eee Pe ay: (FF ore IS A STAY-AT-HOME. enough to stew hate Add sal aid ‘ : ‘The sanuieeinets ha Sir Ed- = eee to taste and a small eet ° ward Grey, the For “Secretary, mien ae ‘T° GUARD AGAINST ALUM willsaccompany the King and Quee2 arrots Glace.—Six pea -siz- IN BAKING POWDER SEE L éd earrots, one and one-hal THAT ALL ; sugar, one fourth cup pale e Senut: eed | carrots, peel ar in ihing . ‘5 With the Fi water thirty-five minutes. Remove Or, the Belle of the Season. oP has ed Beda ith the Pineapple. from the fire, drain, eut in one-inch i ! z Few of us-will quarrél*with the {Slices and place in a Whattered bak- last year. It is announced now that Quarre) with the 2 P, J ? . eerie that the pineapple ranks aes dish. Pour over them a syrup thé orange ‘and the grape | made by botling the sugar and wa- CHAPTER I. renew his acquaintance with hi fests the banana and the apple, as| et tos tysnty. mine Until thin “moment 1 dare never fully duit, otpering’ anyway, if te hind, he one of our everlastingly Welcome basting « every five minutes. F Faltsed how wroat an ase a man ga Father PSOE cag preamp eis nt fruits. “It is as refreshing as the | 60/ by soaking in sour ite ink that. this mor - ! D pled through ba might have been sete onduct, ax '& parent hae. beers grape fruit and far more delicate in| Codiish Pudding.—Bone, flake dent broakfaat, left my comfortable "dig. cae flavor than the ma or most ap-|'@d soak one-half po codfisly. cooped up in at are soarcely the terms 8 epee ge and 93K conped” a net Ap “Te gga ite By which ples, and moreover it has an actanl| Boil fifteen minutes, drain, dry ovex polting rain frog, 80 far as I o: only: be described ae criminally ha thereupetic value. For pineapple | the fire and mash fine. Add one cup oe the ag se ears be ifn es, Our” moral pro Gidcel is-adothing”ticinflated eke i MULEy Dep per be hpetas polis E. W. Giuerr. Scour Limitep tn pcuceaion “a rasa desman at ir regehnate Hurk then to Boa branes, and, therefore, is almost an ie Wibeetokues Wid jaatly eee WINNIPEG TORONTO, ONT tally. cd pightT wae altting over the forded you by the ences in certain so) sore | ¥ pun death Gene mee’ oy salt ba of igh oan only ber atone Hsia sates ‘ ere pe uaue m io a speaker shivers ‘ich ° re - an Serve with a tartar or \ 7 Pine pl an Sopesl ae ie wand| Ripka, ge eaong "ihe" fresh sistem est of tr vest, bub * Geer is a a |S omar purring pease tay eide;| fille me with perpetual and ever-frechen- aed : Codiish Balls nip of codfish FLAMELESS HEA oe ° my eoul “wrapped. in whieh felonies 0 & man sione| #latord yawned snd shrugged his shoul- most equally. fi ae at smn) EH pieceay Line Supe aed S i $ AVY hay § fice id lit of gat iemrentan’ a | aa wit Chest Acets be eubstituted for the fresh frit a dash of Sclentist So ear ES OF WOMEN ¢ pen pa ie conet ance: wage hae, a Should have gone, mu a all . cas "Pat cone an poisons Obtaining Intense fre 3 a fuiteedt nimpoelt “wneheiise te rine ond Pie eet ath yo eae been for marmalades. In salad, canned | 27 ‘9 boil together. _ When potate William A. Bone, of the Rebbe Meese 53. cr be ta bye pape ay pad: | at, hand the <ritieal “moment, to ineapple lly prefera are done, take from fire, aint * ie: In Biam old maids ere Whine a nal “gt lesa tb sa ST a playlig che pineapple is really preferable Lae tnenss ee net College of Science and Tech-| 22 n {dd ah aa ae That's. fresh. mash and stir in the Be and pep- i German has women carters and z ott sober. Buaatord? fy {ike to have you with a sme ds a kind per. Put frying fat and | 2O'08y Tandon), thas, Bie Fae at Sireot Giana: ‘ aibeia, ROKOR ane, te inven, Jn We| SPIsiaer saSaRore dad trend oe now For pineapple marmalades, how-| when hot drop the mixture into. is | meter of gas h ating. that may! “philad phi the ft aned and ‘teomgtad to get ever; fresh pineapple is required. | from a tablespoon. When cooked | @?eatly change our pees ing oe ote bas as. een hold iniature pool heer i : ng : te He Enid GEC ReRRE SaiSiner® 220) OE water, Te ae ‘it remove the eyes-and| toa golden brown remove from the |fuel. When a mixture of gr i ‘ipal posttios ieee a. iothing wound {induce me to Joln| |“ i he aswented.- “My virtue hag sxin of a ripe, big pine. By the way, | fire and serve with tomato salice. ata Kes ite own reward—and punishment. If every kitchen should have a li r H., have won their fight for LaWee a ii tes La kek stool He oe nd _punis ou nee Papntees augsOedath core cup ia fis danty vert ot oer i ae Drover do ates s yrihove eociety ‘eile device to remove the pinea resh codfish, picked up fine. Fry a SPs reek | mo des ithe, duken ‘at any’ ime | yout Sike'youraelf appear’ to among its utensils. ‘he old method f onion dn, a tablespoonful of Tn Tuten ue nother andl eetre te wr under any conditions. I told Om: at mare “hankering z wld not, be atuing of eaan th t hod for 1th Py Mun- ih et Di To- oe ek sth ae a 2 bestia ke er or bag fat ng operations in Mun | ever the na me. of. place ts, nd yet, loomiest and dan it aspects. Only one “21 ; sg a 0) Tere Tau codon ie saved ihe, te ot ae Sir Baward Grey, means #0 satisfactory as the newer| peter enpiin we omen Wadd vrae| Hach ee lighted on the: fs exe is ing omen Have (peated. aie dis ipcaker peteed in le coniplaing to | out, seidahneny at Me oh ie one tomatoes of medium size and cook|side, it will burn like an ordte xen SL eRERe ee mepeae teapRtae podlot anaes | man Pi ne : es : : AE : ve not been allowed to prac tegen fn (turning over ued! T do. not, wish tae a mses neither of these visits was made, AJ..." ie pine garg ee AL si) re Season to. taste | ges flame; but if more air or ahs ‘ : his own leg. roaned again, and con-, quisitive, gent fon ‘Se dwar Bee ase sugar for every an on slices gas is used, it ceases to burn, but " so aon fs ST gle ishridees thattord, for a deco hotel ters ot mine ot a aes Bas an Pe und pss e sugar and ses ‘lipped Shicly in and out of|the porous’ surface becomes white- eee Fee of uee aah has been Pe bere T am. My dear Statord,| fo" g.ccceut hovel if, then i 6 5 : opped fruit and cover them, in a sr cee SOR Sag ora atastiel Os ue to'a re: . ia AP a cones cn Be MEY. | “stafford handed tim the relia eo mai |, “For twenty-eight years my life crockery bowl, to stand over night. a Saliien Pallles. “Regios salmon a ee see: ert a msible, with | cont booin in aecuridies on the stock | goss which would be pitiable in a Geray tear might, fie ae ae cigar-case, [has been # continual struggle to live| ‘Then cook it slowly: for dialf an} from-medinuicaited eansputin bowl | fees ee a uel, to get a tem-} exchange. whieh. 1 r | and with some and a : S ; , ratun < < eh ns aa Sorld and re: | sisted by Pottingere she two | at home,’ . |hour and put it through a slieve. {together with two eggs well HES Deratie ating The feet | Frau Bertha Krupp, daghter of Butation. for common wende, se a vee arte eniemen Bot ie Sica o : on oon generally reported that Sir] This is difficul the pineapple | aid salt an per to taste; ad P Bi of plat ie t his flameless the founder of the Krupp gun works, 0 Not wish to reproac! lecent hotel for “miles,” | dwa a ~ é : G : 3 eate: eating bo vray that no reproach, not even | explained Sta! only Radward speaks no German and very | should be finely chopped and the ee: crumbs hoe the mixtitre is | (03"°" i. Da nee heating boil- | in Germany, has an income of 500, oa i" gee, uothingof Hie Takes hopelessly. |“ igee_ sothing “of the lake, 1 nS nothing but mist and L 1, TOQUE ES. wonder the word i “instinctively f the grumber of rallineanng find is Headgear Worn on the Eve ot the spi io ave written reams 0} Prone r idk Tooked “one upon the poetry about thie placo, T'feelat. shia pre- French Revolution. |i er particularly fair nor | sent moment eae aimee atts Sek Ladian Ue devotion to fashion I dark; but there was a touch of brighter | oren. & ordeworth: ou eoiae han eta in his short, crisp hair; ne bg ou, es x ack eo is greater tha eir sense eae end. no wei ze : ou hhrohe of a 5 Figna to wohin hed vor found ‘fault with| Pier me a fn once dein] and ‘ecomingness wear to-da: \ ye Orme's fac 8 ra. cat thet nepired | panes.) I sire member | a ections upon their dene Maes Rhee ee eee lan | Chele- endo; when ‘T.pase around me. 1 Bue ee “tolly does not approach, | Foudlcoking faces did not mar a; yeni aes Sgr Bie lina equi either literally or figuratively, the | in 4 Up CURE RnaLtE BOP nmtamed in Honan eterainl vom ight attained cay Saulonsels lo of nones “snd masterfulnos Pr ne] he: eye, a a ae, ‘enough he said:| France on the he French Sa hie ig, I suppose they are, for I nev eee LONER i at see MNee | read any of em since 1 left’ school. Oh, | Revolution. Meus “Eo Lae gade \When' ane came. to. know din the impres. | Fes, ye wight enough about the beauty | has recently described Bion war ‘oon | effaced by the charm Hace; you el n a ‘ for which Stattord iwaa famous, and which of tho extravagances in. headgear wai tually recruiting his army of ‘Has anyone seeri it on @ fine das that the rival nee of that era, ri quired Bey: are oa File the Peace air Of Beala’ atin, Suvented: eMpubt i me simply seeking information. nve: ako gui it lt eaay to be chatming when | S'ecuntryman inthe ‘train if it alweye| ‘The puff of sentiment, the topical the gode have ads, you good go ee pies here, cand he pli ‘No: it pn ara have ‘led 1g vookete mei glo toque, the granny cap, an a le a baeean ie weethat's a chert, remarked Stafford, | royal fantasy in feathers pilowel ned wy with a Jangh. i tne’ cle event misery would r *caitous Fund, "permit a pou the. way and. ha companions. Even. th! Earntind Howard, my bysw afford laughed shortly ax he looked ae hills round, which ‘the two aking the well-appoint- w you would come,” this way: You know the go lesque com: cerdid novia He Seen he eaid. a geked mo to come down of fon | gral fan at a ittle o place caited’ ‘eevee ford. I loo) re my governor's the It's on the opposite side of the ake. He jorked is whip to the. right. a orn weather will change like a Good heavens, look at that !”” Te no 9 the east as he apoke. Un- xp poticed by them, the sly had beon clour- eo mists sweeping, die. a breath of wind now watt- ther ell thrown aside, lead vabey wt Tod eae and tnpatellelea beauty lay roves grea: larker nd owe from ti the cage of the wreat. li on ‘tier into the heay- ace at Brynder- sulle towering tier ns of psa sige swept by clouds Mke. Stamtord: vou forget, that | €riting suo lown South where to | The, two tment paged ch ation even ae. This porleinad nd th Pottinger, to whom hid ‘osees ‘enorally rda. ieroo presented all that was beautiful in na. nathite of these ture, gaped with wide-open mouth. i ybar Phen | Dares “How's that for lofty, you unbellever?”, 60 you don’t!" demanded Stafford. “Liver seen ayth: ford; waht I'd told you: like ‘that betore?”” to, tht you- naw; T's eat i Howard ha a iy considerably start) ed Dapaible Ha “panne but, of course, he concealed jie fgnaxed Senuy drew the Jash of the willy’ 93 cree ‘the admiration behind @ Sa se Wet hatks of the two rote who cere ie. feuibe intently, to the voles ‘of. thes fro ‘ itis pags “Well, tl ya ago sa pot’ rt Pare me tathony ie he ag | Geerace sas ba lee Peace ett completo, Ong; Tihink tts the Art long letter T wees ls eived from He inform 1 that. So lope of the’ ‘other tide for vome time pagt he ha® been building) * long and extremely vomnaie 0 UA is alittle place on ant aide ry nder- re white: covot which rere take, * the marvellous blue and opal ciaip: fo bal fi ‘and equally, of course, paved ito, oboy. 0) ‘ore some me, with one of t enine whieh coe havo *0. othe governor tpt be nme, Dy Howard, that I. would tremecdonsly, voofieh,” aid Btafto re drive dows, at any rate part of ay; aoe who ait build sue’ 40 1 rent wane of the traps direot and got | a6 that, cau ave (te: cool cheek ‘ eat Se, tile turv-out ag far ag n with me-| ‘a Tittle jn common With another of those remarkable flashes | be. a mu! tela ‘ venins, it also occurred to ine that I Ce. ded and smoked thou ight should be log ely with on! Pottinger fo ra minute =. Pottinger on hie ne his head towards ho heads and climbed into went fis, om, who" sath in damp gndi4 atolid iTenos. behind, and the mail-phaeton move ed lon, the rosd, whieh began to dip down ae tis Py we. Se ewan Pe point, “Mew! “iuternaty kind,” eaid Howard, |, "I_know 4o little about my father,” snid Mish igh Of & ton” weight. “Had you | Sattord. aay iden “hat your father wes building his Hittle place? Tean’t eine ir sets Haliding “aiything ‘that a tthe. ie CcFIBN(,” gvouved taltard| wich ining down that if was perfeet palace of a place, a kind of baat nd—and that dort. of ‘thing. the governors style?” Hie brows were slightly knit for just a sec Pas threw, ag ‘e, the frown an 9, Ww nothing Ww at it as I do Faire. ‘i hose visits I wae either wehgol ‘on ‘the sComitent or or ta Ding Sout telewram telling me sala the place. 9 1 be Ready, and th I meant going etre ndormere; and 1 whould ave nyBryi wo hat two days he wit leventh, end ageing, me apribe inieeval by 90 ores and ea Tivo. Kind Psilesay elope met. 1’ ee x of easy suspicion that my revered parent had uo particular de = y renee fa Dye that colors ANY KIND! of Cloth PES SAME stakes, oe ant the east hat he thought it would | be rowdy uy the nin thot this month; it af. | be ? ther ‘ons'a bound to ad: doesn’t apo the landscape,” tod it's reey mm at maid Heard: “in feo nding, there au ark green it pin- Daclen and touracee, rather an oF m otherwise. “I suppose there are e cae Velvety luwne: and the wager my life, matakes ‘the te youth neal og are mtoraied ‘that Rit Stephen requested to stand for a5 tempera Cowseltasney, but that he was compelled ine re proweure of his “merous Saati There may, be a more fam portant individual in the world than your father, my. dear Siatord, but T can't eal him to mind at this mo: Thaft awa; s edly. “At any rate, he beon a jolly liberal father to me. Did 1 tell you that just before he came home he placed largish eum at his bank for me,’ I mean over and my allowance "0 be continued.) sR A SSE ie ite oe onee described a ‘a thing that’s a tail all the ores up Fo its hi ee e Hub tangas. tay a quarrel; “You ‘talk like an idiot!” Wife: “I’ve ‘got to talk so chat you can under- | stand me! “T don’t suy Ms a ads you want t = in- sight doce you credit. How did you i guess 1 suppose 50 you hi A girl’ s big inather shoitld be a warning 4 when, some itbesaery Bidiier onto eda bad French. Mr. Venizelos, A Greek Premier, said some time a; that he had the greatest difficulty 1 in understanding Sir Edward Grey French. toy small dolls of her re boats, carriages, musical instruments, plants and vegetables. The topical toque was less personal ; - derived its name and characte m current events, r and its aesradi gh might be sug- gested by a play, a Soak: a battle, the queen’s Jaton toate) the love affai appeared e on- engaged in desperate ¢ ee their miniature masts, spars, ng and cannon perfectly exe- ested, and their mai nie tower- a good two feet above the com- placenttadeof the patriots belle. The fashions were i conte aCCENY records, Craze Bbsuitg enough, one o most popular creations of the ingen-| . ious Beaulard involved an acknow, elders important \ pt with no taste ee frivolity. approach a, touch dépressed lofty inactnee: to modest dimen- another at their departure, to! pop!—up ,it sprang again as impudent as ever. wo wesks of the month of February, Winnipeg’s building per- its totglled-a million dollars, Nine new companies, with a eapi- talization of just under a’ million, were incor) nitoba d ing the week“ending February 14. ma __Dramsconps | Man... sold 800,000 ‘orth of bonds at 6 per cent. The pile eeted Ha The money will be used in Soiapendiine Had the late Mr. Methuselah * to @ saucepan and simmer it slow. Ws stirring it all the time, for half t hour, un- bilitds @ See meee Oe tee mar- when it cools nd cover. porile. Fritters, = Pineapple frit eat ee Wapeieriiiakt ot emt oor oe: ned pineap; pies Home canned pine- apple, that is shredded cr Kiicpped before it is canne, with good batter an. fritters, can bé mixec d fried in small which should then be rol Raw 2 a be eyed, in slices, and these slices cut in widt. teep them for an hour in Hatiach ate dip them tite. brown them and roll haat in ae Hawaiian canned pineapple sli can be drained, and then cag eaet in batter ee brown goo utter is made from one botien He, half @ cuptul of milk, a sifted flour eee and powder, no’ lad can be varied al- most as fee as pineapple fritters. The smpliest sort is aps the tt. eu slices of Hawaiian pine- apple nd then cover them with Trench dressing. Serve them on white Sele leaves. Dice oe sh pinéapple je can be mix- Seria ran nd apples and serv th French dressing as a salad o} fre led anple Gan. bes tained witht chopped ts and served in lettuce hearts wit mayonnaise, Dessert. — Pinea| ot cote, ‘is most acceptable for dea- perhaps it is never mote detieins s than when it 1s served “When arrears pineapple to serve raw always be sure that it is quite ripe and juicy. Tfis said that it the quille in the. top can be eas- ay Bullet out oe the p: tipe. If its Q penecealiny: it "5 doubtless in prime es to eat. ple can be ‘shredded and oes vishal any other fruit in glasses, covered with syrup, It strawberries, with is ar with with raspberries and currants, diced oranges ai grapes fruit with bananas sliced o: Some- times a diced and niaMny sweet- ened rved i) wavs sit Sout we thosctighly chill: e Canned pineapple can be made desserts peste fritters. into many aie is prepared in this way: Put a ting of Hawaiian pineepple, ‘on-each pla this. pile stiffly n whipped, ‘stight} sweetened oreamh into which have been ies ad some roons This ghould! ibe very ryed, Pineapple tapioca i isa simple gert. To make it, use Peconbalk F typiora., stantaneous kind, then chill. so with cream, whip- or plait scuffle add the mixture in a dow Ne Borler en add. the whites of three eggs, peaban att? aver nd ist sta over hot water until pe @ hot with sugar and cream, | been a woman the world wou gets all about the admonition, yer have known how old she really was. i Carrots and Fishes. nee Stew.—Cut the carrots in mall Dias and: coy ja with milk enough to for cakes. Tall ae in erae ania and wel sea serve hot with lettuces Soci or. Hints for the Home. If a little salt is put on the dishes in which eggs are served the egg will wash off Realty: ar e the oven dra e the door guiekle The will es edien enete wtantiee iron saucepans ‘ages be tubbed inside and out with g and Sewers it less liable to crack an. To aye moths out of your closets and chests giving. the clothes an unpleas ant odor sprinkle oil of cedar freely ins nm the wood ee corner: eful tha ab it Aes not touch ey clothing, or it may leave a stain _ By. planning fifeBls chica house- ean undoubtedly save con- Not onl can they avoid waste by so doing, but they can order in vegetables and other foods in larger quantities, and will often get them at chea; tes. An old remedy for mildew was to cover the spots with a paste of soft foe? and starch | sro lay the article > spots moist- endl. “Ano' phat y Is to cover the sree) Ww. oe a thick paste of salt and butte . Spread it on ae sides of the spot an os Manin we hot the paste afte: thee oF four “hon if the sta’ ve not va! + After- wards rinse thorou erie in warm water arene THE MOST PUMP. PERFECT One of Nature’s Diminutive Pieces of Machinery, oe most. perfect pump ~ in orld, ae is salad knows, ee it is a self. This pump is so small and-so light that it might be carried in an ovey- coat pocket, Yet it runs day and night, without a stop, without at= tention, drawing in and sending forth two and a half ounces of thaiia times a minute. In one minute s 175 Gunces; in one hour, 656% pounds; in r, 5,748,750 Its normal life is about 70 years, in which time it pumps 402. betes ah or more than 201,- 206 d, noo: s old as man him- one ye. To ea nsport this immense weught id trains of 30 cars each, and as many engines to han! them, \ Strung out jin one line, with no intervals be- tween each train, they would cover a distance of 47 miles. This diminutive piece of SSE es ery has been known to ke cep vu p this work without a single stop Tee more than 100 years. pilsates 4,200 times an. hour, a year. ings to oil, no bolts to oa co slack to be taken up., It is so con- ae d that its parts are Shins Wally repaired as it goes, along. But with all of this, there is one very serious characteristic insepa- tably connected this pump, not bi etarted up Gan tmnless im- mediate steps be ti Ap to do by an expert. Ey this generall. fails, So the er should use car ote judgment in its upkeep. There ot 1 ane fat we have He pated ‘ich . the sieve" can fae vid low this 4 is-all pa only, to. its aecomplished 4s Iny This 1 Bay ue human heart. /| Men are like te: Esi ‘elle t takes hot w: his to draw th. RELIEVED Hs Questioner Much Con Few Millio An inent science recently del In ‘the occurred, cou through if str CAT. SCONES | Or Miles “of ¢ In Chalk Cli Over Pilty in Kent, a a voredertin wortank covered. the cient |, for a a at Teasty Over fifty ‘iclant cut in the ‘Chl cliffs been rificés were made ig sti and also the well, from is drawn to eee da % ‘AX On con faby Car Among the curious t I'm going to feel wors He seems to haye cowed by somethana okt e uder ; out their eons Ag from a bull Retin of the heat value of the fuel during which an amusing incident no life can exist on the eas Eleven ae rots st ue Ol Le K visited® by sightse ers and-are ligl explored. rhe Druids Jived i ; My these catacombs whem atiacke't by, their, northern, enemies, and nae they biried of: their dead. | in Germany on various subjects are | those on. baby carriages, where t amount is 40 centy each; a tax on caged nightingales, of which Mohan, wives pastor asked af- “Kidd looks very sheepish lately heen thoroughly idn iy 000. a year, chimneys} it pro-| “German “women haves shaded a or objectionable campaign for admission to the floor zes ninety per cent. | of the stock exchange in Berlin. The Woes ‘ial League of canes England has offered a prize of $5 S MIND. 000 to the first aviator who acy the Atlantic ocean. ge slai means Mrs. Elizabeth Townsend, the wife of a showman’ of. Weymouth, ee sh man of| England, has been granted the are ue eothent King bounty, having given birth to triple urse of his Mrs. Katherine B. Davis, com i missioner of correction in New York marks he said. something to this ef. feot: ‘It is a well-established fact | cily, says that 100 women prisoners that the sun is gradually losing its|are more trouble than 600\men of t, and that in the course of | fenders, ey. million ye! ts heating | Miss Bessie Beatty, a San Fran- power will be go a that ali | ciseo newspaper DURE, has fallen beneficent effects will and, heir to $20,000, to ed in he- hin] afesioengebillen gat Mile Beatty fit As soon as this sentence was _ut- | Sees tered, a sturdy Briton in the rear Miss Hogarth, who was the origi- of the hall rose and signi: ‘ nal of the character, Agnes, created sire to ask a question. by Charles Dickens in David Cop- ne,” he said, “‘but-how long did} perfield. is still living in London you say it would be before this ter oe in good health rible esas would o¢cur ?” Miss’ G oe gate did “Wh; abou seventy million | such yeoman work in ping to years,” repeated the scientist, with |¢lean up. the Panama Ae zone, smile. will receive certain special honors The cuceuaet fel] back into his|from the United States Govern seat with a sigh’ of “re lief. meaty ‘ “Thank Henkes e muttered. “T{ An English woman, formerly a thought. I understood him to say | teacher in the service of the gover- seven million nor of Corea, has applied a « become Geisha, g ROYAL NICKNAM. woman to. become a eran Princess oe Tised to Bo ¢ ‘alled = r Royal Shyness. “Mummy: ‘Can 1 have “that pear that was on oh dining. rom eee The Ro Family are no more board this anaeniniet i ahove nicknames than other people. | ‘poog what? ‘ ia Se oy The Prince of W: eaten it!” been kn n Ss Daye ORO en ) “T've conie to ask for your daugh- called ‘‘Eddie’’ it Peminider, Queen | ers hand’ faltered ithe youne. Zee Oe man, scratching his oft-shin’ with Princess’ -Reyal his nigh foot. “Can't shave it?” “Her Royal Bliyness,’ snxpped the stern parent, “TL ain't agony: of nervousness in pete instalment busines: Vhey n ein support the entire Fatah then and Princess Alexander of Tock Bi you.can have her. often. affectionately called *"Lhe} Useful and Ornamental.” I | xo whispered that certain Royaltie | i 200, Oa0 a very beautiful “daughter with sf very plain ne have beet nick-4 nerped by ouaak eset pate rainy aaa Laninied to: cess ‘Th vaneate and the Night-| * are Play the Piano In One Hous | Without Lesadns or Knowledge of | Music Anyouo Can P. ine |. Piano or Organ in One Hour, an-| DRU 1D itesiliers Cat ‘\,| Wendertul Now acytem That Even a mue a Chitd Gan Use. by Meet ric} sof chambers | have already | ill to be seen, | n which water | ! rriaggs. paxes. imposed he 0 rd $1. there have not been any for many Sark Impossible, you say? Let Bs prove it at me. our expen Aes teroh you to play —— the piano or onan will hot ask ony Strong on History. cen gist Fi nif Chicago. as 3 eteatney: | invented n wonderful system whereby anges ‘Johnny,’ said the teacher »} one eum learn to play the Piano or Orgia were the two strongest men of olds} a a fat hour. With thie new method yar : :! how one Note frony another, en times 1 et al r practico you can by “Samson and Nereus in 9 ar teeaetle ousto wth all The “Can you » tell saat about} TAR Res Pa raaietiritees Reig them? ghiid cnn now master anugld:-nouit costly a : action, ‘Oh, yes, Samson was a regular ee sag ag a takin. i ie imply write Bree “ me the Kasy Hercules. Fey ‘his paper pares TRIAL dolefully : “TI The complete St ute oe wath 100 ices of music will. ther slays feel tise | Bree, allt charges “prepaid and’ absoinieyy e I know oe eis ee You i ep it seven 6 ap eee) }O a for. iit tbe Drove tt is all eee, (50 ahd ono doller & "month nu re Fak ae. not delight: dey and jothing and will 9 ations (0 us. ire to state number Of White ke: ort ont your piano er organ, wise post office, Gress’ Nasy Method hud Con 94: crey | Biix., Poxonto, Canada, ee “t you took a steer narket.’ my