. 3 Notice! E 3 No butter taken from Wednesday, March 8th, until further notice. SSRI 7 S. Gleeckman, ~ Milverton [ “It Shaws Fur ALL” = Teac Cleaning Time! P We carry a complete Tine of Paints, Eggs taken as cash Varnish and Wall Paper, NEUMEISTER MILVERTON Vol. XXI—No. 38 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, March 26, 1914 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher CAPIIAL PAID UP RESERVE FUND and UNDIVIDED PROFITS DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS The SAFEST and CHEAPEST Milverton and Millbank Branches : D, C. Brown, Manager Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday far Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph be % [Metropolitan SESE Head Office: TORONTO $1,000,000.00 1,432,547.61 friend. Miss homson. Issued payable wherever desired. way of remitting money. ter Mary MOHR’S GROCERY Delegates were al parts of the coun Mr. I. Drua waa openin: and Tuesday and extends 2 ao! eeu an 1 Tne: Heintz’s a ake ee a quart ih 8 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for . HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Bank of Hamilton Capita! Surplus. WHY A SAVINGS ACCOUNT Tt is best to put your etic io Savings Bank Account ae first—it is safe: Raone available in peas. third— the fnverest is certein and pi vaid-up...$3,000.000 50.000 MILVERTON BRANCH: P. J. FASKEN, Agent e come twenty-five babies w be ands in. tile veal to t! is cordially invited. e forg jhe nd in Seipitmerites New York, where they wi future. The ey sheets ALY.P.A. i a | he es of membership will , be give! hi pare a invited he Sunday School. The her « of Sees ioris on Sunday. erth County Temper-| A carload of anchor ance Alliance at Biratford on i _presais + > 53 LOOAL NEWS *. * + Mr. Guenther Boat Sun- day wit nds in Brantfor« with fri Miss Eliza Riddell is vsttio her cous- Mr. and Mrs. John Roth and panes, wel. f Hampstead. visited a dav last euece at Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider's, Rev. W. H. Cooper. Get ‘your spring coats at - Enge- land's. Milverton Spring eat will be held on Thursday « April Millinery soprenties wanted, Apply Mrs. Sproule . Milvertoy the showers te wearing a Engeland & Sons. Mr. J.C, “Phetter. of Tastee BREDE per Dasher . D. At Wer on. eben of Stratford. spent ‘Mr. J. G Hamilton ot Milvert. Tice Coxon Foturned aad on Tuesday .after spe! wee! i visiting fants in Nese and ulate Mr, and Mrs. George Berkner at- tended the funeral of their niece. the late Mrs. Step! posts 10 feet hen Ransom at Elmira a Miss Estella King.of Newton. visit- ed ees ‘at Mrs. James Riddell, rom Engeland’s — im stock. liss Gladys Zimmermann, of Toron- to. is at pasa susie: a few days at her he in Milve: ir. Geo, Ghope left Aneolley with a carload of work horses for Webb. Sask..where he expects to dispose of them, St, Andrew's Church Deleware. and Cook's Church. Ca! radoc. have Sea eda call to rae Dr. B, A. Ra: of hop Martin Berger is at“present length just arrived at the B. & from {Planing Mill Ooe Milverton. Leave |vour orders earl: m26-3 will hold his| Any ladies wishing to have their on Monday /hats made over or retrimmed are cor- | a 1y _ oPders | Sein dates to High: Cour ular Revie of | Mi ron Bath, douthienolie at } 99. C.0.F. e Fo" and Biotihers are raqueatatig! | elon will onc Topi | treaeings wil ers held on = pril rd. the basement of the church. r K, Hughes. rector of Millbank. will | il are wi wile driving to the village on Sat- Waster Robt. pentepsaltc hee be apprehended and tanghtsatesaes that swOild: nae goon n to Rervice. to come a ms | nae in pares Ww ie in| ne Srtuth- iT a 1914 - SPRING - 1914 Millinery Openings AT MILVERTON M's HELEN KIRKLAND, formerly of Wilkie, Sask., is now in charge of the millinery workroom at Mrs. Kate Sproule’s, Miss Kirk- land has been attending all the millinery openings in Toronto, and is now busy pranRiee for the Millinery Display and Openings to take place on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY APRIL 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1914 Already Miss Kirkland has a large number of creations completed and an excellent range to suit the tastes of the most “fastidious” will be on display. Pronounced novelty in shapes and trimmings alike is the feature of the new spring millinery. Of the immense variety of shapes presented, most are small and many conform to the extreme high-sided idea. Some of the models are little more than skull turbans, fitting snug- ly about the head. From present indications, the lead- ership of ribbon trimmings is assur- ed, while small flowers will be more popular this season than they hav: been for many years. New effects in ostrich, especially th clipped pom poms, are featured ; while many jaunty quills are used to great advantage. The colored shapes, trimmings, ete. this yar feature tango and grey, old gold, moire; ribbons jn all shades Dresdren, black and white, Roma stripes, white and tango. Serice and grey constitute the ribbon combin- ations, Strauss, Tayal Chips, Panama, Mil- roxaline and many large and fancy lace hats are ‘but a few of the an, types of this season’s headwear. MRS. KATE SPROULE : MILLER BLOCK, MILVERTON, MAIN STREET -~ ONTARIO. ~~ oy ie n a = — & Thev will a . | en's Tnstitute on Monday Apri 01 | arsine the) present session of the a ger aE eting of the anilver con owrlinne elub wilt be uli's ‘hotel. on Friday evening | o'cloc! ‘Phe estate al the late » eee ae | valued at abi 00 J lian ehureh a: lospita n | # Messrs, Crowley & McDonnell. of E- Mica. yh eset y ouroneere ic! week. A warning that the United States Ee after mus yota~ magnificent spe his ‘shop. Pare: of beg week Jas |jish comedienne Miss Lucy Vebling of the British Exchange | tate of St. James His Majesty's and became its Bee ae yoderich |Royalty Theatres. London. supported Mfr. Walter McRaye. actor. trav- : i ss Luev Webling is now appear- “he pects of the shee eivor back.” appear tnCook’s -hall_under, uspices of the Milverton Wom- Seat of following tneotty tion; “Jacobus 11. Dei Esai |Gratia.” and on the reverse side. “Rex | 33 MA, G.B.K ERA et-H. L. i London. ®nglas H, ‘B. Morphy a ae heen sett | be required anti Augus' venkat going to grow Now's A tax rate has It will not Ete a we the “taxless The sieeee Or 1914. since. tool a any city to hi Mereur: will be opened in that ie] signed jpetit meeting =e a “s it wn by citizens opposed to be removed from tl council were personally ent longed - vie’ question submitted to a vote ‘ot veople next January. the |own. » baste new | Mr: County has lined up land most infJuential congregations. to w. L. H.R: ing- neveaanixeen for ~y (te commercial trave) hi Lucknow council bas a Yhat Guenther—At Tanne on e OF een ience of men who depend for wi those who aim at sudden wealt SAVE, hecause--- THE STERLEE Bank | CANADA iva No. 103 The story of the Tortoise and the Hare is retold in the exper- ealth on persistent savings and hy pending a week or two visiting her son, Juli of Thorndale, and broth- HEAD OFFICE : Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto 5 ee stent pater es Z GENERAL MANAGER: A.H. WALKER e township ae Rene: poe | MONKTON BRANGH : F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager ttawa this week, d. Seelhoff. of Elma. who is farm to Mr. Bootes Guenther has purchased Mr. Sa ee ae x =e ye! use cific avenue’ and | MONKION, n moved bast ee a BusinessCards Hon. Nelson: Monteith who wastak-| “Messrs. Ed, Bettger and Wm, pe entlia Week ogo, at his home. — near r |ryfield, of ‘Monkton, John ‘T. Stratford is reported to be holding his |Bethesda, Parrot, of Millom DR.M.C. TINDALE,L.D.S, He is pattern from a compli- | gro ve. on ie y last atten the (Suecessor to Dr. Le ) mts and is quite il, [te mperauge convention af Birabfardsce|- Howes Gespvar ine dae University Mr. W.G. Heard w bee: Bettger’s millinery ESR AE atl pages ployed with a, J ioe Bes oe for the mea. CPR. agent, pass: Bae e and four ‘children on/and Mr, sails lattended an ee o Denver Batti ! Pred, Bikard Cline. Agent GER, Thea |e Harold Sta; wa tlie guest of Mr. ae his ho Croft. Cobour elecraen to Mon} jn the city attending the O.R -|will again enter the ing in Oddfellows’ Hall. .|Mr. Thos, Ellaco Cline will ‘be m he |son, of Hamilton, i St tratford deputation to interests ts of lydro-! -Radials. a t+ ford Herald. 8 Although ‘Mr, iR. Miller was some- hat belat Securing ice at the + personne of the season. he has kept |spen' ince 't |nights skating singe that Sere: constantly New cae beén about 70 His night. there having pa fs in the sup- ofall our othe eee “iiliance 7 Perth mpaign Canada donicerinee rom probably to submit it next fall st that by Mav erst all the bars in the of amiously passed in favor of having drew’s Presbyterian church ford. one of the Classic City’s largest succeed Rev. owand. has gone ito California. Rev. Matheson came to ee chureh here ‘om. Chateworth pons Falls. and eloquent preacher }accept the Stratford call it ved and ahould he would be Presbyter e aI Board of (Trade held on Pri the year 1! ji : following officers Wore elected: President nt. w. if one -President, J. W. Barr See 1 Nisreotny th: Treasy urer, HI . J. G. Groseb. * Minkbbiner Tac- Malcolm MaeBeth counell of the village unanimously de- cided fo send Reeve Zimmermann, Harvey Hail. representing the Or- placed a der of Railway Conductor: statement before the El Harel (Pur- ity Committee at Ottawa. He poin that owing to the nature of the trainman’s rk. whic! ws im away from his: home. were at present oractieally ilistranchised. Hie suggested to th he. placing of ballot boxes at every terminal ery divisional point in the hands of voll a days for polling. The question of dis- | Ckibuting the tballots to the various Y |constituencies afterwards was a mat- ter fo mittee side This privilege could bel extn also Rev. Konkle and Mr. Nichol _who st evening and ai of meetings in the Evangelical church. r. Ko Liss pressivelv and carries conviction — his hearers. Mr. Nichol his associate in the work is a capable singer and choir leade abilities of these gentle! BInTHS Thursday March Mr. and Mrs, Al fred Guenther, a son (Siebert.) y |scarlet fever being in the h M1. Seifert spent Monday in Elmira usiness.—Rev. ©. Moorhouse. Trowbridme. spent a few days — last week with his brother. Rev. Anson Moorchouse.—Mr, A. (Chalmers “and famil have been quarantined through —Mr, os. Dalling and anil high esteem by tr js, She Naneriea. about terred. Mr. a a man printer “s the ERO of the Tor- onto Telegra swater “hotelkeepe rs. are 3 being v Mage ee thos selling iat oy. tion saci vie centage that the eprewers are to blame beer stronger oat: tempt, te reaover t vatter: aeutere’ liquor undergoes « measu’ or mentation. and during that process Blyth recently. by a pi Saas central office telephone operator re- i Mrs. - bast er mother Mrs. Fen- Votain- m at stove. A physician was efter some trouble — the ere HPS 'S* SALE REC*ITER. Saturday March 2eth—Will sell Hepes effects on Lot Con. 3. bore moeptee Tbe for vee specialt; Over Megapolienn “Bauk, Milverton Medical. Office | ®. PARKER, M.D. PLL. TYE, M.D, DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFIGE : PUBLIG DRUG DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to i2 o! SN a.t.,and 2 o’clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. mn. DRA. ee RENAE: M.D; ion and Surgeon ONTARIO o4 M ae if ON: — Office hours: So far as possible from 1 to 3 p.m, and in evening DR.F.ARTHUR PARKER Osteopathic Physician dru methods Beneat fn ladiy, tree, Call o Grand Central Hotel, Mil Seed ‘Wednesday Sa.mto1 p.m, Will visit residences if preferred Be t., Opposite noe kuch Bhewctoed Phone Or. Lega H. B. RES KC. Barrister, - + Conveyancer Solici sects Baok of Hamilton. pected ay MILVERTON, AT “woop ; Late, Milverton -y to Lo: F Ro BLEWETT,: K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Office : Gordon Block STRATFORD, ONTARIO Veterinary. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeo: ulilverton, Gradtate of Onterto Veterin of domesticated animals, Calls by. tele phone or otherwise promptly attended to Societies. Pw EY eos AF. GRC. before full. moo ball ix J, EB, Weir’ ren always welcome, M.; W. J, Zoeger, See 's Block, Visiting breth- a G. Hamilton, W 0. £., ‘Silver Star Visiting ome, E, Sie N.G., F. Becy., N, MeGuire, R: Secy Notary Public. W. D.. WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- toner for the County of Perth and are era Appt Deeds, Wills and a rawn an lavits made. Village . Oitice i in the Weir block over ete Metropolitan Ban’ A. CHALMERS, Monkton, Ont,, No- tary Public, Conveyancer, Issner of Mar- riage Licenses, J, P, for the County of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold. A few choice farms for immediate Hotels. GRAND. Pathe gre HOTEL, Mil- lass verton ommodation for sommercial travellers and others. Three large Good _stabling. Boat besa beaut ot Hgnors and cigars, . Ritter, Proprietor QUEEN’S Lae ety act teen Ont. minerei accommodati reial pie ge satnple rooms. Onty the choicest of Wi quors and Cigars av the tables, George F, Pauli, Sate THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, pays special attenton to Commercial trade, asPlendia sample room, = Bett our splendid range of dress f Lot 9 14. Mornington. for tae Engeland & Sons. AS J. G. HAMILTON : = Sole Agent for D. L.@ W. : PORTLAND SCRANTON CEMENT STANDARD a ST MARYS LIME ANTHRICITE