my RHEUMATISM ‘ “DURING MARCH ‘Victims Can Cure Themselves | With Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills During the month of March peo- ttism beg! ee of pee aibla, ther “is changeabl Gp inalics dhe lass Sold, piercing the next. It is such sud- nges of weather that start the pangs and tortures of rheuma- » lumbago and sciatica going. SCENES IN ORES AY LAND. Men Work in Armor in ee: of Widnes, in Englan © All the way from “Rairyland’” to easing thas the nicknames which ve n given to the town or Wadnes in, Theland, by eminent sae to this strange, busy little wold where chemistry is kin e very atmosphere has a vivid, [artificial quality that makes it dif- ‘erent from other atmospheres. The yari-colo p to make che. brilliant chemical sunsets er which the town si noted. men, many em, go Sto ais toil attired in aout looking costumes to protect them from the factories send out great. volumes of |i ‘ea Effect on Neuralgia ~ ‘Throbbing Pain Goes Quickly A YEAR'S SUFFERER CURED BY “NERVILINE.” rson reading this ee ever rely gt up .to Chen dreadful attacks of Neuralgia. 8 i experien durt bad iline ; d of tl wonderful pain- ' fumes of the gases which they must | Sunduing power it posseoaed and mado \ inhale du: ir work. They|up my mind to prove {t valuable or ; look like beings fro: another | useless. Nerviline at once eased the i 5 sphere or like weird warriors'armed pain ani ‘ed tha headache, — Con- ments and lotions in the world can’t for conflict with eae a the un-|tinuous treatment with this magic. cure rheumatism. ehaalte may | derworl mere: remedy : red = ee ban stem to ease the pain while you are| “Widnes and the shensioat pms (aS a dl SC Rama e GUE lagh: Dae etibeete te -ealies entds| stand: for each: othe: SURES AB epee LI ah gg lea at might be quoted. Nerv!- nly by. treating thi ase | of chemical compounds hk ake vay line is a specific for all nerve, musew- through ‘the blood can you cure| used to perfec products of lar or joint pain. It quickly cures '‘wheumatism. That is why Dr. | other factories ia sent out from the |neuralgia, ‘sciatica, lumbago, lame Williams’. Pink Pills base oured 80} town. More alkali is sent out from | back, neuritis and rheumatism, Forty many Shonsendien of es of this | Widnes than from anywhere else in sare sas eae ay ee Soe ‘troul dab blood thaed world. Great quantities of anything. but "ee |pills actually make: ated out the sonous acid and rheumatism, ig and Kinrliad troubles are |banished. Among the many tae ‘ers from rhetmatism Rees this medicine is aint: of 'Gosen, N.8., who oe “About two ago paralyzed. Thad ipa tatidled oe a lone: tines bat decided to give Dr. Williams’ Pink ngly been core one aay since. I stro Pink Williams’ Pills fe this trouble. bs uffer from rheumatism, or ‘any other disease of .the blood or nerves, begin a eure “yourse rself to- day with Dr. liams’ Pink Pills, which under a fair trial will do for sands of others | by all medi- cino dealers or by mail at 50 cents box or six boxes for $2.50 from for $2. The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., > Brockville, Ont. —_ -*_ — Convineing. “Mr. Lane called. again morning, sir,’’ said the new office se as Mr. Stuart entered the of- sca you ze him I’d_gone to I told Euro} you to, Edward?” skeet Mr, Stuart. sevens Gis Ugotworsd the boy. ‘ told him you started this eee ‘That's @ good boy.” said deat “And what did ho say?” “He wanted to, know when you'd be back,” replied Edward, “and I told him ‘After lunch,’ sir, bent Maas. 2 Plenty of Distinction. “T represent the dignity of la- hor,’’ said thé man in his shirt? 8] ves. “Yes,’’ replied Mr. Dustin Stax, “and you can work in your shirt- eleeves and speak your mind, quit work when, your ‘regular hours ve 1 y. Br sooaent the labor of dig- hity.”’ SS a His Flesh Horribly Burnt His druggist sold him a cheap acid corn ‘cure; what he should have tought wae Putnam's Corn Extractor; ive purely yorotable and acts in 24 hours. Insiet on yoly “Putnam's Extractor,” 250, at all Jeal ee ae 81 dd upplied. Maid—There's a man called with » bill, ma Mintrtee Mready. “ell him we have some “Treatment: On retiring, soak the “hands in) hot water and Cuticura, | to “Dry, anoint with a Ointment, and wear soft or old loose gloves during the one ik alten Soap and Ointment aro gold hous | fhewori” A tbera sea ef all soda compounds are manufactured idnes ng materials, the p glazing saaier ial extracts ore. - Hundreds of other substances, such as wall distempers, nitro-glycerine and baking powder are made in Widnes, wholly or in par The name ‘‘Helltown” was con- ferred upon the place by a jourral- ist wh i ries. A scientist of e em- inence with the isa oby aa te opposite point of view was so delighted with all the sei processes which were to be seen in 7 the eh sbop = that he called the “place wn is a flour- ishing workmen make ching Spear aie worst pee aa short hours, but es are shortene: ot the innate atmosphere which they inhal eth those who have the most 3 to endure in connection with pire work are the Diesohing powder packers, who through eventy four thicknesses et flannel, goggles and calico clothing annutd which brown paper hE is turned on lime. tradition that not ° hing green could ‘of Widac Mande crervars loyal to there unique dvelling place, joint prow heir lucge Mating ubiidl parks Syhose: wor dant foliage disproves this” tradi- tion. Te are 30,000 persons in the to men work either in the Contec tastbribaroe i 10h los copper works. — BABY'S OWN TABLETS a mother ies, Baby’s Own Tablets she will nev ain use Castor’ oil, that necliateue purga- tive which all children loath. ie blets are = rans laxative ; plea-| ; ant to take little ones. Concerning them Mrs. Heetor Blanchette, Rouville, Que., wri have used Baby’ nd The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail ‘at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE CHANNEL TUNNEL AGAIN First Mile Was Completed, Work Then Abandoned. Thirty-two years ago first mile of the English Channel tunnel was complet Travellors saw vi- nee of soon being able to dodge the rough sea trip ree Dover and Calais. But th seized the military authorities England ; Parliament. 4 ate not let the construction. proce Each successive year oe the ject was proposed alarmists ark to picture the ee making use of fie tunnel to land an army in Eng- land. Parliament regularly refused whoreby'the pressing of an button on English soil would put the bend out of commission in war tim To-day that first mile of tunnel is all that has been done toward bor- ing beneath the English Channel. But the project is alive and is com- again, with prospects brighter bet rever before, France and En; are on ‘cordial terms and ihe ee ye bogey. i is no longer at gingers say that the tsneling f through the impdrvious chalk of channel bed could mache eee miles, which, if ares ee would constitute the longest under-water tunnel in the wor! 0! petaiinted at sts $80, 000,000, Rei Sate SSN While travelling.on a eee? te ie @notorious card-¢har ‘arper, rue on board, verend eee eman: should very ke to a one f-your sermons, ait? “Well,”” re- SuER: the'=clovgyinea “you ha’ ae os me last ices as a ete nD shou regret es wis “In the county jail,’” ewer. glerae man ea ey vot ‘ “you \ range, wrote home the other Pr BANISH CASTOR OIL ing before’the House of Commons | b is joa mily is bottles, or in a small 25c. trial size vt e___. cre RY’S TWIN.” d An American Girl in ae Sizes Pri = Mar ‘A. pri oe young ican Sct blue a and golden hair. © q sort of creature, doesn’t she?” an American girl in England, who had recently had several opportunities to observe the royal family at close day. time. has, marked points of peant not beautiful, stri and doe: loesn’t care about clothes anyway, and considers makers were allowed a freé hand; but they are not, Queen Mary has decided ideas, and disapproves the present styles, and the duds the 3 ae ——, who knows, tells me that the Loman modistes actually hate to if they can help it, that they have made gowns for the Queen and incess | “On horseback,—riding habits can’t be easily ouit of taste,—canter- ing gracefully beside her father in the park (for she and the King are inseparable we regard poy. Ss as Sbamientel mel, we quite natal demand them in that line than their subjects oe But on formal occasions, she fails to look Pane part as well s an air both stiff and shy; and, if it’s anything out of doors, not Sairey Gamp herself could cling more passionately to her aearente green umbrell’ loes the Princes: her neat 8 per, ilusioning firabbrallas Perhaps, with iin and maturity, the little lady may acquire more of the superficial graces whose absence royalty makes always disappoint- ingly conspicuous. Perhaps, also, re than British devotion to royal a thers ume refer ‘to it as “Mary’ ;|Docs Your He Head Ache ¢ With Catarrh? TERY EVES, MUCOUS DROP- PINGS IN THE STOMACH. CATARRHOZONE wit CURE YOU. For the first time in the history of medicine, a treatment for the cure of Catarr fes: in In good stand- the free use of a Ca- 2 of Catarrhozone is ae by questioned, ‘ts cures so numerot mee ited, away all irritation and con- “Why dela: lay? By using Catarrhozone ‘9 health. | from the Catarrhozone Buffalo, NY and. Kin nt. ees Te : we eyer hear of a ‘married ie who flattered his wife. HAVE YOU SORE | NOSTRILS, WA- fe SIR LIONEL CARDEN, The British Ambassador t Mexico Resear sienna Sir Lionel de- glared thatsin hie opinion thee ae vernment just me as over, "|When a Woman Suffers With Chronic Backache) ciaca. There Is Trouble Ahea Constantly on their feet, attending © the wants of a large and exactin; down » and on a women, dragged with soriaHing: backache and bearing down pains. Such sut ering: isn’t ites but it’s Aeneenanss because due to diseased kidneys 2 Seite insomnia, deranged menses and other stance of Dr. ton’s ee which go direct to the meat of et uble. Guile vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of Dry Hamitito: all womanly, PON TARUES their merit 1s well sie eof ‘heir mild, soothing, and tenting’ effect, Dr, Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommende r girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at ise any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butter Re eine PLANTS CAN SEE AND HEAR. So Declares Famous French Horti- culturist. who is igud-Bruant, advances the theory that flowers both see and hear. ‘As a young was the tesult of volition,’ and whe- ther the plant had eye: M. Viaud-Broant is now appar- a convinced that flowers’ both hear and Bee. es are some ei bro-| are asus to stances, athee in Peulae eh suggests the exi f them with oe analogous to the power of speec! life, a living radiation. Perfume is as much’ a} vibration as an olfactory sensation. se perfume is the voice of the| flower; a bouquet is a wordless ro- Each perfume, or rather, the pereaptons ot ante light and scent. The scent . corres- ponds with ihe ee notes, while the delicate odors correspond. with the shrill hae io eatitie * ieeramieae the one ear which Catarral disease tn the | prug Pie cued Nee ae ag, nose and throat can bo reached | OINMUNT tails 0 sips tecningy witee, and cured. ‘The cures ou ptaerhosone: Oh Erotrudtam sige Hie. Sbenenen are Even those blinding |@"** "el! eaduchomiuiat matedcur tenia 1a lco8 the nose and forehead, are relieved in| Thab girl has pre ty hair,” Shee five uiinutes. Chest. pains and dis- va ng aoe ve Quick Cure For His Rheumatism RonERT J. PYLE FOUN DODD'S TONEY PULLS He Suffered for a Year, but His Return to Health was Quick and fs Cure sick ale Que., March 13.-- (Special, — eer bt. J. Pyle, a well-known farmer living ear here. an interview Mr. Pyle. says: “Working in cold, wet weather was the ca my trouble, and for r ib. “When Rheumatism was finally added to my ills I decided to If you have any two of Me Pyle’s symptoms, have sick Kidneys and you need Dodd’s Kid. ney Pills, eee eS SHACKLETON HAS THE FUNDS Sir Ernest Refuses to Diseuss Aus- trian Explorer's Priority Claim. A cal m London says: Sir Ernest Shackleton has now eee Antarctic ‘continent in the south. le wants $50,000 more to have a supporting parties. 850, 000, rsons | of: fered $100,000 as a free sith; an- other person offeréd $175,000 for the cinematograph rights, ete the ex- plorer said this eo de- margin for the he government has given Sir Ernest Shackleton is working the prepara- stpone his iteedad trips to America and Norway owing to the demand made upon him, lo di iseuss any fur. ther the Austrian explorer Koenig’s claim to priority of the idea in fix- ing Weddel Sea, as a base, insisting that he mentioned this intention soon alter his Inst return from the rotic, nig to has Suplished | hist pled old tatd __ Whether the Austrians go there r not, Sir Ernest Shackleton says, is a matter of indifference to him. inard’s Liniment Go. Limited. ee ee MIN ARD'S ae eae it it; eure SHARP. orenb: found noun CHAS. EB. Hawkshaw, N.B., Sept. 1st, 1905. Cheek. Old Richleigh—‘‘8o you want to | marry my daugterc What are your prospects, may? I Buitor—‘“ Excellent, » ir, her. oe jade eee do the thing get Vanda es Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Ora mlated Hyelids. Doesn't Smart spSothes Bye Pai gists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. rine Ive fi ic Tubes, Bc, 500. by Mail. ‘that Woed Care Murine Eye Remedy Geer Chicego ‘Thore are somo good sabes, but most of them a: Minard’s Liniment Relieves ‘Nouraigia. Hints to Debtors. “Has Owens ever paid back $10 9 Canada to Balt. Cite. Angeles, an, Branca, Portia and a ‘Taiome, Dig and, Gansdian’ Nore ict and, fa aburiee sleoners usa shair cars trom Chic ‘eden By to ral ture, write or call General, Agent, 46 Yoni may pointe. ) Toronto, It’s easier to nae trouble than it is to give it away. Minard's. Liniment Curen, Dandruff. © Wanted—An Occupation. at. they haven’t any cee ie other that, they y haven't aie business. u ‘at home that is even shane I before they oes a hand. fe e- : dollar will buy. WARSHIPS TO WELCOME KING French Military and Naval Demon- stration Awaits His Majesty. George and Queen Mary across the channel next month, and there will visit of their Majesties is unmarred by # single unpleasant incident, While there is nothing to indicate any activity on the part of the an- e a the surveillance until ithe royal visitors have returned ho ste militant Siarate colony in Paris is regarded as more source of danger than the anar- Word has reached the po- lice that the Pankhurstites are plesning S ceongasier they mill eaves acarpalhohatioe Ot iabooe iar anything. The French po- lice are not « i i t for an oyer' (DONT HAVE. RNEURATISH GET on PILLS NOW. ain all ela nae Robert Wilson i "raratel lds N.B., | HK ANS; MPROVED SAinder ore fal owner, Percy Love, How. DAWSON, Toros : FARMS FOR SALE FARM. 2 Ninety Colborne Strevt. Tr Frult, Boek, nara write H. Colborne St., BUY OR SELLS got Dairy Farm, ™ pramptom, or ow. TE Tabaial St, Toronta. WANTED. GENTS Dominion Shade cor, Ontario, , WE WANT you. warp? Adjuster ‘Oo, Win We oak pay bute religious Romie: not required, Men you: $120.00 literature in you sixey dnya’ work, Reperiones Tt aff bin jerent pines MPO vey not only to-you but. to all sufferers Backache and Rheumiatiem, great relief I have of Gin Pills. I feel-thankful ou. recommend GIN PILLS to anyone suffer- ing as I di. Box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if. you write National Drug emical Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. Danger of Contagion. ing Company, 13 We: Toron' NURSERY feties. Son, Grovesend, es: Thorne Nee Suse RASPBERRIES, FU Bree, Catalog. ‘or women, Oppor- tunity for promotion. Bore tlie may be nee Infernntionst i Bible Press Company. 192 Apadina, Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. G 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE mow! A... Work, County, Stationery, and Book Busines: nection, . Price only, 4,0 AWitson Publish= St Adelaide Street. STOCK. nels When Bobby’s mother returned from her shopping, she found her small son in a fine erage, Bids aie Protiy mursemaidl in be hi is the et ates pees ?” ask- ed be mother e, ma’am, he’s roarin’ ‘aise a wouldn’t leave him. be- wanted tardaiiy Wine Du ton called across they was pegs charades; had them or not! But He-Didn’t Go, Even Then. “T wish I could read your thigh he ea hall stile "yaw un- jetimes to pee to say what one thinks? It sometimes happens that a girl he has narrowly escaped matri- y is to-be congratulated. she ‘replied, with ce 60) MISCELLANGOUR ANCER. internal and. ex $1 & hottle—A for $5. at dea Copy oF oF TUMORS, Dervt take. tow many « splint, curb, rngbone, bo Loupe, | ternal, at out. pain by our home treatment... Wri ue before too late, Dr. Bellman mt , Limited, Con SE Rees ‘Ont. Spavin Cure Ithas been used’ ate sults, It “SE wetpomp. write for book "Treatise aos Horse" free, Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 75 » 0: UININE” et the genuine, call for full name, Laxani vis (BROMO. QUININH, “Look for algnatun OVE. Cures scold in One Day, ‘True Tove is never. too good to be tru Minard's Lini Cures Burns, Eto. poset Oe rte WISE AND ) OTHERWISE. e big fish in the sea can't be ett on small hoo! Al are on sure e things, but some are sure to lose, Few, men ‘can .remain cool when they. encounter a frost, Ti safe to trust the inmate of a, lunatic asylum firmly believes that all-the other in- mates are crazy, 8 were automobiles walk- merely be unsafe—it ossible. Bright future prospects some time so dazzle the eyes that present ad- vantages cannot be seen. Some people have si faculty “of being disappointed a gettin Tho dollar that you did not ct is larger than the ten noice vantages does not know enough to know it. The man. who claims everything in oe sight 4 is ing est children. \ man knows the value of a dol- u was has not earned one, but he ty know the value of what the he question as to the pomparaiye th of being dead or alive might be settled if an inter: me’ in trai ing their moustaches than in direct- |- One rainy day A er Meant a qu pante.”” plaining the meanin, words to her young nephew Rania "Now, an heirloom, my dear, means + hay replied the boy unt Sue wae ex: arious as been nded © sony’’ she said. thought- or name for my | ae ete ‘ost view could be had with a fellow who had tried both. Zam for all sua woes dag ‘To expel stomach BE alder, horses di 3 eatin * yu instructions. In SPOHN © MEDICAL €O., Goshen, Ind., U. 8. A. WORMS Oe peemcinugret nes pret 18 Jasgow. Asthe was walking up the red after landing, with his pack o1 ack an blaekthorn aack eae itya Scoimnans same w ee rel Baten ked at his thorn from it. gave the head, (ipkositaae: tan = mies the ground, saying, “That is lone the-sbatke toe you, and you ae ee for, pvourselt the size of the Minerd’s Liniment for ale everywhere, [ Pota yack, drew ies “blade q Fe} rity of Gas ag ig an absolute neces sity. id health: Untess the waste raat Hed the food which < Collects. tl Fas of at least d poisons the hie Matis fy, caning bilo sg biliousnes, indi: gestion and ches. Salts and’ other harsh, pur, 9 irritate. the jicate lining of the— bowels. Dr, /Morse'a Indian Root Pille-—entiely table —-regulate the bowels eff without weaks ening, sickenin; or ily. with Us vr. Morse’s * Indiam Root Pilla ED. 4. ISSUE N—’H, i ane, | For piles and all so: “Vaseline” is the ca Hae chapped hands, eal Higa book Bee free on request. Necded in fii irri 1860 Chabot Avenve <°*°ated) ~Vas aseline let all about the. ice “Vaseline” CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANT n cyery home. a ee