiiaie ta to be easily tired are suf- fering from thin blood. They need only the resolution to take the right treatment and stick to it,un- il eur Bi remedy that can be re Willia: le. Fils for Palo Peop! dose they blood means health and strength. ‘The red cheeks, good appetite, in- rove their great value to thin-blocded people. Here is an example: Mrs. R. Steele, Afton Road, wise, says: “’ Following 6 I took @ pain in my head eric grew so bad I had to call in a doctor. told me that my blood had turned to water and th ge Me was in a serious conditior d me four months, but still he pain remain- and my condition was. growing I lost. my appetite, and was so weak and run down that I could no more than tes acTOss & nom. T was as pale 50, and the doctor told he Pehicude te in but dittle tigres of my getting A cousin who cat nj life to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, $ they cured me after the doctor had failed.” Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail 2 or six boxes for $2.80 is The fire Wile fiams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, THE HUNGRY HAT. How a Doctor Got Even With an Avaricious Hotelkeeper, certain Doctor Heim, a Ger- man man of any once sto for luacheon at a hotel in Wies- betters The chair fick to him was unoccupied, so he put his hat upon it, and wi hen he came to settle his account, he was sur- prised to find that he was charged | ,. for two plates but the head waiter hat eim paid without a word. The next day he returned to the ote), sat at the same and put his hat, as before, on the chair next to him. He ate a hearty meal, and here, that is also paying for a gin. ner, is very bung: saps ates & pent tor yenerday, but didnt eat anything.” With Heim lined his it E & up to the brim eh) bread, cookies, fruit and al things. He then bulging hat carefully under his arm, and walk- ed out in triumph. The lesson had Bood effect, for since that time no one in that hotel has had to pay for we Seat that was occupied by his oa — The millionaire railway bre hi king had eben iatccwad bard hearing, whilst he himself was known having a ry prominent, e. Onee when dining at a friend’ house ho eat, between two young la- dies, ey persisted in talking to him very Tout much to his annoy- ance, but, w. an, hi no- thing. “Did | on ever,’ remarked SE. 2" ae ” broke in the millionaire, oe is my brother who is deaf.’ Speaking Of Lunch the wife said, “Bring home a package of Post Toasties —Sure!”” A cera oe Ret ie Eeh it ately se rll ain a a io a golden brown — thats, Post eee tender and crisp, es Wea direct the package. . With cr irae and a sprinkle of sugar—— “The Memory Lingers” “Twasties sold by. grocers —everywhere. Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd rita dinner oth THE PAY OF DIVERS. Contractors Says Two Experts Get ke * Week at Work. ic and, in many cases, by Alfred Gann, famous marine sal- vage contractor of, Whitstable, England. Whitstable, though celebrated “Our divers are, or, a used to be, the finest in the world,’ said the veteran 5 aw has raised, salyed, or suryeyed “Our own men own at Lagos as at Colombo nd Montevideo. “Two who were oe us are now earning about $100 e: week in uth America, ma) ought to be always Forth his $15 | e: a week, with perhaps $5.25 a tide and a commission on the cargo he salve “Foremost among the things a diver has to learn—and with fewer wrecks this takes him many’ years nowadays—is the knack of finding his way about inside a ship ‘under water and i ea the lark, Th e difficulty is accentuated when the diver is working ‘under the hatches of a submerged ship e has to see then with the’ palms fouling of his ae oe air tube, or pee and then— he prowesso Pi fess W sian sifvese recalls t t! ving o! the cargo of ihe Ornexs, from Nort th America, laden ‘with walrus skins and oil, which was wrecked on the Goodwia Sands. “Divers previously in charge had broken the Ornen’s rudder, thrown its anchor an ian in the sea nd. even ea artificial scuppers on the deck, so that the water from the pumps found its way soa to the vessel’s hold. “Wo: man who had been. in our employment lost his life in foreign th was rentptle. Fined by his mate, eel, i Scntsean, foo ate. and as thick body. His dea‘ 2 | who went down and hacked the eel {te pieces.’ a OR BABY'S OWN TABLETS CURE SICKLY BABIES Tf your Signs hs is a sickly, if his little stor t of order or his bow- | 404 ela semtit oialegsns: no other medi- Thousands: ae other mothers. use no er mn e for their little ones. Coasting ~Eheat ave: : Crockett, Glenberrie, N.S., writes: “T have used Baby’s Own Tablets for stomach troubles, vomiting an edi The Tablets are old by medicine dealers or by 25 ce! lain? Medicine Ont, Co., Brookville, |4 Angeline: “I wonder if I shall ever catch Edwin flirting?’ Mabel : “I always thought that was how you did catch him, dear.’ bic red. in’ as se at a Drugeists refund PAI OINTMENT fails to. cue Tobing, Bitnd, or rotmuding Piles, First “application tives see ee NEW ROADS C COST $ $408,000. Over 1,250 Biles pale Up North eorge W eae ett, Superinten- lent of Colonization Road i the Public Works, states + during the past year 1,250 failew ‘of high- way, at a cost of 406,341, have been consttuctéd or improved. The toads in the sertare’ part of On- tario haye siderably more eee % older Ontario by reason of the In the district comprising Fort Frances, Wi toads more completed, ‘and 205 of roa rt the by-law system, The total ae ‘of the latter was | B59, wi of which the Provinée bore $45,001 In the baila cle ae Parry lo Sound, Musk imeoe, Bruce, Sturgeon Falls and Niriting, ithe colonization road mi by-law roads 80 satlea. The Pike a the latter was $15,000, the province paying $11,000. The eastern division, which in- cludes the remainder of the north- The by-law roads, new. and im- roved, amount to 344 miles, The expenditure for this section was $5: f $92,000 was rament, n the Timiskaming district 113 las of by-law Is wore built at a cost. of/817,000, of which the Goy- ernment paid $10,000,‘ 10- Sudbury road | was pushed ahead Windsor, Ontario. or a distahoe, and 18 b : miles of this now remains to be ED. 4. ISSUE 9—'14. | complot | ing e still, they threatened to |% years, acco CONSUMPTION IN ENGLAND. Report on Nation’s Health Shows t Is. On Decrease, A wonderful hope that some time ing “of Abia report—it, is ices, ‘ov. pages ib. quite e icar that Semeoe is decreasing in the country. centres Even: in* those great of ‘tuberculous “disease— 400 | to9 “Guat nove there. 0 Long Breaths Hurt ? DANGEROUS PLEURISY ALWAYS BEGINS THIS WAY. Speediest Cure Is Nerviline. Ouch, ine Stab-like pain ey the side is fu t knife blade 1s ‘congestion, tightness, Such ‘soreness you draw a t ris inning of Pleurisy. leprley oe far too'serious to neglect a sits inst Quickest "Pellet will) como from vigorous rubbing with Nerviline. This trusty old pain reliever will fix y and rode that way in order to get cooled hour my side.was fo mates Liverpool again has the high- | full of pain and my breathing hurt s t death rate, the death rates in much that I thought I had maine ere »|1 always earry Nerviline in-my grip Manchester and Birmingham hav- |fing at destnotion T enbed my side ing a similar course that of Shef-| thoroughly thres. times, The. wai sd bei iS som It is| penetrating effect was mn noti not unlikely that some of the ex- | able a: ec Nervi- cess of both Manchester and Liver- ool is caused by the immigration of casual laborers. This would in- ela: mg whom the average ule osis death rate is high. The total share of Loads in produc- these high phthisis death rate anol “he deveruaned’ ae present, The tuberculosis death rate of these cities has shown great reduction,’ Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. “When I was “working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of in- B. P. nk long time, but well mild yet certain remedy. well—no stomach, good appetite, able to digest anything. lot of g: oom for ote naa cine to do, and r. Hamilton's Pilis'are the bast, pills, and y letter, I am 2 or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingstor Ont. SEE Paneer, ESTIMATES. DEBTS OF WORLD. pcb Bureau Pi Finds a Nations @ $42,960,000. A eg of Pe agen is the tal shown in the accounts of all Ze nations of the world, according | p year 1912. public indebtedness act two ae fe are charged against Europe al A century ago the. public “iche a “all countries amount- ed to only a little over seven mil- liare The population of the earth now is slightly over 1,900,000,000, an in- crease of 140, ass (000 in the last four i the ian now pe 933,000,000 ; 484,000,000; Africa, 188,000,000; America, 187,000,000; Oceania, 57,- othe orld’s commerce amounts Be. $40, ea 000, ath and itis is carried on by 5: ing ships and 47,714 dosnore Seat gures show @ total of 625,000 miles of ail roads or enough to girdle the globe ee enty-five times. You May Have Catarrh And Not Know It HEAD ~AND THROAT BECOME DISEASED WITH CATARRH FROM NEGLECTING COLDS AND COUGHS. Catarrh is Treacherous—When Fay: Developed is a Horror—Note “Ts your breath bad?’ “Have ‘you ‘nasal aischarge?” “Do you spit up phile; “Has your nose an itchy feeling?” “Have you pain across the eyes?” “Is your throat irritable, weak?” “Do you The ealing mi cation on note a ae tifat’s - tainted by atarstay ger There can be no failure with Ca- tarrhozone—for years It has success- fully cured cases that iresisted other medies, from ery lay’s use of Ca: tarrhozone,” writes T. T, Hopkins, se Westvale, P.Q. “I had for yea stubborn’ case’ of Bronchial Catarrh; ear nolsee, headache, sore eyes, stop- ped up nose and throat. It affected my appetite an ray breath rank. Gatarrhozone cured qulekly.” Get Catarrhozone, use, it, a teed, Price Catalr ie | 7] pte ints, jasts | # cold can:.We gutekly chest, for curing stitch in the side, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica or rheum- atism. Nothing more soothing or powerful, The 60c, Jarge family size fs tho most economical, Small trial size 25c. at Sealers: revennrnsr BIG COTTON ( CROP IN IN INDIA. Increase of 14 Per ( Cent. Over Last Year Is Reported. India promises to have a Bulapen: cotton crop this season. The latest estimate places the area under cot- ae at: 23,000,000 acres, or 8,000,000 acres ahead of last year’s figures, which means an increase of 14 per cent, On the other hand the total outturn a8 Rooige to reach 4,900,- ales of 400: pounds each, ainst 4,200, 000 bales: 1, The increase here i; cent, The latest report on the crop in the Punjab is particularly gratify- ing. It shows the area sown as 1,799,100 acres, being 25 per; cent. last year, ‘The yield is ales of clean- ed cotton, compared 297,016 bales Coane in the ics pene ing forecast year, he na- tive States the area returned as under cotton is increase of '84 per cent. turn is estimated’ at 76,185 bales, or cent. J2 3 mpa In Jullundur the ‘eased by 44 per cent. ane the estimated yield by 175 per Siig Lahore the’ area has eae by 25 per cent, ea the yield awal Pindi HES area ae 4 por cent., but the yield i is sal nated to be 2 Ww se in Hulton, ie an incréased of only t., it is aebimased “Was the se Ae bo ADD, per cent. better than ~ ne anne eck An Old Riteudet Caught masa trouble. but hen ‘Putnam’ applied, he-oame ont roote com .or wast cured: in two! by “Putnam's Extractor,” dealers. Exceptions. “Seeing is believing,”? quoted: ue sage. ‘Oh, I don’t-kno: men every day aris IT wouldn’t Bae lieve under oa in One Daxaniye BROMO QUININE mowey te Rov gna- ‘ito. ture is on each box, If a man admires a woman she should at least admire his good iti Minard's Laninene cures Carget In Cows. pore tei RES WILD PONIES NEAR LONDON. Estate of Lord Lucas in New For- est Contains the Breed. In’ New Forest near London, on the estate. of Lord Lucas, British parliamentary of the oard of ‘Usiolttare fier a anes a breed of wild: ponies it free and Bolsa as oH nthe prairies, of South AJ These ponies are atl and abso- lutely wild. At’about five months the foals are old enough to be cap- tured and taken to auctions all over the coun unpleasant change for the little wild things. The ey have first, however, be “rounded up,” and this is done b; their owner and his friends, and it, take two or three hours before he can be got into’ the fixed enclosure. Thus the pleasnrey of wild viding in thé bush are brought to as mee of Loudon, says. ‘ee fee nm Tra: aimee in the New Forest in ‘this way is-dangerous ont See Of the bogs, and it takes a eat ler and pony. Lord Lucas is a ial who carries the mark of sdreare of a’ more dangerous ‘sort in tae limp brought back pe South Africa. cle: pee wee Returning a Favor. “It’s going to be war to the knife,’” ae ‘the ae rban man, who was feedin hicl ns. What now fu asked the Fatt, inks sent me a box ie on miy laser: thower. cw ae o “ Well, U sent it back and told him to use if on as daughter's voice.” KEEP YOUR SKIN CLEAR |: And occasional use of Cuti- cura Ointment. No other emollients do so much to prevent pore-clogging, pim- ples, blackheads, red, rough hands, dandruff, itching scalps and falling hair. Coticura Soap and Ointment are gold throughout ae ‘Autberat sample of each, wit 32epags bt Book, sant post-ne,_Adiress Fotuee Drug hem. Corp., Dept. ak, Boston, UsB. A. Choose which Grain you like best for your white Sugar and buy St. Lawrence Pure | Cane Granulated white, ia grain, Each the choicest sugar. Ask your Grocer. ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES, LIMITED MONTREAL, 26-1013, Protection. ‘Madam, the ae in your hat is getting in my eye,” exclaimed a nina crowd. The woman turn- ed around, loo aad then enquired ; wear over hi “Why. 1902, Bainville, Bent, 30) Limited. on D very su eit as a sure 1 st When f telly thout {tif the # bottle, I mean Yours truly, CHAS. ir, be wit jar TIT-TON. man after the accident, a as th’ news gradual ife. Who’, i sind Hangatan,! interposed ae s-jist tl ual. ‘Look 'ow ’e rwealtters If you have Red, Weak, Wate or Granulated E; eilds, Ss Pain. ‘An Eye Tonic Good see us, we would never use them, Minard's Lintment Cures Colds, Eto. And Tam. his emulsion ?” “With compulsioh.”* don’t you pee ‘was one dol- “Now, ‘min,’ said the Trish fore- Casey, ? ma an e break ut grad- Try Murine © Eye Remedy Eyes, "ioest't Stnare Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, urine Eye Salve in Asepti a bes, Scr Slo, | Eye Books Free by Mail Murine Eye Remedy Cos Chicago, If mirrors portrayed us as others “How does jyour little boy take Experienced mothers say Zam-Buk is best for chil- dren’s injuries and skin — because : “ 3 herbal—no poisonous ‘ane coloring. It is antiseptic—prevents cuts: and burns tabioe the wrong way. Tt is Mae teas pain quickly. Tt heals every time, Just as good for ' grown- TPB old at all. stores and druggists, . \. APPENDIX IS USEFUL. Italian Savant Finds Organ’ Has pecial Function. Is the appendix after all to be- Signor Morgera, wh tells the icnoh Academy. ot hi with Bay of Nap! testines and its nece: were disturbed. He found that a certain kind of sugar was. secreted by the appendix ‘of these nnimels, ssary functions Highest grade beans and mealy by perfect kept whole baking, retaining their full strength. qj Flavored with delicions sauces, ve no equal. FARMS FOR SALE. and that if he introduced four ns had been removed ne acliek vot abe ow. DAWSON, Ninety , Toronto. Colborne Strest, perfectly nor F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A intestine was Fruit, | Btock, be Bn Dairy aes Several Hrencl savants, Dr, Rob- | write W.- Dawe rampton. or inson, Blanchard, Dr, | Colborne _8t.“toron Brumpt, a others, Aeem. also cP Reatih decd sh ihobel pane St Toronta be of the opinion that this much GSaTorvay nenoven waar maligned organ of the eoper eae ee Sell Any payment Sys | Water, Windmill. ‘Stal reli aden d ies, Summer fallow, Market. five anilea, tant function which ae. been Tong School on farm. Write owner, 625 Wilton ignored. Avenue, Toronto, Canada, peeeie tS or WANTED. Minard's Lintment htheria. GENTS WE WA) YOU. WRIT! perils kinlnenk Qe Dominion Shade Adjuster Co.. Wind, sor, Ontario. For All Crops NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. On All Solls POTAS COD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN York County Stationery and hook OT 8: Indiepenaable PLANT FOOD." No- gail wilt: | | Business in connection, Price only’ $4,000, raise m Maximum ‘Orep that does | |Terms liberal. Hot contain un AVATUABLI Sup ply, sufficient for ‘the _ crop’ z Bi, eS bonkht ___NURSERY STOoK, ani a TRAWDBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, FIPT can be ol ed from ‘the leading cae Varicties. Fea, “Cuialog a Mé¢onnelt fertilizer dealers and-seedsmen. Bon, Grovesend, duvets of “ready-mized™ fertit- ers should insist on br HIGH. BowASE "" CONT MISCELLANSOUS, Tea, oF our PRE, edudstive || YPAKH YOUR Wibt WITHOUT! LAW. Tah Bh the tmportant subject || a¥il yer's fees. family insured ivet expensive lawenits, Code. Will Gz POrAge gy: : a rye Temple Blige Toucate, re tM a aid 2c. Griffiths, Browne Bldg., ou 00. ANCER, TUMORS, internal and external, o LUMPS, | ETO, rod with: t pain by our home treatment, Write Limited. Collingwood, ua hefore too late, Dr. Hellman Wediont The question is: food poten hr ayrupt ou loping a ny wien Ye real money? Pics af jamplon” In-your Sagar cam! Son Wl a bad te Sake Mak oe pith less work. Write for free book- ro you making} | % Are you mak- opening branch kr 6 (10 (bbls Hou Bra 1,000 to. $8,000. nd: yo 3. 300 per cent, peo Address, Fost Ofive. Bi Stati ‘ada and tho States and PARTNERS WANTED oMces through iby, 8150 * share in our © psinoss. 6, partron ee Germ ‘0., LIMITED 88 Wellington Bt., Montreal, Que. ene fo ar | After Using. Restofes Grey Hale. to original color. Two might use from gaa Bee ti lair of one Becomes black, the other bl color as they werr in youth. sc Falling “alt, Bande petting ‘Cures all Seal s, Produces eacis Satisfaction arabe ‘or money > back Dallar (postage paid address Canadian vale Restorer Co., WINDSOR, ONT. For Ch d Hands and” Lips Vaseline ‘Trade Mar! Canpher! Ice Soothes ge Agee skin, am smooth, and heal teeter satus Sse bs in tubes and boxes, 15 cents. » Drag verywhere, ke Wen ye pe Se bo da co. ince 1890 Chabot Ave., Montreal FOR SALE Cranston) Cylinder’ Press, fast machine for six column, four page newspaper, used very little, in perfect condi- Wilson Pub- pany, 73 West Adelaide oe Toronto. “Doing it now’? is the root of sues all diserser donee often cure. One {Sate for brood hmupreny + [ditions Most billfal 0: INFLUENZ of tho horse afte jeoeneh dle org stro it saine stable kept from havi me them by using, SPORWS DISTEMAER ANG VeOUGH: GUAR: 3 Fever, Catarrl Pinkey! eting his thro: Iver, Shipping Eplzoete eodily A Paste | No WASTE | HAMILTON DBIACKIMIGHT. STOVE POLISH 2 24 CANADIAN KNIGHT “DIsTINGUISHED SeRvICEOxDER COMPANION OF THE RANG tre F FDarrey Sen] Ro Bu KER CANADA WL (ZUAE FENCING AND > GATES Tells the Tale “INVINCIBLE” fencing” were not in thi struction and and coating of We ate the pintieate of Capada Sra the eaten “INVINCE pies tion of a1 oath and you will not regret it! Do yo! rae of Feneen on the Diagket aco made tram Beraenves ‘wire, Srit ok ining, sof the Amerioan Bessemer factories? Fence BiscGumpanye of Canads like 0: depanda onthe euatt steel wite used jn. the eo con- sine x the, Sed Pes ity ail {he way throug) BLD” is Ba ogtnShonti from fire” and’ he rine. is market? if wine: ten only nia k wire fencing whe. make thels fencing ne avy conta